THE ASHEVILLB DAILY CITIZEN ASHEVILLE DAILY CITIZEN l'HINTKD DAILY (HCIl'T SUNUAY) AND W EKKLY SUBSCRIPTION KATES: I One Yemr 6 00 Daily fflx Months ' IThrrt Months 1.50 ClTUKIl I Ob Month, in advance AO . I One Week, oaid to Carrier.... 15 Tim Wkkkly Citizen, issued each Wedncs dT, In advance, f 1. SUBSCRIBERS who foil to receive their paper will cooler a favor by teport iog the Cut to this office immediately. WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 8. 1894. After allowing tbe ax to descend with full force on our devoted uccks, Mr. Hewitt of New York auuuuoces that be doesn't think tbe South has lullcu off in stttteamausUiu any more tlnui tbe North ban. This softens the blow some what, but Mr. Hewitt hereafter will ileutsc descend uti tbe nearest victim lirst. A Dl'TV. The following paragraphs are from recent recommendations of the King! County I N. Y. ) Medical society, as pre sented to the health commissioners ot Krooklyn : "That the secular press, circulars, &.c, lie utilized to educate tbe public that uulmonarv tuberculosis is an infectious LETTERS FROM TBE PEOPLE. 'Praters Front a Catolu" V Editor The CiTUKNRcturliiug & town after an abscutc of Several days I see tbat "The Tattler" has commeuted with astonishment upou my idea tbat there was a fullucy in the widely ac cepted uuixitn tliut"prayerlrom acabin are as acceptable to Ooil as those from a 6 tie ehutch." Tbe occasion was a corner stone lav ing and the subject ol the address proper places of public worship. Had "Tbe Tattler" been present, I think that he would have perceived that by 'cabin" 1 meaut not a cabiu used as a dwelling, but a cabin ustd as a church. Takeu with this mialification and iu coiiuec tiou with the following considerations, upou which I relied to protect mv mean ing from misapprehension, be will doubt less agree that though paradoxical mv .imti'iition is uardlv "astouishiuu." The central part ol Asbeville is lilted with expensive and substantial blocks ol nuuaums. oucu ioe tuiu ujvu wi mv town indued were both fitting and neces sary for the iintortantinterestsi-iathered here. Scattered about arc still seen few cheap wooden structures reminding one ot the old davs ol small tuiiigs anu small means. DuikliiiL'S arc erected lo corresnonil with the ih.uortuncc ol the business transacted. II men we mum that the chief business mau in this world is to ureDarc lor the world t' come, must vc not express our belief by exoendinir roost cost anil care upon wic buildings that are erected lor tuc uonor and the service ot tiod . l our anu uu worthy churches, granting that there m abililv to nut uo better, arc sinus ol starved'aud leeble couccptioiis ol Christ iauitv. A church is an uffcriilg to ".oil OI'oM lie dccltntd U ivccive animals ibat were "bliud, brokcu, iiu.imcd muiscd. crushed, oi cut." The best ami most perfect we have ought to be we oiler Him. If David is held upbelure usasuuesam pie because in securing a site lor the disease, and that it is acquired bv tot direct transmission of tubercle bacilli from the phthisical to those who are in health, by means of the dried and pulver ized sputum floating as dust iu the air, and through inlectcd meat aud milk, and I hat it can be larcelv prevented by sim pic and easily applied measures of clean liness aud disiuiecliou and uy sauuai i control of the meat aud milk supply." "That all public institutions, such as asvlums, homes, hospitals, dispensaries, &e., be required to transmit to the board of health the uames and addresses ol all persons sullering from pulmonary tuber culosis within seven duvs after the time that a positive diagnosis can be inude." 'Tlmt whenever the health department Iias Iwi-nmr aware of the existence of a house or premises where tuberculosis exists or recently existed ins iu cascoi death or removal I it shall take such spe. eific measures as arc required in each case." "That the health department secure the passage of an ordinance by the com uon council of thiscitv requiring corpora tions controlling public conveyances to Irei uentlv disinlect sucu parts oi men property as arc contaminated with ex liectorations." "That the health department cause a lreiuent examination of the milch cow Irom which is derived the city's milk sunnlv. and the examination of the am mala killed for food at the slaughter bouses of the citv, and lor that purposi (inltr mialilirrl vetct'llKiriaus lie em ployed." Cau there be any doubt thai Ashe villehus adutv alone this same line. T. Mitchell Trudcu, an eminent physi ciuuand one ot the leading microscop ists of the country, recalling, in the Har per's Magazine lor March, that tuber culosis causes the death of "full one seventh of those who perish between the ages of 13 and 13," says that "this nial ady can be largely prevented by the uni versal and persistent practice of intclli gent cleanliness." . Conmimntirm is not hereditary, Dr I'rudcn goes on to sav, but "suscepti bility to the action of the tubercle bacillus is hereditary." "However much the child of tubercular parents or a member of a tubercular lauiily may be predisposed to the disease, hecanuoi acquire tuberculosis unless bv some mis chance the fateful germ enters the body from without." It is to take measures that shall reduce misrhances to the smallest possible number thut a muni ill Knrnnr.-itinn. thrmiirh its board of the toils of a sophistry that has cu- , i:. I snared :ai do I temple he purchased the best location lerusalem and refused to oiler the Lord what "cost bun uotuiug, arc wc uoti est in contentedly v orsliipping in sonic emolv school house or baiu-likc strtic ture without making earnest enoris 10 provide something belter : I spoke also ot our good old nines tors, to wuotn 'iiic lamer anuues. aving, as he does, thai the Almighty will hear an "honest" prayer wherever ollered, but cautioning the hearers to remember that, it they continue to as semble iu the cabin churches ol tlir "ancestors," now that their own dwell ings are improved, they may not be lis honest in their public devotions as ibeir ancestors were. Meanness and insincerity arcgrcat hindrances to prayer. Many a cabiu used as a church has stood uot for the povcrtyand simplicity. but for tuc meanness and iiisiucenty ot ts worshippers. In assuming ttus grouuu that I do am glad to say tliat I am ilclcmliuj; tin action that has ol late years bun taken by maiiy cougicirations in Western North Carolina. May 1 add, by way ol further cxplaua lion, a word that was uot in my comer stone address? Wherever, as frequently happens, I hear a friend chanting the praises of the superior quality of prav ers made in cabin, log, or school house churches, though olteu disposed to dis sent from the sentiments advanced, never think that he is guilty of the a tomshiug absurdity of supposing that the cheap building actually adds a value to the pravcr. He means only that in the rough rude temple there arc pnrlicu larlv warm true hearts. 1 trust tbat this same discriminating method of interpretation will be applied to my owu words, and that uo one will gather that I suppose that any sanctuary however rich, can add a particle to th efficiency of a heartfelt pravcr. 1 do mean though that there is very great dancer ot a congregation s atteniptiii to cloak its covetous selfishness with the hi pocritical cloak of pious poverty. It seems to me ihat the colored people ot St. Matthias' congregation are to be congratulated upon having escaped Irom issued by the executive committee for th: convention which nominated him: "A convention ot the Democratic party of the Twelfth Judicial district is hereby called to assemble at Dillsboro, May . 1S!)1 at 2 o'clock p. m., for the purpose of nominating a candidate for the office ot ludgeof said district to till out the uue.spircd term ol the Hon. J as. 11. Mer riinoii, resigned. R. IKlHlmcr, Chairman Executive committee i-ih ludicial district, Wayuesville, N. C, March 11. lsyj." Cau anything be plainer thau this call? Aud 1 mirtht furtuer add tuat every ticket voted for Judge bhulord stateu on the face of it that the election was to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation ol James II. Merrimon. . 1 1 t' ....1 ... T...l.n 1 am a warm personal irituu i Siuford, but if he wants a second term hi. oitiet rpsicm l he commissiou the lov- eruor has tendered him, come before the convention und submit his claims. I u- Icss this is douc there is gomg to oc u dissension iu the Democratic ranks and the whole State is liable to lie inriieu over to the enemy this tall. . ,. . , nw. Democrat of the .1-111 JUUICIUI district, who believe in equul riguis to 11 ,m.l Kiic inl urivileccs to none, dou t rr. . . , .i -.. i:.. vou thmk 1 am rigut aioug una I appeal to the recollections ot every voter iu the Slate if uiv position it not .wrn'1 ns to the popular iindersianiimg ,.n Hi s sn ect. Am I do lUiiiK tuai due recard lor his owu reputation and n,.. di.Miiiv nf he nositiou he hc-lds as ...,.il ,.a :i Ki-iinrr sense ol the duty In owes to his constituents, demands of iii.l.w s'mfnril a public denial ol the , i,mnr he will bold over as per his im.niBin,i frnm I '.overuor Cair, regard incu ni 1 1.,, bn.nvn wishes of the people. In.l.res rire sniinosed to be selected for , l ,r 1,'n.h ..iKirileter IIS well as tlieil' ii. i. -irtiiiu'. .iiid llicv caiiiiot allord to biiug a reiMoaih upon the judiciary ll.i. vv hi ill- Sl.HC. I I hink IMll.llL' h has been said oil this ,,liii..i to convince auv rcasoualile ii,:. , . m:in the position I have taken is fair and honest. 1 would uot do Indue Suuford an injustice lor any thing ... 1 ,,i Ida friend. Ilrl SOIKlllV and POlltl callv. but if be wants my support be ,.nie nut like a man, deuv the rumor alluded lo and place his claims be lore the people, i n.ntr no elaiiii to oniiiuahly lor I Hi fu.a-a iiicsented iii this letter, for they arc i usl such as 1 have heard expressed ol every shade ol political oniuion and iu cverv wulk of life all over tli , ,., ., . .- j ;f :.r,,oiivff I snares many, and 1 trust that, as tliev IICQILU Or OlUei WlSC. liuua i.a iuihh" : it j .i i i -ii lk"'u ' . I arp n,,hlv rii'nvinir t hpmsr.l vr-a tln'v Ivill he generously assisted by others in liu ishing the church for which such an c Iccllent loundation has been lai.l. Win Slauky Harrows. .1 Cherokee Farm. ii i cr Cherokee Seuiil. The writer was at the lioiucol vwiliaii ii Miininiiil on l.isl Sunday and wet is throat with some ol his good brandy ,l i.ii. -i nooil dinuer. 1 he table was pread wiiu a siiuqniiouo le.ioi. ......... 1. of the condition of his lanu at present. He has about lunacies oi lauu irne.1 rcadv to plant corn anu sow u.iia nd alter looking over I lie larm I went o his stock lots, lie lias about Jo head I nice voum; colts, '. head ot Horses and mill. .: mo head ol sheep and good barn ttil st .-titles to shelter Uis siocii. iucu Mitt hi stiiek ots to his corn crio, ana ih.-rp I fiiiind about liOOor 701) bushels I picked corn as fine as 1 ever saw , in iei he lias ins lann in me most convenient suapc i tvn s.m. COUHlHieilCT nmi the l s I'.'Ods Cbrnuiclc. j The man who docs not advertise simp because his graiidlatbcr did not, oueht lo wear knee breeches and a cue. The man who does not advertise De mise It costs money, suouiu quo. ,t ... nt lor the same reason. The man who does not advertise ho use he tried it ouce and failed, should throw away his cgar because the light went out. The mau who does not advertise be- ... i. .. i .: ir cause lie doesn t Know now uhum.ii. ought to stop eating because he cau t cook. Trv our Jellico llomenlic Mui aud oii will bo pleased. Caro lina ('mil ompany. duty. What that duty is m detail is outlined in the report already quoted Irom above. The disease consumption is ouly now beginning to be well understood among the public generally. Intelligent co-opcr-ation of the people with health hoards all over the country would in a decade reduce the ravages of this disease prob ably one half; and it may yet, say in half a century, be so far stamped out as to be uo longer regarded with the horror that is now felt when wc rcllect on its ravages. It would be immensely to Ashcville's credit as well as to her profit if the City became known far and wide as having sanitary regulations that practically prevented the spread of tuberculosis here. Our climate is in our favor, but it is not enough. THE HEWITT CA8IC. Not au Affidavit enowu AitaluHl Him io Uot. Carr. Epiior Tub Citi.kni-Ju reply to Mr, W. H. Dcavcr I have the following lo say: On search beimi made iu the office of the Governor of Gcorgiu uot a pni:r could be found showing that a requisi tion had been made for me; or that 1 had been extradited. My attorney wired to an uncle of his who bv chance was in Kaleigb and got back bv mail, one day liefore my trial, a ceitified copy of ull the papers iu the case und there was not an affidavit or sworn statemeut among them. As well as I can give them by mem ory, the papers in the case were these: I: A letter signed by Lewis W. Thomas, solicitor of the city criminal court ol Atlanta, and not attorney gen eral of the State, stating tbat 1 bad com mitted the crime of libel in Fulton county, Georgia, and had lied the State and was then in North Carolina, aud asking Governor Noitbcn to make a requisition, for my delivery to u Bpecial agent, named, on GovcrnorCarr. 3. Then followed a paper, signed by VV. S. Sanl (prosecutor) stating tbat I was not wanted for the purpose ot collecting any debt or obtaining any money from, but solely for tbe purpose of punishing me for tbe alleged crime, which crime he has utterly failed to prove true. I ac knowledged the words used in court, following that was a request by the Governor of Georgia on Governor Carr for my delivery, stating on these repre seututions that 1 was a fugitive from justice; and uot an affidavit in the lot ol PWbydo not the Raleigh papers publish those'letters with a certificate of correct ness?. Voun respectfully. - F. R. Hewitt. Hewitt, Swain Co.. N. C . Feb. 28. tdaflMV SMtaara caiednle. Cars leave rear of rjost office for Springs at 9 a.m., them every "our until 6 p. as. Rrgutar half hoar schedule be twees postoffict and depot. Judtte ttuuford and Hie Full Term Kpi'iok The Citizen ; I sec that a dis cussion is going on in the newspapers by tbe lawyers of the Slate as lo whet he the judges elected in November, lst: arc entitled to bold the offices for a full term or only for the i.ncxpired term o their predecessors. Not being a lawye I am not able to fully appreciate the merits of the discussion from a legal or constitutional standpoint, but the ques tiou us levived by a layman seems lo be one of morals and of political po icy rather than of law. Iu fact tlnnli all ol this discussion is unneces sary anyway: for knowing the higl character ol Judge abulord usl do, cannot believe that be would Ihiuk to one moment of holding his place for longer time thau the expiration of tbe term of the gentleman whom he suc ceeded. Judge Shuford knows, und everybody else knows, that when he was noun naled aud elected it was expressly uu dcrstood that it was lor two years an not a full term. Now whatever may be the law in the case he is morally bound bv the action ol tbe convention tbn nominated him and the people who elected him, to come belorc Hie con vention und submits his claims, if he desires a second term I have sufficient confidence in Judge Shir lord s manhood unit sense ot Inirness an propriety to believe he will go into the convention when it is called ami submit his claims to the yeomanry of this dis trict. As lurtber evidence thut the pep understood that he was only nouiiunlei tor two years 1 desire to cull attention to the following language of the cu VOLUMES COULD BR WRITTEN, illled with tho testi mony of womea "vho liuvu been lunili, ivell and strong by Dr. l'lerce's 1'ovorlt f'rescriptiou. It's a medicln that's tnnde especially to build up women i strengtn anu to cure women's ailments an Invigorating, re storative tonic, soothing cordial, and bracing nervine: purely vegetable, non alcoholic and perfectly harmless. For all the functional derangements, vain. ful disorders, and chronic weaknesses that afflict womankind, the "Favorite Prescription'' Is the only guaranteed remedy. It must have been the medicine for most women, or It couldn't be sold on any such terms. Isnt It likely to be the medicine for you r Boia ny arugguis eveiywnero jy MIT, Cast I sjoltol fJalto! Call Cawallsm Coal CanNsr for Meet ! Coke, lis district where 1 inly as a Knight espcctluliy. Asbeville, a have traveled re of the Grip. Very Leo. H. Iihuii March 1, 1'.U. 20 PER CENT OFF ON CHINA GOODS Bargains in Clocks . . . 20 PER CT. OFF ON JAPANESE GOODS! I'OI! Till! MONTH. ARTHUR M. TIELB, leading: jeweler MANUFACTURING AND REPAIRING MRS. C. M. TATE, MODISTE, NO. 35 WOOUI'IN STKUliT. S. T. T.ivlur ky-i'Iii ul'euUliiH aud fittinx Latin ilrslh'n for xtrcft, vllttn and evm inn costume. Mauriid lurnislitil II desired 2 KMdlm" Wolfe was uot nu'dnl at the World's Fair because bis meats were uot on exhibition there; but his customers tell him that every article purchased al his stalls has pro ecu to lie ns represented. This en ilurseiiieut is muic valuable than a ca; car load ol mcilals. )AS. WOLI'IC. Stalls 8 and It City Maikcl. Delicious UKKAKFAST 10lU. PRESCRIPTIONS 7. i u w m ax nw: lyu utgt ayii wi nyir. nre mk ytyx, wM iwjf. kt ?yt if, w. I Squibbs' pharmaceutical i? iivitUiituns nro the very (0 0 M H M o w best uud most reliable kuovru iiinoujj; the Doctors of this count ry it's hail enough lo be isick without using sec ond grade drugs for this reason Dr. T (1. .Smith uses ytjuibbs' Preparations al- (0 Z 0 M H PU u most exclusively in tilling Prescriptions it is a sat isfaction to know that every bottle of medicine we si nd ft H g 4 k -V i out is just as good as the best quality of drugs will make it no matter wh it price you paid for it you couldn't get it any belter Dr. T. ('.Smith's Drugstore, Public Square, is the place. w & M f o M D H M 0 w w o M H M 0 NOTICE. TAXES 1891 TAXES Tuxuayei ol' liuneouibc county titke no l or : Uu and after tbe IS'li duy nf March t will attach ami Hell whatever i t personal rrop ncri.v I can Hud In the i"Kflon of delin qu lit taxpayers ns retulrtd by nect'ou 1ST, cliaotrr U9ii oublie laws of Norih Carolina, 1HUH. anil on and after Slat day of Man-U wll iidvertlae for aale any and all real eitntc on which the tuica haee not been paid and rnr which there can be no personal property louna nuiucienT hbiibi? ine cm in. Meet me a' the I .llowlng placet und aav me trouble and ynuracu cunt: J D lual ' alore, Lower lloniluy town hlii. March 111 Hawkins' ttorc, Lower Momlny township, March IS Candlem' lore. Upper Hominy township, March 18 8J l.o'her't ttore, Upper Hominy town' hip, Muren i O 11 Millcre' ttorc, Uppir Uoiuii.v town h'D. M rcli I n Palrvlew, Pairview towmhlp, Marrb 10 Conk't (tore, Averyt Creek township, March 13 Ardeti, Limestone township, March IS anil 17 C open atatlon, Swannanoa towaahip, March 13 Black Mt station, Black Mt townthlp, March 14 Harnardivllle, Irv townthlp, March 10 and 14 WeaTervlll:, Reemt Creek townthlp March 1 3 Alexander!, French Broad townthlp, March 18 StockiTllle, Flat Creek townthlp, March in folMatrr. I.rlcentcr towuaVlo. Mtrch 13 howllngt' atore, Randy Math townthlp, March 10 ana 14. voort irniy, T. II. WBkVRfJ. Tax Col. Feb. SIBth, ISO. 8-ldltwSt . A A A 'k A i'i A A ;.. A A A A ; PRESCRIPTIONS ST V V- 'Vs V V V V V V V "V V V V V '9s V 5 & ii 13 w a M D H 0 V V :V; "rt STANDARD Urauulated Sugar, I'O pounds fur $111. Levering! Kcliable Konted CxfTec, 1.3 ccntt per package. Tea, 10 nml noccult pit pouuil. Lard, compound, 10 cents per pound. Lard, leaf, 12! jiC per puuiid. Bacon, wcit- crn, 10c. per pound. Bacon, Uuncombe, 12! sc Per pound. Mains, Uuncombe, 12! jc. per pound. Gulden Cottnlcne, :i pound bucket!, 30c; 5 pound buckets, 55c ; at re tall 11c. Homemade Molasses, 40c. per gallon. New uncaus molasscii, Sue. per gul- lon. Apple Vinegar, four yearn old, 115c. per gallon. L'lcclric Light l'luur and White l'eurl, $2 per hundred. Omega Flour, $5.00 per barrel Meal, Ouc. per bushel. Citron, 20c per pound. Currants, Ge per pound. French Prune:', iOc, per pound. Taylor' Jelly, r! iC. per pound. Colnnan's Mustard, 15c. per oi. Dunhuin's shreiled Cucoauut, 10c per pound. Ilubingcr't Ulastic starch, 10c. per package. Oar Lilllc Haiiy I'icklcs, 10c. icr bottle, a pound cans Tomatoes, 10c. .1 pound cans Okra and Tomatoes, 16c. 3 boxes SOOs blue lien Mutches, 5c only. Tbe Little Store Around the Cornet. 39 C0IAR1B STREET. Be Independent lly Learning Shorlband with Which You Can BARN MONIiY. If you cannot come here, we can give yuu thorough course dv mull, eiituslaeti guaranteed. Wcdutiot teach by printed slina, as otbrrt do, but treat the intellect ol each individual pupil aa required. terms u tor eotirie i -to lessons, to taken within 20 we. ks, payable half in -W. J. POSTELL W, II. OWVN. W. W. WSST, GrWYN& WEST Suecetsors to W. B tiwyn. UstablUhcd 1S1. Refer to Bank of AtdicTlllc. REAL ESTATE LOANS SUCUKBLY rLACKll AT 8 l'KK CUNT. MOTABT PUBLIC. COMMISSION!!! Of FIRE INSURANCE Southeast Court Square. MISS ii. HAVJMRNN, Instruction! glyen In China Painting, also Oil and Water Color. Terms moderate. Work can b Impeded at residence 44 GROVE STREET. II AI.I. II I'OKK 11 SArSACIi II I) LINKS (I OK II ltl'I.K II W. M. Hill & Co., City Mui Uil. 11 LTiUOltlC Brick and Tile Works, Biltmore, North Carolina, HAS FUU SAI.i: .V LAUtii: STOl'K Ol'' COMMON I5KICK OK A 1,1, KINDS, KICIMUCSSED KUU KS, AMI A 1,1, S1ZKS Ol1' AUlUCULTL'ltAli DUAIN Tll.i:. The Bf-t fihoct for the Least Money. W. L. DOUGLAS SKOE for the Least Money. 9wm ll' WS& m 6 $5, 84 and S3.50 eLAt: Ui X S3.50 Police 1 NK $2 and $1. m!&s. fcv ladies .;:::Z.-V : - 15 - 2iflnr . vS.o FOR GENTLEMEN, Dress Shoe. Shoe, 3 Soles, Workingmen. 75 for Boys. AND MISSES; .50 $2, $I.7S ON. If ftny dPAlm iu W. I.. ltii;liiF li A rrrlurtd prim, he Iim tbem witti I ho nttitin tannti' the bottom, put him UOWU KlairAUU W L. DOUGLAS s,lotv;i a,'c .vli-h, lilting mul nivr hvW Mlilitt tioii ill tlio nri-c$ athi-itist'tl tlian any oilier make'. 1 ry one pair ami he nn- iiu-cd. The ftampini,' cr . I.. Poulav name anil pnrc on the notion., vnin . piarank'i's their value, haves tliousami-i oi Hollars annually io who wear uicm. Dealers who push the tale of W. I. Dmila.s Shoes gain customers, which helps tc im reasc ine saies on men inn un wi miuu, lney can nnorn m mu n hml we hclittv von mil save monoy by buy in t; nil your footwear of tho lnler adviC tlsod below Catlot;ue free upou apiilicrttiou. V I. UOt'tiLA.S Brotktan, UH For Sale By J. D. BLANTON & CO. ASHEVILLE WOODWORKING CO. Is Now Prepared to Furnish all Kinds of BUILDING MATERIAL Fine Church, Cabinet Work and Bank Fixtures HKNO IOR KHT1IHATKM. Asheville Woodworking Co. ml vatiec, and balance in 00 unys. Tcit-bnokn Ire to uuiii 8 Wc tench noth nil but Stand ard ah or tli aud and give full vuluc Tor uiuncy rcceivrd TVPliWRITKRS HOU'IHT, 8t)I.n ANP KBPMKBD. 11 you wich to nimhuae typewriter of unv uiake -vou cun save munr by buying 'lirouli us- U'voHhavriiBrconil hand writer to wll, chip it to uu and wc will depose of it for you to best udvnutaKt, price sunicct to your npproviu. H vou ao not wish to buy a new machine scud your old one to us to be thoroughly repaired. THE STENOGRAPHIC INSTITUTE, junTilifm 1U Church St., New York City Your broken wuinns nnj rtlilclcs of all kinds to I). liuructtc's sb p on Collcuc street, where tliey will be repaired promptly and In firstOu?s style, nay lug secured a lirst-class horsc-shoer 1 uiuke ull kinds of line shoeing a specialty. U. BURNETTE. H. KauHuian, Supt. Tdophone. 101. THE OAKS HOTEL Uiidcr New Manugcmcnt. New Furniture, Nice, clean comfortable rooms. Tabic cxcellcut, Northern Style, Porter Meets all Trains. Close lo town. On an Electric Car Line. Iieautirul Location. Hot and Cold Bnlhi. liiery I'oislulc Conrenlcnet. O. M. PHILIP Jr Quality not iuvTxrrirrvY NO Pit BR GIFTS 0 ANY KIND TO ATTKAtT ATTliNTInS OR DKAW TRAIIB AT THB Acme Wine, Liquor Honse & White Man's Bar What 1 claim is thut 1 keep the largest stock of rsl class nooils ul any house iu the State. Anyone iu need of pur unadulterated Uraurs will find it tolhclr iulcrcsi lo can and ciuuiinc uiy stock. The same h! been recommended by the Icmlliiu physlclnns in the State fur medicinal purposes. J'tiM. M. Lougrhniiis Prop. NO. 58 SOUTH MAIN STREET, - - ASHE VILLl, N. C. My motto ii, "Keep the best ami chui'KC aivurilliinl v.' Mv place Is second to none in the Slate, TliLlil'HONB CALL 13!) FOSTOFl'llMi IIOX liSH. Order From a Distance Solicited. Boxing & Packing Free B0H1HZ& WINE AND LIQUOR COMPANY, Nos. 11 and 43 S. Main St., Asheville. XTl II lllirAKTMIiST, (ii.V7.S" iMLf ttls I'AKIMK ANU KISAltINO ROOM. C10AKS, TOBACCO AND (Jiid'S, N.Uf. VI.U, llll.UAKII ANU fOOI. MHIM. NO. 1J3. Beer Vaults and Bottling Depariment in the Basement. MY KimiicctlUUy Solicit n Slmrc of Your I'lili uuiiuv. P. A. MARQUARDT, Manager. DAINTIES WW SIBSTANTIALS IN FULL SUPPLY AND ASSOKTMBNT. CAKE9,PIE8, ROLLS AND BRBAD AT THB FRENCH BAKBRY. NO. St COL LBOB 8TBBBT, W. A. JAMBS, JR., PROP. NOTICE T Ordered. by the Doard of County Commli sloncrs ot Uuncombe county that on tbe ftnt Monday In March, M04, there Kill be established In each of the fonr ward! of the city of Asheville a polling place, and that a new registration will be made la each ol laid ward!. ( It. KAN KIN, 1'80-dtf Chairman. Mu In liatruiice, 13. Telc'ithonu l ull, .o. X. IN MOUNTAINS OF NORTH CAROLINA A VERY SELECT BOARDING HOUSE LORETTA HAXJ-j. HOT SPRINGS, NORTH CAROLINA. (liicellMvTahlejjndhijV H. M. SWAINE, PROPRIETOR.

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