7 yv&&&!zr- Asheville Daily Citizen ASHEVILLE, N. C, TUESDAY EVENING, MAY 22, 1894. PRICE 5 CENTS. VOLUME X.-NO 10. When ? Your husband will notice a stent im provement in your cooking when you list cottolene. Your children can safely vat the same food as yoursell, when You Use In Tlie Spring When Your Appetite is Fickle $3.95 THE MAYOR'S DEMOCRACY To- our UAMS und UKEAKl'AST UACON, We nave u coiipcff assortment, indmliitg 100 COUNTY HAMS lust racim. Alsu 1MIS! lllilil'. A. . COOPEH, 10 0) CO BARGAIN. J-.ii.iinesc screen V-: Ic-el iukii, 'ur ful.ls, Muck cloth, ciiihruiilercil Bill, only Ullt u collar tuicc, ufter tliir. nrk wilt be to. We liolihl twenty-five. Cull einly before they are gone ThadW. Thrash & Bro., CKYSTAl, l'ALACli. II ii 1'NDFRTAKF.ti T KM tl DATK IT. RKiOl.lTlONH. 10 CO Cottolene. Your house will not lie filled col KT sol AKU with the odor of hot lurd, when you use Cottolene. Your doctor will lose some of his dyspepsia cases, when you use ASI1HV1I.1.H, N. C. $3.95 Ml' YOl' AKH A PIPE SMOKER North Carolina Roe Herring, Cottolene. VK WANT Vol' (ioLI)HN KCKI'Tlli;, OXI'oliD HASH, I YALE M1XTTHK, TlIItKK KINGS, Your money will he saved, and your cooking praised, WHEN YOU USE COTTOLENE. R)U SALE AT WM. KltOGER'S NIC At, X. C SANS SO ITI, SKXSATION, HONEST J011X, t! i:m ( Lii'i'ixiis, ltl-1'K TA(! iimi mi LAND OF SKY, LONE JACK, DK.UTY lSIUGIIT, .lUXAI.USKA, VANITY FAllt. s. maim stkkkt. TO FISHERMEN! liuyuu know where yuiicaimel your fliiiin I outfits' Just received a new supply trout flies, split liatnliuo roils, all kinds from wc. up to f lo. Hooks, silk lines, braided lines, lisll baskets, seines, minnow nets, cork floats. Have you seen I the .ounce steel roil ; A full line due; collars I inr i.iiir .tons, .loir chains, don food. Come ami I examine my line. L. BLOMBERG TIIU Mlllll-I. Cll'.AK AN I J sroKTlSC. GOODS, HUl'SlC. IV I'atlon Ave. CORTLAND BROS., REAL, B8TATB BROKERS. ' INVESTMENT AOBNTS. NOTARY PUBLIC Loans Securely placed at 8 ft cent. Officea US & 36 Pattoa At.., op atalr. I 2 Sell cent novels at 10c. is a good advertisement for us. Over a hundred titles to select from. 'ou net the best novels ill less than hall ptiees. Wc net the "ad." Xuy's, on the square. Fat Selected Mackerel, Cream Codfish, Magnolia Canned Salmon, Selected Canned Oysters, Lobsters, Shrimp, Clam Juice. POWELL & SNIDER SEASONABLE ttMrt Waists. An excellent line of well made Hoods iu stylish effects. I.ADIKS' WKAITKKS: Six or cieiht strong cards. LACKS; Point Venise, Point de ('.cue, Valen ciennes, Oriental, nourdoii, Torchon, Point de (laze, Chantilly, Medici, etc. KM HKOIDKKIKS In great variety, on Swiss, Nainsook mid Cntubi ic, WASH URKSSOOOKS: A larnc stock of isood styles, the kinds not so easy to find, PARASOLS, HANS, OXFORD TlliS, I.ISL15 THRKAD 1IOSK, KTC. H. REDWOOD &CO , CLOTHING, DRY HOODS,, SIloKS, AND HATS. It Apnea To De a Xcrv l.sclu Hive Kind of Democracy, Hut Let That Fnns-Aitalnst County tioverunirnt HjHteui. Tin; Ci iiziiN was not able yesterday to print all of the Mayor's inaugural speech. More of the remainder is given herewith: What is it to he a Democrat ? Why loIsayth.it I nm a Democrat, not merely professedly, hut from the bottom of my heart? Simply for this reason- that there should be no other cause under the shining canopy of heaven whv tl.crc should be any government in the civilized world Lut IV' Democratic reason, and that ou'y. Why should ! allow Mr. Weaver to come to me and icllmeto pay him $100 of my money as taxes? Why should I surrender my private rights thus? Shall I do so because Ouccn Vic toria is Ouecn of England? No, fellow citizens. 1 surrender these rights cheer fully because the people, the sovereigns of America, say that I shall do so, and therefore I am a Democrat from the bot tom ol my heart. Now, I beg of you to note the difference between profession and reality. I beg you to keep it in vour minds. A serious issue meets us this year. How shall it be settled ? Shall it be settled by men mcrelv professionally Democrats or those really Democrats? II really Democrats, they will gain the victory; if merely professedly Democrats, they will be defeated, mid deservedly defeated. "Mark the distinction. Here arc men iu Asheville who were Pulton men. Tliev said tliev were Democrat!, and they are so now. Let them prove that by ndlici mg to their parly. Let them keep up their organization for the sake ol then nartv. There are a set of men here who snv.'We nie the Democratic party of Hpt'cial MeeilUK of The Hoard ol Directors. At a special meeting of the board of directors ol the Young Men's Christian association, held yesterday afternoon, the following resolutions were adopted: "Kesolved, That this board is grati fied to hear no word ol censure ol our organization for the unfortunate culmi nation ol the meeting hi id in ineir i.an on Sunday afternoon last. "Kesolved, second, That our com niunity may rest assured this body shall strive in the future as in the past to merit the approval of the paslois ol our city and the Christian element ol our community bv adhering strictly to the sole object and purpose of the orgaui.a tion, viz: the salvation ol the young men in our midst, lliurspii ilual upbiuM inn and the advancement of their eternal interests, eliminating all objectionable euturcs to the lull extcntol their ability. Resolved, thud, That we as u board hereby express our hearty thanks to the Key, J. L. White lor the address lie de livered on Sunday afternoon, May 20, and feel sanguine th.it it is calculated to leeomplish great good in our community. Kesolved, Ionian, Ihat the news papers of our city be requested to pub- isli.tliese resolutions. ai.mum r a ai.ttiora i nil: THE CORNER STONE LAID IN DUNOKOF COSFKDKBATIi Dtvtll OF Till; STATIC. WE HATE JUST RECEIVED CHOICE TEAS. WIS Pl'RCHASH ALL Ol'R TEAS Direct Iioiii the itniioitcrs. - s i t a f It I 1 & 1 1 il a . f i ? s 18 HI m 1 1 1 5 1 1 hi? AN OPPOHTUMTV Neglected is just much lost, and a misspent life is one full of neglected op poittinities. ii u n ii,t in ihr nD'aiisof men. I L'i.i..i. i,.l,.,ii ,tl Hi.. ll.Mid. leads on to folllllle: Omllted. nil the voyage of tlu lr hie Is Ixmnd in shallows ami in miseries: on mu-h a lull sea we lire now afloat, , And we must lake the euneiit hen it serves, Oi lose over ventures, AA.it. .. .n '. You nrc neglecting one of the opportu nities of n life time if you do Lot take advantage of my line of 7i)c Neglipeo Shirts MITCHELL, THE HATTER and FURNISHER O Q-reer.l NO, i PATTOM AVBNUK. wi-: ,RH NllV SKRVINf. Ol'R UHI.lCIOfS Frozen Fruit Frappe. Uuncombc county. We are the men w ho are coini? to dictate the candidates ol the Democratic party!' l'ellow citizens if you say to me thai 1 nm to vote for ii man, that Mr. Hampton, lor instance dictates to nie, then 1 am not a Demo erat. That is iusl what I am. That ii what I understand between a Democrat in reality and one bv prolossion merely The issue soon to be presented before us is, Shall Democratic principles prevail? There is no reason why wc should say that all the people ol buncombe county arc not the sovereigns, vv ny can we in nate to say so ? I have been throujj the eastern counties and know the men ol those counties. They are able to take- care ol themselves and wc will let them doit. Take the bludgeon away from Richmond 1'earson and hold it in your hands and tight for the sovereignly ol the peopleot Hutit'ombe county, and Bun combe county will be solidly Democratic. "Other criticisms have been made upon the past administration. You have es tnblished in the last two elections the principle that party politics should take no part in municipal affairs. That prin ciple is, above all principles, important to the salvation ol tlie prosperity oi i:ns town, Do you known better Democrat, or more honest man than Mr. Richard II. llattle of Ualeigh, N. C. Here is a letter which I received from him a lew davsago. It is a fair sample ol iiuiiier mis others which I have received since the tith of May." The Mayor then read a letter hum Mr H.-ittle. eoiiL'ratulatiiii: him upon his re election, in which the t:icgoing principle was endorsed The Mayor continued: "1 endorse everv word of this letter. If the tit Ii ol Anril straightouts put up a candidate and tfll me to vote far him, no matter what kind of a man he may be, I shall not do so. Kilt put up a suitable man and try me. I'ut up Theodore I'. David son and you will sec whether I will sup port him as against 1'earson. I'ut the candidate up on Democratic pi iuciplcs and see whether or not 1 will support him. "I have been charged with a good deal of malleasance in ofhee, esiiecially with regard to the management ol the nuiu ieitinl court. 1 looked over the records verv hastily this morning and 1 propose to tell von what tliev show. I hev show that during the last year, Mr. Westall and mvsell. chiefly myself, have tried ooti cases. Of those 55(5 casis, 1 say this to the credit ol my fiieucl Mr. llaikins, scarcely one per cent, resulted iu aciiiit t.ila. Whv. because Mr. llaikins is one ol the best chiefs of police with w hich any town in America is blessed today. "There is another matter of which 1 wish to speak. Mr. Whitson came lo me and told meccrtaiu gentlemen wanted to make great investments here iu cer- tnin iiiaiiiilactunnc business. Will you en.oneratc with us? 1 said I would, cer tainly. You may depend upon it, Mr. Whitson. A lew days nltcrwards 1 saw Mr. Whitson ngain and he went more into detail. There was to be a great knitting mill put ui on the Swaiinaiioa The trouble was that it might conlaini nm.. tin- water ol the cilv. I said, we ivill wi- if that cannot be obviated. W .'.in.'pivt'd a nlan whereby the citv could gets ils water at a point above the dam .f the mill. Then comes Mr. Maxwell, and the Hoard of Aldermen appointed a itiimiiit'p .inisisiiiiu ol Mr. loues, Mr. Westall and the Mayor to meet Mr. Maxwell. The hrsl thing he saul was, ll, .iv much bonus do vou propose lo Ilia.',-Ai The Huck tiliualH Home Ol nuutoinlie's Hard bill Nye's residence at Duck Shoals had a narrow escape from destruction by lire Sunday afternoon. Smoke had been noticed in one of the roor.u, but for a tunc it was thought ii was blown in from n fire in another room. The smoke at last became so apparent that search was instituted and it was louiul thai through some defect in the woodwork under the Hoonm; nl tlie dining loom, the lire had been communicated from the (lining room lire and was m.-niiug con siderable headway. By the aid ol Iriends who were in the house and the servants the ceiling of a servants' room, under liie dining room, was torn off. a bucket bri gade was formed, and the lire extin guished with water Iroin Mr. Nye's well, which, hesajs, is loo kcl deep. The damage was perhaps .:'.0( or $ 100. The residence is insured with Kutledgc N: I'atleison, this city, in the l'lienix of Brooklyn. Guardian, London Assurance, Hamburg Bremen and Caledonian. A ;reat Crowd at Raleigh To WtliieHN tlie Cciciiionv-Oration llv waller firliiies Hpeechn by OtlierH A Uermau. Kai.ich.ii, X. C, May L'li.-The citv this morning was j acked with people who had come to attend the laving ol the corner stone of the monument to be erected iu honor of the Confederate dead of North Carolina. A procession sevcu blocks long was formed on l-'aycttcvillc street and niarehedthen on to the Capitol where the ceremony ol laying the corner stone was held. A choir of 100 voices rendered the "Old North State," after which Governor Carr introduced the speaker ol the day, Walter Grimes. Mr. Grimes spoke in an impressive maimer of the Confederate dead ol North Carolina, and was heartily cheered at intervals throughout his speech. Rev. Mr. Kaston of Lenoir led in prayer, lie was followed by Judge Ben nett and Thomas S. Mason, who de livered short addresses. The ceremony was verv bcaulilul and 1 will be long remembered by the people ol I Nort hCarohua. A licrinan will be given tonight by I the Capitol club in honor of the visiting I militia. SMITH HEKK8V CASK 100 ISOXIOS Tanglefoot Stick; Fly Paper. This is the bestlly paper on the market, 25 double the box. Each CVC1.F. TALK. Afcllt Ult'.S ClUl AtC. I Hll IvlllCl tiller At the inieliiiL' of Ashcvillc'sCu-h: club last i veiling steps were taken which will make a club membership more valuable than ever. The club accepted the oilers made by the Y, M. C. A., w hich were to ivc the club the use of one of the bov rooms ol the association building lor their nuctings, and a room in which club members may slore their wheels while uptown. The privilege of placing the cycling papers ill the association reading room was al-o extended, and herealtcr the I.. A. W. Bulletin, The Bearings. The Wheel, The Retiree, American Wheelman and Cycling Lile will lie kept tiniv, to which all members ol th club will have access. Through the generous oilers ol the as sociation the Cvele club will have all Ihe privileges mat go w un lneiunersiiip u the large clubs ol the country in v. bi-.l the monthly dues amount to a consider able sum. I.V.M III.II I OK .Ut HlU.Il. CoimWleraliou of 11 To lleitlu Next I Tliursxlav. S.M'ATin.A. N. Y.. May 22.-Iu Ihe Presbyterian General assembly yesterday the judicial committee took the plutforin I yltieH q niiil presented tne report in puuc-iai case number one, which designates the Smith I case. The rcp.irt was that repeal is ill I order, the papers having been duly filed, double tsliet't will Catfll U and it was recommended that appeal be I ntertaiiied. both parties having agreed to waive their right to be heard on this ipiestion. If the assembly votes to en- quart OI lllOW. tertain tnc appeal, niree liouis aie iu uc L'lven to i'rol. Smith lo present ins case, lour hours to the committee of prosecu tion, an additional hour to l'rof. Smith, twenty iniaules totlicSvnod olohio and two hours to the Assembly. At the close of this time, a vote will be taken on etch allegation of error and ground ol appeal separately. It was decided to make consideration of this case the special order lor Thursday next at In o dock, to continue till hnislico, having precedence overall other orders. The trade supplied at wholesale and retail by Ray sor & Smith, 31 PATTON AVE. Aliollur CUNe ol HHAiilt follow t'd Ity 'I lie I hiinl I'liiilNliiut'tit. Aui.i.si-.lox, Cm., May L'L'. l-'iiday evening the 1 I years old daughter ol Washington Smith living near here was outraged by a mgro whi'.c reluming from school. The negro met a desperate resistance and plunged a knife into her side. Smith cam: up ami the- nee lind Ihiee bullets into his body and lied, Neighbors found the lather and daughter insensible on the road and took them hour.-. Smith died Sunday morning, and ihe daughter is not ex pected to live. Sherill William caught the negro, and yesterday an armed band ol To men took him Ironi the jail and hanged him lo a trie. They then fired fully .".nil bullets into the body. I'lTXHIMMONM A;IN. IH'TTfc'S OI'FKB OF MONF.Y. ulc Hn.iH H Was lM-oiulHCd Si.,ooo Uuwn Washington, May UU. Iu the bribery investigation case before n Senate com mittec Kppa Iluuton, jr., told the com mittee that lie had been approached by Mai. Butt and offered a sum ol money il he would induce Ins father to vote against the pending tarift'. Senator Kyle testified that Mr. '.uUd()j)L,u rycuings till 1 1 u'vlwli llito ontTiei mill nmiieY leu vu., ing that he could have $75,000 and! made an oiler ol SI l.ouo down. At the alternoon session of the com mittee Bultz was on the stand tor ii'iwarils ol three hours, lie denied vehemently that he has made any at tempt to bribe the Senators referred to ir any other persons. COXl'.V NIINTKNCI.II ASHEVILLE TO THE FRONT lie Must Uti To Jail For Twenty! HavN and I'av $5. Washington. May bulge Miller has sentenced Coxcv, Brown and Jones I lo twenty days in jail lor violating the statutes bv cai lying a banner into the canitol grounds, and Coxcv and Brown to pay if.", line or ten days in jail for w Avli J1JST COU,LaT1!D A VVLL stepping on the irrass. I The effect of Coxey's conviction on his I camp followers, already demoralized bv drenching rain storms, insufficient food .'Hid shelter, and repeated change ol I base, w ill probably be their entire disin tegration, l'ven now the "army is I mostly made up of idle negroes recruited in Washington and Maryland uml has I lively any ol its original meinliers lilt. ;linb ok HANDMADE SHOES NII.Yl U'H RllillTH. He Wills) III TH" CluulolU' Mike UnccH on u Sit in iim Wheel. Cll.M'i.oi U..N.C., Muv J. special..! Another great victory for l-'ilzsiiiiinons on the viiiovv allow. riizsiuiuious leaned the deck yesterday both in the one mile and the live mile bicycle races. Carson, also on a Stearns wheel, won the one mil.' novice race. Temple ol Richmond won the one-hall mile am Roach of Columbia the one four tb mile races. The cvenl of ti e dav, the live mile race, was won Ii v rit -siinmons, ,ixon aim RiuiMiir, iu the order named, all ridin ve ow le lows. I he races were very exciting and largely attended. IiiHialli il 't lit Ir Ollic- rw. Nasiivii.i.h, Tiun., Mav L'l . Dis' ricl Gr.-tud Lodge No i llnai Bnlh nut yis tcrdav with 7S membeis present i l'resi dent Marks presiding. The billowing ollieers were elected: President, A. S. Lyres, Memphis, Tenn.; Vice President the give me to induce me to come here?" Wc i,mVciihcrg, Galvislon, Tcxns; Second I said, "w naiuo you niyiiui ..v " nvu iiiixioiis arc vou lor me io come. W'ejoldhim we wete very anxious for I ) in tn ti imp. but didn't understand whv he should talk about u bonus. lie said that unless we turned over to bun our I waterworks ami let mm wiuum ci.i c.i.i u.iiii ivh.r lie would not come. inni. WI..W .Miietia. we refused to do. We I linvp n.i'i.r been able to get these filets Vicc-Picsideii' . Sol. Ilarnuian, Memphis, Tenn ; Treasurer, W. 1C. Wolll, Nashville, Tenn.; Secretary, Nat. Strauss, New Oilcans: Seigcaut at Arms, A. S. llirscn uer. Birniingliaiu. Ala. These ollieers wete installed. Coiiuichs Wtll Anneal, lo V iiilctl mates CoiiKreNH. Washini.tiin, May 2U. Ihe Pan-1 Aiiiciicau Uiiuctalic association, com posed of representatives from the Tinted Stales, South and Central America nnd Mexico met today under the chairman ship of Col-A. C. l-isk ol Denver, Col orado, president ol the asociation. I he purpose ol the Congress is lo memorial ize the I 'nited States Congress to restore silver to its ancient rights nt a ratio not to exceed sixteen to one. Won a Not increase Tlie nulv Washington, May 12U. In the Senate today Mr. Harris moved to lay Piatt's amendment on the table increasing the duty on iron ore from 10 to 00 cents a ton. That motion carried, yeas II-, nays 21. Collrite Uumed. Cn.M'i.tsTiiN, S. C, May 2'.'. The mam inuliliug oi ciemson couege ai l-'oit Hill caught lire at daylight this morning and w as burned. The dormi tory and chapel may be saved. And will in the future carry iu stock u fid1 assortment of shoes of OUR OWN MAKE! TIlliY STAND WITHOUT A RIVAL A Houlli Carolina Pomiiinlton, Ice Cream Soda (All Flavors )P' r.luH'-"?ltel'8lV1,w 1,olu,w- IUC UlCrtlll OUUd VHM la'uls,' cjrcuurii,n;c cmCavorcd to circulate nig nomiiinlioii : A. MeP. Jlambv, jr., Sotol Coca-Cola Hire's Root Beer AND OTIlliR 1'01'UI.AK DRINKS. aiuonpyou," Uciliel Avadcmv Canton, N. C, May lO.-The closing exercises of llethcl Academy tcrmimt!ed . . . . , - - i ,....: I iiccu lulling ucie ast nig tit onu me .... crowncd ,u (Jn whiu. T(,pi VM () every way a success, i m m.min. ..- rl.via wna mndff bv Dr. I.HWrcllCC of Asheville. The medal lor orntory in the h't'SreWU 1 S HASEHML GAMES. rnntpsf in the Literary society wns awarded to K. A. Sentelf. son of the able assistant, Rev. K. A. Scntell. Itolilied a PoNtollicc. Nnni oi.K, Ya., Mav 22. The post olVu-c at Sull'olk, Ya., wns burglarized Washington, May 22.-Tlic President last night; $1300 worth of stumps and .,100 in casu oeiiig caiTieu 011. MoMt Fa HI At WIlllaniHPOrt. Wii.i.iamsi'okt, Pa, May 22 The waters here arc slowly receding. It is now believed the worst is over. ltonisit'Tfes, South Carolina, collector of crstoms for the district of Georgetown, Hiiow on me Mooiunlii Toii flidsroi,, Tenn., May 22, Snow has been lulling here, and the mountains (ire here, snow is five inches deep. t) Court Square, Aihevllle, N.C. joliiiHio-wu ueliliiK Irv Johnstown, I'n.,Mny 22. The water is now receding in the river here nnd all danger is past. C0XDENSED TELEGRAMS. SHI.1.1N0 AtiKNTS l-OK Hliowed:i'p. Ilreekliirlcue. LkmniitoN. Kvw May 22,-Col. llrcck- iuridgc was shown up iu all his wicked nesi by Lion. Wm. C.Owens in his iui- All aJ.lwalnlh nnmtlK nl Siinltl'ltl UUV. HUYLER'S CANDIES Mr. Owens was greeted a larKe crowd, Nnlionnl League lioslou (, New York 0; Cincinnati 2, Cleveland 1; Pittsburg 11. Chicago 10. Ilrooklyn-Hnllitnorc, Philudelphiu-Wnshiiigton, nnd St. Louis Louisville guinea postponed on account of rain. Southern Longuc Memphis 8, Charles ton 1 1 ; Mobile 1 2, Macon 7. No came at Nashville ruiu, lleilin and l'raukfort bourses have never before experienced such dullness ns at present. The report that (Juecu Victoria's health is becoming precarious is denied. Edmund Yates, the Loudon author und journalist, is dead. STANDARD Quart Cans Tomatoes 10c. Sugar Corn por Can 10. Bartlett Pears per Can 20. Grated .Pineapple per Can 10c. String Beans per Cu 10c. T. J. REVELL, 80 North St , Telepkrai lit Ak.iiHiW-y" iWm mm fct'-iiiilMWB4 ":r4. i.w.w-

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