THE ASHEVILLE DAILY CITIZEN. OUR OFFER -A. T THE BALTIMORE CLOTHING, SHOE AND DRY GOODS CO. IO .AJVD 12 PATTON a.VE3IMTJE!, ASHEVILLE. Every one knows of ourplienomenal special salea during the past few weeks. There is no secret to our success. We only sell what isieliablc Our prices are always the lowest and lower than those asked by other houses for similar goods. Tuesday we commence the greatest sale on record, and we simply ask an inspectionaa this sale will be of greatliuterest to everybody living in Asheville or vicinity. Thursday Evening, May 24, 1894. Spring Dress Goods. 1,000 pieces Pongee Sat ines, beautiful shades, dark, light, stripes and fancy fig ures, usually sold at 15c. yard, special sale 10 and 12c yard. 100 pieces of Serpentine Crepons in evening shades, pink, blue, garnet, Nile green and fancy colorings, usually sold at 20c. yard, special sale Oc yard. 250 pieces of White Sum mer Dress Goods, beautiful assortment, fancy drop Tremendous Cut in Silks. WANT COLU M N J&r':b IjM'KNISIIKI) rooms suitable for tight huiise- keeping. Musi be eoiiveiiienl, local an.! se lect. Answer in confidence. "It," j.vliw Care Cilieii Ofhce. 1KAS WANTK1 If ynu have old h:nid or can net any peas of any kind, wiilcu; we will pav biu luiee hv them. C. I,. IM TUIU-SitN CO.. h X, llvoail M.t Allanla, (la. idt.odiSi.wiin AY' MNTKO-A lioy to act as news airi nt on trains lelwceu Asiitviue aim .Miirpny Musi have blue suit of uniform ami l' p"Ml j twentv dollar cash as :uritv. i 'live age ami applv to I NION NKWS CO.. Knoxville, Teiin. ( h A7-:.y r. InR SAI.K OR KNCIIANC-Ii-I have milch cows tu sell or exchange lor beef calllc. Ad dress A. WKKNWAil, .W.'.diw st Haywood Street. Unk RK N'T Middle house in Cray Cables X block, near post office. 6 rooms and basement. ; All modern improvements, j -jdtl A. 1). COOI'l-R. ' 1 -..11. .. ! FOR RKNT Dwelling house corner of Mer- j riiuoti avenue and iiraiiue street. For terms 1 utmlv to 1IKNR Y II. STKVI'NS, ! npi.i dtf 5 and 6 Johnston Huilding. IjViK KKNT-Tln McDowell bruk house on , X South Main street Apply ,V,Kiim 14 rooms, nice location. i.- e mi; aii 1 ' 1 ee-il jtiiiidin'g. I IiiR RKNT - In Riimoth ii.ut.- I X with stables, garden, grass lots, etc, Ten iiiiuiites' walk lioin ekclnccar line. Price f.'u per month. J. II. OSIioKNi:. ywdoautf v North Main Street. -ilt Ul.'V'l I nrrru utlil votl if lit I V !l mi IlIFfll X house. No. ftj Merrimoii ave. Hut and cold water with baths on two floors. All modern f r:r "i n.. .r.i.i t ,V ,mv?. . I.tion antral. ilh Uw, I n- I sha.l.-.l iiroimils. SpU n.lid roi.lince lor j lrKc family or Inwiding housv. Apply tn telvsdtf .(MAV'At, 1ASTI.1C RKSTl'irst -class bonrdiug luise. V Centrally located. No. -m Crove street. 4-lodtf MRS. SCHIRKM lilSTKR, LSKVKK.M. nersonscau get pleasant Itoard in 3 private house; home comforts; pretty rooms; piuesrwis.HM.M-.. ipj. ..... i decv.montl MhKKlMDN AM-,. , 0ARD1-;RS-A iHimhcrof and rooms at The amiieim, 211 ration avenue. Mouse newly furnished throughout, .S-iVdinio Ij'IRST CI, ASS lioariliug house. S'eiidid lo cation, nicely furnished rooms, hot ami cold water, lei ins mode tale. Will take no coiiMiiup tives. MRS. I'ARRAK, j.jdim ttt, Spruce street. " 'Xfs:'Ay',(.'s . 1?oK SAI.l-I-Twodran horses. Apply . ASUKVIU.K COTTON Mll.l.S. a4ltf IO K SAI.K A splendid milch cow. give 5 gallons of milk per dav, perfect! v gentle, will sell cheap. Apply O. W. CIIARI.l-S, .VJid.U Cor. liagle and Spruce Sts. IOR S.VI.K OR h:CHNiilC-Splendid la . dies' saddle and carriage horse alMiut i,s hands. Has good single foot and lope. Price moderate. Address 11. T, V., 5-iKltf niltmore, N. C. 1AINTINC lesMUis in oil, pastel and water colors. A teacher of experience. Tuesdays, Thtitsdavs and Saturdays. Studio id Clayton, ncarOmnge street wliuol building. Terms 50 cents per lesson. MISS PHH.UI'S. 5-iotlim Artist Artisan Ins., New York, MONKY SAVKD-Did you know that J. M. McCaiiless, No. o north court square. Abbe ville, N. C has Just received from Chicago the most complete stock ol portrait frames 111 the citv, nnd nt prices to suit the times.' Parties wanting frames, portraits or pictures ot .'un kind, will do well to see him first and ex. inline liis work and prices on picture frames, etc. "Widiw ATTKNTION of visitors and cilieiisof Ashe ville is called to Suttle's Suanee Mineral water on sale at J. D. lllanton'H shoe store, vi Paltonnve. Anyone desiring water delivered at their residence r place of business, will plense leave orders at the alnive place and they will receive prompt attention. Delivered daily iresu iroiu spring, 5-isdim D. D. Sl'TTI.K, Proprietor. NOTICK Hy virtue ol the ixiwer vested in me by a certain deed of trust executed by T. K, Hrown and wife, I,. J. llrown, on the mth day of July, it and registed in the ollice of the Register of Deeds of Ihineombe county in Uxik No. 17 on page 4t and 51 inclusive, default hav ing Itecn made in the payment of the indebted ness intended to le secured by said deed of trust at the request of the cestui que trust, I will sell at public auction for cash at the court house door in Asheville on Tuesday, the uth day of June, t 12 o'clock tit., the lands particularly , described in said deed of trust to which reference is marie for n lull description of saute in order to satisfy the provision of said trust deed. May, 9th, IK. S. tl. RKKD, 3-iUa Trustee. AND BEST IN H (A W 0 z 0 ' H (0 0 0 d Bwar of hnltittoni. B iure to get tlx original. Made only Dj Taylor BUie Co., St. Loula, ml Onlum HublU ouri-il hi bwtiic wlili nulimln.lUKik ufimr tiPiilnrHWiit I Ht U.M.WIKI.I,UY.M.I. sZ 1 IJlPHHauOIILVkT V llH llltflll! MM I stitch, something new, usu ally sold at 20c, special sale 10-12c. 150 pieces all wool De 13eiges and Diagonal Suiting, usually sold at 45c. a yard, reduc ed for this week to 2Uc. 200 pieces novelties and Spring Cheviots, 40 inches wide, positively worth 00c. a yard, re to 3t)c. i 850 pieces figured Satin Bourbon and Brocad ed Armures, 42 inches Tax Collector Notice. lly vhlue of the tax 1Ut ot the city or Ashevillv for the year is 13 in I he ha mis of the undei-sif-lledas cnlleetor of taxes ot said city, for col let tiou and by virtue- ol an order of the Alder nu 11 of said city made on April ith,, ami by virtue nf section ;s "I ehapU'r'j of the pri vate laws of North Carolina of isSi, raliticil t he Mb day ol March, is-i ami ol the j towers there by contend and by viitue of the statute and law in Mich case made and provided, the undei-su-ned will on the , h day ol June, 11. sell at public nm linii in the highest bidder for ensh at the coin t hotie door ill the city of Asheville aforesaid in the nut 11 tier and upon the terms bv law prescribed for sale of land and real estate fur stu-li puipose fur the taxes for due on them respectively in said city, Hie hereinafter mentioned lots, and real estate, said taxes being due and having remained unpaid at the time prescribed by said aldermen lor completing collection of taxes uf said city for said year, to wit, the 1st day of Iiceeniber, and the amounts of such" several taxes being those re spectively set opposite said lots and real estate, and the person whose names appear opposite the same, being the respective persons in whose Home the same were listed or should have h'-en listed for taxation in June, 103, and there being in such cases 110 personal p-opertv which can be loiind for stub purjiose. Said lots nnd real tst;iteaie situate in the city id Asheville in the faint y ol Ihineombe ami State of North Cnto- Una and are described respectively as lollows : . . ... .. .... ., .J noggins, 1 101 t acre, norm sioe o r-.ouiii side ave and east corner of lllanton st Tax 3 00. I W Cogirins. 1 lot se-xion ft, south side of South- (',1V HVC- liV"K lauds of J I, Owens oil west '-- Ileurv Hudson. 1 lot fiovKft It. near Mill and buttriek sts, adjoining lauds of Will Allison on 1 east anil v, .Merritt on west Jiainuce lax 1 'j s n uenrv. 1 loi east mio .MKinstm si, atnotn- u,s I'imis 01 t lsiair on souin aim t'eacii si on tiui 111 1 a 1 20 T C Starues interest in pronertv of Pine ('.rove band company, consisting of alwut is acres more or less, lying in suutnet u portion 01 uy, adjoining laiuisoi w v Mcuoweii estate. Tax jo.xi A N'ierre, lot south side llavwood st. Uii.",fx W ."f " ' i'.'s' J A Bit uii nt lax i , ,, ,.,. , ,I;1VW,H s. SuXIiii It. east ami I M kav on west Tax 4 so ii iliiiiiii'H i.iiivis vm i . i,ii Kill' on 1' I.ove, 1 hit with x houses, lot 20"x.oi fi east side Davidson st. adjoining lauds of Mrs It M Davidsuu on north and I' 11 hcruggs oil south lax v T II Hoinar, 1 lot 14x1 10 fl, on east side Park a e, bein lot No 5.) ol I'rospect I'ai k plat lax o J( Atk,1MiU 0il1)r s R(.vnol,,s ctat, 1isjm.v ft, oiitiurlh side Roheiis st, adjoining Ii(n(U of SaUh01 wuU itUli R 'Vviltiim Q " jV CaUe'r'! iU 75x1., ft, on west side Bailey st, adjoining lauds of Rich, Roberts mid others , on noi th and J II Carter on south Tax a ! 1 II Carter, 1 lot 7.sxiso It, on west side of Dai 'ley st, adjoining lands ol J 11 Carter on north ami otuii ia. umi I II Cutter, i lot 7-xi5' ft, on west sirieol Hai lev st, adjoining lands of 1 H Carter on north ' and Y 11 C, w n on south fax i no I I tlCaitct," 1 lot and warehouse, south side of ' ration ave, tot h-mim It. on corner of I'.ntoii j ave and east corner of llaiky si, known as Car- it r s warenouse. 1 nx ox mi Cobb. MiTtimott llostie, t lot i.Soxilt. ; last side l-'teiich It road ave, corner l-'retich j Mroad ave and llaith tt st. adjoining lands of J 11 .neirimoti 011 norui iax im 1 lane I'.reenlee, i lot west side liuriirer st, al : joining lands of John hdgei lou and others Tax , yllC ! V II i.wyn's 1 . interest in Cwvn and Cooper ; lot on west side of Water st, zsx.o It, ott south corner 01 waiuui si 1 ax -t.s ' 1 1 l; Pattnit, t lot inoxuxilt, north side Haywood st, adjoining lauds of M I, Hawkins on east and J ! llostic oil west Tax 900 l1 1; ration, is acres on west side Atkinson st, adjoining lauds of J It Hamilton on south and Mrs C M Cady on north Tax 960a 1' !' I'alton, 1 lot ljsx.ion II, oil south side Park Place, adjoining lands of J II Rumbough oil east and V A Winbni 11 on west Tax 7,-. on 1' l; I'atlon, s acres laud on west side Riverside st, adjoining lauds of R p Walker on south and Itniicotube llrick and Tile Co on north Tax 6 00 N P Corn, 1 lot p.sxns It. north side Cray st, Ik iug lt No n ol Mar lies, Ilatgaii cS: Heist 'plat, registered in Imok 7.', page.,s. Tax I 50 T C si.irncV ); interest in lots, west side of day st, lots juxi n tl each, being lots Nos ij. jo, .i and .'.m if Statues, llatgau Heist plat, reg isteied in I km ik 7, page 4i Tax woo T C Startles' 1 - interest in js lots on north side Cray st, being lots Nos 4 to i, inclusive, to $ incliisive, and No 1S0I Statues, Hargaii & Heist plat, in hook 7.', page Tax is 7 T0 Stat ties h iuteiesl in 1 lot, ;5x.'j fl, nit east side Gay st, adjoining lands ol Ullie Junes on sou til and T W Pulton on north Tax t .s J II Drown, 3 lots 50x150 each, east side of Merrimun ave, being hits Nos i hjand Jo of the WtMKlHn property mat Tax iyja R M Denver, 1 lot 50x115 ll, west side I'ulton st, being lot No 50 ore Klirahnnt plat Tax t jo D l Merrell, 1 lot and dwelling, lot jsxaio ft, wimisiM.ici iiichinnu norm nine woottiiu si, corner ot Pine and Woodlin sis Tax lu -v Joint Clayton, 1 lot east side PUie st, adjoining lands ol Matt Baxter 011 south and Svlvn P-hikoii 011 north Halattce tax 2 H. C. 1-ACUi, City Tax Collector. Scott's Emuisioii of cod -liver oil presents a perfect food palatable, easy of assimilation, and an appetizer ; these are everything to those who are losing flesh and strength. The combina tion of pure cod-liver oil, the greatest of all fat pro ducing foods, with Hypo phosphites, provides a re markable agent for Quick Flesh Building in all ail ments that arc associated with loss of llesh. A Pro-umd hy RnoU A nntvnn, rii-mUU. . N.w Yurlt. Hold l) .11 itniKut. wide, in all lead ing shades, positively worth 75c. a yard, at 40c. 185 pieces all wool Covert Suitings; also large variety Priest ley's Camel's Hair Suitings, 42 inches wide, real value 85c , at 59c. 250 pieces extra heavy French Henrietta, 48 inches wide, m an im mense assoitment of fashionable spring shades, sold elsewhere Tremendous Cut in Dress BEAR AND SERPiiNT. A Strange Ituttlo M'ltnr-iKpd In n Indian .lunltt. Some cUuii'licnt wore setlina: their ni ts fur (.'iiuie in mi liulian jungle when tlioir utteutioii was attraeted by hiilemis imises roars of pain ami rnffe, uiul a proloniroil liissiiir, like tlie es cape of k1 en tn from un I'lif-inn. They hasli'in'il to the t-pot-or to alii it, as BCciiis most liltuly an. I liulielil what the Mailras Mail deserilies as a "Ho luei'ie eonlliet." A junj,'kt licar was fij,'hliny for hislife with u eolossal ser peiit. I'rolialil.v the serpent luul lieen hiinniii)r itself in tiui finite traelt when the liear eaino aloiiL,'. anil us neither animal would yield the patli to the, other, n contest liecamu inevitable. Wlmt the clenehers saw is thus de Bvrihed: The serpent wottiul its eiiorniims folds around the liear: the bear dashed from side to side and rolled on the ground in its fren::ied attempts to tret free, roarinff angrily all the while and snapping its jaws like castanets at the serpent's folds, it could not reach them, however, on iKviuint of the way in which they were lightened uroutid the bear's ipiivcritii,' body. Thus enjrafred, the combatants Kivayed to the brow of n hill, down which the bear cast himself with a ve locity that plainly disconcerted the serpent, for it unwound two or three of its folds and threw its tail around a tree, hoping so to anchor the bear. Tl,u maneuver rc.-.ulted in its own imdoin(r, in more ways than one. The ritfid, outstretched line of tail (fiive the bear a chance to seize its us sailant. a chance w hich up to this time hud not been uil'ordeil. The bear wus (piicU to seize ils opportunity, and fastened its jaws in the snake's quiver ing llesh. The hissing was now fright ful, as the sntilic rapidly unwound it self and struck savagely lit the bear's jaws. I'.y way of response the bear roared furiously, dashing from side to side, anil worrying the mouthful of serpent in its jaws in puroxysins of rage and pain. Once more the serpent wound itself about the bear, the bear howled and gasped, and both, still struggling, rolled out of view into the high grass of the forest. Their track was marked with pools of b'.ood; and when they were again seen they had parted. The snake was coiled in an attitude of defense, with its bead erect; and hissed apprehen sively. It had luul enough, and wished only to be left alone. Not so the bear. Though almost crushed to death, it would not retire from the combat. After a moment's pause it rushed upon the serpent, it by the head and dragged it about with roars of triumph. The undergrowth was beaten Hat by the convulsive, strokes o.. the great ser pent's tail as tlio bear crushed its bead to pieces, and liuully it lay dead beneath the assaults of its vindictive, I'licniy. WHAT IS A WIFEV Tilt Trill'lior Arl-,tfil One Drllnllloii, hut lililn't Tako WiiruliiR. The pretty school-teacher, for little divertiscmcnt, luul asked hercluss for the, best iletinitioii of "wife," and the boy in the corner had promptly rv ponded: "A rib." She looked at him reproachfully, and nodtled to the boy with the dreamy eyes, who seemed anxious to stiv some thing. "Man's guiding star and guardian angel," he said in response to the nod. "The.helpineet," put in a little flaxen-haired girl. "One who soothes man in adversity," suggested a demure little, girl. "And spends his money when he's flush," added the incorrigible boy in the coruox There was a lull, anil the pretty, dark-eyed girl said slowly : "A wife is the envy of spinsters." "Olio who makes a man hustle," wa the next suggestion. "Ami keeps him from making a fool of himself," put in another girl. ".Some one for a man to find fault with when things go wrong," said a sorrowful little maiden. "Stop right there said the pretty school-teacher. "That's the bostiloflnl tlon." Later the sorrowful little maiden tidied up to her and asked: "Aren't you going to marry that handsome man that calls tor you near ly every day?" "Yes, dear," she replied, "but with as nothing will ever go wrong, uy so himself. "Toledo Blade. at $1.00 a yard 09c. 50 pieces Black and White Plaids, striped and dottrd goods, which we always sold at 59c. a yard; re duced to .'59c. Illl'llMIMMll "tJ";' 325 pieces Black Impe rial Twills, formerly sold at 90c a yard, re duced this week to 9e. New styles in Dress Ginghams, plaids hUMOROUS. Kvcry boy ought to be a second edition of his father revised and im proved. liam's Horn. 'I beg your pardon, fir" "What is it?" "Can you tell me where I can get the newest ideas in antiques?" Hallo. She "George, I hear burglars!" He--"Well, keep quiet, they woi't steal you." Browning, King & Co.'s Monthly. "Is the bishop a broad man and liberal in his views'.1'' "Oh my, yes. He's abroad most of the time, and in giving his views he is most prodigal." Harlem Life. Treecard "Did your wife storm when you gof home?" Twospec "Right away; and the cloud was larger than any man's hand in our party." Kate Field's Washington. "What sort of a collection have yon, Will?" asked the visitor. "Per haps I can help you." "Well, sir," said Will, "I'm collecting American coins." Harper's Young People. Magistrate "If you were there for no dishonest purpose, why were you in your stockinged feel'.''' Iturglar "I heard there was sickness in the family, your worship." Pearson's Weekly. Not a Failure. Hudson "Jones is very sick. Hud an operation performed on him." .ludson "It wasn't success ful, then?" Hudson "Yes, it was very successful. It was a Wall street operation." Kcndeison (who is having his mustaches blackened) "llo you charge for this kind of work by the job or by the hour?" Barber (sentcn tiously) "Per dye 'em." Hoston Transcri pt. "Didn't you tell me you could hold the plow?" said a farmer to an Irish man he had taken cm trial, "lie aisy, now," said Mike. "How could I hould it, an' two horses pullin' it away? Just stop the craytures an' I'll hould it for ye." Brooklyn Life. A stranger in Galveston asked an old resident how niularial fever eould be distinguished from yellow fever. "As a general thing," was the reply, "yon can't tell until you have it. If yon ain't alive, then it is most likely yellow fever." Texas Sittings. A lady has just lost her husband. A gentleman living next door, on call ing to see her, found hor, to his great surprise, playing on the harp, and said: "Dear me! I expected to Hud you in deep distress." "Ah!" the lady pa thetically replied, "you should have seen me yesterday." D'Arlequin. Mrs. Corntiissel had been to the Corcoran art gallery. ".What did you think of the statuary?" Tasked her hostess. "Well," was the,meditative re ply, "of course it's mighty poor tasteund sinfully wasteful fur people to over dressi but I must say the ancients car. ried economy ter an extreme." Wash Ington Star. INDIANS AS ARCHERS. They IScrIii rrttt'tlclntc While Vet In Their Infancy. An Indian boy begins to handle a light, bow when lie toddles; that means at the age of four or five years. His bow is taller than himself. Ha has a habit of practicing at anything around his wigwam, lly the time he attains the age of twelve ho is permitted to use sharp urrows. Such a boy must bo strong at eighteen to use a man's bow. A while man. when ho takes &n Indian how for the lirst time, lias all he enn do to liend it. It lakes a strong man to do it, but there is also a large amount of knack required. An Indian bow is made straight; tho cord, even when .in tension, almost touches the bow. It is thick, and is some four and a half to tive feet in length the hunting bow is now spoken of and the samo has an extra stiffen ing by liuving sinews pasted on it. We-shess-has-ka, a member of the Ogiiht Kioux tribe his nitmo implies "The Long Man;" he stands nearly seven feet high, and is not unworthy his so briquet has been known to kill un an telope at one huudrcd and twenty-five measured yards. Tho bow used in warfare is a trifle shorter, and perhaps is stiffer. The arrow is not drawn to the eye, out a catch aim is taken, us when rillc shoot ing is dono from the hip. Such shoot ing, In perfection, is only acquired by long practice. Tho striug Is drawn by the clutch ot the whole of the fingers, though somo tribes use tho thumb and three fingers. Kcinnrka'o'.u shooting is often porformcd by the Sioux, though nothing that will comparo with the omowhat legendary performances of Robin Hood,-N. Y. World. and stripes, worth New Scotch Batiste, extra wide and fine, worth 2.V. New Pongee Cloths. light and dark Bpst quality English Dui-k Suiting Best French Printed Sateens Best Quality English Outing Flannels New French Jaconets 17c. I2',c. l.'c 12'.;?. 10c J.ic. Big offerings in Lace Cur tains. Coods. KIGHT TO SHOOT BURGLARS. Sunn, l,::i' t'nurt IIocikIouh About the !( ri-Miin of l'mpprty. The right, of a householder to shoot ! nt a Ih'tting burglar has been discussed recently in several newspapers urn) : legal periodicals. A correspondent of the London Times says he saw burglars escaping . from bis house after stealing some 1 plate, and he fired two shots after them. Later in the night ho met one j of the burglars nnd secured some of ! the stolen silver. He would then havo j shot at the burglar running away with ; the remaining booty if ho had not left his revolver nt home i The correspondent afterward doubt- j ed whether he had thu legal right to j use his weapon when the burglar was ! running away, nnd he consulted two j or three judges who were his friends, i lie was advised that be might shoot a I burglar lleeing in the dark to prevent ! his escape from arrest. 1 In nn English court recently a house holder was tried for assault on the complaint of n'sclf-contVs-"d burglar, whom be discovered in bis kitchen and i whom he shot in the body. The bur glar in bis testimony appeared to , think that the householder took an ' unfair advantage In tiring from a dark room into the kitchen, when! the thief wns pursuing his occupation by candle- light. The judge, however, directed 1 an acquittal. The Pennsylvania supreme court has , reversed the conviction of nianslaugli-' ter in the case of a Wnynil.urg citi-j zen who shot and killed a thief as he ! was leaving his stable. The burglar; had stolen a part of a set of harness ; rrom tne staijie on a previous night, and hail promised to delivr the rest of it to an intending purchaser, nnd so returned to the stable to complete the theft. The eit izen called on the thief to stop, and fired a shot in the air. Thu thief turned and seized the household er, who then ngain discharged the re volver, inflicting u fatal wound. A Pennsylvania jury on some pecul iar theory convicted the defendant, but the supreme court intimated that he had a right to pursue and arrest tlio thief. THE PAWNING HABIT. Oui'e C'onlriK'ti'il It Is llllllrult to Over come. "I'awnbroking is a habit," s.:i i.I one who sits under thu shadow of the three balls to a Huffalo press representa tive. "Yes, mostly a habit. The patent medicine habit is nothing to it. After anybody has hungup something with me a few times he's pretty sure to be come a regular customer. Ho does business with ma just like clockwork after that; always goes broke just so long before pay day. "Two of the best pcoplo 1 havo aro husband and wife, and neither knows that the other ever heard of such n thing as hocking a watch. I know that from tho way they acted, and I was pretty much surprised Olio day when tho woman brought in thu pawn ticket for her husband's watch. Sho didn't look as if anything unusual had happened, and I sized up tho situation and gave her her own watch instead. That was what sho wanted. Next day the husband camo in with the ticket for his wife's watch. I gavo him his own and ho never know the difference. You see they hud hi. Men their tickets In the sumo place. They have brought the watches around promptly ever since, which they wouldn't have dono tij' any manner of means if I hadn't had my wits about me. Now, one of thoso church pawnbrokers down in New York wouldn't havo known enough to do that, and would have lost two good customers as well as nuido trouble lu un estimable family. It takes bruins to run my business." Rniftlau l.aua iunHiiic The manufacture of Russiuu lace, in which women and girls are exclusively engaged, occupies upward of ten thousand peasant households. Tho work is done in tho isbas or small log cottages. The appliances are very simple, and girls begin to work laco at tho ugo of eight to ten years. The women not only make laco from differ ent materials, such us linen and woolen threads and cotton silk, but they also make larger pieces, as shawls and dresses. The necessary material Ib ob tained from tho middle women, to whom the finished laco is sold, and who peddle It oil over 'lfnssiu. Tho earnings of tho I'usslan laeemakcrs aro insignificant. Working eighteen hours per day, u woman earns not more than thirty-live rubles, or about eighteen dollars for the whole season, Underwear. 5,000 dozen Ladies' Im- ported Ribbed Vests, finished! with silk ribbons, beautiful J assortment, sleeveless, long, and short sleeves, Regular 10c. Vest for 5c. Our $10 Suits, special " 15c. 11 " 10c. sale for 5.50. " 20c. " " 15c. Our $8 Suits, special " 25c. " " 18c. sale for 4.75. " :35c. " "20c. 1,000 Boys Perfect Fitting 50c. " " 25c. ' Washable Suits, made of im 75c. " " 40c. ported Galatea, (with cord " 1.00 " 50c. and whistle), 3 to 10 years, Call and examine our spe- worth $1.75 each, reduced to cial sale Tremendous Cut in Ribbons. Iifrj W. L. DOUGLAS 86, pis ismij Mm v W. L. DOUGLAS Shoes are, casv fitting, and give bctlci a! isi'aciioii at the pike aibcrtiscd than any ether make." Trv one pair and be coiv vinceil. The stamping of W. L. Douglas" name and price on the bottom, whirl giuiriinli.'cs their value, saves thousands of dollars annually to those who wear them. Dealers who push the sale of W. 1.. Douglas Shoes gain customers, which helps ti increase the :,,ilcs on their full line of goods. They can nfford to aell at a 1m profit mil we hetlovn you ran nnve money by buying all your footwear of the dealer adver Uaed below. Catalogue (reo uuou apiilicatluu. Vf. L, DOUGLAS, Brockton, Mass. J, n. BLANTON & CO., ASHEVILLE, ENOCH RECTOR & CO., ,'MARSHALl "Half -Sick." IL is not tlie great sicknesses or the great trials that are hardest to hear. It is the little vexatious, the petty an uoyauces, the "martyrdom of trifles." Take the case of a woman who ha con stant hcatlathvs, nervous break downs, bilious attacks, dizziness, lo.ssof appetite, ete. She is never wholly fkk and yet never well. She is expected to be " up nml about her work,' yet she Millers keenly. It is simply a ease of biliuuMiess "ami torpid liver, under which her system i.s running dwu. She wants, first of all. to take it liver pill which will en use the bowels to discharge nil the secreted bile which is poisoning the blond. When the bowels are thoroughly cipeued she has re moved tlio chief iintant, Now (or the next ten tlnvs ,hc wants --imply a power ful tonic and blood purifier t slienUien the system and repair the waste. You can get both of these medieines (in two separate boxes at one price, 2,5 cents, by asking your druggist fur Ramon's Touic Uer IMlIs and Pellets Uf bought sepa rately in auy other form they would cost double. They are a sure cure for constipatiou aud bilioubiiess. Try this ouce, soi.n tn ashuvtu.i; nv DE, T. O. SMITH, Wholesale and Retail, W. C. C A KM I C HAUL. WOHTUKN .V Ci. IimXTSH & RRAd AN, KAYSOK& SMITH. Tlifsp tiny CV-i'suIrs nrc superior toJ:ilsam o t oruilm, Cuhclis mill Injection (jUlDY They curt: in 48 luxirs tho samo diseases without any incon venience, SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS VITAL TO MANHOOD. ln. K. 0. WKHT'S NKHVti AND HKA1X Tit K AT MKNT.n spiMiftr(or Hystorm, lUzwuest, Fits, Neu mliMHt llt'iidneln, NVrvnu rroptrttlhin caused hy oi'tilineri, Wiikefullli", Menial Itprtn--loii, Siteuin nf liruin, ciusIiik liininhy, mlnery, ih-cny, .li'itHi, rremnlm-i Old Auo, itnm-mieN-i, Lo of Pi'wer in nil hor mx, hnpnteney, Leurorrlui'ft nml nil FenmUi Veidiiit!-.eH, Involuntary l.i'smn, Npennii tnri'lui'ii nue-ed by over-ex'-ninn of bruin, hclf-iibu-e, over-Iiiilulir''ii',c. A inenih's treatment, fl. ti fur f-", by mull. With etieh nnler forti Imxep, with fS will Mmd written inmrnntee tn refund tf nut euri'il. UuHrnnti twi-hMioilhy tueiit. WKHT'fJ l,t KKl'Ibl S I'ui'cxKIrk lleailiiehi, JillmtiHU's-s Ui'er t loiuplulut, aoiirnioumcn, i-yHpepsm linn uouaupuuou. OL'AUAMhLH Issued ouly by T. C PmUh, Druggist. Public Square. Afthcvllle. N C LE BRUM'S vvn nut Kit or. tm tmu Irfvi K ii i,iei-leil tirily tn I'm tM of tlwu ui'rvM Uit-t-riiilii Utimry Mr SSltnni, tcinnrn no cliitni' ot dml or tvm ooiii. liiorr iinm nr i"iimus m-xi iciin.'.iU bv Ukui Uilmiliy. Uiiuu AS A PREVENTIVE liy otlttT fir it U tinHwiMo tnrnntrel auy vviuirem i.iaitSM'; lul hi tlifl rant ol i tin-- alPN.-ly i Hrinttiintin Arn.uin- . "T with u.itiorrliu'ii ntiJ Mlwt, witgumii TT TT ton u euro. I'rico ly nuii. onU mu, LADIES BO XOU KNOW DR. FELIX LC BRUN'3 STEEU BHD PEPYROYBL PILLS am tlio nrigliml nml only FIIKNI'll, wifomul ri. linlilornro mi llm ttiurki't. I'rlro 1 1.0(1; utut lij umil. Ounuinnmild onlj by T. C Smith, Drugylfit. Public Square, ' AtheTllIc, N C 1 GIG Clothing Department Note the following prices: Our $25 Suits, special sale for $12.50. Our $15 Suits, special sale for L.19. FOR GENTLEMEN, S4 and $3.50 Dress Shos. $3.50 Police Shoe. 3 Solos. $2.60, $2 for Workingmen 92 ana bi.78 Tor soys. LADIES AND MISSES, $3, $2.50 $2, $l.7fj CAUTION.-If any dml: oflVril you W. I., Dnuglat noes at a reduced price. or ayi ae nan tlieiu with. i cna name atampe,! I (ha bottom, pat him gown M a fraud MAY 22th THE RACKET STORE 15 South Main St. I'A'M'CTiiitf in this wuok au otlier lot of sample ytraw hats, you should see them before ycu buy, hceuuise it. will lie to your i uteres I if you v.ibh to save L'5 to .() euts on a. single hat. ( if course you will not be ex pected to believe this uutil you have tested it, and you will not be expected to deny it until you do likewise, test the mat ter. And the gen tleman who loves to wear n light two ply inauilla hat, should see ours at the ex treme low price of $ 1.00. We have a big line of sam ple gloves imd hose slightly damaged by being punctur ed with price ticket, first class goods at L'." per cent, dis count. New goods coming in every week and we want you to do yourselves the justice as well as us the favor to call and see. Another shipment of matting just in and more to follow in a day or so. Prices in keeping. The iron rule of the Racket, buy low and sell low. JOHN M. STONER.