THE ASHEV1LLE DAILY CITIZEN. Saturday Evening, April 21, 1894. A COLOR-BLIND DIPLOMAT. ' Rut Hl Illusion Did Nut Kitrnd to th Young Latly'l Mother. Society of the hlplily Inler sort is lunching in its voluminous slot'vo at an utlwut lire which Ivfcll a handsome nuhlcuiun attached to ont of tho for eilfn locations. The ronu? man, it ap pears, is not avcrso to admiring femi niiH' K-aiity. ami it I miH that when lie visits the theater he takes n scat In the front row uml fixes his eyes on tho fair portion of the amlienee, says the Washington Tost. It is only natural that n mta with mh-Ii splciuliilly soulful eyes anil lux uriant mustache as the haron's sliouM inspire recipnx-al esteem in many of the weaker sex, anil isacquuinteil with I'Uiny tlunisols to whom lie has never received a formal introduction. Th other day he espied an ev.vo 1 intfly pretty hrunette whom he immedi ately wanted to meet the worst way in the world. When she discovered his ndmirinjf (rlnnces she drooped her li ls In that ciwiuettish way which hc-pho a similar desire on hc-r part. The attache Is up to such demure lit tle idiosyncrasies nnd in less time than it taWcstotell it lio was chatting witiiher. Her niental hriylitness was even more pronounced than her per sonal attractiveness, mid he was smit ten. She refused his invitation to lunch. 'oi. however, and would not even let ii'mi walk home with her, hut s;ie -aid he miht call and meet her mother, mid in case the latter was fa vonililv imprc 'scd itli him he could continue his visits. This was a new type of 1 lit- American pirl to thediplo luiit, so he rapl urotisly applauded her eminent sense and straight I'or- ;:rdiiCNS. and made an cneaeuient, in pur-nance of her remarks, for Hi" rery net nijflit. He was so anxious to make a i;ood appearance that he primped for h:iU an liour before the lce-ation pier jrlass and mined a dozen neckties lie fore lio tied tn of tl:e jir.iper terra eolta sliadc. 'I itcn he sailietl f r 1 1 i n con-i;lli"-t Lent . Me .vnched Ids i,-tt.'-.i i'.aaoi-.ila's tv-i'li-ii'v and a in-ii-lit mitkutu liov au-s'-ei'eii ihc tn li. Iii answer to ids in- v IT Miss s.i-and-So was at home. yoMie.-lir re)iliril that 'vister" i i the parlor. The peeiiliarity of remark diiln'l seem to Mrike the foi'eijrner. who lia.l I.e. n 1riinsl up so many times hv Amei'hen it-ii in s and i.c enl. reii. His ideal and a p"i i ly ;,.;. ,w , t.:n:in uere in the npnrdni nl. "M -i.Kiiln r. Mr. " tics1;:!! the 1,-iri. hut the cc.ilcr I'.ad lied.. i a tlii THE BALTIMORE CLOTHING, SHOE AND DRY GOODS CO. THE MOST PROSPEROUS AHD GREATEST ENTERPRISING FIRM OF THE STSTE Who havo &aved influy Thousands of dollars to their customers annually, will gladly uunoume that they are better prepared in showing a full sell etion in every depart meid wow at thelowt'rt piiirsevu' known to the trnde. Owing to the enormous increase in our business, we have engaged buyers in all principal northt-rn markets and are always on hand with the ready cash to tfk the advantage of bargains which we offer to our trade. As we have goods arriving daily we are going to h;ive a new feature in our busi ness, and that, is SPECIAL DAYS, and we can assure yon the biggest bargains ever offered in the City of Ashevillo. SPECIAL SALES TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY I li lSni'K'nins in all Departments MEN'S CLOTHING FOKONK WEEK. DECIXNINU MONDAY. M'lVL Fifty men's long sacks in the newest spring de- to"! Qft signs, good value for $12 "0, fur one week, p I iwU Fifty suits in blue ami black llanneis, cheviots, ft Qft serges. IWg bargain at $12 00. This week QiuU The latest agony. 100 long sacks finest all wool j Qft cheviots, tweeds, cashmeres; big valifl7 HO, no v IfiUU One hundred Flay wor-tvl in sacks and frocks, Q Qft worth $15.00, for this w ok otdy UldU Our regular 00 suitsiiicutawaysan-l l'riuce Qr ftft Alberts for this week only Z0UU KUREKA. SHIRTS. vYe carry a full and complete line of the EUREKA SniRTS in plain and fancy figures uud. stripeB Tho best fitting shirt in the country. Every one guaranteed. A special sale in black cus tom made suit s in the latest, styles, consisting of Prince Alberts, long frocks, sacks Warranted imported goods. Big value at $25.00. For this week only $14 75. if ' HI W 3M .i i 41 BIG BARGAINS lu Muslins, Lawns, Dimity Lawns, India Lawns, Serpeu tiae Crapes, Dotted Swisses, Fancy Lawns, Satincs of all kinds, stripes, dots, fancy figured and Fonge Satins. Something new in Wash (ioods. New Spring Dress Goods. New Ginghams Big bargains in Laces, Braids, Embroideries, Insertions in all shades. New Silks and New Dress Trimmings REMEMBER OUR SPECIAL SALE DAYS! CO N Fl R M AT I O N SU ITS FOR BOYS AND CHILDREN I BLFE AND BLACK. 3.90 All wool goods in blue and black coiilinnation suits, good value at $0 00, this wak Three hundred suits from 5 to 11 in ail rhndes .ft Qft single and double breasted, wort h$:j 50 (o $5 .')() at ZiuU One hundred Je'-sey sailor suits, trimiueil in g(, ,j cinri ii. i i. i.oT-ii-iiln oi i' oo I. iuu iujh' nifuu, r-i'1J 14 v ' yjyJ i ' in r-K One thousand pair of boys' knee pawls worth 50c. ftp and up, going this week at Jj A cut of ."., per cent, on men's pantaloons lur t his week. Aniee cap given away this week with each boy's suit. AT THE BALTIMORE CLOTHING, SHOE AND DRY GOODS COMPANY, IO J.TSSTy IS PATTON -A. VEINTTJH:. ASHEVILLE. Th lllrth of a JiijiiicMf, rune v. There Is great joy in the court o( Japan over tl. birth of a j oung princo. He is, it is truo, only u so-ealli'J "half blcod," that is, he is mil the son of the etnprewt, hut of Sono Yoslimo, one cf the secondary wives of the mikado, who has already presented her lire lord with the l'rineesses l'.une and Kane. Should the crown prim e die. uud no other be born, the youti "half blood" could Hieeecd to the thronejand that Is the causa of the joy in l'ir palaci of the emperor. l'hatclHnu In (rmnti. tiermany, whose population is 1. 1 M.OOO.OOO.'hatl 8t,il pliy.-i.'inn'. in . -.-t. gainst 80,500 in lMi-:: that is. ( in crease of 1. Ml. That r.u.'.;"H almut ' : ; doctors for every io.r-iii inl.4ilti::n.; . but tiiey are not equally d'vitii'i: throufrhout the empire, f'.r in soi.ic le gions there ore not even luouocinp. for every 10,000 inlialiitaiit-. Idle in other districts there are thirty of them for the same number of population. Germany possesses also Pi5 deutlsU snd 4,'.iS! drucgists. AN ORDINANCE Ol'Thu Uunrd Of Alclcriiicn Of The City r AKlievlltc Adopted Murcti 16. in n'as, the school inuimuui- n! ihc cit v of Ashcvillf liai subniiitrd to tliis Hoard ol ' AMcrin'ii 'i coininuiiuuli n in the fi'llmvh'i; words : "To the Hoiinruhie the Humtl 01 AiiUr . men : "Tlic und':r.-if,urd, corr pos'ii;: the school conuniilic of the city ol Asiiiviili', rcfiprcttully ask ourconsidi r ition n the lollowinK lira I sfitciiunt of tiic linanciid condition of the most important depart ment ot tlic city. "Thcrenre inrollid in the pulilicfchools'JU chiliiicn, while there aicU.'iOli per sons who are entitled hy law to the hen tlit f public tilucation. Ol those who are not provided for bv tliis committee probably 40(1 arc uttendia' ptivaic -chools, which leaves us Ui face t!ie alaiminu tact that more tl'.T! 1,'jno it this eilv's future litizvns. upon i- -tellipcnec the solely of tla; eommunili' will depend, arc todav unpruvided with any opportunity of education. " makes it cvidi i t t' il is the duty of t lit- commitlce lo cl.ihlt.i!i utlicr buihliues. those wc now have bciiiK lull and crowded to the vcie of danger, and certainly ol discomfort. Hut while rceoa niziry tb'n dutv, vour committee me n-it ou!v utterW to provide addi tional hiiildiii'.is. but realize the lacL that thev canaut even continae the present schools next year unless the neopicof the city will allord us relief Iront tlu- burden o! intercut whicii wc now have lo pav 011 the debts which have been contracted diivlly in the crretion ol the Severn I school baildius. This debt amounts to si2fi,()0Ti, ami cneiinibi m iropcrty which at rcasoiiiinle estimate is wortn .a), t;(l(). This ilt lit bears S p:r cent, inter tst nndci'iis'iiik's $J.(lO(ipcraunutn ol the nrpropriati'ins niaile by the county and city. In tat I our past exp- teathes us that llasc arnu 'I apprniniations 11 re not enough to pav the current expenses and thi-: interest ehnryc. "Tlarcloie we I ure up.inou tosuhait to the (u.ililied votirs the propus d that the city imue its boiu's to the amount of .'-L'o.eiHI ot such denomi nation and luarim; nm-ii iiitetcst as volt deem proper, said bonds lit: !er nocir eitmstaacis In be ei.ld below tlicir par value and the proceeds to be d ..-voted solily t-i the exlimruislmii'iil ol th" pres ent debt ol the public sch-'o's of Abbe ville. H'. II'. tl'c-f, cluiirmau. . .-I. Cmlncr, f.Yo. ,s'. 'our, . 'i'i-Ait'-oii, 'lir.J. . Willinm:., IV. ''. A'amfi!.'!, "iVhi'ol C'otnmiH ce." Al:d tvlit-lCiiS tl; tny is ilidel.t ll to sundry jiersous for aiuoiuits ol m-mtv .lan eatiiiy; J?iio li'"-o. all of v.hi' haic oast their nvitunty nil I 011 each f tvliicli lite City is li.ib'e to suit attended with much exiiti nllol which debt, as wtll .-is the debt of the School Co ntr.ittee. bears imeics'. at tin: rate ol S pi r c.-t: 1 , per ana- in; and whereas this amount ol money can be borrowed at a lower rate of inti li st, thus savini; a considerable sum now nitiiied to lie naid from the entreat income of the C'itv; Tlu rtltire, he it onluiiial, by the Hoard of Aldermen of the Citv of Ashcvillc.llmt a proposition be submitted to the ipiali litd voters of the citv, that they shall authorize the ireue ol the City's bonds in denominations of $o00 cull, ill the aarttiate ntnouiititn; to $;il),(l00, said bonds to bear interest at the rate ol dp rcent. pi r annum, as evidenced by cii!,ifi'o. attached to said bonds, matur ii'H on the lir-t day of April mid 011 the first tiav of October of each nod every year and the principal of said bonds be eomiiii; due and pavablent the expira tion 01 thirty years from the date ol 1 heir issue, li ich of said bonds shall distinctly hear on its face a eertilicate of the Treasurer of tin-City of Asheville, that lie has recriced at lean its par value, bclore its issue, and the Minds rrisin;? from the sale of said lunula shnll , be appropriated -.trictly to the p-iynu-nt 1 i.f the itebt or lilt: School Comui'.i oe and 10 t ie unvn-cnt of the debt ot this citv : which i- above rt-leried to ar-.d lo i.o other t.uriiose wliafcver. i t'c it Further Ortht 'wctl, t h it at auelcc i lion to lie la-Id in sevcr-il v. rii'ds ot 1 this citv on Monday, the 7th bn' of : Mav. 1 Slit-, the judges ol said elceti"li be i ,strti2icil to prepare bnxc in which ohall Ik' di posited the ballots ot such of t'ue qu-ihiied voters us desire to vote tin the above proposition. Upon each of ; said ballots shall be distinctly printed or ' written either t lie word "Approved" or I the word 'Tiisapiaovcd," ai d each qual- lietl voter who desires to expressing con sent to the above proposition shall vote a ballot containing the word "Ap proved," and each qualified voter who desires to express his unwillingness to consent to the above proposition shall vote a ballot containing the word "Ms approved,',' ami nt the closiiuj of the polls at said election the juilecs shall count the ballots contained ins lid boxes, and deflate the result, mid certify 1 lie same to the Hoard ol Aldermen. lie il further I'rilnineil, That in the event the jiulcis of s lid election shall de clare as the result ol the same that the number of ballots outainine. the word "Approved" exceed in number one-half of the (uabli'.d voids of said citv, the bonds of this city shall be issued tn ac cord mice with "the above proposition T. W. I'atton, Mayor. I-'. V. Vn i.t-u. Citv Chrk. fl BfFORE "-ArTER' NEW ! Or E. C. Wests Nerve and Brain Ttentmem r J'HoIil uii'U'P!)o.itivorittcn yurtMintPP, liy author ! I't'tl airciiid nnly, tf euro NVnk Sltmorv; T,o..s m ! Ifinin aiul Xcrvft rower; I.twt-VnilunHi;i1'aii,lint I Nit-ht liivH'H; Kvil iJi-.-niti-;; lurk of orvnuMIP; Ln-Mtuiie; iul Pi iiu; Losanf lvr.vvi i.f tho Ot'iienillvH in eifli r w-x, vnw ott bv I fiver-fmrlloii; YoutUful Krrors, r hxco-nivo I'sc nt 1 T'lbm-wi, Miinio .r J.iMUor. wltit-h num tt Tiller I'm! Hi"iti,ti. ltisntntj -Hiid Dfj.lll. iv nii'.U, I tl n 1mi; 11 i.n if;,; wi((t viiMtS!R-i;'rnteH Ut t-itr or refund money. U ST'S t Ol't! H SYiMT. A'Tti-'n mm for CoiiitIh. .Vns A-!bna, UroiirUlti-', Onmn, V.hi"iilii.f 0irn, Soro 'Jhnvit. l'lwisaut itk". J hi inil hlzo (li-volltiniH'il; nl.l. flze, nowiV.; ob! 1 tl uow tAly. OUAiiAM KK8 issuud only lv I'ub'i: Sijuarc Asl cvi If, N C AND BEST IN w O 0 ffiAcVitiHtiioAD re WUttH! p &4 PHtrintDoiitiir W tPA IS IrArLOB mam r'ocK"! 1 p rsTtn? i its em: 1 . Thli rcmHy .1 .;. 10 iii,' t,n rir 1 1 Hionitu-Uriiuiy(ir. i, r.'.'i'"r i.K cltiitje i d."t or i sot nu, iticrr-iirial ( r juiisnnuua int l u-a ta Ukon Interuillj. Wh-,n d 0 a A3 A PRSYEKTiVS l;i eiliii-r i' N imin'sihlptic.nlrr.ft ui'iy .iHitt-. l ,!...-.mj. 1 1,1 in Urn cif : m . tli.wc r.lrf.fc.iy lruii.w. Aiflkifp LADIES 10 !UK-'W I ! Thf BrM Shwi 110 : Rt for Hie Ltast Money, vf gSM SB K XSt 'GUGLAS O "' " FOR GENTLEMEN, S5,' S34 and $3.50 Dress Shoo. fed. r0 Polic Shoo, 3 Soles, S2.50, S2 for Workingmen, ar.a ti.i.o for Eoys. AND MISSES. 2.50 S2.$l.7 otTcr jim w. I,, imiii-lai lior? in a r.'ilii.d prlro. '.i- M)i lie hsHlliom will,. .-flSx name tmiii'il r'Ve.i tho buttunt, put him uunu Ritt fraud. III, I 1 I I . - Ml sT- Ml 1MI.I, mm W. ,1.. DCUCLAS f!'oes ate ty!ih, t.v v ftttisi?. and give belli', snlisl.iction ;it the pin i-i ai'vcrtised liini any other malie. 'l'rv one pair and he con viuccd. The stai.ioino ni W. I.. Doulns' name and pike on (he bottom, whiii guarantees their value, saves lltnuamls of dollar anniiallv to thtc who wear them, IX-nli'tswIiopush ihc s.dc of V. 1.. Douglas 8hoc4 );r.ia cuktowers, which helps Ic increase the sales on their fall line of Roods. Th.-y mn afion! to r.rll M n tern pr!tt '"'I " . "'!vn -v"" r-'" ''V liuyln? nil .vour f.uitwi-nr of III.. ,1. nlrr iiivcl "i.I,.,,w -amliru free upoo npiillcattou. w. 1.. D-.JLcLAS. BioLktou. Mar.ii. TEL P FEK8Y10Y5L PILLS : j: (TBilTofilOsHSiunijccH rector & cc, Marshall IXLIX LE DaUN'3 Hcwarc ( f im.tfi 'ins Tlr st-rc to get the o r k i ? i u) . Madf 'inly by ;.rtlir?iri(?lmi nntl on'y FiM'NCH, wiPoaD'l ro I'r.l'lot'iiro on th niurkof, iJrico$.'A; mitt by Uiuil. (i.'iiujiio wild out; by AsheviilL-, N C I THE WEEKLY CITIZEN SI PER YEAR. The Greatest Display of New Spring Styles -I3ST- DRE 3r Rivr nn. AND MILLIW Tp TQ EVER SHOWN IN ASHEVILLE, AT 9 AL.L THE LiEAlll DESIGNS AND SHADES IN" WOOL AND WASH F AT PRICES THAT WILL ASTONISH THE CLOSEST 1SUERS. Ailvcrtiscnicnts arc ol very little consequence unless the advertiser speaks the truth, and is in shape to carry out every promise made. We write this notice because we arc in position to more than carrv out every promise and to present to the people of this city and section some -joods and prices that would be hard to find elsewhere. It takes patience and money in an abundance to present just what the people want and at prices to suit their purses. Wc have in buying our large stock for this yenr spared neither, and the result is, we are olfering the most complete line ever shown ; and being in market' at the ri-ht time, when ;oods were at their lowest, our prices arc simply below that which you expect to pay for such goods. " SOME SPECIAL PRICES FOR YOU TO CONSIDER: loo Embroidery Dress Pat terns, worth $3.50, at 50 Patterns, very line, worth $6.00, at 40-inch all wool New jJDress Goods, "no old goods," former price 75c, at $1.95 3.75 50 46-inch all wool Hlack Serge, worth $1.00, at 46-inch very line Black Serge, all wool, $1.20, now - 38-inch all wool Serges and Hen riettas, always sold at 75c. and 80c, now 75 88 50 4-4 Lonsdale Cambric, fornler price ujc, now - 5000 yards Fruit of Loom Do mestic, 4-4, always sold at 5000 yards Lonsdale Domestic, 4-4, I2c now - 81-3 9 Very line Lonsdale Cambric, worth 15c, now 3000 yards 9-4 and 10-4 Sheeting, former prices, 215c, 27c., 30c. and 33c, now 18, 20,'22i and 25 Our Brocaded Satines and Clipped Dotted Swiss arc beautiful in design and color and can only be found in our store. We carry a full line India Dimi ties, Pongees, French Satines, India and Satin Mulls, Batiste Challies, Dotted Lawns, Dotted Swiss I wCno Lace Lawns, Lace, Striped Ginghams, Dou ble Faced Chambras, Linen and Cotton Ducks, Marseilles, P. K.'s, Irish, Scotch and India Lawns, Set Main! l'ercals and Shirtinjjr Percals. lit; 'Wc are selling at a s.tcrilice Smyrna Rugs, Chenille Table Covers, Lace and Irish Point Curtains. It will pay intending buyers to examine these ... 1 goous. MILLINERY r tti firt V-m mJ., Wc intend to prove that Stylish and Elegantly Trimmed Hats in the very latest designs can and will be spld at a living price. Our " jttx f T"T"n"PIT7 new line is complete, and if you find an old" hat in our entire department, you can take it without charge. Mourning goods a ll I I I I V H W V specialty. A visit to our store will convince you that we do not believe Truth Telling is one of the lost arts. ItXAXJJlJJ-11 -1J JLXi A , . v ' . ,v --v ..;.,vv..r ..i ,:'i':':'T ; SUMNER So COMPANY! AslieYille, XsT. C.