tup: asheville daily citizen. THE BALTIMORE CLOTHING, SHOE AND DRY GOODS CO. CAllKFUL I'.LVEl'S who tukc th- time anil trou'oli' to muko . omiamons and criticise values, qualities and styles have coiny to recognize the J leniiukaLU; fi-etlini'H.s, variety and beauty of storks. We need sr;uvely remind the public that all our goods, including ou bargain lines, as well an our r gular storks, are alike entirely new. As for priees, we stand squarely upon our record and defy competition. Remember we are offering big driv in Ladies' Muslin I'ndt iv'arni'n1s. Lace t'i:r( lias, be.iiiti'ul assortments. CALL FOR THE W. B. CORSET, EXTRA LONG WAIST DON'T FAIL TO READ OUR BARGAIN LIST- miVlTlFUL ASSOKTMTAT OF SATiCKNS. i DON'T FAIL to FX MINIv Big drives in Men's Cloth I n. lay Evening. April 13, 1894. M'ack and fancy tignring. worth L'3 cents; out price Light and faucy tigures, worth I'D centi-; our !'iee Mine and black tripes, worth 1." cents; our price I'oiige Satins in new designs, worth cts.; our price Otego Lawns, - in. wide, fast; color, in dots, stiipes and tigures, worth '22!.':oiir price Dimity Lnwns, stripes, tiures and pin dots, worth L'O ci'ii; ou- price I'olka Dot French Lawns, pink and blue; worth L'O cuts; our pr ice !5c 12 I-2C IOC 12 1-2C IOC 12 1-2C OUR STOCK OF MI LUN K tl V Grand Spring Open ing in our Clothing j Department .... Dont. fail to cu'i for I'lir L'.'n Spi'iiigTies in Tivks;;ii ' h.-ur in hand, worth "u (cuts. illl ing. i j Rig drives in Roys' Cloth jiug. i Rig drives in Children's i Clothing. Rig drives in Hats, beau- jtilul assortment i I Rig drive Gents' Shirts, beautiful assortment. j Rig drive in Gents' L'uder jwear, beautiful assortment. DOMlTICS-RLF VCIlKD AND UXRLFACIIKP. One yard wide Domestics, worth S cents; our rn price j(J Fruit of the Loom, yard wide: worth 10 cents; Q Q Ia our price Q Soft finish Rleaching for needle work, worth Qft li'2 cents; our price JJ(J Good quality Lonsdale Cambric, worth 1L,I.1 in I nn cents; our price ." (j "(J We also carry a full and complete line of Needle Art Embroidery Silks and Linens for fancy work, and a com plete linn of Fancy Notions, new Veilings, Ribbons, Chil drens' Caps and a full line of Dress Silks. AT THE BALTIMORE CLOTHING, SHOE AND DRY GOODS COMPANY, P ill olui ONLY h't:- III' ill o . AfuNHV T.i I.HNH u rcnlistiUc-cciiriiv. il Aniiiv In II -..n.illicc Inn "..I" Wlicn, il. I.viiii; sln'i-I i..i itv .tnn.l. I XTin'ICK--Tii.-l.tishi.'sni I'.C.M Intircv L Co.. w hv Fli-l . nimirri mill invitt-il to Live him a t N'll ' I ' H A '. i imrt.i'. Minnum-ili will p wii llin l lie tic.il lo il-i titrniil nvtr I" ill.' nUi 1 11. 10. I'luinls ore o nliul'v nwin.u' Mr !'. I. i-u c cull ninl settle ,4 III' lll'W Will I.t- 'int'v tor i"li'liun, , . SI. I li-1(. A sU 11 re. .Al'lliS-l mil li.ov iri in I'.'il In kin . ..I s Willi: i-t Mluri li.un..' l ine lire viuaUiiiu' liii'l tiltnl..' I.v M.-i'nii elliosUlii. All win. uinli nnti l. c- ..I mi me nt ilf-1 S'll' 1 11 M - IN STKIiliT. I 1 liil w A'ln -villi". week li- i. i: Hliil sf Hill! I r i. vi I V l.itiiil v n.rks, whiuus, en-. .11 in- It il mi- ill. - f k II yii.il tiiri.ii has li. is i'v ;i!e. " A 1. 1 -Bin- reli- PKESCRIPTIOH S !i i Giant's Phaimaoy riHI Till! I. A L i" nil kill Oi) rr ti. .Tl per ('III keli.-ll.' Wild .'..nl l I I : II; luia -iiMv, worn km v ijnii lily "'i't il l.y ilipim .mi expi ii iiu- in- tiiiril w ,IKll lit III ' I ri- lintl Ailiire-i "S No. 1 I-, Colllinli.i- I'. 1 1 urn-1 hi Co., Clerk I .I.I.I m?lTJ ACIf, 'approved," iiml !it the cIus'uik of the J'J--tVi VLJi polls at said election tlic jutl-en sli.-.ll fount the ballots contained in s:iiil boxes, I and declare the result, and certify the same to the Hoard ol Aldermen. lie it Further Onluincii, That in the event the judges ol said election shall de clare as the result ol the same that the number of ballots containing the word "Approved" exceed in number one half of I he ipmlilied voters of said citv, the bonds of this citv shall be issued in ac-eoid.iiiL-e with the above proposition. T. W. J'attdn, Mayor. I". M. Mn i.i:h, Citv Clerk. r ';.-. iw;nl .i" Aldelliicn i t '-' 1; 4 ity f V:lieil!c Tht Best Shoet for the Least Money. W. L. DOUGLAS $3 SHOE FOR 6ENTLEMEH, S5, $4 Wl.i i a. liie school commitUc ol ' he iiv ol - lii villc lias submitted to this 'ii.i.iil ol Alilcriii'-n a cniniiiiinici'lion in i !u-1. .Hi iwint; words: " !; ilc lla;:nt;:iilc thf I'.ounl i l Ahk-r S3. 1 S2 l ) i rin - Hv v i r ' 1 1 X 1 cniUTr tl im ct ihe ft'tivrr of nW it . W. t:t'i'L'n:i in a ivr tain 1cimI dt'tn 't. wit rh -vm t tt a lui 'u'fii I'm l' ru- 1 iinn ' i" 1 y i ' 1 t xo'nr- il Its "iit J W t'oil.iifui, ;tinl l y t-H iiti el (U'.'jiult in tli nw ut t I'tl-r li-. tit ntnl inter i;-t tll'TCin wcmnl when the satin- h'-rumc dtie. wt tcli ili-t il ol t - ti I wts ese ntul to h t ii W i.rll.nitl fit lite 1 V Hi 'lav nt WU fitare 1 VI . mil l rcn i:i I lie ultu-e nt KCbister "t hcU- t i'um- .wnhe e triiy. North difri. in hn.ik 'J I . i'i;'c ft si '( . I will, tin lu- I '.:' .i.i ..f m';. ti'i. nt t.u I'Mitl lione il ftr in the city ' Astuvilie, llinieoni' v rntit'tv. North Cnr-d in. wll i.t I mi the a ik" i hi. lor e ?li. to t he kit iiist hi'l diT that t r t iiu lot ol l.iml, with nil ini pnivemi nis the i-oil, itli;iie ill til' ttt v it Aheviilr. o.i t 'if i t iiiar. m I' iv:u h ltroa'1 avi-uue, luui lime at n sia"te, nu'l'i riix t'l-rn'-r i' lot o U. an. I ttms n nth h wt-tit :Ht'ii Iiri t-- a jtiake. th' ti north Hh ft I r 1 - let i, t lici n-M i li "i .'in' eat hiiiI i! T-i i i" t ln.i staUe. then south s e ist a-rj'v let I to a Hake, th ti south li' w-Ht luu) et to 'he ' emnnit'ir. tor a utoie jiartteular ilcn'ripinai ot wnich s e sil ileetl ot trust. TtiH liiill i-iiv ol Mnreh. lf!i. S. C t tiKl t. X N 1 . Hid U-tVi.lay I rustte. TuT K' K Tni. i' to notitv HI nerrtoni that M. H Killv, U. li. I-' 1 ! " t and l.iictta V. Cn'e, alt i t the ihv it A-hevil'e an. I ia'e ol orilt L'aro'ina, havi this day termed a- il ent i. .1 inte h nartm iht v ml' r the nil me ami style ot' ' K( 1' , , iliot t .v t ' in patty, (fir tin- tairtt't.-te et citiilnet ami earr'vniii on m phnnii'in; i- a' d sti-aai t:v toi huiiiivs in Hi eiiv e A-lu-ville. Nerth Ca itlitt l I he -i''t 1 H. Kel "iid I". I-. liliiott have tuiii i lUnud a we i tal purita r- the totlowiiiv: smiii w t'ie eeimiioa inek "I said Iiit-iiiu-.-.. tn-wit : Tlie -aid M II K- Il v the stun t't I' tir't cn hnadnd I uty dnllars. and 'he said tC ' lliitt tht nini t six li in- ' dred ami tW'iit . d -ilats; and il e.-aid Liuelta V. Cole has co-iiriUiu-d a- n sp c tl partner the sum oftiuht h indred On iirs to the tvi t -ital stoek ot saiil Immim h in eah. (tut ol the ni't pr itus u is' m Irion the lm im-ss ot the satil eo p'trtnersh p th said M li Is 1 11 v shall rreetve m halt, the s ti I K. II liMioit shall ive ivelotM-tentlis.an t tlfsuid Luntia V. i-ide shall reeeive one ti' th; and it is Hreed and iinilersi ond hi t ween all iho part-ni-M that the said I neetta V Co'e, as sp etal pa-tner, shall not be tiuble.at imv time i and in any event, tor more than the amount ot I'itfht hundred dollar- wliieh she tun ton trilmVtd in eali. as ahoevanl, io the i .ia ait atoek of said partacrshtn; and that the aid en-pattn' rshtp i-hall nnitinne fer tht letm e twuyeui, Thi th: '.Hh d iyot Mnuh IKH-, I, I., t. A I 1 1 li V. ;i iditttri Clerk Superior Court. NOTJCI-'Hy virtue of tlu power ii. me V sttd hy a certain deed i trust maiie nail executed "to the iiiuliTsij;ned a- tr iplet hy W. H. Mavin on he loth lav ;f liecem her, SPl, to ecu re the tadehtedncs tht rem mentioned and dtfau't ImvnK heen made in the conditions of -aid deed of trust n- tl having been requeued hv the cetui (pie trust there in named to sell the land therein co -veytd to Hiitily the terms tind condlt tins of so id deed of trust, I will, oil the l'Jth dayofMav, ; lrV.it. at 1 "J o'clock in. at tlie court house, do r in the city nl Ashf-vilie, at public atic- , ti'n, t-i the h jrh st bidder, tor ea h.mll the' foUowitiK desc ibed land, tn-wit: Heini; lot No. ot rrospct Tutk, w heh is bt uttdtd u I. Mows; lleiiinali n at the corner t I 'ttt No 0a u is nhown hy a p at of said 1'ark in the inttrin til Jctlerson lrlve, and rum tlu-nee w i'h said lrtTe north 17 1 .l.V eut I b leet to U ill's cor nrr; t hence with his line smith T'.i 117' cH llltl feet to R st'iki ; theme smith :o V'A' west 2.5 feet to the n rl Ileus t corner of lot No, tVJ; thence with the hue of said tt nonh 7i :T wst ttct to the betel aniiit Ke lerencc is hereby niadr to ai- deed ut trust us the s mc appra s of record in book 7 at tame n;t!t, etc., in the ohVc ol th ? K n inter of deeds lor Ititncundit county, for lul pariieu lnrs IM NC AN P, MtJ.NR Hi, 4 lud'it :tiay:iUra Trustee GWYN & W REAL ESTATE :i :ti. iii.i!. Ib'ii I! no ilnii mi l il : I i ll;i l- Hit I !. Ill" Il 1 .1" ...i li,ii.;"-i. I In- I.lml li FIRE INSURANCE "Half -Sick." It is not the great Mckiussi .-. ir tin" firo.it trial:! th.it 010 li.ir.lt I to ln'.if. It is the liu!ovvx.iti-!is, tlu- jvtty uu nuyaiKxs, tlic"iuarlyrJi'in i-l Uili.." -li- of a wnii , l.i lin:un.iiiU'niliair.isim"iit. Call m or nildnss C. Ashcvillc. N. C. AND BEST IN H W o 1 1 i i In- an Mr Till Imi li wil li 1,1-- :. ir.l li'i inih ;ni"l Take l!i .lai.t lli.n lun ula all trtf.. ,,.S -I III . .illlnill'i'. i -. il illni I 1,1 1,II.KT 0 PC 1 1 ' l;W7X. 13 TNI ITOAD TO WBULTH- II l1 '."I H.,-,, . .. J W III an, I III-, a I a li, his ar t'liiiiiia-. I.ai-.lin: aiilll-.-i- : I,. U.-i-i -.'a I i-r. lllllliii-r Will. V .1111 ".I. hi'ail i niiiiii at in :" I w ij; w il li I in' ii: ii"ta;i E aii'."i'-iii- w in n iiinvanl. I'r. riilrn." I li nl' a i.iiaiii' mi I lm ;.t ' i i ma n k iin-a . I 'i.i I !. in-. li;,, l,:-. ilj IllU ll'll."'. - . l,:i . t in-v i!o pri 'i "-.ii! il.iw n ; I : l;.l or mi III -a in I hi" mi of a I.I Mil I ill i,':i-,-iU" UlMliVl- nal i :i ti- ."i'i: at an -. 1 nl c' t-l', tli.-n il' 1 i-t .' anil I'm." I!.. I.i pr.-lik." Nll'I K'r' Hv VII till" "( till" 1VIT ol uu c i vcyU'il ill tli-.' liinli rsiuiu-il Iruslfe liy a I'erlain aet.l i.f Inii.t t-xicu'iil liy W. I. Sln.pc iliiil 'I'. C Stiiin. mi tin; lUlli liny ii' J.iU,, I stiu, lor tli" purpuM- i.l MiA-iiriiii; errtriin ' iiotcH llu-rciu dfHcrllit'il, v. Iili-h ilii-il nl truht "A im rt-cuiUril la the nllice ii llic hi-.ltiti'i- ul' llc-ilsfur Huni.'onilif' I'Otllttv, I'll llK- l.'lll iliiv of July, I NSIO, in lunik -Jl. 1 M-u.il ii in i.i ut fiiiKi -7 J. to "a hi. li refcr-.-nt-e In lK-ri-i..v mu.lc, hiii tl. (unit liuviiiK been nifiilr in p.-iv ' iiKnt of RHtil nnti s, the unilcrnlznnl nl tin riv-iUCHi of i lie iT-tui rur tmnt, will nrll lor v li to the Hi(jiii"t I'iilikT at tlH cmirt limine iluor In . i r v i II f fur the natim'iii'ti.ti i f miiil itutv. itiUrrst iin.l emu, oil Snliirilnv, tne lUlli iluv ' Mnv, l!"l, it' I'J o'cl.ik niiiiii, the fnllowiiiK il Hciitii-i) pricl of Inml in thu Kuittlicrn pirt of the i-ity of Aalivvllle, iK'Kin iiiiiK ut white iihW nuil Sp iiiinli unit in "irked WM on the went ina rIu ol i he mini Iviulliii; from Kev I. M. I'enni" to -licj. nliua ".obrttn" 1'itrin, itiiw owned bv the Southern Invrove ment eompHiiy Hti"1 r.iiit. ni.rtlt t.j"' t-'iit "-.-l pole nnd IBIinkNt i h iiui.e i.puoiiite the priiitf; tlK'tiee ninth am'4 went h pnlii. nuil j j linkn n. n cnrmiiiii; o Kiimuee nor tli la pnlm mill '' lliim to it ninki", theme noilh liil, will UN pol. to n nt like; theme pi.ulh , ll;il l went .HN ol. H hiiiI I M llnkn to a ntHke; thciii'C i. utli ".' o i" .'nit til P'llvti to a ntHke; thenec north hx' . m-t vtl pulin -nil live I liuki. t'i the lieKl.niln-i ."oiitiil- ln 1M n"" iniiri- or lesn. 1 hi" 1 1 th ilnv of April. 1 Kti 1.. I m ii iiuii;u l uprl lil.'luil Trtmti'c. j ilium all. ,".l lln'V f-lTl-t. a-. 1 i . Uu,. ill.., .11 liavi' us lu-li " -i". to I ii in 1 in.-l ui'li.ir.'al ain'.'-'t")--. I in-i'.' -.i-. it 1 inn '. Iii'ii niiMi'.-- a a.'i'-'. i Hllailrilli.-.l-. an. I l'.ll I'li.'tiiy mi tin' jj'i'iiiiii.l i.i. all fi-a lliaV va-. Inn- au, a-, l-uii a t !, uf tin M'l'iiii.l ii-y i-i n'll ?-.iiii' lias iiit.M'v.'IK'.l tlu' last ..-i"io,l arl'.M-ral i'isi"ii !iii-!i n mi ti.t n'i.!.i'.,"y slii.w in iii ...iiii.) i nt n:i"ii nl -i"irni"i" In liavi- liiii'n iiiurli Iiiiijvi" tliaii iK i'isli'ii.'-.' as ii liip-'.t. lint tin1 (puis li. in nl uu. v ..' 'Hi's ;u't'HVs anil iu;ii. la ys iiiialiii' Insu iiM.' I pun I lii-. point lh". Il.iliins.tn .l.u's n-.l appi-ar lo havo vi'i'y i'liaiisl i'. i' iuti n'ltia I inn, lla In mils imii swim. Ii'tl liali.i.iiis ii i v a ipiail nip.'.lal ni.vli" uf i-i".".-.' -iun. ovi'ii wlii'ii rliniliiiii:" a li "," mait'n cail ill 1 1 1 . 1 1 1 1 1 1 iti'- a la ! i i" i--. -.liil I" la' ..li in :-, in I'V. Hi ilk-. illt!lr-v I'.C. Sill- 1 IKVl'l' ii,,,,i.' M k i I li'i ii v.-r w. 11. S!n- n t ',.i . I" Ii- " i'i" a'. 1 ,ih,int lu-i- w.ak. 1 v.-t sin- snl -is k. i n! . It is imtl a i..-i -i l.iii --.i-" - ii' i tnri. livu. iiiul.-r wl.ii 'i Ii-i- i-i-liia i-. iinimir.: .Imill. :-ii." -.::nt- In-'. "I all. t l.ik." II ltv,-r I'iH v.hi.li "111 '.-- l;i l-.w.-U t" iH-.-h.ir!!." all I'i'- ."" w'.liill i' it'l -nil 111 i: li'.i.' lil'-'l. V. hi I I i, lii.w.'U tli-ir.-iirililv .'I'.ll'-.l If. Ii ' ' liuivnl tin" clu-t itMl.nil '' '"' 'a ncl ii-n il.n - -.In- HiiiI- i.'i.-li- -' I "-' i liil l-.nic nilil 1,1. ".l i'.'i .li- i I .' iisllKll the .sy..li-:tl and ilii.iu tlu -. .i- i. Yuii can j.;ctf;w'! nt" tl.e. a.- iiu".'.;. ;- -(in two si'parato liuxc;-) al onv ni,i rents, liy itslvitiK viatr ili u;'j:i t for Kaitum'sTouidLiTtr li lis . it 11(1 rcllctX. (It li.ni);lil si'pa ratcly in any other form lliey woni.l i-ost (loulile. TUty arc a sure euro lor rottstipatiou itiiil biliotisiii's-x Try this once. SOI. II IN ASIIIiVU.I.I". HV R.. T. C SMITH, Wli.il-.s.-i!.- Iin.l K.-I.'U'. W. C. I'AIJM liJII UI-. Wdl.'l III N .V i- 1 1 Hi:i.VIV.l .k; UI.-Al'.AN, KAVSilltAi i-MI i ll inurli liliii lliat of i IrtK". ir .ut f m nninitil than III." ga'X of a li.i'noa .i. A' fivil Unssi-ll Waila.'.' -ay tmil ..inii Al'i'i.'aii inoiilinys si'lilmn oi' n.'V.-i- i-im-s hlii'aiiis. t'ivi'i's lii-l iir tli.' liiain laiy l..-h'.l'l'Il llllil'.l Mli'i'Vs 111'. i,i i-laiins tiiat thi'iv is :i sli-oir.; ninpl-on Hint. Uir inoi'i' Inilliy oni-., III.' ;on'i!la att-l ill.' oi'-iir-otil,in,', v iIit ns a man, ipt- si Ion ii ml mio, nil. I i-npposi.. I.t? ,- t'Nipi'riiTu'iii. , 1,,'ipli' , ii, liii ,-.t in'.;- .I.vi.lo.l I. II IV It is a ii wliiirli t I Vt'fV I' IS I Y. Times ' .V fnniiliiir lame l.nviv 3fo You nitist ilo eveiylliiii 1" yi'i"' power to Uei'p our en;.ai.;einent a vetet t'foiii yonr parents. (Sho (Hi. I'll won tlirow tlieut oll'tliu icent! I c.vpei't lntlf il tloeit olln i'ot fci'S wllliin it wi'i'lt, anil I'll tttnept I'lielc. Fort F.oynl & Western AUUUSTA, GV, AD Ki. S VIA SPARTANLJUrG Son IIWAKll c. Kuril-: K. .V II. f. K. ?i W. I.v. Aslirville I.v. lli-nili-suiivi'le Ar, S"nr nalii.rir.... I.v. Spiii-itiiiliiit.... " I.) I." M' l.aiifi-ns ' 1 1 r.n Ar. iliTfii villi- " ,'lo p At'. I'.rei-nwiiinl " r- ',r. i tti;tist:i " .1 .'l'. Ar. Aiken '', Ky. I Aik for tickets u v.:r I Ins llu.-.t.-ltn- '.i - t s, ' v V... k'RAI.;, i;. 1 . 'U.l.,1 tlin'l 1'ns. Aftiait. 1 rnvi'.lii.v; I'nss Al Cl'STA. ('.A. Registration iolic' "."lie v.te"H i,l the lit i' of A lnvll.- wilt lake until" tli ' a in v ri-i.'Ui-iitlnn Is ri-i.il. i-i-i net t-Hsa'-v, l.i-i .i.ii'.' in tin- nili ilivisloti ol tin e.tv into l"iir wii' ill', I'V t lie hot Hi'isi..n ol Uie (li-ncrul nsi-n,i y. rMle f ll'.wtinr I'.-is-'is liavi-liven ilti'y no liolnleil Ke'ini ts Iiv Hie Cnin.ty t oniinN st.nm, ninl h ive liien Bwnrii in ty tnc, to wit : fur Hie l-'l-iit Waul S.inm. I Kuinrilv, ollie-utNo 3.1 South V.iiiii uliv.'t, Wliit-loi-U' Marl) e Hail. t'or tin' Sit. mi! W.i'il 1. I. l iiTi ull, r ntliee nt T. I. Kevell'n ntoie, :lo N Mnlil t-l . t nr I"" Third Wiii-il t.. IlDwii'i- v. olliee No. 7 VoiitloNl tivi-itite. l'or the I'oiirtii W'nnl, 1.11 lit win. olliee over l'owi-l .Si Sni.kr's utoi.'. 1'. W. I'AT l'U.N Mayor. ' Tlie miiivTi.ltie'!, co.tipo.s.ni' the i. li a .lei mi ii lit 1 e ..I the city ol Asheville, ,-. ii- i-i tully li'i. ' in,r eon siik-rat inn of tlie i i:,' Ia n I ?'.atenii i:t of the li.int'.ii,:l i. ii 'ili'.i. ' I t! e mint impoi (.-lit ilenart-aa-i.' ol I in- fit y. " i i-i ! .-.r.- ei r '!! ii in '.!'e inil.iii'selioiils i .( i in!, in a. while- th.-i-.' !:,. "it il. per- ot.. who --a- I'lititl.'tl Iiv low to the lifts .:'! i I'pitl.'lie .ilitcat'oil. t'l t !u -o who .if ti.'i pr.o.i. '.'.I I n' I'V li'ts eominittee pr.'lia'. ly !.' air iilt.'in'it'K privale ti. ."!-, whit It lea ten in to f.iee tlic ;' o i.ii.i;.' I .. i. lh. it more tlia-i 1 -01) nl i'.-iv vitvV I'll iw i it i.i.ns, npo'i whose in Hloi.'irt'C ll.; salitvol' llie lOiiinttitiity will it. H iii!, are lo lav tinproviileil with ai:v iip,oi t unit v ol i-iliieatiini. " 1 -i,s m.il.is it eviileat lliat it is the ii. it v ol the ei.tntiiitU'e to establish other 'r.iili!in;:s, those we no-.v have heiti'; lull ami er.iw.'eil lo the vi rile ol ilan.e.i'r, anil i -.i Mini.- ol iliseotnfor!. lint while recoij n i,.ii, this lints'. our coin mi: tee ate not o nlv nt terlv nunlil'.' to provi.le a.. li 'i, ,n I laiiliiiiiL'S. lint trail..-the laet that tliev I'tiiiiot even eoi.iiniie the presitil rvin.ois nexi year unless ihe tieoi!eol the i it v will alio.. I ns reliil Ironi th," Inirden i il int. i -est which we now have to pav on tlie il.-lils whk-li have Itten e.inlraelcil ehi ilv in the erivtioti ol the Severn sehool luiih lins. This iltlil mnotii'ts to i-''.i,oiM', .uul enettmh'TS jiropnly whieh at reasonal'le estimate is worlli $.1(1, oiio. This tli hi li.'dtst H p-. r eent. inter i si a nd e'liisnm s S J.dnti per a nut: in ol the .. I ;n iaia! iims iii.-nle liv t lie con ill v anil .sty. In tai t our past e:pi ri-. mr leaelies i a i lh: -e ai.iii' il .-ipprotirial ions are n il rn.m-li :o imv tlic em ft at expenses .-til ! ' in-'' in a ri -l eli.-.w. "'I'--. :;''..' : v. i' worn I in ',1.' nii-m ymi I ;,!. tti i.i '.lie ipiahli.'.l voters thej L I la- en v issiio us lain, s to i I .'rJ.l.tioii of sneh .li-nonti '. f . mi; sneh interest as von iii-n ioe of imitntions. per, sai l l.otnls ntnler no eir- onKiii'il. M.nlc only by is lo I,!.- sr.hi in.'iiiw tiieir par 1 I he t roei-eils lo lie ilevoleil I llie i lim;iiisliinei)t ol the pies , ..I I he pnlilie seli'.ols ol .she-' II . H . II est, chairman, i II, .-I. Cinder, ' f.'i-o. ,S'. I'owcll, . .'. 'jVAitso;, '),-. . . William.., I 11'. '. A'.'ii.'oii, I "Selii til Cntinnitlee." ! ,1 o.ia:e.is tlie etty is inilelitetl to i pii'stnis lor ninonnis oi inontv l ea-.iiif, i'('..1,O0(l, till of which arc t li.-ir inalnrity anil on each ol which ilii; en. n liaii-e to suit nttennci! wiin niia ii i:.,i' tise. ali ol wlneli tlelit, ns well ,ix!h. .U'.'l ui the Sclltml t'otlimii.tie, lie n inute-l at the rate of S per evnt. per ami in; anil whereas this anionttl l momy can he Inn rowetl nt n lower rate nl inii rest, thus e;iviny a consitleralilc stun n nv ri.piireil to he naiil front the current income of the Citv; 77i. ri . .i i', .! il fi-tliiineil, liy the Honrii of Ahlerim ti ol the Citv of Asheville. that a proposition lie sulmiittcil to the (puili lieil voters ol the city, that they slinll anlhoii' the issue ol the Citv'ts bonils in il minimal ions of $.111.1 each, in the ii::;ri'.aii' amoniitint,' lo $'.111,0(11), i-aiil li mils to I .ear inieresl at the rate ! ol tl percent, p- r minimi, as cviilcr.ceil by coupons all.icl'.cil lo sai.l liomls, nmtnr inn on the hrst ilayol Apt il ninl on the ' I'ltsl il.-iv of ( letol.er ol each ninl everv 1 vear ami ihe p:incii.il ol saiJ liutitls lie ' c..iniai: iln ami pavali'.eat the expir.i I lion ol iVnlv ve ils Ironi the tlate ol lll'.iir i.-siie. ii ichol sai.l liomls slinll I ihstmcllv lic.tr on in f'ec n eertilieate til I the Ticasnr.-f ot the City ol Asheville, I that he has teceiveil at icast its par lvalue, In lore il issue, anil the Intuit I arisiih' front liie s.ilc ol sai.l bowls slinll he apptoprialeil oiiclly to the payment A RARE BARGAIN Si Ms IS the Etsrifj id $3.50 Dress Shoe. Police Shoe, 3 8oles, i, $2 for Workingmen, 52 and SI.75 for Boys. LADIES AND MISSES, $3, S2.50 82, $l.7 CACTION.-If nnv ciraltvi oiTm you W. I.. DnuRlai feline at a redtieed prien, ur hn)- n niB ineiu Willi. at tli nnme staniiieil on tiifl bottom, pat hlro uowu m a rraua. err- fittiri", and cive bctlc: Try one pair and be con A Cimil home lor sale. This prooertv is h eated about 1 1 j miles enst of the center ol Ashi ville. '' miles from the court hoii.-c (by county road I and about t h:ce-L'ii;hi Itsol a inileoutsiile of corpora li n limits. This place is udmirably il tiatt'l in ;; cove ntnl contains ly acres, about half is in cul' ivation, eotisistitnr of eras;;, fruit trees, ;rapc vines, etc. Iile L;ant shntle ami an nl.unilance of pure w.-tter, there bcinft sixor a do 'ii running springs, si. iu" of litem elmKbeale. The lollowiiia buil.lins on the premises: 1 Yt" ' I' "'.'"" Vi - o i" ,l'aSe ' sl,k- "n n"',r lu" "l,e ",W,(K- They c,i afford to -.11 at a tm pror.t. wild rnniimy: water in fame, cost 5l,o()l tn.l we lieliev.. you run nave moiiey Iiv buyinB nil your footwear of the dealer adver lo .SI. SOD, in moderately nonrl repair; 1 Ued below. Cautloeuo fruo upon applieaiion. W. U DOUULAS, Urocktna, Max. d. blanton & co., asheville, eocch rector & co Marshall. rock spring houses ami livtln'ulie rani, I wafer works complete, cost S-KHI to S.ltKI. A iiicuircMpic nuil extended view j Ironi nil oartsol this place, incliidiii some of (inneibili's preinists and palatial residence, Reasons for selling W. L. DOUGLAS fihoes arc f-tvlkh, easr sahiai lioii at llie piiiei iniieriUed titan any other make. vmceil. the f-tainnm'' ct . 1.. Dotiiilas' mime and nrice on the bollotn. whicl Kiiitranlees their value, saves thousands of dollar annually (o (hose who wear them. lA'aters wno ptisii me sale ot w. i.. Douglas Miocs Rain customers, which helps tc ) to - SiASHEVILLE WOODWORKING CO. I 'rice, $11 .1(10. V. l)eVault, .l-lGdlm. Is Now Prepared to- X -Furnish all Kinds of gpl fS Fine Church, Cabinet Work and Bank Fixtures He sure to (letthc paha-am w.Mv t-i ' em oi i'i : viiii- An .uiiii Taylor Slf. Co., St. Louis. .JAPANESE CURE Ni-iv ni.,1 Citniili'li. 'rreiltiui'ill, I'miMi-tnii,' ui si i-i osri ouiiis, cuiuii'i nf oiiiiini'iit iiiul inn li.'X.'- ! (lilillni'iil . in'Vi-i'-tiiiliiiir ('nil fur I'lli i.f i-vi't-y linllili. illl.l il.-ui e.'. It milk.'- III! i. llll.tll ivilli ilie knifi. nl- lii.i'i'lliiiis(if i-iu-liiilii' iu-I.I, wlili-h .ire i.i.iuliil iin.l si'lilmii n ii'riiailii.iit .-.ii-i, hiii' nfli-n ri-iiliiiii; In .lentil, iiiiiii'1'ei.Mii-y. Why endure this lerrlblo clisenas? Wf guarantee. 6 eioxob to oure any case. i"u .uil.v imy t"i l.i'iii'IIH r.'i'i'lv.'.l. SI n km. ('. far frr, Sent Ly mull. litiiiriintt'i1-. Issui'il 1-y .mi ii(.rei.H. PfiWQTIPflTlfiN Curod. Pile! Preventbd. blind I IrM I lUlM (..Japanese Liver PoMel. tlin crent I.IVI'li i.ll.l STOMAIMI Hl-iUlU.ATtlK mi.' Ill.uol. I'l llll'in:. ifimll, lullil ami iileHsiuit l, Ink.", i.".oeiiilli' iut;l'. l.ir eUlldl'l.u't.Ui.0. lih)t.y a rents, OUAHANTELS IsmioJ onli tr RAYSOR & SMITH, 81 Pntton venue Asheville, N. C VITAL TO MANHOOD. Asheville Woodworking Co. H. Kniifl'iiiiui, Sup. Telephone, 10 1 . Brick Hiid Tile Works, Biltmore, North Carolina, HAS l'OK SAL 10 A I. A liil K S'Jdl'K OK COMMON HHH K Of A 1.1. ol the debt ol lh-.- .school Cotntnittee anil lo the imvnieiit o i',:c ileM ol this city which is above icier. cl t" and to no other mtriose whatever. He it Further (li.o'te..th.-it ut aiielec tlo n to be hi hi in 1 be sevctnl wartls ol fViscitv on Mon.lnv. the 7th day of Mnv, l.s',1 1-, the iiuln'H ol f'tid election be iush it.'leil to irciiire boxe in wl.leli pliall be ilcponteil the ballots ol such of l lie tii.tlilicil volets n ih.sire to vote on the nbovc (iropiisit ion. l'iot: eaeli ol iiuul ballota fball be ilistittcily niintetl or written either the word "ApprDVcrl" or the wor'.l "llis.-ipinoveil," ni.tl eitelt itl- li i tl voter w ho (lesm ri to expressing con sent to the above proposition slinll vole a ballot e itilaiuitiK 'be word "Ap proved," and each ipialilictl voter who ilcsitcsli) cNpiess his iniwillitiKiiew to consent to the above proposition shall vote it ballot containing llic wt,r Pll. K. I'. Wl:s "H NKBVK AND HUMS TKKAT- . MI-'.N'l', .1 s,.i'ltii'fi.r llyt.-ftli, Ii77.ill.".i, I'ltH, N'tm- i riiliiia, lli'iuliu-ll,', irvills l'l-ii.ti-ntliin eiiuseit liy 11I.-..I1.1I ur ...i.ri'n, t iiki'tulti.'ss, Meuliil PeireKsl..n, Snfiiiiiiiiriif Ihiiiti, eiiiii-iiiit liisiiuttv, misery, ileeity. .li'iilli, I'reiiiiiliiri. (II. 1 At:, Ilni-ri'iini, Il.sh nl 1 I'.mei' In I'itln'r ii't, lnii..l.'ii.'y, l...li'.n-l-llii'a nii.l nil l-'.'iniile ciiloii".t's, liivnlitiiliiry l.si.i's, Siieriiin-j l.tflllti'il i'iiil-e.1 l.y iivel'-exMi-lintl t.f lunitl, Helf .1 nl-.-. tivi'l -lll.luliii'tl.'.'. A nutlllll'w lreillllli.nl,!. I li ..r V,, l.y imill. With i'neluii-ili'1' fnril Imxes, will. 1 tf will si-nil ivi-illi'ii iniiu uiili'i.l.i r.'fun.l if 11. it .'iireil. : linn., . III. ,.ms.ii,-,1 l,y iiL.iit, w K.ST'V I.IVKK I'll. I s CHI I Sli'k ll.-lliintllll', )lllliH.lli.-i, l.tVI'l' tlilUlllllllllI, iiiii sll.iiiiiii-li, iyM,epsiii ninl Oiiimtihiitiou. Olt.UIAM'Uii) insui'd uuly liy ; T. C. Kmltli, DrusKiHt. l'lililio S'liuire. Asheville, N C j KINDS, KKl'KKSSKl) llllH'KS, AND AU- ISIZIOS OK AtiKU'l ln UAL DKA1N Til. 10 I"VJVoimhi- nut rtlioil s-. Tin. rmr.ljr I F RwSIttt' '""' i"..'-..'-' ' "-"iy '" ' f bb. WlBWlV V u.-ull,sn....s.'..lii...'iiilii.UrliiKrynr. . ,m. rr.ji.ll' l 11.1 rl'tliji lit ll'i't nr ti i.i-isiiih, 1ncrr1111.11 ur iin.i.n.,ui tnr ii'im-.to U' tki-ll llttcllilll)', Wliuri u.i.1 AS A rSEY ENTIVE I-v pltlifr ii l lm((''.il'lttomtilrwt tt" Mini'H' tl iliK'nc; l"il Hi tltoH"iol , 1 11 i" " inrHii)- i sri'Miixiin nwrw ihi "l.T-'-- ' " - Willi H.l.nti..,,ii1iliWl, wr.i.ir.uf ffl fT lM VU tno u nii. ITic Itv nuil, tKMu ivi, L ADIES DO VOU KNOW DR. FELIX LE BRUN'3 STEEL RSD PEHHYROYRL FILLS firr.tliiMiriiih.nl tiutl oii'y Fltl''.N('H,nroiiiiilrn. Iiiililui'iirn 1111 tin. 111111'ket. I'rii-n I.IK); M'Ul by iiuul. U'llillnii. wild null by T. C. Smith, DruRiglat. l'ublle ttiliure, Aslievllle, N C QcjyVllrA' not cu.A.i,xiirr,YY NO FRHR GIFTS Of ANY KIND TO ATTRACT ATTKNTION OH PHAW TRADRAT THE Acme Wine, Liquor House St White Man's Bar WtaWbnt I claim la Hint t keen llie Urgent utoi-k of rut elnns rou.Is nf any house In the Stnte. Anyone In need of pure unmtiilterated liquors will find it to their Interest to cull mid examine 111 v stock. The same hat been recommended by the leading physicians in the State for medicinal purposes. Tun, II. Ijoughriui, Proj. NO. 58 SOUTH MAIN STREET, - - ASHEVILLE, N. C. Mr motto It, "Keep the hest and charm accordingly." Mj plnee Is second to none In the State. TM.HPIIONB CALL 10(1 l'OSTOFl'ICB UOX 08M. Order From a DinUnce Solicited. Boxing Fucking Free i .... .-, j. ... nr ; V s,..;..'-f: " , - ; ' ; : -' .-:'. ... 'SO ' "')"!' '"' ';-.., ';.' " '::'i. v- i.,ivii-.:'.'.'!,in'-.-!''..K,' ilnll'wwiA. Wwl lutaatii