THE ASHEVILLE DAILY CITIZFN. Thursday livcimiy, April 20 1M THE ASUEVILLE DAILY CITIZEN I'RINILU li.ILY(tXCi;rT SINUAY 1 AM WKLKLY SUBSCRIPTION RATES: f One Year daily Six Months 1 Three Months ciiuln I oue Month, inailvuucc ( One Week, juid to carriers i.s Tin. Wi:ekiv Cuuln, issued ever Wtdnes day, iu advance, $t. T1IVKSDAY, AI'RIL 2U. 1894. "DEMOCRACY IS IMMORTAL!" "TUB WORD DEMOCRAT STANDS FOR Hl'MAN LIUURTY AND HI MAX FREEDOM AND CANNOT DIE!" Xcbulon It. l ance. Tiik people are willing to pav their poll tax, which goes to the schools, but are unwilling to pay the garbage tax, which goes to the city. It-two hundred Democrats and eight hundred Republicans carry Asheville Monday week, will it be Democratic Reform or Republican victory ? This is worth serious thought. 1 1- the poll tax is abolishe I the public schools will be the loser. Is there a man in Asheville unwilling to pay a poll tax when it goes to keep up our splcndi I system ol public schools? Wiikn the Democratic patty is uridc a clean p.irty by good men leaving it, then will have come to pass the saying : Yea, and the mighty man shall lilt hitr.- sc'l in these davs bv his own boot snaps! niii election ot . (.. Martin means a capable administration, a clean uilmiiiit tratiou, and a Democratic admioistra tion. If any Democrat can show that the election of T. W. Tatton will mean as much, he will have justified himself in voting for him. Otherwise not. To KiiLtiiVi; the harrowing suspense that exists in some-quarters The Cii izun wishes to state that Mr. C. D. Wanton is out of town. Those reformers who have beeu under the bed on account ol this bogie can now comcoutand breathe a jain. We'll notify them when to go back. Somi; few Democrats arc trviug to ex cuse themselves for voting this so-called Reform ticket by saying that if Martin is elected the Wanton crowd will claim it as their victory and will control. II I'atton is elected will not the Repubh cans claim it as their victory and will control? Hell! Tiiky are coming' I. C. Martin is growing stronger each day. Democrats arc seeing that they cannot vote against him without helping the Republicans and that that cannot he Relorm lor Democrats Let Democrats close ii press the light all along the line, and there can be ut doubt as to the result. Till: Citizkn attempted yesterday to s ty that the proposition to issue bonds to fund the ll iating debt was a money siring plan, but, through an error, the sentence read "a money raising plan." It should bi remembered that this pro posed bo id issue does not make u new ilcbt; it simply provi lis lor trie taking care of an old debt at less expense. Tin; CmzK.N, with many others iu Asheville who n member so pleasantly the genial humor of Frank Ilatton, edi tor ol the Washington, D. C, l'ost, as toastmaster at the Gridiron banquet here last winter, regrets exceedingly the stroke ol paralysis that prostrated him at his desk on Tuesday. A brilliant writer. Ilucnt and witty talker, it h sad to feci that according to all precedent he will never be himself again. In an authorized article in the New York Sun on the immense Aslor estate one remarkable fact is stale ! That is that, to collect the enormous rcnU of ohn lacob Aslor only two men arc nec essary. There is mire than one business i:i Asheville today not one-hundredth part as large as the Astoi s that n quiies the services of more than one collector, and lie is probably not always as suc cessful as his employers could wish. It is impossible to purity the Demo cratic party bv leaving it. It the good men leave it tlu chance for reform is gone. The way to imve a cleau party is to vole for good men when they are put up. If any man can put his linger on an net of J. C. Martin, or any of the Alder men associated with him, that has not been a clean act, let liimspcak out. "My party right or wroi.g; if wrong, to be set right," should be the motto of every true Democrat. a jmr move. Thcuiiiiouucemcnt that the Democratic' party, if successful at the municipal dic tion Monday week, will have Asheville kept in o perfect condition of sanitation at the expense of the city, instead of taxing the poor ieople, who have no sewerage facilities, lor removing the re fuse from their premises, is not only sim ple justi.-e, but is the only way the city can he kept absolutely clean. There is no question that the present system of charging the poor people from 25 to 75 cents lor removing this garbage from their premises is wrong iu principle and unjust in practice, It is a tax that they can not, in very many instances, alTord to pay, and iu order to avoid the burden thu imposed, this offensive mat ter is frequently imperii ctly buried on the premises, uud when the rains come mid the sun shinestipon it, disease germs arc produced aud the town sutlers. The injustice ol this tax is shown in this, that the man whose house is con nected with I he sewer system has his 8ewernge removed almost free ol cost to him, und, in many instances doubtless, at great waste ol the city water. If it ii tnaifc the duty of the city to re move it at its own expense, each prop erty owner will notify the authorities if it is allowed to accumulate, whereat, under the present order of things these poor people ore forced to quietly submit to an unhealthy and dangerous condi tion of tilings because of their inability to pay. The city should Ic kept vlcun at its own expense, and the sanitary authori ties should he held to n strict account. LETTERS FROM TUB PEOPLE. A Trip la Take. Editor The Citizus : This is the time to make au excursion to Hickory Nut Cup. The rhododendrons are t lit re iu lull bloom and the forest and fruit tiecs iu full leut. It is impossible to realize. without siting it, what a change the short distance of i!0 miles from Ashe villc makes in the appearance ot nature. The grandeur of the scenery iu the imp is too well kuowu to need anv descrip tion. It is universally conceded to sur pass anything else in this mountain land. Those who make the trip will In most delightfully entertained by Col. Turner at his picturesque home, the Esmeralda Inn, from which pleasant excursions mav be made on foot to many P."'"1?. .inU'l.e.s,. ?uc.has "C1,i"'n,:v)andm,stiderstoo.lhiiii lb-Kit kecnlv over runs, i uscarora v. is cajes" aud the "Esmeralda Fools." TI writer nude the luurnev from here to the Inn last week und the delight ol it will be a life-lo.ig remembrance, and he strongly advises hit fellow sojourners in Asheville to do the same. (. II . '. ' IiIh la Facetious, Eiiitok Tin: Cntt.N: Do thsell no harm, l uder this caption a writer iu your issue of the -3rd gives part of an historical incident urging I he Democratic Reformers to return to the local fold, lie sair: 'In the midst of a decisive battle, a corps ol Roman soldiery mutinied and turned i heir backs on their Iocs to tight their ow n coutitrymeti. A brave general, seeing the imminent danger, rushed to the front ol the antn column and shoutid, 'Romans, turn vour guns agaiust your enemies, and not your friends.' The column halted, patriotism gained the uscendcucy, the mutineers were Roman soldiers again und the bat tie as won." Had he told the whole story, of how the Roman general was s pleased with the return of his prodigals, that he gave tach ol them three weeks furlough and a bicvclc to ride home on, he would have brought alt of us back. With a few such incidents well told, even the march on Washington might be arrested, Let ns nil read historv and get good Z.iiaiuvirfriicrii. A Plea For Col Cose Emrox Tin. Citikx: As the tunes change and dillcrent conditions present tbcmsclvis in thcail.iirs of life the de mand for dillcrent leaders changes, and a leader suited to the dem, mils ol tin day must be chosen. All thinking men realize the truth ol this statement and no man, perhaps, sees or realizes it quicker than the fanner who cams his bread by the sweat ol Ins lace. It is iiuoii the tanner's sliouhltrs that the burden of supporting the coun try falls with as hcavv weight as upon that ol any other man. I being oue ot this class, and a tun Democrat as well, beg the liberty ol snc gesting the name ol Col. Frank Cov I -r j Congress Irom the lUh District tins year. Col. Coxe is a business man ol the ablest ' sort, lie is one ol the largest lariuers in North Carolina. He owns consi lei able eitv property, ami is interested in mining j and inantilactut iiu'. lie is. in llie tirsti pl iv, a man ol sti fling business abi il ; i secondly, he is well acquainted with the wauls ol our people; in the third place, his interests are so well deversilied that he could not and wou'd not favor one interest ol the country to the neglect ot the others. Everv interest would lie sate with him. Col. Coxe is an open and strong advo- c ite ol silver money the larmer'sdollar His strong personal intlueiiceas a known and acknowledged btisiuc s man makes him, bv far, the man for these times ol business troubles and scarcity ol uioiiev. The farmers who arc complaining and have a right to complain, could rally to Coxe as a brother iu the truest ense ol tue word. Nominate Frank Coxe, and we will win on ttie held and what is still better, we will have a true and able Con gtessman Speak out, brother tanners. , 1'nniici. Leicester, N.C., April 11, lyak HiinieSiulenitirH And a tome Hon. liniioi; Tin CmziiN : Some questions j and answers: The voter in this mtinici pal colitis', is co; trontcd with the Co! lowing questions : What tickets are iu the liild : Answer: A Citizens' ticket and a s i called Demo cratic ticket. Why is the Democratic ticket merely a so-called Democratic ticket? Answer: llteause it is not the ticket put firth bv the regular Demo cratic organization, which put out no ticket whatever Why so? Answer: Hecause the ex ecutive cuiniuiitec of the Democratic party for the eitv ol Asheville was cum uned of 1U m tubers, only lour of whom called a convention of the partv to nom inatc a mayor and aldermen A major ity did not act, and a minority, otilv, binds the partv. It a minority could act. one man might dictate to all. Did such a convention meet pursuant to that call? Ans. Yes, within Iltl hours alter said meeting and nominated C. I Wanton lor mayor Was that iiomina tion generally accepted hy the Demo cratic party? Ans No; lor the news paper which claims to be the organ ol that party bolted the nomination the day alter it was made, and soon after a large meeting of most reputable nominated T. W. i'atton. Is Wanton still the nominee ol that convention? Answer; No; he withdrew as soon ns the or).nn "I his party bolted Mow was his place filled ? Answer: llv a set of men who claimed to be the exec utive committee of the partv, but who had no mote right to represent the pally than any other private eit-zens. .1 Couniv Fotcr. We arc generally content to lit the "Reformer" coinnitini atioi-.s run on iu their own wild way, but one correction of the above seems peittnei.t: TiikCiti zi:n has not bolted anv nomination n ccntlv, or lit any time, made by Demo crats. En. Cm zi:n. Fop Severe, Muttering CoucIih, Wenlc IiUDits. HleeilinB from filings, Bnineliltm, Astliiiin, ami ('onsumiitlnn, in it early Htajjes, l)r. I'ieri-e's Uiimen Mi-ilicnl Dim-over? is a nm-Breinn remedy. It nut. only euriM the ('hhrIi lint also lmilili up tlio strencth anil llesh of thosn reilm-eil liolnw a healthy Ktnnilanl ly " U'astinn Disenmn.'' Will nut make fat folks more i-orpnlonl. II. K. Wii.kv. of flur Etikr, 1'nnvrine Iiu, H'lo write : " hud hronehltla fur twenty yearn uml over, ami I conlil not work with out i-nughlnir go liunl nn to take all my ntrewrtu away. I rook live Imr tlei of Dr. Pleroe' Qolden Meilloiil IHsoiiv ery, and Rive you my word and honor that I ean do any work that there In to do on my 'ranch ' without eoinrli ing. I have not taken any of the 'tlnlden Medical lllneovery ' for year." MR. WlLET. S tlphur Springs Knedule chnnRcd to half hour without dinner of cnr. 9 . TO St EE r THE FFOIM.K. The Ureal Oenlr i Vance'rf llcail mi Tbe Lnm. 1 ii,m the Oi.itl'itU' ohsctA. r : Mr. T. . Allisou called to s iy goodbyi". ' After an hour's conversation he rose to' l leave, extended his baud and said good hc. "No," said Senator Y.ince, "not I good live, Tom; say gno.l night, and. come Hack tomoriow ami say gouu bve." Returning to the rcsideu:'. about two o'clock in the altcruoou Saturday lie Iiu d him unconsci ous. The convcrsition on the preceding evening had nlcrciice to his public scrvi ces and to early and lilt long Iriendships. His big heart seenud lull ol tender rtcol lections and he spoke p ithetieallv aril alVeclion itelv ol his t.itinlv and tiiiiuls ...a ..i,r;,r,l,-,vt .,11 it In, tt:,.l umiii't-il ,. ,,, ,,.,. , the helplessness lb it kept him Irom his public duties. Speaking ol tins he said ; "It is my di child iic'iuatioti to resign; I thin1' about it scviousli ; it is a duly I owe the people, but it is a question ot bread and meat; it i all 1 have got and though duty inclines me to give up my commission 1 ca.inot think the people whom 1 have so long and laithlidlv served expect mc to do it I haw Ken a long tune in public hie, but I am v cry poor. I don't think my worst enemy will say I am dishonest, but il 1 had inv life to live over again 1 would lav sonic thing aside lor ol I age and my children." Constantly dining his conversation lie alluded to his State and In h s great w ish to go once riore among the people. "1 may never live." lie said, "to gtl to North Carolina, but the great desire ol tn v heart is to meet the piojile and tell them how caloii! Iv 1 am readv to serve them "I tl.iuk " he sai I. wi ll a sank on his haggard lace, "that I c iu'd tell them some things that t thus might not like to talk about .VI that I am, all that 1 ecu had. I owe to the people ol North Caiohu.i. Thev know, I am happv to believe, how deeply lappieciate their eonli lenee and how gratcliil 1 leel to them Conic wh i! may I h ive laiih in their love a id div-ilion and believe they will never sec me sutler " SOI1 V KM HS, NAT1YK ;i;ms, LAPIh.YlJY YVOIJK, WATCH WOKK, JEWELRt - MADE - TO - ORDER, MliliAI, Ml lkll UN NuKTll i AKul. 1 S A i.l.MS AT'S I' ' K ARTHUR M. FIELD LEADING r WKIUY, MAIN S I'M. I! I N' 1 1 I I C i; - "v irlm ol ,1 p o' r vi-M il hi ilw iii iIerMent il m In rtmn il-t'tl ot trtisi tmiirtil !v K. I. l;ii 'iittii k ami K .1 1' it uat! tk if , Ins v it. hiiiI 1' W. !' t id 1 1 i k 1.. 1-it. nat rn k, ln wit'', on the 4 ' h lav nt p' i' ' '"r tlif ruimM til 'fi'ui nu ii ri 1 1 .i ii a ic ihfi. in (lftriiifil. hit Ii i ii'l (! trii-tt wes ii curilt il in tin-(itlii.-i.-ut tin- Ki-tci ..I lu-.-iU lt h lint MM I it' i'MI t 111 f k Ht ifL'f .'o'l i sfi , t't hii'h rt ir-iui i h r- ti v mak'. Hii'l ill' ault li'ivitti: 'u-cn nri-U in tlu pa t I'll t nt .t il ti -1 . t hi' u mi let -I. tr 'I at til:- iv 1 '!-1 Ol till' l' --till i,ll' ttli t. Will -1 tl'l i- h tn the h'ulu i lu'l k-r. at pnh'u' ,nuti n nt t hi- iiiiiit h'i tl ' ii r in , .u illf. t.n ' tie Hitt t;n titui i n-ilc i'lhl 'i.tiri'tr ami i-'--. mi Sat-irilav ilic J"tli il iv nt April i '. I. a t 1 J ol' i'k niH'ii tie (..ii. i jui: ill! ct iiu il (iari I i t I a ill in it v 1 ! t Ait. In th WfMrrn p;u t I t hf 1 1 v - l 1 stir villi on tli-north s iti- t'.inlvv'ol ftii-rl. amt oil the i' i i.i' of a n-'". xtit-t t, h i 'HiliMK a lot in liuiu'i' to M rs. l'i" t -a . i IU uinnuik: at iu Mr-- i'rt.i.itS Hontliwrt iot lie i i.n I In- ti'Tth iilt' 1 ( .m il w in - il -trfft , tin 1 runs with t Ic ninth ot ionl ii T'it i th o'.t 1" wist M-vriin. tn-t toil intiT'f t ' ma vim thr a: matmn of snnl i-mt. irrri. tii iuc vi'h t tit lattr- ii--itli . I I w i -t 'Mir litimlrfil mum I vt-ir y ti v U't t to i t i-it rrsi ct ion with t h son n tn.i 1 1. a ol an a !rv . th' net with thr south tn.ii'in i-l aid allry tiortli I.V rust i .rntv tiet to Mrs. I'.nint - tiorthwrst i-urinr: tin mi- vith Mrs, tirmit's wi'St(i;i tioanil.iry l uc senth 4s i:n,i ,,ti,. hiindrcil anil t i-nt y live Irct to ill- tit'K inning Tins Jst , (ti v i 1 March, h'.ir. P. M I'. .'- -'.'iiru.t linrs Uiy 'I'rnti'c NO'I IC W Hv VII till' of tlif p WIT Ot till I' vcsitfil in thr uilii liihtni'it truster by a certain net-il of trust rstvirulln W. 1. Stiopf anil T. C. Starlit- on the liuli lav o' Julv, 1.hi, tor the purpose i I snituni; certain aotcs theretii ilesi ritie-il, ulmlidtci ot trust w as recorileil in t lit other ;! the hetsUT ot Irtil for liuneomtie c nmtv, i u tin l.'lh ila v of Jul v, 1 vw. in hook - 1 , 'n-uinnnnj at t p.'itjf 7J, to ln h re fen nee is herchy made, nml ilttault lirivmy been made in pay ment ot said notes, the umlrrsiifnei At the rcinicM ol the cotui ipir tr-ist. v tll sill tor i th to the highest I'ithler at the court hoti-e dior in 'siievillc for the sati-t.o tion i, puid iioteH. interest und cost-, on Saiurdnv. trie 'Jth ihiv of Mav, 1 n'.i i, a 1 nMm k'noon t he folio a hi U vet iheil purer) of laud in thr southern pu t of tin nty of Asheville, heniii tutiK ut v liiti ohK hhiI Sp tuish oak marked w M un the west mu ijiii of the road lcdin imrn Kev I. M I 'east- to ihejoshua Roberts tar:n, now owned hy the Soultuin hnonivc meat com pHny mi 1 n n- nor tit ' . cist PI fHiles and Hi links t i a stake oppoite the strin; thence roith i;o:( wests poles and links to a chestnut o -k thiuce north 13 polm and J links to a make; theme uottli 34" , west mS polts to a si ojte. thence south ti:t' i went as ot h s Mid is links to a stake; thence s nth 'J t' , east ti.'i p U h to a stake; theme north (ssi , ea.t n; p,,, s Mnfj nve links to the ht-ffinninK eontai'Mii is iiitik more or iesT ' h th day of April, li a jrlldKMu M Ii CAKTKR, Trustee. NEW AND NOVEL DRESS GOODS ARRIVING AT SUMNER'S THIS WEEK. A not hoi-now liimof Moiic ami Antique Silks l5i-lim-f new Hrocu.ii'd Sutint'8. Au imuieiiHo nssortim-nt of Jrish and Scotch JiUwup. TLbv nn; lieauticH. We are away nlioad (n .Spiiug wt.ul h(kiH) WuhIi fabrics, Pougoos, Batiste, Challies, Vauicion, Mullos, Silk Mulle, Victoria Lawns, MarHiollfH. and bimitifH. Wo aivs Ktill w-lliii)"' helmv inanufacturor'H cost. Nottingbani Lace Curttiins, Smyrna Rurb, Chenille Table Covei-H. A new arrival of those fctjilendid tjrim? weight Blai-k and Tan Serges. They are far below any price you have seen. Domestics are still down atSUMNEIi'S. No ai rivals in eome late designs of millinery this week, this is one of our leading attractions for this season. Some beautiful shapes in Parisian headweur. Big line of new SAILORS.. It will bo to Ladies' interehtwho intend buying millinery this spring to look at our line. No o'd goods, or fabulous pi ices, but everything new, cheap and attractive. A visit to our store will prove that we carry only the best aud always at the lowest prices. SUnWCNER & CO.. I'.ini Mull. Sii linn Mink. SallMi , I me Kih KlClsts, liressM-,1 lVlUllll. I. .llllll. Turk. Milttim Chop-.. Until HAVING BUILT A $500 Cold Storage Room ix ;;;: mhki:t ;;i it.iic. i cmv i rr in u ; tuiiivts is a ri;Mn:nM i kh a i.ini.'i ABOVE FREEZING, MM': CI.KT'IX Tllr rill! Ml-AT II II. I i:S Ml .': J" l.V" n.'.ViKv- jAMhs wiii.nrs St il Slulls. t il.e AarAif ESTABROOK'S BOOK AND STATIONERY STOKE, i 22 SCLJTH MAIN STREET. Latest Books and Magazines. Artists' lUawrinK l ine Ntalloiitr, Local Pliotoxrapbi mid PiiiutioifH. ICE COLD SODA WATER llriUMt from tlir l;ir;t'st tinj finest mmI.i fouM iiu in tin1 Stat i' only th' vit.v la'.-st fruit juices aiul n lincd rock liinily syrup used in ninliiii",' t his delicious lievenipe nt lr. T ('. Suit ti V )vg Store on tin- Pnlil r Siniiire, Aslicvill-. X. () MISSES' OXFORD TIES i.w : ; i. h i.-;... .'. U - IAI.l.! T IX I I MM;' ' .v, S .". .- all -1 iv si k r- v..i r .-. .W. . i . .1 s(i s.m s.s in . i. i run i: I ii T A I U A . MHA I i.'Ml '-? ir - .t'-'i; ms i .ii 'v - A' i i ( .i.v-.:. ' . u ."; i 'Hi: : . i. .; : i ' k .fSLV l: 1 1 i. SlUHiS I i I.' - ' I. ; J. .!,tl!EI!l, w. ii r.wmt. i .v. w. west , G-WYN & WEST SlK'lVMNir tu W. 11 Gw)D. JjJ l:tul,lishc-il lMfil. 1'i frr to Hank c.f Aslicvllle REAL ESTATE!0 AND 0RGAN W0RK I.HAN Mil'UKI. H.AcliH AT M I'KM CHNT NoT AK T I'l III. if. l 1 1 M IUINKH FIRE INSURANCE S'uthfist I'uurt Square. IIU. .did Chicken,.' l-s mil Kvif, lunu Mini. ClWl SH UT I'iii. ; Tt-ii I.r i.oiu Mfak IVkui Itiuk 'Iripi-. Bargains in Real Estate i T lit.- lots .-mil liiml lii. iiK i I v Ik Ii i ii l; i ii i; tu llic AmIicviIIv I.niiii, C'liiislriictiiHi cV 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 c i c 1 1 1 1-1 1 1 c't i in p.-i ii v . ui rc liasc-il liv tin ill tlir Lite siik' urc olVcri'il tu tlic pub lic I'm- tin- next .'0 iliiis at piici-s nvi-raj; in); Kss UiiiiiDiic-liiill tin- luniiu prices ol tlio cuiiii;tiiv. l'articuliir atlent'oii is ciillul to the I. mil on t lie west side of tlic( l-'ruicb Uroiiil river, lieiuj- about l'.K)1 ,-icres ailiuiiiiiiK t lie llinnlnun School ami , Kiclnniiiiil Hill, which is ullcrcil lor sale in ol from I- to IK) acres. For lin thci p:ii ticulars apoly to the umlei sih'iieil in to CiWix ,V Wi;si or S. C. Gum i.ami April 1', ls'.ll. 1-1 :t lihtio r,i-u. W. l'ACK. ii a a PRESCRIPTIONS! SI-liCIAI.TV A r Grant's pnarmacy j Where they arc put up promptly, rapidly I iinil nccurnti-ly, from i-hcmii-ally pure druKf, fresh Irani tlicluburatorlcmifriiullilii, Merck, Scliicffilio nml other mandaril ui.inur etur- it Hud at must rcasuuablc prices LEAVE ALL ORDERS FOR AT- HUSIIII i SMITH'S IIHI(1 TOE, i No. Ill l-aitun Avenue. 1 l-HUMI'T ATTENTIUN, AND SATISFAC TION UCAKANTKBI). FRANK E. MORTON No. 30 Politico Seem to tiitatc the ASHEVILLE WOODWORM CO. IsNow Prepared BUILDING MATERIAL Fine Church, Cabinet Work and Bank Fixtures FOR Asheville Woodworking Co. II. Kauffmau, yupt. QJAMrn- not j LVINIjr V NO FRKB GIFTS OP ANY K1NH TO ATJTRACTATTRNTION OR IIRAV THADB AT THR Acme Wine, Liquor House & White Man's Bar Wht I claim in that I keep the larKrat itoek ftf rt clxm goodn nH anv houw in tlir Mate. Anyone In need of tiure unatlalteratrit liquorn -will find it to their Interest to call mid cxiinnnc my oek. The imt hai been recom mended bv the leadlnn nhvklan in the State for nicdlelnul pnrpoaca. r Iuh, 1. Ioitjyrlirjin, Prop. NO. 58 SOUTH MAIN STREET, - - ASHEVILLE, N. C. Mv ninttn in. "Keep the brst and eharge aecurdiuKlv." m.Mt platv in scruud to nunc in the State. TKLUPHONK CALL 13U t'OSTOFFICB BOX CHN, Order From m Oiatxnce ollclil Boxing Packluar Free BONANZA WINE AND LIQUOR COMPANY, Nos. 41 and 43 S. Main St., Asheville. T1 A I "IIOLIiSAI. It lilil'AKrSIHXT. OUSTS' IX yJ' I I'AKLCK AMI VhADISG KOUM. CICAKS. TOIIACCD .I.V' CnnliS, SAM- VT I VLIt. II1LL1AKU VOOl. ROOM. i KJ 'JtO Beer Vaults and Bottling Department in the Basement. We Kvsfii'itlnily SutUit it Share of Your t'utrunttKC. P. A. MARQUARDT, Manager. 31ula Kntranre. 13. THE BAZAAR Has (he licst Kill (lUnv lor SI. A tv Lot ol Sailors at THIi IUAAIE. Always on Display . the Latest Styles in MILLIXKUY. IN MOUNTAINS OF NORTH CAROLINA A VERY SELECT BOARDING hOUSE LORETTA HALL. HOT SPRINGS. NORTH CAROLINA. Excellent Table and Pine Accommodations In Bvery Respect H. M. SWATNE. Grand Combination Offer! The Louisville Home and Farm And The Asheville Weekly Citizen For Only $1.10 Per Year. Strictly in Advance. public mind just ihmv. The people urc also meatl. interested iu what they shall cat. We feed the people oil best meats. W. M. II1LL & CO., City Market. to- -Furnish all Kinds of K8TIMATKH. Telephone, 101. Telephone Call, .o. 74. PROPRIETOR.