V THE AS11EVILLK DAILY CITlZirA. Saturday livculmj, Apiil 21, 1KL 1 THE CITY SCHOOL REPORT (L)iiC''"'' tint page.) AROUND TOWN. TUB FOUR WARDS. ASIIEVILLE WEATHER. Washington. Airil L'l forecast tit! s ;i. hi., Sunday : Fair; re.-n wcstcrlv iWrn.s' warmer Smut .v. Tlie ltsli ' li ii. I will tivc a conceit :il ihe Until llirkilcv this wivin:.;. Dr. l T. Mill ii .! is :.!.! to lie cut :.f. tcr thtec .k' .-i;c with urip. I'.u't. K L. I'r.ii.n'. i nt i'l i' c K. v. It.V cr.yivci i s, i l!;i-;' i ti 1 I him ' i lil; b;tiiv Ih-v. ,!:i)cl I'iiiv's ci'iMciin.tu at 'he C.r.ind clif-es wiili tito i '-iirriLintc ui "Om Nell" I i i i ivi-.u j: M.inliers of Aslk-vilic'!. Cu'lc iluluti i ivcd a rim up llic S.v iniur.ioa :ts tar as the Chci's'.iiiri'iiali pi. ice yist-ul ty. lttincnitic Cnni'iiud comt convenes Monday. There .ire u'voit 7(1 c.ii-s doclittcd, ami nenr 25 j.iil c isi s. tor trud. The Abbeville liusc'mll club will lu-ld its meeting this tvniini: in the Iloul llctkili-y at S oYlaek aiul nunilicrs an. iuiK'sl'.J tu attend. livaivnellst Scliooll'iil.i's sucr Mill tc vival nt t'liili.il iliuvclt cli -d with tLi' day service vis tenl.iy. It was a pruisi mectii-c; ami thf i-ditkx- w as crowded. Mr. ami Mrs. Se!i:uilli. l.l left visurd;i lor their huine in l'.i:i!:lc, Va. Yiiuiit! men of the Ninth ilis'.tiet are temimleilol the ci'ttipcliliv examination to he held hire on the luth ami 1 lib nl May fur the inirpot-e ol c!eeti::! a naval cadet at Atin.iio'is Tilt ix-utmiinc. board will he cuniivs il ol' l'r. llillianl, Llia: A. Webb iin.l K Madison. An invit.-tth-n h ivi.l by t.n j Ashevillc l.iijht Inlantry to paitieipaie in the natioiril tm'ani-niei!t to lie held in artiinb.ir, S. C, Inly -1'-', undei Che auspki'S ol the llam;n'on ilinr.ls ami the citv ol Sjiart.inliui'ri. It may be that the A. I.. I. will a 'tend, I'llhoiijji it has not been decided upon vet. Till. 1 1. in. i.ti, I Ivnl .-i 1 nr -1 . l 1 . 1 1 I'L and a uooil time at the imctintt in I he West l.nd niaikit l.it-l evening. The speakeis o' the oee.iriiii were J 'dins C. Martin, the lieinoer itie unminfc for Mayor I Ashevilie, l."cl,e Craig, ctij., audi). M. I .til In r. si., and tluii speccln s v;i"e lull of good I1 in "cratic tali.. Tlii.-1 e':ing at o'clock in the court iiiilis.', tlie local i.tinp.'iin, wl i h i.'aii s iuterist every d.i . the tif.-i Mmi'lai in Mav approa. lus, w ill i e i e sn! j.ei nt dieussinii. Him. I in. II. Meriiinun ami otheis are u adouss tie inntiiii; and tie euiit luiii-e ui'Lht to bi' trtHMlctl. (. 1,-1 litiii hva putiii Ml V ). S,lt. il I: llic Metn.t!it;iii V-u l ) aa! I.-..-Hi i., with Cwl is in I i'tiy .mm lu n- at A S. lliiluril .is puhitlent with ;iiiliiMiii In pl;n. 1 -nuT, lie h;t- stvuiiii -t, U.-uki-i, Ci.!. las. M. U v i,,ul mi.l hni-v L"l:;.s. A errs ui Lin- mlvis rv i .1. !i nun as J, I! , V. Oit in Mo, i- as i !li W. l:. U n dulph has a letter Iroin Col. II. V. YA rer.n, KiniwilU1, general passeir yvr anet't ot tlte l;asi Teiniesyee, Vir ginia a'ld deoi'Lia ralr ail.taiim; that he is rieetvii'o it tpiirii atioul A'slieNiile, and wouU t p!eakn:e in dtrilitniti literature leeanluu this sejion. In ae- eoulanee wiili hisrniiKst the Ashevillc I pamphlet will la's.'i.t hiai. ."..uoo string. At L'T Ilavwninl street, tliceottae in rear ol'the Villa, 11. Saralian h;:s hr sale s mie rare Aiiuiiean snarls, Trnki.-jli tliina. ami oth r npi illy lnauMlt;! orien tal noveltks. Anion; tlie-e is a Jtanil workeil tear; id t;reat ai tsi ie value and ai'taptiiv, t'lrnurly ned nl Armenian christenings and w ii thv 'd soteiitl ii" tiee. Mr. Saiali.in will he phased to show lhe.e -;'(iii to a'l iuLcriud in f nch lu k. Mrs. S A. li Cailcr hit - Sold her rrop erty I'll the lii averdam toad tu tivorye ; V. Cttlv rtt u( Indian:!, atnl tl e t'aniilv ol ' the i ttri l-.ater liave niovi il to their few lii'tne. Tli' iu--'Krt v inclii lis lite tt-i tif'ic iitid L''' ju'ii-'i til l itt'l, .'iit-l tl-.r ptiee l"ti 1 was $7.IM i. M''. Carter lia ri ittov d lo Asli-ville nnd i.- Initio einp-ii-; tiiv on I'.l i!-c sluet. S'h- 1) s init.-liasi d laii-1 ia V...t Ashevdle ne.ir tin- Ilnii. e.aiow and V. i!lln;iul ih.'icoti. In-ti .if ions li;ie 1 een teu-i i d Kv Cil v l'a-s ni-er ml ' i.Uet Aaeiit Mai pity to s.ll tii-kit IV. in Aslitviltc 'o Miniphis, reint., .-Hid relti.ti, i-ii aeii ti'it i t' tlte j--iiiT.-il eiitdi'i-' t.v id" th'.- '.1. li. el.tirdi, South I' r SIT, t'te liet its to 1 i ah- April .'10 to Mnv -', tooil uMiiiiitig until Inne 1. A'so, lor th.; ConluUrati' V-.-ter-;itin' l-i'iiiii'-n, ll'iTiiingh itn, Al.t , tor .St 1 0o lound triji, tiel.' ts on pale April '.'I! 1M-, liiiiil 1 j it.: s hum dale nl fide. A storage li:itlei ia 11. A. I.indsey's stoiv on l'ailoa iiveiine eatight r,re Inst iii.ulit. .: he stnol.e was nntici il ami in--tic .men entered the building by a rear v.-inihnv, hut the el.-ui ie wires ill." i til the hnllerv lonkul ton dangerous nnd a wnleh --vas kept iu order that I lie blaze n ight not spread. Mr l.ied-ey li id been rent lor ill the ineanlinu and when he t une it tool; hut little liiae to cut ntVlhe itirrem.- The or.lv damage was In the liitlerv. "Tin suhi.-eUor consideration nt the I'll-'.Mi an church prayer meeting next YcdniS'1av evenVig." s.ivs a eorrespoml i ut of Tut: Cirii-:N,"is'Vli,il is the most pnimim 'it trait of character of the Lord Jesus Cartel ?' U must he e'enr to every tliii.liiuu iiiiml that ihe best Christian is the one that is most like csu9. It is Imped that this question will bring out a lull consideration of the biniiliea of the Savior's character, human ami divine. All are cordially invited to come ami 1'iirttcipate. PKIH'I.K WHO I KVI-:t.. ler.mnl I'ofii'H About lucoincrH anil Omuiiiirit. Cieo. M. Watson is nt the Asl.cville lioul it, on Miniphis, leiiu. Mr. and Mis. Jo'Ciih H i. by ol llrook lyu are guests ol ihe SiViiunanoa. Mrs. Kope lili.is ol l-'rnnlilin is iu the citv visiting lur i aunt, Mrs. Alth.a l'cn lanil, on r.-id.ind street. Mrs. C. C. ll.iuiels uuil eliild oi I'rank t i ii pass'tl through Ashevillc vestcrdtiy to join Mr. llauiels in Oklahoma. Mrs, l'lorenc Thomas, Mrs. Tannic (iilham and J. 1 C. llird eomposcd a thealcr parly that came up Ir.nn Marion yesterday alt' ruoon to see the Maliel I'aige company at the Oiittul. They rt- turned home todnv. Will Wed. 1'- .... II ,. .1- I- i rniii ivi-gisier .Miicsey s oiiiee ij .111: e to wed has been issued lis follows: k. S. Miller nnd S. L, llartlctt, ol Bun combt; white. llc I'roui CnlUornln. Chicago, AprilL'l U'icl'rcsidcnt Har rison arrived in Chicauo this morning and started lor Indianapolis. There is over 15,000,000 lyinj; idle in the San I'riincisco coinmercinl hunks money for which the banks can li ml no use. Here is w hat i'cier Coopeii who lived to be over 00 vc.vrs old and died worth I1IJ11IV IllillillllS. R.-lill of n lliu-j.on,nr. 1 all towns where ii ncwsmicr is published 011 hnnded in b 10 o'cloc'' . ip. every man should advertise in it, if nolli I f, . " ; inK more than a card statins his name L """''', 1 eucllc. Corn and Muicnt and the business he is in. It not only ?rnPc'- p f caie or per dozen, at W. A. pavs the ADVERTISER, but it let's i Lnt,mcr "-18 North Court Square, the people at a distance know that thel See our snrino .!.. i.. .. i . town iu which vou reside is a nrosoerou. J.Wt$".n "? latr, CB,A ,owe,t community of business men. -Asthesir '"'WlP(tffi?Zt is sown so tHf hU. '.muiuvukv. ciever pull down your sign while you expect to do business, Shrewsbury. Mayonnaise Salad Uress infr. Crone & Ulaekwell's I'uniKon Vinegar. Crosse & Ulaekwell's Anchovy Sauce. Win, Kroner. Ilannnas, linnnnns cheat i at Allen's l'ruit and Ci'Ktir Store, ;IU I'aUott ave, Smoke Red Letter cigars all Ilitvuna and very sweet. Orestes . Kich, Waller jennrs. varrol Creasnmn. 1st C ami I'cr.iuc, .miss Mary Kim- I ,-lv I'lll' ls moiled, 40- iter cent 7V: utteiiil inee. -'i tardies. 8: Duuih I nt . .iih.r tanlv i or absent. 9. Roll ol l..li.,.!l. I'-Vnn Whitehead honut mii-' 1 "V8' "ra Hampton, l-ollete street eastward nnd soutlienst liie l:iuaniul. Ivthcl Ownhev, Jessie ward to a point whercsaidCo!lcc.c9trrct Yoiii'K, K lh i':,lord, Thomas L'ony j cros es the mountain ithe nap between .c. , rv " he places of '. M. llnzzanl nnd John 1 st A it'' ale. Miss Drummond I'upils ltrown; thence a due east course to iiiroli.il. :T. "-r cent, of attendance, 03; ' the citv line; thence with the said city t.-nlies. - pai ils neither tardy nor ab-hnc westward to the beRinring, The sent, 11- K"" honor Lola Creas- registrar lor this ward is W. A. Janus, man. I: lit It "P. Maysotta Duck-1 wi.iili. K' hel ll.niipton, kush Lee, Cm- lis ivnhev. i' tor Iiinnnuel, Willie' Mom v. C'h iiineev Uwnbey, Herbert l'cn-1 1 ..... 1 I , L . Steilai, Howiird Wliiii. K,i-it V,,,,,',;. i.piiii. ..i.-iBiii.. a ainoilt will ackaol. 1; .. Saiilh. pinicipal. . . 1 - . .... .. ., i ,. .11. j .,o . , 1 MnUh-ri.l'il'ctHol ed, elSiptr cent, ot aitcndnrcc, '.iJ. tardies, 17; pupils neither 1 tanlv i.or absent. Roll of honor -uu- his Morris, Maiinee Fowler, lister Kow-; ler. VY ai. lliouks. Annie Lou lirwin, Ella l;: in. . ;id and K'a A si.itlc. MissY. L. Bur-1 rill 1'upil cnroiim, JO; per ciut i l ot iciuianee, TU; taiilus, 8ti; pupils neither tardv m'r abs -nt, Roll ol liinloi lius Mar'ii'i, I'maiis r.rimis. J 1 A ami H ci. Miss Suniard l'u tiils enro'l. d. '.''.: ner cent, of attendance, So; tardus, ol. pupils neither tardy nor l s.nl, 1-. K M of honor Ueuljh Hi-own, Mar lienson, Siillic llordeis. Fannie Ledhelter, Lena luster, Annie I'li Hinis'iii, lam .i carter, Daisy Petty l-.lilie Uliisiih, Vi -,i ie Havis, Willie Wal lace. Is' Ham! C prides, Miss llednes l'ujii:s eniDllid, 1": per cent, ot attend ance, SI; tardies. li; pupils neither tanl nor absent , 1- N !! of honor, Hanv l-owler, t si A U y r ties, Miss D'K'lly ; .I'l'l'il in cllvil i:t. 1HT cent of uttiuil- ana-, i '.; tan'U' fK.r ahstiit, ; pupils ncitlicrtfirdy 1 ot lionor KoIkii Wallaif. lt A irt adi, Mi' Jackson l'upila en ro'Ial, Ki, pu cu.t. ol attendance, (Hi; tarJiis, i;7; pu, neither tardy vr ab yeiit. l !l'f 1 uii r Geo;ia Wilson. fMimiuarr. Niitr.b: r ol mw pupils, white, S; tv ! oreH, 1; total ear illiticat, l.lV.Mi. Nuir. her ol white pupiis thnt Have leli school oa aeeounl ol sivknt s, IL'; to wtirk, S; lelt town, Ut; (li.H-iiisseJ for iuil HVient attenilanec, a; nn a ittin t abitle by laws 1 death. 1; unkiown, (. ol ei'Uoe'l pupils tli.' t have lelt v, . , Milliner I a. . eonal ol sieki)- ss, i to nik. li ... ' loivti, I; tiakmmn, o. "Mattv ol tluie," eiuanients Superiii rendent I'ylislont "who have hit Im s:.tkiu; i Aliieh idun means sickness in the tamilv ) w ill return. The splemlid at tLtaianee is nolic.'al.lc and is exceedingly L'lata-.ny, speaknm well lor teachers, pupils and parents. With such attend ance as this, nnd w hich has been prac liealiy titipiieateil in me uiree muuiiisii pu'vi'ius the sellout are bound t.) i!o tx-, a Unit work. The bist luU'iulancc is : m.-.ilftliisini.iittiby the filth grade nt , lilt .'I il iiimi zviiuui, iiuiivi 1 rui, Iv. V. l'iiiil''ii-, the fivcnmc bemu OS. This is rlos.lv I'nllii vvcil hv the '.Uli, Sth illlil isitllllllli, crailCH, lit tne Slum- liuililniK, with 07, mill this by lour uther "ri.ilis with '1(5 Th. lowest att nrl.mie , 1 , !,,.". a"' , ..c nl any rmle Hi the liuililniK 18 04-, while uiilv our pintle in the white schools lall-t liehnv Oil. ThetuuilnveniRC for while s.'luiols is little short ol 05. At Mont-, foul tin. (Hli grade, miller l'rot. Lewis, 1 1 1 s in attend. luii.. at Ilmlev street schoiil the 1st A grade, under Miss lirunmioml; and at Cntliulic Hill the grades iiiidir 1'rnt. Smith. The best per enit. ol t.'irdine.s was made by Miss lrmitiiioMd'8 grade. AT HIE GPWIJ. "The I. 'tlie Kg . pti .n," a musical io:n c ly written lor M.ilu-I I'uigc, was on the b 'iir.'s at the I'lrnud opern liouuc last c.-i'iiin,- and the inr.li.ticc that witnesfed it was the lamest ol llic week. Versatile Hi lie Mabel I'ai haJ the leading part as ' l!rght-vcs." an I was, as in every part e'.ie has tilled l-.tiv, charming, pretty and 'altogellier p'e -Mil.,'. She has bi cotnc a favorite w ith Ashcville audiences li. II. O'Connei s "S t Arthur Burleigh" was done w ith thai ease and failhluliicss that chnraetcriAS all las work. Ol the suppoi ting company I7. 0. Morehouse was cartas "Vi ilip I 'allou," Leonard lir.ene us "Paginal-, " Sam C. Miller as "Mr. Hogus," . C. Kiilnseh us "William A." Mane llarci.urt its "Alice," Para Paige as "Mrs, Ibigtis and Anna Pom erov as "Lioii.i Iialtoti." The special tics dining the willing came in lor a deal nl applause. The last matinee hv this good popular price company was given this nlternoo.i, "Little Mis Mischief being presented. The concluding ieloriuniicc of the en gagement will recur this evening, the bill being "Utir Nell." VSCLE EI'HR AIM'S l'EkTlM:T I'ROVERHS. t lit' vou 'fuse I' viitf de Dem'cratic ticket dm vousc a bub.ih; el' 1 'luse, din dal's Kelahui. El ebery smalit young iniill whnt gits on de road tu olilus nm n trinlin' wliut wud votiseealln ole tillali whose bin I htintin' ohius alius i Nusi -papali notciiertv nm a swict nio'sel to sum jes' 'bout 'leckahun time. lit yu cut oil n niggnli eberv time he ; ma ks a e.-ksplunashiiti Ii .w iu d: uame : oh commin sence nm vou gwine lu fil him tu tell de trulc irliout hit ? lil'itvvvbti'ly wliut sniipolitsdc ulrali : liem'crntie ticknt inn a nhl'us leknh. den deis gwinc lu be a pmvlul swahm ub ohtiis jckahs 'bout de 7 ub nex' niont'. Hit's a will knone lack dnt a llnnliy mountain Hem'cral am pow'ful hnlid til beat iley's swil' riinnnh?. He Kepiiblikni konvcusliun meets hcah 1 May dc HI tu riidohse I'cnhson. Hits n i little loo late tu enilohse dc Kcfulim tkketden. . 7H PAPI-JtmuR IO. Wc do not ltimw of a better family lintier lor tile fatnicr nl ,,rlh rnrnliim than the Home and farm, published at j Louisville, Ky. It is n lti-pngc journal, comes twice a mouth nnd is loaded with practical inlormation mid interesting reading lor every nmii, woman and child I I,, ..S..1 ( ..Hnll.... II. , W I. in .North Carolina. Prol. Massev writes 1 ar-.icli-s for the Home and Farm of espe cial interest to North Carolinians. Give it and Tnii Wkkki.y Citukn a trial at the ridiculously low sum of $1.10 per ycnr-52 iiuniliers of Tin: Citizen and 2(1 ol Home and Farm, about one and a hull cents lorench pit per delivered to you. Try this combination oiler. Stylish hats, solt, at tlT and utraw. I. irgest stock in the citv. Whiti.ock Ci.oriii.w IIoisi:, Hj South Main street. To Adveruacra. lire insure dinner rr ..A fUlinlllg on rOlflllnrronlriif .m .mint 3it f-N lou always una a coroniecne 0 . . . .a colors in tne Home ana rami pit, at 33 North Maiu. KitipatrRk & : V'-j-i Canned Teaches, Corn and M,RW Ornnes, per case or per dozen, at Vt a, Latimer's, No. 16 North Court Squa., Netifchatel, I'hlladeliiliiaCrcam, Swiss, Koiuefurt and Club Iloute cheese. Win, Kroner. . Ask (or Red Letter Cinn. Ward 1. Itecinning at the center ol South Main street where the same crosses the southern liue of the ei:v, ami runs thence with the center of said street northward to the centerofColli;e street it intersection acith Vorth Miiin stnet; thence with the center ol said jr.. wnosc ollice is at ti;e frer.cu liakeiy, 5 College street. i .- Wanl All that portion of the city i Si of Ashevillc lying and situate on the enst j ide of North Main street and which is not embraced within the boundaries of ;i .t 1 1 -1 1 ward number 1, as above described. ' 1 lolin L. Carroll, jr., is the Second's res-1 iulrnp .tl, ,fl...n in T 1 1J....ll a.n.u 30 North Main. uVir.a. KcKinniui; at a point on the puhlic fiuare, opposite the renter line ol Pattou avenue, ami runs with the ecutct line ot said l'utton avenue to Haywood street and Woodcock's drm; ' ston; thence with said center of 11a v wood street wcstwaid to Snrinir street, nnd with the center line ol said Spring street northwestwardly to its second intersec tion with Haywood street; thence with the center line of said llavwood street in tee city hue at the French II road liver; thence with said city line north- waul and eastward to the point where snid city line crosses the center of N rlh Main street; thence with the center line ol said North Main stint southward to the bcKinninj;. The Third ward regis trar is L. li, Uwubcy, nllicc nl T Mont ford avenue. Wind t. All that portion of the citv of Ashevillc situate and lying on the west ride ol Sjoulli Main street and not embraced within the boundaries ol waul number il as above described. J. II. Iirwin is looking after t lie books of the Fourth, over l'owcll & Saider's store,! sceoml Door. 'I Kl'STI-.l- S I..M S.I.l-:-oTK'l-: --lty vii tin if llic Hiwcr ol Sile- vested in tin iiinU r , sjiu-d by a eertaiti ilti il ut InM ext-euted to him ; us tru-U-e hv Wiley J. Zaehary and his wilt- in, i, mid reniitered on i;ine.s tt wii. n' ImniW 1 : of thf HtHjlc ol Moilnayis and Oeids of Trn-I in the unite of llic ReMl-i of Pet d lot linn eimle eotility. Slate ol North Carolina, default having Ir-ui' made in Hit pavnienl ol tin-re- niaiiuler o! Hie tlt'l't seemed 1y i ioition of tin i pn-niiM-s in siid dei-d of lin-i fully th oril'i d, I the uinleriyned. as trustee, will sell tit juiMie ' oiitery, to tlie liij;)U 't hidtler lor ea-li. at the ! lrtnt door of tlie etuirt Iuhim' of AslH-ville. iu seiiU'ountv and sliile, at !. o cloek ikmh on llic i mt il iv ni' M:iv iVii tile I'liHi.witii ilcset ilu-it yivvv or iKirecl of land or Imm lot. too ther wuii me uire name uweiniiK on sjone, wnn n , said lot is situate iu the northern pari of said : - - ne me in imuoirua s aniiuioii n saw and more pai licularly dt seril-cd as follows. i Iteniniiiny at a stake in lite eat margin o ,i i i vv stlei t. at the nortlnvt-sl eoruerol lot No. . t 'event ol' the (tiahain plat, and runs tlw-m-i ' willi -.aid new street south jn'.iV ea-t one him- J dud and otn -h i ii'" si I'n tto a stake at the inteieetioti -it' two utw sttctts; tlunee north ' ;i fal one hundred f ti feel to a stake tu the north edur of a tit-w street; thenee north iv ' no' H one hundred in-olleet ta stake, and thenei- s,mth 71' ,;h' wi-t one liundted and nine-; U en and I'nur-tetiths 1 1 1 1. 1 ) lei t to the heizitt I I ninn. the almve ntetitioiu d pu-niist?, heiiiji the same on wnien oie resnu-nee 01 iiieani win v. 7,.i,,. ,i..tr..;. ; ii"ti ut llic l.nul ln ri'iii Uinre n tnnil in m Uk iiiuUr.inm.i ,-i trusu-c ui tlx- t," , '1!;'"" "f"'-'"1 Th V'1'! v'v i v'y "' 4'jiiiisil TrllU'l TOTICP Having ituiliflcil a cxpi'ulor I of llic lint will and tist'im'iil nl' I r. M, I. Ni-tlsuil. I hereby notify oil ocmorn liuv ""r claim, umrmt .aid isim to present the J"""0 '"' I'nvincnt within twelve nionlln from thixlnte, or tlli notiee will he plenile.l ,n hnr of rceo.ery ll p. rums indelitcd to niil cstale, nre pi iested t . nettle with mi "" Thl" Al.,r'' :l VSbwiiiton 3ii!t tiies ' Kieculor. ASVOCNCEMKfir. Mis itelle c. liter li;ts ri-tiirniil fo-m Si. - Augustine, l-'lnriila. and han opened up Iter dtenuikinir estiilililnuent at i'TO COLLEGE STREET. at w hich plate she will he i nmd to -.cm' lu r ttiends and palrotis generally. S. T. Tavhir 1 sysU tii used. Satisfaction nuafatiteetl. it titw Lovers of Flowers New that spriuj; weather i- here, you want to know where you are K'in to Kit plant with , which to heautify your iumie. Send your urdeis : lu Itri,i,lr'it Kieeuliou-ts where Du-y will re- 1 I iiliiiliio.i . .....i - i- itiH done wljtlt de-ireil. Kt-peeli'ully, It. O. rilfortl. THEFOuRSEiSOHSHOTEL SITUATED IN THE CUMBERLAND M OUMTA'NS m;ar tiii: misvokic cumhhhiand ca;, .sciJNii of many til' nn; HATTI US OI Till WAN. I'lunoiisiieil.hy Hie V. S. Ceiilogieiil ' th ilrynt utr of the South. F-ight boura irum Asheyilli', williiiiit slop . ovi-r at Knuxville, is the ! f IJ UVtlllt Ami ntisuriiassid in ull H nprointnunts. The cuisine u Ur direction f the iitilcst chef Kcw Ynrlt City could produce. Ilouc i heated by pfcfltn; ban o:wu fire platen, in ro'ims; lighted by ckctrielty; steam elevator; iuljV.ur and chalybeate 8rhiK. Sanato rium convenient to hotel Inning Ttirklah sfrl other lmths liiumniKs ro in, it vmtiiw- Ism. etc TERMS, $3 PER DAY AdYrcis H.CLAll,MAiAGi:n HAHKO'lATli, T11NN. Ashevillc ArJ.lrcss ; B. '. , ,, , i.rhiu ii.iiik. .-. r.i nlle Sirinir in smislilni- elm!, Well ilnil tin ui lli power ilisplay ' l'or ivinler itinki-lh'lht- lihl tieiirt sail. Anil limn --Ilnul lllaki-st Hie sail lli-iu t i:i - .,..H-,...v Silili luiikesiill iinture fresh find luaiililul iiiiil makes nil Itiiiukind feellitiiilit anil lialipY. It alfso calls for sunu-llttitK ik w tu wear. '1'ln place to liny yi ur Men's Furnishings Men's Shoes & . Men's Hats . . Is the place where the lli wisl lyU, targes! as. 'ortiutnlVailTowirt pniea rule, ia4 of ' courne that place U . MTTf H HIT iT The Huberdnsher, . NO. IS PATTON AVKSl'K. l. I?. WKATIIKk PlNKAC, MctcuruluKical Stnti'-n. Winynti Sauiluriuin AlfteiirolnA'i,;il Ketort lor Ai-ril i'o, ISM McHn UtHlMsruturc. ;V. Vaxr'nnim leiiwmtuiv r.'t Mffjimirm tcmfKrHtmc -1.7 .Vt-Afi Kvlative Hutuidily n'l' Rnintull in im-iics .. o II if.. jj I.. Ilea t fler.J-'.-i it , Mtnn llummcii r IT 7 ih.crvnlitiii Ai'rilL'l.m J in 7Vm,r nlure .".1. AV.-uii c liumnlitv. I J.'arciuc-U-r, i'.V.o Karl vun K'neft, t O rill- MARKETS. m;v yuuk .yiakkut. ..,...., Mav?7 M; jVm'. iiuniiui, 7 m. '.-Cottitll fuUllvs: Ajtiil, .";Jllly. . y; Antt, 7.5 . STOCK yroTATlONS. '.;.w V.wit, Arrlt j..-Krle. iS',: ciiie..Kj.i;.l NoillivvcMi-ni. ii'', 1. ;iko shore, l.-v, Norlotk atl. weMern. Kichmn.l ai.a west ivint Terminal, ; WeUrn ruiou, M ' ' clllLAf.O .MAKKinV Can i.o. Api il -i. -Wheat. -,v.: Slav. .. Aplil. ' : M:.v. v t l'uik. Aim'l. May. S .si; Cnrti, Ainu, i.' ; Mav, i.'.u.; 'Kiln. Miiv. t'.s:- I.aul, Atiril, Cuicai.o. April -Muiir. dull; Nn. J Spring Whenl, ,S'l' .; Nn. 2 led, ,vi'.; No. i I'nTll, .v.; Nn. 2 Hats, 2 . Pork, i.'.i.;' in i .-..; I.nni, Short Kill Sides. C.t..-' .m ' Illy Silted Shanlders. o.c-'ii (, Short Clear suk, '.'.-7' ;.i.'' Whii-kev, l.ls. ASIIKVII.I.K MAKKI-X tWi! , h..l.-., I eilIK pa; li the metvh.iat ol Hie Clly tuilay ; llnllir KRgs I lin-kens Turkey;, IHlek-"., I'litaliies. MVeet IVitatnes Iiii.lt.,. 1'in nips onions Caliliam, per 11 ..i.s 'i Apples ! vApph-. d.i. d .... . !'' 2i I'uiniikiu-, t .ich . 7.S'" U5 Sin-lnim . i ii i jo lkf-H i r III... .5. Hiimy ....SH'.'lHJ WlH'il't t On ii 75 Mt nl J uals IiMh i.", Ryu fx' Hay, tvt tun hm CIci . vv tin.. llcalls, per nil... IMls . Cht.stnuls INIHiX To NKW ADVr.KTlKMl-IMS. Hour A 1 e ."i' r Notiee A J l.vniaii W.oil! d v. I'Vlnii i I'.-lities-W M Hill Js; v Kn's iiirni-hinu-Miii'hi 1! one frier Mote - 11 Kiduo.d C I'ro-iM'tous I'titi-iprise- It. i It i in i t ei I'.ni lioe and Urv I'.oods llu-e. WANT COLUMN v AN Tl' H I. take oi ili i1" Itn our i.i nr.e eoiintMt- -iMi. I'l.VMul I II I- CK PANTS i n , llu-tot), M,i,, lrAri-l MMiw. v Vulltl IU.I like situation ju sime. niWeot l.il.itu: . nileinali yl fi! ): r, st'uvKi:ii. limk llout, Aslux till- U!"lltls. i, I will sill .!u L 1 i lit' Ail.ll.,: ' ill MM I - i.t . II I lit. I Lul l lll'MNhss I'oKil MTV I'arlni'rwanh with Mm eaptlal to a---i-t 111 n tail liu-iiu-- v nil -la ldi-ht.l, hi)U iii!id l-eali"ti in ci 11 it ol i-ity 'M'l i div Addles- by 1 ttef W. 1'. tu id' c'itii. 11. 'A' A7 1,V IK KI-:N T - lime I M luiil---.iik-citv limit., ilea .ti'.-t t i.n It.irili n. l-iil.il i l-i i ir.i'iuli. T .-. MoKKISON. I,iiiK U1-:N I' I. ii lii.iiel. Thn e . i t.iur r.miu 'IMii niiuule . furni.ln il , w.ilk Iti-ii;. 1 t"I ll('lll lvl l lillli. iiuii Applv :it .-pi.ll t; N. MAIN .-.T. 1iK UI-NV l)eillin- huitst- conn r ot M riiui-ii aviTHU' and uraiiiji- -tin t, l or t i m 'ly lo IIKNK V 11. STKVl-NS, api i do ?i and 'i JohtWoti Ituildtitt;. Ii iR KICK'I" UK 1-OK AI.Ktlne nine rumn , liuiixe with niee Liret- entilt ii ami st:ilile. Slariu-s avenue. Will rent elie.ni. ilv tn . Wiiodliiuv in Oil. J. !. Ilav. 1 ird.'W IiiK KliNT nil JvU.K niiitit. Im ni-.ln d; al t alatitlia." oti Itran ! thrt-c vi hicliH and I three lnn wili,- to t - .--hi and live acres ol laud. '1 he ow n i uhroad. Aptdv ' ON TU1- 1'UKMlsrs. t r k KliNT -Vile Kuiopcati hotel. ,s SoiitSi Main str,vt. Ashevillc I iM-cla-,. Matnl la ' restaurant, Tt nils reasonable. ApidvttiT. IL I Johnstiiu or 1-. w. Thomas, Joint-ton 'huiMin;;. nui;.vtridtf ., I Ii M KliNT- I,are,eand eniivenielitlv ai rallied , hoiisf, No. ('. Mtrriitioti ave. it aud cold' water with Laths mi two doors. Alt modern improvements. I.oratioti central, with laii;e, wtII shadtd grounds, Sd ndid it siiUnce lot : latx'e lauiilv or boarding lioti-e. Adv to ' leh.-sdtl 11. c: 1-AOi'.. Ink K1-1N T-. hoii.c cnnt.iiiiini; f.mr rooiti. ilu-Hiiii; r.Hini. pnuti v itinl l.ititt- ci-lliir. i Wi ll nt' tinot nif.t,,ni- 'iiiti r. M.ilile uitli ' Iimihi lori-nw, lnn-i' :iml i-iirri.ii:e. nne iitHlntu -l halt ai-ii ot lanil Miit.il.lf l.tl i-.anli n Siluatul : two iiiilrs tr.mi i-oiin Miiari-. Mist i.li-ut livir j Will rent for muiiiiii-i iin.titli-, al ;m a nionth m bv tin. v.-.ir !'! i"". AiUli i I-. S l I.AV I'uV. I i'"lia , 1-: T.o l-n s.t . Ci'lnniliia. S. i.'. .'.IA7'.f,. I'l.l-: KI-T 1 ii-l ,la-s l.....r.lnil h,.i..i. lltl.lllV l-il-.lllll. NO. .1 Clou- sllrrt i P III lilts SCIIIUUMI-.ISI Tit. IV TK IliiAUIl A I. ii In.ai.l, is i-.ni 1 iniimitii!rili-il at .s tiipni stint. 'I', I ii li.isi.iial.li- iiiiil l,,!i- lit si class. apl l.-itllil I IAKIU Nl . - 11 tin- il.,v or iu i l,. PlT.i loiim.s. sinuli-or i-nsiiit,-, mattv nml i . tint. it.lv liirnislnil. r.iatr or liirnaci- Inal ' ana colli u.ili r. i itli hatlis on two lloois. i Ui ll ii" car line; li-.i-iiiinnti . walk Irom i I sijiiatt-. Ti-ruis iiioili i.itt-. Mlis s. "I'l-KUV lmvs,l-in I..I North Main spc I.V.s, ..' I .1 Ii m s-Ai.i-: mil. An lilu .pi il luiiluv, mail C. Citli tl llli'a-i-. AlMitv 1,ViK NAI.1-; aiKAP- Morse, l-itf-v and lless. Ptopiitvof visitor le:ivinu the Apply to S. M.Wallace, I Ha VUoud sllei t d X; 1 1 1 ICIi -All nirsoiis mviint Mr. 1- P. Mint naileil - lauuli will nleasfeall and settle vntliin Hie lieM ten days ur lluir iieeoiinls will lie tinned over to altoruevs ttir eollt-etioii. i 4-l'dii't " J. V. Sl.l'DMK. Alienee. Vl'CTloN lHU'sK -opened at street. Parlies wanting lo Imy ot ut It Main i ell h..i.e liom goods apply to J, nniih-1 It. ohisui. Sale datlv l!. Coltiti is cniploved ll.'.d.V'd ai n as aiictioni-i-r. rV;S IHU.I.AKS U1- WAKH l.oM. in Alu I vilk- or on Sunset Hill road, April is. a brown leather pockit Imok eontainiiiK about litlv ilollais in paper niuuevand some plivsi ' eian's prescript ioiis. . H. M'KWl-N,' I t'id-l No. ii. lltuve Mieet. OTICITIty virtue of Hip pnwer ol fuV vcstctl in the uil'M-l'Slviictl trustee by ecrluiii aeeil o' trust rxceii-eil lie W. I. Slmm- I unil T. C. Maruraun the 10th ilny ot jnlv. i lstio, lor t lie purpose of m-i-urini; eertntn I .lotes therein di-m-rilieil, lilt-h ilceil o tn.Ht , ( " W SV..,IS,I ,11 ,11V .1,11.1- ,M IHV IM-KIHIl'l l itmi, ror llur.i-,,nilie iiiiintr, on the tilth l day of Julv, lN'JO, ill book L't, lifitiiiniiiK at ; at pase 72, to til, h reference in heri-ljy mnilc, unil ilriunlt Iiivihk liecn tr nile iu pay ment of nni notia, the untlcraiinicd at tile reiili'it of Ihe ec.tui iue tlliat, will Si-ll for call to the hlKhcut i hliler nt threoiirc house door In aiieville for the antialncttiin of ainil notea, intcrrat and coata, on SutiirUay, the 1Bth ilny of May, 1NH4., at 12 o'eloek noon the folio Iiik discrlbril parcel uf land In the southern pnrt of the city of Ashevillc, begin ninx at white oak anrl Spanish nuk marked WM on tile wcat ma'in of the road leading from Kev 1.. M, I'enac to the Joahuu Robi-rla' farm, now owned hv tke 8nutliern Improve ment company anrt runa north i..'J eaat P-l-poles and 16 links to a atukc onpo-lte Ihe aprhn; Hums- nnitli aniQ weat S pnlea and U2 Itnka to a vheatnut oak; thrncc nortli 13 polra and u llnka to a aiiike; thnec noith 3t i weat iiH poti-a to a at-kc; thenee anulh 0ai.i weat SH nolra nnd 18 linka to a atake; tlicuec a- uth UMU" cast OS poka to a atnke; thenee north 8hl.j ent ao polts and liye links to the tKKliinlnit cnntulninR IH nerra more or leas, 'lliii 1 1th day m April, 1MI aprlliKIUd M. U. CAKTliK, Trustee. NOTIi li-Trmtee'a Sale of l.auil. By vrrtue of the power in aalc contained in a certiiin defd of truat exreuted on the IMth ilar ol Oi-tolicr. IsllJ. by J. II, Uottlc nnd wife. II P. UoHlle, tn luhn P. MorKnu. irua.. tee, lo aeeure isfrlaiu debts tnerein incu tinned, a copy ol wi tch ileed of trust ia re corded In the Lflice of the Hrgiatcr of Ueeila of nuiieotnbe county in linok of mortKncs and deeda of trust No al. ou pnuc etc.. the undcralitned truatee will, nu Wednesday, the 30th day of April lKUJ., between the hours of 13 anil 1 o clock, a-ll at the court house door iu Asheyi'le to the hlaheat bid der, for caau, land described and conveyed In aald deed of truit, particularly described ai follows : Being a lot pltn-.lc In the citv of Aihei lite, noon aa lot No, -i, on the piat of rhelby . twataataa) at atake oa tha weat mar gin or Bailey atreet i2(l feet Irom Its inter section with Mirer atteet, and runs hence oortn,87Vi weat ISO feet to a stake at the commoB corner of lot e Not 81, u and 83; theac aoo h 1 1ft' weat 79 feet to a stake at the common corner of lo'a Noa. 0, 111 and aa; thence a oath 87 Vi eaat lDOfcct to the weatera margainof Halley atrect: theniwlth Bal e; airaet north l IS' caac 78 feet to the bealBnlng, and belnt the aauie lot eoaveyed toj. B. Do. tie hv R. M Deavrr, This sale la made at the reiueat of the ceitnl que trnat area red la aald Deed of truat on aecooat of ihtault made In the payment nl the Indebtedness aecured In said deed. March ath, 18B. an..,. . JOHN P, MORGAN, a-aftlfltant Trustee, til 'I'UV ! , h-.t 1 i i srasc W. B. WILLIAMSON & Wit. 16 PO-TCtH AVli.fi V V.. THE WHITLOC r r CLOTHING HOUSE, i(i South :iia Street Do You Want A (lOOl) SOLID OAK 1'OKT.WSI.i: n A unuo in:; A IIAMiSKMi: MIH-.ISOAI11); AN Kl.h'ii ANT 1HN l.(l TAlM.i:; A I.OVKI.V hKT.OF Dl.NINli CIlAIIls; IX I'Al T ANVTIII.M; IX THK l-'l li.XITrili: LINK AT KKASOXAia.!-: liATLS ? IK SO CALL OX HKAixaTAUuci's Horse and Cow Feed, Niikl 11 MAIN Si ki: lit'. Ti-ii phone No. .'. 7 , AsluvilV. N. C. l.'J MOUNTAINS CF NORTH CAROLINA A VFF1Y EE.LECT BOARDING HOUSE LOR ETT A IIA.L L. i!OT sp:ngs. 't-de nnd f'inc Aeeu H. M. SWAINE. CAXADIAX Am C0FFEK STORK , l'AI' i'l iN AVI-!. ( lluieKST ISI.KNilS in- .Mo.ST I'l'I'l f.AK TKA AMI I'ukmi i;o.sti:i ciiii-iii-is. AI.MI A I INK I.INK nl roM-K('''o.i:i!Y & I'JM IT- H.HUDSON. -TH fl ASHEVILE STEAM LAUNDRY, 43 W1J.ST CUMiKUE ST., la now rrady for w.jrk. We Solicit Share of Your Patronage. Mrs. Carrie C. Burns, an emrilenred luundreas tmtn IMrtshurir, To., has chnrRe ol the workU'sV depart inenta. We will endeavor to Klve jolt Ooun HONKIST WOKK. Our motlu Is: SATISRCTI3K TO EVER CUSTOVEK. , 13 n. cosy, The Jeweler, 1 I'ATTON AVB.NU tt. All -work guaranteed and pro: tiptly done. Watuhea, clocks and all kinds h aoUd and plated silver ware. NATIVB DBMS A SPBC'm. THE STAGE Or THE ESMERALDA INN Will start from court binut si( tfare on Thursday morning at 8 a. m. ahurp, can only accomodate a party tf our; tickets nt Grant's Phnfmncy. I 'nre $.1 for excui-sion nnd rctun. i'f.lAlvi ! V c are Showiug a I.i YYVI Si In ted Stock ol anil China and Japan Mattings, Carpets, Regs, Oil Cloths, Linoleum, Etc., Etc. Trias Lwwti Than Kvti ! CO., Sli iiiir ('lotliiii for men ami boys. Tl.t' beet in tin.' ity, ut popular jirit'DH. tVc hiivc tbo '-Clioisb?1!fld" aii-l tli" "I't'.'iutnuiic" pack, cutaway aud rritico Albert i:i t-tylisli fabrics. Al;v) tin1 largest stock of hats and ijHits' fin- jnishmss in ini'diiini ami line l'ooils ttpiiil to any larp? city stores. Wc inuko cloth- ' hit? to order chtai tr tliati I ever in price and giiiiiiintee ke a ported lit. vu ;uso make shirts to order. The public is invited to price or.v stock. W. A. BLAIR i Two cars line Tiitioiliy Hay. just ri i ceived, live from tuts!: and briars. We , liiitidie No. 1 ll;iy. Uitality an. I piiie can't be beat, i Ither goods enrot-te. We , ' keep then moving iu and cut. It pavs to examine the kind ot' I-'eid you buy as j well as nut thing else. Kcspccllully, C. S. COOI'O. north CAROLINA, n-r d t L.oitM in H'.cr.v KcKptc: PROPRIETOR. 1 GRAND OPERA HOUSE One . . . Solid Week ! ... Ol.MMl-NaM'. . . . I MONDAY, APKIL H. Special ellj;ai;etnL nl of Hie Kittle ijueeii o) Comedy, MA 15 EL PAIGE tu iia i i-: . CO.Ml'ANV ) IUl.ll.K'll'1 TONIGHT: OUR NELL " at CIIANU1-: Ol' I'l.AV NICHTI.V. npiiliir Prices io, .m iind ,;u cents. M.itinn-i WKDNI-HllAY AM) SAT11U1AY. Bargains in Real Estate The lots nnd laud formerly bclonyiiij; ; to the Ashevillc Loan, Construction &i Improvement compauy, purchnscd by me nt the laic sale arc offered to the pub-1 lie for the next 110 days at prices nvcrau-1 iiic less thauonc-lialf the former prices of, llic compaiiY. Particular attention isj called to the luud on the west side ol the j French llrond river, bcitiK about l'JO 1 ncrcs mljoininu the HiiiKlium School and 1 Richmond Hill, which is ollerctl lor sale i in parcels of from l to 90 acres. I-'or further particulars apply to the uuilci - signed or to Gwvn & Whst or S. C. CouTLANi). April 1 2,189. 4-131dmo GK0. W. PACK. dmxties rnwmm IN FULL BUIfpLY AND A880RTMBNT. CAKB8, PIBB, BOLLB AND BRBAD AT TUB PRB.MCH BAKBRV. NO. St COL LBOB 8TBBBT. W. Aa JAUIBH, JR., PROP. Auctioneer! Kctirlcncr S J Church Street, Will aell real estate, hones, enwa, lurid tare or anytlilnK wlah to dlapoae af, Chamca uiuileratc. il-10-dtf double: distill-ed water roi: taiili: and .medic ixal i.sts. MANUFACTURED BY M UKVILLK HiK AM) COAL CO., Ofli i'!U 1'atlfMi Avo. This water is iiii;,l iu itialitv to ti.c high ptieul table waters, ami is the water liom which the ice sold ly this coain iny is manufactured. 21022 32-51 AliW AfSHKMLLi: MILLING CO. I'KODI CTS. EUiHKPT GajvmtS IS THIS JIARKIST. ROLLER - KING, - ELECTRIC - LIGHT. - ETC. SPECIAL EXTRA QULHY CPiAHM tNG CORN MEAL So!l l'.y DeaVvs. JUST RECEIVED, Ten cases of dry goods, materials and stvlos in v.ali pir G. A. MEARS k SONS, Kos. lil), :l and ;?: South Main St., Ashcville .MIIVrAIOlHi Brick and Biltmoro, North Carolina, has Koif sali: A i.Aia.i; s'Jiu KIN DS, KKI'KKSSLD I! lilt AGlilCUIl'LliAh DUALS TILIC Tlie Hicfeory Ixin HICKORY, N. C. nn: GEM JIOTKL OF THE HOlrif. -2 ,s i r. 2 o 7 J r". -t &. mm lliiilt of brick, stnuc nml iron. I.iijhti d by ias und elec ricitv. All modern improvements. KATIiS, $1S,00 ri:K WIvHK AND UPWARDS. Address, Frank Louliraii, OwiK'i- ami I'ropricior. JLt "Tlie Bazaar" Vlir l-INIi A I'l l.L, LOT 01' Milliiii t'.y, Kid (Jlovcs, Hosiery, ycilillJ, Laces, KinWroiderk'S, Dress Goods, Baby Caps, Children's Hals, ' Dress Trinimiums Table liinens, Towels and Toweling. ALSO TIN, GLASS AND (iUEEXS WAitlC, iViORE REDUCTIONS, Staple dry gOOtls ami IllillilHTy Htill ill illiUlldaUCO fit your OW11 pl'ico. IJafJJIlillS HOW ill t'lll'IKht III Ol'llor If) wijlll U lllO bUSllH'SS US qilickl.V US Klriyill(', I llUVO df i Cldt'd tt) pUHU out tllC' stllll tit ! ! , i i i i j OlipUl'lUlllty to ffit tfood Hubstautlill '0O(H llUU'll liPlOW I j value, the cntiro stock must, -ltt'nu riJto hn..fl prompt settlement, us I Ctiunot put off enforcing collco tions any longer, J. W. SLUDER, Assignee. ii il drt i;- : ,ll; l laii'Wni lnw Tile Works, k oi- iommox mat k ok all US, AM) A I.I. SIZI-iS OF j si t m .'. &3.KtV.!.!- 7-i i -.' yoill' tVII prilCH, IIUW IS yilttr go this month nt scuuo price. mill 4 nm Vttn iiii'i':din: