Asheville Daily Citizen, VOLUME IX. NO 270. ASHEVILLE, N. C, THUBSDAY EVENING, MARCH 15, 1894. PRICE Z uio READing. THINKing, PROGRESS ive PEOPLE Now use Cottolwie in place of hog fat . It is ( leaner and healthier. We receive a fresh Hiipply every week. WM. KROGER, J I College Strict. SMOKE BLOMBERGS Selectos. STRICTLY l.t'M! M.HM.V.l FILLER, IVIM.V H.l.VJ MADE. MANUFACTUR ED expressly for my fine trade. TRY USE. L. BLOMBERG 17 I-ATTON AVBNOB. OORTLANDBRQSy KBAL USTATB BROKERS. INVESTMENT AOBNT8. NOTARY PUBLIC ' Lusoa Securely placed at 8 par ceat. Olfioea SIS St 30 Pattoa At., up atalia SOME LOW PRICES California Peaches 18c. Per Can, California Apricots 13c. Per can. Pore Maple Syrnp $1.25 Per Gal. Cncnmber Pickles 40c. Per Gal. Sweet Mil Pickles 70c. Per Gal. Soar Mil Pickles 60c. Per Gal. California Eiaporated Peaches, Apricots Aa Peus 17c. Per Lb. Gt- A.. Groer. GRASS SEEDS! Fresh Lot Kentucky Clover, Timothy, Orchard, lllue Grass, Kcd Top and SEED OATS. New York Early Rose and Hebron Potatoes, Also GARDEN SEED. A. D. COOPER, North Court Square. BON MARCHE TUB EXACT NUW VURK COST SALE IS TO HE CONTINUUM I'OR A SIKIKT WH1LB YBT, SOME Vl'.KV DESIRABLE GOODS YBT IN STOCK. , ALL AT UXACT NEW YORK COST, BON MARCHE :i7 SOUTH MAIN 8TKBBT. REMOVED. RAYS CIGAR M STORE Una Been Kcmoveil To N North Court Square Next loor To The Citiwn office. HBtl UUAKTPK I'OR Fine imported And Domestic Cigars AND TOBACCOS. TUB I.VTBST NBW8PAPBKS, MAGAZINES AND NOVIil.S ALWAYS OPEN. CUT HAT US TO ALL PARTS OP THE WORLD. TBLBPIIONU 104. Temperature Tellers IN NEED OF A THBRMOMBTBR. M B HAVBA GOOD ASSORTMENT FOR USB IN TUB ROOM, THE BATH AND TUB DAIRY, Manitoba Corn Cure A LIQUID CORN CURB. WILL NOT INJURS TUB FEET, 113 CTS. ROSE MYRRHINE A PERFECT UUVID DENTI FRICE, BFBBCTIVE IN ITS PVKPOSB AND HARMLESS. H3l Manitoba Corn Salve 10c. Fit; Paste Laxative. TIRED OF PILIJS AND SALTS, TRY FIG PASTE LAXATIVE, MILD AND PLEASANT, BATBN LIKE A CONFECTION, 113 CTS, CARMICBAELS PHARMACY. To Close Them Out We oiler a 112 piece English dec orated dinner let for 17 OS worth $11.80. We have only tone left, conic early before the Bargain I. (June. A new 10 piece English chamber set in new and pretty decoration hat just been received. We will offer then for a abort time at $2.75, slop jure to match, $2.28, theae are atrlclly eaah price, and none charged. JAPANESE GOODS ta fancy porcelain., decoratite art goods, fans, etc. Some lovely things from 10 centa to 50 cents. We will mention u T. T. act lor $1.00. Prlcia low. Thrash's Palace. GARDEN AND Field. Seed- Choice Kentucky Clover Seed, Choice Kentucky Timothy Seed. Choice Kentucky Orchard Grass Seed, Choice Kentucky Blue Grass Seed. Choice Kentucky Bd Top Seed. Choice Kentucky White Oats Seed. Early Rose and Borbank Seed Potatoes and Garden Seed. POWELL & SNIDER ONE PRICE STORE 7 AND 0 PATTON AVENUE. Wc beg to announce that a number of Handsome Spring Effects have already reached us with many more in. transit A COMPLETE STOCK OF BUTTERICK'S PATTERNS now in STORE. H. REDWOOD iV (0. Heinitsfi & Reagan WBARBTHB SBLLING AC.UNT8 IN ASHBVILLB FOR CONFECTIONS Pure - and Delicious BON BON8 AND CHOCOLATB , CHOCOLATB PARLINB8. MIXED CHOCOLATES. I ikuaiu mm bkukbun, I CRBAM PEPPERMINTS, OLD FA8HIONED MOLASSES CANDY. ETC. KHCHIVliD FROM FACTORY TWICB A . . WBBK . , MISS POLLARD AS A GIRL ONE DAMAGINft TKtjriMONY BBOVOHT Ol'T An Episode la Breckinridge' Career Thai Does Hlui Harm Now-l'niavort Kvldcnce From An ITnaavorv (Source. WA3II1NOTON, March 15 SurnhGucst, a light mulatto woman from Lexington, Ky., dressed in deep mourning, wns the first witness in the Pollard-Brcelinridge case this morning. She is the woman whose deposition wns objected to by the defence few days ago and not ad mitted to evidence by Judge Bradley. Her examination was conducted by E. Farrell, who was attorney for Miss Pol lard in Lexington. She was questioned minutely concerning her life and antece dents; how long she had lived in Lcxing- ton and other questions of personal character. She -knew Breckinridge, she said, ever since she was a little girl. She bud lived at a house on Shirley street, Lexington, for 20 years. Witness identi Bed Col. Breckinridge and Miss Pollard who were present in court room. She testified that Breckinridge, about 10 yeurs ago, came to bet house and said he wanted bcr to keep a young lady from Friday until Monday. She told him that she could not stay that long. Breckin ridge said she must let her come and she came. Ureckinndge brouebt her. staved about hall an hour, went awav and come back about dark, stayed until 11 and kissed Miss Pollard when be left. She saw them in the room together. Breckinridge was dressed at the time. He came aguin Saturday nnd Sunday night. Witness said she had beard Itrcckin ridge tell Miss Madeline that she must get breakfast early and "set down there to meet Kboudcson Monday morn ing. barrcll asked the witness if there wns anything ubnut Miss Pollard's appear ance that indicated her ace, and alter an objection by Shelby had been over ruled the witness answered that her dress came to her shoe tops; she looked like a school girl between 17 and IS Leu by 1-urrcll, the witness said Col. Breckinridge hud conic to the witness a year ago lust summer und asked tier to tuke Miss Pollard, but she had refused, saying "she didn't keep no company now." Col. Breckinridge had conic to bcr again Inst fall alter the suit wns filed, and asked her not to testify agaiust him, and also to keep Mary Scott and Mary Wilson ( who bad lived at her house) out of the wuv. "because he didn't want tbem to gel them." "Did he ever mention the name ol any man in connection with Miss Pollard?" asked Mr. Farrell. Yes, sir: he asked me if Miss Pollard bad ever come to my home with Col. Swope, I told him she had never been there with Swope." (Col. Swope was killed by Col. Cassius Goodlow in Lex ington some years ago, and a storv wns circulated a few months since that con nected his name with that of Miss Pol lard. This story was indignantly de nied by Col. Swopc's relatives and no evidence to support it wns ever brought to light.) "How many times was Col. Breckin ridge at your house with Miss Pollard ?" asked Fairell. "About fifty times." "Over how many years did these visits extend?" "Over about three or lour years." Shelby conducted the cross-examination of Sarah Guest. lie waded rinht in without preliminaries. "Sarah." he said, "how manv years have you been keeping an assignation house in Lesington ?" Sarah hesitated and appeared embar rassed, but finally said, "About eight or nine vears." "How long have you knowu Farrell ?" "Ever since be was a voung man grow ing up." A snrle went round the court room at Fnrrell's expense. Mrs. Kate W. Burt, clerk in the ccn- eral land office recognized Miss Pollurd as having lived at 13th and L street about 1887 under the name of Mrs. Fos ter. She had seen Breckinridne there once, but merely at the door. Miss Pol lard was about to become a mother. The deposition of Mrs. M. A. Ketchem ol Lexingtou, Ky., was opened and this was a signal for an exodus from theeoiirt room. ANTI OPTION BILL, II Will be Hpecdll Reported To The Borne. Washington, March 10 The House committee on agriculture today began consideration ot the Hutch "anti- option" bill. The measure was read und by uuanitnous consent, its consideration was proceeded with under the five minute rule. Under this rule the measure is open to amendment. The discussion today was very earnest, the inclination being to perfect the bill and report it as soon as possioic 10 me noiisc. KIM.EDITHE UVNAMITER Auoltaer Bomb Thrown In Parla Several Injured. Paris, March 15. A dynamite bomb exploded this afternoon, inside the chief entrance of the church of La Madeline. The man who threw the bomb was killed by the explosion and a number of others were severely injured. tole a Free Hide to California, San Antonio, Tcx March 13. A gang of 00 unemployed workingmcu. who have been subsisting on the charity ol the Sun Antonio Relief Society for tbc past several weeks, today captured a westbound Southern Pacific Ireight train and left for Caliloruia, from which State the majority ol them came to this city. They were each provided with two days' rations ou their trip by the relict society. The train crew wns powerless and per mitted the men ride. Da Qama'a Movctneula. LlBiioN, March IS. According to dis patches received here from Rio today, Admiral Da Gama Is on board the Por tuguese warship Mindcllo. with GOO of bis sailors and marines. Dispatches sny the relugces will be brought to Portugal Ten Per Cent. Reduction. Savannah, Ga., March 15. Savannah cotton mills have posted a reduction of 10 per cent. In wages. Spinners quit work, which may close the mill, throw ing lOO.operators out of employment. CLUB BOUSE BI RNKD Tbe Hick wickers ot NewOilcaua Burned out. Ni:w UKLiiAss, Mar.-h 16. The hand some Pickwick club building at the cor ner ot canal and Carondoltt streets wus almost completely destroyed by fire tbis morning. There bad been a meeting at the Club last uigbt, but only the manager, bookkeeper and porters were in tbe club at twenty minutes past seven today when fire wns discovered in the neighborhood of tbe kitchen. The fire wns caused by au electric wire. ' aiarm was turned in us soon as the blaze was discovered, but bclore t In department reached the scene the flames bad gained such headway that the build ing was doomed. The fire spread rapidly through four stories of the club, and then burst through the roof and not until 10 o'clock was the blaz; under control. Tbe building was four stories high. It was built 10 years aeo of Philudelnhin pressed brick with limeston: trimmings and was owned by A.& H.Hein of Paris and was worth $130,000. The furni ture was valued at $40,000. Many yal uable paintings and statuary were saved, The insurance on the building was $100,. 000; on furniture $31,000. DYNAMITE SCARE. Loud Nolae FrlR-uteua Part or New Orleana. Nuw Oki.kans, March 14. Anarchists have put in their appearance in this city and the police are on the trail. Three ol tbe largest tobacco manufacturers in the city, W. W. Walls, W. R. Irbv aud the Herusheims, have received several anony mous letters declaring that unless they discharge all the girls employed in their factories and employ men in their places tne lactones ana private residences ot tbe owners would be blown up with dv- namitc. The matter wus out in the bauds ol the police and thev kept very uict. In the meantime, the several gentlemen se cured special details of officers to guard their residences. The publication of tbe facts neurlv caused a disaster in Hernsheim's factory at noon yesterday, a piank leu down an elevator shaft and the excited em ployes thinking the anarchists had be gun to carry out their threat, became panic-stricken and tied pell-mell for tbe exits. Half a dozen of the girls were hurt and one of them trampled almost to death. STRUCK HIM. HarrlHou's Asaasslu Strikes HlH Cell Mate lor Cause. Chicago, March 12. Prendcrgusl, the assassin of Mayor Harrison, occupied a cell with George Craig, charged with the murder of Ivinma Werner, and with Pat KatVerty, who, lust summer, announced in a large tliy goods store that he would blow np the place unless they gave him money. Raflcrty prides himself upon bcint' a writer of verse. Prendercast hud or.sscd adverse criticism upon several of Raf lerty's etl'usions, nnd today when Raf lerty began reading a parody on "After tbe Ball" the assassin became angered. Before Raffcrty bad half finished it Pren- dergast cuught the manuscript from his nanus ana snouted: "ou cant rend obscene literature in this cell." Rufferty turned on the assassin. The latter put up bis hands and strurk Raf fcrty a blow in the mouth, followed by one on tbc nose. Blood spurted from Raflerty's mouth ns h; seized Prcndcr- gast nnd jammed him into n corner of the cell. Belore Rufferty could strike bim Guard lohnson separated the men. N. Y. Sun. Silver Coinage lu ucruiauv. Bkklin, March 12. In the Hundcstrntb today Chancellor von Cnprivi submitted a proposal for tbecoiuagc of 11,000,- 0(10 marks in five-mark pieces, 7,000,000 marks in two-mark pieces, and 4,000,- 000 marks in one-mark pieces. The Chancellor said that the proposal was made because of the increased demand lor such coins, and also because the coinage of silver had fallen below the authorized limit, 22,000,000 marks. Da tiama Took No Personal Risk Washington, March 13. Secretary Grcshara has received the following dis patch from Minister Thompson at Rio: 'After the shore batteries had fired upon l lie insurgents snips lor 30 min utes the latter surrendered uncondition ally, Da Gflina having previously gone aboard a Portuguese man-of-war." Tbe GeorKla National Banks. Washington, March 15. Returns on tbe condition of 27 national banks in the State of Georgia February 28 show the average reserve to have been 40.72 tier cent; loans and discounts, $7,124,000; lawtul money reserve, $1,183,000; sur plus fund, $1,007,000, nnd individual deposits, $5,140,000. Hen's Erbs Hall Slonr. Gainesville, Texas, March 15. A terrific hail storm prevailed here Tues day evening. It hailed large as hen's eggs in large quantities for nearly half an hour, breaking hundreds ot window glass and doing other damage. Lou la Kossnib DvIuk. Ti kin, March 15. Louis Kossuth is rapidly growing weaker. 'Pneumonia has supervened und his fever is ercntlv increased. CONDENSED TELEGRAMS. Commissioner Lochren has been in formed of the arrest ol (esse C. lluusee, a pension attorney of Hudson county, N.J., for alleged pension frauds. The commissioner has restored between 3, 000 and 4,000 suspended pensions. The directors of the International and Cotton States exposition icport sub scriiitiom to the amount ol $140,000, with but one-tenth of the Atlanta busi ness houses of tbc city heard Irom, Mr. Justice Stephen, who became in sane while trying the charge against Mrs. Maybrickof poisoning her husband, is dead. Senator Aldrich said be contemplates the resignation of his scnatorsblp, but iioi iu i ue iiiimcuiutc luiurc. Senator Coke of Texas will retire from public life at the end of hit term, March a, lsui), There arc CO cases of typhoid fever Buffalo, nnd the disease ii spreading. THE BLAND BILL PASSED NO TROUBLE AT IT. ALL WITH rue seuate Cornea lo a vole as Agreed Upon Some Dava Ago aud ibe Bill Passes Bi a vole of 44 lo 31. Washington, March 15. The Senate at 12:30 proceeded with the considera tion of the Bland seigniorage bill, Mr. , Cnry continuing his speech against it, At 2 o clock Mr. Harris reminded the Senate of unanimous agreement thut a vote be tiken nt that hour on the final passage of tbe bill and demanded that the vote be then taken. The yens and nays were ordered and the bill passed, yeas 44, nays 31. GOV T'S, FINANCIAL POLICY. It's To Be Discussed At Weaver vine- WKAViiRviLLii, N. C, March 13. The Delphian Literary society of Weavcrville college will bold its 18th annual public debate in tbe college chapel, March 23. The following is tbe program : President, W. L. Ray; secretary, T. T. Chandler; first declaimer, W. B. Ramsey. Subject lor discussion: "Resolved, that the nnanciul policy of the government bus been in lavor of the lew against tbe many." Affirmative, A. U. Weaver, E. O. Chambers; negative, C. L. Fclmitt, B. h. Kueim. Second dcclurmcr, A. II. Wolfe; orator. N. F. Curtis. A cordial invitation is extended by tbc society to the public to uttend. UNKNOWN" STUDENTS. The Uas Tratcedir at Cornell Unl verally Reported Ou. Itiiica, N. Y March 15. -The coro ner s jury in the case of Henrietta Jack son, the colored woman who met her death on the night of February 20, from chlorine gas poisoning, has rendered the tollowiug verdict : lhat the said Henrietta ucksun in our opinion came to her death by reason of the inhalation of chlorine or other irritatit gas manufactured and intro duced into a room in the Masonic block in the city of Ithica, N. Y., where the deceased was at work, by a person or persons to this jury unknown." Mlsa Farson Not lo Do Jury Du'v Chicago, March 12. On the ground that Miss Mary E. Furson is a teacher the public employ, udgc Burke tbis morning "excused " her Irom ury duty, thus evading the issue as to whether a woman shall do such duty. Miss Farson presented herself in Judge Burke's court on Saturday for the jury box. Her name appeared upon tbe voting list as M. li. farson, because sbe voted upon the school question last fall. The bailiff did not serve the summons personally, but kit it nt her house for her. (unDosimr that M. E. Farson was a mnn. Michigan Town Elections. Dktkoit, March 13 Municipal elec tions were held all over the slate of Michigan yesterday. Iu towns in which party lines were drawn the returns show that the Republicans were gener ally successful with large gains in their ote. In towns where a citizens or workinginen's ticket was in the field it swept everything. JUST IN NORTH CAROLINA. It is said that Prolcssor Tiernan. who married "Christian Reid" (Miss i8hcrl, the well known novelist, and who has for many years lived n few months of each year in Mexico, has sold his mining property there for a neat sum, and will return to this State. Marion Record : The contract has been let out for extending the telegraph line from Rutherfordton to this place, on the 3 C's railroad, aud the work will be done at an early date. The Bird Griffin libel suit was continued till next court. --The first copy of Bulletin No. I. "Iron Ores of North Carolina," preliminary report by II. C. It. Nitzc, Assistunt Geologist, bus just been placed in the Governor's hands. The book has 239 pages, aud is profusely illustrated. Mention has been made of tbe serious sickness of Mr, Albert lohnson, the old est living locomotive engineer. Mr. Johnson bus recovered. He is over S5 years ol age and is yet in the employ of a railway company in Raleigh. The executive committee of the State Alliance and its president have issued a call to all sub alliances to observe April 24th as the birthday of tbe the late L. L. rolk, nnd collect Hinds for his monu ment at Raleigh, The North Carolina commissioners who will go to Antictam to locate the positions of troops from this State ex pect to leave April 25tb, and will remain a week on the battle field. The eastern North Carolina farmers all agree in saying that the rains arc ex tremely seasonable, extraordinary prog ress is being made in farming. The onlv fear is of frost. Rodney Gillis, a deputy sheriff iu Cum berland county, wns shot in his head and dnngcrous'y wounded by Jim Ruy, a negro be was attempting; to arrest. In Robeson county Ira II. Lcesct fire to a pine tree on his Inrm. He wus working under it. when the ton burned oil and fell, killing bim insiuutly. There areordcrscnough in the office ol tbe Charlotte Towel manufacturing company to keep the mill runnim till July 1, at its utmost capacity. The trustees will nov 15 mr rnt dividend on the fourteenth class of W. T. lilackwcb's deed ol trust at Durham an the 15th inst. Mr. Jernignn has decided that he and Mr. A very will sail from Stn Fran cisco lor Shanghai March 25, going via Honolulu. , Tbc number ol students at tbe tutioa for deaf mutes sad blind, Raleigh, uow i ue wnuc department is crowded, Dr. Edwin A. Anderson, one ol tbe leaning pnysicinnsof Wilmington is dead, There arc now eight populist news r.npcrs in the State. TRY- Harris' Lithia Water. THE WATER IS SUPERIOR TO ANY OTHER LITHIA WATER IN THE UNITED STATES, WHICH IS SHOWN BY ANALYSES, MADE BY R. OGDEN DOREMLS, M. D., LL. !., PROF. OP CHEMISTRY COLLEGE OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK, OCTOBER 7, 1801, AND PRINTED ON LABEL OF EACH BOTTLE. PACKED TWO DOZEN OUAKT BOT TLES, IN CASE, $4.00 PER CASE, REBATE OF $1.50 I'OR RETURN OF EMPTY BOTTLES. ASHEVILLE AGENTS. RAYSOR & SMITH, 31 PATTON AVE. OPEN EVENINGS. TILL 1 1 O'CLOCK. ASHEVILLE TO THE FRONT WB IIAVI- Jl gT COMPLETED A PULL LINE Ol' HANDMADE SHOES And will in the future carry in atuek a full assortment of ihm-a of OUR OWN MAKE! THEV STAND WITHOUT A 1UVAL ItOlllSIfTTN. U Court Square, Asheville, N. C. GARDEN AND FLOWER - SEED. FOR 8AI.E BY T. J. Revell's, 30 North Main. 8IPHON8I VICHY AND BBLTZBB In Btphoaa eaa bs obtalaed at tha drag stores of najrsor a SIPHONS Smith and Eetaiuh & Baacsa aad at factory, 817 Haywood C. CAMrMLt sJf -us ' .: -vi-:.;,. ,i;'t.'.'!'4'' '-.'J'v :,: ', "' ';!:;.-.v. ' ".V '' i' )ii'i'ijl')irr.i'ifciiiiiii iWi' ii

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