Asheville , Daily n Citizen BOOKBINDING wa do" .V CORRECT AND ' , TASTJiFfI. FINISH. Citizen Building. BOOKBINDERY FOR A.TiI, DliSCRIPTIONS OP WORK. SKILLED WORKMEN. Citizen Building. VOLUME IX. NO. 288. ASHEVILLE, N. C, WEDNESDAY EVENING, APRIL 4, 1894. i V- ABOUT COTTOLEHE. I'KOM "M1K10N H.VRLAND" Pom iton, N.J. I have niuUc thcrough tests of Cottolene and have no hesitation In recommending it us preferable to lard. Thin superiority man! fcsta Itself especially In frying. Cottolene, when melted up, is as clear avwater; it sel dom barns, and will stand a higher degree of temperature without scorching than will any other frying medium I have ever used The same portion of Cottolcne may be em ployed twice and even, three times. The ar tides fried in it under my care have covered a wide range, embracing croquettes, fish fritters, both vegetables and fruits, egg p'ant, hominy, raasb, fried bread, etc. In nciie of these could theicbcdlstlnguishcd the unpleasant taste frequently noticed In food cooked la lard. Nor is the slight odor that cldics from hot Cottolene as disagreeble or perversive as thut of boiyng lard. I have also found Cottolene admirable for quick biscuits; thev are devoid of the pork flavor that often pcrtuents Inrd-shortencd biscuits Mixed wllh butter and used in bread dough, Cottolene is ulsn good. Such a substitute for lard should supersede it ia every kitchen where hygienic and appetising effects are studied. Cottolene has bc.n used for the past two . months In the kitchen of -my mother, Mrs. Tcrlnrie, (' Marlon Harland") with most satisfactory results. Her opinion of Its mer its coincides with mine, CH8ISTINB TliKHUNB HURR1CK. For Sale By All Leading Grocers THE GREW PIPE SALE AT The Model Cigar Store la Now On, ANO WILL BE KEPT UP FOR 10 DAtS Don't miss the opportunity, .150 dozen pipes at sacrifice prices. Come and get your selection L. BLOMBERG 17 Pntton Avenue. CORTLAND BROS. REAL R8TATB BROKBRS. INVESTMENT AQBNTS. NOTARY PUBLIC ' Loans Securely placed at 8 per cent. Offices its & aa Pattoa are., up stain SOME LOW PRICES t - California Peaches 18c. Per Can. v - California Apricots 13c. Per can. Pure Maple Syrup $1.20 Per Gal, Cucumber Pickles 40c. Per Gal. Sweet Mil Pickles 76c. Per Gal. : Soar Mix Pickles 60c. Per Gal. California Eiaporated Peaches, Apricots An Jean' lZcJor Lb. G A? Qrobr, HOUSES FOR RENT. TUB MIDDLE HOIJSli IN Gray Gables Block, -ALSO FIVE KOOM BRICK COTTAGE, Corsir Walnut au 1 I'ciilaml Streets. A. 1). COOPER. ABSTRACTS OF TITLE -OV- Any Laud in Buncombe County, North Carolina Plats Furnished Surveying Done General Information As to Real Batate Transfers Every owner of a piece of land should know Its history the names of all Its previous owners, the names of those who have held incumbrances against it; the nature of the Instrument by which any and all of those persons conveyed his or her interest, or released his or her claim against it; boundaries of the land, and whether there arc conflicting calls in deeds of adjoining prniertv: apparent irregularities In any Instrument conveying the land, etc., etc., etc. Thccureful man never buva loud or loans moncv on real estatcof any kind without first requiring an up-to-date Abstract of Title, certified to by an attorney or one whose business it is ts be informed in such matters. BUNCOMBE CO. ABSTRACT OFI'ICU- P. B. ROBINSON, No. 0 North Court (Square, or ollice of the Clerk of the Criminal Court. County Court House, Ashcvillc. BUY HEWSPAPERS RAY'S He Kits a great variety. His customers are never disappointed. His pnpers come regularly. He ulna bin the following ; New York World, Herald, Tribune, Recorder, limes, I'recs, Evening Post and Mail and Express. Chicago- Herald, Tribune, Inter-Occan and Satur- dny Made. The Commrciol-Gf zctte acd Bvinlng Post, Cincinnati The Times, Louisville The Observer, Charlotte, N. C. The Times, Richmond. The Press, Philadelphia. The Constitution, Atlanta The Tribune, Knoxvllle The Citizen, Ashcvillc. The Herald, Boston. It Is just as easy to get your paper regu larly, if you buy at the right place. Try RAY'?. A full line of latest mngai'nes and novels aP 8 North Court t quare. Telephone 101. Temperature Tellers IN NEED OF A THERMOMETER. WE BAYS A OOOD ASSORTMENT FOR VSB IN'THB ROOM, TUB BATH AND THE DAIRY. Manitoba Corn Cure A LIQUID CORN CURB. WILL NOT INJURE THE FEET, US CTS. ROSE MYRRHINE A PERFECT LIQUID DENTI FRICE, BFBBCTIVB IN ITS PURPOSE AND HARMLESS. UBC. Manitoba Corn Salve I Oc. Fig Paste Laxative. TIRED OF PILLS AND SALTS, TRY FIO PASTE LAXATIVE, MILD AND PLEASANT, BATBN LIKE A CONFECTION, IIS CTS, CARtlGHAEL'S PHARMACY. . 1 'I CRYSTAL PALACE, tlPATTONAVB, ASHBVILLE, N. C Exclusive China, Glassware, Lamp and housefurnlshlng goods. Mirdiaiits in u!l their details. BARGAINS. . We are still offering the fulWing bar gains: Ten piece English decorated chamber sets, $a.7B; slop jars, English decorated, to match, $3.23; very thin, fine tumblers (worth 1 00) SOc. do ; white china for decorating, at very small margin of profit (especially to teachers); 118 piece BngUih dlnrer Fet. $7.93; large Jap. after diuncr coffee cup and saucer, 10c; large Jap. tea cup and saucer, 36c.; 3 dos j fine lamps (nicklcd) prices low. Oil and gasoline stoves, treeters, ice chest", refrigerators, coolers, etc. All at very low prices. GJ--A.pir)Ei3sr Field. Seed.. Choice Kentucky Clover Seed. Choice Kentucky Timothy Seed. Choice Kentucky Orchard Grass Seed, Choice Kentucky Blue Grass Seed. Choice Kentucky Rad Top Seed. Choice Kentucky While Cats Seed. Early Rose and Burbank Sd Potatoes and Garden Seed. POWELL & SNIDER Wc are slio wlni; excel lent styles Jn many lines on which our efforts to get more have resulted in abso lute failure. This be cause all hands oper ated very cautiously, owing to the loses of last year, so that the first Stirling business broke up 1 lie stocks uf prime styles. Hard styles enn always be bought In any quan tity. An improvement in all the departments of trade seems at last an established fact. Certainly the general conditions forrcauiup tlon of prosperity in n moderate way arc favorable, and our prediction is that the onward march will be H'udy. .One I'rice'Svstk.m. II. KEDWOOD & CO., Clothing, Dry Goods, Shoes, Hats, Carpets, Etc. Heinitsn & Reagan WB AKB THE SEI.LIXI! AGENTS IN ASHEVILLE FOR CONFECTIQNS Pure and - Delicious BON BONS'AND CHOCOLATBI CHOCOLATB ARLINB9, MIXED CHOCOLATES. CREAM W1NTBRGRBBN, CREAM PEPPERMINTS, i i IX OLD FASHIONED MOLASSES CANDY, ETC. RHCB1VUI) FROM FACTORY TWICK A ', " ,. . . WBBK . " ,.V.' ARRESTED BY MILITIAMEN CITIZENS OF FOKENCE, H, C, TARTLF.D They Took Guus From The Ar mory And Put Hued The Consta blesNo Harsh Measures or Ar rest Quiet at Darllnictou. Florence, S. C, April i. The citizens ofFlorecce were greatly startled this morning Jr the announcement that the men who took guns Irom the armory here Friday Inst, and participated in the pursuit of constables would be urrcsted by the militia.' The disposition, at first, was to resist, but the mild methods adopted by the officers iuduced the men to acquiesce it) the action takcu. The men who took the cutis were sum moned to the court house where Col. N. G. Evans, commanding in the absence of Gen. Farley, had es tablished his head' quarters. They asse'mblid .there about 10 a. m. and confened with Col. Brans and Mnj. Jos. Wnrd'aw. They were asked for their names nnd a roll was made. The roll wns then re :i! with the request that those who had entered the nrmotyand taken the guns would re spond as their nnnies were1 called. The following five men responded: E. E. Douglass, T. E. Wallace, J. W. Hnm mond, J. I'emlergast and E. I'. Haw ley, all of whom arc merchants. Col. Evans made a short address. He said that martial law was in force, and that he was ordered to arrvst these gen- tlcmcntindcr it. As it was not desired to interfere with their business he would place them on parole not to leave the city limits, nt!tf require them to report to Mnj. Wardlaw every morning nt 10 n. in. The citizens held a consultation with a lawyer, and no steps have yet men laKeii iu oppose tile action ot t he officers. It is possible, however, that naoeas corpus proceedings mny be begun before Chief Justice Mclver. This will largely depend, however, upon the ac tion of the officers and the manner in which the arrested men are treated. The Tenth militia has arrived, but there is as yet no disposition to pitch them. The indications are that the force may be withdrawn before the end of the week, nnd possibly sooner. Gen. farlcy went over to Bishopville early this morning. It is tl.oulit that his visit may have some connection with the action of the Bishop ville rill.s in not toinir to liir- Inicton when ordtrci, mid in turnine s might around and goinc fo.-itc. DARLINGTON, b. L., V1U l loR'UCC. A ill I 4. Everything at the scat ol war is per fectly quiet. A detachment of troops wis jusi rcpartcu r net under Mayor Dargnn's orders. No one exreplinc those directly intcrtsted will be permitted to go near the railroad station where the inquest is to be held. The constables are expected to nrmc here some time during the day, but the time and place of their arrival arc not made -public. It is thought that the constables will be permitted to testify without intcifcrcnce and then can go home. Citizens have pledged they shall not be molested. Gen. Kichburg gives out the news that the troops will nvobablv leave here Saturday or Sunday. There arc a num. her ol visitors here for the innucst. CoLfMiiiA, S. C, April -I-. Tillman 1ms issued a proclamation which closes as lollws: "Now, therefore, I, Benjamin K. Till man, governor of the State of South Carolina, do issue this, my procla mation, giving full and official notice to the municipal authorities of every city and incorporated town iu the State of South Carolina and to the police nnd marshals thereof, that .... 1 do hereby assume control of the whole lorce of municipal police and marshals of the several cities and incorporated towns of this State. They are hereby ordered to enforce all laws on the statute books, together with all municipal ordinances and orders from municipal authorities uot inconsistent with the purposes of this proclamation. As soon ns the emer gency which is now upon ns shall no longer exist, 1 will relinquish control nnd restore the former status." Au IiiNprclor at Cherokee. CniiROKiiii, N. C, March 3l.-This evening there was a little excitement when the news was givn out, like a fire alarm, that"Thcrc's an inspector come." it was Lol. . IS. Duncan, United States Indian Inspector of Georgia, lie had been all over the grounds and buildings, and, so far as hfe inspection was con cerned, hud taken in the whole situation in nn hour. The school cave a sociable in honor tn the Colonel tonight, after which Mr. Uuncnu ma a brief but eneournimur talk to the chil.lrcn, wanted For Pltcalru. San FiiANCiscn, April l.-M McCoy, head man of the famous little commun ity on Fitcaii n Island, has arrived here on the missionary brig ritenirn. McCoy - .1 -.1 ... n . . ft . is u utcenutiiii ui Dutiiswmu iucv.oy, one oi the mutineers of the Bounty, who set tled on I'itcairu Island over a century ago. The community now comprises 128 people. McCoy's errand is to en gage two school teachers to educate the children on the island. He says the community is in n prosperous condition. HapllHts Protest. Washington, April 4. In the Smutc today, among the petitions and mem orials presented was one by Senator Gordon of Georgia, being a protest of the linptuit churches ol Atlanta. Go.. against the constitutional amendment proposed by Morse of Massachusetts, recognizing the deity in the preamble to the constitution. Referred to the Judi ciary committee. Ileal ti of Mnloi' L Carols, London. April 4. The Times announces the death of Mnior Le Cnron. who win once employed by the British goyern- mcufc us n ppy upuii irisiuiicii in America. The Timet says: "lie died yesterday nftPriinnfl. flfler nfV.X'iiiir nmt f .. v.., .... DUIIIV ft. UIC from a painful malady. He bore the pain witu me lortitnae ana iron reioln tiou characteristic of bis whole career.' A Democratic Candidate. MiAMiBiWRo, 0., April 4. Paul J, Sorg of Middlctown today was notuitt' ated- by the third district Democratic convention candidate for Congress to succeed toe late oeo. w. uouk, . i , .' Tlie CONVENTION it will Occur In The court House Friday Evening. The city Democratic convention wiil occur in the court house Friday evening of this week, at 8 o'clock, for the pur pose of nominating candidates for Mayor and three Aldermen and electinganexecu tire committee to take charge of the campaign work. Candidates mentioned are as scarce as the proverbial hen's teeth. Ex-Mayor Blanton and Hon. John W. Starnes were spoken of but Mr. Starnes' announce ment in The Citizen that he was not a f candidate puts him out of the race, and it seems now that Mr. Blanton will be the Mayoralty nominee by the Straight outs. As regards the candidates for the office of Alderman the same uncertainty is no ticed. The only name The Citizen has heard mentioned frequently is that of Dr. H. B. Weaver of the Second ward. So that, at this time, a forecast of the action of the convention is impossible. Friday evening must tell the tale. There is a belief among some of the Re publicans that, in view of the fact that there is little probability of a uniting on tue part ot tne two Democrat factions, tney, tne Kepurjiicans, can put out a ticket composed entirely of Republicans or a majority ol that fuith and win on it. Mai. H. C Hunt, one of theold Advi sory committee, inclines to this opinion. In a talk with The Citizen this morning he said the Republicans could not unite on Mayor Patton, should he run again. Maj. Hunt could not see how tne truly loyal could do this. Of course he said, those Republicans who had re ceived jobs from Mayor Patton and those who had had their streets paved by the present administration would uaturallv support him. Maj. Hunt says he is in favor of put ting up a straignc Kepuoiican tr kct, or one that has a Republican at the head and with a majority of the Aldermen Republicans, and thus going into the hght. Nothing definite, however, is to be done until after the Democratic con vention. Thus it is thut Asheville may yet wit ness a triangular municipal contest. FOR PUBLIC PRINTER. Cleveland noes Back To Ills Old One. Washington, April 4-. The President hns sent to the Senate the following nominations: John B. Brawley, Penn sylvania, assistant register of the treas ury; George A. Howard, Tennessee, auditor treasury for the postoffice de partment, Thomas E. Benedict of New Voik, to be public printer; James D. Yco mans of Iowa, to be inter-state com merce commissioner. To be United States consul ; Walter B. Henry of North Car olina, at Curacoa; Charles H. Taylor of Kansas, recorder ol deeds in the District of Columbia, (Taylor is colored). Col lectors ot customs: Charles R. Bislxc, district of St. ohn's, Florida; John U. Davis, district of Beaufort. North Caro lina. Postmasters: C. C. Carlin, Alex dria, Va ; J. W. P. Lowcry. Dawson. Ga.: Geo. -S. Haines, Savannah. Gn. CHARLKHTON WHEELINU. The April nitvcle meet Well Attended. There Ciiaki.esto.n, April 4. Special. The bicycle meet is well attended. George Fitzsimmons, champion of North Caro lina; Isaac liaitd, champion of South Carolina, and R. V. Conncrat, champion of Georgia, arc here. They all rids the Stearns wheel. The Stearns gets four first prizes, four seconds and two thirds. Fitzsimmons won the road wheel race on an Electric. liaird and Fitzsimmons. two of the fustcst men in the South, will compete today. North Carolina stands a good chance to win. ludlauH And White Men Flirhl. El Reno, O. T., April 4.-A battle with Winchesters occurred, Sunday be twecu Indians and white men who went on the open reservation, Atlast advices 1U or iu men bad been killed, tivc coin panics of troops from Fort Reno, and troops from Fort Sill and Fort Supple have started for the scene of the fight, Debt Statement. Washington, April 3. The debt state ment issued today shows a net increase in the public debt, less cash in treasury during March, of $13,754,4-72. The in terest bearing debt was increased $9, 0G8.930; the non interest bearing debt was decreased $26,847. The cash in the treasury decreased $4,712,339. Catholics and A. P. A. Kansas City, Mo April 4.In a riot between Catholics and the American Protective association late yesterday afternoon, Mike Callahan, a well known ntliolicaud supporter of lohnsonfor Mayor, was Killed, and Jerry Tate fatally, and six others seriously, injured. College President Kills Himself. I)otr.i.Asvii.u;,Ga., April 4. President . M. Calloway of the Douglnsville col lege, one ot the best known educators of Georgia, committed suicide Mondnv. shooting himself through the heart. No cause lor suicide ts known. To Tax Dulled (Mates Notes. Wasuinoton, April 4. The House committee on banking nnd currency, by a vote oft) to 4, today agreed to report favorably the Cooper bill subjecting to State taxation National Bank and Uni ted Mates treasury notes. To Police nebrUiK He. Washington, April 4.-The Behring oca bill passed the Senate yesterday, Senator Morgan said that nt the lame nour, perhaps, a similar measure was ocing passed the British Parliament. Coins;, Gains;, Gonet " Norfolk, Va., April 4,-Thc Atlantic and Danville railroad was sold here yes- terduy under order of the United States court lor $1,105,000 to B, Newgnss and associates, A Great Fir in China. Shanghai, April 4. A great conflagra tion is raging here. Already a thousand buildings, large and small, bare been de stroyed, and the ure is still burning, The Him or lit Wasuinoton, April 4,-The House was without a quorum today and unable to oobutiuesm ,,. .. . v.. ; ,. BRECKINRIDGE EXAMINED NARKIAGE WITH THE PLAIN TIFF IMPOSSIBLE lie Accused Uer or Being over intimate With Rhodes, Aud Bald That Therefore Be Conld Not TakeHerUp-The Marrinire. Washington, April 4. Judge Wilson began the cross-examination of Breck inridge this morning with reference to the village of Goldsborough, Ky., and asked him ii he delivered a sneech there in 1885. The defendant thoutrht not. Then Judge Wilson asked if be re membered saying to a servant woman at Mrs. rhamtis' the day after he had taken lunch there with Miss Pollard : "Mary, that was a very nice lunch, and when Madeline and I go to housekeeping want you to come with us." "Oh! that's not true, that's merelv fancy sketch," said Breckinridge with laugh. There's not a word of truth in it." Wilson was particulaily desirous ot knowing whether Breckinridge had ever made expressions of love and effection to the plaiutiff, and the defendant said he bad never used such expressions to Mits Pollard. "I did, however," he said, "use expressions of kinducss. I was particu larly careful to be good and kind to her wnen sne was in a delicate condition. I tried to make her take up some occuna- tion and to keep her mind busy." In answer to Judge Wilson, the defend ant said he had told the ulaintiff ninnv times that marriage between them was impossible. "1 told her," he said, "that she could not expect me to marry her w.ftv. ufti mini, iciuiiuus wuo inoues, und that after she had bled him for three years, and then thrown him away like a sucked orange I could not contemplate marriacc with her or look upon her as a wife whom 1 could trust, or whom 1 could take into my family." After questioning the witness about his trip to New York in April, 1S03, when he was married, and his meeting with the pluintiff at the Hoffman Judge Wilson handed Bnckinridge a paper and asked him if that was a fac simile of his marriage certificate. Breck inridge said it looked like the original, out he saw it was not. When you put down on this certifi cate that von had been married onee. was that true?" I started towiitc, in answer to the question as to how ninny tints 1 had been married, and I asked Dr. Paxton it it were necessary to state that this wns my third marriage, and he Sfid it was not necessary. So I thoughtlessly put it at once instead of twice." Breckinridge said l.e filled in the certifi cate because Dr. Paxton was snu'erinr? from nervous headache. lie told Paxton to keep it secret. In answer to a ques tion lie said he and wife on the night ol their marriage went to Hotel LiGrecnc. 10th and Broadway, and registered under the name ol Win. J. Campbell and wife. Yesterday afternoon Miss l'ollnrd took the stand and testified tha t Col. Bieckinridgc frequently sent her letters wuue sue was in Lexington and he in Washington. They wcreall tvncwritlen. sne said, and in them she was.addressed various titles, such a3 "My dear Spit fire,' and "My dear Louise." Col. Breckinridge denied that Mrs. Lowell had ever copied fur him nuv such letter as that she described or that she addressed envelopes for him with the name of Miss Pollard, although he ac knowledged that Mrs. Lowell had writ ten letters for him. Most of the dav was taken up in this testimony, and in argu ment. There was nothing sensational. He Sees a tttar From Hie UrysonClty Times. Hon. Kope Llins came over from Franklin Wednesday. His naturally cheerful nature sees a bright star, which gives additional buoyancy to his spirit . JUST IN KORTH CAROLINA. -Senator Vance did not make his no. pcaranccatthe Capitol Monday. The weather was cool in Washington, ntul the Senator, while feeling so much im proved by his visit to Florida, did not consider it prudent to venture out until the air wns more balmy. Those who have seen him say he is in good spirits, and he expects to resume his seat in the Senate tins week, Salisbury Herald : A cotton factorv is to be built nt Patterson's grist mill and gin, in Cabarrus county. Mr. George W . Patterson of Concord, nnd Mr. W. R. Kindley of Mt. Pleasant, are the principal movers in the enterprise. The water power there is said to lie one of the best in the whole country. Unnka cor. Cherokee Scout: The condition of our people at present is very flattering indeed, though sotie of us will still raise the lamentable wail "hard times," Wc have more grain, poultry and produce of nil descriptions, more hogs, cattle and sheep than ever before at this season of the year. North Carolinians are wutehintr Public Printer Benedict, and ns soon as he takes bis scat nt the head of the uie counter, they will hand tin their nlatcs. Jns. M. Leach and J. A. Turner arc after $l,riuu places. L. V. Ashby & Son's tobacco fac tory at Mt. Airy, wns burned Saturday morning. The loes is about $50,000; insurance, jo,utiu. Two hundred peo ple arc thrown out of employment. Harry Skinner savs that if the Pon ulists carry anything iu North Carolina tncy will carry more thau three congres sional districts. He is, however, chary oi raauuig claims. Walter R, Henry's Curncon 1 Dutch West Indies) consulate to which he has been nominated pays $2,500 fees an nually "with liberty to engage in busi- -jr. Kepracnlnlivc Bower will request the aid of North Carolina Senators to take mica oil the free list and place on it a uaiy oi o per cent. Kutncrford Herald : The fruit ii all killed by the cold snap. Cabbage and other plants that were up fared the same rate as tne iruit. G. K. Webb hat secured entire con trol of the old weekly Durham Recorder and also an interest in the National To- oacconiK anu urocer, -Charlotte Observer! R. D. Heath of mariom bought the Newton Cotton ' milh Moodsjr for 131,000, ? , AN OPEN LETTEtt! No. 4,137 Westminster Avenue, I Philadelphia, Pa., March 30, '94. Raysor & Smith, A'o. 31 Pattoa Aycaue, Asheville, Ar. C. Will you kindly send mc CO. D. a fifty cent (50) bottle of your Camphorline? Have been using for sometime and find it excellent. Please send without delay and oblige. Yours Resp., Geo. C. Fuller. MANUFACTURED ONLY BY RAYSOR & SMITH. 31 PATTON AVFi ASHEVILLE TO THE FRONT WB HAVli JL'ST COMPLETED A FULL LINK OP HAND MADE SHOES And will in the future carry In stock fu 1 assortramt of shoes of OUR OWN MAKE! THEY STAND WITHOUT A 1UVAL xt-OBiairrs, 0 Court Square, AsheTillf, N. C. STANDARD Quart Cans Tomatoes 10c. ' Sugar Cora pdr Can 10. -' ; BarUott Fears per Can .0. Grated Pineapple pertol5c.g;g9;l'i5i ' ' String Beans per Can 10c.!:;:S? ; ; ?faporatd Apriwiip Biis.pS' ' ''ii ' .it I in ir '