THE ASllEVILL'E DAILY CITIZEN Monday Evcuing, May 28, NEARLY FORTY THOUSAND INVlCHTMKBiTM IN AND MKAR AHHKVILLK KKCKNTLV. Fliturea of Real Estate YrauNac tlonit Wltlitii Tbe IMsl Hlxi Data That Show Healthy Activ ity lit Property UereaboulH The movements in real estate in ami about Aslicville arc always a Iruitlul theme, especially to the Ashevillian who tcels a just pride in his city ami delights in hearing of iiivestinents that porteuei l la-continued ipbuildiu and consequent prosperity of the yem city of the South. Especially is it jjratilyitiK to note the fact that people from other states have turned their eyes this way wild have shown their confidence in the citv and section in the most cflcctual way by making investment here. Looking backward a little way, within the past 00 davs, and mostly within ihc past few days, transactions invidvinj; nearly $ki,i0l can be pointed to as straws that denote very pronouncedly which wav the wind blows. A transaction of the past lew davs is the sale by ndj;e II. 1'. Outer ol his residence ami lot on Chestnut street The purchaser is William 1'. Clarke ol Syracuse, . V., a retired manufacturer, who settles here for the benefit ol Ins health. The residence he has purchased contains 11 rooms, and the lot on which it is situated fronts M lect on Chestnut street by tt'l lect in depth. Tbe price paid was $7,00ii. Mr. Clarke, wlinsi ia mil v consists of a wile and one child. will take possession of the bouse in three mouths. uilt;c Carter will erect a residence on his lot adiaccnt to the one he has just sold. I tic liauslcr ot the . It. v icr prop erty on Cumberland avenue ti Airs, Heslor of Washington City, reported Saturday, was a $'.MiOO transaction, and will, besides, lead Mr. Wier to erect another line residence here. The sale of Mrs. Carter's property, near the city, some time ayo to Mr. C'ul vcrn, was tor $7'U0, ami Mrs. Carter willjbuild in West Aslicville. The purchase of the I'attou place near Aslicville bv Congressman lirookshire ol I in liana, assured another prominent res idem. The purchase price was .' ion. The purchase ol property on Sunset I 'rive and the improvement t herein by Miss Chester, repiesents an investment ol S l-Ooii, Contractor '. H. Ucvell is building a residence on Cumberland avenue lor Mrs. Stearns and Miss Spear ol Chicago. and this adds jioOiio to the list already jji veil. Satuid.iv I',. A. Mears cc Son purchased Irom Kielimond Pearson two lots, one ol them havim; a litnliline: on it, near tin old depot, to he used in connection with this brill's property uptown. The con sideration ol the deal is not etivcii. These transactions indicate a healthy activity in realty in this vicinity, am! Tin; Ci ri. i.N takes pleasure in pointing i he attention ol "home folks" and out siders to them. POINTS AHOl'T l'Duri.i;. I'Iccch of I'erNoiiul (ioHNln On "The Cltlen'H" Hook. I-.. M. Ashley is at the Herkclcy Iron) ahlosta, C.a. IaI, M. Koher ol kno.wille is at the shcville hotel. Ictei C. l'l itchard came up irom Mar shall this alteritoon. I'. J. Sinclair and I'.. J. Justice ol Ma lion were m the city yesterday. James Cortland ot Columbia, S. C. is here on a visit to his son, NC. Cortland Mr. and Mrs. 12. l'risard came up front Moiiiaiitou yesterday ami are at the S,vaniianoa. I., li. WaiiKh of I tolison, N. C. and . M. Moore ot Charlotte are registered at the Swaiiannoa. Among recent arrivals , 'it the Merkiley ale K. V. Roberts of Kichmouil and C. li. Lcilhctlet of llostoti. Alderuian II. kedwood and licv. Me Neelv lHlllosc le!t this morning on a tisli ittg trip to tlie head watersol the Tucka seegee, Miss Ncnia 1'. tiliveros and her mother returned to Aslicville Saturday evening, alter spending the past winter tarther south. Ceo. . left today (or Win stoti, to attend the State council, Jr. t). I A. M., as representative ot Aslicville council No. i'. Miss M' lvillc Port, the art teacher on the faculty at the State Normal school, is visiting Miss liliz-ihuh l'.crnaid on Woodtin sti ,'ct. K. Sorrells has reliirned In in Grays ville, Tenn., where he has hern taking a theological couisc ill the Seven Pay Adveulists' school, ludgei'.eo. A. Shnford returned to the lily Saturday afternoon, and will have a vacation of about two mouths before holding his nest court. I'r. yon Muck lilt the citv today for asninglon, l. C, where he will attend the sessions ot the Congns ol American I'hvsiciaiis and Surgeons. .Mai. T. P. 1'. Allison of Nashville, Coinmissiouer ol Agriculture of Tennes see, is in the citv, visiting his (laughter, Mrs. W. K. renniman, jr. Monroe correspondence Charlotte (Mi ser: Mrs. C. V. Hruiier has gone to attend the commencement exercises of Aslicville Female- college, and will remain several weeks visiting Iricnds. ki:ai, khtati:. Wlnit In TruiiHitriii( lu Tlie Win ol IH'C TniiiHactlwiiH. The following deeds have been lilid in Register Mackcy's oflice: George W. Pack and wife to J. S. Adams and others, ." lots en Cumberland nvcntie, Iola circle find Soco street Si .!lo" Jackson Itoyce and wife to Win. Ilurgiii, lot HJx'JlO feet near southern limits id Aslicville .'!"al Wiley Jones and wife to Mrs, M. H. I'liee, lot in Chtinn's Cove... 70 Geo, T. Jones and others to Geo. W. Vanderbilt, I'll acres in Avery's Creek township 1 Ids For An AHlievllle School The Cincinnati laujiiirerof recent date in an account of n meeting of ladies com posing the directory of the Glenn Indus trial home in that city, says: "A letter win then rend Irom Mrs, Mirage Allen ol London, Ivngland, who enclosed Her chick lor l,()uU to be used iu founding a cooking school at Aslic ville, N. C. Mrs, Allen recently visited this country and knew of the grttnd work being done by Glenn Industrial home and its missionaries." Dr. Hawthorne, ueutlHl, Has permanently located ia Aslicville. Docs hrst class dental work nt reason able prices, Ollice over Mimnaugh's store. Uutinnns, Hamulus cheap nt Allen's fruit uud Cigar store, !)(! I'ntton avc. Smoke Red Letter cigars all Havana and Tery sweet, AROUND TOWN. ll'asmu.'ton. A.ic "S. Forecast till s i. hi. Tuctlav:Fair; eeeit iroi.-iiy shmvers this evening; euuler; west t" mrt Invest wiuds. The "I'iralcs ol renzauce" w ill be re hearsed at S o'clock this evening in the A. I.. I. armory. Shcrill lirookshire has been ipiite sick for the past week, but was able to be out of his room this morning. There will be a business uncling ot the Junior department ol the V. M.C. A. this evening at S p. m. in the rooms. lluu't forget the I'achclois licncdicts baseball game for tbe bcuclit of the Pice Kindergarten at Allaudale Wednesday afternoon. There was a baptizing at the count v bridge yesterday, conducted by Kcv. K. 1'. Kuuilcy, which drew out a consid erable crowd. A change of schedule on the A. cc S. road is expected Sunday, but no dcliuitc news concerning it has been given out by the authorities. Contractor tl. 1 . Ucvell has the woi k of making considerable improvi i i .'iits to the residence of Ih'.John lley Williams on Haywood street. The Last Knds and the I. one St.os had another game at Allaudale Satat day and the former succeeded in winning by a score of la to 7. Manager McKissick ot the Italleiv Park hotel has been ill d.r several davs lint was s.) far recovered as to he able to be down town today. New ork 1'rainatic Mirrror: This statement Irom Hill Nye is otl'uia' -"1 shall lake a year oil the platform an-! go abroad, on account of my hair." Auctioneer Iv. Collin sold today for I'r. C. P. Milliard, trustee, a lot on west side of Grove street. li'lx''iin liet, with a brick dwelling of 10 rooms to Mrs. P.. M. Milliard, administratrix, lor S.'t Mo. Win. Turner, auctioneer, today sold for S. 11. Keeil, trustee, two tracts ol land, about ,li!7 acres, on P-u'l creek. Madison county, to the Western Caro lina hank lor SIH0. lcv. James Atkins, 1. 1'., preached an unusually strong sermon at Central M. P. church, Soutli, ycatirday at the morn ing hour to a Inge congregation. Tl:i text was from Puke hi: 17 .'o. A large number ol the Ashivilie pain phlcts have been sent away by i.'ilv Pas senger and Picket Agent Murphy, to passenger agents ot various mads iu almost every section ol the country. Cards arc out lor the marriage of Miss lulia, daughter ol I'r, and Mrs. I'. P Nelson, to ohn W. Ncely of this citv. The marriage will occur at No. I'aviil sou street 'Aedmsdav uiorning. June 'i, at j;.it o'clock. Thus. Hester, the V.uiilci'nill gatctuai: who was belore Justice Prank Carter last week on a charge ol assaulting two colored men, is a white man. and n colored as was stated by Till' Ctni in its repot t of the ti ial. Canton correspondence Wayncsviilc Courier. Here Pos. Angeles, Cal we liml an old aiiiaiulaiice. J. Prank Itlair. who was tor eight years the popular K. iV P. agent at Aslicville. lie is run ning a large steam laundry and prosper ing linely." Illanebe, the six months old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. I. T. Poor, died at thui resilience-, l',7 Spruce street, yisterd.ty alteruooii at o o'clock, of pueupiouia, following an attack of ineasks. The in teriiient occurred at Leicester this after noon at 1 o'clock. lessc K. Startles has removed his un dertaking establishment Irom north Court Place to his building, -7 North Main, iu the second ami third 11 ors over the P'anioiis clothing store, in order to have plenty ol mom. He will rent the budding he has pist vacated. 1'. M. Luther, cs' , Cha". Hampton,! Kadrlitle Kohins in and J. S. Pat Ion went up the Calaloochc last wetk audi ruined all p.evious riconls in the catedi ing ol mountain trout. I'hev galheietl in half a thousand trout in two davs. Tin; C 1 1 i.i x's share of the e tte h attests Mr. Luther's liberality and ihoiighitulj ness. The types, cold, unleeling things that they arc, together with the colder am! more uiileeiiug proolreader, caused Tin: Citii:n to err Saturday in the article about Major Hunt's letter from McKinlcv. It imputed '.he prediction that Mckinley would be the nix; Pres ident to "the Mayor." As a matter ol tact, -"the Maior" was intended. Chiel Clerk . . Octzcl of the Haltery Park hotel has resigned his position and left today for Washington, H. C. lb will remain there 1 wo weeks and will then go to Iccnn City, Md., to accept the chief clerkship of the Atlantic hotel The Iricnils of Mr. netel icgret to see hitu leave Aslicville. He is succeeded at the P.atlcry Park by li. C. Pant. Lx Alderman U. II. Cosby, Capt. . P. Siwycr, L. W. leannerct, Claiencc Saw vcr and U. J. MeLcllan returned Satur day afternoon from Murphy, where thev went to institute a lodge ot odd Fellow r. The new lodge starts off with L'o mem bers. Mr. Cosby, speaking ol t tic out look ot crops nbout Murphy, savs gar den truck is probably more forward there than in Aslicville. The fair committee of the Aslicville Light Infantry at a meeting Saturday evening decided to hold the lair on the evening ol Wednesday, June (i, at the Farmers' warehouse, and preparations for the event are now going on. The fair proceeds will go to aid the company in attendirg the encampment and it should, and no d ttlit will, have a gener ous patronage from the people of Ashe ville. The Mission hospital has to thank stveral kind friends for embellishing the grounds. Mr. Parker has set out a bed of choice roses and other dowering plants, Mr. Ilrowu a large number ol annuals and some lovely vines, and Mr. Ileakc is Idling with pretty plants some boxes kindly made by Mr. Teunent for llicpiazi. For all these the ladies re turn hearty thanks, A beatitilul bios Semi of night blooming eereus was sent by Mr. lirown on Saturday night for the sick people to see. II the contents of periodicals are an index to popular taste, we are last be coming a nation of athletes. The week lies have long devoted much attention to umntcur sport, and now it is nil liouncctl that the July Harper's Maga zine will print an article by I)r. W. A- llrooks on the annual boat race between Harvard and Vale at New London, with pictures by L. I). Gibson. Caspar Y Whitncv of Harper's Weekly is prcpar ing for publication in the magazine later in the year two illustrated articles on Amateur sport in Unglnnd, one on hunt ing and the other on golfing. To Ad-eriaera. Tc Insure change of advertisements running on regular contract, copy must he banded In bv 10 o clock a. m. Sulphur Springs schedule chunked lu half hour without change ot cars. Ask for Red Letter Ciars. i.lccusc to wcu From Register Mackcy's oliicc liet i;sc to wed has liccti issued as follows: Sykislct Miller of PI o nixville, l'a., ami Thcoilosia css, nl liuueoinbc. K. P. Garehier of aueey ami Miua McMahau, ot I'aiiicoinbe. K. A. 1'iisliop ami Pita Choihran, id I'uiicombe. lames Franklin and Man L. Gaieliicr, ot ibiiH'oinb.'; coloted. .is;: i ..; tt..u',,.'. t . ;!. W I A 1 i 1 I I,- Hi Hi: r. MeleoroltvK il Smti.-n. '. IV iu , ill SailO.inu ill 1 .l, d-,u-,'.'. fi;,i'ie i f -T, s: .(.ll I, ,-iid.'il,lv t ,1 iiiiuni ( , J .'.- 1 f'i hi:2iiiui'i 1 1.':; i'! .Ut.-oi i.o- ii,imi.ii: h'int.ill in ij.-ei'n- i' M ill.. '. ii. HV.llUT. 17.-..I At-.irl n iiiu ; ' r : T.i ( .',t- r.l ; 'II W.,-i ."..if -':.::! - i",n,.i ntnrv, o , e ;,-.. i .' I .oo-i.'e- ler, -V :.,,! i, k. M. 1: i in: xiAKkiris. M.W VoKli .MAKKI r. Vilt' -' ,n,l , l, u i-l-Cllle' l M.ui;i i'. , s:.;vt K - Ii 1) i h:- w V Competition !. owned R. H. HUDSON NEW CEYLON JAPAN TEAS. ItiillU Q'l ii ( :iikI I i cli Mx (,. e r i D.v avi-.m i:. THE FOUR SEASONS HOTEL SITIMTFD IN THE CUMBERLAND MOUNTAINS .NliAN Till'. HlSTelKIC C CM III.K I .A Nl CAP, SCl-NIi OF MANY Ol' Tlllv I'ATTI.KS Ol' Tllll WAR, l'riiiiiiuniTit by the C. a. I'.eulunical survey , the eliyint uir of I lie Souili. Kieiht hours from Ailievillr, wltlumt sti);i oe-er at Kuoxvllle, is ttie Ami uiiiiriaswil in all Its iipiiniiitiuiiitii The ealnine under direction of tlie nlilcsl chef New York City could produce. 1 1 oU Is heuti'il by Iciim; hm nn Are places in rooms; lighted by rlcctrleltj; steam ilcvulur; sulphur mid chalybeate prlnK. Sunnto rlum convenient to hotel I1117I1IK Turkish and other hnths; massnKe room, Kvinnns- Ism, etc. TERMS, $3 PER DAY Address II.CIiAIU.MANAC.KU HAHBOOATIi, TBNN. Asheville Address; B. W. MEAD, Legal Block. WE HAVE RECEIVED FOR THE SPRING AND SUMMER LAKCli ASSOHTMENTS OK China ,( .'7 Mut lings. Il.ihv Cirri.igcs. Linoleum ;ui' Oil Cloths, I'in..n ( hnirs. lu'lrigi'inlors ;iul Uv I 'lirsts. Cnin'ts mid lings, llittnit .''- llvi'd I'liinitmv. Art Sijiinivs, ..ii' (hnirs nml Settees. I'ly Screens. V. I J. WILLIAMSON & CO-, NO. I0 PAIION AVENUE, Wiiitlock Clothing House, 46 SOUTH MAIN ST. 46 Spring and Summer Clothing Fop men and buys. Wo always havo the host variety df i hoiYi' ready made dotliiiu? to select from in all Mzes nt pii prices. Our stock of hot weather clothing is coni plete. Our slock of white and colored shirts is immense. !( is cheaper to buy new styles, first class clothing than second and off styles. For stylish clothing for young and old men, straw hats, underwear, collars and cuffs, ala- aea coats, dusters, white vests and pants, neckwear, loves, hosiery, the in'st in Asheville, go to THE WHITLOCK HEADQUARTERS -F0U Horse and Cow Feed. K I'll MAIN M'KI- I Do You Want a (ition sol. 111 oak I'uutaiu.i; WAUiiuoni:: a HAMisoMi; siiu.iioAi;ii; . i:i.i:(;a.t hi.v 'r.i;i.i:; a i.ovki.v si;t of ihmmj niAiiis; in i'Ai t aw tiiim; in tiii: i tkniti ur: AT lU'AsoNAHl.i; WATIIS? II' SO CALL ON Caesar's Head Hotel. LcciUd 4500 Ft. Above tlie Sea. A.tiW '..; ! ,::r.i tltc l;.4 wi..ntU I, -. . . :-. 4' i i;i e V.uinl :,ni-( m III-. 1: ..! u..;k all, I ihieis. I, i..,:,-, . e: M,.u , IaIu-.k - tu'i The inuM i. -tlul t . , , , t . ' : l.v i. pen U'l tin .. , r ii i fit. in lit ii'K-i- n .!!. i mil, llenltlatf. l un ill.' IlliUlK'l UK' .ti t , ; I ,i 1 i e. lie M lil l.i.l-l, ,'( IllO-l. ii.: til r.c. UHliitu! .uii'. L A. MILES, M. Do' Proprietor. ROUND KNOB HOTEL,!: Iff the Heart of tbe Blue Ridge, mi I lit W. N. C K. R .5 mile ftoin Asheville. i !! tin In -t health ami plc.iMiie ietrlt in t hi homh. spiin:',- of -ulphui nml iioti wattr mi puiiii-i. Stxiaty, w.ikt, airaiiil f.ue uu--uip,i-Mt. Altitude J.Tii.' ieel Telrmaph and putuiiice mi pumices. Open May w. i n .. l oK TKKMS AL)DRi:sS Mieussett & Miller, Proprietors MIMES AM) SlllSMTIUS IN PULL RU1T1.Y AND ARSOKTM UNT. CAKliS. riliS, HI 11.1.8 AND Ilk BAD AT TIIH HKHNCIf HAKBKY. NO. (11 COL LUG It STKUBT. W. A. JAHKft, JR., PROr. ASHEVILLE, NX CLOTHING HOUSE, I wis run runt' in gtxi:ss a j sl'L IM.TY. ll.WL Li iS TRACTS WITH 'I.LAI'lXr, lil-M.I.KS AM' MILLS. I:L ;v i'.u1 i.or.-; ii; caii. all r Wnll.ll I.SAhl.liS IS T'l ITKMSII e.'ionsix this List; at t.ow i:st ros su.i.ii i';c'fs- ro in: had. .um.v ri:i: sArisFACTi'ix isiali ;;..!;. VA T I S KUSVIH.-TITI.I.Y, C CJ)oir. W. A. BLAIR Insurance Agents and Brokers. : AI.!. IIKANCIll'.S t.' INsl'KANCIi WIUT I'I'.N IN TIIH IIKST L'UMI'AMKS. si.oi.l.u.l Kiie;!i-!t. Aim ri..oi. SeutlUh i.n.l C.e-l lllau c'ompnliu u.rrseiile-il. Sole- ; ;ie;t ills lur the I D-NSMOKK J Y H tW H I T & ! TIM- VuKI,)'S CKKATl-sT TVP1 WlilTia h.i inn 'k t it ;iw the emit i. ui ! lm ni-liin typi-w i iu is tw Un ',u ! lk'p.iitnicnt ntitl piincip.d I W- li-'f' thtuiihuut , j the oniiiliy. ' , ASHKY1U.K, N. C. j J. J. HILU Bonded Auctioneer, ! '"N"K'r" 5IUS SIIii;i;T I am now pup iud.l.i u ( iv and m 11 ,d pul it' tnitciy .dl anil ;tny kind oi a j-nl", old er luw, i 1 1 ,i villi; tonipiH-ii it ii i lie ruu' iiiw jk i iiiiihuk to the silling of iiiluks of metelMHdie, I re--pfi'llully Mlicit coiifinnuul of kikhN, ami pi win pi return on all miles. Will at tend sales of either personal or real etatent liv iiuclioii rooms, befurc the couit lume door, oi on the prcmi-es, ns the parties may dt-iu. 1 will continue to keep iu Moek viinUu sh.uli good tititl fixtures, WikhI, willow u.iu, elt'. Don't forget tin place ii Xl. 40 N. MAIN" s r. amiii.vii.i.i:. X. c, tr. -THE- ASHEViLE STEAM LAUNDRY, 43 WEST I'OUEUE ST., In now rcmlv fur work. We Solicit a Shan of Voor ratronnge. Mr. Carrie C, Burin, an eiiertenced Inundrtu from 1'ltUbnrK, Ta., hna charge of the working deport nirnte. We will endeavor to give juei GOOD HONItST WORK. Onr motto 11 SATISFACTION TO EVERT CUSTOMER. double: DISTIUjIIiEU) water F)li TAULK AM) Mi:i)lClAL USES. MANUFACTURED BY ASMKVILLK ICE AM) COAL (')., Uiliceai I'ntton Ave. This water is equal in quality to the high priced table waters, anil is the water from which the ice sold by ibis company is manufactured. HOMH-MADIC ASHtiMLl.i: 3I1LL1XCI CO. PRODUCTS. HIGHEST GRAIIHM IN THE MARKICT. ROLLER KING, - ELEGTR1G - LIGHT, - ETC. SPECIAL EXTRA QUALITY Sold SUMMER MID AWilnrsday, Thursday, Friday, .lime :(), :1 and .Inly 1. Our Inner iccciitlv ret uracil fium New Veuk, wlicic wc hunlit the vcrv cliiiicest ol everv line ed Dinls Keit liy us ;it lulniliiuly low prices. In our entire tluee (!e pu i tun ills will lie Uuiul the 1, truest usmiI'I nieiit , latest styles and lowcs M ices iv cr e.lierii! to the Aslicville pulilic. A liinutiliil iictuic oi the live beauties olCliicio ami lithographs ol the Win Id's I'.iir will be i;ivcii away to our patrons and customers. A dollar will buv tiiorc fluids ii mi us than any linn iu the city. Special precision will be made lor waitini; on the trade. G. A. MEARS k SONS, Nos.L".),:SL ami South Main St., Aslicville Bicycles FYm: I3ors. I'i't hinior .L'.'t, (.'rcscfut No. (' $10, Crcstrnt Xo. 7 $."il), Wnvcrly Jiuiior $".", Wavt'rly Aiuati'in' $70. Kdison riioiioyrapli and Typewriter Co., 34 Patton Avcnc, Telephone 40. aic tlie In Ml si 1. 1 e 1 ie 1 s I 'est. They hIioiiIiI lie 15 a inn: Is to liuv ilour ami win. low screens ot liroun, Xorthup A: Co., No. Ml! I'iittoii Avenue, Tlie Mictcory Inn HICKORY, N. C. T11K (JEM HOTEL OF THE SOUTH. X ' as 6 y. I 13 7. S 1 tFiJI c: fi-.-srS-.r 5 tSUi-xi --- !l lltiilt of brick, stone nml iron. Lighted by k8 mid elcctrieitv. All modern improvements. KATIiS, $12.00 I'ER VI;i:K AND I'l'WAKDS. Address, Frank LotiK'Hran, Owner and Prop rie tor. QuAi-rrv not NO FRHB OIFT9 OP ANY OR PRAW Acme Wine, Liquor House & White Man's Bar Wont I claim It that I keep the largret atoek of rut i-Irm good nfl an; houne In the State. Anyone In nerd of pure unadulterated llqanr will find It to their Intereet to cnll and einmlne rny atock. The aame ha been recouinitaded hX the leading phrtliinni In the Mate for medicinal pnrpoaea. Jam. H. X.onghrmi Prop. NO. 58 SOUTH MAIN STREET. - - ASHEVILLE. N. C. Me motto la, "Keep the heat and charge accordingly." JtBtJBa.M place l eecond to none In the State. TBLBPBONB CALL 180, . . i . POBTOPPICB BOX 688, OrdcnFrom Distance Solicited. Boxing racking; Free. GRAHAM AND CORN MEAL. Dealers. OPENING! i) ou r nml t lie lust Wily to keep tlicm nut r c a S' V ' u' r. t n h m T rSiiRirffnHiltCi J V. 2 NT a quawtityY KIND TO ATTRACT ATTENTION TRADB AT THB