State Library 114 VOLUME IX. NO. 205. ASHEVILLE, N. C, THURSDAY EVENING, MARCH 8, 1894. PRICE 5 CENTS Asheville Daily Citizen Lenten Goods. Ii V MACKliKAI., Ww Fat, White, uicy. 1' IlLVT codfish. ill WW I Genuine Georges. I liiyi' SMOKED IIALIHIT, Itrlght, Thick Pieces. 'ini'1 MVT I RAN IS (II W (.aimed run. Fiudoii Haddocks, kipicicd Herring, Hvvilcil Crubs, Clum Juice, Lobsters, Shrimps, Clams, lite. KlUXJ-KU. SMOKE BLOMBERGS Seleotos. .vmuxv i.iim: u.uiv.i, t'lM.V ll.SI A.Wii. MAXV IACTIK i:i i:svm:ssi.v I'on my I'isn thahu. THY OKU. L. BLOMBERG 17 l'ATTON AVKNUB. CORTLAND BROS., KBAL U3TATU UHOKBR8. INVIiSTMBNT AOBNTS. NOTARY PUBLIC ' l.uuiu Securely placed at 8 per cent. Office its 28 Pattern An., up stairs SOME LOW PRICES California Peaches 18c. Per Can. California Apricots 13c. Per can. Pare Maple Syrop $1.20 Per Gal. encumber Pickles 40c. Per Gal. Sweet Mil Pickles 70c. Per Gal. Sonr Hi Pickles 60c. Per Gal. CilKornia Eitporated Peaches, Apricots An Pears 17c. Per Lb. O A.. Greer, GRASS SEEDS! Fresh Lot Kentucky Clover, Timothy, Orchard, llhie lira ss, Kid Top and SEED OATS. New York Ivarly Rose anil Hebron Potatoes, . Mso GARDEN SEED. A. D. COOPKR, Nortli Court Square. BON MARCHE Till! KXACT NliW VOKK OUST SAl.ti IS TO UU CONTlNUlili TOR A S1IOKT WH1LB YBT, S.IMK VliKV DKSIKAIILU UOOUS VBT IN STOCK. ALL AT UXACT NBW VORK COST. BON MARCHE :i7 SOT Til MAIN STKIiUT. t t tf PRESCRIPTIONS! A SI'liCIAI.TY AT- Grant's Pharmacy Where they are put U promptly, rapidly anil nccurnlcly. (rum chcmicully pure ilruKs, fresh from thclu'Hjnitoiicsorf iillilrt, Mink. Schitflilia nuil other tnandsril muiiul iitur era nut ut most rci "unable prices. THE OAKS HOTEL Under New Management. New Furniture. Nice, clean comfortable room. Table ciccllcnt, Northern Style. Porter Meets all Train.. Close in town. On an Ulectric Car Line. Beautiful Location. Hut and Cold Uuths. Uverv Possible Convenience. O. M. PHILIP P Rose Myrrhine A LIUIIIII SyilSTirtlTIi I'OK TOOTH I'OWIIBK. Chun and whitens the teeth, Imparts lirm neas to the gums, corrects foetid breath and leuvca u refreshing coolncrn In the mouth Pleasantly llavoriil and fr:c fiom anything Injurious, Price 25c. A trial bottle free. CarmichaiTs Kinulsion Cud Liver Oil with Port. Wine Valuulbe as a toulc, valuable us a fatten lag rood Makes the weak strung, the thin fat. Children, especially, thrive on It. No disagreeable taste, CARMICHAELS PHARMACY, SM SOUTH MAIN BTKBBT, House'-keepers, This Is For You. Wc luivc rcix'ivcil a wale (loo Uuztnt nt AloKk' Knglish semi-pun-tain tti, lout hape. which we have placed tm sale tit ."0 ecu I net, regular price of these j: out Is it $1.50 doxcn. We nUo have u quantity nt tliv same teas slightly dripped. :io cents set. Just the tiling for kitchen use. We have also received fully ou itum tumblers, plain, cut and ciiKrare!. Home real bargains anion: ilieni. Wc lo nut eare to inokc the prices puUliv. euine it in I see iVu yourself. White China For Decorators. .'rices ou the entire line will be very inter esting. Many things at half real value, and all in the latent designs. Weave tlnitj get ting in new ami pretty things iu (amy ehina, glosN, tU. our stock ii still the Inrgol in the State, price tin- lowest, THAD. W. THRASH I GO. CRYSTAL PALACE. PERFECTLY BLENDED! If yu like a eup uf guud collet.- you can get it out of our blend ul Moelm and Java. Wc believe this to he the most perfect blend of col tee now sold. We have a dream in TEA And il yuu are given to this (leverage we can give you something that is delicious POWELL & SNIDER 'Jl X O s5 X X x x o X H O H X Vaccine Points ll.Wli VVV lUiliS VACCIXATlili : wn ii.wii n'sr iiii.v .von- I'lUD FKO.V WAMllXt.TUX TUAT SMALL POX li.SISTS IX rlVi.V- Tvrnmm status axu ad- visas vaccinatum. vu hi; ClilVK l'KOM Till! S A TIO.S A I. I'AKM AT WASIIIStiTON, U, C, A iHHSII SI PI'LV uvuny MOX- HAY. PHYSICIANS SVl'Pl.lliH I1Y Helnitsti & Reagan CUVKCU 8T. PATTON AVI! . MR. PEARSON AXSWERKI) NO UKUI NU WHATKVt.K FUR HIlS CHAKUI'.t. The Law of 1889 a Fair Ouc Auil The RetclHtrar Hais No llxtra ordluarv I'owers-The Attack ou Ttae Huprciue Court Founded In Mlttrepreaentatlou libiTuK Tun Citizen: In tit's ul lilicrty regulated by law" it is the right of every man to make kinwii to the people his desire and intetiti m to be a candidate for Congress, or nuv other ollicc. In what form and laiiKU.-ijc this desire and intention shall be nwiiik'-Uil must he larelr a mutter of taUv, l.nt it may be (aid, to the honor of the State, that in the past very few, if iniv, ul her aspiring politicians have issuul to the public manifestos containing ciiiniiial libels upon the Supreme court in order to intrjducc themselves to the voters ol tile country. 1-or some weeks past it liasUcn known to many that Mr. Kichmoud IVarsou ol this county, who has been tjuitc n long while out of politic) anil fully as long out of the public mind, had contracted what may be, not inaptly, described as an ardent eagerness to go to Congress front the Ninth Congressional district. He lias evidently been making diligent preparation to announce his candidacy but having 110 political principles of his own, he seems to have been at a great loss to know how to begin. Hut true to his intense and ridiculous per sonal vanity he has begun, as he might have been expected to begin, by a reference to a great thing lie did "just five years ago." This great thing was that he "wrote a letter to Tub Asiik vu.i.ii CmEN condemning the Election l-aw" of law.i as follows: "It the Election Law puts a pre mium on fraud, and vests arbitrary and dangerous powers iu the registrars, and invites Federal iuteilcrence." There was tint then 1 "just live years ago" I and there is nut now one wonl ol truth in this denunciation of the Elec tion Law of lss'.i, but it c intains a gross libel upon the (tcncral Assembly which passed il. It will hardlv escape attention that Mr. I'carson, in his letter to the Kepublican orcan, the Ncgister, rclers, with respect to wlu't was ipiitc universally known as the "Inlamotis I'oree Dill," which the "Tom Kced" Con gress and the Harrison administration used their utmost efforts to force and fasten upon the country. It is cnlirtly fair to infer from the general tenor ol Mr, Pearson's letter that, if elected to Congress, he will resurrect this "Force Hill" and do what he can to have it passed into a law to take the place ol the Flection Law ol 188'.), The specta cle 01 Having our polling places sur rounded bv armed men and our people intimidated and driven from the polls wouiu cause mm no sliainc, no rcurct but rather pleasure and deliuht. Mr. Pearson's grief over the repeal ol the Federal election laws is touching iu the extreme. He exclaims, in (he very stress ef his unguish, that "a Demo cratic Congress has tried and succeeded iu passing the Tucker bill, which sweeps from the Federal statutes every vestige of law which makes bribery in elections a crime or which imposes penalties upon b aud and con tuition at the polls." Now the U.-i.OUO of disfranchised voieis of the Uth Concessional district will wonder how it is that tins gentleman can make himscll miserable and forlorn over a matter ol this kind, when they consider that he belongs to that class ol politicians who think it the very highest order of political ingenuity and smart uess to "crawl through slime auil tilth" to attain political aims and ends. If any one will take the pains to pro cure a copy of a political circular issued by Dr. . S. T. Itaird a few years ago, he will I111U 111 it Mr. Pearson s estimate ol what the modern politician is and ought to do to succeed, nnd he will liud that according to his estimate "bribery 111 elections" and "fraud and corruption it the polls"nre worthy to beclt'sscil with the desirable thin.'S ol political life. Who can recall the last political caninaivii in which Mr. Pearson participated in this county, and doubt his perlcct loyally to the doctrines that he preached to Dr. Hand.' Hut let us look at another ntculiaiitv ol Mr. Pearson us a politician: It is said that he voted the Democratic ticket at the last election. It is well known that he was not then a Democrat any more than lie is now. lie is a man ol in telligence He read and understood the Democratic platlorm, lie knew the Democratic party was pledircd to the repeal of the Federal election laws, and that the Kepublican party was pledged to prevent their rcieal and to extend them even to the enacting into law the "Infamous Force Hill." lie is known to be 111 favor of the McKinlcv tarill. and against Irec coinage ol silver and the re peal ol the 10 percent, lax 011 Slate hanks. Indeed, there is nothing Demo cratic that he lias ever been, or is now iu lavor ol. What then made him vole lor Cleveland ? I have heard it said that lie did it he-cause he expected Cleveland would be elected and would appoint renrson s oroiucr-iu-iaw minister or ambassador to sonic foreign court, and that lie I Pearson 1 would get to be score tnry ol legation, or words to that effect. II he voted the Democratic ticket upon these grounds his vote would le in line with his well known political princi ples (?) nnd he is perhaps excusable. What n pity Mr. Cleveland did not think to appoint him minister to the Fijce Islands or ambassador to the kingdom ol l.oucngtila 111 Alnca: Hut to return to the election laws of I HSU and Mr. Pearson's attack upon the honor nnu: integrity ol the Supreme court, lie savs that since the date of his live year's letter the "Supreme court have construed the new election law and their decision in the case of Harris vs. Scarborough . . . gives the regis trnrs powers much more arbitrary and dungerous and horrible thin 1 had sup posed that law would warrant. Why should a sensible man write such "dan gerous and horrible" stuff as this? Mr. Pearson knows just ns well as anybody that tlit decision of the Supreme court Hives the registrars no power whatever. 1'he question before the Supreme court in the case cited was as to the validity ol the act of ISStl, mid the court tiiinni motisly held the law constitutional nnd valid. Again, Mr. Pearson says: "1 wish to mnkc some comments on that decision in language at rcstcclfiil as the case will IH-rmit." This gentleman ii trending on Continued on scaim! pngc.) SENATOR RANSOM JUMPED HOW BI.HMONH VUI.I .M l.l-:K i-:u AN OPINION A Noteworthy Contribution 10 (lie Vauce tslfiiiuoiia Controversy by Hon If. A. iuditei-A Hci-I CrucklnK Time. , This morning TiikCitikn visited lion. II. A. (jutlgcr, who is convalescing alter a serious illness of several months' dura tiun, aud found him able to sit up and walk about his room, although he is si ill quite weak from hi long sickness. Among other things talked about in the conversation was the Vance Simmons matter. Mr. Gudgcr said that all papers were kept Iroiu him during his illness audit was not until Tuesday ol this week that be read some of the articles bearing ou the subject. "What about the letter ol Mr. Sim nions?" Mr. Gudgcr was asked. "1 know nothing about it except as 1 have becu advised by friends iu whom I have confidence," Mr. Gudgcr replied. "At a gathering of prominent publi. Fastem men at Morchcad City a few days alter Mr. lilias' appointment as Collector and Mr. Simmons' return from Washington, Mr. Simmons stated, in answer to a ipiestion by Mr. Harry Skinner ol Greenville, X, C', that he went to Washington to see the President about western appointments and made the first suggestion to the President that he should appoint Mr. Glenn as dis trict at torney and Mr. I-lias ns Collec tor, and that the appointment of Mr. lilias would give satisfaction to the Western people. Mr. Simmons said the President was struck with the suggestion and alter discussion between the two concluded that that would be the best course lor Inn to take. Mr. Simmons then went to Sen ator Kansom's hotel and detailed what had occurred at the White House, and Senator Ransom jumped up, cracked his heels together and, patting him on the shoulder, told Simmons that that was the best (lav's work lie bad ever done. "Mr. Skinner told me that Mr. csse Granger of kinston and others were present and heard this statement by Mr. Simmons. I believe Mr. Skinner's story to be true, not only because he is an hon orable man but from the further fact that I have since seen Mr, Simmons on the train aud ntc breaklast with him at the Varboro house in Raleigh and lie made no explanation to me." "Mr. Gudgcr, lias Senator Hansom any objections to vou ?" was asked. "1 have." Mr. Gudgcr replied, "sup ported the Senator on every oc asion and he has frequently expressed great confidence in uic and recognized my ser vices to the Democratic parly, and has made me believe, not only in personal conversation, bill in statements made to Capt. M. Ii. Carter, who went to Wash ington in my interest, that he had no objection to ine personally and that he regarded ine a fit man for the place. It is true that Senator Ransom expressed to ine that he believed that I was a bet ter friend to Governor jarvis than I was to himself." HIT THIv UAI.1,1 TnlkliiK Now lor nil Auttrt kuIIoii 01 mill Toshth A:,luville is beginning to awaken on basilia l topics ami the cranks who la.-.t season pi esse. 1 against the ropes anil threw up their hats are talking "ru'cs" and "records'' and "percentages'' Ii 0111 morn till even. Asheville last season had a good team, and there is talk ol having a still better one this year. That is what the lovers of the great Anicrii "in game want, together with grounds arc alwavs kept in first class condi tion. The lirst active steps iu Hie baseball agitation will be taken Satutdav evening when tbe tucinlicrs of the Aslievillc llasc ball club will meet at l.'l College sticet at n o'clock, to talk the matter ovei tliorougbly. The important business ol the meeting;, however, will be the election ol olliccrs for the ensuing season. All the club's members arc asked to attend the meeting. SHOT AT MOItltlMI'OWN Claud t! .loiii-M ol ANllivllIc- Hurl, lint to Vlml l-:xl iit Not Known. A telegram was received here today Iro.n Moi'iistowu, lenii , slating thai Claude oiies of Asheville was shot ill that town this morning. No particulars of the shooting were given, nor docs the dispatch slate whether young Jones w as Uingcroiisly wounded. Yesterday Detective Denver received a curd I ro 111 Morristowu asking if oucs was wanted Vie, Deputy Sherill Hamp ton telegraphed in have Jones arrested on a charge ol housebreaking. This inoriiini; the deputy received n rcnlv stating that Jones had been arrested. About .l l.i Deputy Hampton received a second dispatch saying Jones had been shot In the hip but the wound was not considered dangerous. STF.FHFU IT OFF. And Now Two MulclierN Illd TIlctllHilt t'N In Troubli. A 1, HUi poimd steer that was iu the cattle vard of the R. cc D. near the depot on the night of February lit was the cause ol the iroulile 111 which Wash Lewis, white, and Howard Walker, col orcd, now lind themselves. Tuesday night Lewis and Walker, who have been conducting a heel market just outside the southern limits ol the city, were arrested by Detective W.H. 1 leaver, on a charge of stealing the steer tclcricd to. The men were taken before Justice F. F. Howell yesterday alteration lor a hearing. There they pleaded guiltv and were sent up to await thcncvl term ol the Criminal court, in default ol bond in the sum ol $:uhi each. Madlnou'H Tobacco Crop. V. C. Sprinkle of Madison county, while here yesterday told Till! Citizen thai the bulk of the tobacco crop had liecn marketed from that county, al though much of that remaining unsold is of the brightest grades. A good deal of the leaf has liecn shipped to market at Danville, Richmond or Lynchburg, nnd, Mr, Spi inkle says, iu many cases the shippers arc better salislied with the prices realized on the Asheville niurkct than those of the other markets, l l the Virginia markets Danville's prices have conic nearer giving satislnetion, THE SENATE TARIFF HILL WOOL ANII I. (KlUICU KliMAIN ON THIi FKKI2 LIST A Turin on Huicar aud Irou Ore -KCHiilt ufa Montli'H Work by the lieuiocrallc ncmiiirH of Hit; Coiuuiltlee-Kvporl lo (lie Full Committee. Washington, March s, The Wilson tariff bill, which passed the House ol Representatives Feb. 1, was laid before the lull membership of the Senate com mittee ol linaucc this morning in the amended form up m which the IKiiio cratie majority of that committee agreed 011 niter one whole mouth's considera tion. Simultaneously w ith the presentation ol the bill to the full committee il was given out for publication that the chief features upon which public interest centered were the provisions in regard to the tarill on sugar, irou ore, lead, wool, and its man ufactures, cotton uiatiutacturcs, and the internal revenue taxes 011 whiskey aud tobacco. The sugar provision is as lid lows: All sugars, tank bottoms syrups, beet juice melada, concentrated melada con crote, and concentrated molasses, testing by the polariseope at not above Ml) de grees, shall pay a duty of one cent per pound ami lor every additional degree or fraction of a degree above SO and not above in 'degrees shall pay ouc-hutidiedfh ol a cent per pound additional, ami so 011 in that ratio. Iron ore, also the dross or residuum Iroin burnt pyrites, ID cents per ton. Coal is taken from the ft ce list aud made dutiable at lo cents per tou and coke at l.'i cents. Lend ore ( which ill the Wilson bill was l.'i per cent, ad valorem I and lead dross, three fourths ol one cent per pound; provided, that silver and all other ores containing lead shall pay a duly of three-fourths ol one cent per pound ou the lead contained therein, according to sample and assay at the port ol entry. Raw wool is lift 011 the li'ie list ex actly as in the Wilson bill, the provision to no intoellect August -', lN'.H. The whiskey taxis reduced to SI. 10 ami the bonded period extended live years; that is, from three to eight years. Cigars, S.'i a thousand; cigarettes, in paper, $1 a thousand, and cigarettes, in tobacco, ad cents a thousand. I, umber remains on the free list. The income tax provision ol two per cent, remains in the bill, but the tax on non residents is stricken out. A MlVl l. CAHIi. A Hold Over I'aH.inasier Helm Hit; Ollicc lo Another Man R.m.i:ii;m, X. C , March 0. One ol the most remarkable transactions ever at leuipiod iu this State causes quite a sen sation at Henderson, . R. Moss is poslmaslc there. He is a Republican hold-over aud his attempt was to sell the postniastcrsliip to a man named A. M. Ilasket, who lives a couple of miles from Henderson. The consideration was to be S'.IHO, to be paid bv Haskel. The latter mortgaged his larm to raise the necessary money, and paiil $'nto a law yer to prepare Hie papers. He also agreed to p iv the expenses ol Moss aud t lie attorney to Washington to make the transit-r. When Moss and the law yer relumed ami Hask.'. found lliev could not deliver the goods he raised a row ami declined to pay any more money. 'I lie law ytr at once made an attempt to sell the laud iu order to pay the cost of the Washington trip ami other expenses, amounting to $111-. Ilasket was com pelled to go before a judge and gel an order restraining the lawyer horn selling the property. The judge said he wished to have nothing lo do with such a ease ami has referred the matter lo a prom incut citi'cn to act as referee - Wilming ton Messenger. N .V W T It A 1 N WKIAKII). The l.nutncer Killed, No IMnmi-ii tlVTH Injured. Ko.woki., V.i., March s. The vesti billed tram on tile Norlolk and Western between Washington and Chattanooga was wrecked al Ij. 10 this morning bv : landslide to miles uoiTli ol this city Fngmecr lake Hardy ol this citv was killed and Fireman Nollsiugcr was thrown into the lames river. As the cueihc rolled down the embankment be swam out. He is severely injured. No passengers were hurt. The HrecUlntldtte Trial. Washington, March S, Congressman William C. P. Ilrcekinridgc of Kentucky was placed on trial lor his social rcptila tiou and political life today iu the begin ning ol the suit which Madeline V. Pol lard has brought against him to deter mine whether he shall pay her $oll,liiio lor breach of'prnmise. 1 he white haired defendant did not seem to show any trepidation to being stared at and dis cussed. I here was no trouble 111 secur ing a jury. It iscomposed of while men At loifio'court nduiiirni'd until loiuor row to allow the new counsel iu the case to luiniliaric themselves with it. Heualor Now 1 Juxllcc Hooii. W Asihngton, .March H. 1 lie resigna tion of Senator While of Louisiana, to take rffcel March IU, was laid before the Senate this morning. 1 lie Governor ol Louisiana has tie cepted the resignation ol Senator While an I appointed Hon, Newton C. Hlaiich aid to succeed him. uiiidNloue Ih Heller. London, March S. Gladston's condi tion is sliuhllv improved this tno.iiiiig but bis physicians advise him to remain 111 lied today. COSniiSSIiU TlilMlKAMS. The Nicholson hotel, of Nashville went into the hands of n receiver yester day iu consequence of a bill filed to secure n mortgage Held Dy l.ouis A. Hntcs, ol New York, lor $t)0,00ii. The failure of llunler, Clark and Jacol, was announced at the New York slock exchange late yesterday. The rise American sugar is supposed to have car ricil down the lirm. The schooner Transit has arrived in Sail Fraueiseo Iroin Honolulu, bringing news to February 20. Steps arc being taken towards a iniiriuuttunal conven tion 111 Hawaii. Potter Palmer, the millionniicproprii tor 01 me i nimcr House, Uiicago, seriously ill with the giip. THE I IMPROVED Knickerbocker Shoulder Brace and Suspender Combined. We have just received a lull line (all sizes I ol the above br ice. Having sold more than 1 hundred pair during the last year, and all giving satisfaction, wc caa certainly recommend them as beii the best brace for Ladies and Gents, Hoys and Girls, now on the irkct. A lew lucls about them: N'o harness- Simple unlike all ol hers. Promotes free respiration of the Lungs. Prevents chil dren becoming round shouldered. A pcr- ct skirt supporter for l,udics. A gentle or powerful brace obtained. Easily ad justed and worn with comlort. Cheap est and most reliable Hraccatidsusiiciidcr iu the World, livcrv nair cuarinireil xaiuinc them, shown iu our window, RAYSOR & SMITH, 31 PATTON AVE ASHEVIULE TO THE FRONT wu ham; jtst ciimi'I.hthu a i-ui.i I. INK III-' HANDMADE SHOES Ami will mi tin- luhiu' entry in tttuck u full isHoi dm ul of Mini OUR OWN MAKE! TllliV STANIl WITHOUT A RIVAL t Court iiii(irc, Asheville, N. C. SOUTHERN CROSS FLOUR, I'UK KALI! IiY T. J. Revell's, 30 North Main. -SIPHONS) I VICHY AND 8BLTZBI In .J. , Siphons can bt obtained at SIPHONS ll" d,aK ,t0,e" r "syor & ) Smith and Heuutsh & leacan "- v and at factory, 817 Haywoad I ( street. 0. U. CAM PBBLL, 9

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