THE ASHEVILLE DAILY CITIZEN. Saturday Ivviniiij-, June 9 THE ASHEVILLE DAILY CIT1ZEX FR1NTKD DAILY (EXCEPT SUNDAY) AMU WESKI.V SUnSCRIPTlOX RATES: Ielne Year P '. Six Months... j.eo Three Months 1C cituhs I eiue Mouth. in advance I One Week, paid to carriers 15 Tiik Wkeely Citukn, issued em Wcdues day. in advance. Si. tUTUUDAY. Jl'NU 9. 18!H. JiEMOCRACY IS IMMORTAL. THE WORD DEMOCRAT STANDS FOR HU MAN LIBERTY AND 111 MAN FREE DOM AND CANNOT DIE. Zelmlon U. l ance. Tut: 1'iiiversity Magazine for May, Chapel Hill, X, C , has an admirable sketch of Col. Alexander lioytl Andrews, of the Richmond and Danville rn.'road, wtitteu br Col. John D. Cameron of Asheville. The sketch is in Col. Came ron's Inst stvle, which cannot be im proved upon in North Carolina, ami shows that Col. Andrews lias been the genius of railroad progress in North Carolina since the war. A fine sled engraving of Col. Andrews constitutes the Iromispiccc of this i'sti-: of the magazine. lik'liiinxii I'kauson lias had published a correspondence between himself ami one A. l.i. K. Wallace, secretary and treasurer of the Rutherford county Farmer's Alliance, in which the s.iid Wallace dedans lie is for 1'earson and .-gainst the I 'etnocratic party in North Carolina. Tin- Cmzi-.x knows nothing of Wallace, but one thing it docs know, and that is that when 1'earson gets the Alliance vote in the Ninth Congressional district the time will have come when line, large, juicy apples may be picked from dog wood tries. As Tin; Citizkn suspected, a full re port of Senator Jams' speech at the Im migration convention puts altogether a different face on his remark concerning the necessity of haviuggood government in the South. As reported in the Augi,sta Chronicle Senator Jarvis said: "Without intending to censure any one, but solely to illustrate and em phasize this idea, 1 will refer to the bad government existing in the Southern States for sonic years succeeding the war. It is well known that during i',k,sc troublesome (lavs of bad government there was no development in the South ern states although e had the re sources and it was an era of great abun dance of tnoncv in the North. 1 cannot press this question too strongly upon our people, and 1 trust that whatever may be our dillVrences and diversi "t:s as to certain national questions, we will be united in our efforts to retain our State, comitv and town govern ments in the hands of honest and capa ble men; so that our people at home and capitalists and immigrants abroad n' iv have a positive assurance that life, liber ty and property will be absolutely secure in the Southern States. 1'nless we can furnish this absolute assurance we need not expect capital to come in our midst, or desirable immigrants to settle among us." The false and harmful impression created by the first report sent out of the Senator's speech should be removed by corrections published as widely as possible. HTKIKKH AM) I.AWI.I.SH.N'KNI The epidemic of strikes a.iiong coal miners throughout the country is only a repetition of what has occurred periodi cally in the past, with the addition of a species of anarchy and violence that is as new as it is dangirous. The right i t laboring men of any class to strike tor higher wages is one ol the unwritten laws of the Uniicd States, but the rifjht id' strikers to undertake to en force their demands by lorce and vio lence is anarr hv. an 1 will have to be put down at the point of the bayonet, if need be. Liberty is, and should be, the right by inheritance, ot every American citizen, but when liberty is construed to mean that one man or set of men have the right to distrov the property of another man or su of nun, simply because those men do not think that wag s shout. I be raised to a certain figure, is a subversion ol the loekbed principles ot liberty. The coal miners have a right to ask for higher wages for their labor, and it is not improbable that in many ins'.ancts liicy arc entitled to ami should be given higher wages, but when they undertake to tiring mine owners to tei 111s by des troying their property, or to prevent other men from doing the work tliey have abandoned, bv force, they no longer stand in the relation of lawful citizens seeking the betterment ol their condi tion, but must be di . It with as danger ous violaters of the law, and a menace to the fretdom of our institutions. There is n broad dill'crence between liberty and license to do as you please. The one is the greatest blessing that cun come to any people, the other is n curse to nnv nation. AN AIMKI. To The Moulfrt Men ol Anhe vlllf. Oetitliiucu and Itrettiren : Mv college, worth $10,0110 il finished, upon which hangs a mortgage for Sl.'.WO, is about to lie sold. I make you the following propo sition: If uny o ie, ten or twenty of you, will advance me $1 HOO, 1 will give n mt rlgiice sf three years upon the col lege and ten acres of land surrounding it, with a note at eight ter cent.; and I will, at onee, insure the building for $1,0110, making the policy over to you to secure you Iron) loss, should the house be burned. 1 believe, if thia stringency passes off, ' that I can make the money in three vrars to pnv the note and interests. It my building is sold, I will loose the house and all the money already paid What i done, must be done at once. A'. L. Abcimthr, 'res. Rutherford College, N.C., June 8, '1)4. Spilled Hllki Never Mlud I roin the Wayncsvillc Courier. ThR Citizen is glad because the grass in the court house yard has been cut, but Tub Citizen is also sad that Weldon pot the knitting mill that Asheville might have bad. Prsnon Already Beaten. Rutherford cor. Shelby Aurora. I talked with Richmond Pearson lust Saturday in Asheville. He said Craw ord or Coie will be hard to beat, TOKENS OF PERDITION. Rev. Mr. Campbell' Sermon At The I'nlou ateetloic At the uuiou meeting iu th? First Pres byterian church last evening Pastor R. F Campbell after reading the 130th l'salm took his text from a part of the 28th verse of the 1st chapter of Fbitip- piaus "An evident token of perdition." "A dark cloud rises over the moun tains," said Mr. Campbell, "and we say there is going to be a storm. When we see the cloud rise we know it h aa evident token of a storm. A token is an evidence of something coining. There are tokem in every department of life practical, social and reli gious. We see certain traits of char acter 111 persons; we see them and know they are in imminent dauger, and we know unless thev change they are lost. Tonight 1 want to point you to some of them and see if you have any of these tokens in von. "The lust one is habitual thoughtless ness of religion. I'toplc go on in tile and ni ver think of religion unless it is forced upon them iu some way, either by sickness or some other severe nlllic No matter how good you are therwise; vou may be moral and honest, and yet l e thoughtlessol religion. That is 'an evident token of perdition.' The five foolish virgins were probably not wicked girls, but merely thoughtless; vet for their thoughtlessness thev were shut out when the bride groom came. 1'eople who are given over to the ways 01 the world to the neglect ol religion arc furnishing an evident token of perdition and unless they stop and turn to God they will land iu licit. This is plain Eng lish, but it is the truth. 1 know it is not Inshionahlc lor preachers to talk this wav, but it is the duty of the pastors to tell mi about it. How shall we escape il we neglect a salvation, and that is what you do when you cling to the ways of the world, when you turn vour hack on the cross of Christ and sav it nuik.s no dilVetctice. It does, aid thoughtlessness will cost you your sout. "Another evidence is a quiet, easy con science. Conscience is a monitor, Put you may abuse that monitor and go on so long in sin that the voieeol conscience will become so faint vou cannot and will not listen to it. l'nu! speaks of it as being seared with a hot iron; it tails to feel at all. Moral insensibility has set in. Many a conscience has been p.irah.'d. Il yours is so vou are furnishing another evident token ol perdition and unless vou are awakened to vour danger and turn therefrom, you will wake up in hell. "Auotlierevidence is self-righteousness, i'.iere is more hope tor any man than lor the self-righteous man, the man who thinks be is good enough without Christ. He thinks he does not need any thinghe is satisfied with himself. If there are any of that class here t might let me tell you that you are mistaken, and that vou are under the curse. For il there is one flaw in your righteousness, cannot ;!c:cit it, and il you continue to trust it you are lost. "Another evidence is vicious habits, ('rod has placed restraints even upon the unrcgencrate; lie lias hedged them ahout to keep them from unbridled indulgence in vice, and vet some seem to lie determined to tollow those vicious habits in spite of all that can be done. Some say they do not care what men say of them, but they do, and that keeps some from going into those vicious habits. Many a boy has ttirr.e 1 away from them when the thought came that he could not face the pure ones at home. "Another token is procrastination of religious duties; putting your soul s sal vation off, saying, tomorrow you will attend to these things. Hut tomorrow Is the devil's day, and unless God stops you, you are bound for perdition. It you put it off today vou may lose vour soul. The thing to do is to stop today. You cannot count on tomorrow, and as your soul is at stake should you not de cide tonight ? "Another token is complanccnt enjoy ment of the world. Some men live for this li!e and never think of the world tocotne. In olden times a rich man had laid up riches lor many years, and lie said to his soul, 'Fat, drink and be merry,' but God said, 'Thou foot, this night shall thv soul be required of thee.' Il you are satisfied with what this life gives you, vou are furnishing an evident token of perdition. 1 ', man, don't throw away the soul that has been given vou the soul God lias given vou to save vou can't afford to lose it. "There is one more token 1 will men tion, and that is a relapse into insensi bility alter religious interest, o 1111c ol vou have backslidden after promising to live better. Itisasulemn thing not to make a decision for Christ. God's spirit will not strive with vou always You are resisting repeated calls; vou are resisting one tonight. God calls and He will save vou it vou will accept Him. A huge number remained for the after meeting. There will be no service this evening Tomorrow evening the services will be held in the First Haptist church. Ufiicral KoNiter on P-iitiloiiit. Iiom the- Richmond Times. General Rosser went a bow shot be yond the current opinion ot Southern soldiers when he said "he despised a mart wtio gave I'nite l States money to a pen tier." We are bitterly opposed to the abuses which have not only crept into the administration of our pension laws, hut have been boldly invited in. ihe I'ension Hure.iu, under Corporal Tanner and his successor was a festering mass of corruption, and, no doubt, there nre now tens ot thousands otmost unwoi t iv names on our pension rolls, which it will b; the duty ot an hoi est administra tion, cither Democratic or Republican, to expunge. Hut there arc men who fought for the I'nion, who, by every principle that could justify pensions, are entitled to them, and nothing should affect their right and title. There may be others who hold General Rosser's opinion about pensions, but we bave never met or heard ot them. TtotH III Real Smart. Closing paragraph ol Richmond Pear son's letter to the Secretary Rutherford county Alliance: "In conclusion I wish to fay to you openly and boldly even in the hearing ol Democrats that the purpose, aim and motive of my plan ol campaign in this district is to secure the election of twelve representatives and three sen ators in these fifteen counties, wbo will give fifteen votes tor the nominee of the caucus of the People's party for one I'niied States senator, and fifteen votes for the nominee of the Republican caucus lor the other I intcd States senator from North Carolina, and if the Democrats don't like this, let t lie 111 pray to Matt Ransom or Grover Cleveland or Queen Victoria or Oueen Lilioukalanl to help them." It Was Bound 10 Be. Durham Sun, The orntion of Hon, H. A. Gudger be fore the Washington society ol the Davis school, Winston, yesterday on "The Lite and Character of Zeb Vance" was a brilliant effort. STATE SEWS. The Wadesboro Messenger finds alter dilligent inquiry that the Populists are not as strong in Anson this year as they were two years ago. H. F. Taylor, an inmate of the Sol diers' Home, died Thursday, aged 58 vears. lie served in Company H, l-our- teenth Regiment, North Carolina troops. Fitzsimmons. the crack North Caro lina bicyclist, and Hairel of South Caro lina, will run one ot three races for the championship ol the South at Sumter, S. C, June 'JS or -'J. The distance will be two miles. Shelby Aurora: Buncombe county now has well graded and superior roads running out liom Asheville tor many miles. One of the best is the Hickory Xut road between Asheville mid the gap near Shcrrill's, leading to Chimney Rock. The peuitintiary on Thursday re ceived an unusual prisoner, in a young white woman, who appears like a girl ot Hi. She was brought there chained, from Henderson county. Stiestabbcd to the heart a voting white man who spread rumors as to her character, and her sen tence is for 15 years. Franklin Dress: Mrs. Henry Sanders of three miles from town, sent ns last Saturday a branch of a new kind ol beans, said to be frost proof ami early. The amity has already had beans for dinner a time or two. The bunch sent ns had stood the Irost of Friday morti- inri and seemed all tight. -Canton correspondence Wavncsvillc Courier: Did vou ever hear of a lady marrving to get a cook, or a gentleman simply to secure a pope? Then Canton is ahead again. Sumlav. Meredith Cook took unto himself a real I'ope for a wile while Miss Maggie rope was as niticli married to a Cook lustie-e Mease was so indisposed that Moore help was re uired to tie the kuot. I1VIIKI till-: HOI SK. A Remarkable Case Found In Durham county, rom 1!k Dm ! Sim. About four miles north ol Durham lives a colored woman, named Penny Weaver, aged lo;i years, and her daughter, Lindy Weaver, aged "0 years. They are old time darkies and live near thc'Lvnchburg & Durham railroad. They own a little tract of land, upon which is a two room house. Some vears igo tliev made a division ot the prop ertv. Neither one being able to build another house, they divided the property by drawing an imaginary line through the house, from one gable end to the other and cacti one took her side of the house, which is occupied and kept just ns if there were two houses, each attending to her own side and living ns two sepa rate families. The chimney is in one end, ind each one uses her respective side eil the lire place. They live happily, as 110 broils or disturbances have been known between them for many vears. THEV IIAVK THR1-K ttl.Org. The Uull v iol o' 1I11 OrmiiiH In I'earNon'n Mem. Fiuin lit-.' l'a v nes ilK- O'liiicr We mentioned last week that an organ had started to play the "Pears in March," at Rutbcrfordton; now, this time, the doleful strains of another is watted on the breeze from Murphy. The nuine of the Murphy organ is the Hulletin, and we judge it will take a Iliilly-liit-o' tin to pav the pipers. It takes a lot ot wind to play the "1'earson March," but the bel Itiwses are good and strong and all that is necessary is to pav the man who does the pumping. 1 liese instruments arc capable ol changing the march to a dirge, which will be done next tall. Thev are each provided with three stops: one to use in playing the "Pearson March," another which may be used when playing the lirge niter the fall elections, and the third stop will be after chestnuts plav out, and that means no more visits to the dear readers. Judge Hbuford Proved Faithful tioin the Tttck.w cge Dnnociat. From time to time, since Judge Shuford has beeu on the bench, many expressions of satisfaction with the manner in which he has discharged the duties ot his re sponsible office have come up Irom those districts where he has presided, and some thing more tangible and substantial than an insinuation that he has greedily sought to appropriate a longer term than he was elected tor ought to be urged against his rcuomination and re election tietore he is asked to retire. The office of Indue is one of the most important that the people can bestow and when an officer so aide anil consci entious and upright us Judge Shuford has proved Inmsell to be has been se cured he ought to be retained as long as possible. Better reasons will have to be given for retiring Judge Shulord than any so tar advanced in order to deprive him of the support in the convention unit at the polls, ot the Democrats ol ackson. vvheie in Buck Kitchen At ? 1 join Hie Wilson Mirror. Capt. "Huck" Kitchin says tie cannot stomach the vagaries of the Populists, such as the government ownership of railroads and the sub-treasury scheme. Fancy lemons 18 cents dozen at Allen's Fruit and Cigar Store, 3ti Putton ave Smoke Red Letter cigars all Havana and very sweet. Mrs. Wn.i.iAll ItoiiEltTS, Jlndurporr, JV. Y, writes: "If I hud not taken your Mull. cine', I would lint be here now. J'lio doctors did me uo good, 1 whs Just a mora skele ton, eouni not cut, 1 would have awful pain in uiy steunacn pain in my aide. Imwcu and chest; soreness In my wii'K nun wuiiiii; wua weak, nervous, auel eouni not 6iiTp. AltiT I took your 'Favorite I'rrae'rlp tlon.'nnil 'llnlden Med ical inseovery," I com mence'd to improve. Ill two weeks could walk llbout the house eould cat did not nave any more pnln in my stomach threw Mrs. ItonEitTs. awav mv mnrnhlnH powders. When I first cominrnevd taking the int'dli'lne It mttdo rue fe'l worse. 1 was hoarse, could not speak aloud for three days; as I pot lienor my pains and bad feelings left me and I eould sleep (rood ; my nerves ffot liettor. llefore I took your medicine I kept my bod four months got worse all the while. 1 urn now iuio ncsny anu can worn all day." IVikVlbr NOTICK-'fmstce's Sale-llv virtue of the power conferred upon me by the Clerk ol the huperinr court of lliincomlie county, ns mih stitiitcd trustee in a certain deed of trust exe cuted hy C. M. Roberts and evife to Lawrence Pallium on the first dny of Septemlier, 1KH7, which snid deed of trust is recorded in the office of the KeKlsler of Deeds for lliincomlie county. North Carolina, in record of deeds of trust and innrtKnires No. 11, pnfre at the request of the owner 01 ene noie tnerein seciireu, aeiauit nsv' t,MM ,A.I. H Ik. ........... ... ,l,.UAr f H.1II on the isth elny of June, 1K94, at u o'clock, sell nt public auction, nt the court honse door in the city of Asheville, lliincomlie county, North Cnr olina, to the highest Milder for cash, a certain lot of land with the imoroveinents thereon, sit uate and being ou Putton avenue In the city of Asneviue, anown ns tne Konens' place, anil lor a more particular description of which reference is nereny made to said deed 01 trust above men' eionea, 1 111s 19m uay 01 aay, 11104. . C. CORTLAND, j-i9tl4twt Trustee, What a Woman Can Do She can say NO and stick to it fur all time to come. She can lo say NO in sueh a low, sweet voice that it means YES She cun sharpen lead pencil il' jou give her cuough pencils. She can buy meats at James Wolfe's stall in the City Market, snel delight her husbaud's heart and save his purse excessivestrain. A natural mineral water, rought from Saratoga Springs in barrels lined with block tin. Dr. T. C. Smith, Druggist, Agent for the Springs. SOUVENIRS, NATIVE GEMS, LAMDA1.Y WORK, WATCH WORK, JEWELRY - MADE TO - ORDER. MEDAL AWARD ON NORTH CAROLINA OHMS AT WORLD'S FAIR. ARTHUR M. FIELD LEADING JEWELRY, MAIN STRliBT. Delightful, Delicious, Appetizing Mason's Sultana Fruit Cake, 15c. pound; Sponge Desert, l&c. pound; Aswrtcd BiiU:,, Sc. IKitind; New York Ginger Snaps, 10c. pound; Vanilla Crisp, 10c. pound; Cream Milk Lunch, 10c. iwuikI; Sugar Planta tions, 10c. pound; Lemon Crackers, 10c. pound, XXX. Soda Crackers, 7c. iund; Keccptiou Flakes, 15 ceuts. ! TIIK LITTI.K STORK AROUND TIIK .'CORNKR. I W. J. POSTELL, ? NO. 39 COI.l.KGK STREET. Grand opera House MANAGER SPEARS TAKES H.KASI RK IN ANNOt NCINC. THE APPEAR ANCE OF THE From the hour Seasons Hotel, Hnrrogatc, lenn, Wednesday Evening, June 13th, AT S .w O'CLOCK. An Evening of Bright Comedy The fnllnwiiiR one net plays constitute the i roam m : "Whj?" ' The Colonel's Ward" "Look Pleasant!" OR "I Want My Wife." i A Four Seasons Idyl) The following company, composed of the choice ol the ladies and gentlemen of the Amer ican stage, wilt lie in the different plays : Missi s Elita Proctor Otis. Charlotte Neilson, Beverly Sitfrreaves. Louise Wakelecl Annie Ward. Messrs. Francis Carlyle, Charles Bow ser. T. 1). Framley, Arthur Hoops, Burr Mcin tosh. Reserved sents f t oo Sale of seats hegin net Saturday at H. A. Lindsey's, 49 Patton avenue. General admission 50 cents. Gallery 15 cents. w. b. ours. W. W WBiT G-WYN & WEST ftacctMon to W, B Owrn. JJ BatabUahcd 1881. Refer to Bank of AshCTllle. REAL ESTATE LOADS aaCdaSLT PLaCBD AT PH CIST. BOTAIT VOaUO. COMH1MI0MM or FIRE INSURANCE oatlKMt Coart Sqaan. A WINDOW l;uM ul Tan shoes. Tan shins tor the liny tmhy, 'fan --hoes tor it mamma. Tan oxfords for the miss. Tan shoe for the small Ihjv. Tan shoe.- for the 1 tig folks. Tan shoes with narrow toes, razor they call 'em, yon can't shave with them, lint they look sharp enough to cut lread, Tan shoes with wide toes. Tan seal shoes. Cheap Tan shoes and IukIi grade Tan shoes. Take n look at them. J. SPANGENBERG NO. 4 N. COfRT SUI ARE. ROUND KNOB HOTEL, In the Heart ol the Blue Ridge, On the W. N. C. R. R 15 miles Troiii Asheville. One of the best health and pleasure resorts in the South. Spriugs of sulphur and iron water ou premises. Sceuery, water, air and fare un surpassed. Attitude i,;i6 feet. Telegraph and postoRice on premises. Open May 24, 1. FOR TERMS ADDRESS Micussett & Miller, Proprietor. Caesar's Head Hotel. Loutii 4610 Ft. Above He Sia. Average temperature during the hot months 6o to 70. No malaria. No mosquitoes. Varied amusements, Beautiful walks and drives. Scenery incomparable. Climate a benediction. Nature's own sanitarium. The most restful place this side of heaven. Service gooel. Kates moderate. Dally mailt will be opeu for the season of 1894, June 1st, Hacks from Hender sonville. 36 miles from Asheville, 43 miles through Ihe valley of the French llreud, a moat delightful and charming drive.' F. A. MILES, M. D., Proprietor. THE OAKS HOTEL Under New Management. New Faraltara. Nice, ckaa comfortable rooms. Tabic excellent, Porter Meets all Trains. Close la town, Oa aa Blectrle Car Uae. Beaatlral Locatioa, Hot aad Cold Bathe, Bverr PoaalbM Coaakac. THE OAKS HOTEL. A. P. LABARBB, MGR. Over the fence ) (IT The; kids are guying Mnowille. There's No Choice in Bicycles. The Victor Pneumatic tire has no rival. It is more durable than any other and the inner tube can be re moved in case of puncture in less than five minutes. The only inner tube removable through the rim. All Victor improvements are abreast with the times and meet every requirement. OVERMAN BOSTON. NEW YORK, PHILADELPHIA. CHICAGO. SAN FRANCISCO. Edison Phonograph 3a PATIOS AVI!. ASHEVILLE WOODWORKING CO. Is Now Prepared to Furnish all Kinds of BUILDING MATERIAL Fine Church, Cabinet Work and Bank Fixtures SKNn FOR Asheville Woodworking Co. H. Kauffman, Supt. BONANZA VINE AND LIQUOR COMPANY, Nos. 41 and 43 S. Main St., Asheville. XTi,'i A I n'uoLESAt.B ii:partmest, gb.vts' XI J lm PARLOR ASD RSAD1SQ ROOM, CIGARS, TOBACCO AXD ROTTI.R GOOPS, SAM- XT A VLB, BILLIARD ASD FOOL ROOM. j J, tOs Beer Vaults and Bottling Department in the Basement. IVe Respectfully Solicit a Share ol Your Patronage. P. A. MARQUARDT, Manager. Main Entrance, No. 43. Telephone Call, Xo, 7i. IN MOUNTAINS OF NORTH CAROLINA A VERY SELECT BOARDING HOUSE LOKETTA HALL. HOT SPRINGS. NORTH CAROLINA. Excellent Table and Pine Accommodations In Rrery Hcsjwct H. M. SWAINE. TRfSl'KK;S SAMC Hy virtue- of 111.- i,,vr vi'sie-ii in me hv n tie-til nf trust t xi-rutcil liy !'. S. II. Kt'Mlolils. In the lill.U'rMKln (1 trus tee, ln-ariiiK' cln'te the l.Mh tl.iv ol Muv, iso, and rcRistneil in Honk Ni. j lit jkibc' 215, ill the Recorilsof MortciiKes ailtl ol' Trust in tu ntliee of t lie Register ot Heeds fur the e-'iuutv ol' lliincoiueaiid Slide ..I' Ncrtli C.-mdiin. to wliieh reterellee is hereliv made 1.. secure the iavluetlt lithe holes therein diserilied: delimit ii.iville liven made in the nivineiil ul' said nutes, and Imvillt! Iieen reiiuesled liv the cestui iile trust to sell Slid laud to .sitisly said notes. I will sell at the court house door iu thccilvo! Asheville, at (iiililie auction, nt w o'clock ou Wednesday. June .1.II1, i.sui. the- lolluwini; des crilicd tracts of hind anil all the iiiiiuirtcll iinces. for cash : l-'irst tract -llcRitiiiinir at n stake, the crner of I'eter Miller s small tract; thence south 70 enitoiie hundred and Ihirlccn ili-, poles to a small while oak on Ihe soiiiheast side ol d ride; thence west seventy eiht ;s) Hiles to a xst ink; thence south titty-one poles to two small post oaks; thence west thirtv-l'our (,4 jioles to a tune; ihellee north twenty' au poles lo n white oak; thence east fortv 40 poles to a Muck sum, thence north one hundred and thirteen Jllj Ki!estoa Mack oak; I'eter Miller's corner; thence essl w ith I'eter Mill, i s line to the beKinniiiK, cimtuiitiut; sixtv-lwo i.' acres, more or less, liciiiK Ihe same (and con veyed to V. 8. II. Reynolds liv lliiituiv Hill hy deed dated the ,stll day of May. is'.;, liudrepis te redill Ineik 30, lit juge ; . ,. deeds in the Register's office of lluncoinlii cimtilv. to which deed reference is herel.y made loi the purpose 01 description; and also Second tract-Hi-Hinninc; or n slake near a maple stump on the east side nl'lhe lirauch and runs north twenty-six ji jkiIcs nnd einhl fij links ton stake, Marion Alexanders southeast comer; theme north 7" nnd with Alexander's line sixteen (ih poles to his northeast corner; theme north (.7 ivest twenty 'l poles with ihe said Alexander's line to his northwest cor ner on the east margin of the mail leading from 1'uiterson's mill to the llnvwooil roid; thence with said road north f west ninety-seven 07 poles nnd ei(rht s links to a rock on the east morion of said rone!, corner of G. W. Miller's seven acre tract; thence soulh aeveuty-eight de Krces I7SI west hftv-one Utl Doles to n liho-v oak and dogwooei In the Jnrrelt old line; thence norm wien sum one tuny-sewn ; tioles and ten ml links to a stake in the ediie of the mill pond; tht-nce down and with Ihs soulh edge of the mill pond as follows; South ie" east four m irolcs; south fiHa east six 6 poles; south J46 cast four U poles; south i west two j poles; south Aj" easts ixteen i6 poles; south (.V1 east eight 181 poles; north 45" east sixteen (ih poles and thir teen I1.1l links: north jjenst sixteen lie. poles; north 6u east four U poles to a stake or chln quepin. where the line between Miller-snil Pat terson leaves t he millpoiul; thence with snid Hue south W east forty-se ven 47! poles and thirteen lij links to Cowan's fence; thence with said fence south 9 east three j poles; south 70 west fifteen 15I poles 10 the Munch; thence up and with the meanders of the tirnm-h fhlinws Uo South 18 west niueteeu 10 poles; south if enst three j) poles; south 63' west lour 4 poles; south 31 W "est nineteen poles; south j4 west seventeen 17I poles; south J" west eleven til pole; south 4 west nine ol poles; south 14 '4 cast seven (7 poles; south t west seven teen 17I poles; south jn east thirty-two vl poles to the lieginning, lielng the Mime la ml conveyed by James Duttrlck and Cowan to H. 8. H. Reynolds by deed dated July ajnd, 1887, and registered In book 68 of deeds nt pagl Win the Register's office of lluncombecountv.H nil for the purpose of description is hereby referred to, excepting from the slsive tracts nliout six teen acres heretofore sold. May se 1894. ' ' CHAb. A. VttlllRR, P6djt Irutet.. (V) () We sell meats insiilc the inaiket. first stall to right as you enter the big front door. V. M. Ullh e"t CO. Victors are BEST. WHEEL CO. OETROIT. OENVES). & Typewriter Co., TI'J.I'.IMIO CAM, 40. KNTIMATRH. Telephone, 164. PROPRIETOR. Tax Collector Notice. Hy vlituenf the lax list of the city or Asheville lor the year iswt iu the hnmls of ihe nuder siKiied. as collector ol taxes ol said city, for col-le-ction and hy virtue-ul an onki . f the Alder men ot snid city made on April it'll, 1M4, mid by virtue eit section 3$ of chapter 3 of the pri vale law-sot North Carolina ot issj ratified the Mil day of March, and ol the poevcts there by conk-red nnd by virtue ol the statute nml law ill such case made and provided, the under sinned will on Ihe j.eth day of June, 194, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash nt the court house door in the city of Asheville aforesaid in the manner and upon the terms by law prescrilicd ror sale or hind nnd real estate lor such purpose for the taxes lor is. due ou them respectively to said cilv, the hereinafter mentioned lots, and real estate, said taxes lieing due and having remained unpaid at the time prescribed by said aldermen lor completing collection ortaxesor said city for snid year, to wit, the 1st day of December, woj, ami the amounts ot such several taxes being those re spi ctively set opposite said lots and real estate, and the person whose names apK-nr op(ioslte the same, being the respective persons in whose iioine the same were listed or should have lie-en listed lor taxation in June, iiluj, and there being iu such cases 110 personal property which can he round lor such purpose-. Said lots and real estate are situate in the cilv ol Asheville ill the enmity ol lliincomhe and state of North Caro lina and urc described respectively ns follows ; S. I). Hull, I lot 75x110 feet west side lllalllon street, lieing lot No. 36 61 Shelby l'ark plat, Tax 3 60 S. I), Unit. 1 lot 75x150 reel east side Wanton street, being lot No. 19 of Shelby l'ark pint. Tat 3 no r Atkinson & I'nlton, S acres hind 011 west side of Riverside street, adjoining lands of lliincomlie llrick tv. Tile Co. oil south and Wni. Johnston estate on north. Tux 15 Vo Atkinson & Patton. 5 acres land on east side Rlecrslde street, adjoining lauds of Atkinson fi Co on south and Wm. Johnston estate on north. Tux 7 80 Atkinson & l'atton. jo acres land on east side Riverside street and known as Riverside Park. Tux tjooo Lewis Lenoir. I lot 50x100 feet on Clin el street near South Main, adjoining lnnds of U S Mc Unify and city limits. Tax 4 80 lue llrank, 1 lot 50x50 feet on north side South side avenue, adjoining lands of R, Dunn oil east and W. F, llolcoinbe on west. Tux 1 50 Hebec-cn Dailey, 1 lot north side ' McDowell street, ailjoining lands of Charlotte Scales on west end Kllen Hull oncost. 'I'm 9 60 J. II. Dnckett, 1 lot 011 south side Sycamore street, ailjoining lnnds of Ceo. N. Smith on uorth and Robert Smith on south. Tax fio R. Urock estate, t lot 75x75 leet on west side of Cay street, ndjolnlng limits of W. C. Lyda on south and Snruh Davis on north. Tax to C. M. Dougherty, 1 lot yixjoo feet on south side of Southside ave nue, adjoining lands of Blauton t Shuford 011 eust and McDowell street on west. Tax 1 10 K. II. Hull, t.lot 100x150 feet on north side I 1 street nnd west of Maiden Lane, corner Hill street nnd Maiden Ijne. Tax id ou D. A. Moffit, t lot djxijo feet on east side filan ton street being lot No. 61 of Shelby Park plat, lax 300 r Shulrird, Cobb nnd Johnston, sf. lots on Bailey street being lots Nos. 34, 33, 37, 3, 39. 40, 4b 4'. 43. 44. 45. 4i 47, 4", 49. So 31.51,51. 54. S3, So. A W, Ao, K of Shelby Park plal. Tn Tho)! Shuford, Cobb, Johnston and Uoslic, 11 lots on Rslley street, being lot No. 10, 11. is, it, 14, 15, 16, I?, 18, M, S, 64, 65, , 6H, 60, 70, 7 J, 73, 74 ad7jgrthellhelbjlrkplsU Tms4i H. C. PAGO, .'., ' . Tax Collector.