Asheville Dai itizen VOLUME X.-NQ 7. ASHEVILLE, N. C, FRIDAY EVENING, MAY 11. 1801. PRICE 5 CENTS. SUMMER COMFORT TRIBUTE TO THE MOTHERS !. I. X0LAN1) SUSPENDED XO COXEYISM HEREAIiOtatt"r FIRST OP Till: KIMMtV piii:siui;nt' i-'ki:ii:ii ICKHBl'KU SI'tlXIl HUAI.TH OH WALKS A I IIIIU TI. llVHKMKIHIidH ItOM Ol ;i okc;ia In Till' 1'I.l.Mt y NEW MILD FULL CREAM CHEESE Wm. KROGER. THE ONLY EXCLUSIVE Sporting Goods House IN THE CITY or All Kind Of Sports, or Tennis Players, or Baseball Players, or Football Players, or Bicyclist, or Croquet Players, or Fishermen. IIAVK FULL LINK OH KOI.I.KR SKAT lis AND HAMMOCKS. L. BLOMBERG COILANBROS,, RBAt, B8TATB BROKBRS. INVBSTMBNT A0BNT8. NOTARY PUBLIC ' l.oaoi Bccurelj placed itSptr cat. Office !IS l 36 Patton Aw., ap lUIn CHOICE TEAS. WH 1TKCIIASK A!,I. OlK TEA. 8 Direct hum I In- iniiui li'iK. k H 5 k -n V a ' ! & ' & a 8 S 1 V a 5 i 2 H J 5 f A 1 M Bh " HI g 1 I i5 Q- A.. Greer. SWiiiiW i n rrrfw ituWM'.MTl.ii Tlie Spring When Your Appetite is Fickle Try our HA MS imd UREA l .14 T ItACON. W'v liuvv u cuinplt-d-itssurtniint, indutliiig toil FIXE COVSTY HAMS just mm,,' Alsn DRIED lllil'.l'. A. 1). COOPEli, Col'KT SOVAKK ASIIHVU.l.i:. N. C. TODAY FRESH SUPPLY n.tllllil.iy n,itn.,iiwi Mill receive ,ll..hcl dli,i,lclll. We lmve r.,i,i,l sdc. mill kcci il oihci nuke-suflinc c.-iiulics. Nice Hun il i.scts. JR.-I-1 nm1. special attcntu.n jjivi-n n culifcctiuns. The only stoic in Asheville It, ct the finest .iii.I purest candies. AGENT FOR HUYLER'S- J- M. Heston, '' SOI Til MAIN ST. ACCO ! RBYXoLUS' I.UVHL ItBST ISEST MADlii; RliYXul.DS' S OX. DOV IlLF. THICK: REYXol.DS' NAT IX. W. .i.l F; Rl-YXtil.DS' SC- inrrs (4 ox. ran jii,-.) n.i:s' ORHHK SLAVE: IIAYSIiH' SAT MAI. LEAF; DRLMMoXltS' XAT CRAl. LEA ,- FlfER HlilliSUCK; SFARKS; .OXC HANI,:: MAID Ml l.l.l;K; I. I CY 1IIXTO.V; XOSH HAY; AlVLRTISR; Sol ARB DEAL. T C. WILLIAMS; C.RAVH I.Y MILL I.ACl.F, CHEW:. MOUHSII1XHK; Hi. I) HYL; DEM) LEYLL; AMAXOX; ofTIHX; ;'; I.EAI'; SAUHE: MAKITANA; HAri-Y Tiitirciir navy; house- SUOli .V.41T, I'ISH HOOK;A.VEK ICAX EAGLE FIXE CL T; l:lli i fixb err. inr xot m y YOM TOIIACCOS WIIEKB vor can cut what you w.tnt and yhi:ke it is keft ix class CASE FROTECTEtl FROM DI ST A XI) DIRT. WE SBI.I. IT FAST EXOVCH TO KERF IT FROM HRYIXC or r. J-v-tJt. J. 5 s N. Com I Square. Next Door To Citizen office. NnlhiiiR cxi-ctils in ridicule, no ilonl.t A fool in fHsliion. but a fool that's out; Mis passmii forntisurditv's so slroiiu He ennnot lienr n rival iii M... r Though wrnnu the mode, comply; inoie sense i- lu wearing ollit-r's follleH limn our own. A man makes himself more conspicuous and ridiculous by innorliiK fashion, than by follow ing Its every whim. My line of Hen's Shoes, Men's Hats and Hen's Furnishings 1h Hclii'Lcri with if c view of huiting the lusty nml drcHHy man. You niiKlil as well he out ol the world hh out of fuluuii. l'ricis to miH alt purses, Am here tu live ami let live. MITCHELL, THEHATTER and FURNISHER NO. B PATTON AVKNUK. Uiiriiililiili1'f3l mummSttu !-aisk GASOLINE STOVES 1! RANGES We have m slock a l.ue vatiety of these stoves fliiin ft.-j anil upwards. No home cum plete without one. NoUnus can ever lake Iheir place. J list think : Scratch a match, apply it anil have an rally hicukfast in ten minutes. Your kitchen will he like a parlor. No ilust ashes, no wood, nucual. no wicks, no nunhlc, an.! a thousand other points worth consid'-rini; We have oil stoves, hcczcis, coolcis, ice chests and all kinds of sitmtncl KiHids. The largest stix-k and lowest puces. (Mir store is verv in- tcrcstine,. North Carolina Roe Herring, Fat Selected Mackerel, Cream Codfish, Magnolia Canned Salmon, Selected Canned Oysters, Lobsters, Shrimp, Clam Juice. POWELL & SNIDER SEASONABLE Skirt Waists. An excellent line ol well tii.,,1. N"ods in stylish effects. l..U(ll-:s WKAPl'KKS; Six or cinhl strong cauls, LACKS: I'oilll V'ctlisc, Point de Gene. Valen ciennes, oriental, lloiiidoii, Tuiclii.n. I'oilll de ('.llM-.CIl.ltltilly. Medici, etc. i:.miikoii)i-:kiks 111 K'eat variety, on Sw iss, Nainsuok and Cninliric. W ASH DRliSS l.OODS A large stock of good styles, Hie kinds not so easy to find, PARASOLS, FANS, OXI-ORIl TIKS. LISI.K TIIRKAII II08K. KTC. Hi REDWOOD &CO ,;, iirv cooiis, siim-s,, AND HATS. WH ARB TUB SK1.L1NH Al'.HNTS IN ASIIUVII.I.H l-'OK CONFECTIONS Pure - and Delicious HON HONS AND CHOCOLATBl i CHOCOLATB I'AKLINKS. WIXBU CHOCOLATES. N CRUAM WINTBRoRBUN, I CRBAM I'lll'PUKMINTS, OLD FA8HI0NED MOLASSES CANDY, ETC. rucuivud:i'rom;pactokv twicb a . . WBBK hwit 4 w Witt' Uellvercd At The Iletllcatlou i The Hariha WaHhluictoii M mu tueui-Fiue HenHmeul and Wi ll Wasiiinhton, Muy 11. Tbc folluwitiij is the speech of 1'rcsklcnt Clcvclam! ;it the dedication of the Martha Wasliinj; ton monument at riedcrickslmr);, i., vesterduv : "(lovcinor O Tarrell, Mr. Mayor anil fellow citizens: 1 speak for those who are today greeted as official Km-sts of Virginia and l-'rce-ileiickslriri;, when I return sincere thanks for the hearty wel come mac nas been exiemlcil to us in behalf of both the State and eoimtv. Our appreciation ol the warmth ol vuur receptionisnotdimiu'shcilby the thought that, in the light of the hhcut nu tiling belonging to this occasion, there arc no guests here. We have assembled on equal terms to worship at a sacrul na tional shrine. Nothing can be more im portant to those who have assumed the responsibility of self govcriiment than the cultivation and stimulation atnong themselves of scntiim-nts which ennolil- and elevate, and strengthen htunanity. is a clear and wi'o.csonie stream must have its 11. nv from a tune fountain hiad. so must a clean ami bemlieient populur government h ive its source in pure anil morally healthy men. This purity and this moral health are in notlmiL' lietter exemplilied than in love and reverence lor motherhood. The man who said lu- cared not who made the people's laws il ue coiiui write tnur soul's, mai lt have said, with more truth, that he could gauge the strength ami honor ol a people and their fitness for self government il he knew the depths and steadlastness ol their love for their mothers. I believe that lie who thinks it brave and inanK to outgrow his care and devotion lor la's mother is. more than he w ho has no music in himsilf, lit for treason, strat- egems and spoils, and should not In trusted. "Let us recall toiiav, as conclusive pnml ol the close relation between American greatness and a lasliuc Inc.- and reverence lor our mothers, the proud declaration of George Washington, 'All i am I owe mv mother : and let us not forget that when his gloiv was greatest mo when the plnudits of Ins comitrv- men were loudest, lit valued more than these blessiuiis anv approval ol his aged mother. While these e.erci-es cannot lail to inspire us anew with reverence for Ainer ican motherhood, we will lein.-nilier tlial we nrc here to do honor to a woman who gave to our nation its I're itest ami best citizen, and that we have 1 lie privi lege of participating in the dedication ui a monument erected by the women ol our land in loving and enduring testi mony to the virtues of the mother ol Washington. I.ct us be nroud t. that the nobility ot this woman exacted from a distinguished foreigner t lie. ad mission: 'If such are the matrons ol America, she may well boast of illus nous sons": and that ol who had fought with her son lor Amer ican independence, who declared, after he had received her blessing: 'I have s.m the only Kotnan matron liviim iiii- tlav.' KeinvmlierinL' these things let ns k-.-v. this place with our love of eonntn strengthened, with a higher estimate ol the value ol American citizenship and with the prayer to Hod that our people may hold last to the sentiment thai grows out of love and revereiue lor American motherhood." I Kl.NCII IIKO.AU CHI Ki ll Mr. llriiiiHuii'M Mrriiion n 'Tin; ill. nsIhu unci The Curse Pastor Ilruuson's discourse in I la- rench llroad church last evening w. is based up m the words of Moses a I dressed to the ehildien ol Israel as they were about to enter the pi omiscil and: "Heboid I set before von a hies-- ing and a curse; the blessing if ye shail hearken unto the commandments of the Lord . . . the curse il he shall not " Thus," Mr. Iliuuson said. " Israel's tin- tional prosperity was made conditional upon obedience to the commands ol (', i.l The same is true of every nation, ami especially those that are professedly christian. Christian America, founded y colonics of I '.oil -fettling, freedom lov n men, has been a nation of nravei . and has enjoyed the blessings ol liod in an unusual rlegree. lint of recent vea is the God of glorv has I ecu displaced I y the demon of money, and now behold the strikes, the deep social discontent, the financial panic. We need true Un is tian men in ollice, in the executive eliam bers, in the legislative halls and in the judiciary. Christ is tbc solution of all the problems that confront us today as a nation. "Hut the text maybe applied to the individual ns well as the nation, the lat ter being only an aggregate ol the for mer. Ilclore every man and woman is set n blessing and a curse. Meet God's requirements and vou shall be blessed. Fail to meet them and the curse is pro nounced," The meeting was well attended, an j the attcention good. Services this even ing, to which the public are cordially in vited, TWO COMMIT I I I K. CoucliidhiK Work ol The lK puli llvaii Contention. After Kichnion I reats ui finished his speech yesterday the fii-publican eonveu tion leleetcd the following executive committee lor the Ninth district : Huucimilie, 0. II. Moon : t'hernkee, P. W. Dewesc; Clav, ohn C. Herbert; Gra Imm, M. A. Crisp; Haywood, . Wilev Shook; Henderson. T. Y. Israel, Jack sou, C. . Harris; Macon, C. C. llenrv; Madison, W. (. Hunter; Mellowed, G W. Crawford; I'olk. . W. Hampton; Kutherfotd, T. S. llalton.'Swain, K. 0. I'ntteraon; Trnnsvlvania, ,C. Coopei; Yancey, V. M. Mhorc. At n ubseqiient meet ing the committee elected C. . Ilnrriseliaiinmn and U, tl l'nttcrBott secrctnrv. The following judicial committee was appointed: lluncnmlic. V. S. I.usk; CltcroVec. . T. I.. Ilnrtness; Clnv, not n.tnied; Graham, lohiisSwnn, jr.; tlavwood, V. l Kuril; Jackson, W. F. Tompkins; Macon, T. W. McUouil; Mndisnn, liniK-li Rector; Swuin, V. 11. Hukcr; Triinsvlvnnin, not named. . it nam to nave Ue-n .n "oi iniMvt IMrttNnu" Ami To Iluve itKltfHa IllH lilltl-ItlH Ht cord tu oiliclal. Health tiilicc: John I. X . land's oil.cia .u.i.i eeeu i,.i;en oil iciii porariiy at least, the mayor aelii'g us M .. V . ' 1 . -,- . . ..ii . .so .mu w a-; uoiiiicu ny I He- inavor oi his su--peiisiiiii, iH-mlini! the ii.wsli.i.-i 1 . i.oai.i oi nealtli ol cliargts ag iii'sl him. An iiitiina'.ioii ol wl at these chaiges would be was given at the ...... i... .1.. t. .... i . .. ... lost meeting i .1 the lloai.l .f AMermeii, when Mr. Nolaml's "s.:i. n-.-iv l- partisan ship" wi s commented on ami cause: the tabling ol a rcqtusi that be be made a number of Hose company Xo. 1 . A. i'. -vnaiul s succis.ior, aiipointeil temporal ly bv the mayor, v bo is chair man of the Hoard ol Health, is Klnicr T l.liineliart, a stalwart K'epublican and a valiant Kilorin worker in the last cam paign. .Mi', k'linehai t is now in char rgc of the sanitary dt p .i tniciil. speaking ol the suspension ol Mr. No I'O'd. I r. M. II. Hetchcr, one of tin iioant ol llealtli, told liu; ClTlzliN he lecentiv ricciveil word Iroiit the mayor in which he made charges against Mr. Milanil, among thcin one that he had neglected l.isdntv. I'r. i'lctclar said Mr. Noland had ma le ;,u excellent health oineer, Diit In hLVfil lie had neglected I, iiuty to a certain c.vtcut ui his zed lur uie li.iuoeralie lieset. He ni,! t think tiny officer should use his ollae lor partisan ends. Ir. Chns. I.. Milliard, another Health Hoard physician, said he knew u.ithin.. id the suspcnsiiiii until it had bee :u'.r He said, liutlwr, Mr. N'olaiul had made a very good olhi-ci and a good collector as well. Hi. II. II. Wen vi r, ol the Hoaid, knew iiothipg ol (he suspension until alter it was done, lie thought Mr. Noland had been a splendid officer, and only one or two complaints had been made against him within the past two or three month:-, l-i Unit time he has been doing he work loriniilv done hv lev.. h,.ilii, tlicers. I 'r. C lias. S. Joi do ;i, who is a member ol the Hoard oi Health, said he did not know ol the suspension beforehand, but had expected that it might be done, be cause ol conversations with ot her mem hers ol the Hoard concerning Mr. Noland. lie had not btn able to attend sevcial ol tr.e Hoard meetings recently, but judging from what other members told him, Mr. Noland had neglected his duty, lb. Ionian said Mr. Noland bad until lately been a splendid uiliccraml kept the citv in veiv clianly condition. The Hoatil ol Health will investigate the "charges" against Mr. Noland at its next meeting, which will be held Thurs day evening, unless it is decided to hold a spieial meeting. riii-.v mi. it aw v Iiu-rt'imed IVmilllcM scare The l-'i dirnl t OurlirM 'I he inci eased pi unities im posed at this teniiol t lie l uifcd Sut'es c nu t against viol. ito. sol the internal revenue laws have had the effect ol greatly diminishing the number ol oi'u-adcis who came here to answer to the charges. A', lormer terms i-i many instances the penalty im posed was a moti'.li in, .-sioii aId Cos.s. 1 he otlemicr Ireoiienl v u-nnlil to : id, seive bis month, ami' lin mini! h I t he costs ts aud then "swear on:, l e taking oath as to his insole-cue,-. l:ii: r.oA- all this is changed. The inipii:. .nnui.i is lor aiivwhen Irom one to 111 mouths. Many ol the i llcnders here at the i peuiu.,' ol c--iiii saw how things were drilling ,-n ,1 concluded it were better to- kijiaiid leave their lioud---iikii in the lurch tha.i to spend several mouths ia i ,il. So tiny hied them to their mountain homes, and now only about one out ol tivLvcalled is Ikic to answer. At icslcnhiy'h yessioti Jauies Webb and I ' ui It r were given In months, Sloii ml costs, iiau, :,Vt.c and i .eorge r.ivue, one mouth e.u h, Sinn and costs, John Gaithcr, tluce mouths, eloi. and costs. ailgmenl w as sus pended in the eases ol llvinan Car penter and . 1 1. Keid on the pavnieiil bv the lormer ol ?ioil and by the 'l.ittti id .s.'l '. lili Mason was louiid not guilty. Today Gio. Archer, charged with pre tending to he :ih!c to secure pensions tor a number ol colored people here, and swindling the gullible out of their money, was convicted and sentenced to two ycais in Albany penitentiary. i' v coii.mitti;i-:m All H i'ie-Nt il To Meel Tomorrow Morntnu. llenrv K. Cheat s of riyiuout 11, N. C, manager ol the S nithcri! States lor Wm. U. Warm i .V Co., mauulacluting chem ists,,la.i, is in the city tor a lew days' slay. Mr.c hears is president olthc North Caiolma riiarmaccutical associa tion, mid conns here mainly to e.m.'er with Capl. White t'.. Smith about the preparations Asheville will make for the cnterlaimii tit id the annual convention of the Amcin. tu Pharmaceutical associa tion, which meets here in September. Mr. Cheats is sine thai il proper adver tisement is given through the pharma cists' journals of the country there will he fully .".no vintois brought here by the convention, To Mr. ChcuiV good work is due much ol the credit ol bringing this large body ol representative men ol the drug business to Asheville, and he may be assured that the people of the city will show their appreciation I v giving the visitors a hearty greeting. It is now time to begin the preliminary work iiiccss.ity to the proper entertain inettt of the pharmacists, and Capt. Smith, loeal secretary ol the association, reft; in sis every member of the committees recently appointed tor this purpose to meet tonioirow morning at in o'clock in the mayor's ollice, Citv Hall. Com mitteemen should be on time. Yi:sri-Ri).ws l:.Slill.U CAMUS. National League Philadelphia 'I, Hal limine "; Cleveland -, Pitis.buig 1, Huston 7, llrooklyn 1.; Cincinnati IS, St. l.ouis, il; New York, (1, Washing ton '-'; Chicago Louisville, no game. Southern L-iiguc Charleston ti, Sn vnnnult o; Nashville to, New (lilcans (i; Memphis U, Nashville a; Atlanta 3, Macon 1. The Mouth Is CouHlMteul In lis. Opposition To a CeulralUed (ioverniueut and MakcH Few lleniHiids or Congress Wasiiim.i-ox, May 11. In the Senate today Mr. Allen's resolution to investi gate the alleged police clubbing on Mav 1st came up, and Mr. C.ordan took the uoor. Looking at the Coxey movement, he said, from a Southern standpoint, it would teach a wise lesson. Itsinspira uoii was paternalism: that theory ol government which, if indulged in, would increase a large brood of similar move meats in t lie future ami nitensil'v 1 li.-lr leiuauds. It had had its origin in -treat, central, populous ami wealthy state, one justly noted lor its intelligence u.d Us devotion to law and order. 1'ivisions of the movement were now moving upon Washington from all direc tions o! the country save one. Every . ... : r . i sm.oi. oi me country, save one, was turning a listening ear to Coxcy's ap peal. That section was the South. The I. ict was marvellous lor its isoloiinn mil monumental in the lesson it taught.' I'lus was not due to the absences of nov elty in the South: the Si ml li vv.-ie ill poor; it had mi vet whollv rccovereil Ironi the t oiulition in wliicli'it was left it the close of the war. It was not be .-a il st o I abundance of e-iin-eiu-v in 1 1. South that accounted lor its freedom Iro m the Coxey movements; there was a great dearth ol money there. It was ot the presence of great national pro its lor internal improvements. 1 1 was not that the South was supplied with pensions and bounties. The' Southern oeople. impoverished he u-fo- ,..-,. ,;,,lo y denied pensions. Their loyally was not purchased by bounties. They had grown up to look upon the government is a ciia.i oi me peon e. not l heir in.-ist.-r their paid agent, rather than their mi- plover. Thcv would give it their lull Itiota lor support as thev Will I MIIT their blond lor is delensc. The Sonih Iso had negro labor, happy, contented: wit.i lew Wants. The warniid its lesson ad taught the -South, through the bit tercst ol taskmasters, the necessity ol reiving on manhood, not "ovenniieiii at was the lesson the count re should lent n and heed. Gordon then branched nil' into a dip-' ussion ol the remedies for present eon- htions. which reinedv l-e found in a de central!, ilion of power. IIATTIvK IP! The Teams To Contest In a mill ;iine Tor The Library II iseball cranks arc getting in a fever if anxiety over the approaching We 'I ns and ou 'Pus game, which is to be "lit" next Tuesday afternoon at Allatidale for the Asheville Library's hem. lit. Lverybody is saving his or her voice lor continuous use on this to be memorable occasion, and some of the players are going to keep their eyes peeled for huge bat:i'.icts. Capt. Charles H. I la vis will direct the campaign ol the We 'I ns, the colors being red anil white, the team being made up as lollows: . A. Nichols, T. Iv. Gordon, p. Stikelcathei-, W. p. Uau dolph, N. A. Kevuolds, J. M. Westall, Hr. Hall I-'Ictchcr, Ur. Chas. S. Ionian, W. K. I'ctiniman, J. S. Reagan, White 0. Smith, W. W. West, Hr. W. i. Ililliard. (hi the side ol the You 'I'ns.colots blue and white, Nat. S. Rogers, will be tbc captain, backed up by the Inlawing team: I.. P. Mel.oud, W. II. Williamson, llenrv Redwood, P. 1-:. Lagan, T. It. Hoc, G. A. Greer, . li. Ktiinbongh, H. 11. Cosby, 1. II. Il.evard, . II. Tucker, S. L'pmsky, J. P Iiicktrson, C. 1). Hlanton. Now, pick your winncts, put on the colors ami m ike ready to take in the game. UI.IIIHVII.I.K KACI-.S I.lssu's I line the llest i:er Made In North Carolina. Ni.ipsv it.i.!., N. C, May 1 1.- Special. -The events of the last day of the raws ! here resulted as lollows : I-'iist race, three in live, U:"s dass, Higgcs' Charley G of Kciilsvillc w inner; tune o:o-,i .,.o-,, o. i (luLu.,i took second money. Second race, three in live, lice lor all Alamance stock larms Liisa ol Graham winner; time 'J. IS, l": 1 , i. Miss I hompson took second in-juev, winning the third heat in L.MM-. Third race, two in three, thiee-ipiar-tcrs mile running, Alamance stock larms Hias w inner; tunc, 1 : til 1 1 ;L'o, In the baseball game, link Nidge against Kciilsvillc, the score was 10 to 1." in favor ot the visitors. l.iss.Vs time is the best ever made in North Cnrolina, and is thought the best this season in the Pnited States. OII1N T WANT WORK loxci's ConiinonwealerH Know a Heller Trlek Than Thai. W.Vsiiim.ton, May 1 1, -Jacob Coxcy's coinmonwealers will iptit the District of Columbia early tomorrow morning. The new camp will be at the famous Spa Springs neai the historic dueling ground at Hlailenslmrg, juat over the Maryland line. The terrors ol the workhouse were more than the comnionwcalcrs had calculated upon. They were willing to be led ill jail, but working disconcert cd the whole army. Hlekorj'H New lOH'iunnler. Washington, May 11. The President today sent to the Semite the following nominations; Charles P. W'nleott, New York, I drector ol Geological Survey, vice John W. Powell, resigned. Postuiaster, William P. Huffman, Hickory, X. C. A Marvlaud KcnreNeiilallvelleacl. Washington, May 1 1 . Representa tive Robert P. b utton of the first Mary land district died yesterday morning. COMli.XSBD TELEGRAMS. "l.uckv" llaldwin, the California mid ti millionaire, has been sued bv n Uoston girl lor $75,01)0. A Loekport, N, Y woman went ntttd while attending a spiritualistic ictince, All wus quiet this morning in the Bir mingham, Ala., mining district. OUR SODA FOUNTAIN u '- -I .' ' II IV ."llllll! lie. ! , ; il oil! d l'. ioi- I-IM AITI.!-, SMHI-, ., I,.,,,.,, ,,illk , e. ICK Ckl-.AM SODA .H Il.ouis; I'lNKAI'l'Ll-: HON UO.N sc. Also ., g u, nndl.ui.d ali i tempi.-l.-ilice lieo. : ,i -e-, CnCA-CllI.A CIIA.MI-.VCM.; ;mim iiikj-.s Kimi ia..,n SATOL, Tin- Ho .a r...,,., i ,,i l-aei iiiing iii . , :., .a 'U I lohiil.iiii RAYSOR & SMITH, 31 PATTON AVE. li'ii rrvniiio-.s till 11 o'clock ASHEVILLE to Tin; ntoxT. Wl- 1IAVI-; jl'ST CUMPLinivIl A l-'ld.l. l.INli Ol- HAND MADE SHOES Ami Hill in the inline carry in slock a fi.u assortment of shoes of OUR OWN MAKE! TltHY SI'AMl WITHOUT A RIVAL U Court Square, Asheville, N. C ST AND A It 1) Quart Cans Tomatoes 10c. Sugar Corn per Can 10. Bartlett Pears per Can 20. Grated Pineapple per Can 15c. String Beans per Can 10c. T. J. REYELL, 80 North Mala St Telepheie US . -V.MiVaS;s'ri

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