THE ASHEVILLE DAILY CITIZEN. Thurfday Evening, February 22, 1SH. AROUND TOWN. WmMbiagton, Feb 22 Forecast till S n m KVirfaaw. IuHflA mn1 frtli l.'f f ll. . trMUowed Friday by fair weather and t insmg temperature. V. L. Hardin of Morgautun is here today. Trinity church choir will rehearse at 8:15 tail evening. 1. C. RamKY ii at the Ashcvillc hutc! from Spartanburg. lobn Rosenthal and Hurry . Winters of Baltimore are at the Swanuauoa. Mrs. E. E. Heston hag returned to the city from a visit to relatives in the West Mrs. I. Fredman of New York is in the city for the winter with her sister, Mrs. Uanman. Ten dollars was the liuc imposed by Mayor Patton in the one case before him this morning. W. D. Gash & Co., soutberu renrcscnt- ativesof the Bar-Lrck typewriter, are Kiviuir to tueir tnends a verv usciui book of "Popular Synouvms" contain iug 20,000 words in ordinary use. The prohibition meeting in the court House will be addressed uv Her. i. u, Detw'ler of DesMoines, la , this evening The pnblic are cordially invited to at tend. The meeting will begin ut 8 o'clock. There will be a Deiuorest contest this evening at the Industrial school cbupel Nine girls, three each from the citv school, the Episcopal school and the In tlustriul school, will contest lor a medal. bxerciscs begin at 7:30. Dr. T. C. Smith, the Court Place drug. gist, has in his large advertisement in rnB Citizen today a chapter ou pre. scriptions. Dr. Smith says it is bad enough to be sick, without using sccoud grade drugs but read tuc advertise ment. Constable I. V. lohusou brought in from Avery's Creek last night (irorge Clayton, who was arrested on a capias irom last court, and is charged with as sault with deadly weapon, lie wa committed to await the next term of court. County Superintendent Way and J. II Tucker, esci , will deliver addresses to morrow at the closing exercises of Miss Crcasman 8 school ou Avery s creek This school has been a very succcsslul one, and the celebration tomorrow will doubtless be very interesting. Yesterday afterunou its Mr. and Mrs J. D. Murphy were crossing Patton avenue near Powell Ac bmder s store tucy had a narrow escape from being run down by a horse dnveu bv a colored man, Mr, Murphy struck the horse over the head with his umbrella and stopped it when it was dangei onsly near tbeui. Dossey Hattle, an old uewspupci man. called on the 1 be Citizen this morning, He is a graduate of the Greensboro iteelcv lustitute over two years ago and will lecture on the Keelcy cure lor alcohol ism and opium addictions in Y. M. C A hall Tuesday evening, the 27tb, at 8 o'clock, The public, the Indies especially, are invited. A number of Asbevillc bicyclists are in terested in the meeting ol the general as sembly of the League ot American Wheel men in Louisville, Kv., as the league has several members here. At Monday s meeting Chas. H. Luscomb of Brooklvn was elected presideut. Just before the close of the meeting the assembly passed a law barring colored men from member ship in the league. The (uestion for discussion bv the Or iinge street Hterary society tomorrow af ternoon is "Should There be Co-educa tion ."' The speakers in the affirmative will be Miss Blanche kandolpli and Kufo I'itzpu trick; in the negative. Miss Maud Ilean and Will Alexander. Kecitati. is will be given by Miss Bingham and oe Justice, and essays will be read by Misses Addie Fortune and Ger. Walser. Dr. Van Arttdalcn of Philadelphia, uu eminent Odd Fellow, is in Asbevillc. coming here, as the Odd Fellows' Sift ings says, to recuperate his shattered constitution and strengthen bis nerve force, rendered necessary to repair the wear upon bis physique caused Uv too strict devotion to the demands of his large medical practice. Dr. Van Arts dalcn will remain here several mouths He is at 15 Starnes avenue. A. Frank Richardson of New York, one of the best kuown advertisiug agents representing many ot the largest papers ol the country, is at Ki ml worth Inn Mr. Kicuardson came here to recover from an attack of the grip, and bos been greatlv benefited by his stay here. He gave This Citizen a pleasant call yester day and expressed himself as delighted with Asheville, and surprised at the evi dences of unusual business life be sees here. General Storekeeper T, C. Starnes re turned yesterday afternoon froin Otter Creek, McDowell county. Mr. Starnes says tuat in that section one can scarce ly meet a man without being engaged in a conversation on politics. Congression al candidate are the sole subjects of con versation, those mentioned being W. T. Crawford and J. H. Merrimon. Rich mond rcarson lias alio been down in that section, circulating among "the hoys with an eve on Congress. Pl'RELV ACCIDENTAL luqueat Over the Body ol Alonzo H. Monday Ycstcrduy afternoon Coroner I., li, McBraycr held the inquest over the body of Alotuo If . Monday , who was killed yesterday by cur No. 8 on the Asheville Street railway. The jury was composed ofE.J.Hollinger, G. F. Young. . W. Lett, f. M. Loriek, G. W. Davis, jr., and N. R. Penland. I). W. Brown and J. M. Barker of car No. 8, R. E. Suddcrth and Ktnory Sni der, of the Sulphur Springs line, and Chas. Monday and Ed. Kerr, were ex amined as witnesses. Tbe testimony wbs substantially as given in The Citizen yesterday. Tbejury rendered a verdict to the effect that Mr. Monday's death was purely accidental. The remains of Mr. Monday were in terred at Keems Creek today, lie was about 21 years of age. Tta Lung Dcpnrator. The Nicksou method of compulsory ta bulation (or the treatment of asthma, catarrh, bronchitis, lu grippe, weak lungs and consumption, is now on exhi bition at the Oaks hotel, Asheville, N. C. All nbvsiciuns in the citv are cor dially invited to call and examine tbis method or treatment, also all people in terested in any of the above dreaded diseases, come and see me, and oblige, Lbok Graves, Sole agent for the United States. lames Wolfe recently returned from Macon county when be purchased a car load ot unusually fine cattle of Sam Rog er, Mr. Wolfe's customers will appre ciate the purchase. Tr bran change of advertisements rmwkf on renlar contract, copy moat rchaaSad bibr t A o'clock a. m. , . Plentr of old popart for tale at The CrnsM office. Oaty 90 cts. per hundred. BY BISHOP CHESHIRE. Easing of too Corner Slnue of Mattklaa'a Today. The colored Episcopalians of Ashe ville celebrated an interesting eviut in their history today, by laying the corner stone for the uew St. Matthias church that is to be erected on the heights above Valley street. .. The services were attended by a large company from the congregation of Triu ity Lpiscopal church, and by many members of other denominational churches of the city. The congregation assembled at 11 o'clock, and a few miuutcs later moved in procession from the chapel, led by the children of the Suudav school to the in closure of the fouudatious of the new edifice, followed by the robed clerical of the diocese who advanced to the spot ol the corner. The officiating clcriiy were Bishop losepb Blount Cheshire, ir., Key. Ale Neely DuBose, rector ot trinity ctiurcu, Asheville, Rev. W. S. Rice, Rev. Samuel Rhodes, Rev. W. S. Burrows, Rev. S. B Rathbun, the Bishoo'schaplaiu.aud Rev U.S. McDuffey, the rector ol Trinity chapel. The program of exercises was beguu bv the reading ot the scriptures by Rev. McNeely DuBose with responses by the people. A chant was sung and Rev. Samuel Rhodes read the lesson. Rev, II. S McDuffey led a responsive chant and Bishop Cheshire iutroduced Prof. John Love, secretary ol tnc oung Men s in stitute, who gave an account of the growth of the work of the Epis copal church among the colored peo ple of Asheville from the time of emanci pation to the present day. Workmen spread a bed of mortar, and the corner stone was set at the north west corucr of the foundation. The fol lowing articles in a copper box were deposited in the niche: The Holy Bible, prayer book uud hymnal of the new edition, copies of thc'l.iving Church, the Church Advocate, the Churchman, Toe Citizen of yesterday, the Business Ln terpriae. lists of the church officers and the names of tbe Sunday school children whose contributions presented tbe stone, and the program of tbe day s exercises. Bishop Cheshire then made three strokes upon tbe stone and said : "Iu the name of the Father and of tbe Son and of tbe Holy Ghost, 1 lav the cor ner stone of the St. Matthias's church, to be erected for tbe worship of the Triune God, according to tbe liturgy, canons, and usages of that brauch of lis bolv church, Catholic and Apostolic, now known as tbe Protestant Episcopal eburcb iu tbe United States of America. Other foundation can no mau lay tban that is laid, even Tesus Christ." 1 lie corner stone is ol wuitc nun Die and bears the following inscription : t t T. M.M'IIIIAs IS'JI. After further devotional cierciscs Bishop Cheshire introduced Mayor T. W. Patton who made a brief address iu the name oi tbe community. Rev. YV. S. Barrows spoke tor the diocese, nud tbe ceremonies were concluded bv the bene diction, pronounced by the Bishop. Will Wed. I loin Register Mackey's ollice liceuse to wed has becu issued as follows: Henry Lane anil Lou Worlcv, of Bun combe; white Leander Ivilgorc ot Brevard ami Jennie F. Williams of Buncombe, colored. An Abbeville Cane. Auevili.e, N. C, Aug. 17, IS'.KI, Dear Sir: When I bought your Lice- tropoise 1 bad no special use lor it, but having a large family I thought 1 would have one in readiness for anv emergency. When I received the little thing I thought there could not be much good or barm in it, that I would test it myself, so I put it on night alter night tor about 12 nights and it worked like a charm. Well, to test it more fullv, 1 bad a triend who was very much alllictcd with rheuma tism in her ankles and knees also her wrists and fingers so bad sometimes that she was hHpless. Her husband got almost everything be could hear of to give her relief, but without success until they bad lost heart. I let tbem have the Llectropoise, and after trying it a short while she is about as stout as she ever was. I he other day she walked to tbe top of a large mountain, four miles and back home without much fatigue. ery truly, James ui ttrick. Book l rec. Atlantic blectronoisc Co.. Washington, D. C. II. r. Grant, Agent, Asheville, N, L. ASHEVILLE WEATIIEK. I . S. WBATIIRK BlHKM , I Mcn-oroiuKlcal Station, Winyiih Sanitarium Mctcvrvluxical Report lur I'eh. UK is'M. Mean temperature ,1 laxinnim tcmnerntiiri' i: Minimum temperature ;ir Mean Relative Hnmulily t;,- miifiui, iu iiwia ,(i IV mil, S W. Mean Parameter it .si- Observation Fch i'l.utJ n. in Timnrr- nture. Xti. Relative Immiditv. T'J. Hnmms. fir, L'.7t', Karl vun Rtuk, AT, D. Aataevllle Markets. Corrected dally by POWELL & 8NIDER, wholesale and retail crocera. These nrlm ic kwk yarn uj iu mcranania lo-oay. Butter lo(S,i'5l Applet 10041 IT, Dana , n . I J I n , . .vClflcuncu otto Chickens lo20Pnmpktnt.each.Bt2S Turkey! 7StlSi8orgimui 80 oicki iep20!Bawax, pern) '.'0 P itatoei, nw't SfiiHoney... ,.10 riiatuca, mao. itu Wtteat.,,. Tnrnlna 3nAnif-' .. 70 ,.. 60 ,. no ....40 .... nr. Oniona OSIMeal!!!!!! Cabbage, tier lb I'lOatt ocana, pr un.iooigjinuiKye rcaa no 11 av. ton ,...$lS5c Camtnata. ,. lonicelcrv. dot SftOao Index to Mew Advertisement. Wanted J U Morris Low Price O A c.retr Prescription! T C Smith "Old Reliable" B P. Steele, Mgr I'or Rent Bcarden. Kankin fc Co Opera House-Dr. O. M. Wethcrell OxT A conductor's pumta. J tills ollice and get reward. He turn to I'cbSdtl ROARDINO.-Ricellent boiird niav be had Sat rt-aaartMsshla raiaa 11'. - Il - - - a mi-. aHa. m -a an li iruui AaaeTilla. Mas. A. C. RAY. Ramnth. 1-27-dtm WANTBIJ-Twentyahoau w.l.hlnc fr m US to AO nnllnrfa mli- will fire cents a iionnd. caah. i&linni . d Irv In Cbuun'a core. I. B. Miiuma 3-32dUt - - TjIOR RUNT Store OOfeet deep 60 Bout h oiain i rect, west tide, under phuto 8rarh gallery. Possession March tat 2dlit BHARDEN. RANKIN & Co. brn:u op BENTLEY'S ARTISTIC DB8I0MN0 AND STAMP ING DBPOT. NnaalllM In aM.t.av.t Ammim III. I. ....... ... wa.w 1 ,11 wvn cum mrnced and material to finish. itV, Mouth Mala Sfrcct. Over Alton, Rawls & Co. WE8TERN HOTEL The Best ! per day house In the city. Rooms comfortably furnished and table applied with the best the market affords. MRS. L. J BUBN8TTB, Proprietress. a-S-dln The "Old Reliable" Grant Is now fully oquipped with a well assorted and fresh stock of pure drugs and chemicals, from which all prescriptions, which may be presented here, will be promptly and carefully filled by two thoroughly compe tent ami experienced pre- scriptionists, Mr. H. W. Brodnax, late of Anniston, Ala., and Mr. Thos. J, Watts, late of KaleMi. N. U., both of whom are regis tered pharmacists. Bring in your prescriptions, with the assunince that they will be .illed nt the "Old Reliable" (.rant pharmacy at very reasonable prices, ami in a prompt, careful and accur ate inannei. We study to please, and guarantee satis faction. B. P. STEELE, Mgr. Opera House. - - FRIDAY EVENING - -- - FEB. 23. - - THE SCHDIE1T QDARTETTE ... OF CHICAGO . . . Supported by MISS MALCURKLE. Blucutionist & Whist ler; MISS MiRTU CJ-Jihoist. nil M ISS I ACKSON, Pianist. Tickets on sale at Lindsej's, 34 Patton avenue, Wednesday morning Grand Opera House. Cl. NIGHT ONLY, Monday, February 26 A VISIT TO THE World s Fair. Nut at Chicago, but at tbe Grand, where tbe White City will be reproduced in all its marvelous beauty. Tbe art galleries, the uiajotic buildings, the lakes and l.igoons, the Mldwav all theae may be seen and studied by stcreopti- con Uluniinntkn, and will be described In a In til re by Dr. G. M AVetherell. Doors open at 7 p. m. Arrival at the Fuir ground! at 8. 3-l!2dt BUCKS AND ROE SHaAD I'RliSII FIH AND OYSTERS RECEIVED DAILY. OyiUrt In the 8htlll Lobster and ScoUopa rccciTctt every Fridays and Tuesday!. Mall order! solicited. Poitoa.cs box 108, Telephone 06. J. F. MILLER, Malli 10 and 30 City Market. Wm. TURNER, Auctioneer. Residence 07 Chuck Street. Will sell real catat. hnrM hni. tare or anythlaf yoa wlsh lo dlsposa C Charges aodetatt. aio-dtf BUY Furniture, Carpets As We Are Selling at Very Low Prices. W. B. WILLIAMSON & CO. MO. 16 PATTON AYBNVK. C0I.1INS VENTS CIST THEIR SHADOWS BEFORE Ueleiviiig that lho change iu the tariff laws will reduce the cost of all men's wear more or less. We propose to reduce our stock by offering a general discount of twenty per cent, on all cash sales from this date till further notice. We will do exactly as advertised without any evasion THE WIIITLOCK CLOTHING HOUSE 46 South Slain Street, J. TAYLOR AMISS, (Successor to J. 11, WOODCOCK.) West End Pharmacy, TIIOKOVOULY KHSUVATED ASl STOCK KE1KU3UUD. PRESCRIP TION COMPOUNDING A SPECIALTY. f.OOVS DELIVERED TO ANV PART OF TUB CITY. PRICES UNQUESTIONED. Telcphomc .o. 37. HEADQUARTERS FOR Wehave made contracts and ar- rangcmcuU with leading mills nud Horse and Cow Feed, ftcd deu,WB iu tbc WC8t sucb as ena ' blc us to furnish these goods at prices NO. 67 NORTH MAIN ST. "ot bcard r thousht f M' borough. Respectfully, PUone No. 07. C. S. C00PKK. FEBHUAltY 21. , 15-50 I 4 13, for the week ending with B that date, subscriptions for The Daily Citizens that are delivered by carriers are to be paid for at the rate of 15 CENTS 4 per week, this amount to be col i lected thereafter every Saturday 4 (for weekendinc that dav ) bv the carriers. Persons whose Citizen is delivered by carrier and who m prerer 10 pay lor it at the ofticp M can do so at the rate of 50 CENTS I Iter month, in advance, j THE ASHEVILE STEAM LAUNDRY, 43 WEST COLLEGE NT., It now ready for work. We Solicit Snare f Yonr Patronage. Mrs. Carrie C. Burns, an experienced laundras from I'itUuurg, Pa., ha. charge of On working depart menu. We wiU cadearor to give jou GOOD HONU8T -WORK. Oar motto L: SATISFACTION TO EVKRY CUSTOMER. TO VISITORS! IP, YOV WISS TO CAKRV A.WAY A LAHTDXQ AND CBABMINO aOUVBNI OF ISBBVILLB. DBFOSIT 50 CBNT8 WITH "TBS CiT BN"tBdHAYBtBTVKNBD FULL YALVB IN A FlhB BHQMAYBD VtBW OF ASHEVILLE' YOUR and Bugs Now, Corner Eagle Block. 272 Patton Avenue. Iifbt i 1'rviupllj Auhucrt-'l. Racket Store, 15 South Main. We have oftimcs been told that we make leaders of certain articles aud it it true we do so, we will give yon the price of a few leaders this morning, look over the list: 200 yd. spool thread for 2c, spool; 200 yd. spool machine 10c. for 3 pools; Ball Sewing Thread lc. per ball; Hall Knitting Cotton 4, 5 and Gc. ball; Genuine Linen thread 5c. spool; Silk Twist 1 to 4e. spool; Dress but tons 4 aud Gc. dozen; Sharps needles lc. paper; Iron pins lc. paper; Drass pins 4c. paper; Worsted Shirt binding 4c. or 3 rolls lor 10c,; Thimbles lc. each; 2 paper s Hairpins for lc; Combs 8!i inches long t)c; Note paper 1, 4, 5 and Gc. and best Linen 10c. quire; Envelopes to match H i, 4, 5 and 8c. and best Linen 10c. pack; Hats 23c, up to a splendid fur bat for $1.25; Ladies good solid pebble grain shoes for 08c; Ladies 6ne shoes worth $1.00, $1.48 up to a $1.75 all at $1.00; this is an odd lot we wish to close out. We also have a lot heavy brogan and plow shoes to close out at 50 and 05c,; these will not be here long. Men's work pants and overalls 43c. up; Good pant cloth at 14c. yd.; Lot of ladies, and gents, wool underwear to be sold very low, you ought to see this line of goods, as well as our lot of Japanese baskets. Ladies ought not to miss this chance to supply themselves with rugs; carpet remnants at about half price of the bolt goods. Special ice cream napkins 25c per 100; about 3 dozen Electric Oossa men to be sold at 50c, these are 08c, and $1,25 goods. Ladles and misses sizes. JOHN M. STONES Manager. ANTHRACITE, All SUM. rescreened JeUicoDomestic Nut RESCREENED JelliCQ LUIlip Askeville Ice TELEPHONE 40. MERCHANT TAILORING DEPARTMENT Our Spring Samples are now complete and represent the very latest styles of IMPORTED and DOMESTIC SUITINGS. Remember Everything Strictly Tailor-Made Suits from $15 to $7". Pants from f4.502to $15. OUR GUARANTEE. 1st. That the goods shall ba as represented or no sale 2nd. That the nrices shall be the Inwesf for equal in quality and workmanship. e win uegiaa to nave you call and examine our line YOURS VERY TRULY, THE ASHEVILLE CLOTHING COMPANY, C. D. Blanton, Max Marcus, Managers. JESSE R. FUNERAL DIRECTOR No. 10 Court Square, I have all my goods in now and am ready to wait on any and all calls, day and night. I have the latest de signs and largest stock to select from in the state. Rolled steel, zinc and copper caskets, cloth caskets of every shade and size, all new stock; white and black hearses. If you want to see not the least sign of decomposition, if you want the body to be in better condition than when the person died, if you want perfection, call on Jesse I. StariieN, A.Nlievillct IV. O. "W E" "Furnish Our Customer With Collars Free." Since making tbis offer loiue three or four week, ugo, it looks as If we were going to COLLAR THE TOWN bat we arc prepared to supply all that come with collars made specially for u Having perfected a method or laundering Collars and Culls, which does not injure tbe goods, we therefore offer to furnish your Collars FREE. Just think of it! You will never have laundry done by ns. Call at the Model size. Soliciting your patronage, we guarantee all ol our work to be tbe very best aud satisfactory. The Model Steam Laundry. Church 33, II. COSBY, The Jeweler, 37 FATTON AVENUE. All work guaranteed and promptly done. Watches, clocks and all kinds of solid and plated silver ware. NATIVB GBM3 A Sl'BCIAITY. Ordered by the Board of County Commis sioners of Bunco nib. county that ou tbe first Monday la March, ISM, there wlU be established la each of the four wards of the city of Ashcrllk a polling place, and that new registration will be made la each of said wards. J. B. KANKIN, l-ao-dtf Chairman. New Dental Parlors : 4. E. HAWTHORNE, D. D. 8., ' Has located laAshsvllH for the practice of dentistry. Makes a specialty of Plat Oald work, erowa and bridge work aad gold aad rubber eomUaatlou. Usss. the most la pnmd Methods to make all operations PAlKXMa. 1 . . OIBos Over Mlmaaagk's Store w w w w w ranoaaTsasw M-dtf ' COKE, BUNCOMBE LUMP, t.asand Oveu. Sfeoiiil tirade. and Coal Co., 34 PATTON AVE. STARNES, AND EMBALMER, to bur another Collar while having vour Steam Laundry and select your style and Street. STANDARD Granulated Sugar, 20 pounds for $1X0. Levering! Reliable Roasted Coffee, ii cents per package. Tea, 40 aad U0 cents per pound. Lard, compound, 10 cents per pound. Lard, leaf, 131.-:. per pound. Bacon, west ern, 10c. per pound. Bacon, Buncombe, 1314c per pound. Hams, Buncombe, 13',jc per pound. Golden Cottolene, S pound bucket!, SOc.i S pound buckets, 60c ; at re tail lie. Homemade Molasses, 40c. per gallon. New Orleans molasses, 80c. per gal lon. Apple Vinegar, four years old, 36c. per gallon. Electric Light Flour and White Pearl, 13 per hundred. Omega Flour, $5.00 per barrel. Meal, OOe. per bushel. Citron, 30c per pound. Currants, Be per pound. French Prunes, 10c. per pound. Taylor's Jelly, OV.c. per pound. Coleman's Mustard, 15c. per kox. Dunham's ihreded Cocoaaut, 30c. per pound, llnblager's Btasttc starch, 10c. per package. Oar Little Daisy Pickles, 10c. per bottle. 8-pound cans Tomatoes, 10c, 8-pound cans Okra and Tomatoes, 16c. SbozesSOOs Blue Hen Matches, 6c. only, The Little Store Around the Corner, 89 COLLEGE STREET. W. J. POSTELL THE OAKS HOTEL Under New Management New Furniture. Nice, deaa comfortable room. Table eueaUent, Northern Style, Porter Meets all Trains. Close In town. Ou aa Blectrte Car Line. Beautiful Location. Hot aad Cold Baths. Brsrr Possible Coavealeac. aM,PHILIPP MSNWl