THE ASHEVILLE DAILY CITIZEN Moiulav Evening, March 19. 18V4 ASHEVILLE JDAILY CITIZEN U1NTI1II1IAII.V IKXCII-T SUKPAVI 4SI) WKKKI.V SVItSCKieTUiN RATIOS: IOne Year $' on Sil Month. Three Miinllis l.fiti One Munth. in atlvaiiec flu I One Week, paid to Currier..... l.r SlUSSCKllilSKS who tail to receive their pmier ill conter a tiivor bv lepcrt inf tlx tact to this ollice immediately. MON I) A Y,M A K C 11 lS'Ji. V. T. Sthah, laic of tlie worst part ol Cliicitgo, was interviewed in London on his return home, nml said "Ameri cans recognize that the LngHsli lend tl c van of social pr yriss." Wc do not see how Mr. Stead, iu his cajiaeilv as dis penser of now tilth and then tally, could have said less. A Turis newspa)Ci' says the I'liuce ol Wales won V.S,t)00 at Monte Carlo this week and donated the whole sain to the poor at Monaco." That is even belter than Kuliin Hood used to do, and it tends to show, as the moralists have claimed, the world is liccoiniut; a little better all the time. Tin; Pollard-lireckiiiridf;e tii.d li; revealed more than one law bicaker. Kev. Dr. . K. 1'uston, who secretly in ir ried Ilicekiiiridfie and Mrs. Winn, iicliiinwleilt;cs that he suppressed the fact contrary to law, and that he did it because the Congressman was an old friend. The habit of obedience Inlaw should have been an older friend of I'1' Faxton. He has set a l ad example, and should publicly acknowledge the tact make an apology and p iv the pi ice tin law imposes for such derelictions. THK VOTK OSi Bl.ItiNOK A til-: The vote in the t inted States Senate on the 11 and sciuor.-iL-e lull is yivcn below, Democrats in Nullum, Kepubli cans in italics, Populists h small caj itals: Yeas Messrs. All. in, Hate, l.crrv ltlackburn. Itlanchard. Hutlcr. Call Cockrell. Coke, Colmiitt, luniel, Duhoi. Faulkner, Ueeii'irc, ijnnlon, lliinbroui;h Harris, II union. Irhy.Joncsol Aikansas, Lindsay, Mcl.itirin, Mania Mills, Mitchell ol Oregon, Morgan, P.i co. I'l.l-I'i;n, I'crkins, t'eiliurew, rower 1'iiyh, tjiiar. Hansom, K'nach. Slum) Stewart, Teller, Tuipic, Vest, Vuorhic White and H'neolr-U. Navs Messrs. Alilrieh, Allison, Hi ice Callci y. Curev, Chtinillcr.Ciilltnii. lhii Ihihih. I'rve, (lullinser, Gorman, (.11 Hak; liawlcx; .&. McMil ii, McPllcrson, Mmuh rson, Mitchell ol Wisconsin, Morrill, Murpliv, Palmer, I 'lilt t, I'roelor, Smith, SlncUiriilxe, Vilas, Wnshlmrn, Wilson 111 . This shows that 111 Democrats, M Kepublicatls and three Populists voted for the bill, and that '.'1 Kcpulilicans and in Democrats voted against the bill. CO.VSI Ml'llM-S AXD A STATE HOARD Ol- llliAllll. iK.v-a -tin i. Tin; inimicipal election is now not very far iu the fu ture. There is won derl'ullv little ex citement over the ciiniin.i; event, although the campaign opened with a k-ijjlit promise of considerable of ti e siz. boom-ban); ! ! t"ic it was over. Hut, al th oujili we do not hear much about the streets oil political lines, we must not consider that everybody is plavinc shut nioutli. W lien things seem p.iii.lully nuict frciiuc itlv that is w hen soiucbodv is workinu the rabbit foot. A while before the convention mere win moon less be a rattlinivot dry bones and We I 'us will then tmd where tun ' ns aic at. Solar, I have seen the name ol only otic man siiKKCStcd lor the nomination on the Democratic ticket lor Major. I hat one is jonn . --en ue.-. 1 ii.wi: no doubt Mr, Starais would give Asheville, it elected, a nood,soli.a.- iniilistrati.ui so far as lie could coiitriii utc thereto by virtue of his i-llice. His Democracy is of the ''hot stucl vani ty, and lie would take pride in lookic.n alter the citv interests. Put, I am not muni untitle; Mr. Stanics hi lorcbaml. Oilier h;adst!iau mine can tell heller what is necessary to be done for the party's Kood in the onuiini; election. We want a you'l mar., with a yoo.l. eons, i votive bond upon his should ers, a Dcinoeraf, and a man who hasn't too ninth maeail ml on the brain. We don't want anybody that has bicn weighed ami louad slun t. The time loi that is i ist. Itisinouev in Asheville 's pocket, ave, it is ol vital importance to A Mlnimer'it Fall. From the MiirsaiUm Herald. One of our local pastors, v lmi,c name we need not mention, just as he had siven out tlieclosiny h.uiin one uiijlit re cently attempted to sit down on a chair which nt that moment happened to lie absent without excuse. I'ickim; himself up the best way be could, l.c turned to liisconptnatioii who were bravely Irv ine; to keep their laces straiuht and said: "Mv friends there are occasions upon which liiiiiiliiiii; is riht and pr.iiicr, and this is one l them. I.auuli just as miu'li as you please." 1 be eortircgalion took biin at his ward. Trick, unci tlu l.thtri 'l.m. I n ni th: Moriiaton 11 1 ' it- Jolm Caldwell, colored, icturutil Iriiiu Wasliiuston last Sundae. John held a lucrative position under the noycruineut, but crew homesick, lie said and threw up Ins position, lie likes the Northern people, but thinks that they arc too tricky and uncon.cetiial to suit his social taslis. (iuud News ol Vance. I r. an the KiiUich Sew ami t !c r, A letter Iron; Senator V iuce received by his son at Wa.diii l;ioii says that his imoioyetiieiil has been so substantial that bv the end ot the month he w ill be i-i his aeaiu. lie will be then- eeit. :iulv ill tune to He fir tai If reform. The Pastir number of Harper's ll.iKur iibbshed March 1 7, w i'l contain three ninletc short stories: "A Distmetiou id a liilluviicc," bv Marion Harland illnsliatnl bv I.. W. Hitchcock; "f.astci is" bv Kate I'psou Clark, illustratei: iv W. ilvih; and "A Disdaiuliil oulli. liva Wi'dcr Mctdasson. Anioiu; the ketches and issavs will be "Comrade lip in Marriane," by Jimms Henri lliowne, ."id " The Caie ot the At;ed, Helen livcrston Smith. The siiltcs lions lor Lister, !ui insiieil nv vnioiif pular wiilcis, will be unusually al tiaetiee. her lo ha ve nood men to help alony wiiyon as it liejjins niovini,' .iKain. tin Hi i, wiili a Mavor, it will i derma:. ic olhee: the next v .tin:: Slrai.n'.itoiit, I; Thcref-.rc, it tin I the talk about I he ,,l do to neglect the a! thai a:c to b- tilled at . The hold overs will U , 'i a iiier and Kepu'iiiciii I I inoei .its w ant lo i.t I'rnlll the' New York World The State Hoard ot Health has issued a circular slatini; that the enmtnuuicu bility of pulmonary tuberculosis has been so thoroughly established, and is now so generally recognised by the medi cal profession throughout the world, that the board has determined to take such active measures as may be consist ent and possible for the prevention of the disease. Local health olliecrs will hereafter be in unci I to register the name, address, sex and age of every person sull ring trom tuberculosis within their respective jurisdictions, so lar a such information can be obtained. This intormation w ill be solely lor the use of health olliecrs, and in no ease will visits be made to such persons by public ollicials, nor will any public simian surveillance ol such patients be assumed, unless the patient resides in a tenement! house or hotel, or unless the attending physician requests t lint nn inspection lie made of the premises: and in no case where the person resides in a tenement house or boui ding house or hotel, it the physician requests that no visits be made by inspectors, and ii willing himscltto' deliver circulars ol information as is re quired to prevent the extension ot the disease lo others. It is further directed that in all eases where it conies to the knowledge ot a local health officer that premises which have been occupied by consumptives have been vacated bv death or removal, an inspector will visit the premises and direct the removal of inleetcd articles,' such ns carpets rugs, bedding, etc., for disinfection niu will make such wrilten recommendations to his immediate su perior concerning the cleaning and rem-, vating ol the apartment as may be re quired. An order emhodvirg llu'sc rec ommendations will then be issued to the owner ol the premises, and compliance with the order will be enlorccd for sani tary reasons. Consumptives arc advised to sleep alone, and to have their bed ilothiug and personal clothing boiled ami washed separately from the clothing be longing to other people. Rooms which they have occupied should be cleaned, scrubbed, white-washed, painted or pa pered. l'orthe information of consumptives, the board adds that consumption ii a disease which can be taken trom others, and is nut simply caused by colds A old may make it easier to take the (lis case, li is usually caused by genus which enter the body with the air breathed. The mutter which consiimp lives cough or spit up contains these germs in great numbers; frequently millions are discharged in a single day. This matter spit upon the ll ior, wall or elsewhere, is apt to dry, become pub verized and lloal iu the air us dust. The dust contains the germs, and thus they enter the body with the air brealheii. The breath of a consumptive does not contain the germs and will not produce the disease. A well itcrson catches the disease from a consumptive only bv in some way taking in the mutter coughed up by the consumptive. It is not dangerous lor other persons lo live with u consumptive, il the mut ter coughed up by the consumptive is at once destroyed. 1 his matter should nut be spit upon the Moor, carpet, stove, wall or street, or anywhere except into u cup kept for that purpose. This cup should contain water, so that the mat ter may not dry, and should be emptied into the closet at least twice a day, mid carefully washed witn Hot water. Great care should be taken by a con sumptive that bis hands, face and cloth ing do not become soiled with the mat ter coughed np. II they do become soiled, they should be at once washed with hot oap and water. When consumptives are away from home the matter coughed up may be received on cloths, which should be nt once burned on returning home. 1 1 handkerchiefs are used (wort li tem clothes which can be burned are far better) they should be boiled in water lone before being washed. county auiliorit'cs wouni iniv some portion ot Buncombe a a iu;toi ii y nicy mil -i na c an nine oi the new ineuihers, ea two ol iheni it the Mavor is a Democrat. With a good clean ticket there will be little trouble in electing I '.in. eiali, bill with a make sliill tin a figurehead and a trio ol pi. I. im nps s-unci will wake up tin morning after election to find thai things are not whai the y seem. Lei wise com: s. l prevail and a ticket that Kcpnl-la .'inl and Ke t a niris , ill be bolllal to ;, iluil! is A 1 will lie the result. "fill; ev, iug ticcd of P.iiaci'in'ac cour ly, salt! a wiio is in position to know what be is talking about to n the oilier day, ' is a convict larm. V have a chain gang, but that can be kept up inilv bv aide bodied men. It the tract in I have ii uhivated bv some of its collects it would be advantageous from fevera points of view. To tins farm could be sent the bos and old men and the women whom it w.iuld not be humane to commit to the chain gang. I be 1 1 ol such a provision would be especial! salutary in the eases ot many wonici. who arc liiniiL'lit to court lor various o flences. I he magistrate finds that the inn act. oil ol the law is such as to merit the holding of the woman, and she sent lo jail. It Ireipien'.ly happens that the county authorities have to release the woman lor piudenlial reasons, lor the protection of the health of other prisoners, and the women are relcasc l I rcc to go back to their haunts and revel again in tluir Icvilisluuss. Thee ire beginning to feel that they are greater than the law and are more bare laced in the ir meanness. i Uli a comic la rm these women could be given light work and made to serve' out their terms. 1 lie larai is inst what rotiicomiic tin i v needs." aster Granulated Bone. OA'; KliASt Why you should buy bone meal of me is that it will make your hens lay as nothing else will. 1 have just put iu a mill to grind bones ami find it wen ks to a charm. ASol .'e A7;'.l.S'i'.V Is that the bones I grind arc ficsh, ami not st ile. li you send lor your bone meal from a distance you do not know how old it is, and il it is old it is n. g. For prices enquire at JAMLS) WOLFF'S STALLS, Nos. S and P Market Uuildiug. Lnve in Cott'asc THE AMERICAN BELL TELEPHONE CO., 125 5Hlk Street, ISoatou, Mass. This C(Miii:my dwii- K it' t intent Nn, 1tio.."r.'., ;r:inUd l V7lh, Wl, ft if a i-i 'itiliiiud tt'U-Kiitph ami tilcj lumc, ;iml i 4-71 S;it, KmnUtl tu T1iiim;u.V Kilisnti, Mav :i. Iv.C fur a laUnts ciivi-r tunihtnicntat iuvuitions ;tm! ctnlinuc all tonus ami of carbon U Irphoiu s. Kmik lVfliiRT, Nuvc:nli:i lei tcrs ati tit Nn. jiptuUins ti-lcffrapti, wliii'h uf ntkrorihuiu- tiaiisimtu-f "THE SiLZiLiLR HAS NOW OX DISPLAY A HANDSOME LINE OF Spring Groods. CALL AM) i:AMli: TI1K.M. ;JV tf ifti A A; i SKKDS si:i:ds resents ARTHUR M. FIELD Lending Jeweler. WAN TED, I'l; T.i KVHV Til eT WH SUM. STRH'II.V FANCY IKRSliY - - A NT ' COUNTRY BUTTER a-tl V Ills plT j'UUIMl A. M. I'lciiimint; A: Co., en WiinlilTS TK-UliT. i Mi )1 PRESCRIPTIONS -A SI'Ke 1AI.TV A T Till. U. .S- 1 1. knows th it il sh.iuld 1 mi 111 a passenger depot here that wnnhl h.' up to date ai;d si.inewiiat coniiiien Mir.-itc wil'i the importance ol AsIiimI as a report visitid hy thousands ever mi null. Thai is a new lueed ol a indler 1 read ihoiit-tlic rcliiM-rof lish who, alter re I', has auollier ill. in t ) hid llieiu in for liiut. There looks to lie materia"! ill this lor a case in court, although this particular 'orm oiswiiidling may not he pr.ividiil against. Till-: advertising coinniillcc has done it had In do in good slle. The Asheville p iniphlcl is out and will do tin city good. It is oeltcr than anything ol the kind ever prepared, because il is jam lull of information, with a great deal more attention to plain tact than to gush, conde nsed so that theattracliousol the city arc tired into the iiupiirer's mind in o imparl shape, so as to make a last ing impression. And I may add that the hooulels will mil he distributed liv a renrcsentative in I -'lurid '. Thisis the in side news that eoines to The Tuttler. Grant's Pharmacy Win It. tin y me pill up prninplly, rnpiilly mi'l an tiratrlv. tiutii i litmlealle pint- ilrus ircsli tin in the laliiu uli .ries . i g. piilili, Mirek Si Iiit Ti liu .-no I ntliir si .-iinlaril in.onii ei tiir nml lit MHI-.I iiflMinnlilc priirs A SEDESTAl.r CrtWATlOX, r, plenty ot -itling down and nut itiiK-li exercise, ought to have lr. I U lcus I'h-asiuit 1'i lh ts to go with it. They idisolulelv and permanently l ine I oiistipation, One tinv, Ptignr- conteil JVllet Is a porri'i'tlvp, a rngiiliitoT. n gentle laxntlvr. 'l'licy'ro tho siniilli'st. tho eitsiost to take, nml the most nntimii ri'iiictlv nn ri'iic- lion nfloiwnnl. Sink lli'iulnolic, llilioiw llciidai hi', liidlgcsilon, llillous Attacks. unit nil sloiiiiii'li mid hnwi-1 (lornngciiu'iils arc picvBiitcti, rciicvcti anil cured. A "rnt.D i Tim tiRAn" it ilckly curnl hv Dr. Unge's f'- j-rh HiMiiedv. Bo is t'ntnrrhnl imilin-hn, nml every trouble limed by Catarrh. Ho Is Ca trrli Itstdf. Tho proprietor! Ter ') for nny cuso which loy cannot cure. I.ndler, Vour Aiieuilon PK-anr. Spring is now here, and you lire no doubt thinking of house denning. The vane vine stcnin l.auntlry. 4.1 Went Col lege aticct, can do your In c curtuiim ut nicely as they can be done in the catt cm eities. Numl )or ortlcr lo t'nrollan foil I 4'ompnny for Jclllco l.awp nun BinrH'.iie. Sulphur Springs schedule changed to nnn nour witnout cnunge ot enrt. Aik for Kcd Letter ciguri. v. Ii e,w vs ev, e. whst GWYN & WEST SiK'ivsHnrs it W. It tiwyii- Q l-;stal)lishi(l lHht. Kt'fcr to Hnnlt of AsliivWc, REAL ESTATE i.iuns ski:i'hi:i.v rt.Ac ki at h run CUNT SUVittV 1't'Hl.lC. C"MMISSuNK (if tiLKim FIRE INSURANCE THE OAKS HOTEL Tthkr New Mamtffriiicnt. New Furniture. Nice, i-luin cnniturttililt.' ruiMiiM Tubic eictllcnt, N irtltcrn Stvliv Murtcr MretH nil Trnlut, Close In town. Vn an Hlictrtc Cnr Line. Hmuil'ul Locntinn, Hut nntl CoM Iinth. Btt I'oMlhlc Coovcnknct. C.M.PHILIPP IJew Dental Parlors J. E. HAWTHORNE, D. D. 3., Hun loealcif In Asheville fur the practice ilcntlstiy. Miikci n upccliilty uf l-'tne Cold work, crown mill bridge work nml guld and rulilier eeiinhiniilliin. Um, the limil Im proTcd metlieiill tu make nil uperatloim l'AINLHSS. Olflef Ovrr Mhnakagh'l Btorc w w rnuou fttinat r. .-U ttTSl al i, si:i:ds v v 'V 3E X X X mm r .1 mm r. mm X X If Vull IlllVI' il 'ill'lli'll Villi MMUlM SOW I'.lllSl- S Si C(l-J, i IM t Ili'V not niily lint ;i!v;i VS il torv Hinil!i'l. Ihi'iii il lruu' Slnrr, i SiinH'ii M ;rii,s ji'iow I ! ;i Vnti w ill liml T. C. Smillis i. n ( In- I'alil'V kcl (!.ii'!i'in'is X v' IT X mm J. lulls n A Kt-rP lirF Thfc ! CRASS. I n llcie's our Cottage. o Yon? Slnlls for beef, nmttoii, Jioik, veal, poultiy and meat producls in City Muikc-t. W. M. Hill et Co. 1$1 1F3IO1M0 Brick and Tile Works, Biltmore, North Carolina, II AS l Oli SAI.i: A I.AUtiT. STOCK Ol'" COMMON ItlilCK Ol-' Al. KIMiS, lilil'UKSSKD liltlt'KS, AMI AI.I. SI.KS ()!' AtiUlCiriITU.Ui DKAI.V TH.10 Mlllil'll U'it II SlVlls. Sill ' llir'S. ! Ai .5 JL. A .: SI'KDS v ri "trx r-jn i ,. rr i, a a. v si:i:ds W'llol A. i".e ;. it SEKDS TH!3I5THEBEira ..ii...-..-:3 W. L DOUGLAS $3 SHOE GENTLEMEN, $5, $4 and S3. 50 Dress Shoe. 83.50 Police Shoe, 3 Soles, $2.50, $2 for Worklngmen $2 and SI.75 for Boys. LADIES AND MISSES. S3, 2.50 $2, $l.7 fMUTION.-U any donlrn oftrrn ou W. I.. Ioiilii r Hnya ho h ttimi wllti qui lit anitiA tniHM, on tue Doittnn, put hltn U')WQ Httlritua. 'ft .4 1 ft --r- 35 Ifrt - -Hi?V W. L. DOUGLAS Sli"1'' ttylMi. mst filtini,', niul pivc betlci 5.-!i,i.,"iii,ii .it ilic jo in -i .uiviit'iM-d tlian nny oilier make. Try one pair nnd be con in.-cd. Tlie M.itiipini; tt NV. I.. Douyljis' name and price on tlie bottom, wliicl Muaianti-i--; llieir value, xiec llioui.niel of el.-!l:ir8 atiniially to those wbo wear them. Il.'.il, is eilio pu-h tin? Mile of V. I.. l)oui;ki Shoes jain customers, which helps tr. iin'iease ilic siilf. on tlicir full line of ponds. Th-y r.-in nfloril lo nll it ft toss profit mil w lw"li.iv" von run mvo inoneT lv liuylnir lt your foolwenr of Ihn ilfttlr atlvur Jui'd belutv. Culalur;iio Iruu upon upplici.tiou. . L. ilOLOLAS, Urocfctaa, MM. For Sale By J. D. BLANTON & CO. MARCH Hi. ANNUAL REPORT - ni' Tin: RACKET SiOliEUTUMA hmu ffims 15 South Main. AND LOAN ASSOCIATION Never iu lbs liislorv ol this coiiutivl credit ilavidsiuh liavnc wi'.h those w Im are iu its i luiehi s, a il has diirini; i.. tile.- past year. 1 1 :n -s made desolate. iiisiuiss wii-ekeil, I. il ills sold and a lllin- Ired oilier dis.oleis idlow. Wliv do men uphold Mich a svstein ol I usiness? I believe it takes iit least ont-lourlli ol ill we piiiiliiu. to p.-iv these credit e;.ae- tious. We have" islalilisle, d a stiiell.c cash bouse w he re mil can luiv one dollar's worth ol lionils fur a dollar. Have only '.leeii here one uioiilli, and if works line. The cusloiucis at mil store are incrc.-ih lilt; daily. .No luinkkcepiis to pav, no bad debts to pay, no collectors to pay. This is why we can fell you jjoods I'c e do. due yard wide easlnncic worth i."ie. wc are si llinj; for .'He. yd.; ljood calico, In li.o blue, oc. yd.; Simpsons' calico, (i'-..c. yd.; Ilutiiespiin clieeka, Ic. yd.; Apron t iiiihaiiis, oe-. yd., one yard wide Apron liiiiKhaiiis with border, He., 'A yds. lor J.'ic; White Apron ijihuU with border I r l:i, 11 and 1.1c. yd. We 'cannot incnlioii uli wc wl', but please benr in mind that wc cannot be undersold on nny tbin! in our line. Wc urc scllitiB the Improved llie;li Arm Singer ScwjnK Machine, (our drnw ers. dron leaf, finished in oak with all the iitUichinenU for $10.7.1 Mallinna Kiiks ii nil Curpct remnants, wiiv down. Will Kite J'ou due notice of our Millinery opening; which will be one day next week. O I - ATLANTA, OA. s r.v i i:mi;nt i nHTiiK vi;.u i;i im: l I.eliMllliK ill. 1 Via ASSISTS 'i on In, ml ami muriei'ieii- liiei-v.llll i 7--' :-Ml o Kcale-tiite, In. Hi I.s:,:i ,7 e iisli nn haml ittiti nihioik fi.-'il'.i if l-'iiinlliiic anil lixtutes II "".i liiK f:im imliviilti lis I.illil i'.il I lie iile uilH on iiaiil up sieiek C.-J.!'. K.I Tnxi-s naiil ri.'Jr.i insnuimc niivaiiec'i .1-1 ao Ae-e-iuiiits in altv's liamU lur enl- l.eiioii HIT HI Kjo.i-.-jn C7 lluev ni iiii.fil. Iijiiilomiii' ur iHiuliiise I.I MIII.ITIliS due install II. lIlMlllMlie-nts ur pulil (III ;u os I in.- sliari ludilers, nu l l- .;i il line .hnn liiilil.'r-i, tuiul in aiie-aneT li rk Itrilatli'e- tu lie naiil uut oil tenuis tmiile- -JO.-.O fil Surplus, 1 iii.oi I l.i.uns n-imlil I i;i.7i'.a l"a iii-.nls in susp use lfs il Mlll.liJO I', Klil'llKT I 1IU Villi VUAH liNUIMt 111 CUMIIliK .'11, IN'.l.'l, KUCUII' I S. Cioli on IiiiiiiI January 1, ls'.i.'t... it 1 .1 ill f Siili'riitirn on vluin s 1'J0,7-S ss ruin up, "prcpuul or "luut ti:oil"HtiK'k .t-aO 00 Morttfiiees niUc-"il (in whulc r in UHrt i li'-'. l .all I'le-lliiiini rcet-ivcel -111,75 1- ins ree-civcil '.osn Kent a5 lil Allv's lees a.JOl MS Hills iimnlilr t.i'ilo on lilltrnec iitltl ollierle-LS 1,'JIM1 IK) Insiiranee M'MS I niltviiliml anil ml .e.-rUullLuu. ue coiiuls IU ai-i,5Hfi lllSIU'KSliM i;nts. I h.-iiuiI mi niiirtiniitr anil nvnto- einiiuii ' au7, no l-'iirniiuic uml liltl res on I'niil tin withilrnwult. iltief a.VOllit ii Paul on v. llhiliHWiim, ill vlilillils . 7. 1'.ltl n .Siiluriisiillucrit. i'k-rli,eeiu.ile al ,0.10 UO to nil.-. ( 1.7-VL' s J, .'ill. I Ml J. M. STONElt, Mar. A. FRECK I Ins 111. .Hon In.tiuacincnt uf I.ikiiI block and would mk bl. friend. In purlieu Iu ud the public grntntlly to id him call, dw4dltaiu. .7 4. Ill 37 no uiii :i7 1114 I :i.7iia on 1,11.7 UH ill no AUvcrti.inK unit piimmn Kent Tax s Currrnl expriie Cuimtlis nil tei eolle-eloiM, u- eliune, etc PlIHlllKt- Ili'CUUIlt HxprciifiKe- Iliviilruils on puitl up litoek Initutuuce- liiitrune anil ntty'l Irc.reiutne-U c.sii on hiuui a,aa:i:iH lllilivlilunl ttuu liiiHielluiicuun ue enuiits a.Hoooi: Hill, pnjulile" 14.U00II0 3U0,6SS 0.1 Ii. C. ATKINS, I'R.'ilrnt, F. I). Amlrms, Atl.iitll, On, J. W, OOI.I'SMI'I H. Nrere-tary, P. tl. ArlilriKS, At lento. U, Clt Alt. 8. KISilSIIHHV. TliB.urcr. I. (I. AilllirM, At'nntu, Ou. MALCOLM JUIIISHI'lIM, Atlnmcy, I'. U. Aildrei., Atlvnta, On. W. W. tIKAl'UH, virt-i'rrtldrnt, I' (I. Aitilresn. Atlientu. I'.ll, T. I. HICKMAN. Urn. Amill I'.ll Aililr. lluiilcis inville, N. C. Stale ol Nurili Carolina, Aiiilitur bepiirt me-ot. In eollfurillitr Willi lection K.iltm (dl "An Act to ninenil elinple-r 7, volume a, ol The t'oilc," entitled "Iitillihiiir nml Loan AMiie'lntlont." I ve-rtlrv Hint ilie- almvc Is true copy til the swum itntriuetit ut the At' lunta Niitlunal Uulldliitf uml l.onn AHsnein' tton, Atlanta, Oa., on IJtcembcr 81, imiil, nur ou Die In tins Hi purlmrnt, KUUf. M i'HRMAN, Auditor ol Hlalt, in n 111 Is Now Prepared to- Furnish all Kinds of BUILDING MATERIAL Fine Church. Cabinet Work and Bank Fixtures (HSJ) Vtttl HSTIJI4TK8. Asheville Woodworking Co. I. Kaiiffuniri, SupU Telephonf, Kil Quaijtv not tiuisrrrrrY NO 1'IMiM CIFTS Ol' ANY KINII TO ATTRACT ATTKNTJON OK IIHAW TKAIIHATTHH Acme Wine, Liquor House & White Man's Bar What I eluira U that I keep the lariceat .lock of rut ela Rood, ofj any houe In Hie Suite. Anyone in need of pure unadulterated llquora will find It to tlieir IntcrcM to cnll ami e laniine my Btoek. The mmt has been recommended by the leading phynlclans In the Stale fur medicinal parponca .Iiih. II. Ioug-liriiii, Prop. NO. 58 SOUTH MAIN STREET, - - ASHEVILLE, N. C. My motto la, "Keep tlie ticnt and charfie accordingly.' Mj place I. rcconil to uone In the Stutc. TBLHI'IIONH CALL 139 PO8T0PFICE IIOX 818. OrdcrH From a Distance Solicited. BoxIuk & Packing Free BONANZA WINE AND LIQUOR COMPANY, Nos. 1 1 and 43 S. Main St., Asheville. M. II WIH'UiSAI.B lir.PAKTMKNT, (Jli.VT.S" 131 KJ 'XI. 1'AKl.OH AND KHMHSti KUO.M. CMAKS, 7'cau'i'o ,i.v nnrri.i! nouns, sam- t a VIM, 1U1.UAM) ASU VODl. ROOM. 1 Jt "J-O. Beer Vaults and Bottling Department in the Basement. Wc Kvxi'ixtfully JS'wiWf n Share ot Vuttr PulroiuiKc. P. A. MARQUARDT, Manager. JWnln Ivnli-nucc, ,o. 43. Tclctlionc Call, iVo. 94. IN MOUNTAINS OF NORTH CAROLINA A VERY SELECT BOARDING HOUSE LORETTA HALL. HOT SPHING8. NORTH CAROLINA. H. M. SWAINE, PROPRIETOR

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