Monday livening, April 30, 1894. THE ASHBVILLE DAILY CITIZEN. THE BALTIMORE CLOTHING, SHOE AND DRY GOODS CO. THE MOST RKKHB AND GREATEST ENTERPRISING FIM (IF THE S!TE Vh. huvo saved many thousands of dollars to their customers annually, will gladly announce that tliey are better prquivd in r-huwin- n lull .Vu i ,.vm, th UI.(m ,, , . at tho lowest prices evtr known to the trade. Owing to the enormous increase in our business, we have engaged buyers in all iu.-il north, markets nd'ire XmIh mum mm iuu luauj uwu cu iu ivu uuv uu,uuloBi ui u.iifcuiiin nuan Vt e UlltT UJ UUT llilUe. A8 WO Ha VC gOOUS aiTiVillg lluilv ness, and that is SPECIAL SALE DAYS, and we can assure you the biggest bargains ever offered in the City of Ashevilie. we aregoiug lo have a new feature in our busi- SPECIAL SALES TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY 111 I5aru;iins in all Departments MEN'S CLOTHING FOU ONH WEEK, BEGINNING MONDAY, APRIL 2W. S7.90 Fifty nuts in blue and black llannels, cheviot?, O Qrt merges. P,ig bargain at fl 2.00. This week OijU The latest agony, 100 long sacks, liuest all wool II Qft cheviots, tweeds, cashmeren; big value.$17.50, now IliUU Fifty men's long sacks in the newest spring de signs, good value for .f'lJ.r.O, for one week, One hundred Clay worsted in sacks and frocks, Q QA worth flo.OO, for thin week only uiuU Our regular $35.00 suit sin cutaways and Prince Alberts for this week only 25.00 EUREKA. SHIRTS. We carry a full and complete lineof the EUREKA SHIRTS in plain and farcy figures and stripes The best fitting shirt in the country. Every one guaranteed. A special sale in black cus tom made suits in the latest styles, consisting of Prince Alberts, long frocks, packs. Warranted imported goods. Big value at fi'5.00. For this week only $14.75. IEMEMBER OUR SPECIAL SALE DAYS! Wll I B A CONFIRMATION SUITS FCU P.OYS AND CHILDREX IN IiLUE AND I3LAC. BIG BARGAINS In Muslins, Lawns, Dimity Lawns, India Lawns, Serper. tine Crapes, Dotted Swisses Fancy Lawns, Satines of all kinds, stripes, dots, fancy (!,..,., I .....l ii i . , . "ftullu i . ouge oiiims.! i mn: Jiuiiiirai suns iroin .i to LI in all shades, t Ah Something new in Wash sim1,,n 11,1 ,u,,,,,1,! "'i'ed, worth$:.50io$5.5o at ZliJU ooous. iNew spring Dress One ,lrJdred -le-sey sailor suits, trimmed in gold (Inmlsi 'w ( iin.rli., ;.,.I il Mil while lirjiiil- liMiirnin .,f ! iu ii.:.. i. Ail wool goods in blue and black confirmation suits, good vjilne at $.()(), this week T!irco hundred suits from 5 to 11 in all nlmdes. 3.90 bargains in Laces, Braids, all shades. New Silks and New Dress Trimmings One thousand itair of bovs knee mints unrtl. - Embroideries, Insertions in 'and up, going this week at ' .7.1 WW A ( tit of .')." per cent, on men's pantaloons for this week. A nice cap given away this week with each boy's suit. AT THE BALTIMORE CLOTHING, SHOE AND DRY GOODS COMPANY IP A3NT3D IQ PATTON AVE-TXTTJE, ASHEVILLE WANT COLUMN ANTI'.I) I ' i A 1 l 1 ;..,t linililv lor l.nnlil. N. t'ilm-ii iilliic. ('A' A7-.. '. IoK kl.NT- Din-Hint; liim-f cm ni r nl Met 1 i llli ill II vi line ;mil III. 'I lint- r.ln-i-l . l-ni ti l III -upply III lll'SK V II. STIiVliNS. ail.Uir s illul i Jullllstmi llitiliHllN-. IJ'nK KliXT UK l-IIK SAI.. -line nine mum liouse Willi lik-e hilfif u.irilni nliil sl;ihlr. No. Stiirni's iivctliu. Will ri-iit i'Ik.-iji. Ap ply tn J. Wixnllitiry ur Gil. J. M. Kiiy. .J-171I.UV IIIK KKNTOK nil Ill-all-lniint. Itirni'.lR'il; ntso three viliieles anil three hordes ami live ai-res il' land. Themviu r u ihes tn it aliroail. Applv ,VJ-iltr lN Til K PKKMlhliS. II'OK RUNT In K.iiMiilli. a m . . .. : ini limine uith i-taliles, Kitnleii ami t. aeres pastn:. lallils. Tell niilnites' walk li'illl terilllllll-. nl eleetric ear line. Applv in J. II. nSlidHNi:, -.';ilnv :.i Ninth Main St. 1,1. Mi K KNT - l.aryeanil eun veil it-nil y anaiii;i "1 limine. .No. ' Mel liiniin ae. Hut ami enhl water with hath tin tun limn. All tnniletn inniriiveinenl.s. J.ueatiun central, with lare,e. well shaileil e.ronniU. splemliil rei.iileme I'ni lale family ur iHianlin ImiHe. Applv tn leli.'Mltl ' II. c: l-AC.C. l:i'.KIl.t,. IkiiAKIHNi; ANll KnoMS At N. - Street, l-ii-nl el.i . .' .1 11 (.'Inn li.ltv ill every lepeit. ClASTI.i; KMST- l-ii..l-elass; Inmse. J Centrally lueateil. No. i. C.nive street. , I...UI MRS. SCIIIKU.MIilSTl-K. rKIVATI- HilAlil) A lew Imanleis van lie iiei-.nnniinlatel at j1. Ii.-iki street. Tenn.s reawmalile ami tale first elass apru'ilun' UlvVlvKAI, persons eall i;i t pleasant ln,u.l ill 5 private lli'lise; hunie enlllhirts; plelly l.unn-. priees reasi.naltle. Applv .lec.vnnunlf I.'..; M KK kl Mi IN A VIC. lJilAKlllNl', - lly the ilay ur week. Plea-alil tiHiins. single or ensiiile, neatly anil vinii furlahlv fnitiisiieil. Ciiate nr fnriiaee heat; hut anil enf.l water, w itll baths on two llnurs. tin tlectiic ear line; live minutes walk liumeoinl siiiare. Terms inoilelale. MRS. S. THURV. lii)visiii,ni i'ii Norm .Mam sun mi. si -... or. 1iVlKSAI.K TvMnll.ilt linrses. Applv I'UI TON Mll.l.S .1 M.ltf speaking. n;.tt Is Mi-ant Iry Wiirm an. I C'lihl ( lot liin-. Wltfii vc sv:i!v i.f if I'util t lnlliiii'.' uo it-., nsuli dliiii-1, nii.iijiliiiy lis v.lii'ii uc. (:i!i ,,f IH. sun i.'.iliii.' n: Mf (!lr "I'll v liM'.vivil iltiwn." Clulln's ran fi "l. 1 1 im 1 1 1 1 lii'itli.r lirat linr ri.l.l l i tin. lunlv. 1'ur is nut Wiirm tiMf liiii'ii ciiiil. s:iys I lie I'liiln. i i 1 p!i i :i l'iv: -., cy.-'i ii, ilii-y scrw ;ts toiiilt'i-tiivs 1'i.r tlir lii'at. ) 1 1-r;i t ! by ( ilss! I'. Km-innl u inil in-.. o. fi'llrnt liiiii-riiiiiliirtof:. uf ltciit. Unit is. t li..y i:.i nut iilluw the limit i.f tin-luiily to es,.tn' su ca-.ily us sunn, nl li.f ma. t'.'rials. tiinl tin' iwi-.i'ti wliv fur is one uf tin- n.itvsl r.iiiilin-l.ifs uf li.'iit is. Hut. ;is liii lit In- miims,'i, sn miii'li 1k. CilllM" uf il i l.!!ll-U'..:l-.s ailil Wl'iirllt lis lii'i'tin.-c uf the air uliieli is miiiu'lril witli ur i'lintiiii'it tt't vvi't-ii ils lilii-rs, ouiilini'il ii ir ln'iiief imp uf tip. mi i -t cliVctltal Mult-ouliiliietut'siif lii'.'it !;iiuuii. .owsiaii'rs iin-iiiiiilliiT Ul III.' lli'st llllM-l'illl.lllclol'S (iflll'ill anil a .slici't uf utii' luliloil ii in 1 lui.l In. tivi'cn tin' sliunlilof lilitdi's will warm lliat p. s.l i'i'ii iv ri'u-i, ,ii as I'llVrtnally ttsit wanns llir lirarts uf its ivtiil.'i's-wlio llil)l'll tu 111' uf til,! Mltlll' pulilifS. (if I'oni'M" I '. i' eulili-r thr it I tiiusjiliiTi' tin fri't'iili'i' tli.'c ea;i' uf liuilily liral. tiinl Ihi' 'frraii'i' tin; niT.'s-it v uf ils ciinsi'i'-v.'iti.-m hv iiuii-i-uiiiliii'tin;.!' Ii it Ii i ll-. Mi l i'l.illiiii;r slnmlil always ho vnriril t.i .-.iriTsiiii1 tu din vat-iitl of t -mi 1 1 I-.'. a furl which is ivl'uj.'-Iii-.c-l :i : i-1 met h.v the ( l.iiicsc, who t.v.-ali uf the wcntlii'f as "unc jnclict culil, two joir'.icis ! I " " etc. ( If cnllfse there can In-ii i rule applicahle tn all, ami the a'.ilil.v l.i nviierate ami main tain heat iniisl he the ci'ilcriun. Chil ilrcti .'ci l ul.i p'.ipl.' have less uf this nl'ilily than those in th.- prime uf life, nml ..-m-v j 1 1 1 1 1 r ! - Civil .'reiitcr prolcc. tiuii ur i on:e..".'at ion uf wlml they ilu ircccrate. i'lul. in the case uf chil.lrcn at letct, I lie dictate:, of fashion slionl.l never he allowcil to inlcrl'erc with (luce uf hcalih anil coipl'url. HAI. I.STATH lot nil stieet sale (-he l-Ai'ltf A in... I lieanlilnlly situal. il Sle '-in ti et, Applv In . . 1111. 1.. .'. N. Main St. VWTION IKicsi; llpeni ilnl js Smith Mi Hired. I'alties wauling tu line ur sell hull lam himsc- hnlil .iwii!-- npulv u I. II. Inhnsuii. Sale .lailv at li ll. in. mill s p. in. If. 1'uilin is finplnye.l us ailL-titilleer. ,pl.lil ; Ut'MMKK Cl.ASS-Miss Whitluek .lisires tn iilltlnnnee that her sninniereliiss in vm-al anil instrumental music iv ill npen on .May 1st. Also leaches Masun system nt sinht siuiiiiii;, as useil in the put.lic seliuuls. Pur terms applv at 4-jMlyt .'s.i HAVWiiull sT. Wli WISH to employ n lew kkiI men to make f,lU'i $100 a week acllliiK rut lloliie Hlcctric Motor. Runs ttCMiuK nta cbincs, printinti pMr, itirtif-H t-tc livcry boity them. Steady employment. ICiisy Mituutlon and unnt) w ii'eti. Adtlreiis V. 1J. Ilnrnsoil ,V Co., Clci k No. 11, Collllilbtlsj, Ohio. UBClilVBK'S virtue of the power vented in me ns receiver i.f Wal ter Connelly, mid in compliance with nil or der of the court, I offer (or unle at puh'ie am-, tion a lut of prraunal pmrerty coiismlini- i f trunks, valtsea and their contents; also box containinK a lot of mimical in ntruniciitn, the name ImvinK lieen left to feetire unpnirl hoard hilla nt the Olen Knck hotel. The tale will take placein front of the court house in the cilv of Asncville. on April (1th. at 11 o'click a. lii. Postponed until Tucmliiv, Mnv 1st at 1 1 o'clock a m. C. H SulITIlWICK, 4-ad-aorlU,UK,:i() Heccivir. cviilcnlly to Use itur lut-u'crics. A I ami fur that rca- NOTICH 1)y virtue of an execution In mv hands tor collection issued tiy , 1., Calhey, C. S. C of llunconibc county, NO, in favor of 8.J. Luther nunlnst ('.. It. lark son, I will sell ut public outcry at the court house door, in the city of Ashevilie, on the 7th day of May. IMti-t, to satisfy said execu tion and coat the Jack-on land -lit-RlnuhiR on two sinnll pines on the top of the moun tain, in c andler'a No U tract above meh II. Cell's, and runs south one hundred and eighty it MO I poles to a snialj nuk on the s mill side of a branch; then runt up said branch with Miller's line to the top of the mountain; then whh the top of said moun tain to the lieKlntilutr conrnlnlnK (lu acrrs, more or less. J. A. llKOUKSIlIRU.Shtiiir. 4-UdsVtmou Per 1'. M. JONlis; v. 8. NOTICR lly Tlrtuc of the power of stile vested In the undersigned trustee hv n certain deed of trust executed by W. I. Stinpc and T. C. Mtarues on the 10th 'ilav o( nlv, 1NDO, for the purpose of sicurlni- certain notes thcreiu described, which dtul nl trout was recorded in the office ol the Register of uecu- lor Dimnimne COuntV, I'll the 15tll dnrofjulv, 1M1IU, In book 111, brulnnliiimt at page 37a, to hleh reference la hereby made, and default having been made in pay ment ol sn!d notes, the undersi.ncd at the request of the cestui que trust, will sell lor c ish to the highest Milder at the court house door In Asacville for the satisfaction of said notes, interest and costs, on Saturday, the lilth day of May, 1HH, at 1U o'clock'noon toe following di scribed parcel of land In the southern part of the city of Ashevilie, begin ning at wlilte osk and Spanish oak marked WM on the west margin of the rnnd leaillng from Rev L. M, I'ense to the lushun Roberta' farm, now owned by the Southern Improve ment company and rons north Mi" east 84 poles and 10 links to a stake opposite the spring; thence ninth UiiV west h poles and 2a links to a chestnut ok: thence north 18 iiilrs anil a links to ll stake; thence north .14 i" west lit poles to a stake; tliciicc south tiaVV west SH null a and 1e) links to a stake: thence smith asv." cast 115 p.iles to a stake; thence north Hxlj" ent ua pulis and Ave links to the beginning cnntnlning It acres more nr less, llila 1 1th ilav nf April, 1MU4. uprlliUlUd M. B. CAKTUR, Trustee. fAINSTAKIMG FORGERS. Tiirlr I T.irt i In itiMtii llip M -natures of rriicimcnl r:ink,-i-., '"Men try in ever;,' way po-ilile," salil a pi'omim-iil I. mil. pre -ulelit re cently, "lo o'llaiii liie siu-iialnrcs uf New Vorl; hanlicf-i. "'I heir oliject, is tliein i:i cotnini'.t leas! '.'. '.' .'.iispcct so. hoa t ry lo he as caivltti as possilile in .si.'.'niiiu- let'icrs. "lo llii.s lmnU wo have many letters from the west of mich a trivial nature) that we suspect an ulterior motive up on Hie part of the writers, and if wo ituswcr thctn at all tin so hy typewriter, even I i Hie signature. "tine former or counterfeiter in IudJ una is ec,viliu;rl,v systematic, and per Mis'.rut in his efforts to olitnin tint hi"-- natures of our ollicers. As retfuliirly us I lie year conies iir.mii. I ho writes, inclosiicr a ten dollar lilll, nnd re (piosts us to send him one uf our new ten dollar national haul; notes in ex cliiiiij'e. no always k'ivcs lite same reason for tlie request thti I he wtiitts it for 'Ills collect ton.' Of coiiim; t hat is noil sense. Wo believe that he wants a new lull so that ho may discover if wo have chinij,'od our ofilcors mid (.ret their Kifiimt tires. "He never does pet them, tlioturli, Wo always return this bill, with a typewritten letter on paper contain. Injf no names, excu.sin,' ourselves .on the jrrnund that we have no circulation outstttiulinn;." THINKING MEN'S CLOTHES. They Wear Oul Much Kimiirr Tliuii nf Men of Leisure. Authors and ail oilier Ihinliinn- men develop extraordinary habits in pe riods of abstraction. There is the ten dency to wear out their clothes mure rapidly than men who use their brains but little. The. man who thinks is necessarily abstracted, and can not consider his ffiirmcnts. (lite author, who smohes ciiriircltcs while he is at work, is continually burning holes in his cKilhcs. Another has the habit of twisting into letf around its fellow iu such acr ped position that his trous ers lose their shape in a day. 1 know un artist who has :i nervous, half un conscious trick of picking- his shirt col lars to pieces with his tinifcr-nails when he is eiig-an-eil in deep thoiig-ltt,. So expert has he become that he has been known to tear a collar into shreds in one morning-, so that, it is a lucre eol lection of rnjis hanu-inu; ,m by the buttonholes. Some members of the community, whose business does not. require them to think deeply, keep their clothes in better order and make them last a much loiiffer time. They tiro able to treat their yarmcntswith care mid con sideration, mid without detriment to the work thuyuru eiig-affed on. The city clerk, as ho enters hisollioe, re moves his coat and substitutes aunt Iter and older one, he turns back his wrist bands or takes olf his cuffs, and when lie sits down to his work you will see that he carefully pulls up 'the leg's of his trousers to prevent biijreitiff at, the knee, lie never allows drops u? ink to tall on Ins irreproachable utirments, lie never upsets tho inkstand ur lets the contents run down his coat sleeve, nor has he been known even to sit on his silk hut. The reason why "men who think" often appear to be no shabbily dressed is not necessarily that they spcn.llittle money on clothing-, hut that they do not devoto sufficient thoiig-ht to the preservation of it and to its econiunleiil aspects. Much thinking-, therefore, has a decided tendency to wear out the clothes. Home (jiieen. AN ORDINANCE i iOl Tii Hoard OJ" Aldermen j l 7hcCil) (d tsluiillc Adopted March 26. GASTRONOMIC C.EOM V l'i o!i :try. a IVr- 11 Ruined tho Iluslneas. American temperance nifl tutors would uot enjoy themselves in Austria. A native of a small villiig-o, after a long- cntaleptio Irunce, a year ago, declared that ho had been to Heaven and had Wn commissioned by tho Almighty to return and teach tho peasants the wickedness of drinking spirits. Soon tho cntiro village) took un outli of total abstinence. The district governor com mitted the man to the madhouse, where the doctors kept him for six months and then declared him sane. Ho ro utined his iig-ilulion and tu n short time seven villares hail taken vows of Abstinence. The result was that a num ber of liquor dealers to whom the u;ov eminent hud granted licenses re fused to keep their contracts. The district Jndffe (rave orders (hut tho dangerous effitiiter be arrested if cuutilit preach luff nbntlncnco. Tho banner year for railroad build Inp; tu thin country was in 1887. in that year 19,878 miles of now truck wua ooiiiplutfld and nut In operation. in Tim t Utis 11 I'ltser plcxp.l si utleiit. In the .Massachu.-elts Institute uf chnulon-v the students (if architec ture have tu solve s.nn i-very it list 1 ,. problems in descriptive and analytical L'coiiictrv in connection with architec tural forms; and the shades and shad own cast by n certain ring- ut, the hot loin of a column culled the torus, an. I the atig-les and inter.-eet ions nia.le by supposititious seel ions of t his ring, are (ixccedini'ly perplex in,e- to new stu dents. due day a student came to another student, a young- laity, who jiuil a rep utation for kinming- about these thiiig-s, and confessed his inability to understand tlac first principle of a cer tain problem, "(lb, il is easy enotiu-h," said, the young- lady, "All you have to do is to consider the torus 11 doiig-hnul, which you bite so and so, and you what the sections are." The young- mini went uway. relied Ively. and next daycaine back, looking yen pale and miserable. "Why. w ha I s I he matter'.'" nclaiiued the young- lady student. "() Miss 11.," the yuiinif man gasped, "I've eaten u whole dozen of dough nuts, mid I've bitten them in oblique and transverse sect ions, mid up ittul down und erosswuys and every way, and I've miido myself i.iek ul the i.tom ueh, and I can't iiuiler.lanil that prole lein tiny better than I did before!" Ureat Flfflitera. Kiitfr I.obeiig-ula, of tho Miitabele, (rroiitor man than his people, had tho satisfaction of kimwliiif that his men were no mean warriors nnd that ho hud trained them to (fu iig-ninst, and Btund it, too, almost anytliing- but ma chine (funs and repontintf rifles con stantly emptied, llritish defenses In South African wurfuro ure tho lunger, a fortlllcation formed by throwhiff wagons into a circle. Iu ono battlo Bonto of the .Mtittilicle g-nlliintly pressed up to within fifty yards of tho llritish position, but having- poor arms and be ing; poor marksmen, they were no match for tho well-armed whites. Within two hours and a half the Mats bole attacked tho llritish laager three times. In retreat the Matubelo hung Rome of their wounded to. trees and drowned others, It being their princi ple, apparently, that tho only food MatabeU 1st sound one. 'IH 0 0 H 13 j Wlic reus, the school eomuiuUc of the ; citv of Ashevilie lias submitted to this : Hoard of Aldermen a coniniunic.i.tioii iu ; the following words: "To the llonnvalilc the Huiwl of Aider , men : "The undersigned, composing the school committee nf the city of Ashevilie, respectfully ask wiiirconsiijcrnttonol the following bricl statement of the tinnueiitl condition of the most iinportant depart : mcnt of the citv. ; "There arc enrolled iu thcpublicscliools I I .('.( children, while there arc;i,.i!i; per sons who arc entitled by law to the ben efit of public education. (II those who arc not provided lor hv this committee probably 400 .-ire .'tllemliiig private schools, which leaves us to face the alarming (net that more thu'i 1,'JoD ul lliiscitv's future citizens, upon whose in telligence the salely of the community will depend, arc toiiav unprovided with any opportunity of education. "This makes ii evident that it is the I duty of the committee to establish other buildings, those v.e now In ve being lull and crowded to the verge of danger, and certainly of discomfort. Hut while recog nizing til is duty, vour committee are not onlv utterly utiaKe to provide addi tional buildings, but realize t in- l.ict that thev cannot even -continue the present schools next year unless the I'eoiileot the citv will nllord us relief Iroin the burden ol interest which we now have to pay on.the debts which have been contracted ehiilly in the erection ul the tcvera school buildings. This debt aniouui s to (ji-Ti.OOO. and cucumbers property which nt n reasonable estimate is wort Ii !?."iu, (100. This di lit bears H per cent, inter est a nd consumes $'J, 000 per annum ol the impropriations made by the county and city. In fact our past experience leaches us that these annual ntipronriations are not enough to pay the current expenses and this interest charcc. "Therefore we would urge upon you j V3 tosub iit to the qualified voters t he j M .,-...., ,u.l 1 tu. 1 Im ..1 1 .. ......, :. 1 1.. ... r l. .'r. ..1 tin ui, i.s.ic it.-, iniiun ill the amount of $U'o,0i)0 of such denomi nation and bearing such interest as you deem proper, said bonds under no eir eutnst.'ineis to be sold below their par value and the proceeds lobe devoted solely 1 1 the extinguishment ol the pres ent debt of the public schools of Ashe vilie. II'. IV. West, chairman. 11. A. didder, !ei. S. I'ouelt, J. IC. Dickerson, llr.J. 11. Williams, W. '. Uandold). "School Committee." And whereas the city is indebted to sundry persons for amounts ol money aggregating $i.000, nil of which are past tlicirmatiirityniul on each of which the City is liable to suit attended with much expense, (ill of which debt, ns well as the debt of the School CommiUec, bears interest nt the rate of 8 percent, per annum; and wherens this amount ol money can be borrowed nt a lower rati of interest, thus living a considerable sum now required to be oaid from the current income of the Citv; Therefore, he it ordained, by the Hoard of Aldermen of the Citv of Ashevilie, that n proposition be submitted to the quali fied voters ol the city, that they shall authorize the issue ol the City's bonds in denominations of $.il!0 each, in the aggregate amounting to $'.m,000, said bonds to bear interest at the rate ol 0 percent, per annum, ns evidenced by coupons attache! to said bonds, matur ing on the first day of April and on the first day of October of each nnd every year nnd the principal of said bonds be coming due and payable at the expira tion of thirty years from the date ol their issue. Knelt ol said lunula shall distinctly bear on its face 11 certilicnte of the Treasurer of the City of Ashevilie, that he has received ni least its par value, bctorc its issue, nnd the hinds arising from the sale ol said bonds shall he appropriated strictly to the i,'iynicnt of the debt of the School Committee and to the payment ol the debt ol this city which is above refcrted to mid to no other purpose whatever. lie ii Further Onlained,int nt uiirlec tion to be held in the several wards ol this city on Monday, the 7th tlay of May, IS'.I t, tin- judges of said election be instructed to nrenare boxes in which shall be deposited the ballots of such of the quuhticil voters us desire to vote on the nbove urotiosition. t'non each of said ballots shnil lie distinct iy printed or written cither the word "Approved" or the word "Disapproved," iiiui each quid- ued voter who desires to cxpresaliis con sent to the above proposition shall vole a ballot containing; the word "Ap proved," nnd each ipialilied voter who desires to express his unwillingness to consent to the above proposition shall vote n ballot containing the word "Dis approved," and at the closing of the polls at said election the judges Bliall count the ballots contained in s iid In and declare the result, and certdv same to the Hoard ol .V it Further Ordained, Tint event tne judges ol s-iiil election ire as the result ol the same number ol ballots continuing tl "Approved" exceed iu iiuiiilici onc the ipialilied voters ol' said eit', "I.", ol this city shall be issued in t cordaiice with the above proposition, T. W. I'attox, M.-ivor, F. M. Mn.i t:n, fit,- Clerk. i'i-:i.i.i-:rs i,- tnilinif 11;) tin- It milk-1 . .: Von can j.. I'liii-s, in : cr-a: ' '.s cent-; if nu ai'-k R.-iMiCH'sVctti W. L. DOUGLAS 3 SHOE GENTLEMEN, S5, S4 and 83.50 Dress Shoe. $3.50 Police Shoe, 3 Soles, $2.50, $2 for Workingmen. S2 and 61.75 for Boys. LADIES AND MISSES, $3, 82.50 $2, $l.7 CACTION.-If any dosle: offurs you W. L. Mnuirlai shoes at a reduced uri-. .r says lie has them with, out tha anme BtampiMl tu Douom, put hln aowo a a fraud, IOUvl.A3 are stylish, easy fitting, and give bctlci in lact'on jit Un- priic, luan any other make. Try one pair and be con ..cil. the Mauinin.. i t ,. I., lloughis' name anil m-lre nn thV Wim. -l.i.i Rtianinl.v their value, saves tlonu-ands of d.dli.r. n.o..,nit., . ,1..... ...1.- ' ..... -whop,,-.), ,lic .ale of Y. I l)o,,,das S hcs ,M' r., " "IX'L f h 0, BUNION & CO,, ASHEVILli, EfVOCH RECTOR & CO., MARSHALL. the; rheHi-n Minn i-Ttrt i.f:...: Mouiy hut tin-: At;-"" in . the V : . Sf V ft I '1 vH 1 M Aj.ff.;.-.. .. s. Vps , A . x rais 1. .... ti 'flr-r. to Trirrs T--' " "-fcHaV ... . .. . . '..V :. , lllp.l.M V . . "'i'Ct- m. ...... II ..1 .'. Vjw .:..(,, :.; '.:,;... . "sw :: iT. """ -.'.'vn-i.-.;- i -mtMkd7 in tn, E::::H'Kr::'S't. ! ISII ! 'i-'i'-i' -i 'i v;- 'Ti.V.'. :''."!' ,m -V',' lvi i i-b-1-..'i-i-.v.u.ii. ..'i..-,-.- ;p; liver i '.1 t.. , ...., i. v.. , .,,, ., ! tn- ,..ri I W -. to . : ' In c, .- ..... , , ... ,. W!:r.- 1;. li.-ri n;li i . - . ' . ,vi', I I ou can j.,-i ( ,- - tl.e. i:: ;.. 1 ic l I. e- Vvt'' -re aiUI I'CIll'l ;,. 1 ,,y,,-tiier the- uiiinu.sucss anil ei'i;s;i!..i;iu;i. sold ix ,sn:;v;i.i.i: u-, DR.. T. O. SMITH, li.ilcs.-..!. an.l !'..-i:,i!, W.C.CAKMIC1IAI-.I.. ul: I i!V,. .v c .i., iiutN'Tsii - i.-:;.r. :c. u. vsm - :-.i rni i.-l. .1 i imm 8, b. co 1 Sainc-r. b W. lluiilkuficr nii.i i 1 ni.. a I (,a:cr, licccivcra i-B' "ORfV CAH0LIW DIVISION. ii f. acinic in cir.-ct ll,;c, i'l, I H 3 l fSOUND Villi' - tiwii, AND BEST IN t'CONOMY IS T H0A0 TO WtALtH' . Ii S'SfN.. t'C6"NOMY 9 fiff i ISTMiiKOAO 10 WtALtH' ,f rifYtWrvrf, I fBtr'AHtOiJNlV It V - ;':.isVy-;";i; f imit.Mi'itiv M'i'Jc (itily by h: m; i 0 O; Ash; -, .-. I'.icu1 .Viiiri.. Mori. til'. KlV t lit 1. ICS I ' '. r, . Ar !;:.-:-, I..-', Ar. In.i! - khk; l.v llll i.'ll.IUu., 11 k ... . Taylor STf; Hi. !,o:iis l.v WESTBCUMO New mH tilrlh ARRIV1L AHiD DEf'ARTURV OF MAILS. AIOUI K 2 in e in.. I llll II .11.. 1 1 'JO 1 ill.. J 15 p ill . VliT liAS f Si it I'll . Ill CkToVi.Y. s. 1 1 1: v i i.l . tn :n . in 1 a in 1 11 in 0PENISG ANO 0LPS1KG 0? MAILS orlt Cf.usi. :t " i in u t:s r :t n.-, ',, m ti no p ni K.tST 1 ;io 11 in 7 .".u a 111 .stlit'TII n .in 11 111 .'1 un p 111 M'CKTOWN 7 1,1 n m Aloin 1 ii nn p tu. 7 no p in. il un 1 I". 1 1 no a in. 7 on p in. STAR ROUTES ni.'tiv.M.'i) Ill ' i'i:i.-'.-u l.lilCli.S'l UK .Hl'Tlllih'l-'OKiriON. 1 1 A y 1: 7 llll ll 1.1 . f UO .'I 111 !l 00 :t 111 .IV no 111 .1 oe n ni i fflJEW ! .if' -Av'r y s is" BtFORE fnr.n ' Sim 3 u Eon ; .1 , Dr. E. C. West s Hurio nnd Brain Trc.iln" I'' llllll Illlil.T ...M1V(. Ullllcll C liiriUlll.l', llV IIIUI,. li'il I14I..1.IS, In cnio V,i.;i Jli'iunn; I n -II1111111M1.I N.-n.. I'mivi-; ,,,. M;iiili,.,;c,i1M, K,. i'k'lit s; 1 M li,-,.,,,,,.; , ,,,.!( ,,,,,, N.'rv.vii-u. : Tji-iIii.Ii-: mi nri.i 1 ,.,.r e,,., i.r III., ll.-iii-i-niii. Oivi iis in cm,..,. m-v,i-.i.i-iivi.r-i.xi.ii.iu: Vi.iilliful l i im-K. 1 A.-, in, 1 li.liiiiv.., Up 111111 or 1.1.1,1,. r, ,i,h H...11 l,.i. 1,, '' t"ll-UM.ill.ll,Jli..,!,,.,1, ll,.,,i,! tl iil.: i.t..r.-.; VIIMnill, Mil.,. Incur,.,., l-.-ru'i.l iiinni.y. VVI S I si-i 11 (l 11 s, l:l l'. s r,.r,,, nn-.. t,.i- Ceueli-, c.lils, i, Hivin-lnli ., r, ,,m,.. ll.ln.llll( ('..llllll, Snn. 'I'lll-nlll. ,!,.. ,,1 ,,,!, Sinnll si;..i. ili.i-iiitmni.,i: .,1.1, r..ii. pi-,-,., nniv"-., ,.i i tl -1.-.C, UUWCUC. lil'AUAN'I'l-.i.S issucl l,y T, C. SlllitJl, nruKiNt. I'lililii' Sipiaic. Aslicvllli-, N C -I'v". Tl.l, rrmM . i- rnv ... n, , . .' il.. ... mlo U, in.try i . " I-., ilm.-ui. . t t i.ilM,tl i.r I...1S.MK.U1, llll-.L to 1- ui.iii i:ilt-m,U. Win ii A F STi' HNTiVE 1 1 ll.l' m m m as aaaw atafili'v''.''-.-'' p w ii- -.tii.i.. i,l-e..'iy l . . nn i'.ibi, Arn.iui:i LAPSES J0 VOU li::it'W dr. rtxix LIT. inUN'S bteel m tmnm pills tiro tliourinlnul ttml niily J;IM'N('M, Pifoiinil ro litiUlooiiro tin th" nmi ki't. 1'rui I,IH); hvul 'i until, UunuiiiOHiililuuly hy T. C. Hiiiilh, ISrugftlHt. Public Square, ABhcvllIc, N C " WnshinKioii " LviK'fil'nri,' Ar, Immillf.. l.v. ku'hnniuii.".. " Urinvilic ' Ar. (.in i'ni)tir- ..'."'. l.v. (;i(isijor l.v UnlviK-h " Ih.rl'ahi An OrociMljn,, ,. ' ; l-V l. ri t,:;;.-. I ioKi " t-'.'ili.-l'ur,- " -tntt'sviilf '" NVy tun ,..,', " liiL'koiv '. " MotKituiun I".-. " Marion " Ktr.jnd K nob ,'" ; A-.ii.-v.iif " Hut Sprinj, Ar t'ni-it UviU, " MuDHumu .,.,f.7r7. " Kn.uvJUc . A. & S-(s MLRCAD I,; . Anht villc I?u;tTr.'Hivi;)o ,, , " Mat Pi. eft " Sn.!;j(Jj " 'I'r.w.M '.','.Z Ai- i-,!,!' -..'.ftt'itrj.' h initr U 4-Oain I J lHtnv 12 4.1pm nip it, 2 .'t(:, ir. 4 ;i;ipm r 1 Tpiu . -li litpru . 7 :tliiri t -'Hm . 1 t uitp.n . 11.' -I'tstn " 7 1 :, ': w 1' u lii in 5 .'tfum 7 a (tain 1 Oiipm l ar,aj lMui; 7J K itiiiiin I Hii 1 1 tr NO." I I 4 Hnpin fi fiMM 0 L'OlHX hi -t.-rpru l 48uin 5 aoaro I 50nm r a 5 am 7 lio.ini 1 flopm 1 OUatn a 'Jam ft uDiiin h (tinm 10 1 flair I I Pllarr 1 f ftam T 1 (inn; Hi 5ipi 5 "tfipm U Jpm 4 ospm t .'ttipm 5 flu pin ;itpni 7 45pm , NO 14 il ruiam 7 -l air 7 "Pnm 6 U Unin sr.L'ntn v rr ii m APBIL 28. Racket Store, 15 South Main St. l.v .V ' Ti nl-: NO 13 s t.'pm ti INpni ti 4Htim 10 lpm ID Hi-'ptn 1 1 iiipni .NO 17 f t lOam ll 5:ittm 1 1' (l.liun 1 2im t 7pm R Onprr NO. 18 t" IlOnni f 4rmti (1 BBniii 10 20nin l'J 4 I pin W 24.ptu . LE tPING CAR SERVICE. 11 litl.l 1L' 1 ..ll...n.. . ... .,,. . . . Villi -villi' iiiiil i iiicilimit vl.i k ,,.,..,111.. ...... Itiill'.-t vrslltmlt vmk, I'hilnili-liililo. " I'i'it " li.'inlcrH'.iv'k Ar. Anlici-iPo MUfiPhV MhANCH l.v. A-hcvil.f " A'". ,i,v n. sviilt " lir.-si-u City. " Aiiitrcivs " Toinona " Ml.TI.iiy to . Mm ui Ar. Tom.nln " An.lri-ivd " ltr a.m t ity. " W ivriraviilc.. " Ashevilie itnri-imun, rm II C.C1H lil t Wei ll New IiiiIiIii.iiic, WnviiiiiKtiin nml lint Surlnus via !m,L?' ,,ti'l'K,H '"l"ll Aslu-vlllc llllll VV. A. TI KK. S. H. HAKbWICli, 'v?. ' ,".!"'' .Ak Asit- Ul'll. I'nus. Aiit., V ' ll S'J'.'"?'' WashliiRton nun Ot'i urn .ti:....ut 1 ciin-il ui li, urn. i, nil. mil lilltll Itniillnt I..-1I'- tli'iiliirstciil I lii I,. lll.M Wlim.l.lOY M ll Allisuta, ou. vuicu WhlluLaU Ht M 13 owniassiaisksis ASIIl'VU.Li;...C. "Tusli, Push, push. 15et-(('i- wear out than rush oui." We never ask yon what you pay for your goods, hut naino our prices fearlessly, nnd iu addition to low prices and honest goods ve aim to give the public the best pos sible service. Our winning motto is sell cheap and sell aheap. We want our cus tomers to do their own thinking. "Second hand ideas are always at a dis count." We are interested in our customers' prosperity, their success is ours. We are continually climbing. No room at the bottom. We never draw the line at any class of goods that our cus tomers want. Our connec tion with the greatest cash houpe ol" America (C. 1$. House of New York) who with his cold cash and army of buyers swooping in great credit, disasters, packs our store with bargains and brings the consumer nearer tirst, cost than through any other channel. When we buy goods we make sure that prices touch bottom first time, and when we sell the bill convinces the purchaser that our method is the ODly way to buy a dollar's worth for a dollar. Wo are in tho business to Btay, to light high prices, and to put out of existence the ruinous cred it system that brings want to so many homes. Stand by us and we will show you what the cash system will do to unburden those who are under its clutches, to liber ate the mortgaged farms, and make free those who have paid so dear for the privilege of buying on time. J. M. STONEK, Mtfi V :-..:V'.W.i& ,atftiiilsl il is. ,SStWIBlliSStt V