AROUND TOWN. Wasiiiagtou. Feb L'J .Forecast till $ .. it, Thursday: Htnerallr elondr with ruin; colder tonight; north to e;it wiads. Otllv OlIC Cilse nri-llln.-il l ,i ,11 I..,, attention this tuoruiug and the line im posed was $20. Joliu A. Williams, jr., of Ai.ln.viUc iil have a story, "The Rise of the Itntlom Kail," in the March Uiitioj;. The regular inontlilv hi. im it 1 1... W. C. T. I'. will be held in the Inll ul the i. Al. V. A. Timrsil.iv, l ei), o'clock. l'pto hist night the sale ul mmLs Kir the Schuhert concert i-'ridav evening h;nl reached $2pt. Tlie sale ol fiats neguu this morning;. C. 1". Kav has been appointed aint lor Asheville for the Union steamship company, running between New Am!;, Liverpool and (jucenstown. lr. 1. M. Hrovlca has dicided that In will not remove to Texas. He has i en lid the l iiimnini-s house, 21-Jlailcv street, aud will continue to take boarders. Work progresses ranidlv mi the re building of the burned Sianii's liinii'n!! on North Main street. The lust il.nn ling been plastered and will somi lv im.t. picic. The studio tea of the Art i t.,.- .i i!:i Asheville Female college will l.e tomorrow alternoon and cvrniny 'irum 4:30 to 8 o'clock. The pn .ends a:e It the studio fund. The second annual hall id the Ilu;, combe Checker club will be pixels mi tin cveninc ol 1'ridav. Mar h L' U-i .... at S o'clock, in the ha Horn Mi-im.iiiah's store, ration avenue. M. W. Noblett, who ii'iiiuvn: !t;w Spartanburg to Asheville a lew ! .vs ao, has pyrehased the slink of Mr. Hrvson aud will continue the business al the old stand on Soiithside avenue. 1'rof. Donald liownie will deliver ii.' illustrated lecture on Great liiit.iin. In land and a Glimpse of the World's Fair, at the Grand opera house TIiiiisJ.iv evening, March 1, under the unspi.-.s the Asheville Light lnlantiy. A committee of Asht villi's Cue . iu! composed of 1.. I'. Mcl.i.ud. elr.inii.iii,' li C. Sawver, . I,. Kich, Arthur m' licld and W . I). G,i h,,;i..; :,r- rati.i:cmcnl8 lor the appearance hen- t W. S. Maltliv, the eliainpion tticK m- lider ol the world. Kev. G. 11 Dctuilii oi l'..-Mi,ii, Iowa, will address the urohibiiiou mm nig in the court house tirnomnv evcuMi-.' at 8 o'clock. Mr. iMwilcr is a speaker and has studied the workin- m Ihe prohibition law in his Stale, and an interesting address is promised. Kev. Win. Ward has rilunud lllfll Wavncsville. uli.-i-c lu- l.-......-...! i.-... alternoon and Monday eveuinc; to -r i , , i audiences. Mr. Ward'.s.u-M that alread Ihe church at Wavncsville . which Kev Millnrrl A I, i.. ,. has doubled its conrc:.'atiua. The Shelby correspondent ol ihc lottC ( 'bscrver sa vs : h...,. i,, l,. n,i people at the depot when Iiqmtv Sheriii .... -iiicn .unveil Willi Luwson lioward. the niuu cuptured near Asheville. Then nive uccn some tisreats ol Ivnehiu-j, but wiser counsels prevailed and he will N tried for murder nt the April lenn (,t .win t, Charlotte (Jl. server: A line lou -n., tiou greeted Kev. Mr. White ol Asiicuilc at the Tryon street Ilapust tinneh but light, and a very encouraging iiitmst was developed. 'Mr. White is an i!o 'llicnt man llucnt, forcible and pathetic, and bis power was shown bv the far' that a number rose for pravcr alter tins the fust sermon ol the nicctiii". THE ASHEVILLE DAILY CITIZEN. win. movi: aiioi i limit 1 lull will uu lulu i lie ( j Hotel Her Utile j ltuilclliiu When the iu-.ihUn-oi tbe old Grand ; Central, now :!.i Hotel liei kcley, is eoui p'.cte it will 1. 1 ise a "move about" aniony several a; irj. T'ie room on the Water street : J. -of thc.luiilijiijg tyi!?! occupied by l-"uliiiwider ,v Co., shoe dealer ., who now occupy a stoic on the oiiosite side ol the avenue. A p'ate glass liont will supplant the present iron I . The I 0. 1 1 it nti i In. w..a ci.l,. , a' ; I,. u . j w ill be taliiu bv Webb Slu I der. the insurance igi a.s, and J. . Vatcs ol I He- .vsln-vnle (. igar company, who will have a cigar stand. The room vaeaicd by l-'iuur.vidir Co. will be oeeupie.l bv J. V. Sill. title, the in. rcl'ant tail.. r. l ite l.uuif DejMiraK.i . 1 lie n. i '. hod ol eonipuha'i ' ;u halaii-ui lor ti e treatment ol asthma, eatarrii, bronch'tis. la grippe, weak lungs and lonsuuiptiou, is now on ixhi I'll" ii at llji llavwoodsttcct, Asheville, X. C. All pliysictaus in the city are eo: d: illy invited to call and csair.iue this iiuthod ol Ireaunent. also ail pei ple in H'.stid in am- 1. 1 ! lie above die.idc I !i-i .i-i-i, c, me .on! set- me, and o!l;t;e, l.i "N i'.k.wks. "' igvill I it the I inted S'at.s. rviiK'li 1h lieiiliii Ihi.'ii a wax that hot'"', ualiiy. "."I !!:'. if w hat vial :uv.l. t'uiitui.cil v itaiitv is supplied bv the iilci'tmptiise. I'.oi ;, mr. Atlantic blvctr.ijioise coin paiiv. W lon, it, C. II. I'- C!:'i:t. Aauit. Asht '-. V . lies! I'uitcil li.tim-s, i oiks, S-. c nr u-h d-. .ue '.veli iaiow n. c'oai : and 'alge oi pr ,..s at Law's, ;!. i'..;ioa Ave. Stylish hats, '.'ni'.e 1. C;.!l Tiii. Win 1 1 i .V s j ii i i!g snapc i! s.-i li e, a. Cl.'.l IIIM. II, MiSt : laio i ;.. IMi. i i - al' I il .'. 1 . '. ;V. '. I i u i. n, ; mi, ifi s.-i'ia u'lu m I "THE OLD RELIABLE" Grant Pfiarmacu! I liike iiKmshiv in iufonu-inj-V tho jreiiwil public, and piaticiifailv'- tiv Kva-r-tjine I'l'it'tuls of (his riiannacy, wlio have extended it a iron- erous patronno in the past, tliat 1 have set-iin d the serv ieesuf Mr. Thomas. I. Watts. late of Raleigh, who is a re- jihtere.1 phannaeiist, having' i passed a most eredi table ex animation before the .State Hoard ol' Pharmarv, ami was awarded an Inter-State Cert i Ilea to. He has had a inuiilier of years praetieal experience at I hepivscript ion desk, and is well informed in eheniisiry ami fullv posted in the rem pounding of medi cines: and physicians and orher patrons can relv with aosuiuie certainty n j m in thejr pivsei iptituis, frtaii the r-im- piest to tin' most elaborate and intrieale. being put uj: in ;.n aiviirate, painstaking and rapid niaiiiKT. Wednesday Uvenlug, February 21, 184-. BUY YOUR ANTHRACITE, All SIim. Furniture, Carpets and Bugs Now, COKE, (and Oven. BUNCOMBE LUMP, Second tirade. RESCREENEO As We Arc Selling at Very W. B. WILLIAMSON & CO., i I'ATTOJJ AVKNtK. RESCREENEO Jellico Domestic Nut Jellico Lump . . .... Aslieville Ice and Coal Co., TELEPHONE 40. 84 PATTON AYE. COMING IMS C4ST THEIR SHADOWS BEFORE MERCHANT TAILORING DEPARTMENT run v i Ni Vli Maikrl. -";k i,'.. ..'. .,.(,. chii.oui;n a.m;i nc VearH Ola mdims Auutlier. Tliis inorui.ig lilnitT Ctifi-, ilu- ilim vi'urs old son ol J. I'. Criyas. .-'.ml bis lii tic sister Maht-I, while ilj)in- .!!hii their home at the jmiait.ii.-i Culk-i ml Nijitlj HeiUiiMoiitstrcf'.s.oth'ilili.l tl,i: lalbcr's pistol tltsit lie ' li.ul lell in :, iiuvver. i nc einuireii, knowing in ,r hi ti l ..I the (lanuerous weai'iiii, toiil; ii win tlicm into the viinl .'in.l n il -l.i . ..1 ... thini-. While jl;ivin, C-ilrie Knl.iiis.ii-, nit uw veurs oiu sun ol i. K.iliin- in came n uns and stopped to pl.iy wuli Mr. (jriKKs' cliildrcn. The pistol was passe. I urouii'l ami wheu it came toL'e.lrieln- iichl i; om aud pulled the tricr. Tin r.p.iit lol lowed and Elmer screimnl. Ceilrie (iroppc.i tlic pistol and went lionn not kunwing he had really sli H M'm.-r im au Hour or two. The bullet from the pistol..! ,w ealili'jr, passed through Elmer's rilu wrist. Ih s I.. B. Melirayer and M. II. l litclur attended the little fellow. No serious results are anticipated from his wound. I'ICOPI.E WHO THAVIII- i'erNuual I'olu'N About Iiicoiiuih aacl OtnitocrM. K. II, Vance was here toiiav ft, mi Alexander. .1. K. A. Tower and wile of L'liM.m. N. j are jjuests ot the bwanu.uioa. V. A. Doolittle ol tl... r. ...,;., i ...i - ... .- ii i.i 1 1 1 i mil liotel, came tip from Hoi Springs todav. A. II. Andrews of Atlanta, representing the Sim Insurance eomiianv, is at the Mattery Park. Siiumel Spencer, one of the li. l. re ceivers; Capt. . II. Green, general man iiRcr,nndr.etieral Superintendent Meltre. were here this afternoon, on a trip over the road, traveling by special train. A. llerren, a former citieu ol Hay wood county, but who lias l.e.-n m Seuttle, Wash., lor several vears past, came in yesterday uml rcinaincl until this uiornint; when he went to his llav wood home for a visit. K: l ..' ;. n'- 'I..: i.-.-.-.T ' '! n -M. ill. : i III' : n.. '-.'Il ;.; i:t III ;) - ri-l r, U.ii'lniiire Jt;t. t.u ''- " -' -M"lir. , . vi .1 '' ii.''; N'u Tii'1 j i'iMii.!. c;i'i'l'ul ill; in rfii.i if liilin' ui' pri-M-n'i lions. ,-i! i-(';is(m;iblt,' priivi wii! !" I lie IJ'AJ)IX(i fi:a ti i;e c.-r this iuu. iii.'M.v, wiiii'li is now owiit't i:i !n ." own ,y h-s l.i.'i.'i Sn.iiii (ir.-nit, in wljosf ii-'i'iii I most canii-stlvsoJi.-il ;i librrjil niv t.if puulic p;i i-ro;,Oi- 'u - this o, iv!i;ili), ilrii.' store. Il is proper to niv tluit. I inn riep'liiitin.;' fur ;;n adli- t ioii.-tl eoinpeteiit resist crwl I ;li".o;o-ij . u !n is s-'i vires 1 e.)'i to .secure, ho thai jtiieiv will l'c iK) t!ol,.y ill fill. ';;;;jin-' I 'ivsot i -t ions, (j.iv or ' ' . .1. . 1 . ..... infill., ni'specuuilv. it. P. STKI-LlOliuM-er. vhf;it, liriiit'i; 1 1 1 '!..!' ,; M -. ,;:t, ,;;n ( 1' s t:t, itv Hi-,; j , cuf ii. ' 1 ; ' 1 ' . MMIt hrt n fiifn .' I - ito nil i-.iilc, i i , l!elei iniji l Llir i-hmiire in the tariff laws will lednoe (In- cost of nil moil's wear moi-o or loss. We propose to reduce our stork by offeriii"' a .tretiei-.i! ilLsroimt of twenty per rent on all cash s.i It's I'roni this date (ill further notice. We will do exactly as advertised without any evasion I WHiTLOCK CLOTHING HOUSE 46 Montis Main Street, Corner Eagle Block. J . TAYLOR AMISS, (Siu-1-ci.sor l.j. 11. woodcock.) Our SDrincr Sn,TtinlPM 1.10 finnr aawm.v1.x- ' 1 Remember EYerything Strictly Tailor-fflade Suits from $15 to $75. Pants from $1.50Jto $15. OUR GUARANTEE. 2nH. Thhlte or no Bale -Ui.0 JUWO outui ov rne lowest for e-nrmonfo e,l"aI m, quaUty and workmanship. garments We will be glad to have you call and examine our line YOURS VERY TRULY, THE ASHEVILLE CLOTHING COMPANY, v. v. iwuncon, Max Marcus, Managers. JESSE R. STARNES. Ptaacy, 272 Par Avenue. FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND EMDALMER, No. 10 Court Square, r"' 'i-v,"'-"-i' ST, CK klifHESUIilK rtCBSOtir I..-, cW.ui-.wa a SPECIALTY. C.O0US DEUVISKKV to ,i.vr r,i ut oi-- Tin: city, rmciis v.xovustioxed. I t ls'iiiiie .o. U7. .ielil l'roiiipil Auvci-ol. "!!T ''- CiYXt' ! r-.-l.'.il vnii'.-r 1 l.i- UK- -1-1.;..! . - .v.', i : 1 1 !. , ! i'lil-'c pr .ii : CHOCOLATE liib' I i . 1 .. 1 1 1 11 tilt. 1 ii'.c-.. i:ri.-.f I . ".- 1 v.. :-.iir:tn)m ''-'" li-i'Mv. -. i'. r V..ll.m-v ' m Mt nn.rl.ini - h it iri-.'im 1 t.. ni'imLU-MKXliiR .1 11,.. 1 l-li 1:1 I I., ' I 'ill 1,11 : -.-:in.-i AnvRKTicm ashi:vii.i i-:; raeclliiu; of PubHcrlliera lo me Fund TharHdas Afternoon. All nbscriber to tlic fimtl for uJvcr- tmiog Asheville are urgently ninusU'il to meet at the olliec of Natt Atkinson & Sod., west Court I'lace, tomorrow, 1 Uumduy, afternoon nt i o'clock, for the liurnnup nl fm-mnluf i.m nnn i: I . -' .MM.'-.tus ..i.i; .ui 1.111TV mj out the intentions of the subscribers. Corner Sioue Lavluu. Ut. Rev. T. B. Chesliirc. ir.. I). !.. !!;!.. op of the diocese of North Carolina, will lay the corner stouc of SI. Matthias ehurcb, corner of Viillcy and South Beau. mont streets, tomorrow at 11 a. m, 1 lie public arc cordially invited to he present. There will be a collection for the benefit of tbr church. Addresses will uuo oc mauc oy prominent Asheville gentlemen. Processional, 202; reces sional, 232; ' A most economical fuel is our re screened Jellico Domestic nut. Asheville Ice and Coal Co.. 34 Patton avenue. I'lcntT of old papers for sale at Thh Citizbn office. Onlv 20 cts. per hundred. Have your picture framing done at Law's, 38 Patton avenur. t.i- - '.v.-! U ni-riM, ii..,. : .1 ... I'l 'ii ' lii... im ,,. l:-i. i . Iiaii: I -1 . . .. .in, 1. I'H I l.y I.-, .i j..,- j...,. ''" " j Fl. 'I Mi- i...i ili'i.-il'.,. i, ,1.1 - .i i .i i '. . i. i-..i.i.,i.: i.i ,; ., , ., t ,n,, 1 '' " r.'i,:.-nts '' - .W. ;vc "-..:".- ,).. I,... ,,, ,,. ,., ... .li'.M v.'il.ii .1 I .ri":r. -vi .-,. , .n.; ' tl'-t . ti. ,v.' .I ,,,,:,, ,,, , .'.!' - :i ! i ' :i ii 1 iiiiviiv'i. I'." 1 1 s,i I.;. ,,; , , ,1 I i.i t v.-.' u-i h-r l.i Ijii r;!',i:, M,i' ",m,u ""r 11 ".viiii..-.h ''.-vi-nirnt. t:nn. r.'s.niiii,,,,. ' u' w I if-. . I I i ; ii in t !lr 11 1 , 1. ', 1 1 ,, i . ,. i;. 'Hat '. ''.' i:m t ..;.,. iv, ; iv'.n ,,.-' ,,,'r;'j! '-' i.'-.v vi.i.!i.i,i-j in !. i- RuSti.KTi i '. 1 1 Hi. VK I i... r m i... i 1 1 dl ' ntni.n.l. .. .('ill lllir ll'.li.i-. . oil I i.m p;i ii v Cn- .i !li( 1 .ii in '... ii i :, i i,i. ! in ?.-v, i,e!vT(li.i-iin-.,ii. 1-..U '.V T C n'rv I i.r Ki nt I'.lui i liii.l .-ilv.T Wari- I! II i Hiu Miiii. v Clnt.iii ,,:itj i ,, V"i mk (.'..t- I'.'.n .'.In:.!,,. I. ',- Ithi-s-Hio Kin k' l Si. ui- .iu-i.. 1.. -., -m ,,U11. iii-. im- I'liinis Hi mit-h ,- Kcdfci'H i'T iMi.lmti.i's ,n,h. Kvtin-n to ij tins nil, li- .iml Kll r.wuiil. Iih,i ii". .. At HEADQUARTERS FOR Horse and Cow Feed, NO. 6? HORTH MAIN ST. 'I'hoiie No. f,7. We have made contracts aud ar rangements with leading mills and fee.l dealers in the West, such as eua- blc us to lurnish these goods at prices nut before beard or thought of in this borough. Respectfully, C. S. COOPIiK. j udson's AM) Sl'OUE rf-i !ix A : 15-50 ;'' JVyiiining Satuulav, Jan :i.u - r. q 13, lor the wixk L-iuiint; with Hi i tlin t u.iU', substrii.tii.iiib i',.r 'I'm.; a l'AMVCriiKNMluiarttli'Ii.titd $ i b tlic rate of P 9 y u) (.amf. ;uv Id ,c KtlU In- at i 15 CENTS I : 1 i-.x r 1 , w i:m IJOaUM.V;--P..aH,nt!,i,.ir,l ,lnv , ,, XJ nt lias,' r.iUs 11, ,,,,! i- M"- A. V. PAX, Kiiinntl,, I '. li I A.;., l'.. . .-, ,,,ls la A Aincvi 1 -'7-111 in St UC 1 A r. iilti'-itioii uivi-ii to Ilu stmlv ,, v.'ial ami ifiMrtiitu-nt.-ll n. :si.- m .. 11 1 n,-.. iil'lirS , , KS. II Vlil N ;. "." . .1"... "o "mii-yvtrcit J," 'r "t- "imlinc ei.MC, jj'.l'l lui'rh J -l.Ki I'liaia. l-iain .!-, n.n-rv lal. nlai,, 'IWUn, Wlll.h S'ii;la!y I,,,,,,,.,, j.-,,, ' ; , , N.-i.riil i I'.'i.i.t i. t llath.-rsln.puiicl K,-i. n- Sri ()() "AV , MAI.H-st.-mlv '- ."V .'..VllK-nl KlHI'll-lc-il Si-llini. 11 11.1 1 elii.i.i ncai it.v anil new- clii-m mi. ."in SiH i,,i .1..... ..i . . iriiw,,!!. i'lirtieul.iri In.-.' ' CI.H-TdM So.t ,Mir, (( 1 .'(l'.. U'-jI..... C. . -I . V ' i'.,i'iin.....'..V.. .' . .' '""'"'on,.. 1. - .... k.,,, uny F'lr,Vun,Jh !"'K'l"'"8tr;wT - '"'"vlllll. live minute.' vi-ulk f,,,... J''11', '- House compleVe y riiri.i-li.-,l .1 ,rcs In irrnumlH. Iioracs, ear rinKcs utid own. Apply to . , JOHN Clllt.t), Jl wi'ilnr-Milay HU.n;u u.- ARTISTIC I)HSIGr ; ANDSTAMI1 (.Nil MJPDT. N..Vl'lli(. in pml.t-nl. .11 nieiutd un.1 nmterlal to li.,l"li. U"" i8!a Mouth Bfaln Sfrect. Over Anton, Kitwlii & Cn. 0 11. cjowbyT' The Reliable Jeweler BUCKS AND ROE SHAD l HI. Ml 1'NH AM. OVSTI-KS !i:ti;ivi;ii i.ii,y. Oysters in the Shell! I.obilera anil Siull ips uvoived every '"riilavM ami TuisJays. Mail (irders sulicited. I'"''.ll.i'i- box, Telephone HO. J. F. MILLER, Stalls 1!) and ao City Market. -THE- 37 PATTON WKNUK. All work nuaraotred aud promptly done, Watches, clocki and all klndii or solid and plutcd sllvor ware. ASHEVILE STEAM LAUNDRY, M WEST COLLEUK ST., la now rcody lor work. We Solicit a Sliarc of Vonr Patronage. Mrs. Carrie C. Duron, an experienced laundress from 1-ittsburg, Pa has charge of the working depart ment.. We will endeavor to give you GOOD H0NIJ3T WORK. Our motto Is: SATISFACTION TO EVERY CUSTOMER, u-.-i.i- ii.;.- 1 . ! 11,10 .lunumi tu La; c.oi' f ! letted thereafter every Satualay ( lor weekeiieliiiy that day) by the N carriers. 'Persons ulnbe Ci tizen p ix delivered by carrier ami who w iici'Ti-r ... 1..,. t .. :. . .1 ,'.., m yA) ui, ;i ;ll uie OIIIC'C q 1.. 111 uu at tin- rate ol S 50 CENTS 3 I'KK MONTH, IN ADVANCK. B fcjV V TV V V V V V New Dcnttil Parlors J. E. HAWTHOT.'NE, D, D. S., Ha Incaled In Asbeville Cor the oruetiw of dentistry. Makes a spicialty of I'iue Cold work, orown and l.riilno work aud nold and rubber ciiibination. U,e, the moi, , proved ruithoda to make all operation! I'AINLIiSS. . (Ke t)Tcr Mlmnaugh's Store Patton avenue S-it-dif U:iiUUAIlY 21. Racket Store. 15 South Main. We have oltimcs been told that we NOTICE T Ordered by the Hoard of County Comnla- sioncr. of Buncombe county that on the lirst Monday in March, 1894, there will be established in each of the four ward, of the city of Asheville a polling place, and that a new registration will be made In each of said ward.. j. . RANKIN. WESTERN HOTEL The Beit $1 per day houie In the city. Room, comfortably furnlihe'd and table upplled with the bet the market afford. MRS. L. J BURNBTTB, Proprletre... 2-8-dlm Wm. TURNER, Auctioneer. Retidence 87 Church Street. tn-. "O"". rati, lurul- Fu.mZLrZ? 1 ""m m win xo atapoa. r, Charge, moderate, B-ie-dtf I have all my ffoods in now and am readv to WAit. nn y -w t V 9 MP 9 any and all calls, day and nieht. I hava fhA i.w a ' signs and largest stock to select from in thestate. Boiled steel, zinc and copper caskets, cloth casketsof every shade ana size, all new stock; white and black hearses. If von want to see not the least sign of decomposition, if you want the body to be in better condition than when the person died, if you want perfection, call on Jesse H. Starnes, slteville, IV. C. CANDIED SWEETNESS. In proportion to population the Southern people con sume more fine candy than any other section of the coun try Southern women are consummate judges of bon. muke leaders of certain articles anil in, t , t.Uew.edOSO,Wewi,,BivcrH bD8"0f """" fa of a few leaders this u.ortiinK, look over LathlC centrfl in ih urU onJ : thclist: 2U0 yd. spool thread for 2e. ' m eXaCUDK spool; 2U0 yd. spool machine 10c. for 3 than elsewhere no Candies nva nnf fl, spools; Hall Sewiuj; Thread lc. per ball; Hall Knittiiy Cotton 4, 5 and Oc. ball; daintier Or IllOre attractive form than those Of thfinrirrinnl ,. - . I " llrf-nrl :.i cm. I "w. a,iviy,, oiik I Twist 1 to lo. spool; Dress but tons -tnnd r.c. dozen; Sharps needles lc. paper; Iron pins lc. paper; Brass pins 4c. paper; Worsted Shirt bindioR 4c. or a rolls lor 10c; Thimbles lc. each; 2 paper s Hairpins for lc; Combs 8VL- inches Ioiir !)c; Note paper 1, 4, 0 and 0e. and best Linen 10c. tjuire; Envelopes to mutch 1U, 4, 5 and Sc. and best Linen 10c. Hack: Unta y.'li- .... tn n ..I...1U t... --.w " .(.nuuiu IUI I hat for$1.25; Ladies good solid pebble The BUCCeSS of a box of Confections as Of ft lih of fnr.,1 i Krain shoes for 08c; Ladies fine shoes ' worth $1.00, $1.48 np to a $1.75 all at largely due to the neatness and elegance with which it is i.uu; tUis is an odd lot we wish to close out. we also have a lot heavy br0an PrePared inclosed in delicate boxes, tied with silver and plow shoes to close out at 50 and . . a, the will not be here long. Men1. braid the stents arranged as artistically as theblos- work pants and overalls 43c. up; Good e , , . . pantciothti4c.yd,Lotofiadie.,and 8om8 of an borate bouquet, the Tenney candies have CIITJZ -nhabbefore they have touched the palate, a. wei. a. our lot of Japanese basket.. Nor is this aU, these candies enjoy pre-eminence because of Ladies ought not to miss this chance goods. Special ice cream napkins 25c. andalmond njfnfAi.in0.r,ffl,:--..f--i- per 100; about a dozen rcuwrio nn.u. wwjr a,re mer, to be .old .t 5oc, these are 08c. flavored with purefruit iuicesimportedfrom France the and $1.25 goods. Ladies and misses Pdors are fruity and the tastesweet and delicious these JOHN M. STONER, goods can only be found at Dr. T.C. Smith's Drug Store Manager. on the Public Square, JLubeville. N. C. ivOmmm

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