THE ASIIEVILLE DAILY CITIZEN. OUR G-R,E3-A.T OFF1 THE BALTIMORE CLOTHING, SHOE AND DRY GOODS CO. IO AND 12 PATTON AVENUE, ASHEVILLE. Monday Evening, May 14, 1894. Every one knows of our, phenomenal special sale during tho past few weeks ; There is no secret, to our suc cess. Wo only well what is reliable. Our prices arc al ways tho lowest and lower than those asked by other houses for similar goods. Tuesday we commence, the greatest sale on record, and we simply ask an inspection as this sale will be of great interest to everybody living in Asheville or vicinity. Note the following items : 1,000 pieces Pongee Sat inets, beautiful shades, dirk, light, stripes and fancy fig ures, usually sold at lije. . yard, special sale 10 and assortment, fancy drop j assortment, sleeveless, long j Call and examine our spe 12".. yard. stitch, something new, usu-! and short sleeves, cialsale - . . . i . i i 100 pieces o. Serpentine ally Bold at 20c, special sale: Regular 10c. Ye3t for "to. Crepons in evening shades,' 10-1 2c piuk, blue, garnet, Nilegreen' and fancy colorings, usually, i sold at 20c. yard, special; sale )r. yard. ; 5,000 dozen Ladies' lin 250 pieces of White Sum- tor ted llibbed Vests, finished ' nier Dress Goods, beautiful with silk ribbons, beautiful " 1.00 Under wear. ir,e. 20c. 2.-)C. i, vM. 1 1. ....... " " 10c '-i'"h i" i(u imriii " " l")c. Our $2.") Suits, special " ' LSc. sale for .?12.."(. " " 20c. j Our f 15 Suits, special :0l " "25c. 1 sale for t.i-. " " lOe.Our $10 Suits, special " " 50c. sale for 5.50 Our .($ Suits, special sale for 4.75. ! 1 ,000 Hoys' l'erfct Fitting I Washable Suits, made of ini ; ported Galatea (with cord jiiud whistle), U to 10 years, ! worth $1 .75 each, reduced to 1. 11). Big offerings in Lace Curtains. Tremendous Cut in New Spring Dress Goods. Tremendous Cut in Silks. Tremendous Cut in Ribbons. WANT COLUMN WAVITIl ..i , m SI. til trim. 1 1 lilt' t ill h"iM- ii it 1 1 iiti-l l'ii.'t;y .1.. II -.iliM.ut.'rN "ill lm. I1IIX i.-. A-lu Mile. ELliCTU It'll V IX CHINA. Tho Growing Drruind for tho Now MotUtU of Lih'htinii Citica. .'A' A'A.V-. All in. , -.111 uknT Mi.iiiic linii-i- iii niii , I., iit iii iHir.tulht . " rnotit- -ui'l 1 li i ii mi iwvriiit'iu. A. 11. Lnilll-K l .iil.l. . t lll lit. AC I lilt Mneli ii'....t li. u. OITi rril to tlie Sysli'iii, lint II Simiii II'thiii Very rtiptilnr Willi till. people. I.i.ik ki;nt I i l AN ftvnX. S ll'tllt" fiiinUlii.l r.iniiis in oitl:.i', Nil, Il.lllry I'.. I,. M'llllN.U.II. tin mil' : 1iih K i:n I tinl.ill :iv iilM'lv In i.j.i , .nr 1'iiK ki:nt Tin- i N.lllll Mil llin ' lnm-i' t-orn. r nf M n.l i ii.itu;' I "i Ii nn iiknkv ii. si i:vi:ns, s ami Jiiliii-lt'ii lliiililiiii;. M.limt, 11 l.riel. 1 1. .11-1- mi lain -.tint, I I tiw'111''. line ami lintiMuil. Apl'lv I:. V. Ml-.AIi, ..,lini l'. ItiiiMitii!. 1,'iiK HI-ST ll.iilev M l"-t 111- H avHU il It i-i.t-im N". II ni.i.ltTll imi ,plil on ini ilii an i.lif cm i '.VI'lIK in - in tn W .it i limw. I.MIt HUNT (il a ttl.'llt, Illtllisll lll.rr Inn-. Mil's tut V-'silll l.l-: ". :il;" mi lli-.'Hi cl; ,-iU.i time villi. . in' all. I liv. at u s i,l lainl. I 111- tiw lit . nl.r...i.l. Apptv UN Till' CKi'MISKS. I HAVE SPENT IJViK K:T 111 K:tmnlh. :t M-vrll h"ll-r itiiniiUV u.ilk lioiu uulrif mr iiintilli. I II. i "-.lie iK M-; S'Hth M.iiu Mn 1y iK KM NT I,;ui;t'iiiiilronvviii nlly ;ur;inur.l In hit. No. fi Mcitiimm it vi lint :nid fuld WiitiT witli Imthi nil tn limits. All IH.T.Utn iliiliiovrim nit. IMiitiutl, with laie. Wtil Jihmlrtl KtnillliK. Splrmlitt H si.tctUf lui tai"U' tn mil v ur Ihi.iiHiik Apply Ith.vllt II. C. M'.C. 1 WITH KIT lnt .l.ifs 1 t-nti.ilK l.vut- -1. No. ! i Uili:i-r hott ve ".frrt 1. hClllK KMI-lM'l-K M Ii: SKVI-KAI. 1" i pi iv.ilr h.'il-sc pi rntw'n.ililc iIm:i!1 y 1 .;is.iiil 1 . i ( M ill linllli' inmi'ill, pli-tlV ttM'Mti. Apply . .t MKUUIMi N AVI-.. iMiillilill'' llnilM'. Sl'IrtMl'l lo- r;iti"ii. nii -lv lin iiilit l fmniii. hot.nnl 'i:l water, telllls nttwietalc. Will take no n.-lllilp-ttves. MRS. 1AKKAK, S-'.illtll SptUtf stuet. 1 AKMINT, p.y the lay nr wet k. l-leaant en-nite, iH-allv nii-l emu I'nitahlv 1 in liiheil (Irate nf lin tlaee lti ut; h"l innl ii.l-l w. Her. with Uitln i-n iwn th.i-.. im line; live niiiititeH walk lnm court Mpian-. TetniMiM.ler.ite. MKS. S TliKKY. ltovil' tit ll Noilh Mailt lret t. .U.M7 ..(.7,ir. ltiK SAI.K Two.ltalt 1inwt. Ai-ply lli;VU,U C(TT( i.N .MILLS. IiUNIi ii .VU.Lt An A. 1 1. I". W. chai HI. twin I' aiiie hy i.illiltn al t'iliv ll ollu e. 1 Ii. I,. It Ml lllllM t ri'llloM'.! Ills lllll. f III ;.i I'. ill. ill atftnu-. ni.l..iMtt KilVHil X smith s T ltiliiilif i Mtifr, i."; itsiiltiK-f i.-t. 5-i.'iliv 1KAI. KSTATK - '"sl I" .iillilullv sitiiatnl V Lit mi llillstili' stnti. sii- l.ix.s". t.ft. lur Milr flua.. A..lvt.i J. J. IMI, I., 4 ...altl' .1" N. Main St. IllsT A l.l.i. k liillst- Willi .silvi-r fla-.. I nst i liitiviftt JJJ llaytMi...l stntl all.', lllr f'lTtlft ill Mi.lltliiT.l Ilfi lllli' I'ill.l.T will lir l.'ivalilt.l liv rt'tuMlillK l.i .'.'-' sli. tl ..r Till' I'ili t'll. ,s-l' 1iK SAI.H . ilkv s.i.l.ll OK lAl'MANt.l-: l.i- lilk iin.l t-iiiriaut' lit.tsi. alioiit is Imtl.t.S, IlilSIHllI Hi,lU. flKlt lll'.'l l..n'. I'tit-t- iikkI. rnlf. Ail.luss II. T. , s-1 Milt" llillmori'. N. C. 1AINTIM'. Iissmiis in oil. jiasti l titul uali-r fiiliiis, n ti'ii. lKT i.t I'Xlii'tu lire. Tili'siliiys, Tluilsiliivs iiml S.itiit.l.iys. Stil'li.t in Clayliitt. llt-ar lininut' slrt't'l st' ImilililiK. Tt-niis t t ills im Itsvill. MISS I'llIl.l.irS. s-ltiilim At list Altisall Ins., NYw Ynlk, MiiXUV Til I.UAX Six thnilsatiil .lullats Ii. l.mlliitl Aslu-tilU' It-al fstatc tvitli.iul ilt lay. Ntirxrllsi-s until Initisarr iihiii. .V. I'AKKIvK, No. Ni Siiiitll Main strtft, iiyt-nt Vut Atlll-tii'.ltl Mutual Itlliltlill lltl.l I.uatl til l llal l.i ti. .Kit. 5llilit Tin' Ktri'i'ts :in Vi-rf T'liriMtv in I'nti. ton, as is tin' r.isi' wit Ii nil l liiin'so Cities, siiys n writiT in "'I'ln' lllri'lrii'iil Wot'lil," lii'iii!,' my six Intwrlve " i fort, wiilr, iiml illlnl with liati'riii' win.ili'tt siirtis. 'riit'iniu"!'. tlirsi" si;rns the I'lrt'l fie wire must t wist ami turn, lie rniisf mi mi lu'-'.niiit wmil l a ( liina lunn ttiliev a sij.'n lo lie nn .vt'. I In itiiiUe r iimi f'ir liie wire, lis it w.-uU rrrlainlv mean lunl lit. l; tu his Imsi nrss,. In inaiiv ea-es the iiisiilali.ui has lii'rii Mlr.injrly I'rinf.'rre.l wilh nil.lirr ami tape. t'i jirrvriit al fasiun In tii the swinifiii;,' sins. The streets uf ( anliiti are .livi lr.l intn M'l'tinns of a few liliielt.s eaeh. aa.l r.ieli sertitin is .lllll i-ii' i'ri'iii all nlhers liv heavy fairs. 1 1n: t tire rl.nnl al nine o'clurli ill lite rvi liinj,'. The popnlare I-1 11 tiirlnilriit Unit fur many eenliiries me anllniritirs have tntiile il it praetieo tiil.nhl till the e.i;.!r , if a ny seel imi rrsiiimsilile lor .:u, i.r tiiiniilt ill that sertinn. Thr rrstiH is that tin; irnili' liavi' pit in 1 he haliit nf ri'i-'ii-lilt in,!.' a ITiiirs in their serliiti wit In mt any rel'rreiiee to l!ie powers tliat In'. '1 he rleetrieiati nf liie l utitnii plant hail ati fieeasioti to see theelVeri. nf this in an i'tsliinee here a .store watitnl lights, lntt the wire-eonlil in.t I..' ran lieeau-.e n!:e mail nl.jeeleil lo having n liole eul in his linn, e for M'eiii'inir a pule. The man wantiii'r le'lil'. in forii.e:! his nri;.'hlior ;, ami a ilei-L'alioti waiteil mi the iiiiliii!nal an.l mjoii in.iaiel tn wiihilraw liis objec tion. ,1 tir I ih.To was eoiisi.leralile oli- Jrrtioii lo the plant lir'ni;; put lip. hut li iw it has lirenine very i. .pillar, an.l is ll' e 1 in lion -es an.l st-vr.: rven fruit aia I nut st a in Is use 1 lie in in : -t reel s, the wires l.ein.r K .1 fr.un th. I" ar.'st linn e. 'I he Ih.'llt. i., Iniw l ! p. 'pule that thniiMitiils nf lamps ei.nhl . e put, ill all nvrr I he eil v if ihr slal ion was larjre enoiijrh to .'iipply them, hut its limit, is now reael.eil aiul ilillieulty is e. prrirnoeil in l.iiihlin;,1" a larfrr mir. Us lir franrliiM' f..r the entire t'anton prnvinei' is in the liamls nf one man. ami lie wants to make too lutieli nut of it. The ( 'hinese an ('real people to ex pee t private eouiiiiissioir.tiii every I hine; tliry have a liaml in, anil the mana'e luriit nf the I'niiipiitiy, iiiic an.l all, niiilia!."!' to steal sonii I hill:.'. Hue man, win) lias the haiiillin:,' of the money, will liohl l-a-k iu"'irl supplie: anil iv;i;'is; iiuother. h -s foii.inatr. will iro to thr stalion and steal roul nil, anil if there is any nliieetioii the en- meer is l.ii.l I lint ll is mini. o his it f fair. In faet. tlmtifli thr plant is ll Mieeess from an rlei'lrieal ami tueehan leal point of view, it is Icpt riiiiniii lltulrr eonsiil. ,l.le iliilieully. In I an )ii two attriiipls were tnaile to slenl tilt! street wires soon a I'ter 1 h" -lal ion was started, Intl. unfortunately for the thieves, till) wires were iil'.v.', an.l tlinitvli no one was killed no allenipts have siiieo liren made. TEN - THOUSAND - DOLLARS In tho iat two years for tin purpose of beautifying niul enii liing IMS ;( res of lanij 2 miles above lMltmore on tlie nminntii' Swannauoa river (old .1. 1). Patton farm) wliich land I now offer for suleuttheredieu'ous low prieeof $15,000 Cash. Fifteen (liouand dollars. Fine oreliard, brick dwelling, laud in first class state of cultivation, will sell port at proportionally low price to quick buyer ns I need money. APPLY TO SAM UK L JJRILL Care F. BOX 348. ASHtVILLf , N. C Love. KEPT U? WITH THE HOUNDS. for . IVniisy;v.'iiit.i Mir.-i' wlili ii Turn Spri'ii an.l rcree .liiuiiliii;. T. W hile, v.l o lives on tin' highlands of riitlin.l town hip. I.aeha.vaiiua '"ttt'iy, iiw ns four i'.. hottmls and a .evoiishive slei r naiaeil I'ete. says tho l'ittshure-h Cliroi.ii I, -Telefrrapli. The steer lieeame atlaei. i-'.l to the hounds w hen lie w as a ea it. and in t lie f .1! ow ner fa 11 la' (Tot in the notion of run ninand hell. e. iter after I hem hen everMr. W hile stai led t he park on a fox i lia .e. I'ete woiihl raee liehin.l the Ihim.ds t i II a fenee st,i.iji,. liiia, and I there he would stain! aa.l h.w till the I pa.-k went nut nut of si;rl , t over the hills, when he trottnl l.aek tola.' harn- yar.l and aeii'd as if he was hu till the luntnils ret lll'lied. Tin day Mr. l !iiteput t hive hmiu.h fox's trael; in a swale on his pla stole nut i di'..".. and I viu il w h.-n otee .1 her nil a . lie f the haek wav with the le. w ho was in 1 he ham- tlie lionilds i.'ave lollu'lle, NllTICH I Kill sell In the lli!lit'Sl liiililvr Im fasti mi the l.tlli day nf May, t stills, taps iin.l win nil, lltso nlmllt t'ulir nv fivt' lliltl.llt'tl Kall.illH lit em ll wlliskt-y. injuwr ilislillial. priitl t'l'lly liuffileil liilht' I'. S. lur i.ltcrnal revtiiuc lax.' I'lnpettv set. I ul I n'eliK-li p. Klvvftl. iiu lll luiildini, Asln villi-, N. C, for ensli. M. Ii. CAKTIiK. Culltetnr. I'l l II. N. Wi lls. lltiiity Cullti'lui. 4..ViljlllliillilaN 1 THE- ASHEY1LE STEAM LAUNDRY, 43 WKST COLLEGE ST., It uuw rvftilr fur work. We Solicit t Rtiart nf Your PBtronnge. Mr. Carrie C.B irue, l eilierlcttrrd laundrtai from 1'IU.IiurR, l'n bn vlmrnt' uf the working dqmrt tiicntn. We will cnilcayot to Rtvc jruu 00OD flONliST WORK. Our motto 111 MTIIFACTI01 TO EVERY CUITOMER. JJovi'l Cure tr SU'.iii'imiii.ii, A novel euro fur insomnia n,s bean priipnscil liy im Kntflisluloctor. He says that ehloral and the like are pernicious dnifjs that are followed by serious and often futtil results, and should have uo place union"; curses for sleeplessness. Nature's plan should be tried instead; lower the supply of oxygen to tho blood, produce a little asphyxia, limit tho quantity of air tn t ho lunjrs, iiml tho heart and circulation hecomo quicker, tho bruin loses its stimulant and sleep follows. Dr. Huxley's advice Is: When you And tho prospect of a sleepless night looming floiivineingly up, cover your head with tlie bedclothes and breatho and rebreutho only tins respired air. Thus tho stimulating oxygen w ill be reduced nnd you wili fall asleep. Thero is no danger, for when usleep you arc sure to disturb the coverings and get as much fresh air as you require Chicago Tribune. Didn't Know I lie I'oiiililnutlun. Mrs. Wheediclt 1 hear that your house was mI last night; of course they got all your jewels? Mrs. Shrewsbury Sliarpo Xothlngof the kind I My jewels arc perfectly safe; you sco, I keep them in a folding-bed; anil, as tho burglars wero only in tlie house an hour, they hadn't time to open lt-Puok. AN UNFORTUNATE TONGUE. lin- DR. C. J. OLIVEROS, SPECIALIST. EVE, E Alt, XOSE, TIIItOAT A!t Ll li DISEASES. ,fl PATTON . AVBNL'K. (Over Kuysor Smitten PruK Store.) I'. I) Hoi IIW, A.slK-villc, N ARRIVAL AND DEPARTURE OF MAILS. A H It I V ft i 111 p m WUST I-I'll i tn HAST II ail v m SOI TII i 15 p m lll'CKTuWN.. OPENT G AND CLOSING OF MAILS Ill'i-N a no p m WUST li no ii m liST 7 'to a 111 SOI TII .'I till i m Ill'CKTOWN.. I The IIr.t Shn I for the l.casi Money, Si a -A, K 3 ! .tu p tu M- mil I t I Nl KCcr..U. 3S! I jH9b. miM ,.; .... "uic t.. m ' i i mimh n ii ' ini.'unDijr'w W. L. DOUGLAS S3 SHOE 6ENTLEMEN, $5, $4 and S3.50 Dress Shoo. $3.50 Police Shoe, 3 Soles, $2.50, $2 for Worklngmen, $2 and $1.75 for Boys. LADIES AND MISSES, $3, $2.50 $2, $l.7 CAUTIONlf .ny dl: oITkm you W. I.. Ilnnclai J n OBB IQeiU Willi ink th nitm tamped on th bottom, pat hi in uown Mrrauu eLnsi: .'I o." 1 1 m i :m i in n r.i i n in 7 in n m le:iieil over the fenee in a jilV.v, lleiv il.iwn the r-tt'l, spruii'.r over :i .t'llle wall it ml ihisheil niter 1 lit biiyiug brute.- l.ef.ire they lnul run the fn live tninnle. The ihers lir.'Ve 1'ie fn into it st:nni. w hi re the steer eintliln't Lrn, Iiml I'ete lllliiieil lll'uun.l the eil'.'e till le'vniir.l leil the liniin.U tn the ubhiml, when lie tiniile I lie snow ll.v wilh his liniif-, titnl iiiieltly j.'ineil the tin:'-. Within nn the l.i'itmh. in:n!i' tho I'tn e -ii hut fur the fni tllilt he begim tn iilnv triehs nn them tn thi'eA tlit'iit ntV the M'eiit. lie run mi tn It iiri.e'e mid thet. lei'.peil i,t tho enil; I nt he didn't, fnnl I lie tlnirs tliere, nnd tl.ey emt iiiuei! tn git in mi him. Then he took il i purt nn n will I, niul tlnwii lit I hnrieu I Irnin'-. fiiriu he seooted thrnui;li tlie Innit yurd. run over u pile of ennlwiiiiil unil stnrted netn-s n uieni'inw, with lirniu's furin dug in hot pursuit. The In m tn 1st mid the steer were lint fur behind when the fn unil dmr hud !fn. to the liieiiil.iw fenee, unil in the mlniming Held the fi inner gui tied on them fa d. Uriun'. l;; w;is yelping fiiriniisly nnd leg'ie,..'' it lit the tnpof his speed w hen the Meer guve ll bellow mid run p:i ! the hnntiiK. lie had ciiitght siglit "f Hi'Mi.i's dog, nnd he seeineil tn hiinw'th;1! the yelping eur hud nn business in the chase, fur he plunged lit it with !n eivil hem!, ran It nit the Iniek. iiml ilrtive it In the fence, w here he eniiht it, on lilf. horns just ii fi it was trying to esenpe between the rails. The steer gotvil the dog to denth in n hurry, when he Hung the cureiiss from his lmrns mid run lilic wildllre toward the luntnils in the next Held, lly that time the fox wa.s jailed, nnd almost us isonn as the steer hut) caught up to the IuiiiiuIh the hitter overhnuled tired lleynnrd and shook him lo ilentlt. Then the steer began to bellow, and when .Mr. White readied the spot the hounds hud torn tho fox' hide into strips, while the steer looked on o.nntitiilfill" -The I lean sea lias neen long sup posed to be destitute of nil niiiiual ami plunt life. M. llortet has found, how ever, that the water teems with micro organisms: of many species, some of which tpilekly produce fatal results when Introduced into tho blood, nlijl Unit tho river Jordan, n popular bath ing place, with pilgrims, is so full of these organisms us to bu absolutely tin. at uvuu fur bn thing. .linn M ho Uiilllil llnvr Itcpli llt'llt't- OIT ivitli 1.1'Ki liunivli'ilKi'. "What Kind of a man is yntir emisin Abe'.'" iiiiiiii".'tl one of runner H illet's boarders nf that inild-feutureil old num. "lie doesn't seem to be very popular in (he neighborhood." "Well, now, Abe nii.t 'xaelily pnp'lar," ad niitted Mr. Willet. "1 iluuitn how 'tis, but seems 's ef he lied a treinenjt'li.s fair' It y fer set. in' folks on aidge. It aint liis ititeutiniis to do it, but il dons appear that if ever there's a thing that ha.l oughter he kind of glossed over an' cone 'round easy, A bp he lays It right open an' bears down heavy on't. "I don't eal'latt'," continued Mr. Wil let, tapping his lingers meditatively nil the brnad arms of his old mi'lang cliair, "I hat there's a single one of the mothers in this township but what's got sonicthin' laid up agin Abe; re marks 't he's made about the ehildern, tin' so on, ye see. "I persunie t' say Mis' Heae n .lenks liever'll forgive him fer tellin' her, when little ,'Zek'el ivii'ti'l but a year old, that lie reckoned liis nose was gnin' tn favor liis pa's. You've seen the ileae'n, aiut ye'.' Well, Ihatwa n't a real eneoiir'gin' thing fer her to hear, though the deac'll's jest us good tl mini's ever lived. "An' so 'lis with 'most evervthiu' an' everybody. Somebody was itskln' me once -'twas a school-teacher that conic here, tin' Abe had angered her, savin' limv that he was all took abaci; when he heerd how much younger she was n she appeared to lie; well, she iislied tne, Itind of nippin', how Abe was in the faiu'lv circle. "'I'.less , ina'iiin,' says I, 'there ain't no "circle,'' fain'ly nor otherwise, where Abe is! He'd scatter the big gest circle of folks 't ever I see, an' not mean to, niillier.'" "Abe's a smart man," said Mr. Wil let, as lie rose in slow, rheumatic fush inn, "but I've llggered on liis case con .sider'ble, olV'u on, an' it appears t' me Twoiihl be better fer him if he was a plumb ecjnt, or leastways jest knew his alphabet. When a man's born with ii tongue like Abe's, I tell ye fnllis'd rtithef a long sight hear him say his 'a, b, libs' th'u run iiny resksl" Youth's Companion. STAR ROUTES. AIIHIVIi t.KAVK li oo p in HKKVARI) 7 00 a m 7 no p m HI KNSVILI.B fi no n m tl OO ii m BliHCH 11 0(1 il in 11 oil mil I.BICUSTUK IB nil m 7 00 iii...KUTMBKI'OKUTON... fi 01) n m 2 Answers. What is the difference hetween a sallow skin, dull eyes and fad ed cheeks, and a ruddy complex ion, bright eyes and rosy cheeks? There are 2 answers : Isr Asswru : All the iliil'tTi tuT in thr world, uuc is ugliness; tin- nlliir is lii'liuty. '.'Mt Avsivt'U : 'J' r.'itft 'lijf' rrnrt'. t.'.ir I 2s ft-nts will seeure n thrte wti-J.s tii'iilint'tit (twu iliUVrt'iit nif.lieiius ' I ivhu'h will r.ire.'t vtiur ilisnnleri il livt-r. bullish nil 1. lie, pin ity "ill ! Iilnnil. stltiintiitt' .ilMii titt'. lone up tlie iK-rvt-s, am) niakt- u new itimiiiii ..I you. This is a famous remedy, and while perfectly harmless, it nev er fails. It is made uf the purest preparations. Ask yourtlriiRKisl for Ramon's Tonic Liver Pill's. Two maln-inrs and two boxen for only one price. A sure cure for Constipation and Hiliousncss. SOl.I) IN ASHI'.VIl.I.K HY DR. T. O. SMITH, Whiili'flali- nnd Kvtnil, W. C. CAKMICIIAUL, WOKTIIBN .V; L'n , HlilNTSlt KKKAOAN, KA VSOR . SM IT 1 1 All Alii lt'iit Ittit'tt. Tlie Armenians are one of tho oldest races in the world. Their country is Illelllinlled by Xt' mid I'l.'t'U iel, iiml in the cuneiform inscriptions irl lluliylnn nnd Assyria. All the nations that Mirriiiiiided them have passed way, but they reniaiit, tliougli their coiiniry has been hurried with tire unil sword for centuries. The perinuncnco uf the Anneiiimi ruee has been ascribed to the virtue of thuir women nnd the exeeptioiial purity mid stability of their family life. Kveu in their heathen ih'vn polvgiiuiv was iiiiltiiowii to them. Thev have been u I hristiai. nut inn for luuie tlimi lifteen hundred years, mid have iiiiilergnlie perpetual persecution or their tn i t li from the suiTniimliiig in ii iilnl people. A Wntuso't ilinAnutjr. Wife Do you roiilly and truly 1oti me? HiiHbnd Yes, dear. Wife And if you hud never seen me, would you have married that horrid Bauf girl? Hallo. W. L. DOUCLaS sll"cs fivlish, cair fitting, and give bcttci Batisiat iinn at ihc pricci aiKeitiscd than any ether make." Trv one pair and he con vnii cil. J he ttniuping i f W. I.. l)oiiKlas' name ami price nn the bottom, whicl guarantees their value, saves thousands of dollars annually to those who wear them Healers who push the sale i.t W. 1.. Douirlas Shoes gain customers, which helps U increase the sales on their lull hue of goods. The. Hord to ..ll .t - i... u?dWi!i.. TJ,"l' f""v" ",OI" y y "'.v'nB nil your fnotwr.r of tho KtUer v.vau aavv HllvnUUUt YV . U UOtOLAS, BrockUn, J. D. BLANTON & GO,, ASHEVILLF, ENOCH RECTOR & CO., MARSHALL, RICHMOND & DANVILLE R. R. CO Samuel Silencer. K V. Huiilkotur nnd Kt'utieu Foster, Receivers WESTE8N HOW. CAROLINA DIVISION. Condensed srhrdule In effect llec. !!4, lK'.CI EASTBOUND I.v Knniville I " Mnrristown NO. 12 H 1 5am AND BEST IN H W 0 z 0 H (0 IKmw iconomv ll fjl1 IMS ROAD TO WtALTH' 11 Inks, wis 1 K"4 PaiPftRIOOHLI'IT W 1, TAYLOR MAH T 0C0X I X w 3 0 d 1 tew il re nf Imitations. He sure to Kit the original. Made only by Taylor Mff. Co., 8t. LouIh. VITAL TO MANHOOD. Lv. i'miit Kock .. " Hot SpritiKn Ar. Afilu-villf Lv. Aflhrvillc " Round Knub , " Marion , ' Morgniitun. ...... " Hii'kury M Newtuti StHtCBvillr Ar. Snliahuty " (irtTTiHliuru JJmnvillc Ar. RU'htnonci Lv. Onrniiiioru Ar. Durham " HalciKh " 'tnUlHtmro L v . 1 un v 1 1 i e . , .77. . Ar. I.yiu-hbutK JWunhinntun " Hfiltiimirc... u I'liilulflphin.. Ne York WESTBOUND l.v. New York " I'tiilndclphia " Hnltiniore " WnnhitiKton ' 1-vuclihurK Ar. Dun fillv Lv. kiihinond.. " Uanvillc Ar. Grti'tiHlioni , Lv. OvIilHboro Lv KulviKh " Durham at. (irrrnHFturo Lv (irrrnsemro " Salistiui v " StuttHvlilr " New ton " Hickory " Moruimtun " Marlon " Nuunil Kmb " Anhevillc ' Hot Springs ArJ'ahit Koi-k " MtirrmtdWD .'. '. 14 Knoxvillc . A. &S-PMLROAD Lv. Anhevillr..... ' HemlcrAonville , 41 Flat KcH-k " Saluda Trvtin Ar, Spartnnhnrtr IB. K. t WKST'S NKHVK AND HKAIN TKKAT MKST,nHiwiftr for 1l)tirln, Dl7.7.iniHK, Fitf, Nt'U ralKlii, Hfiitliu-hi, NMrvmw rnmtniiliin rauwd by nU'nhol tr Mhuth, WakpfuUii'tH, Mctitnl lifprcfuimi, Hnflfuititf nf llrnin, oniiflMK uimiity, intMry,di'cay, ilcnth, I'ri'tnntunt (Hd Ant, llnrrcniiOHn, I.ohb of 1'uwcr In I'tihnr ni i, lmpoteney, Iiucorrhipn and all Fcnmle Woiikni'BrtcH, involuntary Lohph, Hpurmn torrliu'd eniiM'il by ovornxirtlon of brtn, Sfif iihuc, nvi'i-lnilulut'nct, A nmnthV troHlment, 1, (l (orit, by niul). With enrh ordiT for fi bttnt( with to will hi'ii'l w riltouiiuiiniiitt'i' to rrfund If not ouri'd. ;unranlM'HUMli'd by ii-i.t. WKST'H MVKK 111.1 .M ruri'M Htt'k If ohIiio1ii, tllliUMiiH, Livr t.oniylalut, suur nunuHrn, ii.vH)uiPin and uoubuuuuuu OUAilA.NXLL.S Iisued ouly by T C. Smith, DruKfflnt. I'ulilic Sipitire. Asheville, N C mHka.A HiB mil Kit AFX. TliU rfmMr fcfc Mil Wl W ih.MffdimneR nf lUelii-H'ln UrilWlf Of. ggSSSSSSSSSdt rturrt tin rliani of diet or rMiinnnui, inorriiriiti nr pirtmoui mt inmlo be Ukvn iutoruiil Wliua A3 A PREVENTIVE by rlthrr MX it It tntili(.tnpontre iiny vmutmI iIixmp ; Iml In tlie nun of 5 willitl'iinii'iiinliilpi't, woguitrAii- .Til T BC (fa A euro. I'now y mu, nwU( imt W V Xfl $1 k: Ixk,m U M . 1 2 Hdpin 2 44-pm 2 iimi I 2 vlOliitl :i r.L'pm i v :;pm j ft 1 7pm ii l'.tjim fl tiim 7 :n jm1 h -Mipm 1 1 t'iipm 1 2 -7atri 7 Ifrnm oia in H .'tfiatn 7 .'(nam 1 (:iipm J 'J Mourn U I atti 7 1 .'in in ll.'iiim lo oTwitl' 1 mtpri) NO. II 3tpm , H o,ipu . i '.'nprt , m 4:tpm It 4.'tani . ft Jiuorn . 1 2 TtOam . f r.uam 7 IH'airi 1 ftOptn 1 ttonm . 2 .'inam . ft ftttam , tHlHTtl . lit lftatv . 1 1 Olifltti . 1 1 . ll.' lilnm . 1 2 ftuptr 1 4tipnv 2 4tptr. 4 t'Hptn ft .'t'ipni ft ftopm . tl :iupin 7 4ft pm . NO 14 7 I Mmr 7 ft'.intn h 1'Jain riL'am . H ftftnm Lv S)iartHnburK Tryon ' SaiuHi " Flat K'oik ' Hendern'tiv'le Ar. Anheville ;murphy branch Lv. Anhevillc Ar. Vavnenvillf " Brvmm City " Audreui " Tomotla " Munihv LADIES 1)0 YOU KNOW OR. FELIX LE BRUN'5 STEEL P PENNYROYAL PILLS urn llm nrinlnnl ami nnly FIIKNCII, mfonmlm. Iliililut'lin. nn llm ninrknt. I'lli'o tl.lll; mut li uiuil. Ummiiin mill uul) by T. C. Suiltta, DruKKUt. Pabllc Square, ' Aaheylllc, N C Ly, Muriihy Ar. Tnniutln " Andrewn " llrymin City... " V lynrnTllIe.... " Anhrvtile NO 13 s i.-.ini n I, spin n Istmi in V-'inn in l!Jim 1 1 2lipn NO 17 1 x limn, ti .Linm 1'.' 1S,H 4 1 nn 4 4.7pm r u.'.pni NO 18 .... tn .Ilium .... A 4,r,iim i an n in .... HI U.lHtll .... U 44pm .... 2 24pm Sleeping car service. No. ll and 12 1'ullmRii Klreiicriihrlween Anhevllle anil Ciltelnnntl via Knuivilte anil Hnrrimail, unil I'lillmnn llulltt veitlllmle itleilie helwetn New York, I'lilliiiltlplila, llnlllninre, WimtilnKtiin anil lint SnrinKn viM Asheville. i. 1 .1 iiml 14 I'lilliimn slrt-ptrs lift wren Anheylllc nniljiiiltsiin ville in Cnl itmliia nml Snvnnn.'tli.; W. A. Tt'KK, 8, H. HARPWICK, Gen. I'm, Airt. Amt. Otn. rani,. Au WahlnKlun, 11. C Atlnntu, C.., r.HHKN, den. Mnnngrr, Wanhlnittua V. H, Mt liliB, C.en'l Hupt., ColninMaJH. C. 8(11. . HAAS, Traffic Manager, WaahliiKlua tllnlly except Hunriay. nii'lOnhilllHulilti CIIIVil Hi lli.llll' VI III)' mil iitiiii.liuiili nl I'tir- lii'iiliirtmi'iil Htl.l. II.M.WlHll.t.KY.M.II Atlauiu, Ua. VUietl lulWhlliull'll THE RACKET STORE 1" South Main St. I iiiht want to inform ihe public that I will receive on Monday or Tuesday, Mth or 1.1th, a nice lino of no- noiiH ironi Lynchburg, Va. Tliiriina big discount stock of notion samples. This line consists of Linen Towels, Doilies, Handkerchiefs, Sus penders, Umbrellas, Para sols, AVindsur Ties, Scarfs, I'iiiwm. Combs, Laundried iind Mnlaundried Shirts, Sumnier Underwear, &c, and will be of special interest to the bu.yu'on account of its tender mercies towards your pocket book. All invited to eonie, and see. JOHN M. STONER. I'. S. Our store will be closed every night next week except Saturday at half past seven o'clock. Please bear this in mind andeome before night. WHISKEY 1 I AUauiu.Ua.UUii fiUlliaiimi' Itill'j'. .l' t

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