Monday Evening, April 9, 1804, AT THE CENTRAL CHURCH MR. BCHOOLFIEI.D' I MF.KTINU BEGIN- RVMD4V. Tbe Firm Hervlcea By Tbe Lay Evauicellat Attended Uv Lare CoaKreiiailona An Karuet.1 Cou nt era td Worker. M. E. church, South, jjhvc cvi dence that preliminary preparation hail been made for the series ol services which bewail there yesterday. The pulpit plat form had bee a enlarged almost to the chancel rail, and the reading desk moved forward so as to leave room iu rear ol the preacher for a choir of -0 or :iu voices. Mr. Sehoollield of Iauville, Va., the lay-evangelist who will do the preaching throughout the services, arrived in Ashc villc Saturday afternoon, and is t e guest of W. VV. Barnard, on North Main street. Notwithstanding the threatening as pect of the weather, as the hour ol the service approached the church rapidly tilled, and when Mr. Sehoollield raised his hand for a preliminary prayer, the auditorium was lull, with mntiy iu the aisles and not a few in the gallery. There are none of the griiees of the or ator about Mr. Sehoollield, but in every word and gesture and tone there is a manifest earnestness and sincerity that give him the attention of his hearers. The theme of the morning discourse was "The I'flice and Work of the llolv Ghost," convincing men of sin, right eousness, and of judgment to come. Tht seruiou was prelaced with a lew rcinaks iu which Mr. Sehoollield staled that lie relied solily upon lind for the results oi his meetings. The preacher urged the necessity for suinlul relij;i"U. A lukewarm Christianity was worse than no Christianity, as conn terleit money was worse than no money at all. He said that he verily believed it would be better lor Christianity il some churches had their doors nailed up ut.d the words "dead, dead, dead'' written across the entrance than lor them to continue in their present lifeless aud spiritless condition. The evtuing service brought together a larger crowd than in the morning, and the sermon was strong, earnest and con vincing. As Mr. Schoollieldexpresscd it, the discourse was on the "How to gel there" side of the religious question. Later he said he would speak ol God's love and the beauties ol religion, but his duty required that the people should he told wliHt they must do, nud w hat thev must not do, if they would be Christians in deed and in truth. Services will be held every day this week at 1 1 a. m., and at "Ao p. in. l'astor Clueiuherg announced at the close ol the evening service that the meeting was not a Methodist meeiing, but was lor the good of the town, and that all denominations were earnestly askul to lie present at all the services. Pastors 0. F. Smith of the Methodist church and I. 11. Lainberih of the Hap tist chinch, Gre nville, X. C, wrile ms follows concerning Mr. Schooliie d's meeting in that town: "Sunday morning, March IS, Mr. J. E. Sehoollield, of Danville, Ya., began ;i series of meetings in the Metnodist church. The meetings were well at tended from the first. Mr. Sehoollield captured the people with perlect case, and held their attention for nine days and nights, perhaps as no other man ever did in this town before. His sir mons were all good, filled with liible truths and entirely tree Irom nuv honii letical and stilVtheologiealencum'iianccs, and made one feel that when God oils a man into the ministry he can and will preach, whether he has a theological training or not. The meetings icsulied in about o0 professions ol faith, aud the whole eonimiinitv of Christians being greatly revived. "Mr. Ramsey, who accompanies Mr. Schoolficld, did laithlul work in singing "le gospel and leading the choir. Tins meeting, the preacher and Ins co-worker deserve a better notice than this, but the lateness ol the hour at its close and the desire lor this to rea.'h you iu time for your next issue, causes it to be lias tily prepared. "May the blessings of God attend Hro Sehoollield in his work, and the impres sions made through his earnest, sound preaching here live forever, is the wish ol his brethren." I'l OPI lv WHO TRAVKk I'ernonnl I'olii'H About lucoiut rs and OniKoera. . 11. Cox is up from Trvon today. H. S. Swuim of Detroit is at the Asl.c ville hotel. C. W. Brown left tfdnv for a business trip to orkville, S. C. Richmond I'carson went out on the Murphy road this morning. K. M. and M. C. Malone of North Fork, Ky.,nre guests ol the Swaunanon Salisbury Herald: Miss Hattie Craw lord left this morning lor Ashevdlc to visit hpr sister, Mrs. C. L. Welch. President Meyer of the lialtimorc and Ohio railroad came up from Hot Springs today in his special car "lialtimorc." l- W. Huidekopcr, one of the K. cc. D. receivers, came to Asheville Saturday nigur. Me spent Sunday nerc, tamng in Vanderbilt's, and lelt this afternoon for Washington. KXKMPriONB Those (iroiilrd Bv The Hoard Of Aldermen Friday. At the meeting of the Board of Alder men Friday, the following persons were erauted tax exemption for the reasons named: D. C. Waddell, W. A. Illair & Co., A.J. Lyman, agent, T. D.Johnston, Pollard Sr. Hudson, Plum Levi, error; Pink Councill, Jas. W. Foster, K. I Graves, M. E. lustice, J W. Howell, Aaron Washington, disability; J. C. Ran dall, J. A. Coulter, Chan. D ivis, St. Clair Knight, living outside city; A. H. Hnird, over 50; A. M. Wilson, dead; Henry Hudson, listed twice; David Trexler, C. A. Smith, 15. L. Henry, W. M. Jarrett, J. C. Swink, E M. Cowan. T.r Howell, DufT Erwin, lire department. The new arrangement of stalls in the city market has put W.M.Hill & Co., the dressed meat and poultry dealers, in the first stand at the court Kuare en trance. The trm with its usual hustle has placed a marble topped counter in front, (or the display of cut meats and has built a mammoth refrigerator in the wall immediately in the reur of the stall for use during the heated term, and alto gether tbe busiucss has been grcatlv benefitted by the change oi location, and the neat and tasty manner in which the improvements show up. Don't use cottolene like lard. In frying be sure to have the griddle cold when tbe cottolene is put in, using but two thirds the amount you generally u.-e of . lardi Tomorrow is the last day of grace tor paying water rent. The water will be cat oil on tbe 11th unless paid for. I L Murray, Snpt. . Telephone oiders fi r strawberries will receive prompt attention. No. 135, Peck's h ait stoic. AROUND TOWN. Washington. Aniil .' I'orceust till Sp m. 2'iitsJ.n Local sh m a.-; wind. sbit'titiif to southerly; wanner. A section of the paving on Sur.h Main near F.aglc was icpaned today. Kemcniber that n gistration time is here. anil that if you wish to vote in Mav ! vim must iylmsut. W. A. Ulair h is an ad. alvut liiriiituie iu Tin; Cin;:fcN todav that iutendn t purchasers will do well to read. There was one case in Mayor I'a'.lon's court this morning, a di link and disor derly, mid the imposed line was if 10. Waterworks Superintendent Murray gives nonce to renters through Tin; Cn- izt'X thai ui.less rents ate oai.l beiore tlx tlth water will be cut off. A gcrnian will be given at the Battery Park hotel tomorrow evening bv Mana ge1' Mekissick. o cards of invitatu n will be issued, but friends o! the hotel are invited. There wdl be a . audw ieh tea at '.i." Charlotte sireit Thursday atleruoon trout " l 7 o'eh ek to w !a.!i tl:c public are cordially invited. Admittance !." cents. A drill iu i xtcudcu ouh r u ill be given at Itirgham school tomorrow uil'-ruoon at 3:30. lilauk cartridges will lie used. The public arc invited loaltcml and wi: uess the drill. Tin; Ct H I:n l;a recuvid an inula liou to tile LMili annual debate of the Cllosophic l.uciary S' eiety ol Weavei ville co.Uge, which will occur April II! at S o'clock p. in. Will. Turnir, aucti'inccT, sold to, 'ay lor J. li.O-boine, trustee, about acus ol land on the 1'ieiicli llroad livr neai the Al xander hotel, lor Sl.otiii. T. Morrison was the purchaser. 1 i you know how to play the row. I game of gill? A gull dub is to be or gauizetl at the Aslnville ciub rooms to inorrmv eveur g at . o'clock, and gen tleiueu iulcrcsieii ai e iuwuil to alien, I the meeting. The Democratic executive co'iiiuitut electvd Friday evening held a meeting in the Milliard block tins morning, I r the purpose ot oi caniatiou. Geo. V I'ilson was elected chairman and . II. Hamp ton secretary. o otlur Iii!ikh was transacted. Saturday liiu lit ume person irocisoiis poisoned tliiee valuai'le dogu In longing to John Cheesbtiroiigh, at Ins home on the Swaiinano.i. In Tin; Ci i 'I2i;x today M r. C heesboroiigli otii r s Soil lew aid lor iiilonna: ion thai will le;ni to the couvie lion of the poisoners. The game at Kcnilworlh Saturdav between the Asheville and Kcmlwort!, colored baseball teams, t r a purser: .foil, was call, d at the close ol the lit: h Hilling on account of il .i i k n-. s-a. 1 he score was Ruuliv inn, D; Asiiri sil. 11 Mr. Cra .v 1, ial ot Vale uiii pin a t lie g .inc. 'tsleid iv alteruoon lv, c N I came angry at John Kiulm and cut at hull with a knite. One ol the slashes cut Kilchcy s c bat did n..t touch his iksli. justice Frank Cartel heard the case this morning and the wo man was "seal down the lull ' in detault ol bail. The Hdisoii I 'ii' tr,gi a p!i and Tip. writer coin p.iny now occupies the space in its oilier a' II ! I'atton avuitic vatateO by II. A. I.'.udscy. The bi.'.clc with which Fiizsiuiitioiis won the champion ship ol the S .at L'harhst.,a I. is: cck can be seen m tins c . iup:.n y's i due. It is a Stearns. A union meet lag ot r,oi,nv e:'iploe. was to lie held hi iv cslerilav. and : riumhir ot railroad nun v. etc pec:ii: from charlotte, I'. iimib a ai.,1 o: In i points, hut on ,hyiiiii ot ii,,ii'iiiiv to gel a si),ci,t! car iroiu g'oi'tmbia t!ic liih gates could i:'U con e and the n ectia was not l.eld. Col. G. V. II ill's t.olro ;.J 'iws will pitch thiif t nts in Asheville Weducsdav, April 11. Iliesiio.v ground is the ti o. just oil South Main sued and on S mh side avenue, i irieilv on the i l tlu Asheville Streit Kailrotiil company. Co'. Cooj er, the Fngbsh giant, an i ijuiui. the tallest tlenhant. and her among the in inv attractions of shows. Miss Annie l.itticj .aii dial Salunlav :it the residei cc ol hi:' sister. Mis. W. W . Goldsniilh, on i 'range street, ol con sumption. Mis- l.iiihjohn re'.uiiied Irom lircenville, S. C , almut three woks ago. She was Ui; vars old. The iiuieral services occurred yislcrday at I! p. in at the residence, conducted bv lii v. le Xecly Dull'.se The ir.ti rtncii! .-as al Kivcrsidc. Dr. C 11 1 s. S. Ionian's carried ti.i ouggviiuo i-i-ivir in aiiexcilu.g r:in:i,v.iy this in r it ug. The auun.d si.u tid at the Palace stable:, on South Water street ami flew up i hat sir e:, across I'atton avenue anil ihnvu North Wao r. The buggv sir:: k the steps of Hender son's tohuc o hon..'c an 1 tore nil' sonic, and al Norm Main the runaway led aim was caught. Hm-scani! driver escaped liiiln rt, but the buggv was wrecked. W. M Clarke has given Tin; Cini-.. a circular sent out to ticket brokers cm. Cerning the 10 II aununl convention i I the Am rican Ticket llrokcis' associa tion, which meets in Washington next month. It is suggested that at this con v ntion the claimsol Asheville be ti'escd and the brokers be iuyitidlo hold their 'Do convention here. It would bring several bundled numbers and Iriends and would be a great caul lor the city. Will Asheville try fur i ? Ctipt. White G. Smith ol the Asheville Light Infant! v has rcicivcd a letter from Col. rmlicld ol the Fourth regiment regarding this year's encampment, lie s vs he will be in favor ol any location that is prelirred by the troops, and wants the grounds tnb' several mill s from town. Cant, Smith also has n let ter fiom (JiiuricrmnMer Guifral Marred, in which that oliieer savs there are sev eral places bidding lor I he eneamrmeni and he thinks a selection will soon be made. ur. a s. vwiiiakcr of niltmore savs tht farmers should not be blue over the outlook siiiec the lreezr. Ho remembers a harder cold snap, which occurred on sutidav night, April 15. lK'.i. At that time Dr. Whitaker lived in Giorgin. Everybody had the blues, but after all came out in good shape before the year's end. "That was in '40," the Doctor says, "and I am alive, well nud henrtv yet. All the dinners want to do is to work lor themselves, insU'nd of waiting lor Congress to do something for them." 78 PAPICHH FUR I lo. Wc do not know of a better family paper for the farmer of North Carolina thnu the Home and Farm, published at Louisville, Ky. It is a lu-pnge journal, comes twice a month and is loaded with practical information and interesting reading for every man, woman and child iu North Carolina. Prof. Mnsscy writes articles for the Home and I'arin of espe cial interest to North Carolinians. Give it and Tun Weekly Citkbn a trial at the ridiculously low snin of $1.10 per year 12 numbers of Tub Citizhn find 20 ol Home and Farm, about one and a half cents forench paperdelivercd to yon. Try this combination offer. ASHEVILLE WEATHER. l S. WEATllKK IU 'KRAI McU'uniiic.Mcal Station , mil WuivaU Sauitarium ii-u-iroiii;tcut KVpirt tor .!'tUs, lS'M. Mean ifinuivi t tin ,7 M .iMtiunti tciiiffrtitutv rt': l tiiimutn (tmKT.-mjv -; Acvin Kckitivc Hiunnlity Knintull in iucius oi Wind. X Wen' Inr, CU-ur. Mtiiu .ii(ruitr L'T.SJ iH'crwiiioii Aim! m i' ji. m 7V;pi-r-;nurc KvUith f lunuiiHt , Cl. liunmw u r, K:rl von Kink, Af. D THE MARKETS. New York Market. New Ydkk, April i. Cotton futuics ppf.cii hareiy stLaitv; nii, ; Ma, 7.ti; Inc. 7.7; Jn,.v 7.M. Aujiu t, 7. fill; Scptcnilur, 7'J. New Yohk. April lii-i", 17',; Lake Shu , a; CIih'hko hik! Nnrtb western, H.'is; NurtuikatMl Wisti-rn, 2r--1 Kichmoud mitl West l'4iut, tl i : Western . April i' -- lint niiifj whrat May M ity v i, p tk Mav ami la (I. 7 hlit'it rtts, Aslieville Milrkt W. CiTn-rtHj dnilv hy r:)Vr.'t.L .V S.MDKR, wfioU'sjiit hjki ri tuil i.roriMH. These pricts ar.' h in?, paitl L tht' nu rcuants to-Uav 'Vlttt! ... lilies Cti!c-ians... Turkeys.... . 1 . w :. V 1 1 ok- lOOwi 'Ji'O .. .. i'M AiipitH. (ji'icd :Uff ft Tin l'nriMik:ns,t:ut.!ii,3 TfMfi t'J;iSrKliuui at) I -ut-kn . l.Ki .o Hi't-mMix, wr Hi... I- IUU"N. tV. t :nt;liMU'V 1 1 1 "'tatucf, Insii. ' Wheat .." Tuniips.... 4-' Crn ftTi ' ti.'.iMeul "ni C'!ibiivrc, K-r lti "J Uh's tVO H'.- in", pr liu.i miy i.rH.:Kc tio V- ntilav, ton $15" C -"!; :"! tl)i) Cfh rr ioz 1&m,40 '5 vy inn .Icllii o I4iimoh lc Aul iinl -u i ill Uv Ii'Uel. 4'uro 't K Ni-ei'-.l .1 - 1 tii'iiift: t '.' H'ltir S'l.i v Mills- M.ti'Iult N.'lv A -.l-.tvM.c .'Uih t'.ii .r.tin- h .iilir l Stiti'f Vor S:i t - v iti.en llift ! I'll' il H .V C K 1 yn-.-m V u 'ft-1 J' tin I'hrrslmn uli I'V t'.'iu'is -tl Mcur- V mi-i i';t'!r !i tMiic K'nssnr , Sinitli Frc li Hiitu-r- i l-'lftninii .: .V C i i -.V la-ly till. A. U. C. U !. V.MAN. 1 dr:ut mule, Anplv, Lilwui lilicc. V i .TICK- v ill- I - ' ill will ;i iiK't'tMlir d "hf lit, tomorrow ninlis. Wi i k in :M 'Uv nL J J. Y TliS. Stc. t;i;' is v ANT I D to take onl- rs fur our X V la "niiv nmt t-jiMly ? 'iii in -i ii. j'd fiuod.s i I'l YMi-i' i H K'K'K I'W 1'S CO , li'Y i UNI) AN'li;T tlAMl- 1 1 1-' I i li'tii 'fin -n ;ivoi:i) f lo the : I :'t;ttHMl il a (It'll L ! ' !i, MP' Ti (('H-tl'(l t( i i.tiii th- rootiit (.1 the Aht vi If t-1 1) mh 'urt s:v ci, ,m Tmsd.iy cvtn the i"fi iiMt .it o-k k p. m. t-ihlL't man. .ii tint wll to the arrest I coiivvMnti .it' the ptroti who can red mv p irn s, s ii th Swaniiniiofi o;i Stur uav vei.ini; lasi , nn i ham-lv poiioii - d th-ee vMiiui-.'c i,?. ions ciii;Em won; ii. ii u Y'lllCl'l-Hy virtue uf deed in tr si i cxt.'iiU'd lo me bv Wiley ,.re on M -iri'h Is', 1 vt'f, tj -:-t ure certain no It t In-r-i t dcsi-M'-ed, dt'fulr Imvinir Pem made !ti the payment I said lu-ti'. and b-iiK or t rt ti lv the owiur ot -f.i.l note. I will stll at - Ii- e. nit hoMsi- tliMr it) hfvil e. , C , on i i'i;.,v f April, TP, for cash a l the lan.l- lie ;t i-ihed in s do tl in tru-t which is it irilc.' in h-iolt n rnirc HUi ui the l i-f. r-s oih.-e i' r Hut-c 'inbf cuuiitv to w hun ii Hiviur is h rt hv matle lor lutl description fani". Tin Marvh Mh. W.n. .i Kl.l U 'ues Ii 11. WRIGHT, THE FOUBSEiSONS HOTEL SITUATPH IN THE CUMBRIAN 0 M 0 U N TAINS NHAR Till: HISTORIC Cl'M UKKI. AND i;M', sc i:i-; or Mv.wor i hi: IIATTI.liS OV TUB WAN. I'M'i.utir hy the V. S. lieu!,, u-fll surviy. tlu- tlrycst itil ui lilt' routh. klit h.,u irom Alu-viik t'Vcr lit K iluxvilli'. i without sU(i tin- And iiiiiiiriarii in all H :iir,,iutmcntii. Tl:f i Misipi' u il r din iti iti ni' ihc nlikst .In I nv Vnrk Cit.v c. uiil pruddtv. liou.'t ishtntcif liy HHTim: lios (M'iii tiri' pliu-cs in '" r: l'K;l ly i-lmiiilty: steam elevator; ul ,hnr mil tlialylj-Mtf Miring. Sanato rium ci.nvenii-t to hotel liinini; Turkinh i ! rill, r l,uth; nil'5-:i'.;i.' ror in. KMiinal- -pi. rte. Aildrcsii ii.(laii,aiaa(;ek llAKKtii'.ATi:, TBN.N. Ailli , tiic All'lrtss ; li. mi:.ii, 1 Ciiul llluik. Tlie piinirc hrm iv equal I.) 1 lie ilird, Wh . dui'H th- lim his ereutrntaneen allow Ii e we I. net- mil 1 AntreN c,,u il ilu more, -'Shnl.cj.fiire Mo'leniti! pric:s ntul ii Inrue nssoit mcnt will cnulilc yon to set tbe best for vour money nud buy nceorditij; to j our circiimst.'uii'es. In STRAW - HATS MVSTHL'K COMI'RlliH FKO.M MBHILM TO TUB FINIiSf CRAUKS. MITCHELL Hatter & In nil slier, 28 PATTON AVENUE, W. B. WILLIAMSON & CO. .NO. 16 PATTON AVKNl'li. THE W H I T L O C K CLOTHING HOUSE, 1C South Main Street Do You Want A jlOtU) SOI. IU OAK I'OliTAIILi; WAKIiKOiil): A HAMiSOMK SlMLIiOAlili; AX KMCdAXT IHX IMl TAIlLi:; A LOTKI.Y SKT Ol' lUXLMi CUAIlls; ix iv r axi tiiixi; ix Tin: itkxiti uk i.ixi: AT IiKASOXAI'il.K UATi:s? IT SU I'AI.L ON Hl'AlMiUAKTl'KS FOR- Horse and Cow Feed, NO. 117 NtiKTII MAIN STRliliT. Telepliolie No. 07, Asheville. N. C. J. TAYLOR AMISS, (Successor to J. West End Pharmacy, TUOKorr.liLY KUOVATED AXD STOCK REFRESHED. PRESCRIP Tlox COMI'OUSDIXO A SPECIALTY. GOODS DELIVERED To ASY MAT OF THE CITY. rRICES VNQVBSTIOHBD. Trio phone .. 31. BUCKS j AND ROE SHAD j I'RIiSIl l'lMI ANU OYSTUHS j HBCIilVliU IIAW.Y. . Oysters and Clams in Shell i ; fontollice box 108, Telephone 00. J. F. MILLER, Stalli 19 and 20 City Market. 11. II. COSBY, The Jeweler, B7 PATTON AVBNUB. All work guaranteed and promptly done, Watchei, clocki and all klndi of lolid and plated illver ware. NAT1VB OEMS A SPBCIAITY. MM AXD SLBSTAXTIALS IN PULL SUPPLY AND A880RTMBNT. CAKU8, PIliS, ROLLS AND BREAD AT THE FRENCH BAKBKY. NO. SI COL- LBOB STRBBT. W. JAMBS, JR., PROP. Win. TURNER, Auctioneer. - Residence 67 Chorea Street. VIII tell real estate, norm, cowl, Ural tun or anything yon wlah to dlipotw at Charge moderate. . a-l-dtf Vea;e Sliowinj; u Large (mil Well Selected Stent ol China and Japan Mattings, Carpets, Rugs, Oil Cloths, Linoleum, Etc., Etc, I'riees Lower Than liver! Sluing Uutbing for men and boys. Tbf best in the city, at popular prices. We have 1 1 he ''Cbesteriield" and tbe I "I'iuraont" sack, cutaway I and Trince Albert in stylish i fabrics. Also the largest ; stock of bats and gents' fur j nishings in medium and fine goods equal to any large I city stores. We make cloth 'ing to order chcajcr than lever in price and guarantee J a perfect-lit. We also make shirts to order. The public is invited to price our stock. W. A. BLAIR Two ears line Timothy Ilayjust re- I eeiveil, free from tiashuud briars. We liaiulle Xo. 1 Hay. ijuality and pi ice can't be beat. Oilier goods enroBtc. We keep them moving iu and out. It pays to examine the kind of l'eed you buy as well as anything else. Respectfully, c. s. coori-K. H. WOODCOCK.) 272 Patton Avenue. XlKht Calls Promptly AuNwcrctl -THE- ASHEVILE STEAM LAUNDRY, 43 WEST COliLEUE ST., la now ready for work. We Solicit a Shure of Yonr Patronage. Mre. Carrie C. Burns, an experienced laundrcee from Pittsburg, Pa., hoi charge of the working depart- m:nti. We will endeavor to give you OOOD HONBST WORK. Our motto le: SATISFACTION TO EVERY CUSTOMER. THE OAKS HOTEL Under New Management. New Furniture. Nice, clean comfortable rooina. Table excellent, Porter Mecte all Train. Close in town. On an Electric Car Line. Beautiful Location. Hot and Cold Bath. Bvery Poulbl Convenience. THE OAKS HOTEL, A. P. LABARBE, MGR. New Dental Parlors J. E. HAWTHORNE, D. D. 8M Uaa located In AiImtUI for the practice of dentistry. Mokes a specialty of Pin Gold work, crown and bridge work and gold and rubber comblnatloa. Use.; the most Im proved method to" make all operations PAINtBSS. a . . 21? 0m MlmBaugh' Btore rattvx aveaae DON'T BEST QUALITY OF JELLICO 1ND ANTHRACITE COU UESCUEENEI). Sold at Lowest Market Price. Dealers and Agents. ASHEVILLE ICE AND COAL CO., Telephone No. 40 34 Patton Ave. HOME-MADE ASHEVILLE MILLING CO. PRODUCTS. HIGHEST GRADRS IN THE MARKET. ROLLER - KING, - ELEGTRIG - LIGHT. ETC, SPECIAL FXTRA QUALITY GRAHAM ANO CORN MEAL. Sold B.v Dealers. THE BEST FOR THE MONEY. Uaruains in llOJUl WiltfOllS JUST RECEIVED, Ten cases of dry goods, including all of the latest materials aud styles in wash dress fabrics, at uniform low prices. G. A. MEARS & SONS, Nos. 2t, 31 and 33 South Main St., Asheville -HICKORY, N. C- TIIE GEM HOTEL OF THE SOUTH. Uuilt of brick, stone aud iron. Lighted by Kil8 Q"J ck'C' i icitv. All modern iuiproveincnts. KATES. $12.00 PER WEEK AND M'WARUS. Address. Frank Loughran, Owner and Proprietor. MORE REDUCTIONS, PRICES rrU3I13L.IIVO. Staple dry goods and millinery still in abundance at your own price. Bargains now in earnest In order to wind up the business as quickly as possible, I have de cided to push out the stuff at your own prices, now is your opportunity to get good substantial goods much below value, the entire stock must go this month at some price. Parties still owing the firm will save trouble by prompt settlement, as I cannot put off enforcing collec tions any longer. J. W. T. S. MOKUISON, I t WEST COLLEGE STRUKT. r O 2 S r o m a V. c, R O ; Aocignoo. i , s

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