Fri'lay Evening, February 16. 1894. THE ASHEVILLB DAILY CITIZEN. NEW SPRING GOODS ! HSUS GOODS! WSPRKBOODS! Our Spring Goods Arriving Daily and Being Placed on Sale Immediately at The Baltimore Clothing, Shoe and Dry Goods Company, 10 and 12 Patton Avenue. We lead and others follow. The leading department store in Aeheville. Greatest in volume of business each department now complete for the Spring trade. In fact experience demonstrates that our methods arid pri- es find favor and wins patrons in proportion as they are compared with competitors. Our Baltimore buyer has secured for us 5,00 pieces of the well known brand of Amoskeg Ginghams. Guaranted fast cotton. Regular price 10 cents Wo are offering the entire line, your choice at 5 cents per yard. Our Dry Goods department is now complete in every department. New Per cale?, New Dress Goods, New Fancy Lawn, New (iinghams, New Satins, New Batiste, Wash Goods, New Crapialenes, New Hosiery, New ilks, New Ribbons, New Laces and a full, complete line of New Notions. PERCALES 36 inch percales, guaranteed fast color, 12 1 2 cents por yard. NEW IAWNS-34 -inch. Fancy Lawns, guarant'od fast colors, 10, 12 1-2 and 15 cents per yard. NEW GING HAMS Remember, our Amoskeg Ginghams, we art off ring the entire line at i cents per yard. NEW SATINS 30-inch Fancy Satins, guarant ed fast color.--., worth 15 and 20 cents per yard choice for 12 1-2 cents per yard NEW BATISTE WASH DIlSS (iOOD.S-tt2-inchf worth 12 1-2, we are offering the entire line for 8 cents per yard. NEW (,,HAIEALl.ES-31-inch, worth 15 cents per yard. We are offering the entire line your choice. 10 cents per yard. SHOES, SHOES Our Shoe department is now complete and we are offering big drives in this department. Our Cincinnati Hand-Sewed Ladies' shoes are the best in the market Every pair guaranteed. Special in Hosiery for this week only. Our 25 cent Hose for 1 21 2 cents; our 35 cent Hose for IS cents; our 50 cent Hose for 25 cents Remember, we also carry a. complete line of Clothingand Gents' Furnishings. Hats, Trunks, and Valises. Very Respectfully, BALTIMORE CLOTHING, SHOE AND DRY GOODS COMPANY. WANT COLUMN. WANT HI 'To txeh nr vncutit city property lur a piur f h"" draft lmr cr or muks Anpi) to K. K. HI' I., li-lli dlw East e un IMikc. to SSO uer werk urini: und J)&tJ U1 KHiub'e i lati r t v rv MtT.m hat st", wrn knivs, 1 rki, spoons, etc. 0'iickly plut tl by dipum in m it d me at. fro expriimce or hard w i k: a k od ttiiua tion. Aditrcs- v i turri-ou S: tu., citrk No. 11, Columbus. Ohio. FOk iVK.V7 FtR ItsN 'A three Btorv cUiretmun'. Corner North Main and Mirri-m.n a ve in u. uotairs suitable lor lamily Ap; ly t dec2Hdi!nto M.J. FAUO F.R KliST The storer-'om aid hnw tmnt i'N-. 8 M'Ttlit: urt sur , I'os tension given January 1, lHiM-, Appl" to T. C. tT-vNHs, octUHdtf At Store FOK H MM I McDowell Mou-e.Park Hot Co. Inrec brick otiS'' in splendid c nil tion I -'or term apply to DR J. W 0 T LK dll' or M. J. F 0(i. FOR RUST The Buropenn hotel outh Main St., .rviiic N. . Flmt ch s stand for restaurant. Terms reasona ble nulv to T Ii, John ton or K 1 hom ts, Johnston building. au29dtf T'R RrfMT v. B lohnHt'inS former rem Jj denve, OS North am tr-t t, ticun v .131 by irtue of i lie p n-vei in mc vrs cd uv a ce lain oei-d i i trut with ful ter ol slc ih 'ci.i, i-xccu ed to mc as tniHite y Tht M M'orr a id Mary i.. M e, hm wiu-, datt-d he 1 li iU id" September, A D , 1MI J, H d duly ncord d u i ihc lltli day ot pt ii li r, A I ., i ! in i lu- uttiix ol the Ki t ter l I'c tin i f Muiu'otnhc tou tv. in b ok oi mo t:UKt s i.d tie tl' f Lm-t N . 31 , hi paue 1 i etc., ami I wli ell us rtfrmte cd rtt rente i lurch n.nte for lull n rucid ih ling thci cot, to M'turt tlie p .yui at ul' ee tui i c . nd lUiault hn iil; lie n u.aic in he p y tru nt of tht n d link atiu ii in eo daiou ftlie iml d ed in tru t 1 will mil t t e hi. he t bidder I nali, at uu -lie aucti u at tue coui t house d. or. i th - city ot th il'f, n tuf c-'iiip v ol UniK' in c mid state ofNortcar 1 1 tin im Mttu-diiy, th 1 . th a v of F b uury. a n , ihlj4 in 1 o e o k m.. the pr r'y diser b d n tue haid d ul in tfti-t. t i ati-ly the tc n s and conditions ti i tuned the in" ' tic Mind il ih h u (ltd and ih -en t il a- folio' s i.y n. and ben g i th count f liuuenuihe Mat t f on hna und ia tin- e iv of bhcvule, id l n the land o lf . ! mint . . A. t. A'c.t ind o hern u il b ud d and nure purlicdur.y d a rib d an 1' iiu is- en nnuiK i m puht in tne wvtii a Kin t f t ilth s au -tree , F A tai n tig' eo ne , mi l ' ru tttward " ith id i-imtiiK's tine tntiet (,lt f ci to a M'ake ns i i u e; iht nee mrlh- aid8cvfn -ti e i 70 lee ma tt itke in A "et'ftli t; h ec e niward with -ad es- s ine feviiity -eu h' (7, ee' t . S-nith XI it i tt ret- ; the .e- s mill i h l.c we--n irgin t aitl f net s via j-hve 15) f et tat: i c.uiiiintf iil'tji 'h r il- bo ipt i i O' a-il laud ref H-iice ih Ii r by in t c to the . I'd oteii i . trust lhi- ill h tin nt J n u iry. i ill S. .. JONH-. j .alit Ot Iri "J rut-tee LONDOH SU3UR3S. H pusltcto the a nurs' wttre uie. lar c and com n .iioun, with ' X'c hiv grounds, and i h n !lihn c mi utes w 1 f pnbn sipi't-p. A mo a Uirfz room a o. r0 Mnith viain -t'eet adj mm. the lmi ewinj; Maehme rtiee -pp v to W. I'1-Va-dt. onn r Co it- sirect d nun Stpuirc. or R. H J hnstun, P. lux 177 I IthGdif HMKfl' Vi BAK!N1 Sice romns h at d hJil . -. h-rry Htrct. MkS. M'CKI Y. tk'C'Odtf HORll0 Two Ctnn ctin rot mm vii rant. outh-in exponurw Mrs J Lie. 20 r'liut mreet. uecJd;t ABSTRACTS OF TITLE -OF- PVRTIB-4 wi-hin pood board or louf or fve c nif rtaitle Tonmit to- Ha t houseke pi i g wi I io d to ch I n M . t M un1av, H blake strcit, uu Mo tf r.i m.. nae car line tebl- dlw w e I'tra nti twuit . n ntlv ii i comfortably lurnisu'd. tlratc or lurmie hett hot aiid c iu wnttr ith nth- oi two (1 iors On electric ear lm-; five mi -ute waU from the su -are, I entm modt ru 1KS I'hKK V. novtSifuno Utl N ir'h M Inmnct n 1 in Ibmcftmbc County, North1 Car !iftn I'lniy Furi-hrrt urv ini I I ti. C nrrfil Info" ation As to Ktnl tvNtate i ran kis ivery ownef a piece of land shoul ) ktmw un hiM f the niiMici nt ti If it pr- viU' "vni rs, the nnnn 3 ot th"M- w h have h ul ineumoriitiefi -inj! it; tfc nninr-- nf the -t'liinen ov hicnanv in I nil nf 'IP'S perso'-s 'o vt cd Inn or her i"t-rt-i, n I ii-ed ln - r ht el d at!nitit i: h un -nTti" ot the la rl. und h tnr t lii-re cimllii' in; e iMs in deii. ni Jirtjoini u, p'tiperty; npp rt nt irrtiriila itie n a--v uistrutnem convetiii. the land. et ., etc., etc. TJOVKDINO- Hdav JJ ro m , -i-iKlc careful mn urver Unvm bind or loan m ncv r nhK'a eitf n kindwi hout hrxt rri i mriti if an u -tn date r ci I in1 i". rt"'ttlt bv an inrnpvnr one whnr ban m s it is t'i tic itdormed tn su h m.u if '8. worn tirxcoMi-i-: HIS: O I E-Mn. T t.i as Wu .. nu t, Mo Istr, hi inovi. .r.-.t. f ' co. vn-icii Ii KMl'lSiN, N-i 0 v.. rill lift iliure r Hi i- ul In rk I the ..nit tilt. uu t II il-i', kIk'vIIU'. Nil ICK -By virt e i.f nn titiut n i in h .ndNi r htctii.n i.u- il y J. C til y, C . of K. ti.- nib. i'.u..iy, a. I in lav ir of S J Ku i-r ok ilnst i B J a k .in i willtrlla pubi c out r a- til tuur h.. do'.r. in thr cit. nil vi Ir, un the l.'t dav til 1H9- i 8Hiir ih t'x.c ti..n HDd com thr J ekii n u id hrKi.n.i on tw inn I pm. s un iht t 11 i.l' ihc moi.n tain, in 'h o 2 rait Jump II - u' , n-d runs a th ne liu drcd ai. .iU'tv (Imi pu.iioa m 11 iuk. n ti. ou h ai i ' a i.ra ch: th n ru h up brnnih Willi vii Icr' .in. to the tii ol t.; .Ii n th the top..! al'l mnun tain t i lb i.c in n k r. tu ning 0 a rm D re o- e J A IIKHik l h I., Mi nil B-O-d -rl I'.r I' M JOB , l tt'lli. y v.r ue ..1 an t'SfCii ioni' iu hunrln lor cull.ctlo , iiu.ed bv J atluy, C S C, f nunc, nib -toun t . N i ,. (aveir I the hevnle Luniii. r nn.i Ma ul tu inir co .l O'iy, Bga n. v H e i, I II .d.ltu W K K-iy nn ' 8mvn White, trunitt oi H a Cn . k church, I il sell at nui.l ontc y, ot the ourt . unite ou' in the cit ot A-l.tville n 2tn dny ol M rih. 8!H, ! fi'l X cation an cos-, the l.iiio.. inR dencribed plec-ur ptnel Pai d lu.ate lyinK an b inn on Hnw creek in the cmn of Ilu. comb ., an.i tate f N rh ifir.iiui. ntid nioe purticulurlv dccribtd a loil.iw U InK the taiue pierc nr patcel of land i.i'O whi h sinn.'a he M K vhurcn, known - l "Haw rcrk ch .rcn " n. d bclnnth tt pie-... (a ecl 11 nd co v t(l o met. us ecsof a a church by W K Wt un I l e, M VVt st i. autcil K b ua v vO, tlH7, ii e ih 'e-i ttred In Uu t oiu .e cumy rc-jn cr1 ollicc, In b..ok t wu ch ti ed reicr c ee i htrebv m.le lur the piirpm. ul tl. scripiiun. n t ricciiiliiK Ir .... the Inn l it therein dtscib. d ail that pur i.ui since mi. by aid C'.nrcn Hi.d lot w hlci. any de.d ot deed. Ii. f.e h ve ic--n r.cotlel J. UN A BKo. K IIIH", Sheriff g-dtfin ltrFMJiiics,u--- IJ Ind'.JVMdent i.ta-nitu; Shorthnrid wih Which I'm KAWN MONHY. If ou ca.inut here, we c:in ui vc y.m in r.iuuh cour-tt- bv mail Snnifaciio. tiarunte d, Wu tlu not teiic't in pritittil . , it- tiili rfl do. i.ui t eat tlr- itit.iictt of ich in.tivi unl pupil n retitii e.l. Te-niH l!ll lor i-t.UM-- I 4 ' i.tsii'it to br ik-n v I hi 'Jo w ku. i.nxublc liu f in fid- nee. Hod lutlrtncr in fi.i tl...s el-b 'Okt e tt i'Utilt We t- ch n- th UK but tn-.d-..d th'. tiliind itll-l tiivv lull vtil.ic lur muney c. lv il v i:v -i thus iinrcH r, siu.n an i i- I'Al h I'.u. if vi. u w-ii t'i uu. chair n ynewtitt-r ..I liny niMkV uu enn s.ive ...u-'cy - tiyintc ho kIi ti.. If HS'Co.'d- i. d Al'l cr to ---.l. s'.iti it to ui nti. I we will sii.tsr . f it t r you tn In st ml nntai' , ine tibiecl t'i v -nr a'.it r vai. I vott it 1 t -a IhIi loliu, a it tiKiclii'ie M'ti'l titi t'i one tu urt to rli.m iphiv ri'i'itir.-d. mn7dm Ntll'iCU Hy litne ul the p wert.fs,. contained in a tied uf trust enccit ei to the uiider-.if.'ned by muiic v t-a h nil . Ta blth i Huh his m He. tiuitd Oct bcr t n lMUi. a u RKisieied on i He-1 .0 t , iq. o boo 81, oi the r.cuid ul d ds o trusi it the odlce ui the r Kistcr ul dc ds of Bun comb- c.unty, N. C , and uciuuit hnvlnu be. n made n pavmtnts tltcrin provided fur and a .plication having; been nind tuthe .in dersiuned bv the net-., n to tht muney du ou the u paid nutes ny taid deed ' ol trust cured to make auch a.tle, the un tier-, gut d will sell i rcanat public i.uur J at th" tout t bou-e door In tlie city uf he . Tllie, in raid rounti ul Hun ombe, tu the highe-t, un Monday, the .0 h duy i F binary, I HU all that certain piece or pa eel of I m l In the ounty ul Duucuinbt I and State I North . arulln ., J) inlni( tue lands ol J, J, to t, William right anil nth rsand uuunded and mure pattlcularly : dtictlbcd isfulluivs to-wttUtgt ningouu wnitc uan .n ne e-taiueuit eroaiin.ith otluhawulbe tsun ; tnrnce ru a wist 1U poles to a in tit Cuiucitaun s il t; the te north with Wuiitiu t. nine Imn'i lint 14 i tiles to a c i-tnnt; the ce N. 8 0 B 1b . olclto a whllro .k; thence N 4. li. ill. fem-r, 61 pul a to a while thenci ail" . Bd -1. les io a po-t oak on , thecatld f hr r ad; tnen e B 87 p es ! tu a Hp-ini n i as I ' w Inanl Miinht'a line tnenct a. ID pules tu a klc-ur. i the. ice n. " po ts o a cedar, J hn t ulucris n'a e rner; thence a t the ucmnnln , ot t-iiniiiK TA acre-., mo e or l t aether with the ai.nur. te. a t . i ni xutn tl t o .nmry, .8114 w. u UAHa, 1 r H ii 0 0 THE STEflUGIU'HIC hSTI'UTE, 1114 I'liuri-ti St . N-w Cilv AND BEST IN H L' PRI PARI D ONLY IV V bfi I TAYLOR MAH'0COX f f IT. 10UII. af 1 0 r Beware uf linilm i.'ns He sure tu get the original. Mnde only by Taylor BIf. .. M. JLou'ii- jnn20dtt III rrustee. Janr lirtiken wniii ami vt'lilcUs nf nil lnd to B. Biirnettc' sli ip m lolli-p .tm't, vehcro thev will lit rrpulrcd tromptly ami In firatilnas tyle. Hnv iir aecured a firat-cluss hnmc-shorr 1 nuke all kinds of fine aliocltiKasiicclulty. U mTRXKTTR To Ao-nertiBrra. Ti Iniurc chanRt of advertlavmctiti raniilns on regular contract, copy mint be handed In b? 10 o'clock a. ru. II iiiiUnnii' ( ounlry I I i -.- anil tiiiml Cimls o"htl . II tl-4' lltl-ll I H Oin'i.f l fit- tltinirs lliii: ai i'i-ts tin-nl U'lil ion of ii r.iri'i'jnt'i' u lu'ii i -pi.iri ii'.r Milnii'liim Mm-lli l,.iin..n isllu' ' liftli's. 1 1 u 1 1 ii i n '4' iiluiiL; t'iii'h -.iiK- of tin' I'uii.iwii v tlit'.v i'i--c fu'.ir, li vt- innl m.n ft-i'l in lioiiflil Tlii'V : i -.- in lliiMli-.-trirt cumin 1 1 ! ,v t.f li.itvMmrii. iin.l are kiL'i .t e;t ft-fu 1 1 ,- 1 1 i i i 1 1 1 . - I I.y I lii'ir nwiioi's, ii'i'st'iitiii:r ii r. i't.-'-li i n;j-. ft mt inn. nis fi'iii-i; tif 1 I'.U :,tv;'c'l i) nvt'i'iiio' shrill) r.. i' inilos initt milt's. Suiiiyinn's llu-i-f is :i l.ivhfc in this o'lt't'ii lu'ilui'. It iivmllc oct'iii's ul sunn- liii-ir.. t'stuli' tvliuM invniT, ii;)ni'i'iitly jtviloiis U'sl tin' pnli I if limy -iv tin? trt-asuro uf liisoi'.mnils ;iii'l ivithfi- tlifiii In- tlit-if lmzi'. puts 1 1 1 .1 si'Vrn-l'oi.t, "btinrliiiif" ul' ".-pi;! on!(" tsilkf !l liniii-ils split fi-iiin tlie ..y all .1 l-t ill . ii I. Il mtlliL's il lihli'ii'isiy irj-ly IVikv: a .stunt- in- l.i'icii wall tt.inlil be no iiniiv t'vpi'iisivt', ti ii : I not su nn siylitly: lint tin- Oiik ftMii'o "is Hi,' IliiiiT." ii" 1 i'"ii-fiU,'iitly tin- tj'.'iit'iiil i-iH-iil liiii'in niy unit pit;! iirt'sipn'iu'ss is lf-ti-.iy.'il. 'Nn run I' iii'r rin.'i' illy iniicnlaini.i'il innl ti .hvi.vs Wept in u M c-1 It-lit I'unili I ii n. ' I" I : t .v itri- riiis'il in tin.' ivnti'i ami .slni.' t.iwiinl tin- siil.'s, wlier, llu-iv iiiv lii l It1 "ili!,! s" ur ciiiinnt'ls to t-ll'I'V IllV till' W.ltOI'. l-AI'l-pl un lliu main l'u;i I-. tli.'i-.t is m iitli'inpl at "niiiilf" siili'tviilU-,, 'I lk' usual pl.n: is in i.ll.m- tin' (.'rass t.. litow ln-1 Wfi n the h;i w ', hi .i'ii "on it n I iiu- ilil.t's. t'fi'pt whi'iv tii'it pii-M'iio'.'r- Ik- it nut a path I'l'uiii llii'ir i'iiii .tiint ras-in.i' In ainl fn. "mil ! nics "sliin"'"' :. In- w n upt.ii U;i i pi.tinvay by Int. ti' .' mri'i ., ii iry i lif nn I; Int. us a in .-. il .-. to if m.luiiil sliitt1. ami tt it .inly it I'lal.t'S a I'liii i-nti it -4- t'li.'t'l. .-siiliiotinU's, as wr pii-s pn'vate frouii Is in. 11. .tiff 1 o-ap in tin- lifilr-j 01 tiali I'i'iii.'i'. iiinl i-iirlit liu-iiii''li the tri-oiiiiils (of i'ouri' mil intiTlVrin:: with Hit1 (jiirilt-iis. i'tf 1 wo Innl a .iilnay. Tli'-i- put lavavs lii-l.niif tn tin! pulilio, I unit In- .li-tur'i.'il nr flusi'il. I Siifii a piis-iii'i' y fiillfil a "I'ijflii-ot'i '.vay." Ill iiri'uy eiisi-s, shoiilil llnv-o. patlis jui-s thniu;.:'li 11 (,'i'iitlf inan's jai'il, t-'iitt's wit limit loi'i.s, are put mi them, lutt inoiv tiltfii w liml the ti. stile. Tin1 s'.il.'s lire unt iiiuvii-hli-. 'I'liey are iiie le in various ways, j Iml Uiey must lie el'mlit'il uver, ami it . is ii peeiiliar eliiirm to tlie ynuii"' swuiti ' Io liave Hie pi ivil, re of lielpinp; Ills latly low: titer tli.'.o Anil now we sluill enter the ruuiiils ul' line til' the rrsiilents ami haw 11 elu--nr view uf llifiii in 1 him. We pass tliroiiu'li a suino-in,' ifite ami will It tlii'iiii'i'li a lea nti t.i I ly la i.l out law n to Hie lit nt -1 , whifli is a spleiulitl liuit stimt! sti'iietuiv. lis nuister I'eeeives us politely, aii'l w lien e tell hi 111 wu are sti'iiiin;ers-.iiierii.' iis-wliu tle-iro to luiirn .siimethiii": : f Kiijlisli siil iirl.-ui life, lie ciirilially shows us iiroiiml his irniuiiils, w liile vt-ply him w ith ipies liniis pertainiitj' to the pr.ij.i'raniiiie we havt! set ourselves Incomplete. (In uur wiiv In Wallliiiiii Cross we pass.'tl liy New river. 'I'lit-ro l!. lonlie l lil;e nciiiiiil lie'.iutifiilly U-1 it , with frrtvn. tfnissy siiles ami lineil nn cither siile with pnp-hir-. c 1 111s it ml plan tr.'es. lint here it win !- tliroii'.'li this Li'fiitleui ill's ifi'mimls, liml yives inhliti iiiiil lie.uily, to his I'sipiisitely pl nte.l lii'.vn anil jriipli'iis. He infill-. 11-. us that this is an ni'tiliciiil river, tlie -uH'iii"; tif il icliiiii llel was lieyiin I11111 Ire Is nl' years nsfii, ami that it ciinies I m nn ;i jrreiit ilist inci' In supply I .mi. Inn with wilier, Ku-ry .person wlms ,1 pusses t lin my Ii is In 111 11 I, hv' a . I'.'e ii oil, tn li 'ep that purl of il l In in ui trh ly clean' Imt iil sliteil intfi'Viils the nllieersiif the New Kiver uiiiiipiiny foiiie t.ieMiniiiit' it innl rem ive tl 1 1 y t'nul In it It mi that unV'ht cnlliM't lie tween the clen nine's. It Is tvrt.iluly 11 delightful 1 i t it 111 tothe lieauly nl' tin) ffi'oniitls of hiiliiirlian North l.iimlou, tlirtui4'li wliieh It. pusses, ami for up peiiriineo salio, if (nr un nthei' reason, thev Uoep Its bunks serupiiliiiisly muit innl Htiwer-betlooUeil, Tlirotiifh tla tivus we seo 11 tennis purty In full Hiving, innl lvoiul, in tho open lieltl, tho haymakers are tossing tht) liny, while tliu little ones voiini iirtiiiiiil it, A iiioro lietiutlfiil pieturo of ! VorMii-lis iitippniess 11 woiini 00 tiniu'iiii to 1111 iiifine. Then ivu go to see tho (freen liotises, ferneries, graperies, oreliltl litilines ami (itlier ffluss Imuses in this lieiiittiful K'anleii, 11 ml are ilelie;hteil at the politti Interest our host taUes In ex plaining everylliiu;); to lis, llelilnd tho (rreeiilioiis.'s is an excellent veifetublo (fiirileii, from which tliu wants of the luiiiHelmlil uro Biipplitiil. When wo re turn to tliu liouso our host klntlly in vites us to havo a plussof wine 11 ml a lilsrntt. This Is a tyiilcal North fon- id hi resilient of the butler eluss, in ..'iiiiu business m tlie city, out nerc in his hniiie he is 11 .fen tic man of leis iirj inr the time beiii)f, hospitable, re li :n- I ail I i 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 c 1 11 : 1 1 . ...i'l ii I stin t social amusements, i)'i.' iiuiir of each week tho (fentle 1: i i - whist club mcct-t at tho homo of ; if l!i ineinbers. I'.y this, toffetlier v ! tin. Iivipicnt ilinner pui'ties, bulls, t 1 ' :riM U n parties, etc., a sticial en 1 ;.:ilv is su.stiiincil, so that in tho 111. lie:' nf amusements the suburban l"-'.l HYENAS OF THE DANUBE. riiinderlni; II n) Many Dratl llutlit's Hint Flout Down liio Itivcr. A painful sensation has been civnleil here, says a Vienna correspniiilent. nt tho London Telegraph, by an urtiflc in one of theViennn daily pa purs, unlit led "Tho Ilyenus of the Danube," in which a jrewsnniely realistic description is given of tho annual appearance of hun dreds of corpses floating down the river it. of North l.oiiilnu are at least between Vienna and llungan', which iipnn ii level with those nf siinilarlv are regularly plundered by the people 'ilaectl I' imilit's in any nther )iirt tif the on tho banks, and then cynically .viii lil. In the matter of exercise, the thrown back into the swift current of j young men and the yniing women keep the stream, never to be heard of again, up the ni'nverbial love of the Knglish Tho writer considers this horrible youth- I'.r outdoor games, sMirts and statu of things cainly in n judicial: ivalkiir,'. Tennis, liiidinintnii and ero- light, aud complains of the serious I losses thus inflicted upon the living iu eonsetpieuce of the absence of all clew ; to tho fate of their unfortunate rela tives. "Year after year," ho allirms, "hundreds if lifeless bodies the mor tal remains of suicides, victims of crime anil victimsof accidents ri se to tho surface of tho Pauuhe, are swept! along with the current, and washed ! up on the land on one bank or the oth-' cr. Hero they nro discovered by the 'hyenas,' who rillu the corpses, and then, as a rule, kick them back ou the waves, after winch 110 human being worries about tliem more. Tlmiisumls of people vanish from the scene in this manner, no one ever learning what fato befell them. Ulood-curdling crimes remain undiscovered, and the uncertainty whether a man is dead or will return again to his family and friends is often fraught with heavy losses to the latter. No mound murks the spot where these unfortunate peo (he favor. He games nf the I'he men join intliese, but, of c iiir-e. cricket is t fit: young, ami old, I'iiilishiuan's game par excellence. N il much mora can be said, except a nut the little ones, l-'rotn an early age they aiv taught drilling, deport ment, anil dancing; they enjoy the saino games and spurt as do all other chil dren: but sneeial care is taken to instill in I heiii respect as well as hive for their r- lessons which they never for .ret. 1111 I which insure a domestic) happinc -s ill after life never attained wilhn it such early teaching. Kvery yen-1 here is held u special Mower show for children at tho village hull: prizes are given for i.tnipu'ls nf wild llnwers as well us garden llnwers, and iu this a hue for the beautiful antl for nature is inciiliMteil in the yotiiig people's minds that tempers their eluii-.u-ti'is and prepares them for their future pl:i"rs as Knglish liiiliesaud genlleuieii. 1. Iribiiue. SHUT YOUR MOUTH. Kudauger Your A Pure Norwegian Oil is the kind used J. in tlie production of Scott's Emul sion Ilypophos phitcsof Lime and Soda are added for their vital ef fect upon nerve and brain. Mo mystery surrounds this formula tlie only myslery is how quickly it builds up flesh and brings back strength to tlie weak of all ages. Scott's Emulsion will check Consumption and is indispensable in all wasting dis eases. Pr.',nr...l ! Si'iitl ,t U..11.1.'. N V. .11! ilniiruiHl-t desert who is buried beneath enormous Band waves, or like the famished trav eler in tho wilderness whoso body be comes tho food of birds of prey. And I yet wc arc living in Europe!'' ONE FAMILY provid; .0 FOR. livery Fu lly Keeping It Open Vnu Health. Pon't be offended. Tho admonition is not meant as a reflection upon your talkativeness. Talk as much as you please, but keep your mouth shut when you aro not talking. reoplo who keep their mouths closed ! except when they aro talking, eating i or drinking, rarely contract colds or it Inciiulm iiu. M.nmr. li of coughs. Savages, even those living in I rni-cnn t ounu j-. northern latitudes, seldom take cold. I Intimately us the ruling families of Scientists say it Is because they are Europe were allietl by Mood and mar close mouthed. riago in the middle of the sixteenth Disease germs floating in the air find century, when Mary I. was queen of a direct route into the lungs of a per- England, the prese nt thiy displays still son who breathes through his mouth, mora intimate and widespread cuuneo- They are arrested by the fine, sieve-like tions between them, network of hair in tho nostrils of tho Take tlie Knglish royal family us the individual who breathes through his starting point. H is connected, first, nose. Keep your mouth shut and you with licrir.any by Kinpress l'reder- may defy pestilence, ick. The present emperor is (Jueen The teeth suffer from too much und Victoria's grandson. The duke of Ed- too frequent exposure to the otmos- inburg married into tho Russian fam- MAGNETIC NERVINE. Is sold with wrltt guarantee to tu NervousProatr tion, Fits, Oil: neaSftlt'itflnt'lii-ii Ni'unilKiailliilM'ill fttlni'Mi.ciiU'.eil I.y- Tiitiui't'O anil Al . av not; iiii-nnii xrpi .HrTtR' ki.m. Softeninir , In' Brnln, I'liui'lm.' Misery, inannitynmi uent : ltni-riii.'ss. impnti'ii.'-,-, Lout Power In t-ilut-rt.. Prematura Old Ae, liivnliiiitury Lntw-i, tutu. : ;v ..v.'r-ln.lii!.'i.ii.',.iv.'r-."t.rliill nf llltt llrlliu n Errors ef Youth, 11 ulv.stn Wink Orciins tlr Sol m-iil iu. 'I tlnttl'iii'. th jnjf nf llli-; cm ! l-ui'iirrlui'ii un.l lM'iin.l.' IVi'tikni'hi. A inniilirii tn- ,1 t. 41,..,. ., t( 1, f ,V t ll''!ll, "I 1 NUII 1. 1' hW.', .. .".Ill, ....v.." w meow, -.-., i.w --i .-. , wwu v. - v I 'T In iX, li In it.'H f ... II 11 t-Vcrj' T" 'irillT WI. KlV Oil-call Of humanitv; no truce reveals Written Conrontoliu'Uri. or rernii.l tlieinon , t 'iri-uiitrN (rcn, Ominiiituu iut'tl uuly Ly our t the course of their last long journey; ' eiui-ivuuuimu they havo simply vanished from the world like tho lost wanderer of the ' MM i -BEFORE 31 t KAYSOR & SMITH BLT0RE Dr. E. C. West's Nerve and B-ain Trnn' i filil iiinler itufii Ivo written Kuanmtce, by uu ii'il itk'"iitr (inly, tn cuio Wi'iilc aitmutry; J.o llniin ami Nerw I'uwrr; I.M Mnuhixitl; (miHt Niirht HvJI Dn-atu-; l.iit'k of CmiiII)I Nfrvi'tMii'--;'; nil Drain; Loss of l' ff ilio Uciii'i-utiwi Ori'iin in eith-T mx, rU"(i ovi'r-'i(tirti!i; Yinithfnl Krroi-M, or Kxi'tsive Vt TithinTo, ( iptuin or J.fiiunr. vhli-Ji oouu itad Mi cry I'lHi-iiiMpti-m liiMuiity ami Pcnlh. liy 11 ?1 ali; trj"; Mild ti-riltcii jrunnniti' tocurr n-rumi money. VVIST's COI OU HYKP. A cti rutc rr Cnufli'!. I'oiiH, Asthma, UrMnrhHis-:n Wlmnpiiitx Cniu-'ii, Snro Tlirnnl, PtutiMiut tola Hnuill (iieuutiiiueii; olil, fi'if. nizp, nnvUV.! MmzimiuwJUc. (JrAKAMXKS iueii onl.v by T. . i'ith VIM phere. Sudden changes of tempera ture, whether liquid or atmospheric, aro hurtful to them. Tlie best teeth in tho world are those of the savage tribes, whoso members always keep their mouths shut except when talking or eating. ily. Tho prince of Wales married a princess of IViitwirk, which house is also connected with Iiussin. Denmark produced the present king of Greece. Tho representatives of tho Wetliu family havo been, during tho present Throat and lung diseases uro often reign, the prince of Wales, Ernest II.. contracted by persons who go about duke of Saxo-Coburg; Leopold II., king open mouthed. The frosty air of win- of lielgium; IVrdinund, princo nf l!ul- tcr Inhaled directly Into the lungs garia; Albert, king of Saxony; the king through tho mouth is a frequent cause of Portugal, grandson of another prince of bronchial disorders. Taken through of Coburg, who, by marrying the queen the nose It Is modified and eiftcd of of Portugal, became king of that coun- many of its dangers. Keep your mouth try. the l.iigusii ruuiilv again is connect ed with tho Olilenburgs, thus bringing in tho Scandinavian family. The king of llenmni'lt's daughter Is the princess of Wales. There are also George I., king of Greece; Krnest, duko of Sohleswig- llolstcin. tho grand duko ot Olden burg, and Alexander III., emperor of Russia. Alexander III. again is a UomauolT. In other directions, again, tho em peror of Austria enters into this royal family, and on his side also the grand duko of linden, the queen regent of Spain and her little boy king. In fact, there Is not a royal family in Europe at the present day which Is not more or less Intimately connected with tho rest by kindred or by marriage. shut! t .Itllllli.t'l t tin lis, I'rt'iich cashmeres, that are now sohl so cheaply, inalce chiii'inlng house I gnwiis antl dresses fur informal occa sions in the evening, when chosen in 1 ,li ;hl gray, mauve, Nile green, cerise or Jul le yellow shades. Th y should be' with ii yoke skirt plain a tiiiiid the hips, the fullness below held iliac- ; corditui plaits. Hands of velvet or else j millers' folds of velvet are placed row after row aooiiiul the skirt yoke: also on a round yoke of the waist, anil the close lower part of the sleeves. The front of the waist ami upper part of the sleeves are also accordion plullcil. Harper's --Tho works of Martin l.ut her bear evidence U the fullness nf his vociibu larv of abuse. In lieiiiiuuelng his ad- Iu eonlroversv ho fiillowud the custom of his time. In his contro versy with Henry VIII, ho culled the majesty of Kngluud a knave, u fool, a rotten worm of the earth, a ridiculous donkey and oilier things that will not bear reprinting. "Is that a Laudseer, Mr. Criusus'."' asked the visitor, pussiug before the painting. ".No," replied tho host, "reckon It Is a Durham, bee hoir broad it is between the horun, aud see the color and curl on its forehead lie ia i That's a genuine Durham, sure." toll ll'illtlt tltv. Tliii rpn. fiiili liij..,l.'il .It....'!)' ti, tlio Cu .liMue- el tl.0 in iiitthLTiiinry i: ni., rt'intn's iu. tni.iiit-i hi nn1 li nt-...i t, ..r M.imnom n f ittcnillly. til; ,,:r,Vc.:,ui.'i ft", Ely AS A PRS S.vJ b-'llll.i'rlthiirp PRSVENTIVF ! It. InliriHwujlilo to null tmI ilneu-p ; Imt in tho cis thtise iilroaiW li irm-1 UiTltL AMUl TZZZm'wT' m Vim witlili.'iiurrlmMitailt.lwit, wufcimi I Hi !C-SI ftljt'oaoim tru ly mail. pntU,! ,x. IADSES ivjvou k ,ov; DR. FELIX LE BRUM'S tin. iirt-iimii mill tinlv T''Ul!N('li, i.nfo tuitl ililtit'un. mi Hie iiKtrkrt, 1'Mfie.l.iW; mat tail. Ui'iiiiine t-iiltl only liy X. C. llltth, rn t' RICHMOND & DANVILLE R. R. CO, Samuel Spencer. B W. liaidkopcr and Reuhcu Poster, Keecivers WESTERN NORf1 CAROLINA DIVISION. ConrieiiBed nchedule In effect Dtc. a, 1H93 L AST BO U ND NQTI2 L-v Kauxville 8 lOam iViiirnstu wu u 40nm -v. i &int Kock...T." .7. tiul rpniifc;t-. T AKllCVlllf .. AancvUn;..... ' Ki.onii Knul M man J .'Jut f.;uuton i-ttjs.iry , " iM wtDD " aiuteuviiit vr. MtiiHijurj ' urccueibt. ru l.'UUVtJit , v. GrcenBboro . r. Durbuin ' tiOlUMUOILi '.; l, QCatlnTK N uHhin:tD aaitiuiurt tKlclphib ttv. V'.rk WES I BOUND .sew Vurk HhtladclpbiH iiultituurt 1' 3Upm I 4niu, i 10pm 2 aO'iic 1 r2titn A 17 pm (i lUpin 7 3Lptn I I I'Upm 7 0'ittoj 12 Ulum h 3oam 7 3' 'inn 10 in 11 h ts 7 13 w h L'3rt io oa NO. II nn ii. ti ft. iu O it. Lynchburg . Danville ' . KK'bUiUUQ.... Danville . orccurtboro ., ltfllNU01U,,. Kaicb Uur hum urccti.stji'ri... lu siw 3 43 um A 3wtiD 1 L 6ihoj ft 3 6 m 7 Jotim 1 Oupm 1 (ii'am 2 30nm i i ID urecnsDoro,... iaiisturv MHtrHVllIc ac vi ton , Utckurv Murantcn .. .Manon .fund Knub.. Asbcville Hoi Sprint,., - r" Ki'i'K inoxvillc.,.,..,..,,, NEW LIFE .-.BllCVltlt icndcr-iuii-iillc . .ut Koi;k .uluda r.on -t.Httflrih- rtf . Hi re i-- what I't tor Ctinic' , who I i v -it be ovir ill) vc.irs eld innl died nor nniiy milli us, snid of u newMiinper: I ill lowtn w litri n nt'w-ifi.i-ri- iu bli vcrv tnmi should ndvcrtw in it. if null nil inort' n ciril Hiatinu his iimi" mil ihc bus tu si-t he is in It not onl in vs IH' ADVERTISER, but il In lie in'opli- nt ii distance know that tin i.iwii in-Ahicli voti nsidt' is a ii oiu'r. u . .niniunitv of Imsincss men. Aitlic sccrt t sown so the 8i cd rrenmpensrs. Never mil ilowu vour sif;n while you exjirct to III IlllSllll'KS, -pat Lutibur-t, ryott ttlutla Kit Kuck t-ntiers'tiT'le ih. villi- -HHltlHMCH' .t aynrsvUlt... nrvtioD City. . Itltlrcws I ornotla ... hOim .. 10 16HH. ... 1 ' otixtii .. 11 flaiD ... IV lHi.m ... lat'im 1 2 4tnim ... 4 Oum o iJOp in 6 ftopm ti .-jopra 7 &Pf9 NO 14 0 5 nom ... "t -l-fini 7 outim .. H .'2..m 9 NO 13 h lr.i.m ... UK m ... U4M.ini .. iu liii m .... io .'V!pm .... 11 upm Non? ... H I Oam ... O 53am ... IK i 3am ... 4.12pm ... 4 47pm 6 05pm .W U. ,11, ,) lomotlu -todtx-ws Itryso l. ily... W tyncsrillr.... Ash- i-"i NO 18 ft 3- am f. 5am 6 10 5am 1 2 44-pm 2 U4vm iLtti"lti tH SfcRVICE. -s 1. uua i W--l'uiiniaD bii-t'p-rri.ijiriwe'ra ot-villr and t inclnniiti vii. KnniTllli. and rritnan, -.nil Hnllf an Hulli t vri-tihule cists Itt'twcrn Nr-a York, I hiiatlil) tun, liiii ore, VtasliinKlon and Hoi bprn ku via tvtllc. H Tl RK, 8. H. HAKl.WKK, n Pans. A Asst. itn Pass. A(ft., WashiiiKton, I) C Atlanta, Ua. H OKUhN, Grn Munanfr, Wasliltimt.n B. WcttBi., Gen'l 8upt., Loinii.hia, s. C. I IU AS TmHif M AiiMfcrt A a.htt.Kt.m i'1-til-l. fvcrpt Kitnrla-r ARRIVAL AMD OlFAHTlHf OF MAI S. HtflVR O p nl.. 4- ti p in., 1 2ll i I",, 2 15 p ni., Wli-T I-AST Slit' H .1.1 t. KIOWN., I.KAVK 4 or. p m 2 a. i p ui tl no a . H in a ill CPEWfiG AND ru SING OF MA IS l'R 3 oo p ni 0 on p ' 7 30 a in.... 3 tin p m.... AKItlVli op in... 7 on p tn... 9 on a ... 1 i O a in., WKST I- s i -IU"I II ... IH't KT' W "... Si AH XuUfiS. . .. RKI-VAM) ...lil'MAHVii l b. Uhl-CH . I.Kit KTh 7 OO p lll...Hl1THI-KI-VKU1U.. ei titiK 3 or, p in I 3' ' p in ft lo a m 7 10 a m l. I'.avk 7 n b m . ft in am , tl no a m ..I von tn . 0 00 a n .i'-Vi-.'SSfittP mm un.l Cipiuiuiittuiu flirt .1 iu li.'itit' w nn- u I t.ui I'lini.txiiik uuiiir- lis-sn lii'iiitirKni'iu I SCBt-ailCttTOtlll.M.W'lllM.I.KY.M l .' Ilht u llil'.VhiU'liKl!St HIn l.iiiiKiuiira Wiim Vlirnrtiiin. Wis. liltitter 1 was glad il was Mr. ltlottcr and lint 1 that knocked the lamp olt the iiiini mid spilled oil all over tho ouvpet. Mi's, llilderbiielc I've no doubt, lie Couldn't blame but himself. Mrs. lllotter-No, hu ct.uld ant And tiii'ii ho spuUu his in i ml about it lu a way 1 couldn't huvu ilouu to save my life. I'hiciiifo Tribune. Thcro Is wild to be no penal Instl litllon In this enimtrj that i wholly HelfsuiHHirtluur. I ltolnif the '.ariresl. I t lio Ulrui-t result of lioliur tlio j THE LARGEST SEED House IN THE. South tivU Wood's St'i'ils iiru known anil Blown in every Kiito in tlio Smitlij ni'hnnwlcilin'il to bo tlio best lor Kiirtlen, liuiii or lloltl, head, for Wuoti's Si't tl lltitili. 1. is not a mere cutnloRiio, hut a ri'i'ei'i'ui'o bonk of llio iii'iuili'st vnluo, con tiilnlnv un'ful liiforiniitloii IhiUi for Ilia triieltrr iukI pliiulir, tosollier Willi full purtlcutui'H iiliuul WQOD'SSEEDS A siMX'iui fimtiire for Mil Ir. the mil illrcot luim for Ki'owlnu Hrrts ftir Hn-rnr Making ulso ik'HCrlp I Inns of Lalliyrus Hylvrstris, ull liiviilimblu foi'iine plant, uutl nil the lutest. novelties lor irtir- iloaiind rtirm. Write for It, nntl current nrlrssof. liny umss, Clover, or other Kloltl Keoils rnnulretl. Henri your orders dli url, lf your inoreliuut dues not baudlo Wood's Seeds, r. If. WOOD i SOUS, Seedsmen, Richmond, Va.