Citizen. levi VOLUME IX. NO 80?5. ASIIKVIL.L.E, N. C, SATURDAY EVENING, APRIL 21 lt?94. 1 stte UbrJ 11 I0 YOU JVIIvlS WILL YCU WANT THE CITY SCHOOL REPORT; THEY MIIT AND CONVERSED1 BUSINESS IMPROVEMExT;GOV. TILLMAN GIVES UP, As n ily EXTRA ORANGES km:. i:ivi:u ii.mi.v IIV LXTKIISS DIRI.CT PRnM (IRiiVli. Wm. KROGER BLOMBEFG'S SE! ECTOS. .UVul iinii,in n ... . an . mnm mm in a iu vtmm fSOLD ONLY AT the modelgigm store 17 Pa 'ton Avenue. CORTLAND BROS., ' KHAI, BSTATB Hl'OKlillS. 1NVI5STMBNT AGUNTS. KOTAKV PIUIMC i.iiiin!i ,n.u;t v l'ti.M.1 at wi ttiit, Olficcs '.'.-. St 28 Pi'tinn Ave , uVi ktxln ; SOME LOW PRICES' California Peaches 18c, Per Can. California Apricots 15c, Per can. Pure Maple Syrup $1.25 Per Gal, Cucumber Pickles 4Cc. Per Gal. Sweet Mis Pickles 75c, Per Gal. Sour Mix Pickles 60c. Per Gal. California Evaporated Peaches, Apricots W Pears 17c. Per Lb. Gr A.. Greer. Under New Msaactmtnt. New Furniture. Nice, cleso comfortable rooms. Table excellent,. Porter Meet! all Trahu. Close In town. On an Itlectrle Car Line. Beautiful Location. Hot and Cold llatfai. Btctt l'oatlble CoUTcnlcnet. THE OAKS HOTEL, A. P. LABAIiBE, MGR.' ItUli.U) THAT IS WUITI-; ni-ci it i, u; i it ' l INKS THAT S A SK'.ll f : rn:s ji t iulht THIN lll'Y 1 H' R R L U O L U F ; DAISY m WW CAY FLOUR. IT SliVF.K 1 '.II S A. i). HOOPKIi, cm ur mh aki: A' i-.. .. c SOMETHING I I i l l. i: ni; i i i; k , Is ALWAYS I IX in; MA Ml. THAT'S WHY ii"X Hons axh e n.,ci.:.. 1 1 MIXKIi CNnCiil.ATI-:. cllih.ilI.ATi: MI.XT-. CKHAM MINTS. i ui:am winyi n- M AKsli MAl.I.i tVS. Hi' Can Be Found Fresli At HESTON'S. "l I'll .M.MX TKi;i-.T M.iii Miil' i- Kiv, i-.,-l'i"lll',. All. mi, hi. SPORTING GOODS iia-i;iiai.i.s. hats. i;tc. 1 I si'An.nix.; i.i-Kc i.ii. i.l. u.i i. n A :.:.-. Ni .v su,A CW Ml l.T sl-.YS. HAMMui K- 'i K V s DELICIOUS CANDIES Tliim - i '( In .! ! . in r,ii- ..n i l'i "'""""I- """"'''w tanli.. ,,.iw,.,)!t ,.,. t 1 '.u '.:.: -jir ,u in i ill. m- I'-lli' M.ljiU -II;;, tl Mil!;. ;i JIM' lil CCIVI-I) .fu-li M in l.i'vvi-.' I.dii-.u- Ci.k1.m- V.i l Ct.K-r,t.r-. K. V SPECIAL BARGAINS Ill ,in . mi'j 11 i,.M ,ti- iiKvi. An; 1 .ift- i h iitil-iw lur ...e. vi.'l lli 111.,', A ' KW 111 N"V1,S M.'ttlt.n . .ilia 11 III-, -,,ilK; till- VlllK l.t! t" c. e.ieli. l;Ue In it j,,u en p,y i,.,i,, ,,n s,., ,1k , u, .,, y. , itA X fa X... - X. e',,art sijuiitc Muni t obi; Coi ii On e KciliOVt'H .... The Tiw Coi n CARMICHAEL'S PHARMACY. DP C. J.OLIVEROS, "Specialist. I li llll 1IU0L. lllllU ll J11IU Lliilll DISBABB9, ,I PATTON ATEMUC. (Over Kij.or RmlHi'iDnig Htore.) P.O. Bus 13, Aiberllle, N. C A Freezer This Year? -mvh-,1 t u niliinif1t..-hiu.l It v, !..)ih i" ; tuin;iiil titi'iin'..j.iliL,-i.;U ii- iiuu I j ii't- one. Sji.tOf i.iiSi.I- I'ti: Uu ; .1 ' tit n- y. n .m. : i-t i Wain- Thin, Hocial Ti'it, r.'incv (Ji-iiLuiii, ' Oalnu'iil, Albert ?iis !iil, AfltTitooii Tea, )lv. Toast, Halt Uanqticl. Orange SI ires, Plain & Mail Sodas. POWELL & SNIDER ONE PRICE STOHE E 1 A''.l AAA.' ' i,s'. ,7'(,'s, ;i V.s 'A7 .VAX . If. ) WOOD & CO. i FRESH CRACKERS. , ancc, 01; tnnitcs, i.; pupils neitlur tardv - ; nor absent, In. Roll ol honor Uebort LEAVc ALL OPDtFIS FOR : Nichols, Knthl, ec, Coliiiinii, Daisy I'ar ... rcll.Sallie olnisoii, Lizzie, Cinsei' PIANO AND ORCAN WORK ';E;,,,:1 .v ,. -AT 'mm & mm win mm No. ,",1 Pulton Avenue. .i'l'OMI'I ATITNTION, ANil Sl'l'l' PA'.-- j TION l-.UARANTi;i;il. VltANK E. MOUTOX. Heiniisn a Reaoan ! ?VB,.A1P TUB St-.LT.IXi: AliHNTa IS I-'OR CONFECTIONS 1 s ! i -. lll'e - aiHl DcllCiOUS 0ON BON3 AND CUOCOLATK CHOCOLATB PARLINB8, MIXQD CltOCOLATUB. CRUAM WINTHHURBliN,. CREAM I'EPPURMINTa, OLD FASHIONED MOLASSES CANDY, ETC. RltCKIVIill l-UOM FACTORY TWIl'li A WUIIK TrJI.JSi AUHil UVK1NU TUK l.A II' SCHOOL, HUN iTH. TblHl J.nrolliii -m ii It.t'R Is lOyO, .uud .llKilaiut 1h .r . I rlui PuplIB ou The Ko'l Of , Honor. Superintendent J. V. liggleston, jr., of the Aslievillc city school, main's I ho I ! lowing report of the S'-liools for the last mouth, together with bunnr rolls: i Oranice S rcei School. I'rincipnl, K.J. Ti;!he. 9th grade, K.J. Tiglic, 11; percent, of attendance, U7; tnrdi.s, 2; pupils neither tnnly nor absent, 4 ! Roll of honor Mnllie llcitinrd. Milton Kcncb. Nth grade, Walter Montgomery I'u- pils enrolled, 22; per cent, of atteudan.c, 1 17; inrdics, 9; pupils mithcr tardv nor ! nbsent, 11. Roll of honor Marv Hand, llllen Cobb, Allen Miller, Lelia Turin i , Mabel Randolph, Charlotte Welles. 7th grade, Miss liinghiim Pupils it. rolled, 42; per cent, ot attendance, ! (i; tardtes, 1 1; pupils neither tnrdv nor ab sent, 20. Roll of honor Frank Plii'i kctt, Audason Charles, I'rcstun Pntton, : Unto Iifzpalricl;, Addic: Porttinc, Ann'c i bv'cn, Mnv Jmc, IVnrl Jones Kir ma linker. MarvMiUuccii, Pcrtha Wilkin, g- ti' , A! rstis Charles, ii liili Randolph. l:l,ui, :e Kumlolph, Ali-.c Stephens Iwti ilia ll.-i I, 1 . i :c 'IV-.npli u-n. ti 1. ;:'ii;i", YViti t loti'j:ii!ner.v I'll pi's ''if" h '. lit; V- r .-tut Y iitU'inliinre, '.l.; aul'k:'. 1 1; piipi s lK'iUic-,' la-tly nor -i I - ti 1 , 1:1 Roli nf in. nor Krnitetli K.ii al, I'. '. L. Ilmu r., Hi:. si'.' o!inS'in, lli.'!.'(- Mll'er, M.t.-.v Nichols Lillian KevnoMii', IMn.-t Kives, (I wen Sniith, Maw W.t.I. j o' it ;: iitle, 1). ,V. I'litdgC!' I'liptls or.-! rolled, -II; p;-t ceut. : I'tU'inlanet', OS; laulii I. IMipils t.i itiiei- laid .' n-.r alt-i suit, 2s. Roll ..I h.'r.:ir- ill Jiii-lti'-. ! Herman (iinli:i'r, Suvais Keynuliis, Will Wisi, l,ite liai.'d, li..isy liianeli. Min- j nie I'lanlilin, Alai te I Inl, I'uiiiue .Moore,, es;ie Nichols Net lie IVrker, Mabel Kob- s.!i. Kitlie K illins. 1'. lt::i V-oni'v. I'.h gra 'e, Miss R'l'.iiiijnn I'npils en roll, a!, 1 1; per emt. ol atleml.-u:, e, tHi; tatiii. s, 7: latpils ''eiiiier tatily nor ah sent, 22. K, Hot iioi-oi Walter clikins ('.urge Riinilolph, R'lv While. Ha'atnr Wis'., Nal Wagner, l.'.s. Nkhol. Ralph' Millard. Wilhe Onhlsmith, Ah'.'t liol. stun it, o inti'C Mi 'Jin en, Mamie Mdi.r ! Mia I'lolhi., l.'ii'.ii' Sohartle, Lena lep!;eiii!, Clara I i:, i'loiei ee l.vtaan. gta.i. , Mit-' L.t.'vr I'uptUi a to I led. t.'i; per eettt. nl atte:i!.it ee, '.Hi; tai'ilie ,s; jutpiis t,ei' Iki' lai ;,v nor K-i;l ,i' it iii, r Susie I ,!insn.i, lalliati Wimilv, Maniie , light, tuey i''nl'aiii, Annie II yi imati. Caiiil'ie': '."..'i'!-:, ilia. V- ii " , I;. it!, a I'mii. oe K(In rts ki, oe Uiv.s. Hil aul Noitiitir, Vi'Mc Ja..W.s Joiiti W, rs'ev, I l.-si-. i'tt.'.ija'.iivl;, lier.i'u III;;!, 1'iiibp '..;:'.:, Tiviitias llarker. Ilanv l.iiaisev. 2 1 fraile, Mis l.,':n K. M. Uotnl I'ti pits enrolled, i ; kv eenl. ol a: tendane. , Pti; tat di :',,(!; pntii' tamv .t"r . aliM-nt, 2;i. Roll el iMiior-Olivrr Alli son, John (aildMiii'il', HuliLit tiiidcrer. Drahani McDowell, William r,iic, Ai ni, Id Sniilt r, S .van Stoiieiev, Roy Wag nn , Mav lH'rnaid, L olvin. Nil! Cai itiieh.icl, Matt '( l.;t i reil, Sadie l!ol tins, ),,ia Su'tle, li. i, i S'H.utiiT-, Tlora Wo; iiu ti, im Liai'v.H. 1 .' "li" gr-i-'e. .!-. ':: ii'i i'itji:! i.;,; il, oT; p.r (.. tl.. ul nl e-d tts.'e, 'J7; tar,:i.s, 12; puials i t iLiicf i;,idv :f ira!i suit, i',S. I i.l o! 1 ,11'tir .Mag'.i:1 Hie raid, K'ii e'olvin, Reliveca Ciiilimaii. Mary Carr, Jenny I'm', M tty lindgir, Minaie tint aire, Mav llutt. Mildted Hill, l.'.iln Mnoiv. U.iisy Mitchell, Maty Owntiev, Anne i'culai'.il, Miirgaiet IV". lauil. itlatlvs t ulnars, ' eltie Sties, Ne'ly W.aalv. linl-i Wright. Sallie; Zai;:er. t.;ie Ibtrftclt. l':!o3 L'totieh, Al l-'ni'iiv. .''L-'" lliilf. Civile lli'd. bran. I, li.h'ie li'ta-s. St 1'ht 'i Miller, Nov Rar.i tn. N'-Mtun Iv' 1 .a "i"' j i aiie, M i -h t'i-.-.ei' Junes I'n ; liii.i i iii'i-P'.'it, -11; pi r e-.':' . ul iitteialatic'.', '.I I .'i; I irdie-, 1 it; i n: is mil her titrilv nor, 17. U 'ii ol honor Marv il'n'.vn, M'tn'.le Hnrt'.cU, Nihie (itee'iitc. route, lltlcl Ktvs, l.-iuie 1'ver h.t'i, laid.'.' Milatvie, Matta Saiitii. C'li lie Lie. I 1st "A" grille, .M:;i i'.'lii.iin I'nnils Jcnii'lkd, Is; p.r iciii. ul' attendance, 11 1; tardus, 0; pupils neither lirily n'ir all sent, lti. Knil ol lionur I'red .Monte, Roh'.rt Itielursrin, linrv Ih liOSMC ! I'erkinso'i, Kevrndds Morris. llliic ; Wolfe, Mar;;nie Wad.worth. 710M:rl) A v; l:l!o McllOOt. I'lincipal, 11. I'. Lewis. (t til grade, V. II. l.civ:s I'npils en rolled, ,".2; percent, ol' .'itU'iitlniicc, ll,i..i; tnrilics, S'; piioil.-, nc itli.r tardy nor nlwnt, 10. koll ; hanor Malcolm ClHinii, lolin Col'.ntan, Claiencc Ciantoii, Will Ched.sler, Will :.ncs, Sailie Mc Dowell, liertha I'alk. olh grade, Mi-s lilizahah I'.ernaid l'iiiiU enrolled, lio; per cent, of attend- cnrollc t, .'III; per c-enl. of attendance, 00; inr'lirs, ii: puptts neiiner lanly nor s. Roll of honor Le (Iwnb.y, Morris l.'piusky, Vom o t'.udger, Charlie j L'liig.-, Addic I'mston, . iunie rciiiplelou. j ;!rd grade, Mis Minnie C. Johr.sin i pupils enrolled, lit); per cent, of niteiid ; ancc, 113; tut dies, 15, pupils neither : taidy nor ahs.-t.t, 17. Koil ol honor r.riinsiin linker, I'ra'ik Lockcit, Wallace Murdoch, Mary Iietwilcr, I;rankic libe, I Hexlc larvis, ilstelk: Lverly, Daisy ; Lverly, lz'.ie Kaiikin, Minna Rankin, j May Stockton, Annie Teioient, Ada ; Maker, Alice Tcmplcton. I 2nd grade, Mis3 Reynolds I'npils ei rolled, 31, per cent, ol uticiiduiuc, 'J2; ! tiirdies, (i; pupils neither tardy nor i ubsetit, 11. Roll of honor Massie Tren-' holm, Sulla Iirown, Cornelia lilsv, ; Ilhinch Owenbv, L'siellina Johnson, . Melta I'owell, lanirs Ilnghis, Clarence i lilse, I'errv Cobb, luliusWisemaii, Calvin ' ' Killian, Whit Lipiuskv, Lconurd Tren-; jhohn. ! I 1st C anil D grades, Miss u'i i i,hn ; son I'npils enrolled. I.'J; per cent, of al-1 ! tendance, 11,1; liiidies, HI; pupils neither1 I lardy nor tiliscti t , 1 -I. Roll ol honor-' I Maggie Morrow, live l'arrcll, Tom . Ilrevurd. i 1st A and Il'm ade. Miss Marv II. Mur-1 row Pupils enrolled, 02; per cent, of nt-! tendance, 88; tnrdies, 17; pupils neither1 tardy nor absent, 15, Koll of honor llennincer. Ililini McCntunll i UI....I..- i, r. i. . "'" """"Co, neriic uuyKtu, auiui liilll- I!", M Uovkin. Aun an llassett. lincclius Li'ilford, Austin McAfee. Addic Trexlcr, George Coleman, Kred Voitng. ilailey Htreel ttcuool. " Principal, Mrs. Peatherston. 3rd B and 4th jrradr, Mrs. Fcsther ston I'npils cnrollcil, 22; percent, of at tendance, 111.; tin dies, !; pupils neither tardy' nor absent, ll. Roll of honor Sadie Iimiinuet, Hester White, Katie I Stelling, Rhea l'Vntherston, oe Heddeti, i luun luonteitii, t.ccil (Iwulicy, Wallace lloulincnu, lit nest Alrxnndcr. 2nd and llrd A tjtntlc, Miss 8. Ii. Match I'npils enrolled, lit); per cent, of attend ance, U2; tardies, 11; pupils neither tardy nor absent, U. Roll of honor Lizzie Williams, Stella I'owell, Mary Continued oa fuurlh page.) r 'Tt-.'tL Vi '!. Iis- w. t's two c.vN;.iiii:et run tiv EIOI.U A COMI'AII. t i'mh ai The siecilut: ol i li- xi tleriuen Friday. W litre lu Home liuslueaa of Local Interest Was Transacted. The mayor who presides over this city and the gentleman whom the Deinoeiats want to preside next term met and con versed yesterday afternoon in the City Hall. What passed between them is not stated but they were both in good humor and probably assured each other of the renewal of their distinguished considera tion and their determination to widlop the political life out of each other next mouth. The meeting occurred at the session of the Hoard of Aldermen, He sides the mayor there were present all of t'le mcmlerB except . M. Gudgcr und business wcut oil us follows : The street committee was uot reailv let report on the matter of injury to Mr. I Ward, who some time ago fillovercorpot atiou water box. It reported, however, recommending the putting down of side walks on portions of I'ine, Chestnut ant! Ii.tiid stress. A question of a new walk on Starnes avenue was brought up l y I Mr. Oud'.-cr. Mr. Cosby with a laugh, j remarked that es-Alderman Sttirnr.4 w; s: ' opposed In having two sidewalks on i one street, but the walk was ordered, to be of crushed stone and plank, or, if the st', lie cannot he secured, to l.c ol pi. ink City Tax Collietar I'ngg recommended, ! and was heariily joined in i by the mayor, that lie be allowed to until, in i selling propertv fir tases, lite; en, ill v imposeil bv law up' ii deliiupiiat-i. His recoiiiniendalioii was e.riied out by vote of the Hoard. The liuaneial nporl shov;d $s.0.Vi.7'J ' in the treasury to the credit of the gen-' cral fund. The $o boaiilitig house tax paid by 1'. Hamilton was ordered refunded. Th;1 committee composed ol Missis Wei-tail and Cosby ricominciidid thai' the heiufits assessed against property 1 owners on Short street he collected at oiiec fi'.iui es limns as will pnv, and that he street he opened. Adopted. A letter was nad coticcrning the prop ' ositio't to hold the Slate encampment iu Asheville, saying that lloveriior Carr h...l t lie matter under ituisideialion; and ' ', "i-t' if the Hoops come it will j in. t oe ngr. c.ib'c lor tioeps from other ' Status . take pan. A i'oi her corrugated iron building, size 1 S 1 it, is ro .'o up o'u the Johnston prop el;, ol I'.illon avenue, oppiite tlic po 'i.liav. . IJ. Newlnud was grained Uu I'l'init , Tax exemption was gi intu! ii, 1.. Nieai:.. on .'ue.iiint. i-l ei'io s. W. II. Ils-yn, lor Ceo W. I'ari., wle o -ns inncli ol proprrrv in Monti. r I, olli'teit theeilv M on'. lord Dark, which is near ! lie .Mont nod avenue car line. Geo. S. I'owell said I is was a gi accltil net on the p ai i ol Mr. Daek, mid thought the oiler should he accepted. A committee of winch the Mayor i ehairmii'i and AKs-rs iliidgr and WiMall lay iiieni liers, vi,s .'oiponiii ;i to ripu'l oil tt,c tun I ' ,-r. Mi. vi.-lail tiilraliieid a reso!u;i. n I.. v. ! Hill ,V Co. mid James Woi... , ta.i.-li. : s ii. C. uiral market'. $7.") cac.i, wli'cli r.'.:e; n;s their .unlay I' r ;e!i:,;.':,'U. is, aaii In ,.i,e 'J.em the re ins il oi tl. ir .'.'..-'lis irom ', ear to year til reasonable uiUul lixel by the Aldernu'ti. Ad.ipteil ike mayor vns aulhorx.d t) at'hi tnite, alter advi.i IVotn the city altoi nc .', the n'lisiiou of damage to the Church hi reel proncrty of Rev. Jatv.. Huxion, iv reason "ol the etty taking dirt thiretrou:. This was brought up bv las S. Aihiii.s, a'toraev f r Hr. Ilux t iu. lid. II. il'.ii'i i(a( pern'ii'i.'.i t i build a ci.rruag'.cil imti ilnicii.n.' oa I'.ator av line, idomeside W. A. lilair's store. The building a ill be 7x20 feel in si. These bills wire ordered paid: St net department payroll, $li0..Si; water de partment payroll, $1 1-.S0; Mis. S. In dian, .17i: saniiarv department p.nrol!, 1 SSf, .10; II. I-. I Dill. S2 oO; Hovcc & llttr ton. $.-..-.'..; W. 11. W.siall, $711 111; Kellv Ji IvHiot, f t (I... V. N. Hatch, So (ill; W. C. Tilltplvton, :M; C, II. Sorrells, Ji !; i Aabevil f Street Railroad Co., S H ..'i.'l; j X. W. tiiidwooJ, Sid; lUtncombe Brick I and Tile Co., H2 "."; II. II ittcrh.nn, ' $ Hi. l7. The Ho aid then went into executive session upon teiucsl ol a lltlStOUUK VAIll l-OWIUt. yit ot t on Tlilx Huhlecl l. M:u:. - ;coloKiH". iioimrN. Hon. John W. Startles h.ts prepared for1 State (jcologist J. A. Holmes a very in teresting rejiort ol the water power ol Huncoribe ctiiiiitv, in so f ir as he has been able to secure the information. In a lilUr i'.ec.iinpaining the tabulate:! re port Mr. Sim nes says: "Our water power is almost ire. denia ble. There ate many streams in the county which are not mentioned iu this list because I could not gel am thing from them whatever. Then I have not given one-half ol the sites upon streams mentioned because of inability to eel' dclinite information, Here is the Swnn nanoa river. Only one site is mentiuticd, while this beautiful stream isniany miles long, retching awav up into the' llluck ; mountain. Then Heut creek, Avery's ; crick, Ilenverdam, Cane creek, New- j found, Turkey creek, Sandy Mush, etc., 1 arc not in the list at all. All of these have sites ol good power Theie, is no water power in this nation, per-j imps, superior to this here." Mr, Situ nes' report, giving the name! and character of the mill, and the horse power of each fol'ows : Hominy creek Carrier's power house, ' generating; electric power, (100 horae : power. Swaniianoa river Asheville water works pumping station, 150. Ivy creek Logan's mill, 20; Curler's mill, 20; Greenwood's mill, (i; l'pcr mill, H, till grist and saw mills. Hut i reck Sumner's mill, H; Robert son's mill, 15, grist nr.d saw mills; Rob-: crls'mill, 5; Chamlicr'stitill.rj.grist mills. Ucetiis cicek Robeson's, yrist and j saw, Jo; Kecms crcclt, woolen, 25; j Ilruuk's, grist mid saw, 5. llolllinv creek Crimllt-i V tu;l .1 saw, 25; old forge, iu years gone by for i iron, 10; (iaston's, grist 30; Cole's, ma chinery, 20; Green's, grist und saw, 8( Wnrren's, grist and saw, Ho. The French Itrnnd river nt (lliv...t f'.un miles below thecitv, iarstimnted nt the enormous power of 3,000. The whole volume of the river lulls 31 feet in three fourths of a mile. The question "To what extent Is the mill affected by low water in summer months?" is answered from "very little" to 40 "per cent." A Monument To nenalor Vauee. The Asheville Light Infantry ling started a movement for the erection ofu monument to the tneniorv of the lute Senator Vance. Ai the meet ing last eveninir, dipt. While 0. Smith, Cleut. John Wngucr and Nat. S. Rogers were appointed n committee to place before the iieoplco prnposition for raising funds for the monument, '' -iViBlul. J'i Ai'Jt' ';' ' ,'1W ' X BttiK' O.N ACtl'AI. INlllKASi: OK OHIIF.RH. ntirtue.ii Are AccepiiiK l owir , WatN-Tlie crnt a:rike-Lut- i i Ion ii ml tvoot- Failures In Tlie j ! l"a Wttk, j ' NkwYokk, April 21. R ti. Dun & . Co.'s weekly review of trade says: lis-1 I tensive storms cheeked improvement in husiuesr, oii'y for a time a d mini', rous I ' slrikcs have not yet arns'.cd it. Distii-I billion of products to consumers setms control, said last night that the diction larger, forjnorc people are earning und of llicSii:ircmecoiirt would le nerguized Iheiil'.ir.'.' more ure able to buv. Hut il i as law and that the board of control is less clear that the increase of working would close all dispensaries in 1'ic Slate lotcc contiMies, or that ordirs lor pro-'. today. duets will further and. The improve-j In anticipation of this action theilis nuul thus far realized is baaed tu actual , penscrs throughout the State weu- paid increase in orders for consumption, but j offyestcrdav. part ol this was to cover belated ill-j Iijehau:.n Imiltersaid thai it will prob mauds for the spring s-ason. A u.rsid-1 ably be necessary to call the LrgL-lalurc criible nu tiou of the industrial loree is j together to dispose of the stock of liquor still unemployed, and with wages much j on hand, valued at $a0,000. lie intends lower than a year ng... consumption is to earrv a lesi. ca-c before the Supreme not aa mige. Most of the recovery realized in laiai ncss lias uceii nmdr possilile by consent af workers to acept lower wages for tunc, and il t lie v insist ou rcstorati in ol wages hefote consumption has restored prices many works must slop. The great strike thrt ateiied by bituminous coal miners and the strike of ass iciatnl implojr-i on some railroads inrikc the fu ture less hopcltd. Out of 20 textile ami metal weiki.ig concerns which stopped during the pasl week, about a third closed heeaus- of trouble iilioul wages. Uthmvisc the number resuming work or increasing hi'ce, which was 25, would ha e I'u'it larger. i-.nnngn orders nave i.eeu t.i;,eu in iron an i sieei 10 Keep cnipioynl lot's anc tune won; now in operation, hut tins week no dc finite iucreas.' is si'cu. In a lew grades of win leu go, ids lowei prices are ipiotnl, and iu none nu at. vauee, alt lion. Ii strikes for higher 'ivagis ate not iulrfipient. The atlcinut to ciivance print ehiths has b.-vu lowed br a slight decline, and while tin cotton business has not n; iliriallv changid ilir.iensiot.s, t he lone is railier less confident. Cotton has e'iaii;,eil scarcely a traction, though r ciipis from plrintalions have b-en larger and ex ports smaller thi week than a cnr ngo, and many consider Etori' of decreased act cage entitled tia little eonlidencc. Spinners are nut tailing l,ir. ily, and the sui'.plv ol cotton is cn.'114'h lor the world's maximum production. It is expected th it $.'l,")0() Pill) in gold will go abroad toilay. "owing to Hr;lih iiivesimi:tu in t':e 1'aris loan," which is another way ol siiyiag that theie is a wilhi!r.t,val of capital from I'asc iitutry. The failures of the past veikhavc been nioiv iinpoiTanl than usual, but weie 210 iu the I'nitid; funics agiii.isl 1M" last year, and -t." in Canada .against ISO last l'or the first hall ol April liabilities reported have hccnjji I-, 108,110, of which !2,os2. "Mil were of mamilae tioiiig, and i?l,0UI,;i(i7 cf trading con cert, s. CfXiY l-.T A I. Aj!nsl TM.'I V!Iso:l Hil. Il.fitv Al W'3l.l)K'u. 1 i.ii..M'i:i.rii:.i, April 21 Atiothcr ihleg.'ttioa id the workiuiini.'ii's protec tive tariif league, t iini'iering OiHl men, left this for Washington. The men aic from the mill districts of Ken sington, Xlauayiuik and I'lcrniantowii. They were j ii: cd al Chester by 2'HI rei. reseiitativcs ol that city. Secretary Kelly, ip akiitg of the trip, said the woik- inguicn's protective tariff league has no eamuc'ioii w Imti ver w nil Coxcv'seom-'tioav.,ihr--. He said: "We simply go to Washington to endeavor to defeat ihe iiiit:iloits Wilson bill." IlAiu.KSTntt x, Mil., April 21. a night in the Imx cars and an uld ware house Coxcy's nun turned out bright and early, none the worse lor ihe.-oakiag j of the night before. ' Hikmim.iiam, Ala , April 21. At Cor ona, Walker coiiniv, tills morning olio inure nnncrs joined tho--e now oa a strike in mis otsu'ci. a minus meeting is being hil.l nl Days dap, which "will prooiuiv result in an i lie remaining miiicis in W'alk.r county joining ihe stiikers. Coi.l'Min .s n April 21. "The mining of hiluniiniiiis coal absolutely ceased al noon today," said IYcsidcnt Meliride. The number ot miners going out will probably reach $150,000. Washington, April 21 llfigadier General (Irdw.'iy, commanding; the Dis--triet National Guard has issued general order No. 5 directing annual iniisier and inspection of guard. All six battalions are called out fur duty consecutively on dates coiiiiiiiueing with the arrival of Coxcy's army May 1, extending to Wed nesday, May 10. The .100 l'liiladelphia workiiigmeii, member of the National W orkiiigmcn's Protective Tariff League, who arrived here yesterday to protest against the passage nf the Wilson tariff bill, were augmented toilay by the arrival ol (i7n moie members including a score or more of women. The convention was to m el at 10 o'clock this niornitii nail nass res nullum agiiins: me ilsou lull, but the i program was diargcd. The change con- sisieu iu me nivisioii oi tlic (Iclegntiou .no i imiiiiiiees oi liircc.cacliconiinittc to wait on a Senator with the ohject of exphimiug the purpose of the convention and eiideiivoring lo secure Irom him a promise to vote against the measure. Particular nttcntion is given to Northern Dcuiocratic Senators. A committee of twelve went this after- noun to the olliee of the seargeant-at-. nrinsiiuu sent u messenger to notilv the 1 eniivslvama S.'uators ol their pnsence. 'S. X,?0?., ' Resolutions were handed to the : irs by Chairman Walsh uud at the , suggestion ot Cameron the committee; signed their names to the petition and resolutions. 1 (lent Mcltride ol ti. Yf.ii...,,. i i. ...a ..v t.l,.ir ..IV workers association, Thev de, laic ; tl, iw.w l,i,...., ,r.i... ...."..: V:..1 Sirikj;"b;.nSororwo;k Uirie 'mom.;; lust year. j " 1 ' 1 1m MuuNti ki work. j Washington, April 21. Iu the House today after passing the bill toumind the 1 act creating the circuit courts of appeals, so as to grant appeals from judgments grunting or refusiim urclimiunrv tniiino- uuns, ine iiouse went into committee or the whole on the diplomatic consular ap propriation billl. . . Hallwav Vice-President Dead. .... ., ... .,, ,,, , .... ice-, rrcsiuciii iiurrts oi tne Northern raeifie . . . , ... Central train it, ai 10 o'Jlo today, too ill to proceed to New York, ... ,.v i,., u.inpiun in noon, Clrerl. Washinuton, April 21. The dismissal of 17 employes in the Census bureau was ordered today owing to the gradual completion untie census work. '-'f .".j"-!--1 1 tUOI.INt iu61'i;ns :s r jik ewmiu i Themis-.- satnon Keiptis Ills cliurui .t - i tie i.eulslKturK win Be Calle d Toge Iu r ro SpM Tlie I.liiuor n Hnnrt. Crl.i Man, S.C., April 21 -The Till mail iidir.inistt.uiou 1ms fiinciideied uuconditioiially on th? liquor question. Atto ney ('uncial lluehaiiau, ex o'fcio incmhtr of the State liniim' boanl of I eourt to I'cteiaiiiie whether or not ihe I recall decision nunns rigid prohibition ; or free sales. It the former, he thinks il. , probable '.he I. gislatare will provide 1 for constables to en force it. I Al an informal n'cctbig of the dispen sary slate bo. nil o! control held this morning orders were sent out closing ; all dispenDiirics in the Slate. The mc.m- il,,., ,i fills i,: lli.,f r.irlliK in,, I l.n State tires up the light and bows to the decision of the Supreme courl. Ail the S'.ate constahles were ordered tore-' port here and v.i. 1 probably hedisehaiged , H'oin service. w.nfKtv ii. ai.i.h:;i 1:. The ( ill cd MiHles iovernint .it llo- M Kieogulz i The lloe'.rlue Wasmixotox, April 21. The l'lesideut sent to theStnate lllis inorniiig a further iastallmei,'. tile matte: lance to islands. '' letttr frot,: tells uha' Hawaii : n ll.iwa illg ol iinn eoi iTspondenee, t he greatest iinpor- , wrican citizens on those e 1 ort'es i " a ide 1 tee contains a Minis' 11- Willis ill w hich he , oath ;s that eitiz ais ol ' reipiiiid to take before thev can baa im voter--. This onth hinds ihcui to ,'ille:i,iiicc to the provisional government and pledges them to oppose the rtsiMiMuon of a m marcliy. In icplv Seeret' iv liivshain nolilils notiliis Minister V'. liis that the railed States gi.vernuiii't does not recognize the doct: me ot j .cf j i t nal al leg in nee, and that tlios.- Aunaieaa litizeus now 011 the island engagt.l in I ' iwaiiun all'airs will prohiiblv 11 it have a right to demand protection oi ti.e 1 tiled Slafis. :ti;.ii i mifi i k;i hi;s Tiie Tots Thts Morning -Eisiiur lor Ibc I'-inI. Hecanse the duties of the position tuck too much of las time from his oilier work, S. II lv line ly. registrar lor the, l-'iiiil wi.rd, has rescued and Superior Court Clerk Ca'.hev has appointed W. A. James, jr., in Lis stead. Kegistrar' olliee is al the I'reneh llakerv.ol College street. " I There miv remains but one week in i which Asheville voters can register for the muuieipal election, the hooksVlosiug Saturday evening. Hp to this morning, the registration in the four wards had reach.".! a total oil. Ill I names. The registration by wards is as follows 1'irst, W. A. hums, ir.. registrar 3 15, 225 colored. Second. T. J. Kcvcll, 15 colored. Third, L. li. Oivubcy, about 1 10 colored. Fourth, J. II. lirwin, registrar 2'.l5, ; registrar 330, registrar 3 1 1, 1 do colored. Democrats, see to it that you register . cliurcl) KfrTlei.'H 'I'liiuorrow. There will he baptism and reception of : ""mlwra atCeiitial M. I', church, Sunlit, ' at both mon.ii.g and evening service to litomiw. I Vs or Chicilzberg will preach nt both sen lies. j Al Riverside M. li. church, South, Rev. ' I. N. Roberls will preach in the morning and Kev. W. Ilyrd ia the evening. Rev. J. L. White, pastor of the first i Ii.-.ptisi church, will preach tomorrow ! morning "; low to Keep the Ten Com ! niamlineiits.' U s o'eloek, 'The Ten! Commandii. :".s itillilleiljM the one great ; coinmandiuiin-Love." This closes the series on t ealoguc. The public cor-1 diallv inv.ii Rev. Hi i:t ;, A. Unitarian i .. m 1 Wcstull, pastor of the ! ', will preach at Milliard Hall, ,fo Si -nt li Main street, tomorrow al 11 n. in. S i aet: "Ihe Little Church I Around t:n l oilier." Acordial wi iconic i to all. ; l'resiii,i U liir.iuiili 2"av W.'.sni:. . ion, April 21. In theSui .tc; today al I o'eloek the tariff bill was' taken up. and Dnlph continued his1 speech, b it. He' s yesterday in otinosition to n viel led, however, to permit 1 i may to i result the memorial nurced lo by the working men of Pliiladebihia. in' convention in Washington, against inv cl,agc it ii . la, ill laws, and Oua'y read ! and pres. uted it i i,r t liurleHtoii "Asms, . r. Aptd 21. In the Senate today Puller, South Carolina, gave an amendment to the siindrv civi, bi .,p ,)uri $,5- U(m for llc I.".!.-'-"- l'"rc"..Sigi siteat Charles' i.nii'.iinl, :, ' - --- "JCST IX S0RTJI CAKOUXA ... . :: , v II.M.ll, 1, W IVIIi'lllllir t.,,,1.. Requisitions lmvl' been sent to Virginia for all of the '':lrty tt( Lc lunnd iM Mrs. render, widow of General W. i D. Pender, writes that she will be iu I Ruloigh May 10th. The life nu I services I of her distinguished husband will he the 'TY. ""''I" t""t b.v w'' ter A. Montgomery, eso. I Thomas Huiley, a v. hitc man of New i Light township, whose throat, wai cut iu bis own house by Wyatt Perry, has I died of his injuries. Perry is at large. j -Ten of the foarteenpplicatits lori license nB phfrmacistefff-STd uge gieu licenses is unusuuuy large, -The trustee, of the Aericuittttni ami 1 ' wniVVO 7t lilt fllEI IVUlfcUIUI 41 IIU ' '"Z'Z? i i shops, and the conversion of the present ones into Dormitories. ' . lv. Vinton, fornictly colonel of the Klevcnth Wisconsin regiment, died iu the poor-house near Raleigh recently. The sneech of liisfiec MiicRne of Ihe SOI TH Al Supreme Court on Senator Vance, is to; r . u be printed. UAf?. SEE ! I'fl'nv is im (ii,.tl ,.t.,. ri-oninnci.f tli. lai-osl wliol.--s.iiV f'i-,v '.io ! li(,iH...; ; (, I'liif; ii Stuti's. h! .'in: Tkiit. I V,;;ii'iii!i'n', Vi:i.i.i;i; A; Co Prow I way, N V. April P'tii, .lis'M. lA'.s.sw. U.-iy.sor A- Smith. 'II t'iltlon A eiuir. -i.-7''i-;('. a-, r licit Kiis: I'll ; 1 si' shij US 111 OUff l,y llo.l'll Hovul ' "V" 'ss two ('Miiipliorlini: Yours nvjiiTtliilly, Trirt. n wi.'.t Co .M-ii iil'iictiircd only li Raysor& Smith, H I'attoii Avciiuf. ( tpcu cvciiintill 1 1 o'i-!(jrk. ASHEVILLE to i m: i ko.nt. MAW; Jl'.sT e'l.'Ml'l.hTiil. A l'l'l.l. I.l Mi ill- HANDMADE SHOES And u 111 in tfio iutiiif cm rv in pluck a nssi-rui,' ,ii t.f 'Jims "f OUR OWN fAKE! Ti.i-.v ST.; mi WTTilO UT A RIVAL 1 w ' D Court Stiuare, Asheville, N. C. ST AND A 111) Quart Cans Tomatoes 10c. Sugar Corn per Can 10. Bartlett Pears per Can 2b. Grated Pineapple per Can 15c. String Beans per Can 10c. Evaporated Apricots per lb 16c, T. J. REVELL, 80 North Main SI. Telephone. 1U -- TJ.O T TRPHW1Y Ci?. I ItCiU WW rt I s 65 SOUTH MAIN STREET. Successor To Bearden, Eankln 4 Co, ";'""sl a Kellelal line, mill AT I'RICKS THAT DI'.I'V dt'MrisTITltiN. llesl Kenlueky clover nml gl.iss seeds, "lilllekil," the best known Fetll llel lol iuhneeo lltlil AI.I, CROPS. PRICKS LOW. Will he plenscil lo linve my fllcinlit enll iim.Im' me. CAN SAVli Tllli.M MONMY. J. TKEDWAY.

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