ji'a..B,stjt'3 o.-- Fvllflj Gvmbifi, FtUriuwy 23, 1894. ; 'i THE A&HE V1LLE DAILY CITIZEN. mi mm m w sp eooos ! got mm goods i Our Spring Goods Arriving Daily and Being Placed on Sale Immediately at - -The Baltimore Clothing, Shoe and Dry Goods Company, 10 and 12 Patton Avenue. Wo lead and others follow. The leading department store in Asheville. Greatest in volume of basins-each department now complete for the Spring trade. In fact experience demonstrates that our methods and prices And favor and wins patrons in proportion as they are compared with competitors. Our Baltimore buyer has secured for us Select of the well know,, brand of Amoskeg (iinghams. Ouaranted fast color. Regular price 10 cents We are offering the entire line, your choice at 5 cents per yard. Our Dry Goods department is now complete in every department New Per calos, New Dress Goods, New Fancy Lawn, New Ginghams, New Satins, New Batiste, Wash Goods, New Crapialenes, New Hosiery, New Silks, New Ribbons, New Laces and a full, complete line of New Notions PERCALK8 30 inch percales, guaranteed fast color, 12 1-2 cento per yard. NEW L.1WNS 31-inch, Fancy Lawns, guaranteed fast colors, 10, 12 1-2 and 15 cents per yard. NEW (UNO-HAMS-Remember, our Amoskeg Ginghams, we are offering the entire line at 5 cents per yard. NEW SATINS-3Hnch Fancy Satin, guaranteed fast color,, worth 15 and 20 cents per yard--choicl for 12 1-2 cents per yard. NEW BATISTE WASH DRSSS GOODS-32-inch, worth 12 1-2, we are offering the entire line for 8 cents per yard. NEW L'UAPEALINES-3 4-inch, worth 15 cents Po, yard We ,re offering the entire line, your choice, 10 cents per yard. SHOES, SHOES Our Shoe department fa now complete and we are offering big drives in this department. Our Cincinnati I land-Sewed Ladies shoes are the best in the market. Every pair guaranteed. Special in Hosiery for this week only. Our 25 cent Hose for 12 1-2 cents; our 35 cent Hose for 18 cents; our 50 cent Hose for 25 cents. Remember, we also carry a complete line of rising and Gents' Furnishings. Hats, Trunks, and Valises. Very Respectfully, BALTIMORE CLOTHING, SHOE AND DRY GOODS COMPANY, WAN I COLUMN. DANGEROUS SflOOTINU WANTED. w I Cluba Mora Reliable Thau Guns In Hunting tha Seal. ANTIill A situation us housekeeper or i nunc, li.v competent woman. Apply I rl.:ni I Tfct "OBdtrfrt ElCt Of MllSlO Oil th XlTANTED Position in stenographer Tf noil typewriter. Copying; of nil sorts1 lw. Address COMPliTUNT, -Oil3l fare Citizen. Tlaild AalaiaU-A Green Hnater'a Narrow Escape from Being Tora to Pieces. Krull arm p,r fn.l nf .....it,. o..l fiye cents a pound, cash, delivered at my I fully often mukr use of some musical S!S!LdotC'1U",,,"COTe' J B M"KR,8. instrument to attract tlicn. In "A 1I 1 Seal Hunt on the Hlaskct Islands'' a Sil M!t,8rf,l.ay at J00 ""', LiRl'M writer in Outing describes an adven niop; plntr and plating jewelry, i .... . ... . , watches, tableware, etc. Kvery house has j 11,10 "'nl1 sent, when a (fun proved a gumls needing platlnc No experience; no ! ilunireroiis weapon. The oars dinrjed capital; no ta kinz Hotne agent are mnk. , i . i. ...n : r-" inB 2S it day. Permanent position l Addre's s,n" lv-0 lln,lls yes were fixed on H.JC. Ueliio St Co., Culuraiius. Ohio. , the caves, and the boatmen sunp in zz mimm a wpir() .,, gon(, in a kin(, of undm-tone. To the writer tliis seemed OR RENT One house of six rooms in the H curious accompaniment to a seal hunt: hut he was still more surprised when one of the men produced a flute and played on it a quaint, sympathetic air, that echoed and re-echoed among the eaves. The musical effects wen marvelous; but our author turned tt O'Brien and asked: "What is tin meaning of all this?" "Oh, it is to at tract the seals. In a few minutes you will see them basking on the water IOR KBNT-McDowell House, Park H.iteT '"nl the ledges, charmed almost to F limy Guides block on Walnut neiir lluv. "wju ncur uuaiurv center ana pnstomce. iMlhtlw A. D. COOP UK. FOR RBNT A three atorv storehouse. Comer North Main and Merrimon ave nue, upstairs suitable for family: Apply to decUSdSmo M.J. I' AGO. FR RUNT The storeroom aad base ment of No. H North Court Square. Pos session Kivcn January 1.1H04. Applnto T. C. STARNliS, octl!8dtf At Store. F Co.. Iftmt' brick house in snlrniliil pniwli. nun. rut icrma apply to ir. s. w rattle Uf or M.J. I'AGG. IOR RBNT The European hotel, 28 quuiu main 01., asocyiiic, n. fj. Vint F unconsciousness by the music." And so it happened; for underneath, on "an easy Iptlfre," we saw two seals scramble up and lie quietly listening. "Xow is our time." said O'llrien. and ??" An.V"otoDrhnulTr"K0w' ! he r0W tow" tbf Thomas, Johnston building. aug2t)dtf ' fnaeinatod seals, the flute-player still ,, .. . : ; 1 continuing his tune. OR KflNT-R. B. lohnston's former resi- ..,, , , dence, OS North Main street, nearly op. Without gun or spear mv fnen i ground.-., and within (3) three mlaules' walk ; ,VI"1 on,.v a Wudgeon and a long ;;'!? "'li! 'iuarc. Aiso a large room at No. ; knife. Xoiselesslv advancing upon thr South Mum street adjoin iir the Suiter , i.i 1 u ,i H eicwiiiK Machine office. Apply to C. W De- i' a,!' ,,e ,lealt onp of ,,ll',n a blow OP vault, corner Co leg street and Court tho nose and then slid forward and 8tiarc, or R. B. Johnston, P. IJ. Box 177. ICOOUll BOAKDING Nice rooms, heated halls, 38 Cherry street. MRS. M'CARTY. .kcaudtf BOAKDING Two connecting rooms va cant, southern exposure. Mrs. J. A. I.ce, UO Flint street. dccXdtf SEVUKAL persons can get pleasant board la private house; home comforts; pretty rooms; prices reasonable. Apply decMOdoawmontf 103MUKRIMON AVE TJOARDINO Byday or week. Pleasant l killed it with his knife. Thus our first capture was made. "Why not shoot the poor brutes, and i so end the affair?" I asked. O'llrien laughed. "My dear sir,"h j replied, "it is impossible. I willjrove ! it to you. You hare your rifle with you. Well, the next time we meet a seal I will allow you to do the work with powder and ball, and we shall see how you fare." Then we went over lot arrigduff and endeavored with music to inveigle oth- 13 rooms, ainaie or .,..tr .- i er seals. And we were rewarded, for comfortably furnished. Orate or furnace! far within the "great cave" there ap neat, hot and cold water, with baths on j , , . . , twoiloora. On electric car line; five minutes , l1(nro1 splendid male, much larger wan irom ine siinarc. terms moderate. MRS. S TBRRY, novlSdOnui 1G1 North Main street. P IOR SAL. B Old papers at the Citizen counting room, 20 cents per hundred, t SPECIAL attention given to the study of vocal and instrumental music at moder ate terms. Address . MRS. B. tS. YOUNfl. a-21dH.' 50 Bailey street. T IWT ft i- . : . JL and chain. Plain case, no cry tal plain close to tho seal. I feared to get too ihnln, watch slightly bmiseo. Finder will ' close, lost I should frighten hlui off the ilflafi return in Ui i nitui wir i " Near Old Depot at Barber shop and get re ward. S-iUd.-U than those we had before seen not a common seal, but one of the large, bearded seals, lie was, to all appear ance, unconscious of our approach. The flute player continued bis tuna, and the ours pushed the waters at noiselessly as possible until we were within a few yards of the game. "Now, try your gun," whispered O'llrien. I climbed out of the yawl aud got TOTICbBy virtue of an execution in XI my hands for collection Issued by J. i, Cathry, C. tt. C, of Buncombe county, N. C, in favor of 8 J Puller against O B Jackson I will sell at public outcry at the court bouse door, in the city of Asheville, on the 12th day of March, 18a, to satl.fr said execu tion and cost tbe Jackson land beginning on two imad pines on the top of the moun tain, In Candlci's No. 2 tract above Joseph II Cole's, and runs south one hundred and eighty (ISO) polea to a small oak on the suuth si eofa branch; then runs up said branch with Miller's line to the top of the mountain; then with the top of said moan tain to the beginning, containing CO acres, more or less. J A BR OOKMUihB, Sheriff 2-U-d lt-frl Per V M JONES, D S VroTICB By Tlrtne of the power of aale Ll contained In a deed of trust executed to the undersigned by Muncey Rash and Ta- uuaniiaii, nia wile, aaten UCEODCr 4th t.1! i i t 18112, and registered on pages 230 et. sea, of ' blicd was I from pain, book 31, of the record of deeds of trust In I not understand why it .iv umw ui uiw rcgiticr ui uccus Ol DUH combe county, N. C , and default having been made In payments therein provided for and noplicatlon having been made to the un dersigned by the person entitled to the money due ou tbe unpaid notes by said deed of trust secured to make such aale, the un dersigned will sell for cash at public outcry nt the court house door in the city of Ashe ville, in said county of Buncombe, to the highest bidder, on Monday, the 2iith day it February. 1HU. an that 'certain piece or parcel of land in the county of Buncombe and State of North Carolina, adjoining the lands of J. J. Cole, WllUan, Wright ?and others and bounded and more Particularly described as follows, tn.wltn.oi.li i white oak on the west side of tbe road north ' junu .iiiueiuiuii s; mence runa west 1110 poles to a rock la William Cnlbertson's line thence north with William Culbettton's line 14 poles to a cbestnnt; thence N. 80 E. IS poles to a white oak; thence N. 4a It with the fence, 01 polea to a white oak: thence fct 82 N. 82 polea to a post oak on the cast side of the road; thence B. 87 poles to a Spani-h oak In William Wright's line thence 8. 10 poles to a hickory" thenot B 7 poles to a cedar, John Cnlbertson's corner: thence . to the bcginnln, containing li acres, more or ..gether with tbe appur trannces. This Sflth itay of tanuary, ftST jnn2fldt fr W. D. 0A8U, "rustee. ledge, so I rested apalnst the slimy rock, and, taking careful aim at a point between his shoulders, fired. Tho din was awful. It seemed as if the little island were being blown to pieces by some modern battery. I be oamo nware, too soon, that my shot had not killed the animal, and that by a series of curious spine-made move ments he had come close to me and caught my ankle in his powerful jaws. I nearly fell. I was too fear-stricken to cry out. All this happened in a moment. 1 felt my ankle crunch as though the foot would come off. As swiftly as possible. I reloaded. I could scarcely see the brute that held my ankle, so And I could was that O'llrien had not come to my rescue. Hut there was no time to spare. I must lose my leg or kill the seal. Placing the muzzle of the rifle against what seemed to be the shoul der of the seal, I fired. Tho hold on my nuklo relaxed for an instant; then came a more angry bite on the thick part of ray leg, and I became conscious of sTue one near me. A dull blow sounded, and I fainted. Tt appears that O'Brien, who was looking on all the while, clambered on the rock where I was engaged with the seal and with a blow of his bludgeon ended the battle. In all likelihool be saved me from death. "Say, fellers, you are stringing me," aid tho horsethlef to tho lynchers, "We must admit we are playing a a little choke on you," they replied. Brooklyn Life. GOOD MANNERS. A llign'y Cnltitiili-il l.xl'.riiir Dor. V lu:.n Curl I ii t itilii'il llrai'f. Politeness has been well ilclinnl its "benevolence in small tliiuys," a:nl a true laily is easily recognized by her regard for the rights iiml feelings of others, in trifles us well as the import' ant affairs of life. Indeed, most people unu it coy to He generous or nm''n;i Pi nions upon great occasions: but to con tinually do little nets of kindness aiiai liclpfulness. which, as Lowell s'.iys in his beautiful poem to his wife, "others leave undone, and which reoiiiie coiv stant self-forgelfulness ant! saurilice, is not easy. tlood milliners are either the natural expression of a good heart, or the dis cipline which restrains the natural expression of one not so good anil since human nature is far from perfect it must be confessed that good manners are. unlike the tra ditional poet, ol'leuer made than born, and that true courtesv is on the whole the Itower of a high civiliza tion and art rather than instinct. One of the severest tests of ordinary vour tesy is in conversation or argument in' volving strong counter convictions. In religious discussion, for instance, few persons are Christian enough to uphold their deeply-rooted ami cherished I liefs in opposition to those of another in a t'hrist.like spirit. And political disagreements often discover persons ol liiglily-cultivatetl exterior to be bar barians at heart The exponent of one party seems to believe all tho degrada tion m the world to lie embodied in the other, and lie finds it impossible to hate the sin and love the sinner. In all disagreement propositions are easily' confounded with persons, and the former speedily assumes inlinites linal proportions in comparison with the personal feud which rages be tween the disputants. A southern maiden, whose ardor was truer than her spelling, wrote to her lover in the confederate army, "Send me Lincoln's scalp!'' And a siiuilar barbaric desire to crush and blot out an opponent ex tends metaphorically into almost every argument based upon strong and anient difference of opinion. The old school mistress who charged "iNixpencc for them who lamed to read aud saxpenee for them who lamed manners," would seem to have been little patronized in her latter branch of instruction. Probably people will eventually be forced into courtesy l.y the great ad vantages of co-operation in science, lit erature ami art. A sort of combina tion or "trust" will be formed in polite ness, and opposition in opinion will be easily compatible with underlying unity of spirit Philadelphia Press. KEEPING A PRIVATE NOTE BOUK. Nut Employes of Civil Kiiglnncrs Are Allowed This 1'rlvilege. "Uo was the best surveyor anil draughtsman in my employ," said a well-known civil eugineer of this city a few doys ago, referring to u man whom he had just discharged. "I dis covered a short timo ago that lie was keeping a private note book, and, after notifying hlin that ho must stop it, and agoin learning that ho was con tinuing tho practice, I was obliged to discharge him." I asked tho gentleman to explaiu what he meant by "keeping a private note book," "A surveyor," wiitl he, "in doing a pleceof work makes minutes nshegoes along of the lines he runs, of tho vnri ons points marking the bounds of the lands he Is surveying, and all such data as is not only necessary for the drawing of his plans, but nlso incident ally that which may aid him in tho ease of uny other survey being inado later on. "This data, you see, really consti tutes a Bortof capital or stock lu trade, for if tho party owning the land ever wishes another survey of it for1 nny purpose be will naturally apply to that samei surveyor, who, having these old memoranda, can do the work easier and more cheaply than nny other sur veyor. Oftentimes, after many years have elapsed and old landmarks liavo passed away, those minutes become very valuable. "Consequently a civil engineer al ways wishes to keep these in IiIh own hands, and men in his employ are not allowed to make copies of minutes of surveys which they make while in his employ. Otherwise, an old employe, j in leaviug and sotting up lu business for himself, could carry awny a large slice of his employer's business. "This la tho reason why I Lave dis charged my beat employe upon finding that he wasjvertlttlng in the practice." ESCAPING CONTAGION. The InsiiliiiiK Ways of I he llwnl (ierui of Disease. The sad ease ot Hoctor Stebbins. of the Huston City hospital, who died re cently from diphtheria, contracted while pursuing his professional duties as admitting physician to the hospital, may have brought to the iniuils of many the often repeated inuiry as to the manner in which imi tity from contagion is secured by doctors, nurses and others, whose business brings them so often in direct contact with infectious diseases. The answer must be somewhat gen eral, as well as a repetition of what has many times been given, but it is not tlie lcs-. worth heeding on that account. i lie two greatest safeguards against infection are a strong vitality and care fully selected hygienic surroundings. The perfected Ii 11111:1 n organism, con stantly aad properly nourished, and with plenty of fresh air, is almost in vincible against the invasion ot dis ease. His simply a question of the survival of the superior. Disease, which is the weaker, is put to rout by good health, just as darkness vanishes at the approach of light. The strength of disease lies in takin 11s victim oil 111s guar.i. in fact, its at tacks nre mostly made in ambush, as it were, insidiously and against the weak est spot 111 the armor of its victim. Let a person, in no matter how good health, contract a slight cold or get ovcr-fntigiied, and immediately his very strength becomes a source of weakness. The stronger and more virulent tvnes of disease find a vantage-ground, and a light begins w hich lasts the longer and is the harder, :is the opposing forces are the e cijualiy matched in strength. It is easy to seo that even a plivsi- emit, overtaxed with work ami suffer ing somewhat from a consentient ner- lect of hygienic laws, may" dually suc cumb to the disease amid which lie lin gers. Vou th's Coinp.i nion. FAST ART WORK. A Ihitrimsl Sketch Worth On Hundred Dollar Drawn lu Ten Minute. Improvisation as an ai't is usually as sociated with music, but artists also can "ilasli oft a picture when the! spirit moves them; and the spirit seems to have been very vigorously ut work on Mr. T. It. Ilardy.whoKe seascanesarc so widely renowned, on a certain fes tive evening not long ago, says the London Telegram. There was stretched before him, so it is credibly reported, a sheet of pa per measuring about three feet by four 011 an easel, and upon this cauvashe was invited to execute a char coal drawing in ten minutes. The sub ject chosen by him was "The Pool' below London bridge, with the usual accessories of the tower looming in the background and barges and steamers coming up the river on the floodtide So deftly did the artist's hand trac the design already recorded In his brain that the whole picture was flu ishod within Ilia very short space of tune already mentioned. "Aerial and wave effects," we read, "were obtained Dynipiu mooing wit 11 the hand or a cloth." It might naturally be expected thnt a drawing done under such trying circumstances would be somewhat "sketchy." and no doubt the details in it were rather suggested than careful ly tilled in; but the result was very far indeed from being a mere smudge, and the company of brother artists, literary num and actors before whom the fen', was exhibited were loud in their praise. Their appreciation indeed was shown in the most practical of all pos sible, ways, for Mr, Hardy's charcoal tkvtch, which had taken him only 11 sixth part of uu hour to complete, a', once changed hands for the priea of litpnlv irntiiAns Mliy HhIs tiiinw (mil Inanity, Have you any idea why it is that rats, mice, mid squirrels are continually gnawing at something? They do not do this for "pure devilment," us peo ple generally Imagine, but because they uro forced to. Animals of that class, especially the rats, have teeth which continue to grow as long as their owner lives, lu the human spe cie the teeth ore developed from pulps which are absorbed and disappear a soon as the second set are full grown, but in the case of the much maligned rat the pulp supply is perpetual, and 1b continually secreting materials by which tho iuclsors gain in length. This bolng the ease, the poor crenturo la obliged to keep up his rcgulurgnuw Ing operations lu order to Iccep I1I1 'eetli ground off to a proper length. U.UENDS MONSTERS. 4 Possible Cause of the Tales That sua- ' vlve In English Folk .or. A Pure Norwegian .... ... ., ..,ie, 01 lu.rin-conniry mre; oil is the kind used id legend, says nn Knglish paper, is ! . , miliar with the stories of monstrous I m the Production RICHMOND & DANVILLE R. R. CO, and t 1 nimuiar Willi the stories of monstrous "worms," "dragons," "fiery Hying ser pents" and tho like, which are said to have located themselves in various dis tricts. .Sexhow. under the shadow of the Cleveland Hills, Tecsgirt, Stock burn and Lambton upon the 'Wear are Instances. Men have laughed at the stories, calling them "old wives' tales,'' but forgetting that even these uiay nuy, must-hurt! had, somewhere and sometime, some foundation in fact. Tho old stories of elves and fairies. ...i.:..i 1 - .... vi men iiwiuseii ami irigmeneil children of Scott's Emul- sion Hypophos pliitesof Lime and Soda are added for their vital ef fect upon nerve and brain. No mystery surrounds tiiis formula the only mystery is how quickly it builds up flesh and brings back Samuel Spencer. B W. Huidkoper and Keuben Foster, Receivers WESTERN NOR ri, CAROLINA DIVISION. Condensed schedule in effect Dec. S4, 18U3 Nona 8 16am 9 40am EASTBOUND ."Morristown, . in bygone days, may well, as Kingsley strength to the weak of all aces, points out, have had their origin in Scott's Emulsion Lv. Paint Rock " Hot Springs Ar Asheville Lv. Asheville " Round Knob Marion I" Morgunton a" Hickory I" Newton " Statesville Ar. Salisbury " Greensboro fan vine . Ar. Richmond . lit 30pm 1 2 44pm a 3 0pm 2 30pm 3 54pm 4 33pm 6 17pm ti 19pm 40pm 7 31pm 8 -'Opro . 1 1 09pm 11' 7am memories of the feeble folk of the stone age who chipped Hints into rude knives and arrowheads, and who lin gered in out-of-the-way eaves, it may be, long after the bulk of them had been slain or driven away into the fur north by stronger and better armed tribes. So the stories of these terrible monsters may not be so foolish as thev ! appear. 1 ake, for instance, the legend of the Stoekbnrn worm. The name of the num who slew it is preserved, and is that of a well-known north-country family. His tomb is pointed out in the ruined church of Stoekbnrn, where also he lay in elligy with the "worm" ut his feet until, the sacred edifice fall ing into decay, the monument was re moved to Stoekbnrn hall adjacent, There, too, is preserved the falchion ot sword Willi which the monster was slain, and which was shown to every fresh bishop of Durham as he entered his diocese a custom which only ceased in the days of Van Mililret, the hist of the prince bishops. In afield close by the stone round which the "worm" coiled itself is still to be seen. This story, so circumstantial in ts de tails, can hardly be entirely fabulous. Now then did it rise'.' "The ichthyo saurus and plesiosaurus," says S Lang, "gave Tennyson tho 'dragons ol the prime. '" May not some descendant of theso creatures have lingered in re mote places, one here and another there, even in historic times'.' will check Consumption and is indispensable in all wasting dis eases. Preinrcil l.ySriitl ,t IWnu. N. V. All driiiwiatn. Srtofio American JfAWaC' TRADE MARKS, Mif DI8K1N PATENTS, Lv. Greensboro.... Ar. Durham " RaUtfoh Oold8Doro. 7 00am Lv. Danvi'.lf. Ar. Lynchburg..." JVashington... 7 MOttm 1 Otpm Baltimore t u aoeipnia Nev, York.... ZWESTBfiNrT Lv. New York ' Philadelphia ." 41 BalHninra TOMB OF CONFUCIUS. linn licit by an Avriinn Lined with stons I'lgurcs of Anlnmls and Myths. 1 nc city 01 inuni-iision, tlie .Mecca of the believers of Confucianism, is in the province of Shangtung', one of the most populous distrietsof tbe orient. Hero Confucius was born and here his sacred bones lie buried. The tomb, which is located in one of the largest cemeteries in the province, about three miles out from the city above mentioned, is described by the St. Louis Iiepublic ns one of the most im posing in the w hole empire. The grave Itself is surmounted by an earth mound about twelve feet in height, tho whole surrounded by a cluster of gnarled oaks and stately cypress trees. Ilcfore the mound is a tablet about six feet broad ami twenty feet high, upon which Is Inscribed the names and deeds of the great founder of Confucianism, a religion adhered toby over four hun dred million human beings. The bur den of this inscription, according to reliable translation, is "Perfect One," "Absolutely Pure," "Perfect Sage," "First Teacher," "Ureal Philosopher," etc. The avenue which leads up to the philosopher's tomb is oven more In terest ing than the actual place of burial itself. On each side of this avenue lire rows of huge animals cut in stone- linns, tigers, elephants and horses, beside numerous mythical creatures, such us iinimuls half dog ami hall frog, ben ..ts with four legs iiml iv, ice iis-iiiaiiy wings, besides u mul titmle o uiiniiniMl.le monsters that never lived on the earth, in the water, or in the air. Tal.cn altogether the bnriiil plm-e of Confnc !.: is one of thf chief spots of interest in the orient. COPYRIGHT. ntoJ 91 lnionnsuno ana Tree Handbook writo to MUNN CO., 31,1 BltliAUWAT, NEW YORK. tililMt bureau for aecurlnii patents In Amerira. Kvery patent taken out by ns is brought before tho public by a notice cn'?u tree ol charge Ui the Largest circulation of any scientific paper In tlv world. Splendidly IHuHtrateil. No intelllroi,, man should be without, rt. Weekly. 93.00 car: l.5l) li months. Address MUNN & CO. UBUamua. 301 Broadway. New York Cili. " Washiugion.V. Lynchburg Ar. Danville Lv. Richmond ' " Danville '.""." Ar. Greensboro Lv. Galdsboro Lv Raleigh " Durham Ar. Greensboro "". "" Lv Greensboro " Salisbarv " Statesville ""' " Newton " Hickory " Morganton I Marion " Round Knob...'..."! ' Asheville "' ' Hot Springs, .rwnr. KOCk.. TAKE Your broken wagons and vehicles of ull kinds to U. Burnctte's sh ip ou college street, where they will be repaired promptly nnd in first-class style. Hay ing secured a first-class horsc-shoer I make all kinds of fine shocingaspcclalty. . H. BURNETTE JOHNSON'S MAGNETIC OIL! Inst&nt Killer ol Pain, interna) and External. Cliros U'lilllMATlKM, NKHUAI, 1.1 1 I i,,,,.. II,,,. 'j u.. ..- it-..,u HWfl'llllir., Ntlff'.lninH, COI.K! and -. ,...11 n llt-l.ill, 1,, . . m.irit nitir- J lull. ('rmm.lHnthcrin. Hm c Tbruul. II KADAUI K. iw if lu niaulc. THE HORSE BRAND, $JK?SS&Ag lln.niiiBt Powerful nudPcnUriitinitl.iniiiicntfiirMBn ji inw iu eiineuLO. j,ure H H20 wc, 500, blze 40c, JOHNSON'S ORIENTAL SOAP. Mi'iller.lod nud Toilet. The Great Skin Cure nnd Faoe Beautltler. Ladiea will find it tho rniwt delionte aud highly perfumed Toilet Nonp on Uic iwirket. II in absolutely pure. Miikes the son nnn velvety and restores the lost com. plexionr is a luxury for tho Bath tor Infanta. It oliiys ltfhinp. cleanses tho scalp nnd proiuolea me yruniu ut uuir. itmhjmic. i'orsuieuy RAYSOR & SMITH, Ol f atrnn Avenue Asheville, Is. C it - - ........ ... ... KuoiTille...... ......... Lv. Asheville... .' ' Heudenonville ! '"" " Flat Rock " Saluda " Try Ar. Snartanhnrc . 12 rifinm 2 ibam 7 13 am . 8 23am 10 86am I i23pm 30pm 6 SSpnr L 9 iillpa r 10 43pm . 3 43am 8 30am ."TaBOam . S 36am . 7 20am 1 Sopm 1 00am , 2 30am 5 60am H 0am 10 lGam 1 1 06am 1 1 64am 12 16pm 12 5Dpm 1 46pm 2 46pm 4 08pm 6 Stipm 6 60pm 30pni 7 45pm NO.4 0 SOara 7 48am 7 t9atn 8 22am 9 05am Ly.Spartanburg " Tryon " Saluda piat Rock ;;;;;;;; Hendcrs'nT'le Ar. Asheville JMUHPHY BRANCH Lt- Asheville Ar. rVaynesTille ' Brvson City "" Andrews ' ' Tore ot la Mnrphy NO. 13 ... N ir,pm ... t) 18pm ... 0 4Spm ... 10 12pm ... 10 22pm ... U20pm NO. 17 ... fH 10am ... 0 S3am ... 12 03am ... 4 12pm ... 4 47pm u oopm Lv. Mnrphy Ar. Tomotla " Andrews ' ltryson eity..., i W lyncsvllle Asheville JAPANESE pi LE CURE An Alueiil-Uliiued null. The duliu of York, Oueeii Victoria ffrandson, who recently wedded rrincess Miiy of Teclc, is liuliitiiuUv ab sent-minded. On his weddinjr trip he visiieu Miiuiriitiiuin, where he was waited upon by a deputation of fiirm ers, who expressed their w ishes for his hiiimincsH tind lon-r life, und all thai sort of thine;. TheduliO appeared in deep thmiirht, and, when the congrat ulations ended, he replied, pravely: "1 MiuiiK you ior your (fooil wishes. I iu tend to raise 11 line lot of red-polled cattle mid llerkshire pljfs on ray re turn." Tin fiinners, and especially the orator, imii,t have felt linmenMlj cratlllcd at thut reply. A New mul Complete Treatment, cimstsiluir ol AUPVOHITOIIIKS, Capsules of ointment anil I wo Boxes of Olutmeiit. A never-falliiw Cure for Piles of every unlura and deitree. It makes nn operation with the knife or injections of carbolic acid, which sro painful and seldom a peniiauout cure, and often resullluii lu death, uuuecosbiiry. Why endure this terrible disease? We guarantee boxes to cure any oaae. Vi T only pay foi honeflts received. 1 n km, 0 for (fa. Sent by mall. Guarantees issued by our agents. CONSTIPATION 9ur,d PMo .J Pne liver PsMeti the greot I.tVF.n and STOMACH HKQI!LATOK nud BLOOD IM'KIFIKH. If wall, mild nnd Hoasaiit tr take, especially iiiWrJl for children's use, W Doset cents. GUARANTEES Issued only V T. C. 111 i til, itrURItlelt. IE DBllsJ'C Tills rsmMy Lfc DIlUN S '''"ig iiijeled ,l. rll,. to 11,0 M of " w llnii0itl.ss,rimii,.,ii,0.ljvtiiBryOr. L ' Sbsii, rnguim no rlmi,k.o of diet or naii'som, mirrunsl or Hwiom ined Irlnnui lie tikeu luterutll.. WL.n utml AS A PREVENTIVE by oldier hx It h lmpMii.littoKinlra-st any voncrtal t ; but In tho etna of UiMsalrahlrUiiroaiUMtTiL'tT Amicin Mj Ml JC U t eurc. tritely mail, nottaf GIG $1 per Iwn, or -S Ugiei lr f), LADIES DO VOU KNOW OR. FELIX LE BRUN'3 STEL P PEHHYROYHL PIUS are the original and only FHUNOH, nnfonnd re liable euro on the market. 1'rioo tl.uo: aunt l Binil, Oeimiue sold only by . Ts C. Smith, Drufffflat. NO. IB , t8 SOam B 45am 0 3Sam . 1 o 28am . 11! 44pm SLEEPING PAR SERvtcEr' 1ii?,yAdi.8-P''"mn Sleepers between hth.- " - u"1"11" via KnoavUle and Hairiman, and Pul man Bullet vcitihiiie Jacksonville T ' ""WNn A' Gn. Pas.. AKt. A.st ?o p kt v-HmaisS: Cm At"nf g'. V B MohSf'A??; i1?' Washington Sot' hS AV!1 SJpt ' Colombia, 8. C. ?&icl,Tr'nd.Mra,,a'rer' - ARRIVAL AND DEPARTURE OF MAILS. I.KAMI t 00 p III 2 .'10 p m o no a m 10 a m AHK1VR 3 10 p III... 00 p m... U 1!0 p m... " 10 pn.... WI-ST. KAST.. Km ITU .ui-cktow'n;'.;::: OPFUmCANOCLCSINO OF MAILS. OI'HX "P WEST 5Snpm Bast l?,m south 300 I'm Dl'CKTOWM STAR ROUTES. ARHIYK ""P"1 BRBVABl) SIR" I"-KNSVIELU.... U (II) n m .......... n,,,, ourxil . 00 HI I.BICRKTKH t "o p 'ii..ri'theri-okdton!! t-rnsi? 3 05 pm 1 .'10 p m 8 00 a m 7 10 a m 1. 1 avi: 7 00am 1 00 a m t 00 a ni .12 00 m SOUan Z AND BEST IN W O 0 e (0 ifl wsMsesrr! S 1 rATLOR o' aC0s)jll X 0 f d Taylor Mi. Co., St. Loula. A. FRCCK Baa removed his shop In boaemtat "of Legal Block and would ask his friends 1 particu lar and the public generally to aft him decedamot v.. '.-, f a ImsjIsm If sel'l J1lW.ri,,iJi Wim sstiaw call.

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