THE ASHEVILLE DAILY CITIZEN Weoneslav Evening. February 14 1894 ASHEVILLE DAILY CITIZEN mlNTBD DAILY (HCIPT SUXUlV) AND WKKKLV SUBSCRIPTION KATES: I One Year $6 OO Daily -U Month S.OO Three Month 1.60 ClTlzax I tar Month, in adraoee 10 (one eek. paid to Camera ... IS Tub Wbkkxy Citubi, isued each Wednes day, in adTance, II SUHSCRIBERS who fail to receive tbcir paper confer a favor br teoort ing tbe tact to this office immediately. WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 14. tH94. Harrier's Weekly ii kicking very hard to hare in admission ee to the Demo cratic circus refunded. Washington Post. Harper's having got in by lifting the canvas, along with the other peanut masticatori. should not have a cent refunded it. Tub latest news from Washington that the Senate committee having in its charge the Wilson bill has climbed down from its high horse, and will not make over the Honse tariff measure as much as was at first announced. This it well; and the announcement comes better now than later. The countrv is not calling on the Svuate to get into hopeless contest with the Hou'e. In Auditor Furm m'senerallyudiuira ble annual report is this : "To encourage the people to ows their homes is one of the first duties of the State." The "State" at prescut is, ol course, the honorable gentlemen who form the State government at Raleigh. They have no such duty as Auditor Furmun alleges; nor should they have. Their duties ate, or should be, confined strictly to making the government of the State as little onerous as possible; to making it interfere with the rights of citizens as little as possible. The encouragement ol the people to own homes is a doctrine to be inculcated at the fireside; in tb public press, and, on invitation, from the rostrum, and by individuals as they meet in their daily vocations. State officers may, indeed, point out the ten dency of citizens in the dii ection ot own ing their own bouses, but it is doubtful if they may go farther with propriety The Yaucc and Simmons letters have made plain this tact: that the two men do not understand each other's position and that if they, or their friends, do not get together the Democratic party mus suffer. Senator Vance savs Mr. Sim mons volunteered "bis interference." Mr. Simmons savs be did not. The Scnato says Mr. Simmons has assumed an in suiting and defiant turn" to aids him Mr. Simmons declares that such is not the fact. It is easily apparent, there fore, that there are explanations that could be made, at short range, that would probably remove or tend to allav much of Senator Vance's natural indig nation, and cause him to look ou M Simmons' nomination with much less disfavor than he now docs. The Iriends of botb Gentlemen will do only the plain duty in seeing that opportunity given to bring about a thorough under standing, on both sides, of the exact sit uation, not the situation as it appears to Senator Vance aud Mr. Simmons but the real situation. JUST IN NORTH CAROLINA. THE KASB CREEK CAT FIGHT. Kane Kreak, N. C. 1894.1 r I The next meeting of the Alliance wil be in Raleigh, by which time the 1'olk monument, for which money is solicited will be completed. Color 1 lames Gnrretv ofCorsicana Tex . has donxted $400 to the Salem Female Academy in memory of his wife, who was once a pupil 1 tbe school. Ball Brothers of Hickory, one of tbe largest firms in the Piedmont section have assigned, with $50,000 liabilities, There are $25,000 ol preferred debts. Simon L Kigen of Winston has filed papers of assignment, naming . S. Grngnn trustee. His liabilities are stated at $0,740; assets consists ot real estate. The Catawba Lumber company of Hickory has sold out to the Cata'wba River Lumber company, and it is said that it is to put up a lumber yard in town. The Imperial Pine Product company has invested .1275.000 in a very com plete plant at V ilmington. For some time there has been much mystery re garding these works. The salary of Marion Butler, the uew president of the National Farmer' Alliance, is $3,000 annually. Under the provisions ot a new rule he is not re quired to live at Washington, but can reside in this State. The Richmond & Danville may pur chase the Atlantic & Danville line, run ning from Danville to Portsmouth, which is soon to be sold. The theory of this alleged deal is to make Norfolk the Danville's terminus. Colonel J. W. Alspaugh, formerly president of the rirst national bank ot Winston nnd recently president of tbe Guildf'rd Cotton mill, has executed deeds of trust for tbe benefit of his credi tors. The assets consist principally of real estate, improved and unimproved, There has just been recorded in the Register of Deeds ffi t of Pitt cc unty a mortgage tor $65i 000 from the Albe marle and Raleigh Railroad company to thfuleDpoMi and Trust compuny of Baltimore. Accompanying this was a release of tbe mortgage to tbe Wilming ton and Weldon Railroad company, and an agreement ol consolidation bet wen these two railroad companies, in which tbe latter becomes responsible for the payment of the mortgage. Ratherfordton correspondence Char lotte Observer : Perhaps the most im uortant case oa the docket was one transferred from McDowell county, in- volvins the title to about 70.000 acres of land lying in McDowell, Buncombe and adjoining counties. Tbe title bud to be traced from a deed given to that financier of earlv Revolutionary davs, Robert Morris of Pennsylvania, by tbe Tates of this State. Tbe case was a test one on a tract oi about 100 acres and was decided in favor of tbe defendants, Weldon News: A farmer in this county gave a mortgage to a merchant which was dulv recorded, but the regis ter of deed failed to index the tame. Sub sequently tbe farmer gave a second mortgage. Tbe mortgagee examined tbe index of tbe register and finding nothing against tbe man accepted a sec ond mortgage, thinking It was tbe only one against tbe man. It has now been (onnd that there is a prior mortgage on tbe books and law question now to be decided is which mortgage shall bare priority over tbe other ? the 11 Fibberwary Siitul.n Edditir, sir The master kat fite ever taken place on Kane Kreak. Abncr, which hr air my ole valler, he bin livin longer me fer ni on 2 five year, we never did no whir he come Irura, no boddv else nose, thiutn Abner do, & sometimes I has my dents whether Abner bis sef kin rickermember hit, be bin with Dave Hanks so long. Miss Hanks lows be drapt outn the ski, but I reethcr jedge hits nioren likely he come up from tother place, onless be easkaped frum some kivered waggin passin by. Tbe lust time I ever seen Abner I come outn the room do 1 mile march mornin & started 2 the stibill 2 feed tbe stock & I look sidewaze & seen Abner a settin on tbe kitcben steps, be repear 2 be intrusted in surathin that were cwine on aown . me cnicnen hood, be never taken no nntisser me, sez l, skat, as loud as I could boiler, 4: lie j ss turn bis bed a little & look at me a nun- mit sorter nom like, & then he turn todes the chickin koop agin, & then look at me agin. 1 understood mm to say Mr Hanks the old speckle ben air at tier ole tiks agin, sue air a peckinol berown chickins, you better go see about it. I oicked ud a rock, ana l boilers out skat, as loud as I could ball, and at tbe hker that be lit oft n tbe poach & looked all round every way cepun at me, & that time I understood bim 2 say, ef ih vsnnvatrav kat around hear, less slio" him 2 me, lie teech bim boo this here place helongs ter. 1 were so di comht- ted I jess stood tbar like a pnuie, k tertckiv bner, he jess presumed his ole tand & hopt up on tbe steps agin. & bout tbat time Miss Hanks sue ttum outn the kitebin do & likefer stept on Abncr, she jumpt 2 foot hi. & she yells out skat, as loud as sne kood holler, which Abner he never lookt round, be jess move a little ter one side & baf shet mseyes, same asei ter say, wen miss Hanks you repear A inquire a rite smart r room 2 pas in tbis morning, 1 reckon you kin git by now, spose you try it. Miss Hanks sez sue ter me, boo do tms here stray kat blong ter ? Si . I ter her n 7. i, l kant ten you tnat. Due ei you was 2 ax me boo blongs 2 this here trjv kat, I would low ter vou tbat Dave Hanks, & you, & Pete, & ali the other annymewels on tbe place dors. less let bim alone, I have tnde bim sir- fishint, he repcars 2 be in perseshun er tbe primissis, jess let aim aloan, sez l. Atter tnat Anner ne oossea iuidkshc Dave Hankses, they didut seem 2 be nuthin about tbe ulaee be didnt no all nbout, & be taken a powerful site of intrust in ever thing. Tbat kat hay sot by the fare many a lone nite & lissin 2 me retd the paper, which I bav node him 2 stop skracbin ot a tlee munv a time nsstn - me reea the sittizen. He baint no use for Shade Lemon, be spits at bim ever time he comes here, howsomever he air power ful fond er Miss Lemon, lie lays in her lap a our at a time They baint many kilts us sharp us Abncr air. I liketer fergot i tell .von about the fite. Tother nite I were a settin by the winder smokin ot a pipe er tobneker & a wonderin ef it ever aimed 2 turn cold ngin in Bunkum Co., I which I never does expect 2 see no mo sno), & Abner he wer a settin out in the yard on a stump in the munrsbine, & I seen Shade Lemons black kat come under tbe bars, & tcrreektlv Abner he seen bim U. He repear 2 no be were a L inon as son as he lade eyes on bim, which be lit ffn the stump and mxde fer him like mad. He stnpt jets afore he got to him, I reckn ies 2 give bim a chance ter bis lite, 1 notiss kats most in ginnally docs that awav. & thm tbev had the master arev ment 1 ever beam, ef they didnt tetch on all the pints of the case, hit were slio mity m xcd matter, Abncr he jess would hav it tbat the black kHt hadnt no bis niss tbar, & the black bat be lowed he had as mutrb rite thar as any valler stray kat had, & tbe jewry fated 2 agree, and the jewrv n-se bung, it did, & of all the fur fltin & tbe rasslin & tbe tusslin, and ti e summer sets I coulrlnt tell hrrlner tale, I jess lade back & laffed ter miself. In a minnit er 2 they Hung tbersefs apart same as tflitenin had struck be twixt urn. thev stood tbar acbawin ther own mouths & a tr in ter swaller, they was so mad they couldn't speck. Boatb on um re ear 2 think it were powerfu k ware he didn't kill the to tbir one the 1st lick, so ended the fust round. 2TH ROl'ND. Abner kotcb the Muck kat a lookin off & he lit on ter bis back, leastways he tnde ter dew that thing, but long atore Abner bad kivered them 21 Indies the hlack kat were up in the air 2 meet him !: wi, I hey klincbrd agin, nutbin scd, thel'urflun like fethers offn a gewce Trrreckly they was a standin sipperate agin, boatb sides a pantm fer brctb, Nuthin sed. 3rd rovnii. Black kat struck the fust lick. He didn't hit whar he aimed at. 1'er ticklers bout tbe same as last round. 4th ROCNI). uiuck kat give A oner a aimity klip in tbe burr of the vear & knocked him down. Abner he were on bis back, & got in some bewtiful under kuts. Hi ki -ked Lemon 3 foot off and tbe 4th round were over. 5 ROUND. Afore this here round commenced, Ab Hanks op tied the argymeant agin. He were powerful strong in hi remarks, he jess come out flat tooted & he sez ter Lemn, sez he, efvou wants ter git offn this place alive you better leave ritenow, I gives vou fare warnin, vou gwine off, er is vou knot, be plane. Which the Imou kat, he Lowed sez he, ef I koodnt wooop a old stray kats like -ou woodnt sta on Kane Creak a nutber nite. Ime gwine off when I git reddy. I beared a few mo scattenn remarks & then tbe lie passed & tbe phat were in tbe fire. Thev was sbo lively biznrsa did in this here round. Atter tbe fust few summer sets thev turned over on tber sites & hugged & skratched it bugged & skratched & ript & tore one nutber like all fury. They want no Jim Cawbit dewins in this here round, tbey pade no intenshun ter the belt, tbcrliks was all fowls & they hurt bad. 6 ROI ND. Tbev stood a pinlin & a puffin fer ni onter 2 minnit, & terecklv Hanks he sez, Look fer a place ter oerrv vosef, & Lemon he sez I never was no hand ter X a bridge til 1 comes 2 bit, Lite in. Tbis here rouud showed some desprit fitin, tteui kats was bent & dee termed 2 kill, thev chawed & spit & clawed skanliss, but thev giv out agin atter while & stood off a spell. 7 ROl'NK. I tell you Mr Edditur, hits midlin sil dum a white man gits 2 see kats fite in lull, tbev mist in ginnallv bs tber fam blv rows off ter therselfs like marrid fokes does, & Noboddy never does no the fnll demerrits er tbe kase. But tbey fites like marrid fokes 2, wben tbev begins ter fite in publick they has ter fite it out the- same wa, bits harder ter let lewee er some things as it air 2 take bolt of tbe same, Tbey fit so long tbis time I begin ter mistrust they was ever gwine ter let np. they jess lade thar a huggin & a clawin feeble like, 1 seen boath sides would liketer kwitef they node bow, but terreckly the Lemon kat he repear ter spruce up konsidcrable, he seeu ole man llanks were a givin out fast, he begin ter let out loud yells, & swer awiul, I got oneasy, & I boilers out. Ab Hanks sez I never let a Lemon lick a Hanks, hit him in the I sez I, hit him in the I. At the liker thnt Abner he jess rrtched out & grabbed Lemon, he stuck 1 claw in his I & tother in bis vear, & of all tbe Scrretnin & yellin I ever beared, tbat black kat he done it. You mite bav beared bim 2 mil. He broak lewce & got outn site in 3 2nd. I never seen nuthin ot A unci agin ter . daze. He went off summers, I dunno whar. He repeated 1 mornin on the kitchin steps. Lookin jess like he looked that fust mornin I seen him, You never woulder node he fit that fite. I notis sense that time he takes mo intrust in the front yard as he ever did afore, & when ever he sees ennvtbing black a comin up the lane, be immtjitly bas biz nis in the back yard, they is sumpn he terror to tend 2 in the kitchin, er else the old speckle hen air at her ole tricks, she air a peck in of her own chickens, they baint menuv kats as sha'P as Ab ner air. Dave Hanks. Spelliu krecktid by my sun sollomon. Granulated Bone. ONE REASON Why you should buy bone meal of me is tbat it will make your hens lay as nothing else will. I have just put in a mill to grind bones and find it works to a charm. ANOTHER REASON Is that the bones I grind are fiesh, and not stale. If you send for your bone meal from a distuuee you do not kuow how old it is, aud if it is old it is n. g. For prices enquire at JAMES WOLFE'S STALLS, Nos. 8 and 9 Market Building. They Might A BPLEDID SHOWING. "W E" "Furnish Our Customers With Collar Free.' Since making this offer some three or four weeks ago, U lookB a if wc were going to COLLAR THE TOWN but we are prepared to supply all that come with collars made specially lor us Having per'ected a method of laundering Collars and Cuffs, which docs not injure the goods, we therefore otter to furnish your Collars FREE. Jnat think of it! You will never have to buv another Collar while having vour laundry done by us. Call at the Model Steam Laundry and select your style and size. So'iciting your patronage, we guarantee all of our work to be the very best aud satisfactory. The Model Steam Laundry. Church Street. Wbat State Can "o Better In This Reapec) 7 rotn Auditor Furman' Report, Tbe expense of the administration of tbe executive and judicial departments ot tbe State is so economical tbat the fees and special privilege taxes collected tbe executive department, treating fund not at all connected with direct taxation, are very nearly enough to pay it. 1 make tbis statement, in connection with others, to show thnt, since 1870, a constant and successful endeavor has been made by those entrusted with con trol ot affairs not only to reduce the burden of taxation on the people, to lessen the expensesof the administration, but to place the burden where it is least felt and can best be borne, and apply the monrvs collected w here they will do tbe most good lor the masses, and objects of charity. Thus, in 18G8, 18G9 and 1870, when taxes for public or common schools, to tbe amount of more than three hundred and fifty thousand dollars, were collected on a very high levy, ami less than lorty thousann dollars were actually spent for theeducatin of the children ol the State, the Legislature, since 1870, have consistently reduced the rate ot direct taxation and so appro printed the moneys collected until this year, covered by this report, vearlv eiijht hundred thousand dollars have bei n expended directly lor the education of the children, of both races of the State, a record in botb directions which I am sure the people willcommend. She Approved l'roia t lie charlotte Newt, At one of thecity churches lust Wednes day night nt the regular weekly prayer meeting service, four unmarried ladies sat in one seat, ranging in age from 33 to 4o vears. Une ot the brethren, culled upon to prav, in the course of his invo cation, said : "Now, Lord, Thou knowest that there are many in this city who have no man to look after them; wilt Tbou not com- lort them ? One of tbe ladies gave the church car oet a vigorous stuniD with her foot and saia "amen" so loud that it caused every uuuy in uie cnurcn to look around. Thin cloaca tbe case. Prom the Charlotte Observer "Why," asks the Salisburv Truth 'does tbe Charlotte Observer persist in spelling sobriquet with a u in the fiist syllable? Thai spelling is obsolete ac cording to good auf hurity." ui iuc same rcHson mat it does many other things tbat it should not do Decnue it doesn't know aiiv better CANDIED SWEETNESS. In proportion to population the Southern people con sunie more fine candy than any other section of the coun try Southern women are consummate judges of bon bons of course New Yoi k City is the greatest candy eating centre in the world, and the taste is more exacting than elsewhere no candies are put upon the market in daintier or more attractive form than those of the original LIKE A THIEF IN THE NIGHT. Con sumDtion conies. A slight cold, with your system in ma scroiui- oua condition tbat caused bvtmDura blood, is enough to fasten it upon you. That is ths time when neglect and delay an full of danger. Consumption is Lunr- Bcrofula. Yon can prevent tt, and you can eura it. if vou haven't waited too lone, with Dr. Pierce's Ooldsn Medical Discovery. That is tbs most potent blood-cleanser, strength restorer, and flesh-builder that's known to medical sdsnca. For every disuse that bas to be reached through the blood, like Con sumption, for Scrofula in all its forms, Weak T.nnn Bronnhltii. Aithma. and all SSVara. lingering Coughs, It is ths only guaranteed remedy. If It doesn't benefit or ours, you bav your money Pack, 20 PER CENT OFF ON CHINA GOODS Bargains in Clocks . . . 20 PER CT. OFF ON JAPANESE GOODS Tbs proprietors ot Dr. Ban's Catarrh Remedy (mow tbat their medioins perfectly ajul nermanantlT cures Catarrh. To Drovt it to you, tbey maksthU offer! If they cant curt your Catarrh, no matter what your out Is, they'll pay yon $500 in cash. aiphar prinra Mch-dale. Can leave rear of postoffice for Springs at 0 a. m thence every boor until 0 p. m. Regular half hoar schedule be tween postoffice and depot tClcst Coif)! Coke! Call CauroIlM CosU Coma pat sty far Nina Clfiatai Cetko. t'Olt TIM MONTH. ARTHUR M. PIELB LEADING JEWELER. MANUFACTURING AND REPAIRING, Plenty of old paper for tale at Tbb CrnzBN office. Only 20 eta. per hundred. NOTICE T Ordered by the Board of County Commit sioncrs of Buncombe county that on the first Monday la March, 1104, there will established in each of the foar wards of the city of Athcvlllc a polling place, and that new registration will be made la each of said wards. J. B. RaNKlN, 1-SOdtf Chairman, I'hss the tariff bill, v Get a throno for ex Queen Lil, and Stop the fighting in Brazil Before the nlge of winter's chill is quite worn off by Eatfng Meat procured from Hill in the City Market. BIIVTMOIIIS Brick and Tile Works, Biltmore, North Carolina, UAS FOlt BALli A LAKGE STOCK Ol'1 COMMON MUCK 01-' ALL KINDS, KEI'HESSEl) MUCKS, AN1 ALL SIZES OF AGKICULTUltAL MtAIN TILE. ASHEVILLE WOODWORKING CO. Is Now Prepared to- -Furnish all Kinds of BUILDING MATERIAL Fine Church, Cabinet Work and Bank Fixtures 8KND FOR yWTtittATBH. Asheville Woodworking Co. H. Kauffman, Supt. Telephone, 164. The Best Shoes i Ltul Money, he success of a box of confections as of a dish of food, argely due to the neatness and elegance with which it is prepared inclosed in delicate boxes, tied with silver braid, the contents arranged as artistically as the blos soms of an elaborate bouquet, the Tenney candies have won half the battle before they have touched the palate. Nor is this all, these candies enjoy pre-eminence because of the choicest il ivorings and the purest chocolates, 6ugar and almond paste entering in to their manufacture, thy are flavored with pure fruit juices imported from France the odors are fruity and the taste sweet and delicious these goods can only be found at Dr. T. C. Smith's Drug Store on the Public Square, Asheville, N. C. IV, L. DOUGLAS $3 SHOE GENTLEMEN. 85, 84 and 83.50 Dress thos. 83.50 Police Shoe, 3 Soles. 82.50, 82 for Workingmen. 82 and 81.75 for Boys. i Amrc AMn Miccrc 83, 82.50 82, $1.78 CACTION.-If any dli ffers you W. L. Souglai boss MUM prln. says n. au m.m wuo in. an mmpw ih. bottoss, pat him aowssiSDSio, W I DAIJCLAS Shoes re stvlish, easr fitting, and give bettei satisfaction at the prices advertised than any other make. Try one pair and be con vinced. The stamping of W. L. Douglas' name and price on the bottom, which guarantees their value, saves thousands of dollars annually to those who wear them. Dealers who pusn the sale oi w. l.. iraugias snoes gain customers, wnicn ncips u increase the sales on their full line of goods. Tti.y can aflord to salt at a 1ms profit ml wa believe von can save meney by bavins; all your footwear of the deal adver Used below. Catalogue bos upon application. W. I OODOLAS. Brockton, 1 IS I HI", im I I l . a tsr- """U-j,- mmmr -s.. oos m mm. m w iieuiAnitDBW and we believe yon ean save money by bavlnf year I For Sale By J. D. BL ANTON & CO. &tajvia:rt Granulated Riigr, SO onands for f 1 CO LrverlnK Reliable Koaated Toffee, io cents per package Tea, 40 and 00 cent pel pound Lard, compound, 10 cents per pound Lard, leaf, 1316c. or ponnd. Bacon, west ern, 10c. per pound. Bueoa, Buncombe, lillic per pound. Hams, Buncombe, latic. per ponnd. Golden Cotto'ene, 3 P"und buckets, 8Sc.; 8 pound buck ta. 68c ; at re tall 11c. Homemade Molaeses, 40c. per gallon. New Oneant, soc. pr gal lon. Apple Vinegar, four years old, 38c. per gallon Electric Light Flour and White Pearl, $2 per hundred. Omega Plonr. $3.40 perhnnired Meal, OOe. per bushel. Citron, 30c per pound. Currants, Be per pound. Preach Prunes, 10c. per ponnd Taylor's Jellv. 0Vc. per ponnd Col. man's Mustard, 18c. per wi. Dunham's shred d oeoanut, 30o per pound. Hubingcr'e Blaatic starch, 10c per package. O ir Little Daisy Pickles, 10c. per bottle. 8-pound cans Tomatoes, toe 8-p iund cans Okra and Tomatoes, ISc. abosesaooe Blue Hen Matches, Be only. The Little Store around the Corner. 30 COLLEGE STREET. W. J. POST ELL MISS Li. HAUMANN, 91aKsVrtlat3? Instructions givea la China Pointing, also OU aad Water Colors. Terms moderate Work ean bt Inspected at residence 44 QROVf STREET. W, D. OWVN. W. W. WIST, G-WYN & WEST successors to W. B Owyn. Established 1881. Refer to Bank of asheville. REAL ESTATE LOANS lUCUUKLr 1'LICBU AT 8 PBS CENT KOTAST PUBLIC. COMU18SIONKS OP """ FIRE INSURANCE Southeast Court Square, THE OAKS HOTEL Under New Management. New Furultut Nice, clean comfortable rooms. Tabic excellent. Northern Myls, Porter Meets all Tralna. Close ta town. On aa Blectrk Car lint, Beautful Location. Hot aad Cold Bathe. Beery Poeaibla Convenient. 0,M.PHILIPP NO FREW GIFTS OP AiY KI"D TO ATTRACT ATTENTION OB DRAW TRADB AT THB Acie Wine, Liquor House & White Man's Bar What I claim is that I keep the largest stock of rat class goods of any house in the State. Anyone in need of pure unadulterated liquors will find It to their Interest to call and examine my stock. The same has been recommended by the leading physicians in the State for medicinal purposes Jixm. H. Loughran, Prop. NO. 58 SOUTH MAIN STREET, - - ASHEVILLE, N. C. My motto ta, "Kp the best and charge accordingly,' ,Mj place is second to none in the 8tate. TBLBPHONB CALL 189 POSTOPI'ICE BOX 088. Orders Prom Distance Mollclted. Boxing & Pucklng Free BONANZA WINE AND LIQUOR COMPANY, Nos. 41 and 43 S. Main St., Asheville. YTg"! A I WUni.HSAl.B UKPAKTMBST. GBJIT.S" l'AKLOH AND READING ROOM. CGAKS, TOMCCO AND 1IOTTLB GOODS, SAM- XT'V A O i'LB, MLUAKD AND POOL ROOM. KJt 0 i Beer Vaults and Bottling Department in the Basement. H'e RvicetlUlly Sulkit a Shure of your Patronage P. A. MARQUARDT, Manager. Telephone Call, No. . M" la Uatraace, IN'. 1. IN MOUNTAINS OF NORTH CAROLINA . 'A VERY SELECT BOARDING HOUSE LORETTA HALL. HOT 8PRINC8, NORTH CAROLINA. BjeellenTeWeandJHn H. M. SWAINE, PROPRIETOR.