Asheville Daily Citizen, VOLUME IX. NO. 252. ASHEVILLE, N. C, THURSDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 22, 1894. PRICE 5 CENTS BULK OLIVES Good olives are the most piquant and ef fective stimulant to the palate, adding est to succeeding viands, and no relish hold a higher place with epicures. I buy olives in large origi nal casks and can give you high grade goods at a low price. WM. KROGER A LIST OF MT BRANDS QF CIGARS AND TOBACCO US Uraods of Plug Chewing Tobacco.. 7a Brands Smoking Tobacco in Bags and tin boxes ull size packages. 40 Uiflcrcnt Brands Imported Key West Cigars, always on band. It is useless for me to mention the various brands of Domestic Cigars, as It will take too much space. Pipes a Larger Stock than ever before, will now derate all my time to the abov good., and will try to satisfy all my custom ers. L. BLOMBKRG MODEL CIGAR 8TORB, 17 PATTON AVBNUB. THE OCTAGON Is a pure high grade soap free from auy ex cess of lye, und the tint eight sided cuke ever I made and just fits the baud. Over 100 arti- BARGAIN. Blue Enameled And Acate Ware At Half Price. clci given away with this soap, read the iusidc of the wrappers, also we nave just received an importation irom bcrmany of several cum of H.,... vvua. i ucy are cuuea seconds, out very full line of I " 1 ""Pencil- aii are onercd alike. A THE CASEOFF.R. HEWITT Atlanta whcn nod.?nd prove, i.e says, an mat ne nas said apumst Mr. Saul. He believes that Mr. Saul will not meet bim on this ground. In opening this article it was stated that one feature of Mr. Hewitt's arrest was worse than was at first known here. Mr. Hewitt asserts that this was the tact: That when bis lawyers went to the office of Governor Northern of Geor eia to acuuaint themselves with thr eround for erantiiip a mmisitinn thm Th o case of Frank R. Hewitt frcuuent Icould not be found so much as the ly alluded to in The Citizen recently, is 8cratB of a P on the subject. Mr. in some respects, as The ClT.ziis learns ff 2J S? w,a f!'-astoundinR t , . ... a . lf - i "v"s" . um. vjovcinur iuriucrn v,u m,. ucwiu uiuimi,Dui su imRram made the requisition on the Governor A CIRCVMHTAMTIAI. ACCOUNT OF HIS) ARBEIT. He Was Handcuffed to an Officer Just Before Train Time And Given No Opportunity To Make a Showing of Hist Innocence, THE BIRTHDAY OF GEORGE On, WA8HINCTON, FATHIvR OF Hits COUNTRY Asheville Has a celebration of Tbe Day, WltU a Parade by Mil llarv and Fire Companies, And ExerclNeH at The Schools' The spirit of George Washington first I in war, ditto in peace, and the same in the hearts of bis countrymen smiled on L J I Li Cj L UA f ar"' ,rMc 'c"rel Kaioltee stoves and ranges, oil stoves, refrigerators, freezers, Aoi,..,.:iu : i ...,.,.. rare chanee'for hi,i, mi h.i. .. ct ..:,.. . . v" " . " vuv "-"" ueuiuuui a uavas me OIU- uuuo . B i ur!K uuucr.iuuu, wun: in i ui nunu vuruwiu suieiy on veroal rep I est inhabitant 10 replenish their kitchens with tbis neat oincrs it is more so. i iraruuiiiuuB uiauc uy me attorney gen- , . . . in .. r ... ....... eral of Georma to whom Mr. Hewitt's 1 :l)rua-T' uu uuinuit ware. e nave in stock for thr " ctter annul Mr. S;i Imit .i,n.n anesica at niRUt ana nurnctl over the And then came the requisition of the oiaie une into ueorgia. Mr. Hewitt, governor oi worm Carolina on top ol last November, was quietly attending to tnis "imsv stnicturc erected in Georgia. aou tnc largest and most complete line ol his business at his store in Hewitt. BIG BARGAIN. nouse lurnisbings in the State. Prices? Why everybody knows we are the cheapest in town. Onr line of fine and common chlnn, I glass and lamps Is very complete One pound bar of laundry Soup for a nickle. I A. D. COOPER, Court Square. THAD. W. THRASH I CO. rui oaic ury empty bones, casks, etc, for kindling. Pratt's deodorizing gasoline 20 cents per gallon. the line of the Western North Carolina railway. About 12 o'clock on the day of the arrest two men entered the store and asked Mr. Hewitt to step from be hind the counter as tbey had some busi ness with him. Supposing that the strangers wished to talk real estate or something of like uaturc, Mr. Hewitt IT DID MOT Rl'N s ne proposed F.xcuralou lo Hot Spring This Morning;. i giiuicuiuii wno, witu oiucra, pur posed going to Hot Springs today on an excursion that was to be run Bv Fred. A. Hull, complains to The Citizen because ever saw in the month of The brilliancy of thesun was dazzling and the weather was warm, and, although a little rain last night left several splotches of mud on the streets, nobody paid any attcuti ju to them, and everything went off happily. i nc event ol the day was the parade of the Asheville Light Infantry, the Bing ham cadets and the companies ol the fire department. A big crowd came out to witness it, and the ranks of grown folk were swelled by several hundred school children, who took in the procession from North Main street. Thcyoiinc la- Of tlir t.-lllnrf. r.f ilmln lfa . t.. i ., . . . . I ' - n.v wim. ou va 11UIL came arouna tnc counter ana pleasantly for , davs . ; . . . . - .. dics of tll AlIievj,lc Vemuh ..,.-.,. men as to the matter they olavcil :,. t nt ... ,, ..... came down to sec. The parade was i,t", . ., . ' . hinder command of Mai. Davis, and the hotel announcing that nn pvphi. n. i: j . i,. r.7 J , '.". .lu i "nt muvcu in iue loiiowing oraer: Mai. would go to Hot Springs today, leaving Davis and staff: the Uoht infnntrv. at 9:120. Hp simnrtenrl tl, nvi.i.eiH I Cant. White G. Smith rnmmnnrlinfr tl, aam. ufnf n..A ,:it. H. !. ri...! rz nua ... A . "-" "v T " . ""uiuva., ...uviuK gotten up by the railroad and that it I u,u"uum acts -apt. j.f rankUiaham uone a uaugerous leat witn unexpected w.i . ...... , . . i-"ui"iunuing; hook ana uadder com accosted the wisncu iniormation on. lu answer one ol them told Mr. Hewitt that he must consider himself under arrest, and at the BON MARCHEl TUB liX ACT NBW VOKK COST SALUISTOBB CONTINUE!! FOR A SHORT WHILE VBT, SOMB VBRY UBSlRAULIi GOODS YBT IN STOCK. ALL AT EXACT NBW YORK COST. BON MARCHE :i7 SOUTH MAIN STKBBT. THESE ARE ALL NICE And ure different brands of crackers we receive I'rcsh every w.-ck from New York linkers: Scotch Tafly, Scciul Tea, Vuiiillu Cream, Salt Banquet Wafers, l'uncy Grahams, Water Thin, Cafe Wafers, Oatmeal Wafers, Ginger Simps, 12s. tm Toast. was naturally thunder struck and asked what the arrest meant. iuc omccr saiu -Mr. Hewitt was wanted in Georgia on a charge of crimi ual libel. At this point it is necessary to pick wuuiu ns n lrnnrivnri rM,i, ..... .. I - - 7. ease, snapped a hand-cuff on one wrist, do. res . of T ZZ'Z " iJany 'MJ ' ' l'?r"man M. H. Kelly; Hose Mr. Hewitt was naturally thunder- gcrs. He went to the dcoot and waited oST . m si w llsob UUU KkUIJU UJU' t I. !, r ar .,m ;n a .. i .i . "I v.. u..,.iaiy vjiuuuny were Irom Uilt..,,Vr fk"' ""i. . .3 ""mmd by the first and second lieu. 'rom U,ltmo.fe' . 1 l1:, e werc nb't -'5 tenants of the respective comnnnies. Kir0,!f,Ia',n,r llKCK Par movedoven-attonavenue, r7 nA ' 'I .Vu". "V soutu ana NortU an streets. up I ' , V " OUUUHUI.CU iiicil ine irain i returned a few back stitches. Sometime previous "X"u . ."'Y' ""iluc V"1 s u .....,.,, , "vu kuuu lumurruw or later, inc Mr. Hewitt had had correspondence gentleman in question, who is a visitor w'lj; j A,tla"ta hrm, one of whom was complains of the disappointment, alter W. a. aaul. It writing the president of the firm, suggesting that oue of them Referring to the matter Mr. Hull tells T-i u Kuuumic me uusincss i he utizen that he did not advertise 7,7 , i x. ? "l,DK" mT- tne trip publicly, but arranged the excur- mmraiuaiMr. aaul dc not sent, ana ision lor a numljer of guests of Kcnil- sitvcusuiBicusonsnis esiimaic oi tnc worth Inn and Batterv Park bci'm? rlinrnrtpr rf t li i f mnllun.. nn I c . . , . . . ' . . ul.v.uu,. au - uasurcu oi auout j.j irom tnc latter and mate, which, whether accurate or not, probablv as many Irom the former. Onlv was hardly flattering to Mr. Saul's pride. L'.'i of the numljer appeared, and not '""7 'uu""'" way into jur. wisnmg to go with a small criwd, he baul s hands, and Mr. Hewitt had later, postponed the trio. Mr. Hull n.iiH il.r in travelling on the cars, seen it in Mr. aaul's possession, the latter markinireer Itnin phrases m it that evidently met his disapprobation, and doing this in the known presence ol Mr. Hewitt, evidently to let him know that be bad the letter. Consequently when the Georcia officer said criminal libel, Mr. Hewitt at once remembered seeing him with Mr. Saul that morning, and it Hashed over him that the letter he had written and Mr. expenses ol the oartv to the ifomt nnH back, and says the excursion will be run prooaiily Saturday or Monday. CAUCUS ON THE WILSON UII.L "e ioi, Muitar and Iron Hen I Becoming- Desperate. Washington, Feb. 22.-Scnator Dul ler of South Carolina today began to cir- When it tc the suuarc the nrocession was grecteu witn a cheer that had noun certain sound about it. While on the sipiare the troops were photographed i uev men iiiarcnea to the A. L. 1. arm oi y, where they were dismissed. Orauue Street ICxerclstH At Grange street school the birthdn of the "Father of His Country," was re nicmucrcu by the various gtades. Miss McLoud's grade gave a hatchet drill. carrying little axes that were models Georges, although the material from wmcu they were made would not permit Saul were back of the arrest, and he said culate h call for a nni MnnrW. n.i Powell aV Sinil.. so to the officer. Mr. Hewitt then ,or a in Monday, and a -rJV.ll c-V S911UlCr askci, to scc thc 0)Kccr,g nutboril number of senators, prominent for their MONUMENTS AND TOMB STONES, CORTLAND BROS., RBAL B3TATB BROKBRS. INVESTMENT A0BNT8. NOTARY PUBLIC Loans Securely Dlaced at 8 nr mt Offices iU ft 86 Patton At., up stairs SOME LOW PRICES California Peacbes 18c. Per Can, California Apricots 13c. Per can. . Pore Maple Syrup $1.25 Per Gal. Cncnmber Pickles 40c. Per Gal. Sweet Mix Pickles " 75c. Per Gal. Sour Mil Pickles 60c. Per Gal. California Efaporated Peacbes, Apricots And Pens 17c. Per Lb, 0 Jl. Gfcroer. I am receiving a new stock of Monuments and Tombs of Granite and Marble, which I will Sell at thc Lowest Cash Prices. I am your home dealer and bare been here 14 years and will treat you right if you will patronise me. W. O. WOLFE, Cor. Court Place and Market St. front of City Hall. Z Q 02 x , O z co o 3 S 8 o g 8 Q 0 o 5 U Z O Q O F co 5 S CO DC 5 O LU f J DC O Q for making the arrest, and the now far-famed requisition papers wire shown mm. Mr. Hewitt's acnunintancc with such documents was limited, but this one seemed to him in regular form, and be remarked: "Well, I guess I shall have to go witn you. 1 he arrest bad been made wit 1111 nn hour and three-quarters of train time, ana witn very little preparation Mr. iiewitr was mimed oil uo the track to the station, handcuffed, to the bailiff from Georgia like thc desperado which the latter averred he had been told Mr. Hewitt was. It was thc avowed nuroose of the Georgia officer to lake a carriage in waiting at Murphy and rush Mr. Hew itt over thc State line that nitrlit: but cm thc way to Murphy, on the train, so many friends of Mr. Hewitt expressed tucir astonisument and sympathy at the situation he found himself in that the olliecr. Mr. Hewitt savs. becatne convinced that thc prisoner was not the oau man" ne nad been represented to be. He therefore offered, on Mr. Hew itt s promise to make no cllort to escape, to unhandcufl him and stav all alleged opposition to the Wilson bill, gaiuereu in the senator's committee room to discuss thc situation. Those re ported to have been nrearnt ur. 1 1 III cancry, Gorman. Gibson. Ilr Smiii. anouutier. l lie tanll 19 known to he .u. uiUHW UUU Wll ' in, rntirne ,c cnueu. I'roin remarks drouoed hv thr Smn. iuio uuer cuuierencc tooay, it is nppar- vui mm me uucy on coal and sugar will be insisted on, and that iron is ni,t tn hr omitted in thc pressure to be brought to uui ujjuu me nuance committee. The wool men nave been making a deter mined ngut and buvc made some con verts on tlic Democrat,,- nf H.o chamber. Itrice of Ohio is said to he urging upon the committer tlw ,m.,.;i of putting ut least a small duty on wool. Other Senators assert that free wool is uomid to he in thc bill. H OAK COlI.DN'r COMMKNT, ne naiurs and I'elltlous Were Too Much for Wasuincton, Feb. L'2.-ln the Senate 1 . r ... . ma- , . I J " J 'VIIUH8 lj VOt II ICll it UKJ' night comfortably at Murphy where the morji -.i.:..,, i, .. . ' . . , train stopped. As Mr. Hewitt saw no m""' bltu hc 'd was s.gned by over as keen an edge as George's hatchet generally supposed to have bad. Recita tions were also uiven. All the nimiu muit uuuKi-a ui iuiuiature naicucts Miss Lanier's pupils had a march with recitations and sontrs. and nrn. grams of like character were carried out in tnc grades presided over by Misses Kouinson, Jones and Mi aid. The first a grade, Miss rullmm's, instead of bav. nig a special exercise were brought up town by their teacher to see the parade. 1 nc exercises were annroriri.-itp um ra. joyablc. llic pupils up stairs will have their exercises tbiscvening beginning promptly at S o'clock, with a session of the Conti nental Longress. All patrons and friends 01 111c scnoois arc invited. Celc bratlon al Ballcy Hlrec I 1 ue exercises at IJailcv were partieu arly appropriate and tasteful. After a sorg by tbe school, Miss Drummond's boys mart lied to tbe song of "Washing ton s March, carrymg Hags and show ing a decidedly nmrtiul spirit. Mavor ration gave thc children an enlcrtninino talk that was thoroughly in spirit with tue occasion. One of the happiest hits was made by TO of Miss Kimberlv's I.. . . Ku"i, win, rcLiiiii separately nnd in concert, one boy proudly exhibiting natciict which be cluimcd was the "only original. there were several mud recitations, incidents from Washington's lile, and many maxims from the "Rules ot (.onduct." The "Mt. Vernon Bells, 3111,1: u, mis. reaincrston s ci-ncie. wns excellently rendered. Thc room was lasieiuuy decorated with 11,-ius. n ctnrrs in UUU uuwers. At Monirorcl Avenue. lixcrciscs at Montford Emulsion of Vaccine Points COD LilVER om, CUith Port Wine. Under the above title we oiler a new com! biaatlonofCod Liver Oil la which the nau seous taste of thc oil is completely masked oy inc use or Fort wine and Aromatic. At I the same time the tonic and digestive prop erties ot the wise render assimilation easy Prom those who cannot take Cod Liver Oil on account or its disagreeable taste and dial cult assimilation wt confidently solicit a trial. Recommended in Pulmonary Diseases, Coughs, Colds and Genera! Debility. Freshly prepared at PHARMACY, SO SOUTH MAIN TRBBT. YOU iit'E.V VACClNATliD nt' iiavis jvsr uuus sun IllSDFKOM WASUIXtiTOX TUAT SMALL POX EXISTS IX TU Zi'.V- TYTBKUB STATUS AXU AO- VISES VACCIXATWX. YE RE CEIVE MOM TUE XATIOXAl. FARM Af WASUINC.TOX, D, C A 2-RESll SI PPLV EYERV VOX- HAY. imsiciAxs SUPPLIED iiy Helnitsn & Reagan CHVkCH ST, d PATT0X AVE. present way out of his difficulty lecallv. and not being ol the criminal class that cut and run nt the first opportunity after arrest, he consented to this, and the hanricifl was unlocked. At juurpnv ftlr. Hewitt was invi-n lodgings with thc Sheriff at the latter's suggestion that he was anxious to maki him comfortable and the next dav the Georgia baibll and Mr. Hewitt went on to Atlanta. Previous to starting, how ever, Mr. Hewitt conferred with several Murphy friends with tbe result that some ot thc largest wholesale houses in Atlanta were ready with all needed assist ance wucn nc arrived there, Mr. iicwitt oas been criticised for not making a legal effort to remain in North Carolina despite Governor Carr's remit sitioti. If be had been going tbrouirh Asheville he would undoubtedly have re. ceived assistance; but no court was in session at Murpby; nor was there nnv judge there. Moreover, the requisition papers appearing to Ue in due orm it ri d occur to Mr. Hewitt that he had any choice at the time to do otherwise than go to Georgia. Arriving in Atlanta. Mr. Hewitt wm met by one of the linn of Jackson & l.cltwicli, attorneys, to whom he Imd telegraphed. The Georgia bailiff who made the arrest stated that his orders bad been to hurry Mr. Iicwitt off to jail, but he had become convinced that his prisoner was at least a irentlemnn. .. .1 i r .. Tt :,. . j. a .... ' uuu mi. ucwm Bin-in mat nigtit in a 4,000 citizens of Massachusetts favoring lined in yesterday's program me passage ot the Wilson tariff bill. Mr. oorhecs remarked that he found in thc list the names of ohn l orbes, William Lloyd Garrison, Amos W. Stetson and ftlr. l-.ndicott. Mr. Hoar remarked that tin- nmiu. of ftlr. I'orbcs would command rcsuect and reverence wherever beard in Massachu setts, and that he bad no comment to make on the other names. IT WAS NOT A WHITE UIHL. clam carter. Colored, Meverelv MOKiccd. u.miii;i(,, b. l, 1-cb. L'O.-Adam Car ter, colored, was taken out of town last H0"r"C(I t0 tllcroo,nsoftllcKdesi'ho!. I I... ,.f 1..-.. . " " muu vi um uwu race nnu ouu lashes applied to his bare back, and he were as out Songs, recitations, quotations and anecdotes, in keeping with the occasion, were the order of the day. In Miss Morrow's room some interesting figure-laying was given. lu Hie .ill) madc.ljesidestheriTitiitimis ami songs, a very n;t und entertaining was given by Nat. S Kiu-ors on ine Lliaraetcr of Was uniton." in which many anecdotes of Wnsliiiu.tnn's cany 111c were Happily told. The KlnderH. 1 lie children of the liadey street Kin dergarten, taught by Miss Annie Kerr, presented a brief program ami then ad' was given hyc davs in which to leave town. 1 11c cause ot bis whipping was the same old epidemic that has hold of tne negroes, (.artcr criminally assaulted a little mulatto girl on Sunday night, which came near resulting iu his being banged, but fortunately for him thc lash was submitted lor the roue. t'lmrlnt,,n News and Courier. ERASTt'H WVMAN ARRKNTED, Oil Catholic Hill. ui me vuiuoiic 11111 scuoot the day wus httingly celebrated iu song and the exer cises were entered into bv thc school with patriotic fervor. THAT'S RIGHT. The He IN AccuttCd of Htealluir Sim. 000. Ni:w Yokk. Feb. 21. Kraut,, vv. hotel unguarded and unmolested, siuinlv num. f,rnirrl n,n.,a.- r .1.. ., . . . 1. , . , - ... " 1 ' J ui lue l. u. KiYiug uiswurii.usaniunomonor.tnat i)n.e. m M,..:i. 1.... , cent he would make uoattempt toescaoe. The : uus oecn . next day bail wasensily secured through arrcsleil charged with forgeries on that Atlanta merchants and Mr. Hewitt agency amounting to Sayjiinn came back to North Carolina. was arraigned before ludee Mnrtmp nnrt What followed has already been told committed to the Tombs in drfmili- ni nt length in Tin; Citibn. It has been $1!.",000 bail. remarked that Mr. Hewitt should have 01 bcenre enscH in Atlanln h,m.. f ni eo. fcarljr Worae. - l t : 111 ,. . .. . . I I vvi'iiiit'u,. nn -ri. .. i l..H 1 1. 1. ... arrcHi ucing iiiegiu; miu, on tne aavice I " "' 1 ue eiianccs are l -u iuc uoycrnor and 1118 ndvn 01 nis uiiorucys, , Mr. newitt prepared ngainst tnc recovery of Gen. liarly. Yes- orsnnd thc leading representatives of v. ... ,. ...v. ovw uy, iiiui ui- tcroay ne was too feeble tn iln-ai,:,,, sugur interests 11 is stated that 1 he and his mind wandered somewhat. HlJ lV.'.,.?i.ulmcn ,of successor to Senator sister who lives in thc South bus lPn People Mil at Ratify or Con deiuuthe Act. iiKMiNou.ui, Ala., Feb. aa.-At the city council meeting last night the city of Ilirmiughnm bought all the property ol the Ilirminghum water works com pany, the price agreed upon being $1. WO.000. Of this amount tb? ,-itl assumed $000,000 worth of the 0 wt HO year bonds alrcudv issued bv tnc water company and agrees to puv the balance in city bouds bcarinir St., nor cent, payable in ;10 years. Thc purchase is subject to ratification by thc jicoplc. Heualor While' 8ucceaMor. Xkv; Oki.KANs, Feb. 22,-Aftcr a cnu- lence; also n plea of justification of thc libel. When it whs found by the Georgia state attorneys that Mr. Hewitt had this sure defence and was about to meet the issue aud force the contest against Mr, Saul thc case was not prosscd, and Mr. Iicwitt was immediately rearrested on a telegraphed for. w hite would be given to north Louis iana ana mat it lay between cx-Govcr nor Mclincry and Representative Dlniich nrd. Failed 10 Aitree. Miv Yokk, Ucb. 22. The iurv in the One For Month Carolina warrant reading precisely like the first ca8e of Joseph F. Want, president ol the Washington, Feb. 22,-Thc President nff'i.i.u.f1 n7''-S 09 10 tfl,c lcBali,y fefunct. Mndispn Square bank, on trial today sent to the Senate thc nomination Ot this last arrest, mice nn flip raw Im. tnr nwnirv . ml. .... ing nolnrosscU Ur 7 Hewitt shou d I v, sev n Jfor n n Hnl "el! .??.a 1 l? be United State. been given a reasonable time to o,7 Wt tion. ' wuyKm .mur,,"u 01 lne 01 " South Caro to North Carolina, Mr. Hewitt's lawyers took the case to thc United States court, but that court bcld, substantially, that his remedy was in the state courts. as thc mntter now stands Mr. Iicwitt 11 out on bail, nnd prepared to an tn I linn. Read WaatalnKion'a Farewell. Washington, Feb. 22.Washiimtoirs inreweii address was read by Mr. Martin, Ex Minister Phelps m. f . HI kw havbn, l eu. 22.-Tbe illness of t'rol. I.dwnrd I. Fhelns of Yal. .n,u. . 4 . till VoIm P' m' ni,jun,cd i,tcr England, has assumed n critical " ' 1 urn. Whitte mope's Gilt Edge Dttessing FUR LADIES' AXD tlllLDRUWH SUoUS PRODUCES A I1RILLIAST JET LLACK LUSTRE. COXTAIXS .I.V OIL To SUIT EX THE LEATHER AXD PRESERVE IT. THE VEST AXDJ OtiES IFAKTUHST J.'c AT RAYSOR A SMITH S. Whittemope's Patent Leather Polish FUR a ll kixds of pa TEST or exam ELED LEATHER, XOTHIXO 11ETTER TRY IT. CESTS AT RWSOR , SMITHS. ALSO A LARGE STOCK OF Russet lieathep Dressing WATER PROOF IILACKIXt;, SHOE POLISHERS, III.ACKIXO AXD DACIt. ERS, SEE THE I.IXE FROM OUR 1I7.V DOWS, Rayso & Smith, 31 PATTON AVE. sum: AND (iO T() BliKVAHD'S FOR DUE8S GOODS, SIIOKS, CLOTIIIXCi, AND OVERCOATS. hi: 18 now offering SPECIAL 1JARGA1NS TO MAKE ROOM FOR 1118 SPRING STOCK AT No. 11 North Main. THU UBST- OUNTRY BUCKWHEAT FLOUR. . J. Revell's, 30 North Main. .SIPHON8I VICBY AMD SELTZER In Siphons can bt obtained at SIPHON8) d'aB ,tore r ysor ft smiui ana BeiniUh tt leaitaa and at factory, 317 Hajwoad stmt. C. H. CAMPBELL.