r Frilny Evening, March 30, 1894. THE ASHEVILLE DAILY CITIZEN. GREAT OFFERINGS FOR THE NEXT" 30 DAYS SPECIAL IN LADIES' UNDERWEAR AND CORSETS. WE ARE THE ONLY PEOPLE IN ASHEVILLE THAT CARRY IN STOCK THE CELEBRATED NORTHERN EXTRA LONG WAIST W. B. CORSETS. THE BEST IN THE COUNTRY. EVERY ONE GUARANTEED i J 1 I i THE W. 13. CORSET EXHIBIT. Ucud what tlic New York Sun savs in regard to the W. I!. UXTK.V LONG WAIST CORSIiT: The World's l-'uir in miniature, which now makes the ilmnd Central I'ahiceot l.exincjtou uve.iue nnd l'urtv-ttitrcl street, one of the resorts ol the town, c mtains nay number ol useful and beautiful tilings which were graduated so to speak, with the liiuhcst honors nt Chicago. The W. II. corset exhibit is nnutiKid with such repaid lor i fleet that the exhibit has attractions for even the masculine eye, while women fairly rave over it. Dress reformers mav shriek that live never wore corsets, and that her daugh ters would lie hotter oil without them, but no woman who carc for her nppear aucc will fail to wear them. Some women are born enicelul, some achieve trace. and sonic have grace thrust unon them. Women whose curves n'C not those of bcniitv mav achieve a graeeliil figure by wearing a corset shaped on true ,-inntouii-c 1 principles. Even n dress relormor, however, angular bv nature, may have grace thrust upon lur by the very thing she dec'aiiiH against. Te dcucy to em bonpoint is concealed, if not checked, bv the W. B. corset, which without too much repression contrives to preserve to all appearances the ynuthlul lines of the bodv long nlt r th' V have departed from the original ligure. They are not only, there fore, make angular figures gracelul, but old figures young to outward view. No woman, therefore, who hns regard lor her personal appearance will lail to wear the W. H. :orsct. In addition to taking the highest prize and diploma at the Chi cago Exposition, it was neknow'edged by connoisseurs in corsets to combine ad vantages lacking in other corsets which rendered it superior to all, the rest. Dies makers recommend its use, which is a pretty good pioof that it possesses all the advantages that arc claimed for it. ' THE BALTIMORE CLOTHING, SHOE AND WANT COLUMN. FOR RENT. TU KKNT Tworiirht room eottngrs. nil modern convcnlinies. Ttrnii rru-iomitili.'. Cull US DAIUiY STKBttr. a-Zikltw FOR KKNT A Bund ft -room house, hot unci cold walt-r Imthfl, etc. Within f minutes comt hum-, Kent $t V App'v :i ati()'W f7 Oil K H STKliBf. FOR K KNT McDowell Hoine, Pnrk llntvl Co. Iiirtre brick house in splendid condi tion I' or terms apply to DR. S. W IUT1LB dtl' or M.J. .'AGO. FOR R KMT The Kuropran hotel, UK -south Main St., A she villi-, N. C. l'lrnt clasu stand for restaurant. Terms reasotm blc Applv to T. D. Johnston or V. W. Thomas. Johnston building. auifU'.hltf IjlOK U liNT A nice m room furnNh-ri cot ! tfljie, on orniiKe street. Will rent lor not 1ch than four months. For further in fortnation npplv to ' K. L. Pl-ZPATHICK. .T24dlv "i E, court Square. FOR KKNT A lorjjc and c in vrnirntlv ar runife l h-use. No, ti'J Merri on avenue. Hot and eold water villi lmthn on two floort All niudern Improvein- nts. L"ea tion central, with liirjf well shaded Krottn'tM Hplcndid naid-nie furlare family or ImardiiiK houe Apply to eli2H.itt II. C. VKCtt. ITIOH KiST-R, H. ohtiHton'n former resi j deiiee, r North -iain ctrcrt, uearl v op ponitcto the a tnrrj' warehouse. II une la rei; and eoinuitiiHous, with extcidivi Krouiids, ami wiilnn (M) there tni'uteM' wHlk of piihh Hipuce. A Ao a lurr- room at No. 0;ouih Main street adj iuuw the hier hewlnu Machine tli;e " App-v to C. W. He Vuult, timer Co leu direct ami Court Squnre, or R. H J-ihiWton, I, o. Box 177 lehtidlf Hit mum; B OAOJiINC N:ce l 'aril, with or without room, near ear line. li Libl'OT ST. Hdlw1 B OARDINO tf on id an rnui" amy be had at .no. ifli Montlord avt uif 3--i'u;it MKS. JuJiNSON BORm.N(l-B.v the dnv or week. Com lurtahlr- room with j.Miod bonrd MKS. C. li. KICIIAhIS, 3 Hdlm' No, H S ames uve BOARDINO Bvdav ir week 1'lca-aiit rooint, single or t nsuite, neatly and comfortably lurnished. irate or furnace heat, hot and eio water, with t-uths on two iloom. On electric car line; live minutes walk from the square. Terms modern e. MRrt S IHKRY, novlHdtiiuo Itil North Mnin street. UlSCh U.A t-:nt:s w ANTi:fi Two milch cows, fresh Ora 1 I rsrtsfrcl r.cd. it. F iSI'-'S, 3-fidl wf Hill more. N. C. FIR SULti hie pair hall-hnd ivdesdole horsrs. Apply UluTMOKU FARM 3 i!dt -w 2 1 IOR SALli OR R KNT ".ealnndia ' on J Heuiu mi. I'uriiish'i, nls t re ehfe'es ' ii"d three horseti hiiU five acres land The ' ovv er l-lus to k' "broad. Atiidv i 3-28dtf ON I 111 I'RKMISHS Ijl RALK W have In our hands fori ' s le for a limit d time only, one of the must complete houses in A hiville, every mo ern eonvt uienee, t taut I d grounds, llotisr ctimpletelw tu nishrd. 'forse. car rlattes, cie, A rure opportunity to j t'o.ure a complete hone, miiu be sera to be an preeiatrd, pfirlieulnrs and penults at our otticc Owner wthtw to ko a rad owvN vi:st. B-lf8il:Ueod Court qua e. X OTICIIBv viftte of the power of ia'e ill conlerr-d up n J. W. Corfand in a cer tain deed ol trust, vb eh p iwrr of a de has been cut iVrrcd upon me by ilctd cxeeutid by the id J V Cortland, and bv rea-on ol de.iiult in th- pa mtnt of the debt and inter-' est therein secured when the mine became due, which derd of trut ee utcd to sio'l W Cortland cm the 17th duv ol Feb-! ruary 1AU', and recorded in the nftU-e of I Kcitister of Detds ol I'tin-ornbe e utty. North a- nlinn, in tnnA 1' I, paKe '". et su , I will, on he UiUi da of April, lMtk at the court house d r In the city HlicviUe, Uuucom e eour.lv. North Curobtiu, ell nt public auction, lor v sh, to the hluhest bid- ; dcr that ertain lot ot Wml, with nil 1m , proverntnts the con, situate in th? citv of Ashevilie. on the west niar Jn of hrench Iiroad avenue, bcfjl -nmB ut a stake, north cast cornT n lot No 3, ud runs n irth ti 30' west 3 Id i j feet to a strike, then north S8 wel lfioj feet, then north o 30' east 87 and 2710h i- t to a stake, then south Ht- i 3U' cast MVVj ftvt 13 a stake, th-n south 2 Wt lt)0 del to he i eitinnintf, for a more! partiuular dtserlpiion of which ti c Hdd deed 1 ofliusl. Tins H.ib flay ul March, ihlil-. ( S. C COR t.NH, nlilcHt.friduy Tiufttc 1 NOT ICIi-Tlils Is to notify nil person! j tlmt M. U. Kelly, U, li, Ulliott and; -ucctta V. Co'v, nil of the citv ot Ashe vine . and Ntntp of North Carolina, have this day iormcd a d entered Into a tmrtucrshin under the Dtitnc and style of "Kelly, Hlimt & Com- j puny, ' for the purpose of cnndtictitiK sud enrryhoz on n plumbinK, uns and steam lit ting business in the city of A-hcvillc, North Curollui The said vt H. Kcl y ami B, K. i Ulliott have contributed as et eral partners the foltowltitf lums to the common stock of nlcl Uusinest, tu-Mlt : ThenaidMH Kelly, the sum of fourteen hundred twenty dollars, , and i he said li ti. Hliott the sum uf six hun dred and twenty dollars; and the said Lucetta ; V, Cole hits contributed as a sptcal partner the sum orHu.ht h in died dmiars to the cap-1 Hal stock of said bulntss In cash. Out ofi the net primes a isi' (nun the business of, tne saiu cu pttrinersnip the said M li Kelly shall receive one-halt, the said B. B li 1 1 to it hull f-c Ivelotir-ientlis.aud the said Lucetta V.tole shall receive one-tenth; and It Is screed and understood hrtween nil the part ners that the smd Lucetta V.Cole, as sp cial pa tner, shall not be liable .at any time nnd In any event, for mote than the amount , ol rluhl hundred dollars which she us con trlhut'd In cash, a aforesaid, to the cap! al tuck of said part at i shtp; and that the said cu-parta mhip shutl run tin ue lor the teim of two jcars, This the Oth day of March. U4. I, L, CAT1IBV, 8-Oddtfrl Clerk Superior Court, IO OTIC I? State of North Cornina.cruntv of Buncombe. IW virtu-ol' tne imwer I via ted in me by virtue nf a died in trust I execiittd to me on the ;t(Uh day of April, a. j !., 1890, by K. H li. Houis for the purpose I ol securing the papment ot a certain pro i is sory note in mud d.ed of t-usc mtre t ar i tieuiarly described, dt fault having been made j by the said K. II. Houtt iti the uaymeut ol i the utid note and imeicsi , -aid note hiving 1 been due lor more than 10 dnvtt ami mine ol ; the principal nor the niter si thereon huinj ; btcu paid, and having been reUes ed si tu ; do by the c stut (pie trust in said died m : trust. I, the under-ined, trustee in saiil de d ot trut will on thy lid day of Apiii. ; expose for bale at th- court h-aise iloor in ! ttieeityot AAhevil'cltco inty of Ituiicoinbe Norh Cnrolina, mid sell to the hiKhrst In l , dcr f ir cuMh, the I -dowiu ikciibed houN ntt'l oremtst-a, to-wit Situate, lvmie and : h ihk iu the tt ite of North nni inn, enuntv i ol Hunconi' e and city ot Ashevilie. btiiiK b't ; No. H7 ol Shelby Park, t the pint of which ns reyisicicd in iMuk (V.l, pHe 070, in tlit tiilice of the Register of 1 for the sui i county of HiiiK-omhe, reference is rtcnbv made for a fn 1 and accurate des ripthm ot md land Mid premiss, the m me hcitiK in u tided as follow!), to- Ait : lie. inniin; at a stnke at the eorner of j Infer ami lUiuiuui streets and runs Or nee north h."iN dearies wt 110 fri t to a stake, earner h fer nnd William Bireels; thence with th-eastern inar K'ta of Wildatu street norm 1 di'Kree t."i in n-1 uLcsentii fi(i't feet t a Htuke comer nf l"i i No. 2H; thence with the line of lot No. 'Jh' south h7 dcKires 30 minutes eat 1 10 tut to a stake in the western marn " HiflMtmi ; tT et; thence with said street smith 1 dearie 15 minutes west ti (, tei-t to the tavnnin beiim the 8 me ureuiites conveyed t t the said K. 11. O, Houis by the smd c I ttlati ton bv died bearing even date witli smd i kid ot 'rust. Tne s.iid d-.cl in trust is n,' iste td In book No. L'O, on paK 4iiii, in be ottieeofthc Reuiste of iKeds itir s od county o Jluiieo be nd rt-ferenc is t lur-to in tie, f r imth-r pariieu ara thcriol. 1 his tne 2d j day ot March, A. 0., Hn-t J ,. li. .V li KI MO n, Jones ,V. levins, Attys., l muv TOUCH Hy virtue of the power vested t in me liy virtue of n c riaiu thc't ol triisi eteeu'c i by R. 11. ti. Houis on the 3 nh ilay of prtl lhitij, lor the putKse ol stvur in it the p y tne nt t.f a eertmn note there n hure pan! uiary descriia d to c. 0. hlan t n, cMfui i luiv'ni; b en mudc in the pnv meul ol the principal and ureicst ol s.ii i note, the mtmc hem munv days u ore than ten oveniue, and having li en retpustnl so to do by the cetui que trust in said deed ot trust, I will, on the I'd d .y ol April, IMif., expose to sale nnd scb to t e hij;het bidder lor eush nt the court houe tloor in the citv ol A-heville, enuaty tit Ibincomhe and tlate ol North C't'ohna, the fo lowing dts.idied In. ds and premise, lo-wit: Situate, lyititi end beuitj in ihc s ud county of liunco i be and city f Ahcvtlte ntorcs.itd, b iu I -t Nti. 14 ot Mietny Tark, to the plat ol hlch as register"! tu book fill paxc f7t, iu he olliee oi the KiKinicr ol lituls for the Mini cuuiuv oi Bunc nine refiTcticc ts reretiy ninde lor a .nil and accural- d?cripliiu i.f said laiitl and premts s, and iTie suite bunt; uunU(l and described us f alo to-wtl : M winninK at a otake nt the corner ol Tliiirr ami H,nn ton sttcets at.d mpis thence wnli the runtem mar win ol Bla ton stie.t nonii l dcjtc 15 inin utis east ti.'( ud ton nkc, corn r ot 1 t No. 15; thence with the I ne ot No. in fun h K7a d jircis c st i.l.t let to a tuke, the common corner o lots Not 1 j, 3, ,4 and 1ft; thence wth the 1 ne ol lot Ne. i;i nauih t iieijrre and 15 mitiutts west ti'.H , fe t o a stukeinthe west marKiu or I'M fcr strcv t; th lice with the margin or said str.et tto th HAl, dcTeiS west I AO feet to the tl KMiniilk. beihK the same lauds uuti p-euiises cmiveycd to the said K. H. tl. Hon s by the said C ' H. Ulauton by deed tiearinK cvenda-e wnli nitl deed I trust. The said thi.i ol tiust Is n s tered in book No. a on pan- 440 t ii., to hich p-firenee is ma 'e lor lurther particu la h thereof. J his ad day of March t. I) , 1M14 J.O. MliKKlttOM. Joucs.S: Stivtus. Aitvs., Trustee. NOTlCliMv virtue i f ihc power vested In me, as trustee by virtue oi a certain deed ol trust executed by R. II. O. Unun on the 3oth ilay tf -tpril, -. 1 , is.io, for the purpose ' f sceuruiK the paimeui ol the priu ci al and latere. t ( a certain note to C it. Mlanto i, whieh note is more particuUiriy ilcaenbed uisiiiddiedol tutst, de'au t liav iiiK been made in the payment of the -nut principa uud interest, tne same hnvinir re mained uupiid lor mure than t n davs after the same tiecnmc due, nnd huvitiK b in re quested to t i do Iw the c-stul iiuc trust in Huid deed of tdist, I will, nu the 2d dav ol April. IMilr, al thi'cm rt houe tlonr in the city of Aniii ville, iu the tountv ot liuneoinbe. 'state of North Curolina, expose t i sale ami sell to the nih'hct bidder for cash the f diow inK tlest'iibrti lands ai d prenuM-s, situ ilc, iv nl b Ins n the city of U vide cu.mt v ol fluncomhc and State of North Curol.na. bein.-I ;t No. 18 of h Ihy Hark, to the idat ol whieh as rculstered in houk fill, pay G70. i i thcollu-eof the Ke strr of Heids lor th. s -id county ot Buncombe, rc eren.e is hereby made for n full an I accurate description tif said lands and prcmius, and bounded and tkscitbed us h liowr: lleKinniuicar u stase in the northw st cottier ot Bmley and 1'hifer atrcrt nt.d runs thence with 1'hl'er street north hoi,, dKrces west IftO fel to a stak ut the comer of lot No. 14; thence w ith the line of lot No, 14 north 1 d -gree 13 ml utes east fiet lo a slake, the common corner of lots Nos. i2, 13, 14 and to; theme with the line of lot Nu. 12 sou h M7' dtKrecti east 16 feet lo a stke in the wc-tci u marKin nf Ballev tr et; thence with tn d street south 1 degree, 15 miniitis wrst 7.i'j feet t the bcgiimlntf, being the same f iemies convi-ved to the said R, 11. 0. Uouis bjtlieKiidC, U. Biuntou by deed he nrm even nate with the said deed of trust The said ceed nt trust Is regis tred in hook N . 2o, p 4o3 et cij. to wli'cta reference Is herebv mtulc tor tu ther panicnlurs tlier.of, This ' nd d ivof Murch. 1ML J. 0. MUKRIMON,' Trustee. Juits -K: 8tercMH, Mt'., ii.ic Dr. E. 0. WmI i Htm and B-iln Trmtmer. I wilil umlor piwltivit wrlllpn uunrnutMO, hy nititior lira n am) Norvi Power! t.'l MhiiIuhhI: viili-ktipw JlKlit Uwmiiij Kill Hrwiini: l.itrli of buiIUIiMiw Ncrnmninwi I w.ltudi'j ml Drnln.j Imt of l'omn il On OoiiiTntlni OwniH in f lllivr n-, cnuul 1 Tf Mjertiiiili youthful Krnirn, nr Kiii'.kIy IVo ni Tiibnooo, Oiilura or l,lrUnr, whtrli hcmii IimuI ti, Mtw Onupauiptlnn, Iiimnflranil liratlu Hmnli, flllhoi! tilnrt.Tjj KlIhwrltlHliiliiiriiiili'i) UlfliriMii rfund mnrnr. WraT'HUOIIUIIHYKIiP. Arirlnlli run for Ouimh, ltl, Alh,nn, llmu.-hltlx.t'riii), Whnoj.hm Couirfl. Hoi, Throat. lltiwiiit ti tuki'I Snail tin (llwnlnul! olH.Mc, now av.i uhl lKlM,lwwetM. OVAHAMlkKtHiraiadunlrhy T. C. tiuUh, Druggut. tiiiyiii)iwiiaaitiMiiiiilM m f NEW kLIFE Kead what the New York Recorder j says of the W. U . extra long waist cor-I sets: It will interest women to learn i that the famous W. U. corset was on-1 sidered worthv of the highest honor by 1 the judges assigned to this department. "We must acknowledge the unitpir mil j creditable improvement shown bv Weiii-! garlen ISros. in their W. II. corset," they ' savin their report. Miss-s. Wiingar-1 ten Urns, are cert duly deserving of this I high conimi'iid.itinn tor their crcditadr 1 showing of their make of corsits. In richmss and value their exhibit s.em il to surpass anv goods that could , be got into the space allotted them. It was a vc itahlc gallery ol ni t in corsets. The model were simply fascinating and exiiiisitc in appearance, and elicited many admirii g remarks Irom the ladhs The extra long waist is a spei ial feature of our ideal American woman, and was shown hcic to perfection in most sym metrical form. The question of superiority having been settled by the World's Fair judge, women ought no longer have anv dilli culty in deciding what make ol corset to adopt. JLNTD 12 PATTON AVENUE, ASHEVILLE. STRANGE CUIMATIC DIFFERENCE i:iiliiiuil Ion of i lii ('mi. in i.f 1 torlihi'a iii-.vlii l'imMrutnr. Prujilo vim vi.-it tlm r;i,t must of I'lor'ulii, mill rspoi'ially tlio Imliunriwr niul tliu l.nliu Wnrili ri'friun.iiftoiiwuii-iKm- wliy tlu eliiniit uf tliat Ki'i lioti U m tlolij-lit ful at nil tiiiii'H of Urn jo:ir timl so ilillVront i:i iilinnst ovirv"pt' tii'iilur from -iat. nni" wunlil i'pcut in tlioM' latituilis. Thi! explanation Is Miiiplo I'limiM-li. The ilillViviii'O bo twiTii nortlu-ni nnil MMiiitrnpiral ITor Mil, ii part from tin! latituilii,:il ills- tiilH'u, is line Id the elevation of the former timl the ilistanee from It of llio ffnlf stream. The waters of the liulf or .Mexleo temper tlm immeiliate eonst line. 1 heir ell'eet iloe not extern! far Inlaiiil. 1 he stream is pressoil close to tlie east euast shore ulono; Daile comi ty liy the llaliiima LanKs. Atlantie steamships Mintluvanl lioiinil, toavoiil .1... e . i . , . me iui'-e oi me eni rent, stanil in so near the shore that they eun at. some points he hail, .,1 from laml. Thepnlf stream is un nl.l story, lmt it is n (.'real faet. This vast, deep hlne oeean river, ti thousand times the volume of the .Mississippi, ls thirty miles wide, two thousand feet deep, and has a Telocity of IIvk miles tin hour the year round. Die temperature ,,f the stream Is eijrhty-fofir ilejrret s, or nine deprees higher than the waters of the ocean thiontrh whieh it Hows. The trade winds lilowiny niiic-tonthsof the time, wiiiternnd summer, from the eastward, hoar the stratum of warm air formed by the f,'iil f stream westward across the land. This is why the east coast is milder and mure equable than the west coast iu the same latitude. With the f?ulf stream tiro fount! three other cqunlizintr upeneies-tho trade winds, the everglades, with a w ater surface prevent in"; n land breeze, and the zone of hi;rli barometric pressure. The mid summer heat, that tiiivht otherwise be ninety-live decrees, is reduced to somo tliiiij,' lileo cihly-eiKht defrees. The midwinter chill, w hich niic;ht pet down lo thirty dopi-ces. Is wanned up tf botiictlilnn; HUe forty decrees. A CRUSHED INSURANCE AGENT. Illl I11l.111l1.il Vlcllni l.rtl lliin to n l ime Whun a lliiinnii Voice Vn I m li k. "The toughest experience I ever liad In my life," said a solicitor of life In surance to a New York Herald man, "was with nu iron manufacturer in Troy. I had been informed that he ivas a hard customer, but a wealthy man nnd one who had carelessly neg lected to provide himself with insur ance, and so I resolved to tackle, him. t'pon enterino; hisolllce and expluin Injf ttio nature of my business I was surprised at his 0. rcetlno;. It was friendly, even cordial, 'l.ifo Insur ance,' said lie. 'Well, now, that's a subject that interests mo. Come with mo to the, shop; 1'to pot to po there, nnd you can tell mo nil about tho su periority of your company over all oth ers.' Then ho took up" his hat nnd bade mo follow him. As wo went out nf tho office I noticed a snillo on the faces of nil the clerks, nnd thoupli 1 didn't understand It t smiled In return, for I thought possibly tliey know my errand und were conprntulatlnp me on my success. Tho proprietor walked hurriedly and 1 after him, until at lust ho llunpopcu a door, li was tho uiu chlno shop. The din was terrible. A thousand linmnu rs, I think, were ail at work beating iron at once. Invohm tarily I put my hands to my oars. Looking utmy man I saw his lips move, and lowering my hands I just inanaped to catch his words, shouted above tho deafening racket: '.Vow, tell mo nil about it!' Ho smiled Biirdouically as ho said this, and I could havo mur dered him, It was Imposslblu lo say a word, und so I went ripht out It was dam iuouu trielt." 1 i ,o i rfei i e 1. 1 1 jriiuiHi. Tho preut pyramid of tiizch Is the largest structure of any kind ever erected by tho hand of man. Its oripi 4i 11 1 dimensions at tho baso were VG4 feet square, nnd its perpendicular height iu the highest point Is its feet; h) covers four acres, ono rood and twenty-two perches i f ground, and has been estimated by an eminent English architect to liavo cost not less than f 110,000,000, which In l.'nlted States cur rency would be about $M3.'JOO,000. In ternal evidences provud that the great pyramid was begun about tho year JT0, U. C, about tho time of tho birth of Abraham. It Is estimated that about 5,000,000 tons of liewu Mono were used In Us construct ion, nnd the evldeueo points to the fact that theso slonea wcro bro 'ghto dlslnncO of i.boul Vi'O Kilea from qnurriea tu Arabia W'i'"l i iijauktEato..jttiajteri .jVi,.-,ii'ii'A'.w,iii ilAifif i irli'.ni'iii nt' ir:iriiin mi.i' 'i ."iifrmitMi AN ORDINANCE Of The Hoard nf lldcrmcii if I lie City of AMlievillc Adnptctl march 26 Whcivas, the school coni'uittic 01 the citv of Ashevilie has submitted to this Hoard of Aldermen a comimuiiccti in in the following words: "Tu the llonnrulile the Itmiril ol .l.ci- men : "The undersigned, co'tmosim' the school committee of the city ol Ailu villc, rcspcctlully ask our consider.! I ion n the 1 illowing bricl statement of the liiiauci.;! condition of the most important ilcmirt mcut of the city. "T lice a re enrolled in t lie public schools 1 (ill!) children, while there art'Il.oiM, per sons who arc entitled by law to the hen ilit f public education." (II those who ire not provided for bv thi.- com mil tec probably 41)0 nrc attending private school, which leaves us to face the alarmiii.' Inet that more tha-i 1,'JtlO i this citv's future ciiiz-ns, upon whose in tcMic,ctice the pnletv of the community will depi'iid, arc tmtav unprovided with any opportunity ol education. 'This makes it e vident that if is the duty of the committee to establish other buildings, those we no,v have being lull and crowded to the vcrue ol'ilanecr. mid ccrtainlv ol discoinlort. Hut while rtcic - nizii'C this dutv, vour eommiltec are not only utterly unable to provide addi tional buildiiijis but realize the tact that they cannot even continue the nrcsenl schools in xt year unless the ncoplcol the citv will nll.ird us rc'iet Irom tlm burden 01 ini'TCSt which we now 'lave to oav on the iltbts wliii h have bi.cn contracted Hi' liy ill the erection ol the seii r.-i ichool buddinos. This di lit amiiunls t.i $li5,000, and ciu'iimln rs propcrtv which at n reasonable estimate is worth $."(, (100. This dibt lienis S p;-r cent inter est nnd miiSMnies$l',0li(i per annum ol the ai.proprmtions m ule bv the coiintv and city. In tact our oast cxneiii nee tej iliis us that these aimu il aiiirouri;itions arc not enough to pav tlie current expenses and this interest charge. lliirelore wc woul 1 met- nnon vou to sub l it to the uniilicd voters 'the propos d that the city issue i:s bom's to the amount of $lio.(ltH) ol audi denomi nation and buii'ini; such interest as vou Icem proper, said l oads under nocir- cumstancis to be Sold below their inn- value and the proceeds to Iw divoied soli Iv t the extinguishment ol the pies cut debt ol the public schools of Ashe- "He II . If. U'csi, chairman. . A. (linker, f.'m. vN 'owe, . K, IHekcrsun, lr. J. II. II'Vkihjs, 11 . . A'ainoift, "School Commit tec." And whereas the city is indclit-d to sundry persons tor amounts ol moi,r aggregating Sillo.OUO. all of which arc nasi their maturity nu.! on each ol which the City is liable to suit nttended with much expense, all ol which debt, ns well as the debt of the School Committee, hears interest , -it the rate of K per cent, per annum; and whereas this amount of money can be borrowed at a lower rate ol int. rest, thus saving n considerable sum now rupiircd tube paid from the current income of the Cil v; Then-line, lie it iirihiineil, by the Board of Aldermen of th- Citv of Ashevilie. that 1 proposition be submitted to the tpinli tied voters ot the city, that they shall authorize the issue ot the Citv's bonds in denominations of $0111) each, in the aggregate tiniouniing to $1111,01)0, said binds to beat - .interest at the rate ol li percent, per annual, as evidenced bv coupon attached to said bonds, matur ing on the lirst day ol April and on the fust dav i.f October of each and every year and the principal of said bonds be coming due and p ivableat the expira tion ol thiity years Irom the date of iheir issue, I- ich ol said bomls shall distinctly bear on its lace a ccrtitiCiile nf the Treasurer ol the City ol Ashevilie, that he has received nt least its par value, belurc its issue, and the funds arising from I lie sale ol said bunds shall be appropriated sliictlv to tile payment of the debt ol the School Coiiinnttic and to the payment ol the debt ol this city which is above referred to and to no other purpose whatever. , lie it Further Oiihiiin J, th it at aiulic tion to be held in the several wards of this citv on Monday, tlic 7th dav ol Muv, I'SiH, Hi,- judges ol said election be instructed to prepare boxes in. which shall b;' deposited the ballots of such ol the qualified volets nt ilisire to vote on the above propo.it ion. Ijior. each ol suid ballots shall be distinctly printed or written cither I he word "Approved" or the word "Disapproved," and each quid, ilied voter who duins to express his con. sent to the above proposition shall vote a ballot containing the word "Ap proved," and each qualified voter who desires to express his unwillingness to consent to the above proposition shall vote a bullot containing the word "pla- E8- ciikm.sk Flam Hnihtui.lcrv L'.lc and Hie I-'ancv lvinbroiduy rSc and li'Je Colond liinbroidcry Nile and HSU- ; LADIES' (.OWNS I'l.iiu lvuiliroiilcry I'.ic and ,"i!c Fancy Embroidery 711.' and Ml: Colored Embroidery $l,;S'.l and LADIES' PAXTS Ham mic and Ilk Fancy Embroidery o'Je ai,d lill. Colored Embroidery 79c and S'.ic appiuved," and tit the closing of the polls nt said election the judges shall , count the ballots contained ins. lid boxes, and declare i he result, and certify the same to the Hoard ol Aldermen. 'e it Further (Jiiinineil, That in the event the judges of s ml election shall de clare as the result ol the same tli.it the number nl billots containing the word' "Approved" exceed in number rinc-hnll ol the fiiabtied votcis of said citv, the bonds ol this citv shall be issued 111 ac cordance with the above peunusition T. W. I'atto.n, Mtmir. I'. M. Mii.i.lk, Citv Clerk. ' A RARE II AUG A IN A yiiod home jr sale. This properly is located about 1'j miles east of the, center ol Ashevilie. 'J miles from the court home I by county roadi and about t luce -eighths ol n inilcmilsidc of corp.ira li in limits. This place is admirably situated in a cove and contains 11' acres, ai'ont half is in iid ivation, consisting of grass, fiuit trees, grnpc vines, etc lile gant sh-idc and an abundance of pure water, there being six or a dozen running P'iiigs, some of them chalybeate. The lollowiug buddings on the premises:! seu n-room metal roolid Iranic dwelling ' with running water in same, cost Sil.olHi io ,f 1 HIK), in inoilcrately good repair; 1. new metal roofed barn not ipiitctinished, cost $501) or SUno; J new metal rooted rock spring houses and hydraulic ram water works complete, cost $400 to SoOO. A iictuic.-( :-c and extended view troin all parts ol this place, including some of V.iniieibi'it's premises anil his palatial residence. Reasons for scl linnucial iinbai r issmcnt. I 'nee. fiOO. W. DeVaull, a lii.u m. Call address , C. Ashevilie, lit II IKA.iON!i Why You SllOITI.il Takh Tub Ciiiii:s- 1 0 I'i'llls 1 he V'iv., 'J 1 1 Writei lis llivn t;ihl.,n:i!. :i. It is the Pest l.oenl fajn r liver I'rino .1 In IV. S l. I. It I'rinls the Latest T -;;-ur.'ii liie Nes l-'ro n .Ml the World. 5. It llilicvca in Ashevilie Always To SVU I I' IT IS a ni;wspai'i:h. IIAVK Vol; Vilnl'tlHT Ol I Si li..'i.irs wit' r.et It For n Yitir, niul II Ymi l.ivr in Aiheviilp It Will II- lielneri',1 Ht Vcur llrinr I'vfrv Hveninu J3) I F-E M'W ltliT ("iiinii t'lil 'l l l-ullui-lit imi.l.lo ' H't nninmn.1, .i(l'imS or I 'ItllllH'lll Ullil 1 WC li.Clt'M.f IlililUlCllt. M-Vl l-llliljtlL' 1 un for I'iio "t i'VTy iianin-mi l 'Icpr,.,-. i unit:.'-- iinn,trn;l -n wnli 1 Ik lii.ikt or injiiii-n" if I'lirhuiu1 ucl.1, wltU S nrc 1'iiiiiful tiiiii -t liloiii a nni(i(iicut rum, m:l nfn-t H'-ulmirt in ilt'iitti, iiinicct'br.irv. Why endur this lerrtblo fliaausa? Wa Ruarnnteo 6 box.6 to cura uny case. Vu only uy fm bi'iiciitH rt-tvivi it. M a box. (' ftr o. b 'V.t ly mail (luiiiiuiti'i isu'l ly niir iici'nlo, u u ii o 1 1 r 1 1 j im jB(,anPM, LlVfir p0uctf the (front ivnt -ml K I'OM .Ycii Hhi.l'l.ATDlt nit-! Itl.lHHMMMl ! It, f .ml, mil,! nut lilcn-mit I. ink, fsijydully iiiiiV ; for chiUlveu' umj. WHJuty i"i rt'iito, OUARANTUl-.fi .til ulr IT RAYSOR St, SMITH 31 Pntt-.n nir hTllf . W. C IWwfiic ff Im it "i I n He sure to tlhc onuitiril, Mmlv (inly by Taylor Ml. fiv, St. JL'Mils, loi: 1HMI HX. V-U r-mM? 1 li-."' '"1 i-lv I" vat nf l . ; 1 1 fi.rl i intu-l'i inniy i'r. ( i', r-ii-niM tut tiii;i ol it'ct fr fla-rotn, .'inri'i'n i) (.r fi ui,i"tun lllltl i-' in . .o i.i' til. t'd iuU'(i;i:ij't V!.i,i AS A PatV2NT!V tty rii'.iarkrl tl m imi st,cticotilriirt .i.ii' , if to il il tiM. lmt In tho rvi' nf T Hl3 onruro. I'm' 'y mil. 'itiii).in. , LADIHS i'ovm' ksov; DH. FELIX LC tHUN'S llii I l,U(l i)i I (It I li (irothnnrhtinid niul on'y I'ld'NCII, wirminil rn. litdilni'iini ml 111" ttmrket, I'rieo i.(Ai Bcul'by luail, li jiminu bulil uuh by T. V. Nuillh, DrueKlst. nielOiilnniHubiU Cllll'll III lli'lltl' M llli. on I iHiin.lUH.U ni ti'ir lli'iiliirsM'tit I III. I, II.H WlKil.l HV.M II la nil A AND BEST IN H V i rf..ltlHinOAB TO ALtH' I W (DIsS fi Ailmitu.l.iwttK-uiinwwiillu.nHt Se6 0ur F(11i complete Line of Lace Curtains liEA I'TIEI L ; Sl'ECIM. i U-FLUINT.S-.SUc, Use, Sl.ls, $u, $1 :;s, $1, i s, $i.7 $2 :is, j $ L'.t.S. the best value for the money ever known. in II sum i i i i lust received, u lull assortment I lll: u"1'11'1 ANli LARGE SELECTION OF Sl'KINT. SHIRTS. CALL ANIi - FNAMINE DRY GOODS CO. niirioiui Brick and Eiltmore, North Carolina, HAS FOK SAI.K A I.AIiOlO STOCK OF COMMON lilflCK OF AIJ. KINIlS, UKl'UKSSKD HUU'KS, AND ALL SIZKS OF AdltlCl'LTTKAL Tht Itrst Shot, lor Ihc Least Money, W. DOUCLAS nhoei are tati.-f.ii'lion at the niiict adiertised than anv i ineed. Tin: staiiipiii" cf W. I.. Douj-li'is' K i.i .iineis ,e. r iaiue, saves iiiousaiuts ol zv. r" ,:r "r ,.,1 ,.,!.. V"' ..... . """"7 4jk ""flr.fl VjM ft oa, i isr a: a i if in''. rv? i viv "wi w emu ao . Sh a A Vr. Ei.K&3iJ- IMliB. jw "Mi urn iiawmii ii 'iiiii'iMi "i i Am 11 tn.i . mi. .vo on,, ,v. n,,y b; hn;r. v r ;? "f'thY d"r:: ssss .ea below. Caiuloituo treo upon apinicatioa? w.i. IIUL'ULa" BroSkui, ilaJ? For Sale By J. D. BLANTON & CO. ASHEVILLE WOODWORKING CO. Is Now Prepared BUILDING MATERIAL Fine Church, Cabinet Work and Bank Fixtures FO Ashevilie Woodworking Co. 1 1 . Kiiuffinun, Sut. 'lVlepbono, 101 . QE Vllrr not NO I'KKB Olt'TS OP AVY KIND TO ATTRACT ATTHNT10.N r'"AW TBA1IB AT THH Acme Wine, Liquor Honse & White Man's Bar s..,. "".''HiTJl'' 1 1"'n th' '"Wirt Ktnrk of nt clniu, bohi1 nf nnv hnune in llif nn.i r.-. - .. Jlolr,w """'""""fo Ilqonrn lll nnillt tolhflr fntfrcut to call 5S? "ttrtai rccun,n"n'"d b tU I""" Phvlclan. In tht .Tun, H. Loiig-lirun, l3rop. NO. 58 SOUTH MAIN STREET, - - ASHEVILLE, N. C. - mtto la, "Kwp Ibt twit and chnritt ccordlnHlj." Mlll place la Kcond to none In the Mate. TRLRTHONB CALL 180 rOBTOFFICB BOX 088. Ordcra From Dlataac lldtd. xta racklnf rrct nnii.i ASSOliTMHXT. o I KX(i HATS ...... new shapes and very pretty styles THEM AT . Tile Works, DltAIN TILL. DOUGLAS a m mt $3 SHOE 6ENTLEMEN, 50 Dress Shoe. Police Shoe, 3 8ole, $2forWorkinemen S2 and 81.75 for Boys. AND MISSES, $2.50 $2, $l.7 CAfTIOS.-lf nny dc1t Tern you W. I Douelai ttaiira at a reilurril price, r a.n he lia Ihoni with. un mo iiiiiiom, pal nun noun m a rrauu. KtvlLsh. ea fittln. nnd M K.ti, oilier malo." 'Vr r,n -j I.. name and price on the bottom, whlel dollars anmiallv to those who wear them. which hciPk lc ''y ran nnorrt to iell nt to- -Furnish all Kinds of FiHTIMATHS. CUAITlTYrY