VOLUME IX. NO. 251. ASHEVILLE, N. O., WEDNESDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 21, 1894. PRICE 5 CENTS. Asheville Daily Citizen. BULK OLIVES Good olives are the most piquant and ef fective stimulant to the palate, adding est to succeeding viands, and no relish hold a higher place with epicures. I buy olives in large origi nal casks and can give you high grade goods at a low price, WM, KROGER A LIST OF HT BRANDS OF CIGARS AND TOBACCO US Orandi of Plug Chewing Tobacco.. 72 Brand. Smoking Tobacco in Bags and tia boxes all size packages. 40 Different Brands Imported Key West Cigars, always on hand. It is useless for me to mention the various brands of Domestic Cigars, as It will take too much space. Pipes a Larger Stock than ever before. will now devote all my time to the above goods, and will try to satisfy all my custom ers. L. BLOMBERG MODBL CIGAR STORE, 17 PATTON AVENDB. OORTLANDBROSy RBAL B8TATB BBOKBRS. INVB8TMBNT AGBNT8. NOTARY PUBLIC ' Loans Securely placed at 8 per cent. Offices ilO ft 36 Patton At., np stairs Invest a Penny Save a Dollar! DO YOU BUY HOBSB 'AND COW FBBD? IP SO, DROP USA CARD, XIMO FOR OUR PRICES. IT WK.C ONLY COST YOU A PBNNY AND WB BBLIBVBWB CAN 8AVB YOU THB DOLLARS. FBBD 18 CHEAP AND OUR BA8BMBNT IS FILLED WITH FRESH GOODS. Gh A. GREER. 4 i. f-T- THE OCTAGON Is a pure high grade soap free from any ex cess of lye, and the first eight sided cuke ever made and just fits the baud. Over 100 arti cles ginn away with this soap, read the inside of the wrapper, also a full line of TOILET SOAPS BIG BARGAIN. One pound tar of laundry Soup foi a nlckle A. D. COOPER, Court Siiuure. BON MARCHE TUB 1SXACT NI5W YORK COST SALE IS TO UB CONTINUED FOR A SHORT WHILB YET, SOME VERY DBSlRABLIi GOODS YET IN STOCK. ALL AT EXACT NBW YORK COST. BON MARCHE ;I7 SOUTH MAIN STREET. MONUMENTS AND TOMB STONES. 1 am receiving a new stock of Monuments und Tombs of Granite and Marble, which 1 will Sell at the Lowest Cash Prices. I am your home dealer and have been here 14 years and will treat you right if you will patronize me. W. 0. WOLFE, Cor. Court I'luce and Market St. front of City Hall. Emulsion of COD HIVER OIL, UiithPoPt Wine. Under the above title we oiler a new com; binatlonofCod Liver Oil la which the nau seous taste of the oil Is completely masked by the use of Port Wine and Aromatic. At the same time the tonic and digestive prop erties of the wine render assimilation easy From those who cannot take Cod Liver Oil on account of its disagreeable taste and diffi cult assimilation wc confidently solicit a trial. Recommended in Pulmonary Dlaer .,, Coughs, Colds and General Debility. Freshly prepared at CARMICHAEL'S PHARMACY, 30 SOUTH MAIN STRBBT. BARGAIN. Blue Enameled And Agate Ware At Half Price. We have jut received an importation from Germany of several cases of these goods. They arc called seconds, but very few arc imperfect. All are offered alike. A rare chancefor hotels and bpardlng houses to replenish their kitchens with this neat and durable ware. We have In stock for the spring trade Jewel gasoline stoves and ranges, oil stoves, refrigerators, freeters and the largest and most complete line ol bouse faraishlngs in the State. Prices ? Why everybody knows wc are the cheapest in town. Our line of fine and common china, glass and lamps is vtry complete THAD. W. THRASH S GO. For Sale Dry empty boxes, casks, etc., for kindling. Pratt's deodorizing gasoline !0 cents per gallon. THESE ARE ALL NICE And urc different uruudi of crackers we receive fresh every wrek from New York Bakers: Scotch Taffy, Sociul Tea, Vanilla Cream, Salt Banquet Wafers, I'ancjr Grahams, Water Thin, Cafe Wafers, oatmeal Wafers, Ginger Snaps, Ex tra Toast. JPowell Sc Snider Z o h z D o o CO a w o Q Z CO o -I o CD z I o O $ Q O O Q LlI CO G O O O CO CO LlI QC Q o Vaccine Points It AVIS YOV DEEN VACCINATED .' we havu just ueen NOTI FIED FROM WASHINGTON THAT SMALL POX EXISTS IS TWENTY-THREE STATES AND AD VISES VACCINATION. WE RE CEIVB FROM THE NATIONAL FARM AT WASHINGTON, I, C, A FRESH SVPrLY EVERY MON DAY. I'HYSICIANS SUPPLIED DY Heinitsn & Reagan CHURCH ST. A PATTON AVE. WASHINGTON'S BIRTHDAY IT WILL. BE OBSERVED ABHEVIE.I.E. IN Special Exercises At The Bclsools and a Besslou of The contlnen tal Congress Parade in The Slorulnx. The program lor Washington's birth day i is completed for the celebration at the I Orange street school. The eclcbra tion ' will take place in the evening, the exercises commencing promptly at 8 o'clock. The first feature on the Dro gram to attract particular notice will be tbc Continental Congress. tCDrcscntit!" the i exciting time just before the signing of the Declaration of Independence President Hancock will be represented by Francis Smith. An animated debate will be started by a motion of Mr. Wythe of Virginia, in the person of Iler tie Cooke. Other parts will be taken as follows Rutledge, S. C Herbert Kevnolds I -n- r n .... uzwia, n. i rrca Miner WhiDole. N. II Ka T)cane. Conn RnrnPilT,tatn1. Paca, Md James Ware Darucii, n. m Uweu Smith Stockton, N. I Frank Plunkett Dickenson, Penn Leon Whitlock Sherman, Conn Dravton Miller Humphrey, Penn "..Will Way Withcrspoon, N. J Joe Justice The earnest and nhle rrnreiientnt ive Penn, ot North Carolina, will show his patriotism through Milton Reach. John Adams will aeain exhibit his fieri eln- UCnCC through the medium of Allen Miller. The cool and masterful anirir nf oumuei Aaama wii nirr.nrr nttpnhnn m the person of Isador Shaver, leflerson in iuui ui oiaviun raKes. wnne i.ee. nt U'Clllia. Will make some tdlmtj remarks luruuun iuitrar airinriirir. Ae:nsnn cnanes win type the shrewd and practl cat lien Franklin, nnd Hie nnnitTr. i-niifss. nance of Washington will be pictured in that of W. Ollie Wolfe ir Inn.i. recitations will be iriven bv Misses Mauac waclucll and Mary Nichols. ChaS. A. Wehh. esn.. will address file school on the "Life, Cbaractcrand Times oi nasnington. After these fentlirps a rncp, wr. mill lu given by Lady Washington and a bril liant coterie oi distinguished Indies Some of the narts taken will he ns in I lows: f.adv WriKhimrrnti Vr.ro U'n.. mis. nuncoiK uaisy looke Mrs. Lee n..n. Mill.. w lr t . . . Mrs. Rutledge Lottie Cobb Mrs. WrHie r..... U'niDa. Mrs. Wythe Ger. Walser ana. rcim raaoei Kmiuoipu Mrs. Jefferson Clara Lipiusky Mrs. lohn Adnms Cnra P,,.. Mrs. Lewis Mollie Ilernard There will necessarily be some anachro nisms in this, but this will hnrldv lessen me interest oi me occasion. Nellie Lus- tis and Ineodosia Burr will be present. regardless of history, and will be typed bv MisSCS Lottie Wells nnd mien PoMi There will be young lady ushers, and nit enure program will ue interspersed With tllUSic bv the Glee clllhof thesehor.1 The nhiee of nsaemhlv twill he in the nll Of the Orance street liuilrlini?. nnrl the room win De ngntea uu decorated lor tnC Occasion. The rrnnrt tlmf refresh ments will ue served to the public is a misiaKe. i tie patrons aud all interested in ftilil!. .Al.nAl ..!. Ill 1 ... i'um.iw nuwi vvuik, win ur Luruiuny welcomed, and the nnlv rlinriw for ml. mission will be uromnt attendance mid uuuu uiicniiou. Moulford Exercise . At Monttord avenue school the dav will be celebrated with recitations and singing, stories of Washington given by children and teachers, and other exer cises. In the 5th erode Nat S. K' will give a talk about Washington's youth, and an interesting occasion is ex pected. Oue of the leatures ol the tth grade exercises will be quotations by members of the erade. from Wanhinir. lons -Kuicsoi conduct." In some of tnc grades no very special preparations have been made, the teachers nrtferrin to celebrate the dav by regular recita tions, to make up time lust on account of the furnace. H about 11 o'clock. All are cordially in vited. At Bailey street. Mayor Patton will address the Uailev street children, the exercises commciiciug at 10 o'clock. The celebration will tukc place in Mrs. Fcatherstou's room. where there will be a soldier and Hair drill by the boys in Miss Drummond's grade; songs and recitations bv Miss Hutch s grade; and Mrs. Feathcrston's grade will sing "Mt. Vernon Bells," and other songs will be sung by nil the chil dren. Sadie Hmanuel will recite an in teresting story from Washington's lilt; Rhea Featherston will recite "ilnr rnn. try." while an incident from Washing ton's life will be given by Hurk Mitchell. One of the most interesting features, and a thoroughly patriotic one, will be the raising of a large (lag over the school, the flag being a gift to the building by the Bailey street children. The exercises in the lower grades at Orange street will consist of songs, reci tations, drills, etc., and will commence about It o'clock. M will be decorated for the occasion. At Catholic Hill there will be general exercises in all the grades. The patrons and other friends arc cor dially invited to any and all of these ex ercises. The Parade. The Ashcyille Light lnfantrv aud the cadets of Bingham school will observe tomorrow, Washington s birthday, by having a parade. The Light Infantry will leave the armory nt 0:30 a. ni. and proceed to Amiss' drug store, intersection of Hayword street and Patton avenue. There the Bingham cadets will be met at 10 o'clock. The line will form there ns lollons: Mai. Davis anil staff: the Asheville Light Infantry, Capt. White Smith rnmniflfiHinn: IliiiDtinm enrleta Capt, J. Frank Graham, commanding. ' Tka . I. - t -1. Ml- i- ue vuiiiiiiuiin i.i mr Asiicviiic nrc oe narttnent will also take nnrt in the i.n. radc with the A. L. I. and the Bingbam- itcs. The line of march will he: l!n I'atfnn avenue to the sniinrr' thnieo Iw Un.ak Main Street to Southsiile nvenne! ennn. termaa'h to the square; thence over North Main street to Stnrnct avenue; thence back to the Kunre, where the pa rade wilt be dismissed. The city banks and the internal reve nue office will observe the day by closing. THE CAT CAME BACK. Tale or a Feline Wlln Ine Tradi tional Nine Uvea. 'Tis a biffi useful cat, and yellow at that, and it looks out for rats in the store of Powell & Snider, no rat e'er de fied her but it went after lots gone be fore. Last night about eight, so the chroniclers state, Mr. Snider went to lock up his safe, to preserve till today, that thev mightn't im 'wnu th. "tin" from the bands of a "thafe." He shoved in the hnnlrs and filled i.n , 1. nAl.a .1 . up iw, uuiiu auu then pushed inward the door; felt some thing DUsh back hut p-nthered lin slaelr tol ss-vtn rnj"l. ana 'twas locked as olten before. l His morning, they say, awhile after LT. Mr. Rnider entne nn tn the atnr and wanting his books from their over- uil;uv uuuu, lurueu iac iuck 10 open tue safe door. With n rush verv str.nr 1 he door opened out, with a quickness that couiun c oe oeat," a-dhc bve books or more icu onto tue floor, in a promiscuous heap at bis teet. But, stranger than all, USt alter the tail. Mr. Snider was re. gaining bis hat) from out of the vault, Wltn no sense ot lau t.atermeri the identi cni oia yenow cat I 1 be Storv IS done, it made henoa of tun all wonder at that yellow cat's Dowers It Bad snent the nurht in Hint it tnc muni in mat sun au ciiFnc. nn i. nr. no worse lor its S(uecze of twelve hours. BVBV JAMESTOWN MILLH. How Tbe Logic of Events Has Answered Calamity Howlers Jamestown, Feb. 18. This city has three mills manufacturing worsted goods and one large mill manufacturing cotton warn. The nroorietors of all these plants have of late been writing letters and sending petitions to congress signed by their operatives with the intention of influencing its members against the passage of tbe Wilson bill, claiming that tbey have suffered great loss ol business thrnun-h lenr nf its nnssnire. Thev made this an excuse for cutting the wages of ineir employes one montn ago. iouay, however, after the naasntre nf this hill hv the House find a eerrnintv of its nassane in the Senate, these concerns are running wun a tun lorce ot Hands, I the cotton mill uutil 9 p. m.), and have been obliged to advance the waces of their emnlnvea to the old schedule. Their orders for tilt ipnng and summer trade are larger than .ucy uuvc cxucncuiTU tor vcars. . World. THE TARIFF BILL. Senator Mills Tblnka It Will Be Reported This Week. Washington. Feb. 21. Mr. Mills. Texas, has withdrawn from the Senate committee on finance. Mr. Mills says : I am not a member of the committee and only went on it as an emergency, Vest came to me and said Tones.: of Ar kansas, was ill, McPherson away from the c'ltv ait'lr snd Vnnee linnrn in Plorida trying to recuperate his health, and he 11 unu uiv IU JUIII VVIVU UIIU 111 CIUU the bill in anme sort of shrine sothnf the work could be done in good time. Under such conditions I went to work with him and Tones, who was soon thcrenfte. nhle to lotn its MnPheraon has reeiw- ered and is now in the Senate doing bis work; ana neing a member ol the com mitteee it is no more than right that be should en on with if in mv stead as 1 was but temporarily filling his place." II. c:ii .1 t . "i, ., , .tu. mm luiiiks ine diii win oe re ported this week. NO QUORUM Wbere are Ibe Democrats Who "are Paid to Work? Washington, Feb. 21. After the read ing of the journal in the House Reed asked lor a report Irom the sergeant-at-arms under tbc order to arrest absen tees. That official renorted that nil t he absentees were either in Washington or cu route hither except those sick and excused, and seven others who had been sent tor. kcco asked i any were under arrest. Sergeant-at-arms Snow re sponded that there were none. Kecd remarked that there was no difficulty in arrestinc Kenublicnna vesterdmr. nnd insisted that the others should be ar rested. Speaker Crisp thereupon dircctid Snow to execute the order. Mr. Bland moved to take mi the sriim. iorage bill and the yeas and nays were ordered without division. The vote re. suited yeas loi), nays 10; 10 short of a quorum. IT'S AN OFF YEAR. And Pennsylvania Goes Awav, Away on. PlliLAUKi.i'iiiA, Feb. 21. The latest returns received today from yesterday's election show that Galusba Grow for confrreasman-nt-liirare hns a r,l.rni:t exceeding 150,000. The Democrats were completely routed in Berks, the banner Democratic county, with majorities rnnoinc from 7,'S.onn tn innnnn vj. a n ----- i .wv,wir. 1U . county, another solid Democratic strong- l.-l.l 1. I. ,J . l, ... nui'i wuicu cuuiu generally oe relied upon for a maioritv of 3.000 to 4. nrm for the Democratic candidate, oavr flro ton plurality. The three principal anthracite coal counties, Luzern, Lackawanna and Schuvkill. all slin aver to the Remthliesn column. COLLEGE HOYS' MURDER. Sophs Release Cblorlne Gas to Strangle Freshmen. Ithaca, N. Y., Feb. 21.-About 30 freshmen of Cornell university were strangled last night by sophomores releasing a large quantity of chlorine gas in tbe dining hall, where a freshman banquet was in progress. It was with great difficulty that the freshmen were resuscitated. A colored momnn ..,i 1 ... ..w...nu viapiuvcu as a cook died last night from the effects ui iuc khs, ana i nomas McNeal of Pitts burg, Pa., one of the students, died this morning. A Republican Just Squeezed In. McKkesport, Tn., Feb. 21. The ex- citement over the four-cornered mayor alty contest here was intense last night and the vote was so close that no candi date was declared onfe until th. I.t returns, received at 3 o'clock. The result was as ioiiows: Andre, Kep., 909; Strat ton, Dcm., 93t; Thomrjson. InH.. fi.12 Keed, citizens, 781. Concressman Wilson's Health St. Louis, Mo.. Feb. 21 A nnpp.nl Irom Aguas Calientcs, Mei., says Con gressmen Wilson and Tarsncy have ar nved from Bl Paso. Wilson is feeling sc badlv that the party decided to stoi over here two or three days to give Wil on the benefit of hot baths. UNDER THE CAR S WHEELS AEON SO B. MONDAY HIB DEATH. MEETS Tbe TonoE Man Jumna From a W. A. & a. B. Car In Front or One on Ine Astaevllle tine on Depot Street And la Instanllv Killed. Alotuo Hilary Monday, a son of A. C I i . wu fW'ui ll(Cl UCdl LUC r n. . Kock hotel, was run over and in stantly killed by car No. 8 of the Ashe ville Street Railroad Co., Motorman Dan W. Brown and Conductor J. M Barker, at 12:45 today. The accident occurred a short distance below Mr Monday's residence and 123 feet from the mouth of Bartlett street. The body was frightfully mangled, the face being unrecognizable. The tOD of the skull was crushed in. both arms and both legs were broken and from a horri ble wound on the left leg the shattred bones protruded. Plia.l.. TM 1 . I . uuoj wua aimuu in nis other s doorway, saw the car strike his I brother anA vom his 1... . brother and ran to bis assistance, UUl was too late to save him. Tbe Carmen's Statements Conductor Barker's statement to Tim Citizen is as follows "We had left the freight depot on the iptown trio, about 12:45. We met the Sulphur Springs car at a ooint between Monday's store and the crossing where the Sulphur Springs line leaves Depot street. A man jumped off the rear end of me springs car and in iront ot our car, and about two feet from the front of our car. Mr. Brown, the motorman. re. versed the car, but it rolled perhaps six feet before it could be stopped. We found the body of the man, Mr. Monday, un- .1 . I. II. : 1 . - un me tar, auu ueiwccn ine macmnes. The car had to be jacked up before the liodv roillfl he fatten mit The hnd.-m. taken out by Charles Monday, a brother vi kur mail ruu urcr. Motorman Brown's statement is mnrli tbe Same as Conductor Marker's He says that when Mr. Monday struck the cround he. Mr. Ilrnwn psimht ut the young man in an endeavor to avert tbe accident, but missed him. Just then the car struck him and he was thrown Hi. rectly under it. Mr. Brown did not see Mr. Monday until he was in the act ol jumping. Tbe car had no current and was running about two miles an hour. Mr. Brown is one of the oldest em. DloVCS On the Asheville street milronv and officers of the company say they have never had a complaint regarding him. W. A, & S. 8. EniDloves Tell nf II. lid. Sudderth, a conductor on the Sul phur Springs line, said : "I was on mv rear platform looking backward. As 1 turned my head to the front I saw Lon Monday in the door and at the same in stant he stepped toward me aud got on . I . ,T . . . iuc vui sicy. ue sirucK at me witu a cigarette box and swung off the car be tween the tracks and 1 heard the Ashe ville motorman shout at him. He kept on hollering and beean tn wittri hid brake. Bv this time Lon was in tht pf-ti ter of the Asheville tracks and threw nn his hands as the enr struck him l stopped my car and ran for help to get the boy out. His head was crushed and his body was doubled up so we couldn't get him out till the car was jacked up. Fmory Snider, the motorman ol Sud dcrth's car, said Monday got on the car in front of his father's store and as he Dassed he touched the mntnrninti in t he side, but said nothing, going right on through the car. "The Asheville car was passing me when Monday stepped off the rear end. I heard the Asheville motor man shout, 'Look out!'" Tbe Second. This is the second fatalitv since the establishment of the Asheville street rail way. On theuicht of Sentemher 21 18ND, a car ran over and killed Mitchell K. Morgan, on Soutbside avenue. Two Killed In Accidents. Thos. Monday, a brother of Alonzo. was run over and killed on January 26. 1891. by a shifting engine in the yards of the Western North Cnrolinn mil here. Tbe Inquest. Coroner McBrayer was notified nnd the inquest over the body began about U CIOCK. CONDENSED TELEGRAMS. The President vcstenlav ,i,e commission of F.dward D. White to be an aSSOCiate justice Of the United States Supreme court. The Supreme court will re assemble lor tbe March term on the 0th proximo. At Quincv. 111., fire todnv did $17.. 000 WOrth Of damage. Summer nnd Lynn's, wholesale druc house loss is S90.000: kelinhle in.. l.. $20,000; Sinnerk and Nichols, merchants! $07,000. Massachusetts emillnvers are neensed of cutting wages for the purpose of making the Wilson bill odious. Never theless there are evidences of a general industrial revival throuchout the eoun. try. The Leainie of Ainerii-nn Wheelmen hou adopted by a vote of 157 to 54, an amendment to the constitution insert ing tue word "white," thus drawing the color-line. The City of Para, from Colon, arrived in New York todav. havinfr on hoard the officers and crew of the wrecked United States steamer Kearsage. "A mischievousand uselessinstitution" Wafl the verdict- rendered h - . - ' --v. mj a uinga meeting of Londoners Tuesday, on the British House of Lords. The Keystone rolling til ill nt Piff cltiit-0 Pa.. StArteH its nlnnt- as(aw1n The . ' . 7.. " t"M"v JVOH.IUUV IUC fimshmc mill is on full and eight pud dling furnaces. Tbe Rhnrle TfilnnH 1 )ffms.nt.n C-- Central committee has fixed tbe date of tne Mate convention at March 14. ThC NictherOV left Rio hnrhn. C. nicht for Santos. The m,,...t fired on her without effect. In Raleieh. N. C -- s--i .1 T vow VI M; , liy nal tor A m a re dpi vinnruf) P T RfA..:ii .su m. t At AUVIIIkV about an article. The On friil Rnnb t:iv.i.. n pays all its depositors and suspends. Princess Colnnnn tin. to get a divorce. Whittemopc's Gilt Edge Dressing FOR LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S SHOES PRODUCES A IIRILLIAST JET LLACK LUSTRE. CONTAINS AN OIL To SOFT EN THE LEATHER AND PRESERVE IT. THE BEST ..7)j ODES .FARTHEST L'Jv AT RAYSOR & SMITHS. Whittemotte's Patent Leather Polish FOR ALE KINDS OF PATENT OR ENAM ELED LEATHER, NOTHING UETTEK TRY IT. W CENTS AT RAYSOR . SMITHS. ALSO A LARGE STOCK OF basset heather Dressing WATER 1'ROUF IILACKINii, SHOE 'OLISIIERS, I1EACK1NG AND HAID ERS, SEE THE LINE FROM "UR WIN DOWS, Raysop & Smith, 31 PATTON AVE BE sum: AND GO TO mtEYAKD'S FOR DKESS GOODS, SHOES, CLOTHING, AND OVERCOATS. HE IS NOW OFFERING SPECIAL BARGAINS TO MAKE ROOM FOR HIS SPRING STOCK AT No. 11 North Main. -TUB BEST- COUNTRY BUCKWHEAT FLOUR, -AT- T. J. Revell's, 30 North Main. -SIPHONS I VICHY AMD BBLTZBX In Biphoos csa bs obtained at SIPHONS;"' dr"t tores of laysor smitu sad Htlaltsn ft leafsa ana at factory, air Baywosd tntt. C. . CAMPSsttX.