"6, Asheville VOLUME IX. NO, 278. ASHEVILLE, N. C, FRIDAY EVENING, MARCH 23. 1804. PRICE 5 CENTS- Daily Citizen. Whitmans .... Candy. Kti vivid every 1'YhIii.v by express, price H)c. and NOe. per pound. We have oilier nicucandies nt lJUc, 2Tw. and :'i()c. per poind. Chocolate reams and uiiMuiels at 2m. er p iiind. Wm. Kroger, 41 College St. Bents Water Crackers Albert lliscuit, Roquefort Riscuit, Crahani Wafers, Reception Flakes, Extra Toast. Just In. WM. KIUH.EK. AT BLOMBERG S Tin- hi v lutol n'j-ii-s in le.iltu-r Ult i mul a most attractive ii'ic of le.itlu-r mkIi li.lt.. ilu-new leather lull wall a iiiwkrt The pirUiest ilccinin evci shown hi AslK villr Model Cigar Store Sporting (iooils. 17 PATl'liN A V IS ASIliiV.l.l.H, N C CORTLAND BROS., KKAL I1STATK BROKERS. INV1I8T.MUNT AGliNTS. NOTARY PUIILIC ' Loans Securely placed at H per cent. Ottlces US & 20 Pnttoo Are., up stairs SOME LOW PRICES California Peaches 18c. Per Can. California Apricots 13c. Per can. Pure Maple Syrup $1.25 Per Gal. Cucumber Pickles 40c. Per Gal. Sweet Mix Pickles 76c. Per Gal. Sour Mix flckles 60c. Per Gal. California Evaporated Peaches, Apricots W Pews 17c. Per Lb. Gr A.. Greer. OATS! OATS! We kmived Oik- Car WHITE si:i:d OATS, Tuesday, March iioih, Also Henderson's Puritan, Nov la Scotia, Early Rose, lien ut. v of Ht'bron, Peerless anl Hurbank Irish Potatoes. A. ID. Cooper. BON MARCH E Tllli IvXAtT NKW YOIiK CDST SAI.Ii IS 10 111! L'UNTINli-ti I' iK A SIK.IKT Wllll.li VIST, viiKV uiisiKAiii.i: r.oons vi:r IN STOCK. ALL AT IvXACT NKW VOKK COST. BON MARCHE ' SOl' l II MAIN SI'KUHT. FRESH CANDIES. Chocolate Vanilla Eclaire, Delicious Bon Bons, French Nougat, Jordan Almonds. Home-Made Candies, Famous Butter Cups, Molasses Candy, Marslimallows. S i'KKlM-INIi CHOCOLATE CK HAMS ONI. Y4 O C . ORl'llSdC, lugevt nsgiirtmeiit ot line candh in the eilv. Just recti -.ed. In ealed paekageit or in Ir.i'k. Look (it the window display at 8 North Court Square. Tell plionc lu V. Temperature Tellers .V StililJ OF A rilHNUOUliriiN. H I! HAVE A GOOD ASSoNTMIiST i'ok i sa .v tii a kod.m. run 11177 A VI Tllli DAIRY. Manitoba Corn Cure A LltjVU) CORX CVKli. Wll.l. xor isjrmi mi: i tuir, jr, cj.s. ROSE MYRRHINE .1 VliKl'HCr Uuril) DliSTI rmcn, bi'isuctivh is its rt KI'OSU AND IIAHMI.liSS. Mt', Manitoba Corn Salve 10c. Fie; Paste Laxative. riNun hi' rii.t.s .st salts, THY I'lH l:STti LAXATIYH, MILD AND I'LISASAST, HAWS LIKH A CO.VM'C7'l(l.V, i'o I T.I, CARMICHAEL'S PHARMACY. VaT rcc.iit year 4 it h: s lo u the custom to i?tmiiibi:r our I'linul a.:il iUar o irs. wiih itn linsUr token ol" s:niie kind. .V we liac 4ch a larnc utock of hi italic presents fur t'-ii casioit, vc extend to vou u wclc 'in ; tall to visit our Iu'kc fdacc on the Aver ih ami just sec whut Rill meet your eyes in the way uf pretty tiling i that your fri ir.'s i 1 a'vi.'i.vi. appreciate nrd kep in t'nil r nirmli-rnniT uf you. In maliiij; a p-e itit -t n ail isc yuti t always i;iv your 'avor't tint will do tiie n some an rirlK li- OU and Kasuiinc ttowc, fm;'r r in-nii a tors, ice tin sts. cooler;, kiulan uUmimIs o every kii.d, nil oi'ili" t.Kst Inipn-vi iiunt s agate and hliw ste I wmv, cU, etc. AND Field. Seed. Choice Kentucky Clover Seed. Choice Kentucky Timothy Seed. Choice Kentucky Orchard Grass Seed, Choice Kentucky Blue Grass Seed. Choice Kentucky Rod Top Seed, Choice Kentucky White Cats Seed. Early Rose and Burbaiik Seed Potatoes and Garden Seed. POWELL & SNIDER s I a i ."3 5-- Heiniisti & REaoan WIS Al! Tllli SHI.t.l.W. Ar.l-NTs i ASiii; n.i.i; iui CONFECTIONS lu re - and Delicious !H)S HONS AMI UIOCOI.ATli C 1 1 0 C O L A T U I-AKLIMiS, Ml MID CIIOCOI.ATHS CKIiAM WTNTEUf.UBIiS, CKUAM I'HIM'UHMINTS, OLD FASHIONED MOLASSES CANDY, ETC, KHCHIVIill HRO.M FACTOKY TWICIt A WUI1K . . , IT!) O, WE ARK GETTING TIIURK ' C VIM AN O PJ'OPI.IC 1 l"lk TftCItt WAV. Ait l!iiiti'uia;lu Movement At taining Marked I'loportloiiH X-w nud Important IhUuh rUH Ii.M.iiMdKii, MJ.. Maic'i 23 The Manufacturers' Record in reviewing the business (if the South lor the week says: Rep his ho in till parts ;( the South iudi cute that ti c general busiiitss mil hmk is vtr promising, tlioua tic voliiim: ul Irailt dois nut yt t show ativ vi rv laii' i:n.ic.isi'. I'.ut.if jiuliioil I y ii Soulhwanl tmni ul capital ana i m mi r.i L i( m anil by tin- I'viilcnt iticrc.isc in the iirgaiiv. itiiin n! i.ew t,nU-rp:isi'!', the Smitli is i-ntinnj; npim the must s li lly prnsperntis ci.-i ol its history. a The inmii)4iatiim inovcini'tit especially is line ul the must noticeable sicus ol the limes, an. I throa jliout I he North anil Wist Hie 'lesire to iroye S i. 'h scinns to lie iBsiimi!! pi'iiprutiuiis of i.ational i iiportancf. Sneeial renorts from New Iviiijlanil slio.v more (hsnositioll than ever livloie to incest in Southern cotton mills, anil a matuilactuier ol that Feelion tells tlu Maniilaetmeis' Ktcord that a number of larc mil's will be built, in the South by New liiiKlanil people. xiniin i lie mine importniit iiidusttial enterprises repi rleil lor the week are c impany e-ipilal z (I ;a Sii.liyo.Odu 'o linihl a town ami cleyiloo shiimm" u-ililies on l',ituent Kiver, Mil.: a Sllio.iino c.onn.iMv ori;aniz (I to ship li.iry ti i: In, in II ..k Us'otit y , S. C :., to Hal timorc, while a 1,'irne maiiul'ictiiriin! p:ant wil; l.-e establishul; a S'JdO.iMio miiaiiv to rs'-ibhsh an aiiilicial iic plant in li.tltiiiinic in coi;iiictioii wilh a sl'alin link projee!; a lumber null il a shoe l.ic'.my in Marvl.im): a ,S,i(lii,(ioo tobacco conipanv; a shoe i'ae tuiy ami a ciiiininj; l.uioiy in West Vir- K-nm; a .:iilo,iiiin natural cus company anil a tannery in West Virginia; a Soyd, (Hid liimlii r exporting combination; a !-.IJII,liul) c ttou null coiiiDanv: n $oll.- (MiO oil mill; a conn n-s? ;.n. several cct- limuinsiii Texas; an el.ctiic power plant saw mill, ipiairy ami cannini,' fae Inrv in C,e iii'ia, etc. ntviiN'r ii)T it vj:r. A:t Al'lav.t. mini 'I'. tn ol Si.. Swill To UaU iali Wlun I :ie!c IV is Isra-.l was in Ashe i ille a il iv or two o'o In- c imc to see Tin: i rnz-, ami !.-.li e,l over ,-olalrs in t l.e I.eie, s'.er s.i I ior. In the c otivirsa-ti-'ii list iiiciitclit of In leaving tli- c ui 1 lioii.ve wh' n S. I iL'-o iliti.n kcimeil on i'VK sliippinn v as allm,i , to I neli rUass.iiil he I, a, I uone lo tin- court lio.ise 1 o f , -o ab' no coil, ctin, soiih m one v Irom the Male Alt u.ee. S nne lour nais ii'o, hi- fai-I, the sul.-.iliiance lowl.ieh he bil'inei-il, '.h (,'ainhl, sent .-s'.'o to Alii-ari-c he,-u!iiiai-te-s, wheic the .-iiiiiiniit was to I e kept sale. I'oi some time no w Ml. Canni'1 has l. en ni.leay jrinj; to yet its ,$'Jo back, lint has been un.-ii-. eei shil mi iar, l i.ele I'ieas s ivs. II iht inoney is leturiieil it is to be ilivuleil lietueen tlnee preachers in the vicinity of I. circs Ur. WII.I. fTO! l.l.CH 8IM., lli'il Mil- Tl -llli tloillu To Hn i r IliH tt:rnwht ril h. A retcnl c'Ilc ,-o ;l:sp.i!e!i susol the H. od ol li .ck Sh "Ye. li lu.-ir W. Ave, ti e l,n moist, better i. in i ,vn as ' liiil' Nye. lias on iileil lo si,,.;, !ivi,.r!iiK. lb- saij t..,l..v : The I. e. is. I cauiio; keep up my wrilim.' am Vein, i. i;: The work i too li nil, ami ill -n my final,-, lor whim I toil, are .o-.votis lo si e more of ii.e. 1 sli ill c'ose inv plalloim eatier in a lew v iel.s anil on home in the mountains of N'oilh L'ar oiira i.i tine to in t her iiivm .Tvlinrv i 'fop on in v inoilel I. inn. I call il a model larm because it costs me three times as much to run it as 1 nel oat ol it, am! I ueileistaml from .'oiiipclent aj;ri e ulitir.il soniees that is what eoiiti'.iHes a inoih I la: in." !.om;iii-;i,hn wii.min Hi- ll s as Suuili Vnll: l-ir.It Ktvi'veri-i, Sax Antonio, Tixas, March L'.l. Con rcssiuan W. I,. Wilson has arrived lieie fioin Mexico, lie is much i macialcil and he stated that he was very weak ami tiled, although he had s'ood the latif.ue ol the journey iinieh bet'er than lie hail c:, peeled. Mr. ilsou's lace is colorless and hi speaks in an almost inaudible lone ol voice, lie slated that he would remain in S in Antonio and othrr Texas towns until thoroughly rccoycrcd irum his ill lies?. Tlic t iniiiusHiiinii H Name HlNSctl. Savannah, l',a., M.uch I'll. Among let t is of regrel rceiived by the lliber liian society of this cily was one which was not r;ad at the annual dinner last niht. It was from Congressman W. C. I'. Ilriikimiilj.;c. The mention of llreek iiiiiilne's name by one of the speakers was iceeived with cotilinuu! Itissts. I'nliivc'N ( be Holil, Vn;.N., Mauh -.'!. It is rciorUd here that the dcplorab'e state of the Italian finances has induced Kin Humbert to very consaleralilv leilucc the civil list. In pursn ii.ee ol this determination tl.e Kiiik is said to havedirecttd that several ol the royal palaces ami grounds outside of Ko.ne be sold inimeiljatcly. A .Halt KeM'iii-Hii Jlunleier. M i-;.i i n s, Ti nn., M.inli ya.A mob of masked men overpowered ihc jailor at (Ixfoid, Miss., Wcdiiisday ni)ul and ref cud John 1'ettir, a ir.urili u r. The deputy slu-rill 'lccojjni., ( several men! I ers ul the mob and wholesale atrcsts will follow, Cucat ixcltcitcnt prevails lit Oxlonl. KollltKl 111 SH.OOO. I'NinNMi.i.ii, Mo., March L'u. The Drake ll iuk of Ccnliivillc, In., was rob bed of ,$;i,i)(Ml last niulit. The money was intended to pay the miners at L'in cinnnti, In,, today, mid had not been placed in the bank vault. There is no clue to the robli'-'rs. InitllHli Sill Hold Hie I -or-. Nnw Oki.kans, March -X The condi tion ul all lirs in llluelielils, NiearaHiia, is as unsettled ns ever. The Mnulisli nie still in control of the police protection of the city, ami, in fact, in practical control ' 'Jl the entire 1'encrviitiou. INFORMATION WAVII1I 4icoluulHl IIulmiH O.-Mtrt-H 1 UClH About W. N t. WHti r Power. The State ncoloi;ical survey is prep ir nii.; to publish a ripjrt on the water powers of North Carolina, and while ninny measurements nave been made of the water powers of the middle counties, very little is known concerning those wist of the ISlue Kidce. It will he well for all persons living in these itiuiiutaiu counties, who are interested in water p iwers or w ho l.ave accurate iiilonin t'on eoiicernins them, to correspond wilh the Slate (.eulogist, l'rof, J. A. llolhies, at Kaliih, and lurnish lii-,i sue'i information as t hey cat, supply. l'rof. Holmes would like lo have uifoi illation especially concerning all mills run bv water power. The stream on wbich each mill is located; name of the mill; the kind ol mill i whether giist null, saw mill, etc. I; distance ol Hie mill from the month of the stream on wlrcli it is located; number of horse power used by the mill; the length of the mill dam; the height ol the dam; the total bill of water at the mill; as to what extent the mill is affected by low water in the sum mcr months. Concerning; the waterfalls ami rapids where the power has not been improved and there arc no mills located, l'rof. Holmes would like to have information as to the lullowing points: In the case ol waterfalls, the amount and general char aeter of the I.ill; in case of the rapids or cascades, I he total fall in the water; the distar.ee in which the water is lulling this amount; .'inil as to whether or not the amount ol water varies greatly between the summer and winttr seasons at these places. If any survey lias been made determining the number ul horse power available lor milling or manufact uring (imposes at nuyof these waterfalls or rapids, iulormation should be given as to this point also. It H expected that the tcportwill be published nt an early date, coustipieiitly the matter should be at I ended to at once. It is urged thai all w h can do so will ec operate with the State licologist in this mattir, si that Western North Carolina's water (lowers m ay be prop erly npies.ntid. THIv KNCtHPJtKNT. Wou'.cl Aslit villi- l.llitt lo liltvf II Tills HlillllillT To a iii-ual obsci ver it would appear that Asheville cares nothing lor the en caii.pineiit of the North Carolina trot, (is this yiar. That woul 1 be the opinion ol one who went to the City Hall jcblcr day alternooii to attend the meeting called i ) v Mayor I'attou to discuss the qmslioi, i f sicurim; ll.c cncaininii'iil I-'oni- o'clock came and passed fun the only persons present were Mayor I'nl Ion, S.Tcc.int Major W. T. Ilerrit.-igi', second bat lalion, fourth regiment, Mate liiiard, and I in-; v. itizkn. Tbcr lore no meeting was hel l. II an;.- tnlenst bad been taken in the matter there might have been picscnt some ol tlic Ai-licville Light Infantry olliecis; some ol the street rail way ill il' nates, who would be interested in trans portation matters; some ol the mer chants, who would surely be beiiclilcd, and some of the hotel keepers, who would get tluir share if business out ol it. Kill they were mil tin re. Maybe the ciic.iinpmciit will coinc wituout an invitation asking the c:tv lo pkasc allow it to com Koht b, rr to .Marrv .Maud. Nkw Yokk, March -'3. A siiecial ci, blc to the Sun s.n s: It is harucd fioin an autb- r-iilalive ipiarlcr ihat the Ijiii-ni ai.,1 the I'rinee of Wales b ive givtn their consi nt to the ln'irri.'uc ol Kosi berry with i'rineess Maud ol Wales, and 1 lie ollicial aniuinuecir.i-tit inaybccx p ceil any day. His', ma .Not I.nsi An;i'si . t'..i , March -The i'oit Kojal Sliippirg eianiauy will on April 'JL1, clear the fast steamship Mi xicdii caiaeitv 0,1100 tons, lor Liverpool. This will be the first passenger sTciinir ever cleaicd lioni a South Atlantic port tor Liiiopc. Vatr.I s xploNton vt liuiiiiitie I'l l Tslii-iiii, .March '.1. T he dynamite woiks ol the Acme ruwder eaiiipanv at lliacks Kuu, 1 1 miles above I'iusliurg on the Alleghany railroad, blew up this morning, killing three nr.ii ami two women, and badly wrecking several bridges. Tilt: lorm-ll Murder Cimc Itiiica, X. V , Maich L'd.-Thc only iniiortnnt developinenl yesterday in the Cornell linveisity poisoning ease was the commit mcnl ol I-. L. lavlor to the county jail lor contempt uf court in re losing to answer ipicslious. t'reml'-rutiHt'N ICxcculloa I'onI poned. Ciiicai.o, March LM. Alter consulting wilh his attorneys this morning, ShcrilT I'.ilbcrt amiouiuiil that lie wciulil obey i lie order ot judge Clictlain, iostiouiug the execution ol Preudcrgast till April lilh. Kltltd ThL-l'iiHlilt r San I-'hascIm'o, March 'Jll. A branch of '.he San Tram-isco Savings I'liion wits rohlicd this morning and the ciislmr shot and killed. A Nvtdeil Kvhi. W asiiini. ion, March UX The llieckiu ridge case lias been adjourned to S.itur day. C0SI)L:SSI:D riiLliOKAMS. The House Committee on iigiiciiltur has icdiiccd the lux on option trading proposed by the Hatch bill to $12 nud 111: amount ol of dealers' bonds to $3 0U0. A strong lieling in layor nl a revolu lion against the live Presidents of the Central Amuienn republics cxis's those countries, the object being to sc cure one republic. Receipts ol Irish eggs in New Yoik city Monday and Tuesday lis compiled by the Meicani.ilc l-.xchauge, loot up l.b.ss Sli I- dozens, or LMl.lili, litis igs. lusliee d'llrieu of the New Y'ork Su p.-cinc eoiirt has dcuiid mi apiilicatinu tor n writ of habeas corpus lor John Y. lUCIMItlC. The cable disputch announeing the fail' nit nl the London and Kiver Pintle hank was erroneous, liilwnnl M, I'iild has hem relcnseil from Ludlow street jail, New York, on $3,1)00 bail, IIEISDISrOSKI) TO SIGN IT Till-; I'ltKHIOICNT A Kill TIIK Ul.ANO MI.VICU MII.U II He Is Cutivliic, (1 Tliat No Huh Iiiihs MHluibuiice Will KcnuII He Will fciiru It !eclNtoii Next Week W asiiini.iox, M uch '.'! It is as serted in the treasury department that the President has so far made up his mind on the Illaud silver bill thai be is disposed to sign il if be can convince himself that no business disturbance will result from such action. It is to this point that he is now ad dressing hmiscll, and which he will con tiiuie to keep in mind until next week. His veto or signing of the bill depends upon tho solution he arrives i, l ol this question. WtHON Hit i:WI.Kll.. Thev KiiiiMe lo Ucoitul.eOriiuii it.' a Labor And Mum Slider. I'liii.Ai.iil.ciiiA, I'a., March ail. War to the knile will soon b.' declared by the Knights of I, -ilor against I'll or more breweries in St. Louis, controlled bv an liuglish svndicate. It is given out by those who ought to know hereof thev speak, that, before many months, the plant ol every brewery concern will be ah sohitclv idle and tin t millions of dollars of ICuglish capital will become tinproduc live. I'or some time past the linitlisli syndic He has been under the ban of the Knights ol Labor as a result of the re lusal of the management to rivognii union labor, l-'OK Hr.VICNI'I-; COl.I.l-X'TOKN. H, iirt I Xl t'HHrl at lll IIVHlll ol ilie ;re-ut KohnuiIi. Wasiiim.ton, March 30.- In the Home joint resolution was passed appro.iia ling $Ul.i)il(.i lor the comiicusation i l leptity collectors of internal revenue to nloree the ti-arv la x. i resolution olHivd by Ciiniiiiings ex pressing ugrct at the death ol Louis Kossuth and rernn-stiug the Si calo r lo transmit the risptctlul syuipalhv of iln House lo tin: l.itnilv ol the d-. ceased, was igrccd lo. Must 1 U-vn-c 'I'll. Ir Ti.ick-i Clllc'.Mio, March 'JO An ordiuniii c or the elevation of the tracks of the Chicago, Kock Island and Pacific and the Lake Shore ami M ichi-.-an Southern ailroads was pas ed last night by tin (minion Council ol Llnc.igo. The work elevation will cost many miliums o' doll ars, and the bulk ol the expense will be boi nc bv the railroads. St, -ally i-o' Hit: Tramps l-Vu i Won i ii, Texas, M uch L'.'!. City lecorder Smitli has notified the police nee ol the ei: y in regard to the advance '. he "al ::..vmI linen piovi.l," and in ruetcd tlieui to bring every member I c- lore him. 'I'he Kcrordcr says he will line eviry abb-bodied man lo the extent ul- owed by law, and will setthcin al wink rep tiring ll.c city slrcits. Crn Ami Iti lclur-H ncs'riMi'il lb, i srox, Ti x., March I'M. The heavy iins which have tuevailcd over the nulnrn p-iriion ol the State for tie past lev ,!. i s h ive laused iiie.i'culablc il.-imagc. Ainu;- farms have beui deluged uuil crops i!cslrocil. 1 he rivers are out I then hauls, and in Nacotoloclu -1 1 1 v every Inn', e in the countv is w.'hliC l iiwa-i . Jostle.- J.u-k'iiiii llitu r. W.si-,Ni.inN, M.-iie'n an. Letters u- eeivcl lioni Justice u kson (,1 the Su- prime court of Hie Piiitcd Sltils, now at A'.Iaiila, C.a., says his healili is very much tiiMiroveil, and that lie will return to Washington about April 1 to resume his place on the bench. Hie Aul! Option Hill WasIiini, riiN. March Jo. The House conniultee on aincullurc today pei- feclcd the anti option bill and dirietid llalch to submit it to the House with a rccommciidal-.oii thai it pass. Coliiutlt At Hie I-olm or lca:li. Wasiiini; ion. March I'!!. ScnutorCol. piitt lias been given up by his physician, Dr. Hayuc, who sas lie cannot possibly live througli the tlav. .CSV IX X0KTH CAK0UXA. Winston Sentinel: The ease in which Captain T. P. Thompson of l'.eaulori countv is interested, and which has been in the Chancery courts of Lngland lor '0 years, lias pist liecn tlccideil. Captain I hoiiipson has received a check lor SJ.tlOO to pay his vav to lingbiiul to receipt for the legacy. Il is saiil he will then be one of the wealthiest men ill the Stale. There wns an incendiary lire ill the town ol Unison, lolmston countv, S it unlay niglil. The general stores of L. W. Mongum cc Co. anil Pyals iV Co , ami the hardware store ol L. II. iV II. II Wooilall, and a dwelling owned by u man unnicil ohnsou, were eomiilctclv destroved, the total loss bciiig some $11,(100. (hi the -Mil uf Apiil the people ul l.iimherloti aie to vote on the issue ol $20,000 in bonds to secure tl.e consti lie lion of n railway connecting thai town wilh 1 1 u io. a station on the Atlantic coast-line, the distance being I I- miles. The road is to be known as the Limibei ton ami Lumber Kiver railway. Ilcaulort lleralil: Cipt. Win. A. Wade killed 1 1 black ducks near the straits at one shot last week. This is not considered a very big shot cither. Theie have been killed ul one shot in this county 4ii. lilVorts are hiiug made by a mmihcr of businessmen.U Salisbury lo secure the reinstatement of the II) oflicials of the Richmond ami Danville railway who were summarily discharged last week, Slatcsville Landmark: Many old farmers say that fruit will not lie killed when the trees IiIomii m the light ol the moon. This being so, we will have a It nit crop this year. LotiurcBsninn llryan, the silver tongued ol NchrnskM, will deliver the aililicsB lit lite Mate Normal uiul Indus trial tehool, tlreenslioio, nt the com mencement iu Ma;. PAAS EGG DYES. cst i: lie.' I ;i villi A I Raysor k Smith l:ucli i-Hi e'o'c nl J,sccs 1 .7c. ) iiiuts li' iKtmiil'ul suiit til' rations eohrsJrct I'tuui fhiistjn, nml the cgi,'s iif( niny lie aiU-n ii-iiioil Initin. The tnhkt ily cm, 1.7c. ',-iio'icl t-.-iei iinitiiins H lull si length mints, nml will ilyv Irom :i lu il iiA-u cg,gs-. CuHx.itlv uuil wi lium tl.c lull iir-Mtl RAYSOR & SMITH, 31 PAT TON VF tUMl.N I-ViiMMiS Til.I-1 l iJ'L'KtiCK. ASHEVILLE TO THE FRONT I' 15 IIAVi: Jl VST CIl.Ml'LHTIill A IT1.1. HAND MADE SHOES And will in Hie mime carry ill slock u lull isvi.rimeiil uf shoes nl OUR OWN MAKE! TIII-.Y STASH WITHOUT A RIVAL UOHMHTS, II Court Square, Asheville, N. C. JUST RECEIVED LOT OF NICE COUNTY HAMS, T. J. REVELL, No. : Norlh Main Street, Asheville Wm. TURNEK, Auctioneer. Rtnidence (17 Church Street. Will tell real ntste, homes, eows, lurul. tore or anything jrou wish lo dliipoM f. Charyes mudcmU. , g-it-dtf

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