Asheville Daily Citizen VHTTTMU! V Xrn 1V7 A uutttt x T7i y-i . r,t. iwuavxijijjji, xn. uM ji-itiuAJC iUVJLJNLNii, JUNE 15, 1894:. 1 I PRICE 5 CENTS. State liil - DUE TODAY A l'KKSH I.OT OV OVR SUPl-KH SAKVrot'.A CHIl'S Dili TODAY nv kxtkkss. .. .VM. KKOliliK, 1 U llUilYlJ J!ilV5 Of rikxI novels and the latest Iwtinil Itooks : I don't sell second hand novels or sonic old liooks which the publishers offer to dealers at almost nothing, and which some dealers of course pick n i anil miike a run at jc and ioc, so you will remember I have a full tine of the very latest novels in cloth bound and paper covers, and sell them at regular prices, Come in and select your choice. L. BLOMHERG, NO. 17 I'ATTON AVtiNUK. CORTLNBROS. RBAL BSTATB BR0KBR9. 1NVB8TMBNT AOBNT8. NOTABY PUBLIC ' Uoam Securely placed at 8 par teat. Office 38 at 28 Pattoa Art., op atalra CHOICE TEAS. WK PUKCIIASK AU, OUR TEAS Direct from the Importer, Or A.. Greer. iff II . Ihin i 1 1 1 1 1. Are Yon LISTENING I THIS ANNOI KCKMHNT ISDlKHCTliO TO TUB IIOUSKKKKl'KK WHO WISIIUSTo ECONOMIZE A.D. COOPER, STAl'I.K AND 1-ANe.V (IRllCliKIKS ffjfiififfljjlS H. T. ESTABROOK Books and Stationery, 22 South Main St. IWOKK UUVINC LETTER COPYING BOOKS CIVH t'S A CAI.I., KXAMJNH Oik I'UMl'l.l-TH STUCK AND I.HAKN Ol'K I'KlCliS, IT WILL I AY YOU. I.ATi:sT CLOTH IIOCNl) AND l'.U'KK COVKRliD NOVELS. 2,500 Pieces Slieet Music, 10c. Each. "Love at Seventy A new novel liv Albert Uoss just rci-eivi-il ' of course ymrll read It. Hsiher Wa ters by Crurge Moure, has created a Wig stir in Kltirliitiil, c. Heavenly Twills, 41,0. Doilo, He.; Yellow Aster, lot, and 1st'. Ships That Pass in the Ninht, luc. .mil lie. t'mbrelln Mender, inc. Twenty-live cent novels only jc, better . and 10c. Have s beautiful pictures, one of which will lie given to each lady ImviiiK a l"k to cost over ,sc. I'o ,rel a kshI criallet set Ml little 0lll.1v. No old shop worn ijoods, all new atid briuht. l-'our bull set c., 6 lull set, ! balkset l.,ii. Professional ball set, fill est made, f,v7S, usually mM at i5.n0 Highest Trices 1'ald for railroad llckels. We sell em any where, everywhere, anytime, all the lime, call, write, telephone. C If. It AY, Tele pi IO IK' lyl. b N. Coin I Sfiimrc. W. OWVN W. W WBST G-WYN & WEST SucGcaaora to W. B Gwjn. ( BstablUhed 1881. Wefer to Bank of A.hcvllle. REAL ESTATE LOAMS UldlSLT PLACID AT, a Pll CIMT. MOT AST PUBLIC COMMlaaioNM OP FIRE INSURANCE ootheatt Court Sqnare. Cun and Locksmith. tAi NOW PREPARED TO DO ALL KINDS OP WORK IS TII18 LINB ALL WORK VVARANTIiBD. SUARPUN1S0 AND RliPAIRINO LAWN MOWERS A SPE CIALTY. H, 'A. Hedriok, NO. I a WATKK 8T. OUmmtK UOODS I He. bLUKt TIED AT NINE! coixiwr AGaKli AT LOWEST PRICES. lie creiini freezers (3 kinds); ice chests; water coolers and filters, By fans and traps', nursery reli iterators, Japanese screens and fans, Japa nese portieres, rice and bamboo; Japanese 1 lanterns and napkins, India enameled stools, lawn swhigs, wire hammocks, straws ami lent- ouade makers, oil and Knsuliue stoves, ARCTIC FREEZERS We offer at the following low prices. We recommend the Peerless or White Mountain, and not this make. Arctics, 1 it ,J$; 3 qt., f '-IS; I 't-, f i.!; t ql., Jj.10. This is a bargain. Thrash's - Crystal - Palace. CHINA, CLASS AND HOUSE GOODS. North Carolina Roe Herring, Fat Selected Mackerel, Cream Codfish, Magnolia Canned Salmon, Selected Canned Oysters, Lobsters, Shrimp, Clam Juice, OWELL & SNIDER ? 5 50 K'J I 3 u a s r a ' oil WE AKK NOW SKRVINO OUR UKI.ICIOCS Frozen Fruit Frappe. Ice Cream Soda (All Flavors.) Sotol Coca-Cola Hire's Root Beer ' AND OTHER POPULAR DRINKS. BELLING AGENTS FOR HUYLEK'S CANDIES the umpiri: TOE G4NK, CALLED Hallkbnrjt'M Firm Bout wi:h AMir. vllle Cloned Wltn theHlxili inn nt. Allbouirti Dark Wan Hardly in MUCH. Asheville might have had anotherscalp at her belt had it not hcen for I'mpire Roy Wil iatns' cnllmir of the name ves- icruuy nr. tne cna 01 tlic sixth inninc. on account of darkness." As it was. the score book shows that Salisbury and Asheville tied on a score of nine to nine. The came was late startinz. The vis itors came 111 on the 4-o'clock train and then had to get into their ulavinir clothes, so that it was about ":li" when play began. There was not the usual large attendance inside the fence, and at the beginning the free seat crowd was warned to keep 0 good distance nwav by the Big trespass notices the club had put up. but n break was made as the game pro gassed and the usu.-rt grass plat scats were soon taken AflllPVllIp l,flH..rt f.rat- I,,- ,.,!.:.... .O.l ham and McClung dying before reaching in 01, oLumcy iook a nase on nails and Lanier struck out. Floyd opened the ball by making first on Captain Lewis tumble ol a grasscutter, and was the lone scorer. Malone died at second from L,ewis 10 Manny, lirav went out be tween Stanley and McClung, and Kags tlflle OOlililn't hit tlto h.ill of MI to center, followed by Young who drove viii. uuii uut uiiu t-rnicr ana lie nnu Stenhena emu in nn r.i-'ilmrn'ii Williflnis find i'letclur went out in order aim Lewis pot a double. Oldham hit what l.inliffl li lit' fill rtr tiun innra rxna hut Oroliuin got under the ball ami goh- uicu it, wncrcupon tieo. .SU'pliens 111 lit tered "hard luck." Salisbury walked up two in her hall. The features of the lu lling were Willinmg' btriking out three and Graham's right lield triple. MeLlung and I.atiier increased Ashe ville's score in the third. Stanley put out at Ik, me and got a hard fall try ing to climh over the catcher. For the visitors Gray and Kngsdule scored, the latter doing the work with a home rim over the lelt tence hefore Torrence and I'rv fanned out. The fourth wim a hlank al around. Malon.-'s nut was on a pretty slop ot n linir by Lewi--. The home inns put on their batting clothes in the filth : hit R.igsdalc right aud left, the lirsi live men to bat lrettini! hits. I.mii 1 ib nli- ling. The score was tais.d liv and Sal isbury must have hei'ome alar. i.,d. A it -field and Uray came home for tin-viitors It Was ill this illllillir ; k'.i., ,;.!. mn off first before A'dhams got in the box after 11 loul. The big pitcher tb ew wild over first, who got the hull and put it to third, then it went back to Williams who went over to first 111 d Kaesdalc was out. I.iuis i.,.i ,,,.,,,,, put out ol Graham. Ill the sivth !s-fitil.v T n,,:..f .,! Stephens went out in order before roiicli itlfjr first. Two we?p m-ulH iv siliwl,.. making a tie. Gray m.ide the third out tiy running against Oldham's right and Stanley put him out at second. Here I ninne 1 hnms enlleil t lie iiimi ,.. count of darkness, all hough it was not I o clock. 1 hen there was n kick ship enough. The Asheville uhucra kicked and those who paid kicked, anil Kov caught it hard on every hand. To be sure it was cloudy, but no darker than it had been an hour before. Tl.e Ashe ville team knew not him' ulioni lh n.ll. iliL' ot the panic mil il alii r the 1 1,1,,,, uinu done, and the decision would not be changed. A "Guy" team was made up by some of those who saw the piece of game, and an exhibition game was given, with a guarantee to pluy Vi innings. Joe Slu dcr was in the box and J no. M. Camp- neu eaugnt, developing into a line lelt handed player. Lawrence Mel.ond hat ted and lid. MelntnrlV. Dr. l I I Hi and limest llolliiiL'sworth covered the bases. There were some M) fielders. Alter nni run hml ltf-, il.. !'.,. Hen Jones and Will rattcrson called the K e uu uecuuill 01 uarKUtss. Then the crowd came home, and as if in mockery of the stoppage of the game the sun, his face red with laughing;, cnuie out and looked down with a wink as the crowd rode in. The score : ASIIIiVII.I.U 4ND am n 11 r 0 a h llbllialii, e 4 O I 7 I 11 MeClunti, 1 b a 1 0 tl o o Stanley, . s 8 1 2 a y 1 Lanier, ft li 4, u 1 0 0 11 Stephens, r. f. -I a '.' 0 o 0 Voium, e. f. a u ;i 0 i 0 Williams, 3, I 1 1 I t l-'leteller, l.f. a 0 0 II o 11 Lewis, U li 3 0 It t .'I li 30 tl 13 is s 4 ausni-RY. l'b'vl,l. f. :i 11 1 0 o Malum- r. I. 4 0 o o o I Annficlil, 1 b 4 2 2 7 0 1 Cray, 2 b 4 2 a 2 li o Kngsilale, p 4 13 0 1 o Torrence, e .....2 1 O ,'t 0 1 Pry, 3 b 3 0 3 8 1 o C.ralmni, c, 1 3 112 0 3 1'uol, 8.8 3 1 1 o o 0 UO II 10 IS 8 II scoKit nv ixnini:s. 1 2 3 4 r, 11 Aslieville 0 2 2 O fi 0 tl Salisbury I 2 2 0 2 2 tl SI'UMAIIV Uni'iicil runs Aslieville a. Salisbury 8 Two busc. hits Lanier I, Vouiir I, Lewis 1,0 ru v 1. pool I. Three base hits ('.lalmill I Mimic runs KiiRsilule I. Unse on balls tiff Rims, ilale 2. Hit bv Williams 2. Struck out Ilv Williams 7, by Kngxilalc 2. I'nsseil balls Torrence I, (ililhntn I Sacrifice hits Fiord I. Time of Kaine 1 ;45 L'uiplrc Koy Williiiuis. ntamoud chat. The Salisbury's are a lot of neat limbed little fellows. It is not well to call the game when a score is tied. Willinms hud his strike out arm with him this game. The new blackboard is the thing. Faraday Reeves is the chalk artist. Knoxville defeated Chattanooga yes terday at Knoxville by a score of 13' to 12. Gray is an old player to Asheville. He pitched ngumelirre fur Stattsville last year. Jack Green, Greenville's pitcher and second baBcmnn, came up last night and will probably piny several games with Asheville. Mayers and positions in today's game: Asheville Oldham, c ;l McClung, lb.; Stanley, s. s ; Lanier, 2b.; Stephens, p.; Youn.c. f.; Green, 3b ; Williams, W., r. I.; Lewis, I, f. Salisbury l-'lovd, I, f; nrmncia, 10.; Kugsuiuc, i0.; V.rny no ; Torrence, c; Malone, r. f.; Graham, c. f ; Pool, i. ; Frank, p, fio Ratea Fixed Ilv The York M eel In it New York, June 15. The annual con vention of the Southern railroad and steamships association, following meet ings of the executive board which has been in session for the past three days was not called to ordir until nearly noon today. The failure of the executive board to agree to a restoration id rates has rut hern demnrnlion ll'.f ,,,, . I... convention and but little interest taken in its proceedings. Nearly all of the olfi cials were late in arriving and many of uiein mu not put in nppcaranee at all. 1 his was especially the case with rcpre- sciiuuives 01 soutnwestern lines. -' " " "v u,ui .III UU portant factor in the meeting of the ex ,-i.iiiiuri run EL'iir, ii.ta r,...,n .... uouru, nuu wno is general man agcr 01 the tjueen & Crescent route, leaves for his home in Cincinnati today. l ne general opinion is that Ihcassieiation will adjourn tomorrow and will meet again at the Oriental hotel, Manhattan oenen, some time next month. It is un dcrstood lint the ing to a settlement about rates is caused ny tne water lines from New York not ucing able to airee with the crn rOIKl.S III mml-il tn mte tn points 111 Tennessee and Alabama CHICAfiU TO HAVK A HI NI)Y No Ml ore n or Hliop To He Kept open ttu That Dav After 10 V M CiiiCAi;o,June ll'.-The Citv Council last night voted to stop merchandising on Sunday. Only the signature of Mavor Hopkins and the enforcement of the measure bv the pol:cc department ate necessary to secure for the Sunday Rest association and for the bodies of organ ized labor in Chicago thecsscntial p dnts 1111 ni icil Lliev 1 nv.' tiei-n rii,ilm , I.. substance the ordinance provides that : .mi person, iirui, company, or cornor ation, cither as ntiiieiii.i . .-1 , r,.,, t ,,11,,.... employee, clerk, servant, or workman, miuii Keep open tor business within tin city of Chicago any store or place for the purnose of sclliiiL' or rmnsiim fur c-il.. n. selling any clothes, drv goods, h its, caps, liirnisliing goods, icwelrv. boots. shoes, hardware, furniture, meats, or grocerits, or anyone or more of said articles, oa the first 1l.1v nl ib u-, ,.1, cominonlv called Sunday; also that no barber shop shall be allowed to remain open and do business after It) o'clock Sunday morning." The on ion nee nll,iu-a flip u-,l l ,.,io and groceries up to lOo'clock on Sunday mornings miring tile months ol June, lulv. August and September. New York sun. W AKIi KIHKBT COLLEGE liuporiant nusluesH TraiiHucted At TruHleeH' H hhIoii. Wakb Fori-st, N.C., luncl3.-"Class- Hay" exercises lirooerlv in.-i ikhi r . t ...1 tl,. 'Jth commencement of Wake Forest college. Hundreds of visitors arc in at tendance, livcrv train yesterday was literally paikcd. The trustees held a stsMou yesterday for the transaction of important business. The attendance was verv full. Th- l.".r!;,T 11 North Carolina are here, and no back ward step will be taken for this great institution, so long the pride ol the 200, 000 Baptists of X mh Carolina. 1 nc tending feature ot yesterday's ex ercises was the alumni address, bv Hon 15. H., ol the class of 1S77, ol Winston, X. C. His subject was "The Roy of the Old-Field School lias Shaped the Destiny ol Our Country in the Fast and Will Shape It in the Future." He paid a tribute to the great number ol useful and distinguished men who have gone out from Xori h (' address was pointed throughout. Kich- nioiiu iMspaicn. (ilHLS FLEE FHOnFIRI.. N.w York I'np-r Houses liurned Out. Ni-.w Vouk, lime lo. A fierce fire started shortly before S yesterday morn ing in the "paper ' district at Duane and Kim street and spread rapidly. The flames were not cut under mnii-,,1 ,,i;i the buildings were completely gutted. AO one was injured, but several girls were carried out in a fainting condition. I.oss by tire $75.01)11. The fire started in l.achman's wine place 011 the ground lloor ol Xos. 22 ami 21-1-1 ill street The liiiibli.ur i ,, .,., ., a six story building which extends from IT I ..s . . ... 00 ami 01 ijuauc street tlirougli to I'carl street. Nearly all oceiioiinln iverf. engaged in the patier and stationery business. 1 he llames spread into Mcr non Brothers' paper place and thence to the upper floors and to a building on I Vnrl street. In Tlw. P.w.l cf..,,i- 1, ., a. !:.... several hundred girls wcrccmplovcd, but they were nil hurried down to the street without mishap. 200 MINKHS KILLKU Terrible IMHaMer lu Austilun Milieu, Viisnxa, June 15. Five explosions oc curred in the coal mines at Karwin, Aus trian Silesia, during Inst nmht. Two hundred miners were killed mid a num ber entombed. The mines arc now burn ing fiercely. Tkoim'i:,U', Austrian Silt-sea, June 15. A disaster involvinir laa t( llin lo n c - ."on ,.iv 10 reported today from ICarwin. An pv. plosion ef fire damp occurred Inst night iu the Johann and Frnuziskn mines at that place. About 200 miners are said to have been killed. Moth mines were on fire when the dispatch announcing the rltfifisler wtia sptit Tim ,.,,a........ shafts were destroyed and the lire spread in nil rllfn, l.ina The rellriie nurtir whii-h .1i-a,.nt.,1 .- , . j 1. ... ... . ,,l,v 11 mu, one of the nits nt five n'eloek thio mnm. ing also perished. Belva Lockwoud Can Practice Richmond, Va., June 15. A Wythe-' villc special to the Stnte snvs: Itelvn Tnekwnnd bna flip nrlvilpripnl nmniiAln,, Inw in the courts of Virginia alter this date, Judge .Kichnrdson, who had the casting vote, having dccielcd in her favor this morning. YESTERDAY'S BASEBALL GAMES. National Leacne Olpvplnnil r. It 1, Ivn 4; Huston I), Louisville (i; l'ittsburg 111. New York 4- I'bilnHnlnblo r, r .....? , .. , - , X. 1 1 IV 1 11 ' natt2; Hnltimore 7, St. Louis (1, 11 in nings; tmcago vj, Washington 11, 12 innings. Southern League Charleston 0, Memphis 7; Nashville 5, Savannah i; Macon 2, Mobile 0; New Orleans 2. Atlanta 1, 10 innings. THE DESERTERS' PENSION'S THOl HANOH Ol' THEN CANCELLED. TO BE A UrclHloii That Is a Kef urn 10 Old and Well Nettled Practice Monet Illegally Paid Out Ilv Last Administration Washington, lune M. Assistant Sec retary Reynolds ol the Interior Depart- ment today rendered an important de cision which is far-reaching in its effect and will involve the immediate cane-lla- ti in of thousands of pension certificates issued under a ruling of the la't adminis tration. He holds that where a claimant for a pension has deserted from his first ser vice and enlisted in another and different organization and the War Department refuses to remove the charge of desertion or reeogniz: the legality of the second service, but lio.tls bun to be in a ctiutinu ous state of desertion, that the depart ment has exclusive jurisdiction of the legality ol the soldier's services, and until the charge of desertion is removed by the War Department, the claimant has no pensionable sl.-itim. This ruling is a return to the old and well settled practice ol the department 111 1 ne aojuuication 01 pension claims, and is a reversal of the decision ol the late assistant secretary, in whirl, it wtia held that a formal discharge from the Second service lermin.'itea flip nlnliia nl desertion and places the soldier, regard less of the record, in the attitude ol an eligible claimant lor n valid pension, 111 deoendent ol the net of M which provides for the removal of the charge of desertion in such cases when claimant shows himself entitled to relief bv its terms. While till tiintiv ,,'iiil I bi.c, ,, tics. ma r.n certilic.iti s issued under the ruling of the last administration cannot be recovered, the action of Judge Reynolds t Jav will nave 1 ne emit ol dropping the names id those whom he llolils have illen:illv oeen granted pensions. ATLANTA'S mi. 1.. 200000 For 1-Iik l-xniikhloii Next Fall. Wasiiim-.ton, I uric 15. The Senate committee 011 education and labor today unanimously decided to deliver the lalier report bill providing an appropria'ii 11 of $200,000 for a government exhibit at the proposed exhibition to be held nt Atlanta. Gn., in the autumn ol next year, aim decided to recommend that the hill be aooendeil to the atimlrv i-ivil ntmrn. priation bill as an amendment. M'nators uordon and Wnlsli appeared before the committee anil made addresses in advocacy of the bill, urging the im- tlortntlpp of I hp pvnrieitinn l.i'iri nap i ,f I bp opportunity it would afford to visitors 10 icnrn 01 tne resources 01 tne fiontii, and ol the recent development of that section of country. They also spoke of the crntiuuirv ot the section ot the Wei Indian Iands and Central nnil South America, with which countries the Southern States already have a trade that would, tiny thought, be strengthened and encouraged by the proposed exposition. The bill was stili scitietitlv reported to the Senate. BIHSK (lOChNltt Ohio MluerN HUM Nay Tlitv Won't Work. Sai.ini-vh.i.k, 0., nnc 15. The miners of this place held a large mass meeting yesterday and refused to go to woik Monday at 00 cents. Resolutions were drawn up calling for the resignation ol Mcllride anil n vote of thanks was ex tended to President Adams in reluming to sign the Columbus agreement. Camiihiimik, ()., uiie 15. About half of the miners arc now getting ready to resume work Monday next at fit) cents in the lieliel that 70 cents will be paid by next Si'litelnbrr. Thp .iii.r.,ti,-4. nr.. cleaning out the mines, getting ready to start. .Massii.i.un, Ohio, June 15 An efl.irt was made to wreck a military train last night by placing a tie across the track, hut the train threw the tie between tin rails and the train passed s.ifilv. Coal trains are moving today without the least molestation. II. & D NOLII Part ol The llrexel Morgan He oricaiilxiiilon Plan. Richmonii, Va., lune 15. The Rich mond and Danville railroad property ns a whole was sold at 11:30 o'clock to day to Charles II Foster and A. I. Thomas, representing Drcxcl, Morgan S: Co. for $2,030,000. Coxev and Hla Road Bill. Washington, lime 151. S. Coxev and Carl Brown of the Commonweal movement were granted a bearing by tne .vnntc committee on education and labor todav lo nik-in-tiep tbpir "f:.w-,rl roads" bill. Thcv urged the passage of the bill on the ground that if passed it would provide employment lor the idle men of the country. Hlrlke In The Iron MIik h. Ihonwiioo, Mich., lune 15. There is a probability that a strike will be inaug urated before nevl Monrlnv Hint mill extend to nil mines in operation on the iioge-nic iron runge, throwing 3,000 men out ol work, The men other than millers have rlpmnnflpil nn ito.i-iKiaa nl one-half dollar a dav. The Plaitue In Ilonu: Koiijt HoNii Konc, June 15. The health a ti the thoritics report 8 tlenths from plague today. CONDENSED TELEGRAMS. The Kct tiblicnn club convention of Nebraska took up the silver question out Biieivcn it wnnont making nnv ex pression. The Republican club conven tion ot Texas split on the color line. The ncuro lender mid n wliitn mm, bn.l n light on the floor. The President has gone to the Capes vt iiie e-UL-HiiiieiiKL' in erv nip emi-nptf in".f suit air as a recuperative agent. He teiKu to cruise lor several days. John Duke Coleridge, Lord Chief us tice of Unglaud, died Inst evening. William Walter Phelps is dying from tubercular meningitis. WE USE The unrest Jersey Cream tlrocn) ilb crui-lieil fruits, (Ka.-pbcrry, Str.-m berry, I'euch anil l'ilie- npple) ill serving our ib licimis ICE CREAM SODA M ym ain't iu ice iMcjiiii sodn t suit yulir tiistf, try ours, PINE-APPLE SNOW OR SHERBET l-ive cents pi t ubi heller. "We f-iu you while you drink." RAYSOR & SMITH, 31 PATTON AVE. Ojion evenings till 11 o'clock BEAUTIFUL FLOWERS Xola nd's Pond Lily FANCY PATENT Manufactured Iixprcssly For R. B. Noland & Son. Come anil Get our I'riccs on I'inc Flour Ilcforc Huying Flscwhe-rc. Tolcphono No. m. Tea For Suiihikm' Use. 0. AND 0. TEA. W. A. Latimer, No. 10 North Court Square. ORIENTAL AND OCCIDENTAL 1 Sole Agent In Ashcvlllt for 0. and 0. T, ': :-,.:'i' ' 1 ; VTv l vl'.V- . -':,V."Ai! 1 'i

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