Da v Citizen, Asheville ASHEVILLE. N. C, THURSDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 8, 1894. FRIGE 5 CENTS VOLUME IX. NO. 240. l-o-o-k: In our window. We have turned the contents ol a can of 20 cent peaches into a class iar. You will see that they are I equal to those for which you have paid 30 nnd 35 cents. We also Offer BARGAINS in California Catiucd PEARS, APRICOTS, GRASS SEEDS! Fresh Lot Kentucky Clover, Timothy, Orchard, Blue Grass, Ked Top and SEED OATS. New York Karly liose and Hebron Potatoes, Also GARDEN SEED. A. D. COOPBB, North Court Square. Do You Need SENATOR VANCE SPEAKS A New Lamp Shade? he will oppose confir mation OF SIMMONS. WE hare now In stock all the fashionable shades of "DennlsoaV Crepe Tissue paper I THIS) ON PERSONAL At KU m.m nai PITBf.tC GROUNDS, And the lar- I from 8 ants to 40 cents a roll. I gest stock of Shade Frames in the citv, all ( conceivable shapes, and the pii-e is only 60 I cents, with asbestos collars 18 cents extra. I Consider a moment! Yon can get a pretty shade complete for less than a dollu'. Why I not make jour home attractive with these I pretty ornaments? Remember, when yon I intend making t urchascs for your home, that I we have a general utility store. AGAIN THE MARKET. TO ADVERTISE ASHEVILLE The Poor Ma Eat chickens But Not vegetable. Editor The Citizen : I see you have raised a great war on Mr. Gudger's and my calculations and position on the market question. You set out by saying "the market house bus not had a fair trial," inasmuch as it has not been com plete but a short time. The new en trance was made in August, I think, and has been so during the winter. Now, THE SCHEME TAKES SHAPE RAPIDLY. I abcrlptlon Started lo Pre pare Adverllaloic Mailer and Send a Man to Florida-Keep the Ball Rollins! Advertise Asheville ! That is what every citizen wuuts to jajanapiaiia)iMfiaiiiijDia do. Money spent in ad vet sing is al the experience of this citv is that there ways well spent. Asheville has the at are twice as many beef markets in win-1 traction for the visitor. Rest, health or ter as summer, marKets now runmiiK. r;,'"'! t r n.. . i,im have been cut off on account ol the Mar- ' t." I- "There was A MAN of our town And he was wondrous wise;" . ... I There are only eignt n..nsllre g,eker this is the nlace for hint. Said he: "It takes a oerfect skin So you see eight , . . . To catch a woman's eyes." The Henslor Talks) Plaluly and lo Ike Point A Great Deal Said Inave uccn cut on n a.uuiiv ui - ,. . , f ;i i. : n,... or eenerallv results in his coming here, .... r ts,s Keef market, in town. And once in . Asheville mean, frequent So be began, this clever man, w an a- I r it r 1..A-UU auDKanenc V1B1CB. I , "Jl"f ;fTt.; A corresoondent of Tin; Citizen yes- In learned tones to grope. The Citizen prints herewith Utter the di,p, (oim found that fragrant, wholesome om Senator Vance, which needs a lew made in every grocery store on the ntn wnrrl of oiolanation. Owing to the streets, and so far as the competition, Vll.:V,,..JJ: .n. balm- contradictor statements in the State ".111: on the gestion, MesVrii. J. B. Bostic and A. Uv . ., h ...t. Thr is hnfrflv I tu eacn, tne iuua tnus raisco to tx c- dressed Senator Vance a letter on H EU D1J COLOGNE Toilet Soap At Rayaor & Smith's, iThrash's. ief aaLlntr htm whether he had I P u: u- m . and olactmz a man ia Florida to see that luciii I nve lu stores un ui way iu vuv suns i , . , . . . . . . . , i i preferred charges against Mr. Simmons, ket house. And being separated thev are ' attention oi tnc tour.svs . auruu I and also as to his present attitude to wards his confirmation. The reply, just I received, is as follows : more apt to cut on prices. So far m M tncit Crystal Palace. B. H. COSBY sTlL(j TALKING TEA The Letter. Tampa Bay Hoti!)., I Tampa. Flu., Feb. 5, 1894 Editor The Citizbn: In answer to your letter of the 1st I have this to say : You know that in all transactions con nected with the executive sessions Asheville eoins backward is concerned, it is better to go back when you see you are wrong than go on. Atlanta and manv other cities have done the tame thing abandoned their market house. So far as .ome of the present o:cu pants having to be forced into the mar ket house is concerned, you would have to force them, no. matter wnat you wished, if it were for them to enter par adise. No time is to be lost if the plan is to be carried to a consummation, and tliere is little doubt that the desired amount will be procured. ITS WASHINGTON NEWS. TWO LADIES MET-said one: "You Look Just Like a beauty from a book; Your skin's as soft as eider down, And scarcely wrinkle, when yos frown. I is dally receiving Additions to his already I well ae cted stock of Jewelry, Silver ware, I Clocks, Watches, Novelties, etc. Democratic Clnba-wllaon Leave. I Reed Downed. Washington, Feb. 8. The executive I You can the charm impart, I hope." .IC IUI vUVUI ,U MW I - I . I I And so far as the expense incnr- committee oi tne national bssochuuu u. rnr.nr.VK Tnr. -1 ' I ..... .1 n ... .11 '. 1 T..1.. A I ' ' f .i.-1 red, tnat very smau, comparatively uemocrmic ciuos, ursuuncu iiy i oitnei .. . , satisfied that theUooo . n. ...nno. ni nrnmntitial LET SOAP." Senate, including what is said and done nnt administration, if it has noticed the . m.f : nt I: m mr,iv, ..lnpH. 1 nm Kunrkincr of the market, will have no 1 1""-' " WE HAVE IN STOCK AIJOUT t lihi therefore onW to sneak to idea of going back. As to the health- today. There were present Chauncy F. poNB at libe.ty, tlierclorc, only to speak to neTerbeatdof Black penn8yiTania, president; Law- you about my own attitude toward Mr. a of fever cominK from , market Vasbington, D. C, sec And Extra Silted Maryland PEAS. THE I Citizens of Asheville and visitors, the ladles especially, are invited to call and inspect his I 1 stock. Hit prices are reasonable and tales- RELIABLE HUNDRED PACKAGES OV TEAS. kmimnna wllfit hllS lint lit?eil doiie. etC. I in 4-Via Our tl4f)ltrl """'""""I ' IJI"W " V... I ntiain . . ii 1 J I 1! knua VsistorlAfa r Iroon I 1 ttal T DUt not aS tO Wnat lias iau uuus ui uiureni umi sawi; iwic -v,i. . i7:n: T WiLnn nf tKr .,1 I rhpir nrelTllRPB Clem. I vuttiiumu " nrotifthiv will ue uonc. 1 ""V ; . r j I want to say, first, that lor mysell It's a transparent crystal cake. Once OUR LAST CONSIGNMENT EM Now as to "the attempt to justify our I executive committee left at 11 o'clock I VI;eo aWays used. 13 cents per cake, 40 cents per box three cakes. For sale asatinlt nn the market." as vou prefer to I .j. ..,: i- tu rif nf Mprirn and on my own authority 1 have filed no tcrm iti not conclusive. 1 wish to nfr'hi arduous cnarges against oimmons. .uc uu,u .u . -lrL.rrrUr.n rninn with the oreoara- onlv bv I I - ENGLISH MRKAKFAST AND GUN- opposition; for the reason that, as chair- butchers have a full right to buv, but on iQO ,,; man of the Democratic committee of account of the size and shape of the adjournment last even i, r;ramli ie to Washington town, it makes it so inconvenient ton geant-at-arms be d.recte HiKH Grade Of Imported 1 attentive. Repairing of watches and I iewclrv. a specialty, uems ana rrcaous , I stones set by an expedenced Sardines. Wm. KROGER A LIST OF 1Y BRANDS OF CIGARS AND TOBACCO (15 llrands of Plug Chewing Tobaccos. 72 Brands Smoking Tobacco in Bugs anil tin boxes all slie packages. 0 Different Brands Imported Key West C igarx, always on hnnd. 1 1 is useless for me to mention the various brands of Domestic Cigars, as it will take too much space. Pilies a Larger Stock than ever before, will now devote all my tims to the above guods, and will try to satisfy all my customers L. BLOMBKRG MODBL CIGAR STORE, 17 PATTON AVBNDB. JEWELER. Wedding, Birthday and Christmas presents to satisfy all tastes at prices to .nit the times. A few more of those beautiful en gagementnrings left at 27 Patton Ave. "lioiioraTS AND TOMB STONES, . . . i i r.1,.4 k i. i torv to tue munuuu.isi., iui u a uhiivm- taose wmcn may nave mxu ,u uT vu- . nnwt ior nrftfi. t h I .: a - f fU.iff hill , i t yv fl UIV ioiio pJ i'bvb k"""" 1 liuu auu iJnatiAv vi -uv .! D RACES A UNE Oi OOLOUS, ers, my atmuue t..waru uim monopolist cannot be satisfied. The The regoiutlon presented just before evening that the ser- AirtfteA tn hrinp in tht North CaroHna, he came to Washington TO sub: STdSt. have and interfered in opposition to my rcc- urbs of the town t0 come to the market; borne fruit immediatelv. for at the houi ommendation tor imp-, intmcnts under thev will buv bacon, chickens and other nf mApfrintr thpr Hid nnt twem to be (I I'OWDKR AT GO CENTS THAT the government. Knowing that Mr. things instead of beef, from thepeddlers quorum of rjf mocrats on the tloor of thi nan mat nrnrwrtaq ra il hi tilt iuc i Ransom and I had agreed that puma- & - acongide;able Sant of "after an unsuccessful effort l.v R.ed t- nlv I should rccommenu an appoint h t eacn da Tne rich man c.,.i,...,f n, innmol to WE BELIEVE WILL HE 111KFI-1 menta in the West, whilst Gen. Ransom I cun and will send to the market for bis Lhn the A,.-.,- i a ,,UOrnm vesterdav did the same in the East; ami knowing steaks nnd roasts, but the poor man ac prevent the arrested members from that I hml recommended Mr. Gudger for who works all day will eat buconsmpd tj tbi mornin, hedemanjeda vote thatl bad .ecommendeu m . ouater ,llIckell8 rather than waik a mile after on th lagt pr0pos,tion. Bland moved collector in my own diatrici, and tliat niRnt to KCt a gtew or soup bone. So, tQ )a on thertabie. On division the vote Gen. Ransom opposed Mr. Gudger on the consequence is that the stews, sdup re.uited; Yeas. 121: navs, 68. Keen ocrsoia grounds and fuvoicd Mr. Elias, bones, etc., have to be thrown away tor agkcd for the veag and navgi and thev . -V-j.-.i ...:.....i ,i wln want of a purchaser, making a neces- wereord ered ; pervencu uuu .... ... gary ,osg to the butcher (monopoly) The vote resulted, yeas 162, nays 80. trusted to hi in by the Democracy M and unless the peddler comes along, the flnd Reed.g resolution was tabled. North Carolina by urging and securing suburban is apt to have to sit down to 'fhe result of the vote on Bland's mo- DnWFI I rj SMIRFR the appointment of Mr. Elias over Gud- a dinner without ;vegetables. tioo to go into committee of the whole. ruWLLL Cx OINILyi 1. 1 , ,i Now we come to your criticism on the . 167 navs c N0 ouornm an ger, nen.soopiu . Water rents. I only reassert that the j' niand moved a calf of House. tion oi ftir. naic lor n mu-iKii .i.i-.uk c,ty )s turnishing the market water iree I which was agreed to, ment, wnicn was virtually secureu unu oi i nargc, anu win rcicr ju.iu r. RAYS0R & SMITH, 31 Patton Avenue. P. S. Don't Forget CAMPH0RL1NE when the cold wave comes. I CULT TO MATCH. THEY AREI SIM PLY DELICIOUS. TRY THEM. CORTLAND BROS. J RBAL B8TATB BROKERS. 1NVB8TMBNT AOBNT8. NOTARY PUBLIC I am receiving a new stock uf Monuments and Tombs of Granite and Marble, which I will Sell at the Lowest Cash Pi ices. I am your home dealer and have been here 14 years and will treat you right if you will patronise me. Loans Securely placed at 8 per cent. Offices as ft SO Patton Ave., up stairs I W. 0. WOLFE, Cor. Court Dace and Market St. front of City Hall. Z Q O Z rS l S5 HJ Z O Q 5 i- w O W T O Q was higher in grade than any given the State. Now, if he thought proper to volun teer his interference where he hud no right or authority to do so, he should not object to theexercise of an undoubted right, by a Senator in the selection ol appointments, bestowed upon him by the Constitution, To suve trouble to She anonymous scrbblcrs who arc constantly slandering nic in this r -gard and who report him as siieaking of himself us "Simmons and the Democratic party," I announce, once for all, that t resent not only Simmons' interference with my litfhts as u Sena tor, but the insulting and defiant tone assumed both bv him and them. I shall rates for the amount the city will be able I WIL.E. CHANGE WILSON BILL. to collect, which Mr. Murray win giaoiv furnish you on application, i nc re- The Senale gnb-Conitulttee And mainder ot your remnrsi are bo un- Tlle ,,ree UM reasonable t win not attempt to answer them. T.CStarnes. Wasuicotos, 1-cb. 8.-0ne point i Wo let Mr. Stnrces have the last already appears very clearly as the result word. His proposition to rent the mar- of the Senate finance sub committee's ki.HH.iise is too dead to make further labors up to this point and that is that comment by The Citizen either seemly the tariff bill, which they will present to oi .icccssarv.-En. Citizbn. their Democratic associate, on the finance committee tor approval, wm near i FEUERtl, EJECTION BILL. I a very slight resemblance to the original I Wilson bill. The reason for the extcn ii si nu ueett Hroraled Bv a vole I sivechauires in contemplation andalready I uf 84 To 18 made is to be found in the decision of the Washington, Feb. 8 In the S.nate yesterday Mr. Perkins, Republican, oi i . nlace the duties as to secure the Calif rnia ottered the amendment ol I largest amount of revenue, which in-1 i.. uA uivKn nnHiv vesterdav. I volve. reductions in some cases, in- SAMPLE SHOES AT COST. BKEVAKD continues to sell oppose Mr. Simmons' confirmation on allowing the election lawstoremain. but XfreVM iofed any articles all his Sample Shoes at C7ost and barKuins in this personal ns well as public grounds; c?nfinl"M1tfth5ftnhe?e; aLroiover enter!nR larsely 'to consumption are grounds connected with hs mil Ur to rht uulSZtf thecom- hold the position lor wliieu lie lias ucen ment wag rejected. Yeas, 27; nays, du. mitt ' devotinir themselves to a appointed. .adlLni5L ?e.l' 5" nietUod by which the attitude of the jinc ul do well to cxamine hia . . I Democratic niaioritv against mriner those wuutins -ii.. i ,,H,.rcfi hv unsnaer ana were re ccieu- n nn,Qt My neaun is improving rUp.... ... n.. -".,., riii,in ond the " -- . -r yu - " i, mM w. i..." . rjca;iQjT5 upuu IUC UUI uy iniciCBkcu nt- line climate, and I hope soon to be in my third by eag 27; nayt 39 scat in tni ennte. very truiy yours, X. .'. Vance 1 Invest a Penny Save a Dollar! DO VOU BUY HOR8B AND COW Action un HlmtuouH Pon'poned. Washington, D. C, Feb. C. Senator Jones made a strong report from the sub-committeoof the tin mice committee in favor of confirming Simmons, where upon Senator Vorhecs, chairman of the The bill was then passed: Yeas, 30,1 1 v,.. ,i,. k;h rv..m;ttA tn the mm- nays, 28;-a party vote excepting that jtt when it reache8 the Senate, with . - O. ... nf VMar1n an A Allen. I . . ... . . insr.iii . r r 1 instruction, to tne commitiee 10 gruui Kvle and Teller, t opuiisis, voieu uch hearings. This they hope to accom- t he Democrats if the affirmative. dish through the aim ol Democratic votes. MILITIA GUARD MEG! Tbcsr IOE8. Willi Were Threatened Lvncblng. Va., Feb. 8. Two n FBBDr IP SO. DROP USA CARD. ASK 1 NO FOR OUR PKICU9. IT WILL ONLY COST YOU A PBNNY AND WB BBLIRVB WB CAN BAVB YOU THB DOLLARS FBBD IS CBBAP AND OUR BA8BMBNT IS PILLBD WITH FRBSU GOODS. Or, A. GREER. ZI Emulsion of COD IilVEf? om, CUith Port Wine. Under the above title we ofjer a new com: binatlon of Cod Liver Oil la which the nau seous taste of the oil Is completely masked bv the use of Port Wine and Aromatic.. At the same time the tonic and digestive prop- i ertles of the wine render assimilation easy From those who cannot take Cod Liver Oil on account ol its disagreeable taits and dlffl cult assimilation w. confidently solxlt trial. Recommended In Pulmonary Diseases, Coughs, Colds and uencrai ueointy Freshly prepared at ICARMICBiEL'S PHARMACY HOT SODA A delicious cup of Clam Bouillo n, Beef Bouillon, Beef Tea, Hot Chocolate', Hot Coffee, Egg Phosphate, etc., etc., at HBINITaH & REAGAN'S. After Mello'a Force.? Lonuon, Feb. 8.-A despatch from I goods get prettier P.raamKnpn stntes tlint the toroedo ft .... ......... V I. oh M I arn v I , r,. j a .i T.:.n.:.. I e.-ll.. J... -.-..-Mj.f.w,.fmms.tnn,e. named Robinson and White, ar- DO" "i"""" IU,Jy lesB every aaJ- v.'u.u. p war TC88CII liuricu vcsmuni iiviu v. vance rcqucsunK uciav. m mien uv.c " i restcu tor assaulting iwo woincu utui i nalnbuco bound south. Vance tnc mauer was postpo ncu, ur- Manassas and placed in the ail here for w sc the nomination would hnvc been , .. confirmed, as stated last wcek.-Chur- sate keeping, were : sent to T.I115 IIIUI 111IIK lul Mini' J cu CONDENSED TbLHGRAMS. lotte Observer. SO SOUTH MAIN BTKBBT. OLD KKARHARGK WRECKED offers. He is offering special bargains in white goods and Hamburg edgings. His dreis and beauti- every day. Kcaay- Made Clothing and Gent' Fur lushing Goods for less money Cio to the Old I She Comes To Urlef on The Wick ed Roucador Reel. Washington, Feb. H.-The old cor vette Kearcnrgc was wrecked on Rou cador reef February lid, while en route I Irom Port An Prince, Ilnyti, to filuefields, i-. ....... r i, AlATnnrtrin l.itrht Infantrv I Frederick Marvin, late cashier ol the were ordered to escort the negroes to I Third National bank of Detroit, Mich., Munnssns, as lynching ws threatened, was arrested yesterday for converting Ulall ever before. The company is composed ol prominent to nil own use creaus oi inc uunn. iuc young men of the city, and although the dedication, it is alleged, will reach $50,- call wns very distasteful to them it was ooo. Reliable house ot Brevard 8 and obeyed. A renort from Shelbvville, Iud., say. G W. CHILDH WILL. that Gen. Harrison and Mrs. Leland vou w:ii alwaV8 ue treated ritrht. Stanford are to wed A member ol Mr. ' " u. i n All In Hla wife Wllhonl Hnrrinnn'a fninilv denied the storv. any Rr.erve Whatever. rl!rnon .r.tnl, nl the aaricultural iJO not lorgct tllO place. .uussaasH- -r . I Niearauca. The oflicers and crew were Ti,i rp.irlierl the nnw Pailaukli'IHA, Feb, 8. The will of committee has introduced a new anil j . . ii.:. -.,: : o ....Li. . ... r.e,,n.e W. Ch d. was admitted to nro- oution Dill in tne nouse. it went to tnc llfllltl LIIIL'IIL LIIIB 111 Vi I II "Mai u Mtwn ssss r t , . snee dated Colon nnd signed by Lieut, bate this morning. The document is n . . . . . I I J I M 1. .... Ii- ina awaaiiaJ A uniiar 1 t Hro nnrri fit t llf KParSni L't' WHO rCHCnfO I VCrV BHUli. 1 WMBJ tAUUWU nuKUfv v o , . . a , i f A I . . . . r a a r signea tnc nuBsian ireaij umwi ham said Us rejection would ha BON MS AND CHOCOLATES, BBLLINQ AOBNT8 FOR ASRBVILLB. colon thi. morning. last, one month alter the oeatn oi An- TbeKenrsnrge Bailed trom Port Au tlionyj. urezei. wnuus ocqueaiues ui. Prince, Hnvti, lanunrv 3()th lor llluc entire estate to hi. widow, abrjlu'ely fields, Nicaraiigt. lmnudiaiclv on re- The executor, are oeorge w. tnuas ceipt of the cnbh gram the Secretary sent Drexel and lames W. Paul, jr., and they I r . ii : j I ..l.n. h. unltmtinnnf trie Hial. nt'ver 8 message lO ucui. ma........ u.ln.i...K g.o" XV "1"7 J .Tnn nnn ' . him to -hartcr a vessel nt colon ana $iuu,uu rcu. nuu um .uu,uvu proceed at once to the nsnistance of the I tonal." shipwrecked men. Some time ago when Bnlr,n p0x:steporicd In 16 Blale. Warner Miller ami tne omeers oi men- . c .... . ,-. mnnl enn.oanv were on their wav Col.t Mtiia, Feb. 6.-C. 0. Probst, ec. HelnjtsU & Reagan to Nicarauga thev were wrecked on this I rctary ol the Stale Doard of Health, hat I isloture passes, same reel. Admiral Mnnton is supposca BUggested that the railroad com panics I Godey Publishing company, New to have been on the Kenrsargc. vaccinate their employes. Small-pox i. I York, publi.hert of Oodey'. magaiine i n.ii.rinui mm' now reported lu 16 ttate.. The circular I and various books and periodicals, as- ,r,",,," " c;tcg instances ol employe! and patsen-1 ginned today. iiomuav, rco. o oviiuub rcngiuu. I gers taking or carrying tne aisease, tous riot, between the Mohnmincdnnsand the exposing car load, of people. Ctrcago, committee on ways and means. In announcing that Germany has ror VYii- ave been I tol lowed eventually by war. McLaurin was declared United State. I Senator in Mississippi Wednesday by a I vote of 142 vote, to 18 lor a Populist I and a few scattering. Dancing publicly inshort orlow-necked I T U C DC OT T C A UltTB-CO T.1,1 Mli.'K ....... ..j - " .. . $5u0 if a bill in the aiaisaetiusctts leg- J.D.BREVARD No. 11 Nortli Main St. -AT- T. J. Revell's, 30 North Main. DRUOOIBTS, ration Atc. a Church St. Hindoo, have occurred nt Ycolu, 05 mile, from Uombny. The Hiudno tern- tile, and Mohammedan moqucs were destroyed. Many of the combatant. Mr. Probst savs, has many case. Ww Ar IMil lvln Amms One fine etching to every one who buy. were injured. Troops were summoned i $3 worth or more al Law'., 35 Patton and quelled the disturbance. nvenuc. Don't forget to ask lor it. Ball and Library Lamp. New and pretty pattern, at low pri-1 ees, even for hard time. J. H. Law, 35 Patton avenue. Immense assortment of valentines, all I kind., at Ray'., 28 South Main street. .SIPHONS! SIPHONS VICHY AND LTZBI la Siphons caa bt oMataal at the drag storta of Raysor A Smith and Bdaltah Raagaa aad at factory, 917 Haywoad C. H. CAM PBILL.

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