Citizen I t ASHEVILLE, N. C, MONDAY EVENING, MAY 28.. 1801. PIUCE 5 CENTS. VOLUME X.-NO. 21. Asheville Daily it f J 'it .1! s rJ fT.4 I 4 Taking AnotherPiece is both agreeable and safe if it is eookeil with Cottolcne, the delicious vegetable shortening . T ,-11 i 1 JNo ill clleets ever loiiow uie eatin' of food cooked with Cottolcne, as is the case with lard and inferior butter. Odor, grease and dyspepsia are re membered only as things that have been in the homes where COTTOLENE is used. Jicing composed of refined cotton seed oil and the A. D. COOPER, GllOCERI j:s. vk (i i i;r this w v.kk FINE LEMONS 20 CENTS DOZEN Wli KKCKIVK KVI-KV WKKK l-'RUSII GASOLINE LtANGE. This slovc can be seen in operation f.t Miss Clarke's Cooking School, is South Main strict. Tor sale at ORANGES A.ND THRASH'S BANANAS. CRYSTAL PALACE. North Carolina Roe Uorrino llljl I HlQ, HE SPEAKS FOR THE SOUTH AKIil'MKNl' BY S1.N TOR WAI.SII Tin- south is neslliud To uc l lie tircat Mauufaclurlnii Heel ion And WlllltH TarlH' Krlorm lor Tree Mlvtr And Income Tax. Washington, May US. In the Senate Unlay Senator l'at Walsli if ('.corgia, speaking to ti c tariff bill, Saul : "The South is destined to become the greatest niantilacturing section ol tlic I'liiled States. In this light it would be an act ol supicmc folly lor her represen tatives to commit themselves to any legislation that would be destructive ol choicest beet suet, it repre sents the must acceptable pro duct ever o tiered to the lovers o Lrood tooil. Irv L-ottolene yourself and you will add your praise to that ot ttic many thousands who have forsaken art torever. 1 lie ireiunne is sold in 3 and 5 pound pails by Wm. Kroger. to muet itKiTi.ti:s fin.' riu:xi;.r SIXTY DAYS I AM iFri:iIX: ALL 01 Spalding Baseball and Tennis Goods BIC REDUCTION. rm: is Too su.u.i. to mux tiox all. nrr 1ST 0x1; or m IIAXl) DILLS. WILL OIVLYoV AX ol' rilli LOW I'M C US. L. BLOMBERG TIIH MOIil-I. ill'.Ali AND M'oKTINO CO' 'PS HOI'S)-:' 17 IMttotl Ave. I'tnv nml Delicious lion Hons Mixril i'liocolntcs Chocolate Minis. ( 'renin Mints 1 'renin W'intcvgvecii. Ma Valium Hows. Licovicc Tablets. Ac. Ilrvcivt'il by Kxpress. 11 is s rr o iv s. Ovtk'is by until will veceive voinp1 n nil cavcltil nl tent ion Fat Selected Mackerel, Cream Codfish, Magnolia Canned Salmon, Selected Canned Oysters, Lobsters, Shrimp, Clam Juice. POWELL & SNIDER Every One is Talking 1 1 tin' 1 a 1 Hint 1 Una 1 V v.ilm - "t my i'hi;ip tii.itU. Tlnv :in- n:n iliii-. wiillcn in !. .iiilllins :"i lil I In pri, i- si IN Until. Sin li I ;i tit ll. .l-s iis Jiminc-. I niche Mis. AUx.illilrl. Wilkli- Collin-. Hit: C.illv;i-. lt:illie',C'.ll"c. I'lcnlill. I'.ltll fill. nl. 1. Wine. Itl.n-k. etc. int!.n' CupHS by ItTiiiM tnil:ty. Jllsl lltiltl. nl tic. I,,i.,k- lev tll'l pll.i' nt 70- --ii ami ci lit unci l at n cent' 1,. iainl .i .i i'iit s cents. "iiuli'i. l'ass III The Nicht, V. 1 niw Astev. i. Illy P.C. e.ieh. JsC. cKewh' ; UaM'lil; Tuilis s i cents, Make Homo Attractive. CORTLAND BROS., RBAL BSTATli IIROK.UKS. INVBSTMBNT AGBNT9. NOTARY PUBLIC ' Loans Securely placed at 8 per cent. Office. 28 ft 28 Pattern Are., up ttalra I V. .It. iter -1,1,1s s.i tllll.-ll In Hie Cliinlntt a Iv'inc ilnlillL' Ihi' lu ale.l leinl as a ii.l Ininimich. Miecial lialaill- Hint Palmei'-s I'.uiu.l Valance, as -jncul as innlie will Iniv. inailc ol" lim Iv U..W ll ci.ltull in ml ami iml.l. lull Himlh n Ik t. heavy inch I'rinue. ilh i.illnw anil slain. n.ll v I si.w.rnli.r niilv i .i. this Week Olllv. H mil! lit intele-l von In know lhal we snhl these at ss.mi liist week, next week the mice will he ' Mexican hammocks I limn Ji.i no. Inle hainmocks m' . leit h.nn. stieni;, 5" cents, l ull supply nl hammock lixtns. Com l Su.itw TKl.lU'HOMi i M- CHOICE TEAS. VH I'fKCHASK AM, OUR TEAS Uitest liom the importers. 15 A S E 15 A L L ! "He i:isiM-d his trusty lut. anii'l Tlir inub's ail;iiitinw ll"iit, Uc lutim-d with tlrcihltul vi'i. aiitl Thu nm pirtr callcit him out." 9 a c 2 3 u 1 1 Or A.. Greer, liuseball cranks will hnvc plenty of op portunity to talk about base hits, errors, home runs, curves, etc., from now on, Don't yet excited, keep cool, wear tt Ncalitfee Shirt, Light Underwear, Leather Belt AM) A Straw Hat. Take your scat on the blcnehers, ntul yell yourself lionrse every time Asheville niitkes n run nntl it wont hurt you. Headquarters for these articles of wear itig apparel is MITCHELL'S, THE HATTER and FURNISHER NO. a8 fATION AVKNUK. SEASONABLE Shirt WaLstH. All excellent line ol we!'. tr,,ulc- H'Mjils in stylish -fltcts. .VS W.l.WVVM: Six or eiht stton l.AeKS: l'oint Venisc, l'uint tie Cietn.', Valc!'- eiennes, Oltelltal, Himrilult. 'rotchon, Point ite Gaze. Chantilly. Mcilici. etc. KMHKOIIIKKIKS In i;teat vaiiety, on Swiss, N.misook ami Ciimhi it. WASH 1)R1-:SS C.OODS: A lame stock ol nooil sUlc- tlic kimlh not so easy to fiml. l'ARASOI.S, I-ANS, OXllIKi) Tll-IS i.isi.k thki:ad iiosh, ktc. H REDWOOD & CO , Cl.OTIUNC, l)KY llOllDS. sllul. AND HATS. REAGAN. Akli NtlW sKKvixu. mu i)i:i,iciui Frozen Fruit Frappe. Ice Cream Soda (All Flavors.) Sotol Coca-Cola .Hire's Root Beer AND O'l'llHK 1'01'UI.AK DK1NKS, SKl.t.INO AC.KNTS I'DK HUYLEll'S CANDIES iiuiilaetunnei interests. 1 lie yea'est pussiliilitiis lor Southern i!e- 1 ipsueiit arc in the utii'zation "( the il iiininit wealth that lies in her water piwcts, lie r viryin timber, her coal aiu! iron, her cotton and other raw materials, essen tial to the upbuilding of lurjfe inanulae- turiiiR interests, lleuee the absurity ol ehariii), that the South is seeking to destroy the iiianufaettirini' industries ot the country, and the wa'es of labor in urjiiiL' this tarili relorm legislation. No such unwjithy motives actuate the Southern people." "The course of the Senators on the other side in debating every ilem id tills hill deceives nohodv. Their purpose is plain, ntul cannot lie veiled behind pro testations ol svnmnthv lor the various intescsls all'ccled by the amendments which have been debated. With few ex ceptions these interests have been trilling compared with the tremendous interests affected bv the delay in the passi'iu of the bill, and the people everywhere who ate clnmoriiiK for the settlement of this question in order that the business of the country uiav procecu, Know inn wen that the Republican partv is to blame for the delav in its enactment. The ob iect of the Republicans is known of all men. "The Republican Senators know that the passage ol the Wilson bill will itiau yuiate an era ol prosperity and j;niwth in this country anil a revival ol business throughout the laud that will be ilisas Irons to Republican hopes, lo escape this they wish to postpone the passu ol the bill until alter the ap.r..iaehinn elections, or until a date so elose to that time as to make it impossible lor the mi proved conditions to be tell helore the elections. "The people i ;ire not thcoriuio. They are liunurv in the midst of plenty; they are unemployed in tin' home ol proijtc and development. T'ncv are the victims of a condition which is the natural result ol a policy that the Republican party is responsible lor, 'Hid the relorm ol which lliev arc now opposing by artifice and every in .lliod ol di lay known lo the parliamentary tactician. l!y the theory thai shuttmn out competition from other countries will protect on home market lor our home people, the McKinlcv tarifl has excluded tmllioi ot dollars' worth of tioods, for which our own products would have been ex ported in payment: and just in propor tion as others have been crowded out our own goods have been shut in, and we find millions of bushels of wheat leinc fed to lions, which, uml'T.'itiecr tarili, would have found a profitable market abroad." Senator Walsh announced himself us in favor ol lite income tax, and quoted Ironi a speech ot Senator Sherman as fol lows: "Here we have in New York Mr.Astor, with an income of millions derived Irom real estate, accumulated year alter year, by mere family pride of accumulation; and we have alongside ol him a pom man receivint; iloi)l) a year. What is the discrimination ol the law in lhal ease.' It is allo.einer against uie poor maii. Wc tax his clothii'j.'; we lax his consumption. ISy the laws of nature, the laws ot heat and cold, ol hunger anil thirst, it requires us much lo iced the poor man us it does the rich man. No more dollars need lie draw u iiotu un- collets ol Air. Astor lo suppiv ms natu ral wants than itre needed to supply the wants ol the poorest man in New York, except as to quality; ntul vel an our na tional taxes arc upon consumption, ami not upon property. . . . . We tax every nine iiuuk nine is iinponen niuu abroad. Kvcryihino; that he eutiMinies ,ve call a luxury and I ix it, and vet we arc afraid t ) touch the income o! Mr. Aslor. Is there any justice in it : Is i here any propriety in it .' hv, sir, the income tax is the only one that tends to equalize these burdens bet ween the rich anil the poor. Senator Walsli llieu sam: "Admit that Senator Hill's elaiai is correct that the UIO.uoil property hold ers of New York city pay all the mu nicipal, county and State tuxes that are levied. Why do they pay theui ' Is it a generous act of public spirit on their part No; it is because thev hold all the property, and these I.TOii.OUUO toilers have uotiiinj, on which to he taxed ik.der a just system of ad valorem taxation. When, theretorc, the State ami county ami citv c-overnmcnts refrain from im posing buidctison these laboring classes w ho are without property, is the l' government iustilied in a system ol tax lion which practically exempts the rich and draws its largest revenues liom the poor .' II these toiling masses have nothing which tlic Male, cuunlv, i,r eitv can tax. is it nol a reason why i hev should be exempt also Irom l eil end taxation, rather than a reason why thev should carry the weight ol tlic na ional burden? And ll tlic State, county and city governments lay their hands on i ie immertv ol tlic ricu, oecaiise iiieir wea th malics it proper lor nicm to sup oort these novel ninciits, is it not iquita blc and jusl that the riches of the nation should biar the burdens ol national tax atiou also, instead ol putting them upon the shoulders ol the toiling millions, ami thus alwiivs keeping tlieni pool : Senator Walsli urn mane a strong arnuincnt lor the lice coinage ol silver and the removal ol the tax on Slate banks, and concluded Ins speccti us lollows: Mr. l'residenl. the leuiocralic pally tins confidence in the administration nl rresidciit Cleveland. 1 he people ol the South tulinirc him h.i his integrity anil his ability. They diller with him on the qtiestion'of free coinage ol silver, but Ihcy respect the honesty ol his convic tions in this, and his courageous devo tion to .luty in all things. They honor him (or that exalted piilriolisni which, in the dischnrge ol the responsible duties of his great ollice, rises ubovc the preju dices ol section iiml the clamors of partv which seeks the wellarc of the people, an I the best interests ol the whole couulry." vtii.i. losTisn; thi; woks, C'liurciit To Join tn a liriut Kc vtval In Aslitvllle. The meetings held at the First I'aptist church by I'r. llruuglitun awakened sti.h a religious interest as has perhaps never been known here. Rev. J. I.. White eon tinned the service yesterday, preaching in the morning to a lull huusc. In the evening the edifice was literally packed the pews, gallery and aislts were filled in every available space and more than is estimated that Km or .ant people were turned away. Mr. White preached a very Ulcclive sermon and w hen invitation was uiven those who di-sircd ptaver I till v l.'iii went forward. About ol) responded to the request lor 11 who had professed Christ lostaial up. This meeting has shown the Christian eople that the interest awakened should not be allowed to die out, and in consequence a Ducting ol pastors and members ol the various cliurclies w as Ijeld in the Central church study this morning. It was decided that, on ac count ol the commencement ol the Ashe ville I'eniale college the latter part ol this week atullirsl ol next, the union meetings would not he begun until Wednesday evening June . Irncr meetings, pre paratory lo the uiceting, will be Held, beginning the Monday alternoon bclore in the l-trst I'reslivtenan church. At this morning's meeting committees ol directum, linanee and ushers were ap pointed. The direction committee will have t harge of the work of selecting preachers for the meeting, and is com posed of Revs. 1. A. Hrtmsoti, 11. I-'. Chreit.berg. . 1.. White and R. I-'. Camp hell. The linanee committee is com posed !'. V.. Willtss, chairman; I. Ii. 1'iek crsoii, . A. Ulan aiiil I-. M ikclcamci . 1 he coniinitlee on ushers is mailc up the ushers ol the vui ions citv churches. RAX INTO A LANDSLIDE Till-. TRAIN ;OINU A A MIM'TK. WE J178T RECEIYBD A Mil vo(jfl Mail Iloinul I o Hon I lu a Sviil llourl. Jicltctive W. II. Ueavn week rested, on Roaring river, Haywood county, Samuel II. Justice, on a char ol forgery. A numliei of clucks, sent mainly hv tobacco warehousemen in Virginia, were stolen from the posloll it Civile. The names of some of those to whom the checks were made puv;.bl mil the amounts, lollow: .. K . Clatue, SIM s7; II. Hill, i;:.. '!.-.; R. M. I'erguson N: Smith, SU'.UJS: K. M. fergtison and A. J. Mither, $i:i.l 1; Ida Clarke, SU',., 7 McCrackencc Smith, Sl.M!. There were several other cheeks, in amounts ranuin iron S.s .",11 to .S'.'L!. The checks had been cashed largely by merchants in Asheville among them I'eniiiin.'iu llros., M Mwarlzhcrg and J. . dlasef. tisttce had a hearing Satiirtlas bclon Itistiee Worslcv and gave bond in the sum ol folio lor Ins appearance at cotitt 5IVK1 f it AIIIHTIONH. The I.ngiiicer unci 1 Irtiiiiiu UIIUil; The i:x)rtHH MCHHcniter Ioiureil A Terrible L'ulllHlun CriiNhcil una Huriu tl Ct xt ui.Ki.ANii, Mil., May The New York and l'ittsburg express on the Hal liniore and Ohio railroad which lift here at 11 :",ll yesterday morning, was wrecked near Tine drove, two and a half miles east of Ruckwood, l'a. The coaches were well idled with pas sengers and the train was running at the rate of lid miles an hour. Suddenly, without a moment's warning, the engine dashed into a larce landslide, sending the engine in a twinkling down into the crecK wiiere u sun lies, inecomoina tion mail and express and the regulai cxptiss ears erastied into the engine with lernlic lorce, and in a lew minutes were jammed together, but did not leave the track. None of the passengers were injured. s soon as the tram quieted Irom the concussion, the passengers rushed to the piled up and burning express ems. where the v found Messenger Stohl ol the I ni led States express company, struggling to escape Irom his ear. In u moment he was rescued. Hut he had received seri ous it'iunis, but it is thought he will re cover. The passengers then turned their at tention to the derailed engine below in the creek mid were horrilicd to Iiml no us ul the engineer or his fireman. For live hours thev continued their ireh until at last thev fount! the crushed and dead body of Fireman Rine- hard imiler the locomotive, due of his feet wascnli-tlv liurnctl oil. Continuim their seaieh, thev came across bv ilsell the remains ol the unfortunate engineer, Nicholson. These thev gathered up and placed in a bucket, the rest of his botlv having been entirely consumed by lire. All traiue was suspended lor live or six hours. IIO AKIt OS "ll tl.IS I It l l l.H. too i;ni;s Tanglefoot Sticky Fly Paper. This is the best" ily paper on the market, :2"i double the box. Each double isheet will catch a quart of lliew. 4 hlckeii M l'Iiotit And Two ue.-r tiuintii I'.kxs Tut: Ci tii;.n's miiscuni editor has to day received several rare specimens to he adileil to the collection. The rarest was brought in by C. H. l'cavcr, who has lately returned limn Trinity college, luirli.-ini. It is milling less lhati a chicken without legs. It was hatched hv a hen belonging to a colored man in Pin ham and lived only ciiln davs. In the same brood of chickens, Mr. I 'caver says, there w as one that was able to crow at the agcol two weeks. The legless chicken is preserved in alcohol and can he seen in the museum. C. W. Iiaird, the West laid grocer, lias sent in two gi inea eggs that have the natural coin,- on aboiii one ha l! ol I he egg while the other hall is white. The hen was apparently mmce'ded as lo whether she would put her trade mark on the tg;js until it was loo laic. THIS'S it isi:ii II. I.. KIlKlerk: , tc-ti IK-ik lil Welltu s lav-.irccovllle lo l-'olltiw A couple of rallling nines have been selceteil for the ilcucdicts and I'.'iehelors gameol baseball al Allandalc Wedues elav afreinooti al l .'ld and there is a likelihood ol a close game, with a score that will have more ol a professional mud than niauv other games played in shevilk'. The procieds will go lu the ret- Kindergarten and the grand stand tad bleachers should l.c tilled. Tin: Ciiii N has been given a up to the meet that dicctivillc w ill conic here for three games, commencing Thursday, strengthened in every position and letcrniined to do their "level best" to icat the "Moonshiners." 'I he latter will be on the ground to sec what hap pens and thciv will be a variety ol ball that will keep tlic inns busy ami l lie bleachers quaking with yells. nd 1 1 a vile s is ex pt el eel to lie here to admou h his boy ritt' M. rtliiu To lit-Uriel Here Monday. Next Monthly w ilk b.' an imp a laiit one lor riiueoiiihc, lur on that dav the mag istrates will hold their annual meeting for the purpose of electing a lloaielol County Commissioners, tax collector and county superintendent of public in struction. The tax for ls'.il will also be levied on that day. In addition to the present members ol the Hoard id Commissioners Tin: Cm has heard mentioned as candidates . I!. Hickcrsou, Asheville; II. C. lllaek- siock, Flat Creek; H. A. Hlaekwell, French Hroad; R. J. daston. Lower Hominy: . c. v..urtis, l pper 1 lonuny; and W. II. Wilson, Swanuanoa. For the tax colleetorship the present incumbent, ohn 11. Weaver, and J. M. liiLtlc are candidates. Mai. C. H. Way, the present superin tendent, l'rof. ll. I.. King and 1'rof. IS. I'. Stiadley arc candidates lor the super-iulemleiiev. The trade supplied at whoIcHale and retail by Raysor k Smith, 31 PATTON AVE. lfii I'Vi'iiings till 11 o'clock NI'1-;CIAI. RATIJ Uu m! Trip llckitH II reel Of The It, .V I, Instru.-'.ions have been received by City I'asseiiger an 1 Ticket Agent Murphy to s.ll roil till t rip tickets as follows: I nveilitig ol the Confederalc Soldiers' ant! Sailors' Monument, Richmond, on sale May '-" limit, June 1; rale, civilians, Sl.'.l.i; m h'arv and veterans. S1I..VI. C oin'-.'.c lA'cnieut Littleton. N. L., re male eoilccc, oils tie J tint- 1 li. limit lime ;i; rate, Ralci::h, sN.'.k'i; Henderson, $' Mceling Co and Lodge !. 1 1. 0. S. and 1. of S , colored, doldsboro. on sale tine M 1-'. limit, 17; rate, SlL'.Ml. Cominenee nienl dailloitl college, on sale .May '.'s.'.l, limit, Jim-: 1; rate, ASHEVILLE TO THE FKOXT WU HAVIi Jl'ST CUMl'LKTBU A I-'t'LL all. Ilege, rale, V otnmeiiccmciit Wake Forest co on sale Iittie s 1 1.', lintit tme 17; Raleigh Ss '.1,1, Henderson 5'.l.rH. C'..niiucucenienl Scotia Fcnrilc semi- nary, colored, Coiiconl, on sale luiie in l'J, limit June 111; rate ?G.7i. LINE Ol' i to "hit the hall '." 1)1. COU TION lAV I.'.nI ol hpcihtrH I or We tine s-.l.ii Mv .to Col. .T. Iiavidson, Hon. H. ( .. art, Locke Craig, esq , Col. T. II. Long, Chas. A. Webb, esq.. I, en. Kubt. H Vance, Maj. W. II. Maloue, Map W. W Rollins and others are expected to ail- dress the gatheiiiig at Ne w ton ceiueterv at 1 p. in. the :iilth lost., Iiccoration day. Rev. 11. A. Westail will ad as chaplain ed the 1 1. A. R. post. The paicnts ol seltoul children arc specially invited ami expec ted to bring llicir children, i ud go wiilithcd. A. K. and comrades who wore the grav to the cemetery on this occasion. T hev should be on the square at :i p. m. All children will he given a Hag, ami each one is requested to have a houiiiet to put upon the graves ol the soldiers, Commander W.ll. Heaver again re qncslsall who can contribute dowers lot this occasion to leave tlum with Fowill ,V Snider. They Kct'pOiM.vliliiit Monu'lltlnif Wasiiim.ton, May L'S. The Comp troller ol Currency has diclarcd a fourth lividenil of Id per cent, in favor of the crcelitoisid the insolvent First National Hank ol Wilmington, N. C ., making in nil oO per cent, in claims proved amount ing to S.mI. :!'-".. TO Jolll Mt-KltllC. IdaioKiw, N. V., May L'. -Justice Keunetii F. Sutherland, win) was con victed fur his connection with thedravc seud election scandals of last November, has surrendered himself to the police. Ul SHI.I.U'H AriM.H'ATIOK. HANDMADE SHOES I. ."loclcwilv lleleiM lo a Heroic Work In the I.atc CoiitCHt I he application ol I'atrohiian clcct e., . Russltr, athlresscd to the Mayor and Hoard, "greeting," pais I italics ours) : Permit me to place before you mv appli cation lor a position on the police lorce eif your city. I not only can, but wi promise vou hotli'ul service eluring mv .'oininission. 7i"-e iresc'iicg tjs- in i vi am till roil iva( sonacnoi (ooA on the Till hint., iiml Ivluw will mlunit tin ir approval li's )ii'e,-iio;i." 1 his is approved by H. S. orlhcn, C. II. Southwiek. 11. C. l'agg, W. It. Hrowu. II. II. Cosby. A. Ciawlord, M. I'., A. I. Is oopei , R, I'. I- lister. Ann it huslhisaihhtiouulcndorscmc'iil : "1 wnuM he specially pleased to have Mr. Russler as a policeman, "IF. 11.1 leaver." Ttiifw The Vote ol. Roanom:, Va May J 7 The Hoarel ol Commissioners, discovering a dis- erepnnev in the vote of the third I And will in the future carry In stuck a lull assortment of bIidcs of OUR OWN MAKE! TllliY STAND lalmo-t sohtl Repuhiieau) ward threw that ward's vote out, thereby declaring the election carried by the 1 1, ntoerals. Thev Wrecked Tlic Uuiik. Inpiaxai', Inel, May US. The jury returned a verdict of guilty in tlic case of I'creival H. Collin, I'raiieis A. Collin anil Albert S. Reed, on trial for wrecking the Inihanapohs National bank. Well, lui You i;vt-r V la. I'aso, Texas, May US.-The city council has passed nn ordinance for bidding women from wearing on the streets of that city whal is known as the divided skirl.' liliulNtoiie Itt I'ovcrluit. Loxiion, May LIS. A bulletin issued bv dlndslouc's pl.vsieian aunounecs that he is rapidly recovering Irom the effects of I the operation upon Ins eyes. Yi:ari:iU).'s mshiiall oamiss. WITHOUT A RIVAL HOllISltTH, U Court Stunre, Anhevllle, N C National League St. Louis ,'1, Chica go U; Louisville li, Cincinnati 0. Southern League New Orleans ll, Mueou 7. Mobile 8, Atlanta G. THE OAKS HOTEL Under New Management. New Furniture. Nice, clean comfortable rooms. Table excellent, Porter Mccti ail Tralna. Close In town. On an Electric Car Line. Beautiful Location. Hot and Cold Bathi. Ktcry I'onlble Conrenlenct. THE OAKS HOTEL, A. P. LABARBE, MGR. 1- ,t'i V V