Asheville Daily Citizen State Library VOLUME IX.-NO. 279. ASHEVILLE, N. C, SATURDAY EVENING, MARCH 1894. PRICE 5 CENTS Whitman's .... Candy. Received uvery Friday by express, price 00c. and 80c. per pound. We have, other nice candies at 20c, 25c. and 'H)c. per pound. Chocolate reams aud caramels at 25c. per pound. Wm. Kroger, 41 College St. lkiits Water Crackers Albert Biscuit, Roquefort Biscuit, Graham Wafers, Reception Flakes, Extra Toast. Just In. WM. KROGER, .A.T BLOOMBERG'S The very latest styles in Icntbcr belts ml a most attractive Mat of leather nash brlts, the new leather belt with a pocket The prettiest design, ever shown in Asheville. 'Model Cigar Store & Soi'tiii Goods. 17 PAT TON AVB. ASUBViLLB, N C CORTLANDBROSm RBAL E8TATB BROKBRS. INVB8TMBNT AOBNT8. NOTARY PUBLIC . ' Loon. Securely placed at par cent. Office !IS 20 Patton In., np sUlrs SOME LOW PRICES California Peaches 18c. Per Can. ' California Apricots 13c. Per can. Pure Maple Syrup $1.25 Per Gil. Cncnmber Pickles 40c. Per Gal. Sweet III Picilrjs 75c. Per Gal. Sonr Mix Pickles 80c. Per Gal.. California Evaporated Peaches, Apricots An Peurs 17c. Per Lb. G A.. Greer. 200 DOZEN UUART CANS 8TANDA KD TOMATOES I 00 DOZEN NliW YORK STATU CORN. 10 CENTS A CAN. TIIBSU ARB GENUINE BARGAINS; THB UUALITY 18 GOOD. A. ID. Cooper. NORTH COURT f UUBRli. BON MARCHE THB EXACT NEW YORK COST SALE IS TO BB CONTINUED 1'OR A SHORT WHILE YBT, SOME VERY DBSlRAULli GOODS YET IN STOCK. AU. AT BX ACT NEW YORK COST. BON MARCHE !I7 SOUTH MAIN STREET. Great Bargain Sale IN COMMENCING TUBSDAY. MARCH 87, AT 10 A. Mi 487 AT 25C. FOR CHOICE. $1.00 Pipes For 29 Cts. 78 Cts. Pipes For 25 Cts. 50 Cts. Pipes For 25 Cts. 25 Cts. Pipes For 25 Cts. Genuine French Briar pipes withamberine, born or rubber mouthpiece, u number of them worth a dollar; more wcrth 75 cent', and about ten doi.-n worth SO cent., the balance worth 25 cente. Remember the tale will atart promptly at 10 a. m Tuesday and run until the best onea arc picked out. You Can't Buy Them Today. See my show window and locate jour choice at no pipe will be remorcd until tale commence.. An opportunity of a lifetime to get a valuable pipe for 29 cents. Baahela to select from. See great window disp'ay. C IP. ItVY'H. 8 North Court ' quiire. Telephone 104. Temperature Tellers IN NBBD OF A THERMOMETER. WB BAYS A GOOD ASSORTMENT FOR VSB IN THB ROOM, THB BATH AND THB DAISY. Manitoba Corn Cure A LIUV1D CORN CURB. WILL NOT INJURS TUB FBBT, S3 CTS. ROSE MYRRHINE A PERFECT LIQUID DENTI FRICE, BFBBCTIVB IN ITS PURPOSE AND HARMLESS, UHC. Manitoba Corn Salve 10c. Fi Paste Laxative. TIRED OF PILLS AND SALTS, TRY FIO PASTB LAXATIVE, MILD AND PLEASANT, EATEN LIKE A CONFBCVWN, S3 CTS, CARMICHAEL'S PHARMACY. For recent yet" it his been the custom to remember our friends and dear oucs.'with an Baatcr token of some kind. As we have such a large stock ol si liable presents for this os casion, we extend to vou a welcome call to our la'ge place on the Aver uc and iunt sec what ill meet your eyes in the way of pretty thioiM that your fri nds wl I always appreciate and keep in fond remcmljerance of you. In muling a present let us ad: lie you to always give your favorite nn article that will do then some Kood. Oil and gU!oline itovvs, irtezer, rctrcglra tora, ice chtats. cooler, kitchen utensils o every kind, all of the latest Improvements agate and blue stetl ware, etc., etc. G-AJRIDEIT AND Field. Seed, Choice Kentucky Clover Seed. Choice Kentucky Timothy Seed. Choice Kentucky Orchard Grass Seed, Choice Kentucky Blue Grass Seed. Choice Kentucky M Top Seed. Choice Kentucky Whits Oats Seed. Early Rose and Burbank Seed Potatoes and Garden Seed. POWELL & SNIDER u I S 8 Q U U X O 0 o 3 & s o o o :c -a S o a a . .8 A 2 E s O m S S o a a .5 'c J3 V WB ARB THB SELLINO ACENTS IN ASHUV11.I.U FOR CONFECTIONS Pure and Delicious BON BONS AND CHOCOLATE ; C110COLATB PARLINB8, Jt MIXED CHOCOLATES I CKUAM W1NTBKURBUN, I CREAM PBPPBRMtNTS, OLD FA8HIONED MOLASSES CANDY, ETC. RHCKIVED FROM FACTORY TWICE A . . VVBBK . . EASTKR AT THE CHURCHES APPROPRIATE SPECIAL FR VICF.M TOMORROW. Lovilv Fault r Muslclo Ueaii Ad dlltoual Allractlou A Fair Uajt Promised Houie of the Ilutcl Melius for the Occaslou Hustcr Sunday, the day of religions festivals and of new (jowns and dreams in bonnets, Minis tomorrow, and the weather clerk, with his characteristic deference to Asheville and its army of churchgoers, promises that the dav shall be n lair one. Whether he keeps lii promise or not there will be enjoyable speeiul programs of music at some of the city churches, and if the promise is kept there will be, incidentally, a display ol millinery, nloni which line fuslu -iuble Asheville lun' hko breams famous. Not that the worshipers will jjo to church merely to be seen far Irom it. But the observance of fashion's decrees concerning the clay is only an incident ol the occasion that makes the sight one of unusual attractiveness. Kpeclal Raster Programs. Uaster nmic nt Trinity Iipiseopal church is always notable. The program nt the morniuff service tomorrow will be as follows: Processional, -l-'JS. Burner Anlhein Ilumtirty Psalter : Humphrey i e I'eara TOop juuimir Tours Aiuheiu, "(MoriuiiK is thy Name" Moiart Kvrie Clark Glu Tint Hlvcy Hymn til), Otiertory, "R.Mirrccliun" Shelly Communion service.......... Staincr The early celebration of holy commun ion at Trinity church on Hastcr day will be at S a. in., ami not at 7:30 as is usual. Ceutrul M. Ii. church, South, will be decorated handsomely with plnnls and Ibwers from the lirownlmrst uicen houses. An especially attractive pro jiram of music will be iven bv the Cen tral choir. Key. II. 1'. Clireit.berR will preach. Appropriate sitiKini; in the cxccllint style ol the choir ol the First I'resbyte rian church may be expected by tliose who attend this church. A special faster serui-e will be held to morrow at the First M. IS. church beyin niiiK at 1(1:15 a.m. Uev. G. !!. hetwiler will prcacli&t 1 1 . The regular program will be rendered by the Sunday school in the evening, bcxinuiii.!; at .S o'clock. O.hcr Church NrrvlccN. Kcv. J. I.. White, pastor nf the l'irst Uaptist ehurc'.i. will preach tomorrow morning on ''The Kesui -net ion of Christ." At H o'clock p. til., "The ISihth Com mandent Stealing." The public cor dially invited Tomorrow morniiiL' at 1 1 o'clock Kev. Mr. Urunson, of the French llro.ul Uap tist church, will discuss "The Fall ol Man." At 8 o'clock p. tn. his subject will Ik-, "l'aul Ktbukinc l'eter or, n Con flict in the Apostolic' Authority." The public are cotdiiillv invited. Krv. J. W. C. Villoul,by, I). U , presi dent ol 'Washington college, Tenn., will occupy the pulpit ol the Snuthside Fres bvtcrinn church Sunday morning and evening. At Hillinrd hall Kcv. II. A. Westnll will preach tomorrow at 11 a. in. Subject: "Not Here. Hut Risen," mid at f p. ni., subject, "The Kcligh.n of the Future." 1 he puMic cordially invited. At llclhrl church tomorrow at 11a. m , Kev. T. F. Marr will preach on "The Kesuircction." Appropriate ISnst r ser vices will be had bvlhe Sir day school at 3:30 p. m. Kev. l.h.'Wnirg ol Wcaverville will preach at Riverside M. Ii. church. South, tomorrow morning and evening. Kev. G. II Detwilcr will address the mission ary meeting nt 3:30 p. m. Central HuntlUT Hctiuol. The Central Sund iy school will hold its Uustcr celebration tomorrow eyiuing at 8 o'clock. The regular services will give place to the young folks, who will occupy the centre ol the church and take lull charge of the exercises. A beaulilul taster cantata, "lhc Living Christ, will be rendered, consistum of solos. duets, ehoi uses, etc., and the entire ser vices will he pleasing and interisting. 1 he public nre cordially invited. Kasier Olnucrs. The ISaster menu for Kenilworth Inn tomorrow is n thing of beauty. The form is an oblong card bordered with a bund of gold bronze with nn embossed imprint ol the nnme of the hotel and its manngnucut. Supplementing the ty pographic merit ot tbecaru Wis. Harry Uhoades Klebcr has artistically embel lished it with touches in oil of rare bits of blossoms, clover heads, urbulus. vio'cts, lilac, pancics, or by an occasional biid in delicate plumuge and in full flight. Battery rurk guests will direct their wishes for ISaster dinner from n silk rib boned fold of three leaves. The cover is illuminated with a classical picture tinted in rovnl purple and also bears t lie legend of the hotel and manager. The menu mis a inge ol the inside lent with a tempting urrav of pnla tables from green turtle to coder. The Winvnh house ISaster dinner bill is a folder with the title page embossed in silver aud gilt, besides illuminated lines ol the name ol the house. The bill falls on the third page and couipiehendi nn abundance ol good things THK S I. A 'M. Tiitv Ar- To Hton at AHliivllle Next MiMictoy The general passenger nucnls, who have been in convention nt Lake Worth, I'l.i., are to honor Asheville with a visit on their rcliirn from the South, This body will be one of the largest that has ever visited Asheville, us there nie near 200 of the jolly lellows who look after the iiassenuer tmltic ol tne rnil. roads, many of them iiccompnnied by their families. The visitors nie expected to arrive Monday morning and will remain licic hours. No Quorum Attain. The Hoard of Ahlermen could not muster a quorum for the regular nictt ing yesterday nllernooii. There are only five members on the Hoard, Mr. Sturncs' successor never having been chosen, and It requires the presence of four of thee for a quorum. . M. C.udger, one law yer, was said to tic in Marshall, and W. W. Jones, another lawyer, was in court looking after the interest of a client. If Mr. Stnrnos' place bad been filled there would prohnbly have been a quorum on the two lust meeting days. WEEKLY TRADE REVIEW IMPROVF.MKJST MOHK IN VOL l'E THAN IN FRICF.H. More Mills At Work Nails Sell log Very Low-Fair Demand For Cllou The Failures. New York, Mnrch 21.K. G. I)un it Co.'s Review of Trade siys : It is per plexing to be obliged to report that business grows larger in volume, nt the same time not more profitable. I'ncer tainty does not diminish, but has rather increased in inc judgment ol many com mercial bodies which have uiged the I 'resident to veto the seigniorage bill. Fricis ol commodities do not rise, but are on the whole about 1 5 per cent lower than last week, though then the lowest ever known in this country, and are 12.0 per cent, lower than ayear ago. More mills urc nt work, though the proportion of produ.-tivc lorcc unem ployed is still Irom a fifth to a third in different branches ol industry and inanv mills arc stopping because their orders have run out, even while a large number are starting with orders enough lor a time. The prospect of getting constant or remunerative employment for works and hands docs not change. The fact that orders k ep only part of the force at work, winie notn prices and wages tenu downward timugn spring is near at nanu, renders present business less profit able and the future less promising. the starting ol tour turnnccs by the Illinois Steel company, and other nt I'ittsburg, increases the output ol iron aud some large sales have been made ut the lowest prices yet reported, with indi cations of continued demand lor struct ural work, and especially at the West. inc demand lor wire in various lorms seems to slacken and nails are said to be selling lower than ever below one cent. The demand lor cotton goods is lairlv large, but with reduction in prices of some grades and the accumulation ol print cloths continues. 1 he accumulation ol idle money con tmucs as it could not it business were mitcrintlv enlarging. 1 he liuliii es lor the week ending March 15 involved liabilities of only $'J.5;iH,- and for the two weeks of March, only .S i-.S.'I'i.lKl, o( which $2 330.257 wereol manufacturing an I $2,4 lo.Oli!) of 'lading coucei LS. ki..h;ni:i Prof li-neeu foCSIve I n Ills Po sition, nt Yrtnll) . 1'rol. T. , I. I'cacrck, who lor the p ist two vivos has held the position of organist ol 1 unity hpiscopal church, his, induced by the condition of his tilth, resigned his position and will conduct his last music il service at that church Sunday, April 1. The I'rofessor is not In!) v decided as to Ins next move ment. He will prol ably go to New York lor awhile. He h-ts recividan o tier to become organist at Holv Trinity church. New York City, but bis future action will depcud upon the advice given him by his physician, if he decides to go to New Yorit he will leave Asheville about the second of April. A little later Mi s. 1'caeock and Master Chester will go to Indianapolis for n visit, then j lining I'rof. Peacock in the metropolis, 1'rol. reaeoek has lulcil the position ol organist at Trinity ill .st tlh.icntlv. lie ami Ins lumilvhavc won alaruc num bir of friends during their icsidcnce here, and all will regre: to have them remove f om Asheville. I'KOJMMKNr Elll'CATOR Anion KclloRic, ol New York Ncliool Jourual, Here. The teachers of the city schools had the pleasure ol meeting Amos Kellogg of New York city nt 3:30 this altcrnonn in the Montlord avenue buildinc. Mr. Kellogg is the proprietor of the New York School Journal, the largest and most in ll.icti ti il educational paper in this country. He has had over 40 venrs' experience in educational work and has probably done more through the col umns ol the journal lor the new educa tion and the American teacher than any one man in the country. Mr. Kellogg has been spending the winter in Honda and other Southern states where he has been endeavoring to plant the seeds of cuucalional reform, mid is now on his wny home. The teach ers ol Asheville leel highly honored liyhis visit. On his way North Mr, Kellogg intends to visit the Greensboro Normal school. Delphian Annual Dtnittv The annual debate of the Delphian so- cieiy of Wcaverville college occurred lust evening, before the largest audience ever assembled there on n similar occasion Asheville was will represented. The question debuted was, "Kesolvcd, that the linuiuial policy ol the government has been in lavor of the lew und against the inanv." On the affirmative were A. IS. Weaver nnd 12. O. Chambers, while the negative speakers were C, I.. Felinct and A. b. Khiem. 1 he orator ol the ocens' ion was F. Curtis, and the diclaimeis W. 11. Ktmisev and A. 11. Wolfe. The nllirmulivc won. The entire nffair was a greut success. A Uood tiiiiiif. nntl Yale Won. Telegrams received here lust night state that in the baseball game at Greensboro between Yale and the Uni versity of North Cnrolina yesterday the Yale bovs won by u score ol 7 to 1. The game is said to have been n rattling good 'un. All of the scoring was done in the hrBt unci eight Ii uininm. 1 he at tendance was 1,500 to 2,i'00. Will Wed. From Register Mackcy's office licen to wed Ims been Issued n follows: J. II. Robertson of Buncombe nnd Horn Bli the ol Henderson; white. Alonzn Sliyll.s and Lou Bockiugs, of Buncombe; white. succeeds Judge Htone. Montoomkhv, Ala., March 24- Gov ernor Jnnrs hni appointed cx Chief Jus tice R. C. Briekell ns successor to the late Chief Justice Stone on the Supreme court bench. Dropped. Wilmington, N. C, March 24, All the cases against officers and directors ol the broken bank of New Hanover were nolle praised in the criminal court yesterday. THE TAX ON STATE BANKS IT MAY YF.TBE REPEALED IN TIIK HOt'HE. To Be BrouKtat In As An Auieud in e in To a BUI For Tne Relief Of cerlalu Banks-Probabllllirs Of i:s Passaice. Washington, March 24-. Although the proposition to report a bill for the repeal of the 10 p:r cent, state bank tax has been killed in the House committee on banking and currency it is intended to bring it before the House for action. The committee has authorized Chair man Springer to report n bill for the relief of certain banks, chiefly in the Southern States, which, during last sum uur, issued clearing house certificates in various parts of the country. Represent ative Johnson, I ndiana, protested against this action of the committee for the rcuson that it would permit the friends of repeal to offer that proposition as an amendment to the bill, but he received no support. Wheu Springer calls up the bill named, which, it is understood, he will do nt the earliest practicable day, it is said that Cox, of Tennessee, will move to amend by adding a section to repeal the state bank tax. Then the whole will be be fore the Mouse for consideration, and a somewhat extended debate is antici pated. It is thought not improbable that Cox's amendment will receive the votes of a majority of the House. poi.larD'Brkxkinridgf:. Passluir, Behind Closed Doors ou Certain Unsavory Evldeuce. Washington, March 24. Last Thurs lav in the trial of the Pollard and Breck inridge case objection wus made by counsel for Miss Pollard to evidence contained iii depositions presented bv defense outcrning Miss Pollard's age; conversations regarding her, had with James c. Klioiles, her deceased lover, and with reference to her ability to resist dvuncrs from men. Some of the objec tions were sustained and the tvidene. ruled out, to which exception wus taken by the defense. In other instances Judge Bradley decided to postpone the readme ol certain objectionable passages in the lepositions until he could examine into the matter and accordingly it was greed that he should hear argument on the admission or exclusion of disputed evidence this morning at 10 o'clock. hhortly alter the appointed hour argu ments began, behind closed doors Only Breckinridge anil his attorneys and coun sel for Miss I 'ollurd were present. The reason for secrecy was to prevent the ob jectiouable testimony from being made public through the newspapers, thus bringing it, indirectly, before the jury men who nre to be kept iu ignornn e ol the character of theevidencc unless judge llradlev decides that it is competent and may be read in court. FIRE AT FRANKLIN. FJitlit liutldlfiira nurned Aud No Insurance., March 23. Spiciul Franklin was visited by a fire last night at 12 o'clock thaldistroyed eight houses, including Jatrctt's hotel a-d Cunning ham's livery stable. The loss is esti mated at $15,000; no insurance. W.A. Curtis. From L 11, Harris, who got the news bv 'phone at Dillsboro, nnd cume into Asheville this afternoon, the following uldili inal particulars nre hud: Fire started in Frank's store buildirg, up stairs, from a detective Hue. The store burned and then spread to Garland's drug store: then to Kinsland's store, which was empty; then to the real cs- statc office of Littlcticld; then to Cun ningham's livcrv stable; then to Inrrett V Son's store; then to larrctt's hotel, nil of these buildings being burned. JACK FRONT'H HARVEST He (ieis Home Texas Corn And a Lot of Peaches. Four Worth, Texas, March 24. Re ports Irom Comanche, l.rath, Wise, Purkc mid other counties west nnd southwest of this city, arc to the effect that the heavy trust last night resulted in serious damage to fruits. In many places corn was up and has been cut oil. Peaches mid other fruit trees were in bloom and a serious falling off in the fruit crop of the season is almost cer tain. In sections east and northeast the Irost did not cause so much damage. Walle Was Wroutr. UliNvliR, March 24. The Supreme couil this morning handed down a writ ten reply to the question propounded by Gov. Wnite last week as to who nre the legal members of the lire ntid police hoard. 1 he decision was against the Governor. Rallwax Hold. Bkim'oi., Tenn., March 2 f. The Abing don and Damascus railroid has been sold at public auction lo satisly a debt to Mr. Fortune, a contractor, "for $3S, 000, The road is 15 miles long and, though not finished, has alrcadv cost lilOO.OOO. Ureal Fire At Nones' Point. Nohi'ulk, Vu., March 2. Yesterday afternoon fire broke out in the lumlici sheds of the Roanoke Railroad and Lum ber company at Money I'oint and des troyed nt least $300,000 worth of prop erly. Assassinated. Mum nns, Tenn., March 24,. Sum. Hughes, clerk in the store of . B. Forbes, was assassinated last night by inn woods, a notorious character. A sheriffs posse is pursuing the murderer. Bank Receiver. Aikk.n, S.C., March 24-,-The Aiken County, Towu nnd Savings bauk was closed yesterday bv nn injunction granted to Godfrey Wheeler, who asks for a receivership, Coliiultt un Alive Washington, March 24,-Senntor Col quitt's physician reports no change in the Senator'! condition this morning nnd that he is still in a very critical state. PAAS EGG DYES. JUST RECi:iV(lll AT Raysor & Smith lSncli cuvcluiv ul'J-' sheets i.Jc.l prints 1U beuutil'ul shades of various volorsrcc H um poisuii, mul llic c's di ed mtiy be euteii witlmiit .in;. The tablet dves, .7c. ;n7,v(r cticli contains 0 lull strength colors, und will dye Irom .7 to Ii iluzcn cs. Cull early ami net from the lull assort inent. RAYSOR & SMITH, 31 PATTON VF OPISN liVIiNINGS TIM. 11 O'CLOCK. ASHEVILLE TO THE FRONT WB HAVE JI 8T COMPLETED A l l'I.L LINE OH HAND MADE SHOES And will in the lutuie carry in stuck a full assortment of shoes of OUR OWN MAKE! TUIiV STANU WITHOUT A 1MVAL llOUlSTlTN, v Court Square, Asheville, N, C. JUST RECEIVED LOT OF NICE COUNTY HAMS, T. J. REVELL, No. .10 North Main Street, Ashetlllo Wm. TURNER, Auctioneers Residence S7 Church Street. V ill tell real estate, hones, cows, lurnl. ton or tnythlag yon with to dispose of. Chsrgtt moderate. S-1S-4U