State Library 114 ASHEVILLE, N. C, FRIDAY EVENING, MARCH i), 1894. VOLUME IX. NO. 265. PRICE 5 CENTS r---- Citizen Asheviile Daily WANTED, STRICTLY FANCY COUNTRY BUTTER. WU.l. PAY 30Cts Per Lb. WM. KROGER, ii College stivct SMOKE BLOMBERG'S Seleotos. STRICTLY LUXtl .U'.I.V.I FILLIiR.l CTIM.V l.I.Vl MM'li. masvfactfk- i:i lismnssLY for aiv rim. traue. THY O.Vfi. L. BLOMBERG 17 PATTON AVBNUB. CORTLAND BROS., KBAL USTATB UROKUKS. 1NVUSTMBNT AGENTS. NOTARY PUBLIC ' Luaoa Securely placed at 8 per cent Office ilS St 36 Pattoa Are., up stain SOME LOW PRICES California Peaches 18c. Per Can. California Apricots 13c. Per can. Pure Maple Syrup $1.25 Per Gal. CDcamber Pickles 40c. Per Gal. Sweet lix Pickles 70c. Per Gal. Soar Mil Pickles 60c. Per Gal. California Evaporated Peaches, Apricots An Peurs 17c. Per Lb. Gl- A.. Greer. I GRASS SEEDS! l'rcsb Lot Kcutucky Clover, Timothy, Orchard, lllue Grass, Red Toi and SEED OATS. New York l'.arly Rose mul Hebron 1'olatoes, Also GARDEN SEED. A. D. COOPER, North Court Square. BON MARCHE TUB EXACT NEW YUKK COST SALE IS TO 13B CONTINUED I'OR A 8IIOKT WHILE YBT, SOME VliRY DESIRABLE GOODS YBT IN STOCK. ALL AT UXACT NOW YOKK COST. BON MARCHE :t7 SOUTH MAIN STIMvl- ft nnnriimnmiAiT fl 1 1 rKfiblililf IlUrl o ! -A 8PBC1ALTY AT- Grant's Pharmacy Where they are put up promp'ly, rapidly I anil accurately, from chemically pure drugs, I freih Troiu the luborntorles of Siulhl, Merck. Schieflillu and other standard inanuf.etiir era and at most reasonable prices. THE OAKS HOTEL Under New Management. New Furniture. Nice, clean comfortable rooms. Table excellent, Northern Style. Porter Meets all Tralna. Clutc In town. On an lilectric Car Line. Beautiful Location. Hot and Cold Dutha. Bverv l'oisible Convenience C.M.PHILIPP Rose Myrrhine A LIUUIU 8UUST1TUTH TIIK TOOTH POWDER. I Cleans and whitens the teeth, liupartt lirm- I Deis to the gums, corrects foetid breath aud I I leaves u refreshing coolneis In the mouth. I Pleasantly llavortil and fr:c from anything I injurious. Price USe. A trial bottle free. Carinicliael's Emulsion Cod Liver Oil with Pun Wine Vulaalbe at a tonic, valuable as a fatten ling food Makes the weak ntrong, the thin I iat. Children, especially, thrive on It. No I disagreeable ta.u. ICARMIGHAELS PHARMACY, JO BOUTU MAIN BTKUBT. House-keepers, This Is For You. Wc luivc iixuivcil h crate 1 100 dtmu.i ui Alcock's Hnlish ttcmi-potxliiu teis, t?v lilis, which wc liave placed on suit nt .10 ccult set, regular price of these kuuUs is $1.50 dozen. Wc also have a quantity oi the same teas slightly chipped, 110 cents si t .lust the thing for kitchen use. Wc have also received fully 5uo ducii tumbler, plain, cut find engraved. So un real bargains among Hu m. We do nut care to make the prices public, conic ami sec !'i yourself. White China For Decorators. Prices on the entire line will be very inter- eating. Many things nt half real value, and all in the latest designs. We are daily get Ung in new and pretty things in fancy china glass, etc. Our stock is still the largest in the Slate, prices the lowest. THAD. W. THRUSH I GO. CRYSTAL PALACE. PERFECTLY BLENDED! If yuu like a cup of good codec you can get it out of our blend of Mocha and Java. We believe this to Ik the most . :rfeet blend of cilVce now sold. We have a dream iu TEA. And ifyou are given to tins beverage we can give you some thing that is POWELL & SNIDER X M m X X u O Li y o X x 3 2 x z x S5 o X H 0 X Vaccine Points ii.w u l ot; minx v.ict7.v.-tn;; in; uayi; icsr oeh. suti I'lliD FROM WASlllSUTOS THAT SMALL FOX liXISTS IX TWIiX- TY-rUKliU STATUS AXU AH- V1SUS VACCISATIUX. Wli Rli- ClilVli FROM THIS XATIOXM. FARM AT WASIIIXtiTON, D, C, A FRIiSlI Sl'PPLV UVUKy MUX- DAY. IIIYSICIAXS SVFl'l.llih IIV CHURCH ST. A FATTOX AVI! , WE GREET ADLAI GLADLY TH1-: CITY IS HIS) AMD AM. Till; BKAUTIE8 THEHF.OF. Vlce-Prctttdeul MteveuKun And Mrs. Steveimou Arrive tit AMie vllle This Afternoon And Are Btaxliiic at The Battery l'ark- Vice -President Aillai E. Stevenson, ac companied by Mrs. Stevenson, is in Asheviile, nnd tlic city is, therefore, theirs, ns tony as Liny will stay. Vice-President and Mrs. Stevenson W. f arrived here this uflenioon on the 4 o'clock train from Washington, traveling not in a special ear hut in the purest democratic simplicity. 1 lie visit is made so that the Vice-President may secure a needed rest. The distinguished visitors were met at the station by Manager McKiss'ck of the Battery Park hotel, and in a landau were driven to the Park, wheie, during their stay here, the guests will occupy specially-fitted suite of apartments. 1 tic Vice-t'resulcnt and Mrs. Steven son came here on an invitation extended them by Manager McKissick during bis visit to nsumgton. Asheviile people will well renumber a former vnit made to Asheviile lv Mr, and Mrs. Stevenson, when the loriuer, then candidate for the Vicc-Prcsidciiev was on his tour ol the State iu Septem ber, tSOU. And Asheviile extends tin- baud ol hearty welcome to its honored guests. Old Glory floats Irom the II, install ol the llattcrv l'ark todav, lor the lit st time since Mr. Stevenson was herein ''.i- M. OTIIO Ull.tlON lie tipt'akH at the Court House Today to l-'iiruierM Ouly. S. Utho Wilson, representing the I'm in crs' alliance business agency, made an address nt the court house at 1 1 o'clock today. A number of the uninitiated went to the court home to hear the talk, but an invitation was extended to "politi ciaus.such us Democrats. Republican and lawyers," tolcave. Among those who left was "I'nclc Pleas" Israel, who is good lurmcr and Alliauceman, but first of nil a Democrat. The address was lor the purpose of instructing the fanners about th ( industry ami bow to market their I. inn produce to the best advantage. I'.usi ncss agents from 12 sub-alliances heard the talk and such interest was tlcvcl oped that the agents decided to he Id : meeting here next Wednesday to further consider the question. S. Otho Wilson told Tin; Citudn in rcplv to iiucstious that no political sig nilicancc could be attached to his visit or to his address. lie was here on purely business mntti-r uflccling the farmers. Next week, he said, the Alliance would open an exchange iu Kaleigh where the farmer could sell his produce and receive cash therelor. Later on the alliance hopes to establish an exchange at Asheviile and another at Greensboro When asked about the probability of a coalition ol tlie ropulist and Kcpimli can forces iu North Carolina, Mr. Wil son's reply was "That is impossible." Nevertheless, Air. Wilson and Kicli- mond Pearson, who aspires toCougrc" were in consultation for n time about noon at the Western hotel. Whether or not thev touched upon politics is "in the clouds." Did he instruct Hiothcr I'car son iu the mysteries of egg-shipping .' H. ;. KWART m ui:. l.itile Karly to Talk l'olltlcH tinm. He ThlukN lix-Cougrcsjinau II. G. Uwarl came down from Hcndersonvillc last night on business and will remain here luys. In n talk with Tun Citizi;n Mr. Avart said it was rather soon to talk about what the Republicans in the Ninth would do in regard to the Congressional rare. He thought, however, that if Rich mond Pearson should be endorsed bv the Republicans and Populists he would make a strong race, Referring to Mr. Pearson s letter on the election law, Mr. Kwart agreed with a writer in Tin; Citizun yesterday, iu saving Mr. Pearson was in error in stut ing that there was a dissenting opinion in the case of Harris vs. Scarborough. Justices Clark iukI Pavis concurred iu the general opinion, but disagreed as to the reasoning. Mr. MaiiinNou I.ectuitn A great treut was enjojed yesterday afternoon by the haithliil bndcavor society, in u lecture given them by Kev T. K. Sampson upon the subject of the condition of women in heathen lands, The choice language and easy address ol the sneaker no less than the proiounu interest ol the subicct kept the audience, composed ol some .'HI young girls and their friends, proloiindlv interested. 1 lie sociclv has reason to Icel sincere grat: tutle to tlic rcvcrenti geniicmnn lor so instructive and charming n talk. COXUliNSED TULEGKAMS. A movement to hold n e. invention of workincmea in Washington April G or to motes t OL'iiitist the passage of the Wilson bill by the Senate was begun in Philadelphia last night. Louis Kossuth, the llritish patriot suffered a relapse Thursday night and is now in a weak eoiulitiou. Totter Palmer, the niillionnncpropric' tor of the Palmer house, Chicago, is seriously ill with tlic giip Cardinal I. con llenoit, nrcli-bisbop ol Rouen, died this uioiniiiif. BOMB THROWN IN ROME tiik i-oi'i; ix.iits i-oit tiii; VATICAN. There Would Have Uceu lirrut i.osh ol Life Had the i;xloioii Occurred au Hour Karllc r Two ArrtHIH. Komi;, March 'J. About 0 o'clock last evening a terrillic explosion ol a bomb occurred in front of the Chamber of Dep- ilics. Two persons were dangerously md several less seriously injured. The bomb must have been charged with material of a very high explosive force, every window lor sonic distance lrounil was shattered, railings were twistetl, heavy stones moved from their places and many evidences ol the tremen dous powcrof itscontcnts weieapparent. The Chamber of Deputies had ad journed it ti hour before the explosion took place, otherwise it is likely that several pcrions would have been killed, as the number in the vicinity ol the cham ber was at least lour times as great at an hour earlier than it was at the lime the bomb exploded. 1 lie police say thev believe that eight persons were wounded seriously bv the explosion. Two men have been arrested on suspicion ol having been implicated in the plot. uiie ol the men niiurcil bv the explo sion died in the hospital this morning. The Pope has directed that an imiuiry be made into the details bv attaches ol the atirnn lor his own information. His Holiness is anxious to keen thor oughly informed ol the developments ol the present anarchistic activity, und iu the event of a political crisis fears that the atican nsclt may be endangered. It is stated the holy father lj scckini: from the Italian government guarantees ol the salctv ol the atiean. MOTTO III. HROltillr MIK More About The tthootlui: ol Claude Jouea at Morris own Hampton wrote yesterday to the Mon istown, Tiun., au thorities that the county would tiot pay the expense of bringing back Claude Jones, who was arrested there and shot vesterdav while attempting to escape The letter was written after a talk with Chairman Kniikin, who said that ones was already under bond to appear here anil lor that reason did not think it nec essary to put the county to the expense ol bringing him back. A telegram to the Kuoxvillc tribune says: "Policeman Morrismadc thearrest ml after placing Jous ill the lockup lie di covered that Jones had robbed a guest at the irgiuia house last night. He went to the calaboose to search oms when he attempted to escape, and the policeman shot him through the hip and seriously, if not totally, injured linn. I IU MAI.TUV'H CIDIIMi. Reduced Kallrond Katt'N lor The l-:xlillillloii oti The it'll. The appearance at the Grand opera house on the evening of the 1 till of W. S. Maliby, the champion trick bicycle rider of the woi hi, gives promise ol draw ing a large house. The exhibition will be under the auspices of Ashcvillc's Cycle club. Mr. Mallby's exhibition will include, the many tricks of cycling un known to the Asheviile wheelmen and public, impersonations of "Mile. Kmillia; or, a Preach Pallet Cyclist," and "A Dude's First Attempt to Ride." A very pleasing entertainment is looked lor. The Huston llicycling World says of Mr. Malt by, "lie is a whole show in himself." The Cycle club has succeeded in secur ing reduced rales over the railroads lor litis occasion. The lound trip rates will be: Ilcnr'ersonville, 00 cents; Hot Springs, .f 1 (10; Wavncsville. IJl.L'o, Statcsvillc. St.a.": Hickory, !?:: :!; Mor gantou, $-'.(ili; Marion, $1 NO, and from intermediate points on the same lia;ii. The I'roccNNlou C'oiiIIiiiich Visitors arc continually coining into slievillc, to cniov the health gi ing el lie llial is here lice for all. Yesterday's trains brought large crowds and mau v more are expected to keep up the proccs Sinn. 1 he hotels are fast lining up ami some ol l hem are nearly lull. Ashcvillc's loors arc alwa vs open and evcrvboilv may come here and partake of the best to be had. Cotton Mill AHNlKuuieiit X asiimi.i.i , Tciiii., March '.'.The Nashville cotton mills company made in assigmnciit yesterday lot the bcnclit of cieditors whose claims iiggrcg.ifc jjitl'.'.UUl'. The Southern national bank of New York is the largest creditor, its laim being $1M,000. XOKTII C.U.OUSA I 01.KS. Cherokee Scout : Messis. 11. P., I. A.aiulW, A. lilliott returned Wednes day liom Gainesville, Ga., where thev ntleniled it lanuly reunion on l cbruarv Ten childicti and thu ty-lhrecgianil ehildieii were present. Mr. und Mrs. lilliott arc 7 I and do vears of age res pectively, hale anil heart v, anil have raised a lamily of In children due of the big suits pending in lluike Superior court, savs the Morgauton Herald, is mat ol iicruiiarill, Men as mid Abernetliv against a Mr. Urown ol Loudon, Luglaiid, in which is involved the title to about l'.l.iino acres ol laud in the extreme southeaster:! part ol Iturke, adjoining the Cleveland mid Kiitheilord lines. Morgauton Herald: Messis. V and llowdcn, who fame to llurke three vi'ars ago Irom near Rochester, N. . and who have been engaged in the truck ing business on the ' hinkcr Meadow (arm, have been so much pleased with our county that thev have lust invested in n farm of their ow n. Morgauton Herald: Mr, I. Ii. Avery who u lew weeks mice iK'caine associate editor ol the Herald, has been tendered the position of secretary to the Hon. T. K. Jcrnignti, P. S. Consiil-lieiieral at Shanghai, Cli'iia, mid has accepted the position. Cherokee Seoul: Capl. J. M. Rich ardson was down from Andrews Thurs day night. In conversation he told usol raising potatoes l Irish I thnl the yield was more tbnil oilll liiishils to the acre with one plowing. Mrs, Caroline II, Ashe, widow of the late Associate lustiec Thomas S. Ashe, died Wednesday nt her home, Wadcsboio. MRS. BLACKBURN'S WORDS CXHl. OF I'OLLAKD HKl.t'KKN kiik;i; ori;KKD, Urickiurldiie Told Mrs. liluck buru That He Would Marrv MIhh I'ollard-IMaiiltlll ComcM Near To I'alnllug. Washington, March ".Miss Mada liue Vinton Pollard, plaiutlll in the suit against Keprcscntative W. C. P. Ilrcck eiiridge, entered the court room this morning long before court convened. She was accompanied by her counsel. She showed no signs of trepidation as he became the focus of many pairs ol eves, ami calmly took a scat w ith Judge Wilson. Miss Pollard was talking to Judge Wilson when the defendant en tered the room and, glaujiug up to see the new comer, her eves met those of Col. Hrcckeuridgc. Without seeming to sic him she went on talking to her coun sel and apparently gncd into space. livery person in the court room watched the little incident. Carlisle opened the ease lor the plain till, taking up charges and answers eriatim. lust as Carlisle began his remarks Miss Pollard covered her eves and began to tremble, and il looked for a moment as if there would be a fainting scene. Col. Thompson for the defence reserved his opening statement. Mm. Blackburn, widow ol ex-liovcrnur l.uke isinckuurn of Kentucky, then took the stand and staled thai llrcckcnridge in her presence saiil he would marry Miss Pollard. M i s. lll.ickburn was cross examined by Col. Thompson, and became somewhat iprvous and excited under the strain. "It is us less," she said, "to ask me any more questions. 1 have told everything I know concerning this ease, and all fur ther questions arc useless." She added, with tears in her eves: "It is a terrible ordeal lor me to pass through here and which a man has forced me to," allud ing 1 1 llreckiuridge. "If 1 had the pro lection of n husband it would never have been necessary." ill. 1., I.l.i; MAHHII'.U. A Miuile C'erl liloii Willi (nl a l ew Kelullveit Present Wamii.noton, March Robert li, Lcc, jr., of Konnoke, Va., and Miss nliet Carter, daughter ol Col. 1 hos. II. Inner of King William county, Va., wi re mat lied vesterdav morning at the residence ol Mrs. Rnscir Uulauv, s-is'.cr ol the bride on Washington Heights, iu thW city Only the relatives and intimate lncnels of the l.ccand Carter l.ituilics were lire enl. Tlic ceremony of the Kniscopnl church was performed bv Rev. Dr. Me Kim. Col. Carter gave his daughter away. Altei the ceremony there was a wedding breakfast, and filer Mr. and and Mrs. Lee left lor New York Among those present nt the cerniouv was ex Governor I'l zliugli Lee, Mrs. W. II. I. ec ol I'airlax county, and her sous, Mr. ami Mrs. Thomas Nelson Page, Mil died Lee, sister of the groom, and Thomas Carter of Richmond, the bible's brother. ; w Hmmi Ver Weak Wa-iiim. riiN, March P. Rcpreiitalivc Pnclicnriiigc of Arkansas has received the lollowiug telegram Irom the sou of K'curcscntative Wilson, concerning the hitler's coiditio-; 'Gu uln a ira, McxJ MuJi'h N. I'evcr 'one. In bed; very weak, and much emaciated. W. H Wilson." TlilHin A IIOII3 moils. a.-iiim'.ton, March '.). 1 he state meal is made by one ol the' most promt neut men in public lilc that President Cleveland w ill veto the Hlaild scienii age bill il it passes the Senate. I'urdoiied Too ttoou Saanvii, .March S, A special to the livening Press stales that Win. Cul pepper, while, was killed by a pardoned negro convict at Pclhain, Mitchell coiiutv, G.i , last nighl Dan Cong mill Acquitted C au ai'.o, March '.f Pan Couglilin, on his second tbal lor the murder ol Pr. Croiiiu, was acquitted ycstcidav allci- 11(1011. JI ST IX SOUTH CAUCUS. Slate Auditor I'urniaii b is issued the following: "As several inquiries have been made relative to the liability ol building and loan associations doing business in this Stale to taxation other I liar, that provided for ill section oil ol the revenue act ol lv.i.i, 1 wish to state lor the inloi illation ol all concerned that it is held by the aulhoiitics that no lax on the corporation oilier than that pro vided oy section .in can lie levied, ladi viduiil shareholders will give in for tax ition as other stocks and bonds shares at their real value per share nt tunc ol listing." At flic scnii-iiniiual meeting of the directors ol the insane asvliim at Raleigh I ir. Woods resignation as superintend ent was accepted. The directors iinan- imoiislv elected Pr. George I kirbv. now superintendent of the linstern Insane asvluni, as I r. Wood's successor. The number of insane iu the asylum is "ST, and seven are at home on probation I luring the past three mouths Is have been icu ived, live discharged, and two died. lion, osiah luriier, r. prominent resident of llillsboro, says it is the most unique town in the I niled States, for the reason that not the slightest changes have been made there in over a century and that Lord Cornwallis, could he re visit it, would rceogniite every place The time is kept by u clock in the court house picseatul by King George 111 Thcreportsfrom different parts ol the Stiitenrc to the effect that cronprosiects weie never liner at this tune ol the year, A larger quantity of small grain lias been sown than has ever bilorc been known, and the corn acreage will be greatly increased. The lirwiu cotton mills, Purhani have given orders lor additional muchin ci v, which is being put iu as fust ns it arrives. The capacity will then be LI, (inn spindles, which will make this one ol Hie largest linns in inc niatc The Morgauton Herald savs that Northern capitalists are negotiating for the piirehnic ol t lie 0 00i) acre tract of land in the northwestern purl of that connlv now owned by Mrs. J. I, Cliec- ver, ol Xcw oi k. The Society ol I'licnds in New York have decided to build n college for vol ) oied people nt High Point. Work begin at once. THE IMPROVED Knickerbocker Shoulder Brace and Suspender Combined. Wi e have just received a full line full sizes I ol the above br ice. Having sold more than hundred pair during the last y;ar, and all giving satisfaction. wc caa certainly recommend them as being the best brace for Ladies and Gents, Hoys and Girls, now on the market. A lew lacts about them : .Vo harness Simple unlike all others. Promotes free Prevents chil- respiration of the Lungs, drcn becoming round shouldered. A per fect skirt supporter for Ladies. A gentle or powerful brace obtained, liasilv ad justed und worn with comfort. Cheap est and most reliable llraee and suspender in I he World. livery pair guaranteed. Examine llictn, shown in our window. RAYSOR & SMITH, 31 PATTON AVE. ASHEVILLE TO THE FRONT WI! IIAVH .11 ST Cu.MPLETBl) A l-'ULL l.l.Nli 111- HAND MADE SHOES Ami will in the future carry in stock a full isHortmi nt of hhocs ol OUR OWN MAKE! Tllli STANli WITHOUT A RIVAL '.i Court Square. Asheviile, N. C. -USE- SOUTHERN CROSS FLOUR, roK 8ALB 11Y T. J. Revell s, 30 North Main. .SIPHONS 1 I . VICHY AND BBLTZBR In --J ; can ba obtained at ctipuoNS ltl,e drugstotes of Xajraor & I ) Smith and Bclnltah 8t Beagan willi ( and at factory, 317 Itaywoad atrcct, C. H. CAMPBBLL. .. i .... fo'i'ii mm A...