Slot Libmrj n 4 Asheville Citizen VOLUME IX NO aor. ASHEVILLE, N. C, THURSDAY EVENING, APRIL 27. PRICE 5 CENTS. Daily BETTER THAN MICIiK'INi: UK i:MI I.mIciN I- WHOLESOME FOOD St'luimuclii'r's Graham Flour. Lockport Mills Kiit ire Wheat Flour. California It resile fast Flour. Wheat (ieriu Meal. liolled Wheat. Rolled Oats Wheatlet. (lira mi la. Wm. KROGER. THE ONLY EXCLUSIVE Sporting Goods House IN THE CITY 'or All Kind Of Sports, or Tennis Players, or Baseball Players, or Football Players, or Bicyclist, or Croquet Players, or Fishermen. 1 1 v t: i; ! i i i i v i; 1 1 1: tn i i i.' u SKAT Ms AND HAMMOCKS. L. BLOMBERG CORTLAND BROS., RBAL BSTATB DROKBR8. 1NVHSTMBNT AGBNT8. NOTARY PUBLIC ' Loana Securely placed at 8 per cent. Office its ft 36 Pattern Atc., up stairs SOME LOW PRICES California Peacbes 18c. Per Can. v California Apricots 19c. Per can. Pure Haple Syrup $1.25 Per Gal. Cucumber Pickles 40c. Per Gal. Sweet Nix Pickles 76c. Per Gal. Sour Mix Pickles 60c. Per Gal. California Ewaporated Peaches, Apricots Atf Pears 17c. Per Lb. Gt A.. Greer. -mr iinii iitntiiiiin-iiiHir i lirm-nsnf e rr "iftinii-"irlyrr In Tlie Spring When Your Appetite is Fickle Try mir HAMS ami ItKGAKI'AST HACON. I IV hun n i-omiiele .is.n.rlim-al, imliiiliui; Inn I'lXi: coixrr i.i.vis hut ...;., At" DRIED ItliSI-: A. 1). COOPER, OII'KT Siil AKI.. amii;vii.i.i , X. c DO YOU SMOKE ? in;.. rin:x irr xr s.uoki; Tin; r.i:sr cicaks axd toiiac- Co IX 7'lMr.Y. IIOHI Oil .is 7 ; m:sr i i i ; axd 77; Li:XT ClUAk'S ix rmr.v. has 1.1.; .ll. Tl hi;, (.V'i,7 ham:, :: kixi;s, si:.i. . y i-i;i ci.irrixcs. 1:1.11: r.'u;. 1.1H. m;x .S7..I., HoXi;sT Jnnx lit n.rr,, yiu.i.ow nosi; SI! ;: ' L'.l'OAML. I.OXi: JACK 1 axityi ain. i:i: u r wac.irr ,1 1 'AM 1. 1 'SKA, ( mm I TC. I ISi: l.lXi: OF . 1 . TollACCO sot r 1 1 maix sr.. asiiiaii.i.i;. X. c BARGAINS IN NOVELS LESS THIK HUF PRICE Wily p;iy :s and eelUs fur llmcls v. In n y eun jjel jll-t lis Kcl this week l"nr ioc. ill K.ii ..- iuh.s lIMietiailUIDIs. I'.lM'V, IH'l't" 'l '11 pity .'i.c, .'.. ;,e. jukI ,s,e. i;i sunn- nove l limit Ik- :ilr;li.i Inl.mkat lliclii, yon c.,u l I111 I" t'liv imlf-s vim want In mi. SPECIAL PIPF SALE Will oiutiniie this ,!. ,,iuK u,t. imj,, lllirillB UK .H.t ll k, I.VI I- ,iK-, MlM mi less tliim 11 iiiniuh. Thiy nin-1 In-i-lu-up Hsv lllry wnuM not sell n liist, n .;n ll lv I'HV lloU while llicy ari. tin-all. TEXAS MFTIKGS only ..50 a year. Regular juice f. ji-t yt.u Vuu imiiiioI Imv lor Irs rxcriit al Ua s WRITING TABLETS I'.ir pen nml pencil, lluiil . wtiiiiiK iwpir Crane . s writing paper; Waul s writiK papi-i Make's wrilini- paper; lliirlluilswritiiig l'lipcr Any style, any sizr, any priec, any oitur. GARDEN SEED I). M. I'errys ee,l. I'.uarani-.: ITli lil.lllil 1 1 iii w imp ag ilt li FRUIT DAINTIES Tin-ilainliil f..rm ol i-.nnly inianinalili jusl "lit. 1'iui- niiipli- siiKal "Illy v. REIT'S TtUlioue iy4. . Cmirt SqiiatL Manitobf Corn Cur Removes The Toe Corn PHARMACY. - WILL YOU WANT A Freezer This Year ? llli-i-lll n plv,iiiN Hi,- a,, a, i.i una.. ivu nuuinr.iiliui-,1. 11 hai.lK, .-iiU-iiu, li'inaiul tu hilly -.ippH-iiali ili. K,n iiialitii-,isu, u-i olii-. Span- iuilii.N !imliv, ilctnil- ul ill. a villi my. 1-iiu., miiiu- a, it yi-ai-. Wi- alM a in si, hk i tilt. I.,,,,,,,,, i,iU. .Mi,t.,jn al saint- prut-. FRESH - CRACKERS. Water Thin, Social Tea, Fancy (jiahani, Oatmeal, Albert Kisctiit, Al'ternoon Tea, Fxtra Toast, Halt liaiKiuet, )rane Slices, Plain fc Salt Sodas. POWELL & SNIDER ji: CI.OTIII.W, AMI Ml'. SI ( 7t'.V.s,. (.. II A IS. sl,i s. i AMI I .IA7 .,' 'A7-.SS 'is A7.t.l. i, , AMI (.1,1,,, liOMI SHC I'kA f.-' .. Ill ill til! I tli AM ) (,i(i.V, hi -.kick : i:k.s M ATIM. S, KluS.oll. CLOTHS, 7'A7 'A s'. , II. REDWOOD & CO. WB ARB THB SBI.MNr. Al'.HNTS IN ASHUVIM.B FOR CONFECTIONS Pure - and . Delicious HON UONS AND CI10C01.ATB CUOCOLATB PARLINB8, MIXED C1IOCOLATBS, CRUAM WINTBROKBBN, CREAM PBPl'BRMINTS, 4 OLD FASHIONED MOLASSES CANDY, ETC. RBCUIVBO I'ROM PACTORY TWICK A . . WBBK , , M.d4 'MW 'Mii'llliU.l.i ttllkWUitfsijWMw;ifc,'hl kl'fA. .4. THE FEAST OF REFORMERS IT IH Hi;i.U ACCOUIlINii AI'l'OINTMI-N T. 1 o The I cIioch Awnkeutil In 'i lic 1I Iipot VitlnKv-I lie wan Heforiuera Shout Tliu "Olauton:" cbeHtnnl. A tolerably accurate count is tin- li.isis of the assertion that there were about 100 men ami boys at the West Iiml mar ket last evening to see and lu.-ir tie speakers and candidates on tin- l-'elurm ticket. There was a prayer inict'iru; in n building not fur off and that in.iv have kept sonic away, but no Kvf.irmer had the ussutancc to charge that that was a Hemocratic trick. The mayor was there to laU about linanees, advocate abolition 01 the poll tax, and cry "Wanton!" Col. A. T. Da vidson was there to talk abont the "mud" the city used to be in an 1 cry "yelpers." Cupt. N'att Atkinson was thcic to cry aloud "ollice seeker !" and spaic not, and incidentally to exhort the congregation to come over to the great and only right side. And the other can didateswerc there to say a lew words to help along the good caiise. 11 rieelii ationsgo lornnvthiug, then the ispeeclies were almost entirely D. inocr.iev, rock ribbed, ropper-bnttoiin-il, toi pid.i.prool, altliougli there geeincj to lie a leak some w here. A little alter o cluck Market Master l-.rwm came in w ith some chairs I r the speakers, and a Kelormer asked hun where the crowd was i There were then ibout "." present I. Mr. l-rwiti reolied he didn't know probably the meetings Kepi some away. Annut hall past s a rattling was heard up the street and a moment Intern spick anil spun turnout dashed up to the dour, stopped, and the Kelorm candidates, tin- mayor and Messrs. Redwood, Blair anil Hull alighted ami tripped into the hall. As the mayor reached the door he greeted the several there with "(leutlcmni." And nobody said a word. A little wait followed in which the crowd received a number ol accession and then the niavor went to the table tml the meeting was on. lie s n'il he came to talk with the people, and asked them to mark well Ihec.xprc-sinn "wiili." We don't come," said he, "bolstered nu by a dozm lawyers, but we have om man here who has grown gray in the service ol tiie State. ICol. Davidson. I Against Mr. Martin I have nothing tu say. lie is a nice, clever gentleman and has said nothing against me and I shall sav nothing against him." Auent Un charge that he had made a deal with IVnrson he said there was no truth in it he had never elite ed into such a con tract as he knew ol. From the bottom ol his heart he was a D, niocial; every government should be of, lor mid bv Un people. On that he had stood, and would stand until he died He referred to the words ul Senator Vance, printed daily in Tin; Cirui:x: "Democracy is immortal, etc., and said thcsi were the verv priii.'inlcs of bis heart. Whenever the Democrats put up a man worthy m his support according to that doctrine he would support him, lie wauled to k -p Democracy hie from things that don't attach to il. 'I he best thinkers, he said, would say it was best 'nr.'i p:irly not to be held usi ii;si hie for the government 1. 1 alilikeitv lie had done his best io biing the condi tion of the city back Ironi chaos. "It was vour government, lor yon, bv ou and ol vou. When we went in we found everything ineonlusion, and np to today I have been trying to nninvel the invs icriesol the former administration." " The mayor cried "Wanton !" and said the latter had been getting $1im a mouth lor not doing his duty. Tla n I he schools were touched upon.' lie had op posed the graded sehools at fu st b-.-e ti -e be wanted time to look into I he system. The people dill'ertd with his opinion then, but they d;d not often do it. Tiiev would agree with him on the 7lh ol May, thev would say "Cation shall be Mayor." He read 'hom Tin Cirizii.M the proposition eoiiceruini; the schools as set forth in the bond pn'ipo.s: lion, lie wanti d the moiiev he paid as taxes to go to the education o' pour chi " dreti. lie sent his children to a riv.itJ school in order to give more room in tin graded schools. He begged the crowd to vote lor the school (iiestion, w hether tliey voted lor .Martin or ration. Il l lie tunning nouns were nutliori.a-i . he and Mr. Uedwood, representing a bus: ness ailinmistrt'lioii, could sell the bonds better than could Mr, Martin and Mr. Sevier, representing a Democratic ad ministration. He had told Mr. .Martin ne, me inner, was a very luce, clever man, but usked him what he would do it elected and the bonds voted. Mr. Mar tin had replied "a man had told him he thought he could place the bonds." "What docs that mean ?" said the may or; "it means a commission to a broker. We will be able to sell them at par. It the bonds ure not placed by the Demo crats Mr. 1'earson willsay,''lf you had elided my liieml I'nlton vour children would not have been turned out of the citv schools.' The mayor tlnn gave a laudatory song and dance about the difference be tween snlariis ol the "Hlanton adminis tration" and those ol his own ad ministration. He had for ijioiio done what two men loi inuly did lor $l',10o. Next year the same degree of economy must be practiced. Il he could save $."i,lliHI next year he would stand up lor justice to the poor man. Slid he, "I with my $10,()Oil if I have it am better able to pay even .f 1,000 than is the poor man to pay his $." .Ho ol poll tax." lie wanted to recommend to the Hoard to remit poll tax to evci v man in the 'itv. He declared he did this not to solicit votes, but because he believed in justice. Capt. Nutt Atkinson then waltzed lor ward nil J proceeded with a ;oug about every Straighlout being nil olliic seeker or ollice holder. The mayor, according to the Captain, wasn't woi King for "a pitiful little ollice that pays $ I a day, but for his home whin he has K ft alter the wreckers ipiit." The Cuptain got so lull ol feeling that he ulinosl sobbed. He couldn't my Anything ngninst the Dem ocratic candidates, but said each ul tho e Aldcrnmnic candidates would take nu onth that they were not lit to till the plnce thev were running for. The Cap tuin cried "Wanton!" and relerrcd to the Democratic candidate us Mr. Mal ting, the niarting-bird. who didn't know anybody and didn't know the names ol 20 street in town. The Slraightouls were dubbed "red-legged grasshoppers and the postollicc department," Under the hend of bolters the Captain referred to ling. 1). Carter and l.ockcCraiu. He. the Captain, hud voted for every Demo cratic I'ramlcnt since the war mid the Mayor hail, too(? As toll. M. Luther, the Captain said, he did, sometimes the biggest shuck held the smallest nubbin. In dosing the Captain raised his stereo- ivpcii war cry, that $100,01)11 ol money n .iium; nir invesiiuenc wouni lie nwav n t lie lieinocrats won. And the Captain iseorted himself to a scat. Col. Davidson spoke next and praised the mayor's speech. He, H e Colonel, was supposed lo know ever) thing, but did not know how much tronbl': Ashe vilile had to get oat of the "mud" till the mayor said it. lie had no apology to make for what the Reformers wire doing. When necessary he would shed Ids shirt lor Democracy. He cried "Hl.intou," who ' h id been paid a large fe whn he wenl to St-.v v.rL and debauched the town." Straight out, according lo the Colonel's dictionary, meant straight lor the treasury, lie appeal,.! lo know il the Straight! ul. ticket was a Democrat ic ticket at all, and dii-hircd it to be a bastard, and of verv small kidney at thai. Inclosing he reaffirmed bis alle giance to the Democratic party in county, state and national elections. Mr. Redwood, who is one ol the best baseball "cranks" in Asheville, followed in a speech that was not bitter, lie thought the Relormers ought to succeed. They had done so last year, hands down. Asheville had had a young man for Mayor once and didn't want yerv young men again. This administration has iicen a g.ioil one, he said. And in the fill election if Mr. Hull and II. L. Gild ger wanted to find him thev would do so in the Democratic ranks. Candidate Blair started out bv saving "everybody who knew Will Ilia he was a Democrat." He asked all lo lav aside party and think of Asheville. His talk was calm and dignified. 1'red A. Hull was next and in a cool statement said he was a Mugwump in the lullest sense and this election could have no Ul'eet on the State this tall, Dr. J. S. T. liaird closed the exercises. If a citizen ol Asheville he would n ,t hesitate to vote for the mavor. Hut he had given live sons to the Reform col umn, and that was a good job, he thought. And then the crowd dissolved. Dining the meeting a kid outside the house yelled "'Rah for Martin!" and Unci Harkius rushed out to look after the disturbance. Hut nobody was hurt. "Hlanton !" "Wanton ! !" Boo ! ' ! S til ml tij i mill n;i.ncr -(. lie lik c n ii m n. lUil HERE IS AX UXIUST TAX Till; lIDJKItlUTN WII.I. hi-;siovk i r. l-:u-c't Jlortlu And Ito Away With An AHHrNNiiient That Bears The Hard. hi On The People t'nable ''o Pav I:, .1. C. Martin, W, J. Hough, W. V Low, and every member of the city Demoynlic executive con niitlee, are in lavor of the abolition of what is known as the "tub tax" in the citv of Asheville ind pledge themselves to r.irrv ii into efleet if the Democratic ticket is di eted. 'Hiis "tub tax" is a charge made bv the city sanitary inspectors 1;: the re inov.'il, bv the city garbage wagons, ol sewage tubs from the houses of those people who have no eouncelion with the ulv sewers. The charg ranges from Democrats i made tor each removal to To cents, and the hum thai it is unjust to exiiil tins tax, when all the people who pay it are poor people and unable in nrinv instances to meet the iNcnse 1 1 is also claimed that the system is calculated to keep the city hull instead ol clean, ns the p ivcilv ol in.iny people compels them to have this sewage movid as lew times as possible dm in f the year, whereas if it is ininle the duty ol the eitv to have it niovul without charge, the householders will sec to it that everything calculated to produce sickness in l lie citv is kept cleared liotn all premises, ami the sam tary condition ol the eitv assured al all limes. It i.-chitiud that this tax against the poor is unjust, as well as onerous, in that the Healthier class of the people have the advantage of the city sewers, which i moves this refuse at 'no cost, i xccpl by a slight increase in the use ol city water, tor which they pay no in crease commensurate with" the 'amount used. Dow n wiih the Tub tax ' AVgi's, .XOtJ.X. nit idii ioo,s close A'lVgsliT imw. SATi A7M1 t'KI.IIINtl, COl'KT oik ol lite llodv tin lo ThlH AT. Ornooii, Dave Robertson, in the Criminal court yesterdav alternoon, submitted on charge of assault and carrying con cealed weapons, and was sent up to the chain gang lor six months. S.ate vs. Kd. Luther and Lnla Smith, f. cc a, siibinille.l and judgment sus pended on payment of costs. State vs. tiihs Tallcy, assault and ear rying concealed weapons; three months in chain gang. State vs. tides Tallcy, carrying con cealed weapons; submitted and judg ment suspended on pavment of costs. This morning Tom Burnett was found guilty ol nssault with a ilendy weapon. It .vns plead that he was insane and Judge Jones 1ms reserved his decision. Millie Mclntvrc, larceny, guilty; judg ment In Id up. Sta'.e vs. And v Bailcv and oe Love, allrep. guilty. Bailey wnsffned $li() and one-hall the costs; Love not vet sen tenced. State vs. Wash Lewis and II. Walker, laicenv ol a sleer from the K. & D. Lewis submitted, Walker's attorney, 1. S. Adams, raised the point of error in the bill ol indictment, in that it charged Walker with larceny Irom the K. & D while the K. ,- D. is in fact in the hands ol receivers. The case liatl not been con eluded at the adjournment at noon. lux'istiHlion bunks close S.WiK'DAY XoOX. A'e.g.Kn- now, YKSTUKIKU'S JIAftBUALL GAMES. National League-New York 1 4, Wash ington G; Pittsburg 2, Louisville 1; Cleveland 12, Cincinnati 0; St. Louis 111, Chicago 3; Huston 0, Itultimorc 3; Hrookiyn 8; Philadelphia 2. Southern Lengtic Memphis 10, Macon 3; Atlanta S, New Orleans 2; Nashville 17, Savannah Q; Charleston 12, Mobile A COXEV ARMY ARRESTED I NII I l STATI S 1KOOI-N THK WORK ISKATI.V DO A I.awleHH Mol That Wa HUul liiK TraliiH ualliered m- nht Aiuonir CoxenlteH One ArrcHf Took To The WoodH Imihsvi'ii, Mont., April "0. The Com weal ormv, O.ill strong, came in at lo. 1.", last night. At 1 1 :Svi an engineer went to the round house and delibeiately pro evened to take out a Irish engine and prepare for the trip eastward.. Col 1 age ol Port keogh with I'liited Stati s troops arrived shortly after midnight on u special tram ami lound a large part of the Coxey army asleep in box ears. The surprise was complete, and the Coxey ilesgave up without a struggle. 'I'll troops lelt most ol the men aboard the train and surrounded it. C... !.... . - . .ji. i i i., .Mimi., April .'ii, 1 1 a, m. (lencral Manager Kcndrick ol the Northern 1'acific road, has just received a telegram from Forsyth, Mont., that Colonel I'age and troons are still thi-r.- with the leaders oi the Co.xev ai niv umW guard. They are awaiting order's as to the disposition ol prisoners. The other men are preparing to march east. Traffic on the Northern Pacific has been resumed. .No trams were run yesterday, as a col lision with the commonwealers' train was feared. I'hi:iii:hiik, M.I., April ''d.-The Coin moiiweal nrinv, alter spending two very peaceful days in Frederick, had a tree light and shooting scene last night. The army was depleted by four members, hut no one was hurt. ( Irie man arrested was sentenced to ten days in the work house. Three others took to the woods and have not been heard Irom. The exit ol the army was a triumphant one in spite ol the night's disturbance It was escorted to the county line by ten diputies. mmintu You Iiiiw till unlv SATI klLW (in. tu register. Till- HTHIKINU .MI XI. ItS. Jiinromm Tk Their I' -West Virulula llm s CloNt-t! Wivin Citv, Kas , April JO L. W. lohns, general s-jperiuu-udeiitof the Ten nessee Coal, Iron and Kaiboadcompany, at Birmingham, Ala , has secured lure J0O negro coal mineis to go into the Bir mingham mines in place ol the strikers there. Clli:iioM:i:, Kas., April ati. An agent for the Alabama Coal company has gathered here 100 colored miners to be shipped direct to Hit mingham, Ala., to take the striker's places. m s, O., April lid. A telegram received this morning at the miners' henflipinrti-rs Irom Thomas F.irry. dated Fire Creek. W. Vn., savs now L'l mines in that State are now closed. Thiy employ M.fiiltl miners. lugisirniiuii hiiulis i, XVO.X. A'egsir hum. c SA II kll.W A HI 1M Ill.IC N TIt Kl.T worked All Kilitln Co in pi utl nu T lie i.ihi. IxiUANAi', In, April 20 Kcpnli hear. State convention adj iiirned al 1 this in iruing after having been in con tinuous session IS hours. Following is the ticket us finally completed: Scire tary ol State. W. D. Owen; Auditor ol State, A. C. Daily; St He Treasurer, I-'. . Seholz; ttorneyt;eneral. W. A. Ketchaiii: Clerk Supreme court, Cant.-iiti Alex. Hess; Superintendent Public Instriie tion, W. S. Blatchev; liidgc Supreme Cotitt, Fit st District, J li. on'an; udgc Siinrcme Court, Foiirth District, ! I.. Monks. 1 on llil IV to register. till only SATl'KDAY XOi'.X .larvlH Sworn In, W.sIiixi; ion, April 20. In the Senate today the lion. Thomas Ionian Jarvis, the new Senator from North Carolina, was sworn in. You hit i t tu register. till only SATl'KDA 1 A"".V The Cholera Record Lisiion, April 20. Twr, hundred and lifty-two fresh cases of cholera were re ported yesterday. Stuiitl ami register lust. vote We a Hut ivsr ix soimi cakulixa. Ileiideisonville Times: Last Satin day Mr. J. D. C.ilbert was hunting sipiir rels in the woods on Mr. Finlev's hind, about three miles west of Hendersouvillc, when, sticking in nn old hollow chestnut log, he found a line rille, which from the laet that it was untarnished bv rust, had been lelt there not very long before. In a live just above the gun was an old coat and vest and a dirty, greasy meat or game sack. A large storage house and the resi dences ol 0. V.. Miller, J. W. Farrar and cx Sheriff Teaguc were destroyed in Win slon recently. There was insurance upon most of the properly, but some of the owners sustained heavv losses. Total loss, $12,000. Ciovernor Cnir oilers a reward ol $200 lor the capture of Wyatt Perry, a white man, who cut the throat ol a neighbor, Tom Bailey, m New Light township, Wuke county. Dr. Charles Mclvcr of the Normal and Industrial school has changed the date of his commencement Irom Muv 23d ntnl 2 I tli to May 22d mid 23il. Ilendcrsouville Times: M. H.Wilde of Knima, Buncombe county. is possessor of n cow which recently gave birth to three calves, nil sound mid line. A mass meeting of the citizens of Winston was held recently looking to the organization of a Vance 'Memorial asso ciation. A meeting of citizens was held in Kalcigh recently for the purpose of ruffing lands lor a monument to Vance. Col. Allen, late of the Sixty-fouitli North Carolina Regiment, is now at the Soldier's Home, Kalcigb, A movement is on fool in Kulcigh lor another cotton mill on the co-operative plan, Congressman Ilrvan will spcuk at Greensboro Tuesday, May 22d, -AT U.VVSOIi iV SMITH'S COCO-COLA LIMEADES Raysor& Smith, 'atlon Avciiii- ifll rvrnilio-slill 1 I irhrk. ASHEVILLE TO T1IIC l ltONT WIS IIAVi: jl ST Cl M I 'I.t.Tlil i A 1-11,1. HAND MADE SHOES Ami , m t)u. iiuiu-i earn Mo.-I. U, I issoi tllltllt uf shiu.. ,,r OUR OWPJ RflAKE! tmi:y si anh WITHOUT A K1YAI, .l01S12It.1 U Court Mqunre, Asheville, N. C, STAND A III) Quart Cans Tomatoes 10c. Scgar Com per Can 10. Bartlctt Pears per Can 20. Grated Pineapple per Can 15c. String Beans per Can 10c. Evaporated Apricots per lb 16c. T. J. REVELL, 80 North Mali St Telephone 1H

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