Asheville Daily itftr7PiTt 3l LiWI 1 State Library 114 VOLUME IX. NO. 2J)0. ASHEVILLE, N. C, FRIDAY EVENING, APRIL 0. 1HH. PRICE 5 GENTS. ABOUT GOTTOLEME. I-'KOM ' M Hit X II VKLANIt I'MMI-l'tiN, N.J 1 havr imulc thurnUKli Ut ol Cnttolcnv and have nu h sitation in riTonimuudiuu it us prcfciub'c to lurtl. Thh superiority tiinni t.stsiUtlf especially in frying. Coltolmf, when iiu-Uni up, is ck'ir as water; it ('ittn burm mil wilt Htanil n liiylur iliKnt- of trmpeiatutc with'L.iit (L'rt'hin; than will tiny ottit r 1'ryinK mrilium 1 have cvt-r used 1 he Minn: portion of CoUoIlik' may lie cm pl -vfd twice ami even three times. Hie ur Udcs tiicd in it umkr my eaa- li.ivc eovc:ed u with runc, tinbracinK (.roijiictU-s, lislt, fritters, both vegetable and fruits, t punt, hominy, nm-li, tried lucid, etc. In H' nc of these could there bed stinguislicri the miplcuttaut tfwtc (ivifuentlv notieed in food cooked i i lurd. Nor is the slight odor that chines from hot Cottolcuc as Uisnifrrcblc or perversive us tbut of boiling lard. I have uNo found Cottulene admirable for qu'ek biscuit. ; thev arc devoid of the p.jrk lluw.r that often pei meats lard -shortened biscuits Mixed with butter and used in bread dntiuh, Cottolene is uliei good Such a substitute for lard should super ede it in every kitchen where hyyienie and nppililuK elVvcU are studied. Cottolene hrs be n used for the past two months in til ! kitchen of my niothtr, Mrs. Terlune, (' Minion Har'and") with most satisfactory results. Her opinion of it nu r its coincide w itli mine ciikisT i si; ti:kih:m; hi-kkick. For Sale By til Leading Grocers TO SUMMER SPORTS! Why not buy your -p utiug kooiIh at u place where you e.iti get evti y tiling ot ih: latest and lresieit arti cles ? Yon inuM reiiH'ml):r 1 dmi't mix my line with garden s id ur iruitH or pen nu U 1 only pay my whole attention to my regular line of e'gar.i, tobacco und sporting goods I eon eoiupe'e with any of the New York Inuiu-. Call for a catalogue for 'U I . L. BLOMBERG 17 ration Avenue. CORTLAND BROS.. URAL Ksrvrii UWUKliUS. INVU8TMKNT AGBNTS. NOTARY PUBLIC ' I.uuos Srcurely placed at 8 per ctnt. Ollica IMS & 2d Patron Arc, up tln SOME LOW PRICES California Peaches 18c. Per Can. California Apricots 13c. Per can. Pure Maple Syrup $1,25 Per Gal. Cucumber Pickles 40c. Per Gal. Sweet Mix Pickles 75c. Per Gal. Soar Mil Pickles 60c. Per Gal. California Evaporated Peaches, Apricots An4 Pears 17c. Per Lb. Gr A.. Gl-reer. 200 DOZEN nl'AKT CANS STANUAKU TOMATOES 100 DOZEN NliW YtlKK STATU CORN. 10 Cl-.NTS A CAN. TllliSi; AKli GliXt lNIi UAKl'.AI.N'S; TIIH '.'I'Al.U Y 1SGUOH. A. D. Cooper- NuUTlI LOPKT t-ijUUKH. J. M. HESTON, 26 SOUTH MAIN ST, Accut 1'nr The SaL- 01 Hiiylers' Confections, BON BO IS, CHOCOLATES, CREAM MINIS, CH3C0LATE MINTS, SALTED.ALMONDS, CREAM WINTERGRbENS. EY EXPRESS TODAY. HESTON'S, mm: vv.s is mh-.iitier than tuf. SWllKIl is a Iiik iiiul well known s litl(j !.ut t tiv pm used by the people wuulil avail 'illlj were it not for the i:ik used. These are mk am inks, l.ul It Is an easy matter to xf: ct li wil ,n' at KAY'S. We get the best ink on the nurket ond puy a Rojd p ice for it, Vc rn.(-lit buy ink that c could make more money on, but vc don't want to take nny chances. Yc keep STA1' I'OKIi'S INKS, STAII'ORh'S WKIl INil PUT lis, CAKTliK".-! !Nk!?, CAW'S INKS, Til.MUil 1 1. IUb INKS. ANTOINIJ'S COl'VINC. INKS. Anv si : wanted iro n ;cts , to a iiuart hott'e. A 1 1 u n 1 1 ut t-tmd vMltillK lluid only Wets Hunt) Lack it not satisiaetoiy. Jl IT'S s N. Court Siiiare. Teleplli uc UI4 Temperature Tellers IX XliliU OF A TiWHUUMliTHK. WB II AVIS A COOl) ASSONTMUST ivu isis ix Tim noo.r, run HATH AXI) Till! DAIRY. Manitoba Corn Cure A UQLIU CtiRX ft 'KB. 117. I. xot ixji Ri: tub i-hut, w vrs. ROSE MYRRHINE .1 I'BKl'BCT LIsjL'll) VliSTI MICH, BFBBCTIVU IX ITS iTh-rosii asp iiARMi.iiss. l:;c. Manitoba Corn Salve 10c. Fig Paste Laxative. riRBlt OB rit.1.1! AXU SALTS, TRY 7U l'ASTB LAXATIVE, MILO AXD l'LBASAXT, BATBX LI KB ,i CdXBBCTIHX, fW, CARMICHAEL'S PHARMACY. iTUAl). W. TIlliASLi&CO CRYSTAL PALACE, 4-1 I'ATTlIN AVIS , ASIIIiMl.l.i;, N C ..amumyc Lilian, musswuiv. kanip niu houseful nlsliiiii; Kixiiis. Mer.huiits in their (UtiilU. BARGAINS. c arc nun olle-ring tUe i'ul'oiiig liar yniiu: Ten piece UuKlixh decorated chmnlici "tin, $a 75: slop jura, linglhli, to match, J.1!5; very thin, finclnmlilcrs (worih Jl 00) 5Uc. ici ; wliitr china for dccoratiiiK, at icry small margin of prolit icspccia'ly to teachers i : US piece Kiih'mIi ilin-cr fct 47 OA 1....... I r. - , . . . i iuik jap. uuer ennner eollee c ip anil saucer, 15c; lur-c Jap. tea cup anil sau-cr, :i.ric; 3 iloz ; line lanirs inicklii) prices low. i in anil ganulmc totes, Ireeztrs. ic dust.. refrigerators, coolers. Uc. All ut very luw prices. AND Field. Seed Choice Kentucky Clover Seed, Choice Kentucky Timothy Seed. Choice Kentucky Orchard Grass Seed. Choice Kentucky Blue Grass Seed. Choice Kentucky R9d Top Seed, Choice Kentucky White Cats Seed, Early Rose and Barbank Seed Potatoes and Garden Seed, POWELL & SNIDER W arc nlmniiiK eicil Icnt styles iu ninny lines on which our cffiirt. to cet more have resulted in abso lute 'ai:ure. This he cause all hands t.pcr nted very cautiously, owiiiK to the loses ol list vrar, so that the first stirring business broke up Hie sloiks rtt priitc stjles. Hard styles can always be bought in anv iiinii. ti,v An improve nu i, I in all the dentrtincnts ol I rude seen, s at last mi established fact, k'citninly the (.uicnil conditions I'orresunip tiou of prosperity in a moderate way are favorable, and our prediction ! ihal the onward march will be st nd.v. Um: I'm 1 1: SmiiM. ii. i.'i:i)(M)i) lV ( i,. I'lothiii";, I i'y(;oils, Shot's, lliits, I'lirjiets, Ktf, Heiniisn & Reagan U ARB Tllli Slil.l.INi', Ac, HUTS IN ASIIIiMl.l.n l-HU CONFECTIONS Pure - and . Delieioim w IIDS HONS AND CIIOCOLATU CHOCOLATE r-AKLINUS, M1XKD C1IOCOI.ATBS CRIiAM WINTBIU.RUUN, , CRliAM riil'l'HKMINTS, tx OLD FASHIONED MOLASSES CANDY, ETC. Klit III) FROM FACTORY TWICfi A . . WBBK , , , TESTIMONY IX REBUTTAL I IIt I'OI.I.AKIt'M I.YUX Ml M1WTANTI4TKII Calderou C'urllHle On Ttae bland Top wear Thai MlHa Pollard Did Not "Fix" The ChrlHliuaH Card Two Colored witiieaMei. vVasainhton, April 6. The most inter esting testimony of ycstcrdiiy w:is Kivcn by Miss Louise Lowell, the type vritcr who had done copying lor Col. lirtckinridye at the capitol, anil Mary Viiiiicv, a colored cook nt the liotisc ol -Mrs. Thomas, with whom Miss Pollard lived trom Fehtmiry to Mavol last yen-. Miss Lowil! swore tint t she Ii ul copied for Col. Breckinridge letters i:i Ins hand writing to "My Ueai S'sd i Louise," and ''My Dear Spitfire," aiiii her synopsis ol these showed thut the ktiers were of an amatory character. Mary Yancey, the colored cook, swore positively to an acknowledgment by Col. lireckinriilge of his intention to niairy the plaintiff. According to the witness, Col Hreckinrid t--in p! i ::k at-1 her on her cookerv, onil alt, ,- m. n i . . , , i i ..... . ; ii ' - .... ' 1 iiiv i.i.iiiiiiii i, ii, hoc. Sj.,,o ; ,v..liL you Income with when we go to house keeping in the tall," Not 10 persona were ia atti'inlam this morning besides the newspaper men um iiiiticMcu panics totiiecasc. ilr. Miirv Parsons, a bright lookinir little pliysicinn who sav s she atlemled Mis Pollanl nt the Inrtii ot her child, Pchrii iry 3. 1SSS. was called by the iil.-iintih" but the dclcnscninilc.'i'el lisjtit niiainst illowing her to testily as to who wrote iheslpol paper pinned to the drtss ol the baby which was brunt-lit to the Washington louiidlini' asvluni. I-'inallt- l)r Parsons was allowed" to testily. She said she went to the Iniindling tsvluiuiiia tab and Aunt Mary, tin ol red midwife, earned the baby into the asylum. The b.ibv. said he witness. was one bom to the pl iintili. When I r. Parsons had gone lai Shelliv. for me .icicnsc, maiic atiotlier liln against the testimony as to t'c iilentilicatiou ol the handwriting on the slip of paper, holding that it was not evidence in u hiatal, and that it did not matter wheihir .Miss Pollard or auvliodv else wrote it. It will be remembered that Miss Pollard says s';e wrote the name Hiest Cnrlvle" on the paper, while the paper itsell has on it "Jiiei I lotvning." ii Ige llrailley deciiled to admit i h.- evidente (;l Airs Parsons, and Carlisle showed to the witness the slip ol paper pasted on the 1'ouniiling asylum h iol;, vviiii l tie name tiiel. ih.nmiig wriittu on it. "lo von recognize lliatliau Uvritin" r" isked Carlisle. " That is my haudsvriiing," said hr. ursons. To Shelby she said she Ii id "iven the slip to "Ann!. Mary" to pii; on the child. Sue examined the slip and said there were pin holes in it, indicating that it nail been pinned to something. Aunt Mary,ic was the next witness She is an old coined woman. mil lestilie i that she knew the nlaiutii) in I'ebrtiarv, 1SSS, as "Mrs Hall" when she had a child at the home ol the wit ness on L'ntl street thiscilv. "Mrs Hall." she said, "was also suffering h orn he.ut trouble." Ainu Mary said that Ur. Par sons attended "Mrs. Hall," and dc scribed taking the child to the asylum. Mis. Miucar was ricillcd to disprove the testimony ol Hiiekinridge that Miss Pollard was not in Washington on "one of the last davs in August, 1 VX1,'1 the time li.xed by the plaintiff when the first alleged promise ot marriage was made. Mrs. Minear produced her l.anling house account book which showed that Miss Pollard had returned to Washing ton August :',1, 1 SOL'. Plaintiff had claimed that she reached Washington during the last week in August ol that vear Irom a trip north, and that l.recl; inridgc met her at the station and pro posed marriage that day in the carnage. Much to the surprise ol every bod v, the next witness was Caldcron Carlisle, Mi.-s Pollard's junior counsel, lie took the oath and was asked by ludge Wilson to tell the circumstances relating to the dis covtrv ol the Christmas card which, it is claimed, was found by Miss Pollard in boons she had given In the Norwood lotiudliiig asylum. The deposition ol Sister Agnes, winch was read some days ago, conveyed the inference that Miss Pollard or one ol her attO'ius, who weie with her when she vi-ited the asy lum last December, had put the card in n book t ) in. ne clearly identity Miss Pol lard with the usvlum and help the plain till s case, Carlisle said that w hen la wful to the asylum with Miss Pollard and Mr. oimson, only he and Sister Augustine touched the book in which the caul was found. Miss Pollard anil lolmson weie about ten led awav from the tabic wlure the books were. Carlisle said he opened one ot the books and found the Christmascard which was then not turn, tl at the edges or tmiula ted us it was now. It was enclosed in pasteboard with an invisible net, which Miss Pollard recognized as one she had worn, and some dead ll iwers. The de fense had tried to show by expert testi mony that the words written on the Chi isliuas card were written witlnn o lew years and surely not so long ago as lSSo, n ml in reference to tins, Carlisle said: "1 swear to you on oath that these words, 'compliments ol W. S. !,' were written on this c id when 1 took it from that book and that no one hut my sell could have put the writing there during the time we were in the library." I'laulltiK I.vnh Codoii IIai.timoki:, Md., April 1. The Mann laetuicrs' Record will publish this week letters from MO large lertili.-r dealers in Florida, Tennessee. Virginia, Missis ippi, Alabama, Noi th Carolina, Georgia and South Carolina, which show that less cotton is being p'nulcd this year, and that inure attention is being given to food prodi els. Siuctu of the lirms estimate that the area ol cotton planted this year will be train ." lo JO per cent, less tlinn I ist year; IS note nu improve ment in the general condition of busi ness. Daiiiaiti-d ll An i:ariliiiake. Xiitv York, April ti -A special Ircin the City of Mexico says; "Another se vere earlhipiakc shock has occurred on the Isthmus of Tchtianteiicc. Much damage was done to tow us and villages on the Pueilie coast." Iuvadcd a ttuuu , nud I)iCM Savannah, tin., April !!. Lennel lhi vis this morning shot ffm, M. Rnwls here lornllcgcdintiiiincy with Davis' wife. Rawis will die, Kawlsis a nenbew of i, , e.s --r- - . rt-t n nivuinim Urttvl. nl In,,,, vv ts miu: mil i;i;i: Tiln! morv of Mrs Addle Hinis, I ormerlv ol AHltt-vllle. Senator John M. Campbell gives Tin. CiniiXthe full hi.-tory of the woman Addle llitk-s, referred to in tin article re printed in this paper Iroiu the knoxville Tribune yesterday. Mr. Campbell s iys that the woman and her husband, Charles Ilincs, woik-.d lor him four tears, lb.' former as cook ami the latter us coachman. Abon. a ve.i.- ng-i Mr. C.iinp'.tll secured the sci vices of another man mill Hun s took s. i vice w ith a gcr. tleman Irom Pnpia, n , who was lip. n stavir.g at the It.-ittery Pail;. When the Ohio man lelt Charles and Adda- llrus and their sou went to Piipia with lii-n anil b.eame Fcrvaotsol Ins Iiouk-IioM Charles and the s hi arc still ihire. Addie c.-inie b u k to Asheville Wedin s day altuiioou and waiidtred about the cnyloi nu hour or two, when she went to Mr. Campbell's. There it was noticed lluit she paid no attention to the ehd dren, ultliotig'i she was formerly al ways especially loud ol them. Other oilier things were noticed and it v..s concluded that she was demented. The woman came uptown, but rtttirncil about dark, walked to the supper table and tool; two or three bitcsol loud, then -a alkeil to thctcnants house near by and now mere m me stable 1 Ins she r. pcatc'l, and linallv Mr. Campbell sent her to the lions of her brother. Robert Iladb-v, on M.ulisou street. It was ex pected that she would be sent to Cni S. C , her ol I home, this morning, but on the way to the depot she look anotlicr notiun and by the time she had been persuaded lo go the train had Kit . Mr. Campbell is i t the woman, who had been working lor good wages in Piipia, s'aitcd to visit her people and had a neat sum of her can. ings with her. When she stopped over ill Knoxville some saw her money and drugged her and look it. Tin woman said she was all right til! she reached Knoxville, but she became there. Her conversation was eo'crenl. but her acl ions showed that the drug ging tlu-orv might not he tar wrong. i ne nines woman is a riant 111 years old. 1 r COM I. ! Hit CVK.MKd. The 111 lnot rHilc Coovs min i -iir, niiiiiiou's ii. iin iiv. Tl.e wluelsoi time rcyoive on and on. ngaidlcss ol attenipts at reconciliation and harmonization, and thus it Is that the city hemncratic convention, for lilt iiotuin ition of niiiiiieipal ctudidalcs is heie. The couvei.tion called by the meet ing of I K-niocra ts on March 10 will be Ik-I.I in the court house this evening, In gibing at s o logli. S i lar as appearances go, it looks now asil the convention will be a thoroughly harmonious oik. That ex-Mayor Chas h. Ill .nton will be the nominee lor bnor is generally bilierid. As to tin Ahlennanic caiuhdates, it is said that the nominees will be James Sevier, See ond ward, W. J. Hough, 1-ourth ward, a- d W. V. Low I r the city at large. Mr. Idaiiton is still in the race lor the nomination, and this morning reus scried his intention, in the event of his Hominnti of "shewing sane mighty good goods." lie is of the opinion t hat il the contest be between him and Mayor Pallon he can defeat the Mavor'hv: about ,"O0 ns.ij iritv. The placing in the lield of a straight ticket, Mr, I'.lautoii thinks, would i educe his ninj ,ritv some, but he would not be averse in a three- cornertd con'est. IIK-rl I.N 'I'llli I ll l.ll. Klcliiiiiiiul I'.niHou ,t anieis Caiidldiii't- 1 or Conifrt-sH, Penis in, who is looking lor I situation iu Congress, hoping to get the place now laid by Congressman W. T. Crawford, today isniul his card ;iu uoiiih.'iug his candidacy for the honors in the Ninth. In his opening gun Mr. Pear son vows a favoring ol the protective tariiT, the rtsi iration o! silver and nu in come tax. These are on the national lines Regarding State matters he wants a repeal of tin- county govern nienl sysiem and th Paine election law. I'lieti he goes on to put hiinsell sitiarely in opposition to the hemoeratie partv id th" State and Nation, 'I his particular contribution by Mr. Poison to campaign literature is not long. in: vi u in Tin-: -i i; ki:i ii.i, A Child Drink) Tli.-r Iroin And Ilt m lilsi Hornliiu. Ilelle Piitehard, the three years old diiugliter of Mr. ami Mrs. Clint Prileh ard, who live inst east of Heaiinioiit, siifl'cred a learlul death this niorning. At breakfast Mrs. Prilcii.ird placed the lea kettle just oil the lire on the table. Bcioic the mother realized what the child was doing il had drawn into its mouth and swallowed a draught of the scalding I'lpiM. The agotii.-d mother immediately sent lor medical aid and did even thing in her power to alleviate the child's sulieiings, but all efforts proved unavailing and the child died about '.' o'clock. I lu- Nrlira.ska i;it cIIouh Omaiu, Neb., April 3 The ret urns from a large portion ot ;he principal cities in Nebraska show that the light this spring is not on party lines, bul is eonhned largely to the iiiestion ol pm hihition or high license. Towns that have been hitherto lor license have de cided to livn new policy, anil others which have been tipi dly strong lor pro hibitiou have 11 ipped lis lar the other way. t -j MIIIN 1'roperlv lluriit-d. Ana st-A, l',a., April li.-A special lunu Thomson to the livening News says. "About S o'clock this morning the Me htillie mills property was burned by n spark from an engine. I. W. Slields' store was partly destroyed. Insurance, Sl,l!00; loss, $t.00. Hie fiaif Hank Tax Washington, April (!. A paptr which Mr. Swanson of Virginia has been circu lating for n caucus of House hemncrats, to consider the repeal of the ten per cent, bank tax, has nenrlv lot) signatures, Tuesday night is the date set lor holding the caucus, llauued UicTrln ol MurdcrcrH. Nhwi'oht, Ark., April (l.-Thiee train rubbcri, J. L. Wyrick, Thus. Uratly nud Albert Mnnskir, who killed Conductor V. P. McNallv nt Oliphatit, Aik No vmil .., ..v.s iioi.uu licit LU 1 w ' SOUTH KtCOVKKLNG FAST I r.xim it u.i vt; iMit siani. j XKWS L n.cuuv i-iii iiitiai iinimmni.ii! Italtw.iv Altai,-, llrluhlei tai: lai lonioii; Into The Houtli I.uml Sale I'.Al.Tl.MoK-l: Aplil ll. Tl.e M.llilli:,, L- urer's K'.cord in its weekly review of the biisiniss situation of the Snub s;is: The total liabilities of the failures in the whole country tor ti e i'ust three nmiiths of lS'.'l were .sIo iioii.oiiii moir th.-in ha lite liisl uaiUrof ISO.'!, but in the M.ndl l'"tt i;.s;i di creasy ol S77,oi.ili, in lie.-i'.iiig ll . sandy linaneial improve ment in the S.ut'i a'li.i 1 ol the rest ol the country. Pnsidciit lt.ixter ol the Tcniicsee Coal, Iron and Railway to i - p inys.-ivs: "If the prediction !iad bee iiia-ie tune ycai.sitgo tu it pig mm eoult be made, and ;it a pr -tit, too, c..inp :ra- lively small, thougli it I.e.. -it $7 ,"u a I at r.iMiimglu r any wht re else, the prophecy would have 1,. i n i! the idle cin.iiiatiou of a ibs iidered mind .mo me i;:c iircaui ol :i lew veil rs since has laeoiiK tin- reality of today." Kailm.iil all.ti's are niucli l.righUi Sever.. I important radio, ol elite i pris-.s are getting m s.inpe lor active coi.strnc tio-i work. eiy uotice.ible intcast in n;inii,j. propcily is b-irg uronscil in tie S..uth and sever:, 1 large companies have been organized recently. The number of out side e.ipitsli its speculating ill the South continues to incicrisc, ami several exicu sivc lam! sales i'ave been made lor rais ing Iruil ;,:id grain crojis. I.IIT AriiU-;VII.I.K ;K Cur lloficl. rs l.nukliiir 1 a J,o. c.t'tt.ii notuli II J. ' iir e, H - 1 1. agent at A-i,-. ville, ll!.S i -e-e ivi , tllC hdl-U ct; ill A. t.. Craif, divi.i-.ti ii-eig!it ,; K. ..I , al Ch irlotte: "I am advi -e. ll:.,i M.. -si ,V liiiiwii, Nevc stie. P buriie I owl , .m l ai' ro-.y with ;i vice,- oi e-(,-ill,!i!:g I t : , is I'cnli'i .l...-p,clill;. I in ir 'i ii I evisli you .j.e n il i n- ;it some point in the South. would mention t his to th pr, id your place, and so. ''i si t l. lu v to!.. i llh'll .' I--. i! ion ot t he matte r up wi- h i gnu I see if t he v can not se.urc t.l,t;r l your p int. This let U r Mr. i diu. 1. .s seat I.. M ana Pa ttnn, w ii h the hope t he ii..,rm, lion may be of bench t to I he e l . Mavoi I 'al ton ut once ol.ic-.-o liiiiii-cli in couii'nii nie.ilioii with Towusend ,V. Ltiown an.: today si nt t In in t he foil iw mg h-i tei : "1 am i'.lormcd liu-otigh the ol'fieials i I the K .V P. Kaih oad e oaioany t.i.-ii oi: contemplate a change ol location ami a re considering llieaoyaniagesol ciiong S-iutli. M.inyeit :'. -its ol tlu.s place lliiuU th.-it lacidLiisespeci illy tavor il.k to your biisiuc-s can be hail hire. 1 am not siilli, it-nt ly ii.lonm d ol the- reoii-r. iikuIs of your business lorxpriss ;inv ooini ,n on this point, hut I will be vci'y il you will send an out hoi z .1 a -.nit to look into I he Mat ut, ami dm ing his stay hc-e I beg he may lie inv guest .-iii-l or'-m- ise to do all I can to a:, I him m arriving at a .-.-He- em e-'u -ion." ' 71 t ?-jiis-s:rii 1 ii'i,;'.liu' n 1 1 1- Ciiiio i; in i t;t I. eti Win at ( oio;i,.iit The program givtu li.-.t evening at the I'.iiiml b,- I.eo Wheat ami liie Ttixnlo ll'arie'te was, il possible, mi: ; i.-isse -I in t .-c i 1 1 ne". o ; ; 1 e t ; i ) 1 1 ; 1 1 1 1 1 hiiio.n. t rii, del ing in th- conipinuent.,! v concert gixeu to I! p Mi Kissicle.'-.-iuol ! Iiicnil," al the P..-P ,ti ; v Pai k parlois this iilier anon ai 1 o'eloe In coiilr.ot. to tin -mall house that gtected tbi. iuiniun las', evening, the ro-nns wrre erowiied not oi n veil h the gu-sls ol the hotel, but Willi lovers ot niusv from ihe cil. Vr ii's"ll Trovaioic" was bnlh-iaily rendered liy the :U:irie',!e, ;in.l it plave'd in answer lo an encore "Pl.t- liruisli I'.ilrol," evhicli also br.-uglil the liotisc. Ii w s a thoriu-gMy t id oeeasi n. IN" I'Hf It l'llllll, 4l A I ION II r:a us u Niort il In l.n ting Ion mul I- hir'-nee. h.vni i!.ro., . C., April ii Tl.e eon. tier's juiy h , . a-n.l, re d lis verdict, hold ing Mel.eudon In- ihe Killing , I Nor incut, Cain lor the killing of kcltnnuil and finding that Ki dinoud killed Peppir. The military court will liisl submit its leport to Coveriior Tillni in, but it is un derstood to concur as to tin- l.u tsas t In y have been publi-hcd. The coroner is now making out the coinit.'lnicnts lor the two llle'l. Colimuia, April ti.-i ioy, nun- Tiliui.-in has issued a pioelamation restoring Un civil status in 1 u lington and 1'loieiiee. Will Y. 1. I'roni K.-giier Mackey's i (lice li.-niH-lo wed has been issued as follows; J. W. lio.itwiigbl and Altaic I'm.-, ol liiiueombi ; coloicil. Anlhoiiy C.ilfrcy and Annie li.iiiu it, ol H in i ci .in 1 ii ; colored. A lliiMti-f! Nirlkf. I'll i-i.i k... Pa , Apiil C.-ll is tuiani tnously agrctd lure that the backbone ol the st tike in the t'liniiellsu'.le coke le gion is broken. No trouble is expiclid there today, Sum linn 1 be In aiisiiIii, At i is-, Tex , A ail '. -Oncciitiichloik ol busiiHss h-iuses, lumber yat ds and tin gas laclorv. were cousimieil here at mid night; loss .' 1 '0.1 nu . I'osrj-M Army tirowlug. lloMl sl'ttAo, P.i., Api il li Con v's army left hen: Ibis morning olio strong. ct thlwHa ms. hilt in, il levtt.iie-collections in Middle and Western Tennessee disttiels have fallen c I) $ 1! To t !." tl I. in the mist nine nionl Its as compared with corresponding uioniiisoi is;i; anil lo'.i.l, Senator Call succeeded in baying II W. Loinr rciceied as register of the land olhcc tdhi c at Uamesyille Phi. The Mobde ship channel hns lnvu in creiised in depth from nine lo twenty- three leet Senator Patrick W.ilsh wi seat Monday. W. L. Wilson ii improving. lake his How Would You Proiioimee rriiis f ANTICEPHALALGINE ! . t;i:: criiat iiuahaciii AMI Nl!l RAI.r.IA REMIiHY. HUES iilll'nl.1 SAFELY. I Itatlaclic in ail its various lonns. Il is a perfectly harmless medicine, contains no poisonous drug and may be given to ehildrtn and taken by iidulls with no fear ol any serious results. Atiial only is suliieient to prove its superiority, as it will recommend itself. It is put in L'oc. and oOc. bottles by the niakir, James I. lohnson of Kaleigh. N, C. As'.IHl ll.l.U ALItNTS, RAYSOR & SMITH. 31 PATTON AVF I'iiN l i.NIM'.S TILL 11 n'Cl.iiCK. ASHEVILLE TO THE FRONT wi: MAY i. Jl ST 1'iMi'i.l.l Till A 1 1 1. I. 1-lNli III-" HANDMADE SHOES A.ul will ni llu 1 ii t ft en It II Mi-ek u In I !.a lnient of slmes ol OUR OWN MAKE ! TIII- STANU AM THOl T A ItlVAh It Cuurl Siti;o-i', Ashcvllk, N. C. ST A N I) A HI) Quart Cans Tomatoes 10c. Sofia. Corn per Can 10. Bartlett Pears per Can 20. Grated Pineapple perCanlfic. String Beans per Can 10c. Evaporated Apricots per lb 16c. T. J. REVELL, U0 North XitU til Telephone US. morning, A..