Tliursilny Evening, April 20, 1894 THE ASHEVILLE DAILY CITIZEN. THE BALTIMORE CLOTHING SHOE AND DRY GOODS CO. THE STATE THE MOST PROSPEROUS AND 6REATEST ENTERPRISE FIRM OF Who bavtf saved tlioiuumJs of dollars to their cusloiiifisi jiium.iiiir ...;n ...i.. n .t tin, low, ires mr known to II,.. trial,.. Owititr to ll, , ". , ,. a' UmW '''"HS lull seMiou ii. ov,,v ,1,..,,,,-, , -.-.-.- viuuuiiii v . ii in uiiiiiiir ...i ii will now l'a.1,1 with tl,o ready cnsli to tak. the n.mtm of Imtwiitw vvbii-l, we oner to our . ,.l, . Z. .'" ?T. "T fa "ril" iPul ""a,to(s and are uw.ivh on in our liusi- drtUIHL MLtS lUtoUAT & WtUNtdUAY lViti Karelins in all Jo5iitni,'iits MEN'S CLOTHING VOll OXK WEEK, HECilNNIMi MONDAY. APRIL ::. Fifty nieii'a 1od sacks in the newest spring tk Hiim, good vulue for $12 .', fur one week, Fifty suits in blue and black K'l-gen. Big bargain at f 1 2 00. flannels, cheviots, Tli in week The latest agony, 100 long sacks linest all wool cheviots, tweeds, cashmeres; bi-j, vainest 7 50, now One hundred Ulay worsted iu sacks and frocks, worth 15.0(), for this week only Our regular $35.00 suits inculawaysaiMl Prim e Alberts for this week only S7.90 6.90 11.90 9.90 25.00 EUREKA SHIRTS. We carry a full and complete line of the E HUE K A SI II UTS in plain and fancy figures and stripes. The best fitting start in the country. Every one guaranteed. A ppeeial sale in black cus-i torn made suits in the latest styles, consisting of Prince Alberts, long frocks, hacks Warranted imported goods, I!ig value at $25.00. For this week only f 11.75. 41 Al SHE DAYS ! REMEMBER OUR SPEC! CONFIRMATION SUITS FOU HOYS AND Clllld)l;x IX HIJ i: All wool goods in blue and black coufin.ul ion suits, good value at $5.(,o, this week ok; bargains In Muslins, Lawns, Dimity Lawns, India La wns, Serpen tine Crapes, Dotted Swisses, fancy Lawns, Satirics of a II j kinds, strioes. iln..-. f..i.,.J , , w, Mill' liguie.1 jintl ullKt. Latins. Something new in Wash Hoods. New Spring Dress oods. New Ginghams Big! and white braid; bargain at $.",.00, tbi bargains in Laces, Braids, 0ne tl,n,.n.i ... jcin uj uujs hi; and uj), going this week at AM) JU.AC Tl 1 i i . . .. x in uu ii in ill run sim u I,...,., - ii- i, xwv luun ill; .1 ill i-i it ,, i' 1 1 .i . I.... single and double breasted, worth $:i.5o u, 5 r,o t One hundred Jereey sailor suits, t rimmed in gi.j Embroideries, Insertions in' all shades. New Silks and New Dress Trimmings s week ee pants worth 50c 3.S0 2,90 1.49 .25 AT THE TAX LIST. l. VII l ii ,, 1 lie lav Ii! of Uiccilv ,, A-lmilli-'" '" !" hands "i the under- sinned. US C..cct..l l;lMS..fsili,cilC, lr ,-., lection and hr viituc of an older ol tin- ,,-i nun ol saiilcily mailt .111 April i;ih, is.,, ,,, liv v,il,,,., r chapter ( ,,r ,. p,i. vale laws ol North .'atolina ol im rattlied n. Mil liny ,,l March, iss.tandof the ifwers thec ,y conlcrnl and liv virtur of the statute M, law in such case nnidc .nul inovi.lct, n. muli r MKll.d 111 t. -Ill ,;,V 1,1 .M;,V, IS,,, S, t linhliciiiu-liiiiitniii,. liiK".,t ,i,,l,.v ,. ,..,sh .,, tlu'i-imil Iiii. ,,r j ,. ,.ilv A,,. alliriNllll 111 Hie IIKHHlrl ami ,' t,f t. iins In' aw piTSCIlliol l,,i s,k. f li.t.,1 ;in,l ,.,.! I..r mk I. iuii,s- l,,r tin- taxrs 'r K,i ilia- n tlti'in rsKvtinlv s.,i,l n. i,.ri i,,.,(1 mfnlmmnl lots, mul mil iliiiV.Kiiil tax, , iu ilHt an.l h.ivinn r, iii.,ini ,l n,ip,ii, t tl- tin,, ,r.-i il,l l,y .sai.l rim ii l,,r iv.inpl, ti,,.. n.lki-liiiii .,1 taxcuf sii.Uity ir M-u ,,7. it. tin- ii ilay ,,r invriiilRT. ,,.,. an,!'!!,, aliinuuls siu h m v. i.iI ax,.s i,,K ,. pvllv, ly set pp,,sil,.. lots 1,11,1 i, .ll iMall' anil till- pi tsoii t. a,, s appial ,,pp,iti' Iho saim-. 1,1-iiit; tiu- n-spctivi- p, w,i,s in ,. noinr 111,- Sinn; wrn- lisU-,1 , si, ,;ivl. h-U-il taxation 111 Jim,-, ,x.,.. an.l thi n- lu-inu ill sm-li casrs 11,1 personal piop, rtv wlli, h ,-an , i-I011111I loi sn. li pnrpos,-. saiil lots an, I r, ;,l i stali' an; silnati- in tlir , it y 11I Ash, , illi- in Hi, iiimly 11I llniu'onil,,. ami Malo nl" Nnrtli (.'.11,,- ' 1 1 nil and alv ,l,s,iil-, rrspivtivt lv as follows Nelson llaily. 1 ,,t ; I,, I, M w.llim. ami stori- lions,-, north siile Mountain stn-ot ailjoin- 1 nanai ii ,,11 west an, liin iikr on BALTIMORE CLOTHING, SHOE AND DRY GOODS m. -txttEVILLE. A cut of :J5 per cent, on men's pantaloons iur this week A nice cap given away this week with each bovs suit COMPANY, st .111,1 V, lv,t strict 011 wist Thomas I.ani' oil i-;i Tax i,. I,, iios .iil,v. 1 I.. 1 , .,,- , ..1 ilfstri-i-t. ioljoiiiini; Ian, Is,, I l-;lliit Hall ami i has, llaili y ,m south. Tax ;ni. Nanry Karl, 1 hulls,, ami lot. lot i,.,x ims si,v pin,, sit, ,, ajjoininu lands, son IIiomii on mull, and Harrison south. Tax 1 so ,. J- " Holi il,.'. 1 li. .ii-i- and l,.t. I,,l i.,x If. t. cast side ol Wesl sir. i-l .li. .i,,i,,.. 1.....1. Iiisti, ,. op north ami l'. . I'amol,, II M.llow n noith I Hani coll oil W. T sonlll. Tax I'.co. Thomas, 1 !,,( urst sid, 1; joinini; lands of .Mrs. I.clloid s'has. Towns, nil ,,n noith. "ax- Chas Tounscnd. 1 lot we sid adioiniiiK lands ,,f f ;-,. ' noma t'.ray slict on noilh. fax 1 .... This April i. is.yj. II lax O.llntor ol t li - CiU y strc, I. ad on south and Lay s,,, 1,11 south and . i A.,r.. Ashcvillc WANT COLUMN " I A ' '. 'ANTi:il. ; I hoard want, d, I'i , It ia ,f in print,- l.unilv uh, n- no ,,lh,r l,a -ts an- kcpl. Addles; wilh paiti, nlais. I I. . Citi, n (df, All 1 ANTI-IK tnakin-' i c Ixiildini;. 1 i .it Is ,,r women to s. w at ,li,s Call al . ration av.-nnc. M, MRS, JAlllllSi. feet, on .1 ol plal of deeds. 11,1; land, l-lasl. Tax Jennie V, Melnlin. , ,, west side of l-lllll street, heini; iol N III lw,k 71, p.,,,e. ,,,,,, of , lax II 1,,, A. M. l-raneis. 1 lot .xt v, le t ,,n s,nh side of lolli-ue slieel. adjoininu lamlsof Han lien, lei son on the west and P. f. sliaiklcloul ,-stati on the cast, fax 0110. Win. I'.aiicn, 1 lot 1,. ,x I so feel, on uoilh side of I'oplar street, adjoininr; lands of i-o. lot, Ian on the cast and James lllal.ick on llic wcsi. Tax IV A. ('..lilts, 1 lot ,, s.ti neaiiinont street a,lj,,inin lands f A. T. .siimini-v 1.1. lite west and I V. I'atton on ),,. ,,,,, ..,v ( , J. M. l.ndtjer. assign, e, , ,,t , dw.-tlim; l., .'"V" '"' .spniee stlcet. ...Itoiti "l Ian, sol Mrs. Alnc Reynolds on lite sonlh ami Well, r eslate on norlh, 'fax, . 0. Iloldcrl.y. 1 l,,l soxiv. feet, wesl side l hnnn sli.-et, .im i Nu. ,,, Atkinson and Hutu 11 k plat, l ax s so. li. M . I.. Justice. 1 lot 7-,xt,o feel, oil south side i,l llroail Miccl, n,ljoininK lands ol C. A Nicholson the cast anil iltirneltc ,111 the west I tlx , f.i. ' ! Mis. II I,. Justice. I lot imtll, side of Clinton slieel, iiiljoininK lands of J. II. oil the wesl and J. P. justice uii Ihcctist, I.otv,Al, lect. lax .t so. I'illk Swcpsoll, I lot 7.1XK,. feet, w est sid. Ill i, k slieel, adioimnn lands of S. M. Wilson on the llorlll and J. f. C.iavcsiin Hi, south. Tax ,s ,, Juha Mel.,,-111. I nil, lot S.1UII1 side Svcaluo'ic . street, iidjoitiinr, the laudsof Allied Wilson on I llic west and .. T. tlciniuoiis on the cast. Tax - o. C. II. Kii-hiinl!i-,... 1 lot ,x: le t fiout on llorlll side ol I'oplal sticct. ndioitiLr lauds of M J. I cni.leti mi the cast anil estate on the west. Tax j( vp Mil. l oi licy, lol si7, feet, oil cast side llrick street, on corner of Hrick and llildcliraiul sis lax? .to. Mlleil Hall, 1 acre land on ca-l side McDowell street, iii jotninr, lands of J, J. Hail, von llic south 1111,1 Kclieccu llailey on tile north. Tax AY ilv win terms. l-.-id-.t! ANTI-ID- ileiitli man malu m hoard and 1 an-l win wish p,r ,tn in i c-li ii. ,1 I. nit UUlpllves all- taken. State A-lu-ville I'osloffi,- In. line ; ' 'A' A7 lliiii. hous, Ifi'K KM NT I itlloti av, apply I,, apil.lll IiK KI-T hk fun s tlOtlsC Witll lli.-,- 1:.,, , I tier ! M I . train..- sir, , 1 -,,, t, , III-NK V II. S'fl-IVI'INs. and ,. J, illusion iitiildiu,.: A I. I-l ai eltu,-. i.ll.lin , No. Staines plv lo I. 1 W, I i;d- KI-INT id; s.t uionl, litiuislnd tlllec horses ami live wishes I,, no ill, toad. .Willi' t ill .'Ol I ' .tie nine tool di Hand, cut cheap A M. Kav. .11 - ' e.ii li t," oil IE, also 1 lit, c . hteh s and ai ics o land. 1 In- ow 1111 Apply UN Till- PKIlMISIIS. ,,ii. Ul.N'f. I.aim aiuleonv, nietil Iv ,11 rant;, ,1 - No. Merrill!, ,11 avc. Hot' ami cold water with halhs on In,, ll s. All mod, tit luiprovcinenls. I.oealioii central, wilh lalve well shadci (.roiiiids. sidendid lesid, ncc foi laruc tannly or hoatdin,. house. Annie to 111 H. V. l-At'..',. kit. t1As 1 j Kl-I-' (', nh-allv I,, I K'.ll I IIUIVATI'I lliiAKH A acconitiiod.itcd al rcasoitalilc and larc tiisi .' lAWAn. T first ,-la-s hoaidim; h.ais -.111 d. No .- Clove stt, et. MKS. St' II IK KM MIST Ilk. I, w hoard, 1 . Depot slieel, .'lass, apt) ,11 I,, I'ernts ;iii NOT 101! II y virtLc r,l it nowcr ,,f snle vcstnl in the undersiuni-.l its trustee liv II ocrt iin cleol nf tn,t ex. eu. crl hy Kohl. K lllllnml I' 0, Mchiti-e ami Mnry K. M,ln. 'ire. Ins wile .in the L-Pt-, rtnv . f Scit,ml er IS'.il. fur lln- piirpo t- of sccurini; llu- uny mint 1,1 tn ccrtnin note therein ilt-scril c.l. whicli (1,-,-tl . t,st wis rreorcl. d in the .mice or the Kci-i-t.-r ,, ,,- ,ls ol H,in iiuiht- county III tlook 'J7 ill nni- Is 11 s.-o . u i-L. ence i hc-i-hy mude. mill il. I nit hnvinu lieen inn 'e in tin-pn villi nt .1' the sml nole, the uinlersiKiiril t the rciti-st the cestui pie trust will . ,11 for c-sh t the hiuhent lii.lil.-r. Ill t)U , he uni t 0,11 ,,. .1, ........ dour in Anhcvifc, lur thesn isluction nl faiil note nn.l i.iu-reit nn.l ext-enses. in Si.luriliiv the B.Nili ,,iy 1,1 April, isiil. ,r 1 j ,, .i,.l noon, the lollowin,. il, seritn-.l iuitccIs nl ln, ... .... ,1 Hi), ; l'ii -t I -t. Situntc. lyinc nn1 heinK on the northwest,1 IJavw.,J slrcei. .111. nlK tc Inn. s of the Mcthoili.t Hpiseorml church, H. II Noluntl nn.l oth, r 1.1 l,i , .... of Ashcvillc; l,ecoi,nnK t ,, Mlln.,. ,n Hi',, norihwcst nmn-in ol ilnv dutreer, Ohcl .st.r Kmiutliwcsl t-.nur and th iiceinni , with Hlll.l Hni wood street p., nth 27 ' vest 1 event. v one 11,1, 1 on- hu, f,, t , ,, sink- the siMithcst. corn-ri.fsiiiil ist i-ul liiicl. li.t: iliiMtcv wilh the ,iuc of the miid hist nittiH- lot :ip: westnn- hull Ircd anri tniv one lect to a mukc in II.imI nn.l Johnston's line; 1 hence north L'-H.. . -.s ...... ; cnty-sevin 1111,1 one ha f feet to n stake in t led l l comer; llunce w til Cwtraii-r'n line Hl.utll .'f ! 1 1 . - , -list one hinl....l jj'et to a stake, a-,d the place 1 f the ,.K,r;. second lot. Silu-ite. 'yiiiij nn.l lie nu 1.11 the cust si le . I lliutiici, i,-....i i , . Ill Ash-Vlllc. illiiHIli- tliv 1m,.i"i 1. ... Hovd; lt-lliunnu lit 11 Mink.- on tlx. Kill ol lluttrick street. Win. liov.l'n uoitli. v st corner. 1111.I tht-nee n,,,,,...., . 1. line north Mfc eu.t 111. cty-lour feet to 11 it.ikc, th-nee north :tr,ia- wcbi tvyeutv one nnil sixtv-lne one hiimlit tha Let to u stnke the s U'.tnvest corner ,.r ho. I 110...1 1....' Hi. nee no.t'i :u fis- utii eh v, 11 anil' ihin v- In c nil.- Iiitiidr,-,lt Iib '.,. 1 , " i" niui. 1 0 -ncc south 4-, 1.., wet Miielv lour nn.l seventy Ine one hundredths leer to a sink.- 111 llut triik strce-; tlicuie with said mreet li'tv lour let to tin- liecinnini; Ihir.llol. Anil also one other lot udj ,i. 1111; the tinst , ni.ov-e discrilud lot. itne insi nuuictl Hefiuniiifiii th,. norilivM-st cor ner of the same, 1,11, 1 thence r u m il, wit h the , line Ih.-rcot north 7'i" en-t ninctv lour and nevcnly live one huniiiedtl.s f el to a stm,.-th-.-nic north f,n" west thin, 11 ree fi-ct tu n s.nke; thrnec south r,..i.. 1 1 ,1 ,., 1 ,0 1, st 4kc 111 tne AN ORDINANCE Ol" The Hoard or Aldermen "' The City ol laliCYllle Adopted IIartJi a6. Wluivns, tlie school i-otiiiiiiitec ,,1 CUV Ul AHIH'VIIIC ll.-IS SUllllllllftl t ii,;, liu.-inl ol Alilcniien a t' in the folliiwino; words: "Tu the UowHulik llic l:i Kir: I ol .l,lvr men : "The iiiitl.'i-si4iii-,, co'niiosiiic; t lit scliool iiiitiiniiue nl ihc city ,, Asht villc rfieetliilly usk Mnircitisiiicra Linn of the following Uriel statement nl'tlie Ii itntu-i.:! coiiilitiiiii of the most impuriunt Ji-nai t- iiicni oi inc euv. "Tlieieare eiiriilli.l in the,s , ; l.liilO ehildreii. while- there ate;i,.i(M; per- i sons who are entitled l,v law to the hen ', eht 1. 1 public ed neat ion. lit those whir tire not provided lor hv this committee i probably 4IM) are atteniliiii; private i schools, which leaves us to face the ...... hi, tact more than l.'.'lio t, tliis citv's future citizens, upon win,. i. lelliKenei- the snletv of the lottimtiuity will depend, are today unprovided with ; finv opportunity of cdmation. "This makes it evident that il is (lie dm v ol the committee t,, establish oilier buililines. those we now h.ive heiu.. hill and crowded to t he vctKe of dani,. .- ,-im eertainlv ol discomfort. Hut while rivim niztiie; this ilutv. your eounnittee are not only utterly unable to provide a, Mi tioiial buildings, but realize the i. t 1 l(t they cannot even continue ihc pnscnl 1 schools next year unless the iicti;'cn tlt. I city will allord us reliel Ironi t be burden 1 ol inti rest whicli we now have In ,,:iv 1 ."proved," and at the closin of the polls nt fan election the indues shall lotint the ballots eontaincdius.iitl bose- J ""-. ne resuii, ami certily the I same to the Hoard ol Aldermen. ' j He it Further Ortluincl, That in the i event the im ues of sni.l , l,...i; 1...11 .1 . I . , " no,, 11 tjc- , clare -is the result ol the same that the I m mberol ballots cotitaininj. the word , Approved" exceed in number one -hall of lie ipiahhcd voters of said city, the ' , L.i.a euv sn.iu ne issued in ue .....moicc wiin inc ahovc proposition. 1- m x, T' U' l'A''"l'"N'. .Mayor. I'- M., City Clerk. Thin Children Grow Fal 1 nil Scott's I-iDiilsioii, TyT is il,,v.,Ds,' food s Tr n t wsv 'nakc fat t?" (f I hey ai t- c-- Lliin. otnl I-..,,,..:.. .1 i.n.iiii 111111 just in li-.iporti,, to their inal)ilitv assimilate food rich in fat. I . The Bfsl Shnei - SS. tnr ik. 1 - B in b a m, JCT. h. m s 1 aaag-g-asB. , -xwi ssma tj? yt tiS ii. ta W 3 SHOE e,l lf VJil SB, S4 " W III SW 1 ,is M K- UE IVW VsB JBSl ls- Xr?!v w. L. FOR EENlLErAtN, and S3.50 Dress Shoe, 0 Police Shoo, 3 Sole, 50, S2for WorkIrirmon S2andJEl.75for Boys. LADIES AND MISSES, S3, S2.50 sra, $l.7 r-. '-I' any tlealo; s J Jl. S. 1.. . I....1.IU. mines tu a r.-iln.-ed liii.i,. r .s Iiulms I li.-tii vv i 1 1 , . v ii-oiin eitnii.-.i :.: vot tliu rxiiiuin, iint liiMI ."N.. uowu ua u frituil. hat ,V1 yps s'. ::. .-MiunSi itAilAi s r., --"'Mfiff'AiiSJiavS5K M.i.Wlum at the price adn-rliml than any n he n," r'fnn RT, M,C' vini-e.l. The fta.npin,; of W. I.. 1 ),,,,. ,-,s' , " ,' "e,ri"r 1"-' con Ruaran.ees their value, saves , , ,,; ; ''n':': , ,llc ''"'-'P'". l,iH Oealers who psh the sale of W. I.. ltaZ i ' vo:,r '''' inn-ease the sales on their full line of ..r! "u ,r ' S S'"" U1!','"'"'''s. which helps U coil's EiDUlsion JiOtuLAa, liroiiton, naiu. Ilultrick strec; IHencV I, ' , " i " . " , "i,vc ,ul'" conlniclcl fust rill... '-- I IIIIIIIV : ---j " - "o. occinnuiu so-illi ,.l) This i'sth dH.v of Murcli, :i -M'llol tliursrtnv 1H!I., I.. I'. M'l Di li. Tmstcr ,r ll ei k ne.itl,- ln 1 11, u c lHI-.SS.M.KN,; ' line. Kiilinc. Ii Jio,- s.ilc eiic-tp t -' t ' 1-1 Cloik. ll - Vl'CTI.iN llol': street. I'.irlies M. P. Ilolcolulic. 1 lot. Iielni. I..I v.. ..r I.I....1. No. I of pint of Asllcville l.oilll. tonsil tlclkin au.l ltuiiiivctnclit coiiipnnv. 'I'tix s 40 llorncc lliinlcr, 1 lot west l',u,lKcr street, i iv.o s Y,v n.tloiiiiiiK buds ol M. Wliinikcr on soulh 11 11, 1 IX John l-,.lKcrloli on norlli. Tnxs.o. ! , .,,,,- J. V. Kuykcn.lnll. 1 lot tans feci, north sittc i 01 11 ill sticct, near iiilersectiou of lluiirick 1111.I I Hill .stieels, li.ljoilliliK l.iinls of J. II. Cole, 'lux' lllw,. , Atkinson Jv l-allon, .-, lols on casl l ull, ,11 sheet, fuljniuiiiK huiilsof j. 1;, anil w ! S. tllsliniiiil, licnif. lots Nos. ,v, .11 mill i',ofC. I-l l.rallaill itiit, rciiistctcil ill tmnk -i. panciJl, ul I Atkinson Si 1'iiiti fot 7xno feel norlh sitlc or Clicsliint slieel licini, lol N. 1 c .- Cr i ham plat, resislerei' in Injok 11, pattc 4.1, ul isler of deeds. Tax 600. Atkinson Hi Pntiou, , ts tvest side of llildc. liralid street, Ih.-ii.kt lots Ns. mantl jrofc I-., l.raliam nlnt, rcsisieied in book paKe 4.1' uf rcRlsti-r ol deeds. Tax 9 no. I'atton it Atkinson, j lots on L'liiinu street lie UK lo 9 ns. 22, n and j of Atkinson & iiut. trick plat. Tax 4 m. Atkinsim sSt I'atton, ,1 lots on lliMehraml slrcct, Ih-iiik lots Nob. s.uand loofc. M. Criilmni plat, registered ill Isxik ;i, page 421, of reirister of deeds. Tax m w. 0 Martha VollliR, 1 lot iSoxjoo feet, wesl side Mllllierry street, iiiljoiniiijj hinils or I. v claim 011 south and C. II. Yeatinaii on north. Tax 16 mW' ''' A,,'nl"'e.r- 1 l"t fronliiiB 75 feet on ............ iu, nu, iooi Lincoln rum m once K. Coffin, 1 lot frontiiiK feet 011 JeiVcrson I)nve, being lot No. ss ol Prosuect Park nlnt lax 2 40. 1 . I. W. Davis, 1 lot 4sXIim fei l on ;,i. ... I 1 ""J,"""1 mijumiiig land 01 liuanunl Sinirlelon on the north and T. M. Andrews 011 the south Tax 1 m. '"' Tims I'.icciilcc, 1 lot on west side iion Mreet, s.,xjii, r.-cl, be-in,, lot No. n of Lincoln Park plat, lax 4 50. Tims. Creetilce. 1 lot wesl si.le r in,...,.... o.milM', lly il,,. ,.-n- r,M,nis, simile or ciisiiii lortnlily lui nisln ,. rout,- , a"" I wilier, with 1,-nh, ,, 1,,,, n, electric line: lice minutes walk li.mi , s,uare. I'crms moderate. MKS s Tl-KKV nwl'.in 1,., Noiti, M,,j', ,lu I'I, ,is,int mil com 11. it; hoi on nil I V s, I ;. i . s Tlioilliill horses p;,l-Aslll-IVII.I.I-; COTTON Mil. I. Slitelc house l',ll,.,, . Illlliils ; spc, i.thc MKS. IIAr.Ylll UT11N 1JHAI. l-.sTATK-A niosl l III! Oil Mills,, I, si,.,. I Apply I,, J- .1 I-- N. IV SHU;, I, ,1 , feel, I,,, 1 1 1 1,1,. M.till St. SINl.lM, SCIlool. .V, I.,,l,i.., 1 0 "! h""1 l l-liin iu Ihc V. M. C, A 'a l l n.fiy lllc.1,1. V.nla.e il.iilcl to eoinc nl OTIS A. MIU.KK, Te.ieh. 1. V " Is. li siate ol Nor ill Carolina, llu, ., ."';e county In the .Supcr.or court -M II Killv, tilaintilT: aifuinst I. 1.',,,. nitric'. nnl li I. I 'It .Patrick, his uii,. ,.,,.'i l. S Watsoit. rielenilunt . 11 w u- - one nf the ilefcnilanls in th,- ul, rntj'.ir,i' :i,'llon, will tnke noli,... ih.n 11, ..i..;n.i,r ahovc mini d litis coinmenccl 1111 Hctinn UKuiiist him, eiltillc-1 11 s nliove. iu th - Su- in n r court ,-f ItuncMiulie eoiintv. noilh Cnroliim Ii f rr .1, I.. Clltllcv. Cerk of sni.l sun-nor c ni-t. tor Hi- Mi,ioi,it.m-nt of some ilescicet and r .miieten t icr.sou t-i act as trustee rind cycute the deed of trust licrein altcr ,e cind to tinl'eu ol the sin, I 11. s """""Mi 101 Kto th- true Intent and iiu-iiiiinK. ami i-s tullv as 1 tippuin-cil by llu parties 11, the,!. cd; that said action was coumieiiecd 1,11 Ihc 1:1th day of Maich, lsiil and the laid dclcn.laiil will further take 110 titc tliut snitl del ol trii-l was by .......,. .,,,,., n. i iipiurlck ill ,1 li. . I ilztuitrick. Ins wife, to the snitl 11 s Wat son, trustee, on the IMrd day ol March IMC, to secure to Mrs I.. V. Cole the pav n, cm ol a e-rtain 1. 10111, ssory note lor ihc siini o' one thou-urnl iloliars,' d,ie the i::ir,l jlay ol March, istn, and thul saiil note lias been duly assii-iud lo ih, ninintin hertm mid i 1 due 1111,1 pnvnlilc, which snhl deed of trust Is duly recomeil in the othce of Ihc 1 liiincotnlie eotinlv VMS llllLltlll III I lll Ul.,-, .... school hutl(linKs. This debt amounts tu ...0l)0. and ciuuiiiIhis property which at n reasonable estiiuale is worth $.-,(). IH'O. This debt bears H mr 1 :'. '. "'- if .. rrl!y .,-,,, a!ri.iuh. Asn.iiisliino; )U. M,,it Jy ., lhln !"'i'S"ii .trains solid flcsli by its use! . I! nol as palatabh- as milk. J::2!s' .t- i:..ivt., y All llniMi -l-l 0,en,-,l ;tt ,.s u , ot in., 1.. 1.,,., . mini KIKIIIS nppiv to 1. II. lohlison at 11 a. lit. and S p. m. . C..IV111 ns ailctioiiccr. South Main r sell house Snle daily Is employe, I-1 -il it s :, , 11 -,. "" 111 11.1i1.1t. 1 KM, .my iiissoivc,! l.v iiiiitu.,1 consent n- lies I, l.T, V ,",',c"'""'"','l '' .1 K. Rich, nil Silic a one- , ,"' : ".. !''."' I'1'' I iiuainst lit. 'in 11 in " 1 llic business ,r ..' .rV". ' " Payiu. nt a til once. Th I, ... ; I. ..... .17. 'ifc-tl lot the new linn 'i . lie 0111 111-iit .1 1... ... . . . V r' """ "f . ... " t'.-1 'o. 101 inetr linlioll 11 loiitinualioii of ihc same. Mreet, uyxuvs feet, bcinir lot No. Park ptal. Tax lion. t Iios. l.reeiilce, 1 lol on west sitlc of lllnnton street, mixi.'i feet, bciliK lot No. ) of Lincoln Park plat. Tux 6 in. ii iKiu.lliiionr, 1 lot on Ocoln street, inlioininc anils of H, p. Withers on soulh and J lice on north. Tuv.r., J Mrs. c. II. IIIrkIiis, 1 lot corner Hill slrtet '. .11. IIAI.I.AKI), J- K. KICII. N,!l','iK' li .T".t; ''V" VV,,"M' & K'"'lerly has David Kiinhcrlv tins day been dissolved liv niiilui,! L.. Tlie l,sln.,uu ,..' coutilllled by J. II. Wuniy, all persons hold ii' luuui.snc.'linsl 111,- 1 ve lii-in me leitiiested lo lirescnl tliciu lorpayiucnl. All pel sons u the utHive hrn, ,-iri-1 ,,,,...i.l i.. ,.o , ..." and all claims that arc not scllled'l.y MayMh i Z''';: ".'." l"."'.t 1 cnan.lsol un allot net ". S.'OSVIIUII H lUIOlU ll'SCI l'C. , I II WoollV. '-'-"I'"' DAVID MMIIIIUI.V onwest.'Vax a,r""",''"UU "eWr t,lalt- l.lulv Klneade, V, acre of land on west side ol t.ny street adjolnlim lands of lane j,,hw J south pud Simlre KfiKore on north JrSi T ", h hy,l 1 lu,' 75 ?" rrt u" west Hide of r.nv 1 . j . s "amis 01 u. 1: nrocW 011 north 11111I M. 1. Carter on south. Taxfuc. l.ucinda Whitcsiil. s . lot .1.1. . . .. .Lrel "i;,,"io,- lonxnx. feet, a,ljolniK lands c.r W. R. Paine on the north ami 11. i ui..' 1 " the south. Tax 140. J. J. McDonald, 1 lot .vioxj.ii feel In cast side oCDeiKit street, lielng lot No. 277 of Southern improvement Co. plat. Tax 12 00 oom"" Noah MiirroiiKh, 1 lot fpxim feet on west side extension of Grove street, adjoining lots uf Revi !,ft,WffitJr40nUn0rthS,,d J' "Wrano.i T. Nord 1 lot njxiyi; Teet, west side llallev '"'J""1'"!' '""ilsor 1'. Simmer on north mid 11. W. I'ureloy on south, 'fax 3 no. C, N, 'I'll, I, ill, 1 ha sc 1 m fen! .... 111......... Tax"'',.,1'1'1"8 'l N' y"'C l,l"cul" fi'ikplat. Jail. While, 1 lot 40x1 so feel, norlli side Hill street, ndlolniiiK Windsor R. II. Glenn on east nnd I. II. Curler on west. Tax 1 No. Kind tihnlonl, 1 house and lot, norlli side 8vc mure street, lol 40x80 feet, adjoining lauds of M. Jus- VroTICI-l-stale ol North l . J1' County. Ilv virtu,- of II.. Hill olilla. Iluucoiti!.. IIOI.II1 llsl.'.l i. , .---s.i ,..,cui'(, ,l- 1, yi Xouti., 1111,1 w, c. on II... s V .. '. ,""s is,., 1, ... . ... .1 " '. Jscinclltlicl noes In , J.M ; I"-"I I". I Clltllill lault lun-iusbccn nS W he .'. .vme o":.,- ! I a!'.'",' ?" VK'l'l'h'f icspcclivcly, and ,.. .......... .,.1, loiiotineii 11, sani iiiortein.e invillK thereby become ollcrntivc, I will sell, to l ie liiKhesl bidder, lor cash, at llic court In, 1, -lU.r 111 Hicciiy ol Asheville. North Carolina, on Monday, the .'1st day ol May. is,,,, , , , .,., " meriilt.,11, a certain lot of .,, dcscrlla-,1 in said uiortuanc houudeil as IoII.iwm: vititr and bciii. in the village of Ardeii, North fan? linn. IM-Kiiiniui; at a stake on state toad ,,t t corner ol A. M. Kolicrlsou's lot, and rimtii.iK Imck wo feel v t 1 sni.l U..I....I. o ,. .." at riKht anijle parallel wilh Stale' rnad'j. feel on stake; tlicuce feel parallel Willi liisl line ,. un .Time roti.t; tiii-uci- wil l s-i 1 rmnl -." !' ' Ine licultiniuL'. Ihis ,1, ., ,o,ii,, i ' immiKlwolois las. w. Rickman ls,ul;hl linin 'u 11' "' "''"'e- oliie. , , K"'' V "KMctcil ill lln- He,; s, ,-s olmeof Ihuieoinlie couiilv, N. C, in (look ol Mor kukcs and Deeds of TnM N , , ,t L made for a more accmate descrlpllou ol sai, m "I and premises. This llu- ,,,11, 'day r April J. W. RICKMAN, Mortgagee, Kcuislcr of dp..,u book of lllortKiiKisand deeds of trust No. lis ... puke H0.1; ,11111 st.,,1 ,it.,., nf trust is n lien up .ii the lot oflHiid of the ileleniUuls, R I. I'ltiniit rick nn.l wife, situate Ivinii and be' inn In the city of Asheville, North Carolina, on me north side oftiiaKe street in s"i,i -- ,, ..s.i..,.o.,s i,. ton oi j w, Mi-hartlc and ollier., olullieseriition ot wliicli inav beob I. U11C0 nv reierencs to said dred of tru.t as reRistcred. And the said iPfendnnt. H. S. Watson, will tu -liter take notice I hot lie is required to be and npjie.-ir before the unilersinned Clerk of t ic saiarior court nf Hiineomlic county. North -.nro'inn, ut hlsoliice in the citv of Ashcvillc, i n the tilth day of May. l's9 mil answer or demur to the coiiiilalnt or netiiion ,, th,. iilaintlll'now on file In mid oiitce. 111 dctnull of which Hit pliilntiirv.PI tnke (udistnrnt for tin- relict detlinil led In the said cmnplalnt or petition Ihis the Mil II. ly ol Antil, lN'.lf. I. 1 CATllisV, t.l.rkol the Supeiior Court ol llonoomli- IS.M. 4-iSK4t thurn NtlTICI-: lly virtue of n deed of trust to rre executed by D w. Whisrnhiint and wile, 8 J Hlusenhunt, on Hie loth day ot Annual. 1 HI) 1. I v 11 m.-w... .......... ."1 siiid H. J Whlanihunt. iiu.ii n 'loititd and slaned laid derd. t r "" dif,,ii. J , 1, d' an'' "n"' l' ' hiving made snee li. .V?ym'n'.."1 ,,,c lh"' h.ii 1 nd V". '"ditors therein named ., ,.'i"! ,Llancl1 thnt " 11u.l-rs.Kt1.. ns combe county, N. 0 , n Tuesday, the Hi h day ol May, 1 mih.. n tract ot i.T. 1 1. .. o?n.?.lJV.,.C0.,!l'!,,h!, r' 'lescllied i. K on a enestniit in l line ant) nole, . " ea:t..o,;M,in''nnflh ... u ,, ciieniuuc, Ilieu north 45 pules to a stake, then not th au l-..,tn . 0 wuue OIK, then norlh in polis to n black oak. iim, ...... i. r s Holes to n chestnut, ihm n..i, t I .: pnl-a to n bitick oak, thn a" weat 11 nole. to a Siisnlsh oak in aouth l,iundrv line ol' eotner ol said 7 acre tract, then north tl" west with the line or lot number , 7U polea P t5ccc,ui"" ''f11"- ,n'' eonvevid to D. W. Wlimeii nntl In. 1. t 1.-...1... ... and for more iK-rl'cct 'description nlcrenee li mane to an 1,1 .1,0 .1 i ...... m..i. " corded lu the olllcc of the Reulstcr of Deed," -. . ..s. ,,,,,r coitiuy, in noon an, on 1 uuc ilio, on the 1111 1 day nf siibusi 1 Airt Vi.i tne oth day of April" ISM." ' 1 ''' 1 "" Dd tt thuta j. vv. CtJlU'liR, Trustee. went 10 ' east west :m l-'l1 eaat OPT to $10 !ier ,luy nt home sclllnir Llaltt Oil .nlnit ulntir and plnlinu lewelri. watches, tableware, etc. rtvery home "mi ?,'.,.".,:.",;li,",fk',",U"B' N" l'lni " inpltal; an talking Home nirenia are ., l WPfJ'": y-"" .'.'" ."n Add're.. H. K. Uclno & Co., Columuua, Ohio. est 'indconsnnicsSl.'.lluuperannumolthe iii propriiitions matle by the county ami 1 city. In fact our past experience teaches US I llol t), .:, ....... ...I - ..... "i'iriiiriaiiins arc not enoiiKh to pay the current expenses and this interest eliai-ye. "Therelorc vc won! I urire tipnn vmi to the ttialilied voters 'the proposal that the citv issm- itu h.,.i. ... thcnmouutol s-'o.dtKl of such dc ni nation mid bearini; such interest as you deem proper, said bonds under no cir cumstances to be sold below their p-ir value and the proceeds to lie devoted soh I y t ) the extinguishment ol the pies cm. neoioi llic pulilic schools of ,'shc-1 Vlllc- HVst, clit.irnian. ! .1. tlmlffer, Ccn. S.l'owcll, .1 IS. Divkcrsiin, ... . Williams. W. I'. A'aaio)), , , , "School Committee" 1 And whereas the city is indebted to , Miuuiy pel sous lor amounts of money at;rcKatiiiK $r,,-,()0i a t)(- whjci oast their maturity nnd on each ol which the City is liable to suit nttended with itiiieu expeuge, an 01 which debt, ns well nsthe debt of the School Commiltee hears interest nt the rate of S percent per annum: and whereas this amount oi money can be borrowed at n lower rate of interest, thus .avitig a considerable su... now rcitiircu to he oaid from the current income of the Citv; Therefore, lie it tmliiimrf, bv the Hoard ol Aldermen of the City of Ashcvillc, thnt a proposition be submitted to thetiunli tiei voters of the citv, that thev shall authorize the issue ol the City's 'bonds in denominations of $,"i(Kl each, in the UKtircRnte iinioiintini to $'.10,000 snitl bonds to bear interest at the rate ol G percent, per annum, us evidenced bv coupons attached to said bonds, niatiir- itiK 011 the hrst day of April nnd 011 the, nix in Mviooei 01 eacu nun every year and the principal of said bonds bc coniine; due find payable at the expira tion of thirty years hoin the date ol their issue. Kach ol saitl bonds shall distinctly liear on its face a ect tilicatc ol the Treasurer of thct'il v of Asheville, that he has received til least its par value, bclore its issue, and the Intnl. arisino; from the sale ol said bunds shall he appropriated slricll.v to the payment of the debt of the School Committee nnd ro ine payment ol the debt ol this city which is above relerred to mid to no other purpose whatever. licit Further Onltiineil, that at nu dic tion to be held in the several wards ol this citv on Monday, the Till day ol May, 181)1., the iiiilui-H ol saitl election be instructed to prepare boxes in which shall be deposited the ballots of such ol the qualified voters ns desire to vote on the above proposition. I'pot: each of said ballots shall be distinctly printed or written cither the word "Approved" or the word "Disapproved," utit! each iiial heil votcrwho desires to cxiueshi sent to the ubovc proposition shall vote a ballot contaimiiu; the word "Ap proved," anil each ti'ialilicd voter who desires to express his tiuwilllnt.iii s. i consent to the above proposition shall vote a bullot containing the word "Di AND BEST IN n-ssVl3THEII0AQ IS I TAYLOR MAN F OCoVsV if: sr. Louis. s h W O 0 H llcwnrc of imitations original. Made only by Taylor 0 lie sure to jjrt the & DANVILLE R. R. nn Rnmuel Spencrr. B W. Iluidko.ier and l.eulan I'oster, Mcecivera WESTtHft Nonrv CAROLINA DIV.SKirt Oondensed schedule in etlcct Dee. a. inu;i EASTBOUND L.V Knoiville....... ' " Morristown l-y. Faint Koek. ......II. ..".... " not nillKl' Al'lill. 2 Wf. Co., Ht Louis. MAGNETIC NERVINE. Is told with wriltan anarantee to cura Nervous Prostrn tion, Fits, Dizii- nesB,lli'aila,'ti,.nuil Ni-uiKlyiaiiuilWidtt. ,.11,,..... yllA. ... ,1s 'iV.'f'V'.. sfs. ei.ssn-.UsHottl,iiiai, '.a :f loiraeeo am Aleo. BC-r-ORE: - Af-ffR. '.! -rl"'"1 ""Pres. I ,... . . ". . ""ii. oortenmgoi - ,nii., . .oisoiK rnisnry, inannity alia Daatht J;-'"' 1' I'-ney, Lost Power in either set. riimiiuurB uta sua, liiMillltilai.v Losses, causis1 .,vi,ii.-ui1lulu-i-ii,-..,.oi-i.Ii.rl,oof llu, liriiii, ,! Errors ot Vouth. li uives lo Wmik tiriraus their ,., , ,.s , j,,js of nr,.; cur,., I.'i' orrl , tin, I I en, ale eaKness, , ioiui,'h trmit ine ill, in i.liuti tiaeSau'i', l,,v tiinil, to ttnv aililress 1 ne,- l,,.I.iil.ox,.sf-, Willi ov,.,, order aivn a yi,nii vw"runw" ," 1 un, or relutnt 111., inon,,, 1 lieu nrs fr,.. iluiirani lsue.l only hy our el clnshuai;, nt. ' RAYSOR & SMITH 01 l niton venue Asheville JN. C nm o 1 CURE WttU tilt k inn nr In ii'i i ,t ,.i. ,!.,. i , ', L lri,.n,s nr,., n.,K M-ariorVrs.y'a,;' Oliaiant(..s Issue, l.v 1,111-ni-nnls. ' CONSTIPATION f":cd Pil"8 p"nw nZ IT, -i,,r . .,,uV. :,.h.. 'P..".9."..'y?rPpll.lf. tr,k,. ..specially mt-p foi-rUtldlim'suse. 60 li"ul, (JUAKANl'mS lssuod only IT T. C. Mil lib, Druggist. t'ullHe !i'l""r'-'- Asheville. N C LE BirSsHH""- 1111 ",'i,,-i 11' llioi.hil(i.(Jnnarjf Of. 1 T;t:n'i. rrnnnvn Ik) ot'diPtnr ruin, men tlt i.r t,. icjto l,o tiiknt iulftutliy. Wiii-n AS A PREVENTIVE Iiy clilirr PMt it U .iiitnMl.i(fi wnirtct auy teal ili-uft : Init lii tlm t g. n..... lluiBiilrriily (Ni-.ininML Arri,iaiD V fraf mb Willi tioniii 1 hifA amt illnH, woguaram IJ 1 R '7 IVire l.y h)H., tutH9 mi r. Ashcvillc l.v. Ashcvillc ' " Hound Knob Marion " Morxanton Hkkor., Newlon " StHlesvil'e Ar. Salisbury .'""!" " Grcenshori, HJ'nnvilli Ar. Kichinoi d ;. Lv.,'tislir o. Ar. liurhani " RalciBh .'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'!" Ooidsiioro t' l.v. Ilanvi;ie7.7.. ' Ar. I.ynchburK "" ' Washington " Hn'tiniorc.V, " I'liiladelphla. " Ne, York "westbound: Lv. New York ... ' Philadelphia '.'.'.'."" Bultimore ;"' "WnafilnKiira'..'r.i:"' ' Lynchburg Ar.Daiivllie .'"" Ly. Klchinond....7T.7.! " lianville Ar. Orcenslioro. ....'"'",,'."" pv.,. Lv RaleiRh '.'. ",','. " Durham ', Ar. G reenfihoro Lv OreensDoro.T..i " Salisburv " Stntesvlllc ' Newton " Hickorv " Morifnntoii Manon " Round Knob...!,'.' " Asheville " Hot Spriii(,a,...i.." Ar.l'aint Rock " MornsiownTTT Knoiville ".'..'.'.'..'.'. A. &S.f MLUDAn Lv. Aahcvllle..".'.' Hetideraonville " Plat Rock eialudu " 'i'rvon Ar. Spartanburg'.!.'.'.'.'"""" NO. 12 If.air .. U 40,. .. Ii;ioim, .. 2 si-tpm - lupii. 'J .'tUtllll :t r.L'pin 4 a.'ipin f 1 7im ii r.iptT, B -fopm 7. 'll ira .. s ll;,m .. 1 I o'.ipnt 7nm 7 1 5 .. m .. lL'oinTn - -tnani 7 il'lani 1 lalpin 1- ailam ISatn 7 1 Ham . ;i:iniii tojliiau- I lillpti, NO. II ;iUun ti flfipLT U '.'onn. ln.'lpm :i l.tnni S atiniu . llilidnm fi .'tfiam 7 jr,om 1 f.opm 1 lll'nm -' .Itl.-im fi F,(lni N iinam 10 lr.arr ll luiorr 1 1 fiaiii la ll'mrr. 1 a (".' 1 40pm oirri UMpm B t oOlirr Ii".'i0,rn 7 4fipm . NO 14 filihrn 7 ISam 7 flunm N HL'nm srr.'nni ll Racket Store, ! South Main fSl, very li, uit! 'I the 111. Ill wll! I have beei the tiler..-y court hoi.Fc bell tvoular every Sulnrday ni), lit, and I wonder il vu .-ill I,,,,-,- 1 1 it li'iK lately. iM't ;t , um so impress von iitii what 1 sh.,11 s 1 say as to lastcn In your mind my say, as as the 1 "iv uiiutl, I shall be I'oursc it all depends on the riuo ten : ' I'l'I.UUI;; ill thnt bell is ill ilit-hc .1111! ,. i'. Lis- 1 'ue lot nan's stylish tiats iioiio,t at la only summer t.i,,iu I" ice ,111, price them to be I.a, 1. mm Ly Npartaubio'd ,' Sniuda. .!....!!!. Kiat Kock !!!!!!!!!" Hen.lersns..u Ar. Asheville !"" MURPHY BRAMo.u Lv. Asheville " Ar. Waynesvllle...!!!!! Hrvson City Andrews Tomotla " Murphy !!,"! Lv. Murphy Ar. Tomotln Andrcwa Ilryson 1. Ity., W tyneavllle... Asheville .. NO. 3 H !i ispm l pm 111 i-'pm 10 Mpn, 1 1 .'tipni NO 17 n r,;iani 1 o:'.um lllpni -I- 4.,un B llopn'. '.no: i8 LADIE S no VOU KNOW OR. FELIX I.E BnUN'3 steel m mmmi pills nrfttliniirminnl niifl only FHMNtMl, aafonml re. Ilnli iioimioii II,.. market. Pueo tl.ui; wui ti niuU. Uuniiiiioaoldoul) by T. C. Smith, DruggiM. PabUc Square, Aah.rllle, N C tS Htlarii n -t-fintn 0 annin 10 Warn 1 il 4pni 2 i'.lom iLtEPIICARSyiClT sleeper, between 'cTew Yorrh,, 'L"Z "l'lnBton nnd Hri8 .E .Inekanneille. bt'tWt'1" ""d Vn Pi.KAlft 8' " "ARDWrCK, "'.'..',."' iTiiti. Manun. w..i.i.-7' To.uiveicept Bunder. yiflilUtAL I ni Opium lihutu i' urn I m hui. ic . i.i..'ii:ir. tli'tltnrwm.iil ft.'lii.i, mU u U'fMn 1 ts, .VT? AUaaiU, urn. omen IlilH Wulitu-iiJ Ml. cs, llainbiii-K and I-Min, Inch Wide llambii,-,; ; you mill eoiivii.ced. V,l. I'J 1 I oii will "ll our couiitcis nt jjKiai';,-.-.,.,..! '.I--,ii.ii j.... ,..,., i. ';.......)'......,. 1;!.-. A w-..'J.,',i.'.'jW.i...-,.l,J..-ns,,i. '' - --tn,,! Swiss llauibiiio r . t.aus 111 j;rcat variety ,-,i,, . 1 . nun i ue anove irinuls . cxaetl;.-the pries, laiiatl a, lulw that such Roods are extremely low, way under value, and this is true all through our store, Have just receive,! r-. wriliiiK imper y, I, a, Tatul l.lcts, ,p,i,-c. We arc daily nddinK nevvnovcltics, aril 1 wonder how much cheaper thev will ,.,.i 1 want every lady that wants a pair of ue curtains to see our special bu, n.aiu 1! -i yards long 51 inches wide, wnsh like aniB,ntlf2.,SSpir.A,.oodjdcorc,, tains would say they arc clienpal 5s..i)o. J. M. STONJKK, Mr One Koodsccoml hand 0fnn for sale cheap,

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