THE ASHEVILLE DAILY CITIZEN. WE ARE XOT RUXElh STATE SEWS. THE ASHEV1LLEDV1L C1TUE miNTKD DAILY (EICKPT SUNDAY) AND 'KKKL SVBSCRIPTIO.S RATES: IOne Six Months Three Months citukn i line Mouth, in advance sc- (oue Week, paid to carriers '.; Tuk WKKtLV Ciiukn, Usucd ever Wednes day, iu advauce. It. FRIDAY. .11 NU H. lsu-i. ... oo ... DEMOCRACY IS IMMORTAL. TIllv WORD DEMOCRAT STANDS FOR liT MAN LIBERTY AND HI MAX FREE DOM AND CANNOT DIE. Zebulott H. Yuikc. Stkikixi'. miners coutiuuc to assault men whose only crime is a ilcsire to work, and they also continue to burn bridges and tear up tracks. Most ot the lawless acts occur in Ohio. Gov. Mckinley seems not to be ab'e to j;ras the situation wi ll the iron hand ih- nintiili'il hv this war on law anil order. and an enormous bill lor damages is undoubtedly piling up i" 'aver of the inimcd railroad eompauks. Thn nf I'vrns V. Field on Satur- .!,.. l. sives n voiil which it will be hard to till. He was a larie and maiiv sulid man. The American people, m then' H i.f little fellows in public lite, cannot jiil'ord to lose manv such. Haverhill Gazette. The Gazette is napping, li'e peat I'vi-na 1'! Ins been dead lotiu ciiom-h lor his brother, Rev. Dr. llenr M l-'i.l.i lo issue a most imcrcstliit: ni...nnri..l vnbitiie ci. vi-ritm liis lile and n-.irL. This is the son wh se caret i scareelv warrants I'.litor Wright's ciiliievi-SiiriiiKlui'l I Mass. I Republican. The Haverhill Gazette's blunder w astonishiiiK and unpardonable. 1 1 will not surprise anyone l.' leant that l'rentletasl was brought i,llu ..,,( In Chlmon Mondav and that all the attorneys concerned nrced to eontiuuatiee of the case to Scptembe The indie to enter the order lot a continuance, but he probably will, for the clear intention ol Uncr-M justice in this case is to let one of the most cold blooded assassins of modern times die ul old .inc. l'rcudcrK.tst has some sense. He demands a spicily trial aeeordin.u ti the constitution; but so lony as there is notoriety to be had lor one or two law yers out of his triipient appearance in court he will not be triid. Now that the charts ol E.J. IMuauls ol the 1'hiladilphia Press and John S. Shiivir ol the New Vmk Mail and lvx pnss have been shown Ik lore tin Sc-iak iuvestinatitij: committee lo he ground less, the two corrcsponduits oitjjlit to tell the nanus of their informant il there were any. If they do not nivt their names, the inleunce will now he that the correspondents iii.idt up thiir stories out of mere rumor. Edwards, in particular, should give t,lc ";"11C ol ll:t man who told him Have meyer, president of the sugar trust, had been iu consulta tion with President Cleveland, prisunn bly to have the latter use his iutluencc in securing an increase in the duty on sugar. This story is proven to be inah e'ouslv false, and lilwards should ex pose its inventor at once. "I.KT I t KK4SOJ TOUKTIIKB." I niou service t Tlie cvirxl Hap tlHt Church. Rev. J. L. White preached the sermon at the union meeting in the Fits', liaptist church last evening to a large congrega tion. He took lor his text the ltli versi ol the lstchnpterol Isaiah ' Come now, let us reason together, said the Lord, though vour sins b; as searl t. they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson thev shall be as wool." "These are wonderful words," Mr. White said, "ai d the first tiling that should impress you is that von should conic tonight and reason together. Hen is the invitation with the Lord's name signed to it. It does not mean tomorrow, but come now. ll you will not come tin fault is with you, not with God. He has called you and tl you do not come the sin is af your heart, not at God's leet. He wants us to reason togtther. The trouhlt with so-ne of you is you do not stop to think. God wants you to weigh tin matter. He appeals to the reason ol man. Conviction comes from the mind. "I need not stop tonight to convince you that lesus lives -you know that but wou d vim be willing to meet linn tuniuhU The moralist savs he is asgood as some church members and he will be saved. Thev know thev an- not telling the truth. Some ol them do not want to nive tin the world. Take a man ol the world who compares liimsed to any church member and he In.s some sin In docs not want to give up to follow Christ. 1 am not measuring you by nn v one tonight. I am going lo iviighyoi: bv the Ten Commandments. 1 here is not n man here who can say lie has kctit the Commandments perfectly. "There is oulv one of two things lor you to do you must cither accept Christ or von" must re Ilim. You cannot be sound if you are not spotless, but the blood of Christ ileunsts train nil sin. We have only one hopeuud that is in the Lord lesus. Friends, unsaved men, will you come to him tonight? II vou have nnv desire to be saved don't drive the Spirit awav. For, unliss you nre foruiven. you are n lost soul. Won't vou decide lor Christ ?" A number iu the congregation iirnsc in response to the invitation and reipustet that they be pravcii lor. Services at the First Itaptist again tbiseycninj? ut8:lo, The Way On'. l-'mm the IMiilnddpliiii Record. A duty of one cent per pound on sugar, raw and refined, would put $ W ,000,(100 per venr in the Federal Treasury. H would measurably compensate producers for the abrupt withdrawal of bounty. It would pull the claws of the Sugar Trust. It would retrieve the reputation of the Senate by delivering it Irom the bund of protective t.luckinailcts. This is the safe wav, und the honorable wny, out ol the coil in which corrupt schem ers have contrived toemneali Dt ni icraey. 4 Verjr Common Tblnii. 1-roin the Hickory Tress. It it a little bitol the extinordinnry that a firm of Star Route mail contrac tors out in Kentucky should get the contract for carrying the mnil on a route in Catiwba couuty, und then for a man of the county to hire liimjclt to these contractor at lets pi ice and run the risk of getting his money. Tliut-H Are Hard, But Not To An luprccedeuied Degree. Matthew Marshall, accounted one oi the best authorities on finance in the country, is ulso an optimistic philoso pher of cheerful word. In Monday's New York Sun he speaks ol the idle cur rency aciutmil.Uiiig at New Yoik and other uiuucy centers of the world, and refers to the low rates of interest, saving th it large sums have recently bien offered, without finding takers, tit 1 per cent, pir annum for three months; good tour to six niontns couiniereuu paner can be sold at Irom '."a to 3 per cent. per annum; and while cull money is nom inally 1 per cent, it is, iu manv instHuets, uuleiidable. The same conditions prevail abroad. s usual, notes Mr. Maishall, the comment is made upon this state ot tlnnes hv manv people that it is unpre cedented", but they either forget the past or have had no expeiienee ol it. So recently as 1SSS, for ixatnp e.caL money iu this market from the middle i t Mav to the end of July, lent at from 1 to J wteks alterwaril at from 1 to IU per o ill , 'vhile prime paper was quoted at tri m :i to 1 per cent In 1SN. call money, bom January to )ulv, was lent at u per cent., and tut older trust companies ol the city refused to take it at any price whatever. While, then-lore, the priscnt volume ol idle cur teiu-y and the low compensation paid for its use are unusual, thev by no means occur for the fust time in our financial history. Tin l.ipseol' memory iJ. Iiow-.vei , not surprisii'g. We are all liable to it, and the nunc so the oleic: we grow. While tlii. v last, cold weather is always the coldest and hot weather the hottest wi ll. ink we ever tnov, and nothing but the record tan convince us to the con trary. So, too, every calamity that happens lo us is the worst thai we ever siiflered, though we said the same thing ol the one iusl belore it, and will say it again of the next one after it. It is torlunate lor us that this is so. It we retained a lively recollection (d our sorrowstheiraceumtilated weight would crush us. As it is, we slia'i- off the i fleets ol one before we have to en counter another, and thus take them, as it were, in detail, instead ol having to ei dare them all at the same time. This trait ot human nature excuses, though it does not jnstilv, the l.imtnta lions thai we continually hear, especially Itom politieiai s and professional agita iois over the hate tunes. 1 liev are hard, to be sure, but they are not the liardist that ever prevailed, nor arc thev special proofs of deprav ity and corrup lion among our rulers and lawmakers. 1 was looking through the other evening what to a New orkcr is a most t.isoi natiii" book, the "Piarvof Philip Hone," published a lew years ago. Mr. Hone w as a distinguished merchant ol New York city, wlio, in lSL'n, when l.e was but I II v'ears ol age, retired Irom business with w hat was then ncconnti d a large untune, and devoted to travel, study, and a generous hoipitaiit y to ciniiii-ui Americans and lorcigucts. From 1S.-7 to ls.".l. the year ot his death, he kept the diary I speak of, and in it In set down not only a record ol events immediately affecting liimscll, but also lus ntl.ciioV.s and opinions upon mat ters and things in general. They an- all exceedingly interesting, but what he savs ab nit tie great commercial revul sion which bi-gtiu m 1".T and lasted until 1 -.",. is tor the present m iment tin most so. I resist the tt mpiiition to re cite portions ot his rent.itks, but any one w ho cares to look them up will find in them the sam deniin.iations of the cor uiptioa and lolly of the government, the nine complaints oi the i travagance ami rapacity ol private citizens, and the same dim:ii forebodings of t lie tut lire that we hear now. No honorary decrees will bcconlcrred at Wake Forest college this year. The report on Raleigh's public schools shows l.US.S white and 1,301) eolorul children enrolled; total, 2,531'. President Winston of the State Vni- veis'.tv will not reply to the nrticlis writ ten by 1'rcsid. r.t Taylor of Wake Forest ce liege. Among the cadets just graduated at West Point is l.olm S. liattlc (P." I of North Carolina. The class numbered I (Mid the figures annexed indicate the class standing. Trinity college is not to h ive a new president "until next August. This is the decision of the board of trustees. The matter ot selecting a suitable man to succeed Dr. Crowell is of such great im portance that it was deemed best todeler the matter for further dihberatior. lloiling Springs Relormcr: The lar gest weave product, over 40,000 yarns, ever sent out bv the King's Mountain mills iu one week's work was shipped lost week. It is but iusr to all bosses and operatives to say that the increase is due to tin- particular kind ol iloih or ilctcd and not, as might be supposed, to iny Miptrir mauaginient or activity. ItUW-cl Hv AlnaVan Indiana. Pout Towx.siisn. Wash., June 11'. steamer City ol lopeua. jusi niriveo from Alaska, brings word that the s .-ti ers along Hie Aiisiea eo.isi noun m Prince William sound have reported to the government authorities that there was intuuninciit danger of an Indian up lining near Slianknaii hai bor last i-i -nth. The Indians killed an unknown white iii.iii while coming dow n the coast and mutilated the boilv. Another minder is ri omted in that lieiuity. the patlieulats ot which are unknown. The settlers, in a letter to the government, allege that the government officers are nlrnii ol the Indians and dare not enforce the fin. A ri venue cutter was dispatched to the scene of the trouble with orders to arrest and bung to rulgmeiit Un guilty Indians. What a Woman Can Do Siif citti sny Ml ;iml slick to it lVr all time to cmiu. She can ls'n say NO in mien u low, sweet voice that it means YKS. She can haricii n tcuil pencil i! .you k'ic her tnouh )k mils. Sheenn liny meats nl James Wolfe's dtnll in the City Market, i nil delight lur hiisliunil's heart ami vnve lus i nre eccssiwtrain. A natural mineral water, rought from Saratoga Sprirgs iu barrels lined with block tin. Dr. T. C. Smith, Drujrgibt, Agent for the Springs. SOL'VEMKS, NATIVE GEMS, LATH) AHA WORK, WATCH WOItK, JEWELfit - MADE - TO ORDER. Mt:HAI. A WAK-ll I'N NORTH 1AKOI.1NA -.i:ms AT WOkl.irS MIS. REMEMBER WANT COLUMN i -Ual in hlun anil in. ike the 1.ii-uif a lu4y. ;iiitl Kivmn mil mtiie iilK llliill t ll U' ;ile aliU In Uivt t il- .tl at! ti: ARTHUR M. FIELD LEADING JEWELRY, MAIN STKliiil'. .-1 lit I'ria-. U t.iU ymii atlelllifll L oill line il -Inttv .utapU-il tni the v.-.tiiti. ;tnd k vou tncoisu ;uii Kk nl tiu in .iiul . v ii i yttiU'ull. A -tmc ItHiksm-at ail. I ills w II i- ull.iliu w.Mil allilyou IV 3II!SrlVlli: Al tl.e same time it intiiil be conlissul that in the ine.-ent juucliire in my things confine to mi. ike it lianl I r men to ne coin and lioielul. N-'t oiilv is Congriss wasting tine i.i inlet miaable debate oyer a t.u:l! wineh the coutitry I. mors to have agr.'id i p in one way raiaiih-.r. but too much evidence e sists h:it the del. iv is lairnoselv nrotra.t! d or private and selli;-li ends, in various parts ol the country thousands ul work men are b lh voluntarily idle themselves Hid murderously keeping those ol How workmen who want to work idle, while neither sherilV. governors or sol lieis are able to repress them, natu rally the bankruptcies ot railroad com panics and financial institutions are fol lowed bv those ol private individuals, mil the l:;t oitlniH grows longer dai ly dav. Utiropi is undergoing a like ilil.e-tion. Nevertheless, 1 still maintain that the world is not hopelessly ruined. and that we shall eventually eim rge stie cessliillv Irom our present troublis. As snivivid the clash ol W!7, nndthosc ol 1 s.".T. ltiu, l7;land IsTt. s-i shall we survive that ol I s;is and others yet to c ,nn Kriitiivk-i'M I' Hipiurl'l- I lulu tlu II. -t--ll '.'.:.i'.e. llre'ekiuiidge is ically gtttiiig loo bad. Speaking ol tile lait tlliil a repuiaoie farmer' wi'e had suit ll i 111 a basU't of lloweis, with n touching note in which he hoped that he would be successful in his race, he said: "Hut there is nothing strange about it, fur was not woman last at the cross and Inst ut the tomb ol the blessed Master, who earre to save jiia v such sinners as 1 ? Yes, sinners lire the onis who are loved, iiml it was lor llit-love ol siunirs that the Son of Man sullen il and died on the cross." It does seem ns if the more P.rcckinridge talks the smallir the chances ol his election ought to be. Vlcarlou Beuevolmct. I-i , on tin lliliall.ip lis Si-iitillil. It would appear from the ilforts to rtleasc I.eland Stanford's estate from the Government's claim, so far (is his gills to his university nre concerned, that this great bent factor had in fact been donating the Government's prop erty to his university. There is nothing like being a philanthropist with other people s money. Delightful, Delicious, Appetizing Mason's I'.y i.illi'i .tl .iit -ii.iv uht-ii in a-. nl Hua-l; pt'iin.l ivC. juunil; Sjioiif A-mUl Ha'.Is. iv, C.iniit r M..its, uc. Sull.iii.i I-' L'akr, !M'll, 'l)Utltl, iii'Hiiii, New Yt;tk imiiii. I, Vanilla Ciip. 10c. Vtmml, Cream Mi'.k l.niK'li. luv. (HSiiinl. ruar rianta-li-ii-, :oc. ".'Uiul; I.cmuti Ciacktr, 10c. l".iu.l, XXX. Sudu Crackers, 7c. tmiul; Kia'i'tiuii 1-lakes. 15 tt 11 Is. Til K I.ITTI.K STDRK AKOl'M) Till-; ;ClKNKK. No. 1 N. Couil Siiuait- iT.IA .. II T ANTED--Yitutnr 111.111 ilt-iics twwud i"m :iinl wile in private I'atnilv with familv cointiitlM. ut rcasniialiU rates. Can uivt1 1 i1 iK' i', AildiLss hitKrintr. cart Citit n. t-tnVa D In ouUt to intintliirf tmr v-rk ml siviirc auetit rvc rvwlu'if. we will Ivf a runt. vtt or pant tor nnv one in lit t'liilid States lire of iliatKC In spiulinn it imIi rrtui n mail, itkiiHi stud stamps lor n tuin pti?l,ii;t'. AiMrts llaniss Stt-am Dvr Work-, 114 South Illuimt strct-t, Kakih. N C. ('-14 il ;m WANT. an - Cnunl Siit.S Ued and Whic colors ol the Asheville llasiball Club ol our meat. 'A'. M. 1UI.L & CO. There's No Choice in Bicycles. The Victor Pneumatic tire has no rival. It is more durable than any other ami the inner tube can b re moved in case of puncture in less than five minutes. The only inner through the rim. tube removable All Victor improvements are abreast with the times and meet every requirement. Victors are BEST. OVERMAN WHEEL CO. BOSTON. NEW YORK. PHILADELPHIA. CHICAGO. SAN FRANCISCO. DETROIT. DENVER. Edison Phonograph & Typewriter Co., 1 i'.i.i;imioi: v.xi.t. to. SI lMTTO AVI'., ASHEVILLE WOODWORKING CO. Is Now Prepared to- Furnish all Kinds of i'A' A7-.V'. Aimlv to v."ltt KM NT- A STootn hoii-.r 3.. STAKN1 UiMKl jOiMUiMI IOK RHNT North Miiin A lorv store Ikhi-c ruimi siu-ft fltiil Merriinoti awmn' rp-aatrs suitahlt- tor t.itnilv. Aith to "-;iltl' T. MAI.I.UY. Vixt I!.nik. IoK KKNT--Dwelling honw corner ot Mei riinon avcnite anil innme ln-rt. l;or terms .ij.plvto IIKNKV II. STKVKNS, itjM4 tit f 5 ami 6 Johnston huiMiUK. IjVK kKST-Hou-e ol si r'Hini with niotli i 11 impiovi iiirnt-, mithotine lor srrv,mt. All in first cl:i-s condition. No. Cli"tiuit titct. Ajm.1v to K. II. Ill NT. rHulif No. 17 lMtlon Ave. T- I,:n c niitl citiivetnentiy arratmetl No. -, .Mcirimon nw. llt hum e)Ut wiiler with baths on two tliMrs. All niiMit-rn itnjiroveinenN. Location central, with lare. well shaded xronntU. Sttleinlul resilience (or la rue fanulv or iHtanUiiR Apply ti' M.jltl ' II. C. VMC. 1 K Kl-N'l hiniM'. Ni J. SI'AXdEXIIERIi 81.00 UK WARD Will be given lo llio piT.son lnukinj' tin; first conet uue'es 01 t lie miiiio ot tno 1ASTI.K RUST l'irtcl;iss IkmiImik Iuiiim'. i'i nlially liR'ali-'l. No. l.rnvc slrt'tl. 4 UhIU MRS. SCIIIKKMF.ISTKK. 1,'1-RNISI1K1 roxms for mil, with "r iiiihm itoalil. lit MRS. R. M I I RMAN S. .)l 1'ilH SI.. ''.-hI 1 w NfXt Il'iir To Winyall Hiuc. ii.RlINi; At nak Trrr.icc. 'il llilKidr slrci-t. ill t.i.'kMiit mountain i-Irctiu- cat line I.arr Kroiituls flinl pli-nl y tit h.i'lt- Term lloin s lit j; jit-r wt rL. u.llf ' MRS. M I!, llll.l.. t ownor of this space. (Jifsses W I POSTKLL, will be nuiuhcretl as received J mi. M cuu.kck struct. anj opunwi Mon.lay, June KNs.ItAVING. t, niiinnntatn-. ati-l ciphe etc. Suiivciiii ainl l.uul I. (.tli 1 111,1. cie-ls, Ma on uitl.l. siKer, peatl -mpe uiikj.i spici.ily MISS A. M. COLK. tl.atl- Willi A. M. 1'ill.l iivi-r rnvi:i.i. .v sMiiiiR s i;kucpkv. 1.1 1 1110 Smoke Red Letter clnaflH-all Bavano r HKOISXISO KAMA' t ) In half tlio luittlo. Don't wnit t for vour trnieli to run into Con- A. miinuiinn. i noli) anviivn iiiin- y fft of It. Tim ktiiis or wills of yuiimllsi'iise nre all nroiuul you. All Hint tliov want Ih nn limrt- ivo liver nnJ the wrnfulous cimilitlon tuut follows It, to do. vi'lop them. You need Pr. Florce'ii Golden Mulli'nl Dlwovory, iiom. to tJinmuirlilv tiurlfv vour IiIikmI, Imllil m niund. firm, hoinwt flenh, nnd ninke every wonk spot BtrotiK. It' curtain renieiiy lor tuo enrnor tagu8 of Consumption. rnimilirll. OMn, I)b. R. V. PiKHCK! Tkar Sir-Two of our hut rliK-tors lironounced my wise oonsiimp tlon. 1 sjiont nearly J.MI. nnrt wiis no bt'tt.-r. I concluiii'il to try th "Oolrten McillPnl I)l-cmi-ry." I boinrlit eight iMittkn, ml I n now my with truth thut I fix-l Jint well to diir nr 1 illtl at twenty-flve. nd run do Just iw Bond a day's work on the fnrin, although I nsn not done nny work for (overal yean. 1 pvo you au me iiiunns. . Truly, your trlend, liStluitli' o'clnck. AildrosH V. O. BOX (31. Winner Will He l'ublinlicd In The litizen. IoAkhl'!KS A nmnlier of uueslscan lie uc I coiniiKHlated with lir-t class ImkiiiI niul HKinnt at The Walilheini. .n Tatton aveti House newtv inrntshed thronuHont. S-i;dnno HOAKIUNC IH the dav or week. Tien-ant rtxnns, single or ensmie, neatly and coin i'ortaMv furnished, r.rateor furnace heat; hl and cold water, with lathH on two floors. 'n electric ear line; five minutes walk Irom con it suture. Term moderate. M K. h. I h K K VJ4'Uf H'l North Main street. 1?oK SALH Two draft horse. Applv ASHKVIM.K COTTON MILLS. InK SALK Donkev. harness nnd enrt al 1 t " i w vvi.' Uillillll. I". o-iidt! Duck Shoals. i watch and chain; chain Watch has full name em-raved on case, finder will le rewarded ly n turnitii; smie to Miss l-loreitct Stevenson, Home Industrial school. t I4il,;t 1 OST-A .small silv has Kiim's Daughter cross on it. MR. MARINO of New York. Tan, freckles, black heads, etc.. remove. I 1-aeial mas sane, with or without steam. Manicure Chimin) dist. (ulice hours lo to atul.Uoh ociiK'k. VJSdmio ft IIAII.KY ST Dr. C J. OliverosJ THE EYE SPECIALIST. WILL UK ul T Ul- TIIK CITY FOR A l-'KW DaYS. NoTlCHHiK 11 IS KKTl KN AIIOlT TIIK iM 0V TIMS MONTH. 4 TTKNTION of visitors a lid citizens of Ashe ville is called to Suttle's SuaiKe Mineral u-.itiT nn sale at 1. 1. Ittatltotrs slme store I'atton uve. Anyone desiring water delivered al their residence or place of business, will Diesis lenve orders at the ulnive tdacc and thev will receive prompt attention. Helivered daily fresh frmn spriiiK- l. U. St'TTLK, s-iMliin IMopiittor. RIAL Fine Church. Cabinet Work and Bank Fixtures Asheville Woodworking Co II. K :i.f1fM Tv.i.'j.honH KM BONANZA WINS AND LIQUOR COMPANY, Nos. 11 and 43 S. Mnin St., Asheville. 1 J JL I . i'.A h'l.i h' AM) t ';rT.s" MK. TOItACCO A V; V.OTTI.K r.tioit, S. l. VT Beer Vaults ad Wr Mfl'lmllr .s..n yi ;t 1 11 l.t rii i i-. -. Battling Department in the Basement. it n Share t Xmir i rron.-ift . ARQUARDT. Mop r-nr IN MOUNTAINS I F f OmH r.AROUl" a, Vr.RY SELECT BOARDING hOU s LORETTA HALL. HOT SPRINGG. NORTH CAROLINA. Uiecilent Table an'l Kins Accommoilatloni In BTcrr Htiinct H. M. SWAINE PROPRIETOR. AND BEST IN W 0 z 0 H (0 Ilr ware of iuiltaM.n Origin hL Mn!r only by Tajlor Ml,. ? NOTICK in the CCONOMV TPtVVltH(ll0A0 TOWIALTH' i JpticARtDOiupr NTS, iMrLOBMAHf 0C0.X 41 ff1 st.ioun. H X B I retr're j hcen 1 0 d lif mirf tu net tlie .. Ht. 5-GUltt. BOARD! VlnlloM und llunlili-m liu 11 art- iuvllcil to call on Mm. I'rcciimn nt tlic KHKle lluililliifi. (tt South Mali! Ktrci'l. xhI home-like nccomino dnllons at rcoMiiinlile pricct. J. J. HILL. Bonded Auctioneer, 40NOKTII MAIN 8TKKKT, I nm now iiti' receive niul wll nt pub lic outcry nil anil any kind of good, old or new. Having complicJ with the State law pertaining to the nelling of articles of merchandise, I re- Huectlully aoliclt connlgninent of goods, and promlM prompt returna on all aalea. Will at tend aalea of either personal or real estate at my auction rooms, before the court house door, or on the piemlaes, as the parties may desire. 1 will continue to keep In atock window shade goods and fixtures,' wood, willow ware, etc Don't forget the place la NO. 40 N. MAIN BT ASIIKVIULK, N. C. If. I.-'SMHKAI.IIA ISS-llicknry Nut Cup Tliirmni luit, wiicrc a tit- iuiv iiiv.r laim, 11 ili-liulitlnl drive over the Hlne Kiilm-, tlirnuuli M)iut- ol the most picturesque aci-tiery ill Nnrlh Carnlina, 11 dtHtaiiec of jo mite.s; fare for trip nnd return, fi. l-'or information renardiiiK cou-vevaiu-t-M. Iniiiirc of C, V. Stlkcleatlter, livery talle, ColleRe street, or at the office of the llolel llerkeley. Thermal llelt Development und Im provement coiuiianv. proprietors C. W. IIAKKKK, b-udllllo MalMKer. THE ASHEVILLE SHOE SHOP Under J, I, llrevard s Is the place to get your shoes made nnd repnlred. All work guaranteed. W. A. 1 OWNBKND, Prop. THE OAKS HOTEL Under New Maaagcmeat. New Ftttmltan. Nice, elaaa comfortabla rooma. Table excellent. Porter Meets all Trains, Close la town. On an Blectrlc Car LUe Beaatltal Locatioa. Hot and Cold Batba. Btctt Poawbl CoaTtaleaca. THE OAKS HOTEL, A. Pt LABARBEi MGR. N'OTICK Hy virtue of the power of sale con tained III n certain deed ol trust. lienrillR date the Mill day of June, A. II., lSyo, nnd ex ecuted tiy tue Asnevine i.tuin. u.nstruciion ami Improvement company, default hnvinu; Ik-cii matle in the pnyment of the IndebtediiesN in temled to lie seemed by said deed of trust, and at the request of thece'stui que trust, the under signed will sell by public nuctlon. for ensh, to the blithest bidder ut the court house door in tue ciiy 01 Asnevine, n. 1;., on hridny, tnc uni day of'july, Hsu, nt 12 o'clock m., the lauds ad joining the lands of !. K. Kecd, the land for merly owned by A. w Rich and others, contain ing tniriy-seven nmi two-tninis ncrea lie Die same more or tens, nnd the same Innda na tlcscrilied in aahl deed of trust almve referred to which is recorded In the office of Register or Deeds of Buticomlie county, In Imok No. si of mortgagca al page 41, 10 wnicn reierence Is sold In order to satisfy the provisions of said leett 01 trust, Tins nine nn, in. SAMUKL II. RKUD. 6-7dtds Trustee, r R. 11. WEST'll NI'HVE ANfl 11HA1N TKKAT- Ml'.NT, a spoclllc for lly.lertn, DUrluess, Fit. Neu rulitla, Heailnchi', Kiwoua frustration eaui'il by nkohol or tolween, Wuki'tulnpm, Mfntal liFpniaslun, sulleuinit of llrnin, enu'lnir Insanity, misery, ducny, ili-ath, fremnturo Old turn, liarn.iin, 1'imer in miner sex, lillin.t.Mlcy, t,i)ueorruea i wit ITn,i,i1m VVuuhnoKuii.. lnviilmitiirv Ijifes. tiDurtnft torrliiin caused by over-exertion ot brnni, He!f-abiisi-, over-IiulnlKi'nno. A mouth's tnwiuienl, l, 3 for S3, b) nisil. W III) each order for tt boxes, with W will send wrltlnn iiunrnnlce to refund If not cured. 3urnteel-suoil ny nirenl, tjrm ru.1.1. eures Hick HihuIiu-Iw, Hlllousue-, Uvor Couiplaliit, SiiurHloiuRih, Dyspepsln nud Coustluatluu. uuAHA.Nii.fcn Usui a ouiy uy T. C. SiuUh, UruKKlst. Public Square. Aatrviile, N C HkTnTICW llw virtue nftlie nnwer of sale mn. 1 mined In a deed of trust executed by ' R. I, l'itxtatrick and wife to D. 8. Watson on the .td dav of March, lfiyi, for the purixwe of aecuring toMra. I V, Cole the payment of one thoua nnd dollnrs due by nromlsaorv note of same date. 1 will aa trustee I having been substituted as such hy an order of the court. In placenfsnld watson, aa in sucn cases proviueu uy mw j oner for sale at tnibllc auction, for ensh, at the com I house door 'n the city of Asheville. N. C, on the iilh dnyol, iHi the following deacrlbril proerty, situated on the north side of Orange street in the cltyof Asheville: Ik-ginning on a take in the north margin nl orange street. Mrs. Cnrtmrl's southeast corner and rims thence with Mrs. Cartincl'e line north jcast in poles and i7linkstoastnke In an alley nnd w. H I nine's line: thence eaat with aaid alley and In toe's line 78 feet to a stake, the northwest cor ner ot I. W. ttchartle'a lot; thence with his line smith t west it mleaand 4 links to a ataka at Orange street thence with anid street 7. fret to the bei Ftlnniug. IAMKS II. LOUOIIkAN. .Trustee, VITAL TO MANHOOD. IkaiiiMfx run I Jill Ml "Hi inm rrrmMT RRllSH7Xl'II 1tVK(t.l .1.ici)f t- (hn tMtvT UMUH U tiartMiot ilio.l-'nii.i-UriD.ryttr. 1 inM to trf UktB lutuntaUijf. Whari AS A PREVENTIVE by tlttitrm U It imtitiUtotxwlrattt nny MivtrMi (.: ; lit In IheeMa of tlinssttatIyUrwitUM4TiLi Arrunir ilt..rk.M ati.l lilt. Mnsralia Sly Ity virtue ot "the jmwerof sale vested iMKler.'-i.iiiCiI itusiee hv a certain U ed ol tiu.-t exeeut. tl hy T. C. Starnes niul his wile, S. M. Starnes. on Hie i.Mh tiny of Dieein her, n il, Ur the tmttK). nt steuHiti' certain ntitt therein ileseriln tL wliich tlceil il inixt was P t imlnl in thet'thVc ot the Keyisler of 1-eeiN tit" HmientnlK' enmity 011 the nth tlav of lehnmry. iu Ik-U x. heuiiniiiiK'it hae to whieh iter iv lien hv inai e. nnd iletaillt IiavillK made in navment nl Mid notes, the under- siyntd at the rttjiu-st of the centm tme tiuM, will m!1 fur ca"h tu the hinji et hidder at the cnutt house dir in Asheville for the jsitiMaeitnu ol aiil notes, interest and cost-, on the jslhday of June, inj), at tj o'eloek nooti. nil of the undivided one hall' interest ol T. C. Htare and his wile, S. M. Marnes, in all of those certain pieces or iKtrrel. of lantl, or eitv lots, situate, lyiiifi nnd U-inx in Hi.- .nn nt v ot Miinronitie. Mate nt Nntlli taro- olina and in the eit v of Asheville, and hounded antl more t)arlleularly thscrilKil as lotlows; First lotIUinninn at a slake in the western margin of the Kiehmoud Hill road, the south east corner of T. J. Harlan ' lot, and runt with said Kit huiotid hill roiid south thirty degrees 11 ml hity-eiKhl minute! S w" 5V W) west three hundred and sixty two ,t) feet to a stakt; thence north eighty-seven denrtt-s nnd twenty four minutes (N fr7 W) wist etKiit hundred and twenty-one and one half feet tJib fl ) to T. V. raltnu's line; thence wkh T, V, I'ntlun'n line north ten degrees and fourteen minutes 1 N ioL iV Kl east five hundred nnd siEty'leet ( im IV) to Manson Melutire's smt Invest corner; thence with said Matisou Melntirc'H line unit It einhtv-seven decrees (S S7U K) cast one hundred mid tiitv-four icet 1 14 ft) ton stake in Maiisou .Mciniirt s line; inence stauu inret neureen trt W west with Mansmi McIutire H line one hundred nnd thirty-five and one-half feel ( i.yN it 1 to the said Manon Mclnlire's south' west cornur; thence with saitl Malison Mcln tire's line snuth eivjhty-si ven decrees (S K70 K4 east one hum! rid nnd ninety six und three- tenths It" t (nM li) U T. J. Hnrnairn north west corner; thence with said T. J. Hargail's line south three degrees nnd twenty-five min utes (S .V-' a.V W ) west one hundred nnd twenty fill uuiftl' to the northern ma mi a of Oreen street; thence fit n southerly direct lou to the northwest corner 01 lot th as mown on yaw 01 Sltirues, llaruaii St Co., made by II. M. Lee, C. 1'.., regislereu in ihxik 71 01 necoi nun ni jhihc a in the Reeister'8 ofticeof lluucomte comity, nmi runs with line of lot 16 south three degrees and twenty-five minutes (S V .V W) west one hundred mm loiirleen leet (n.j in to a wake; LADIES BO VOU KflOW DR. FELIX LC BRUM'S STEEL W FEKSYP.SYRL PSLLS arathenriitlnalaml only F1IHSC1I, nnfandr). liable euro nn the mnrki. I'rico il.UJ: etut ti niaii. (ianuine sulci oul by T. C. Hmlth, UruKKlnt. PabHe aanare. Aahe-ellle, N C and Onlum Habit eured at buiiin with tlriilarasvnl FRkH. anil WiioI.l.KY.M ll. AUaata.Ua. 0IUc1IMMWultabiUia IB thence south clKUtyalx deitrcca nmi tblrtv-livc miuutcalSWi0. K) east one hundred nnd ten fcet (110 liMon atnke; thence imrth three le. (imsnndtwenlv-live mlniilra IN j aj' K) east oiiehuuilrcilnnd lilty-fourlict (mill toT. J. liar Kan's line; south cinlity-sevi-n dciireca ( nf K) cast line liuiulrcd nnd seveuty-seeen feet 1 177 ) to the lK-iliiniiiu;, ciiutaiuing live and ouerourth acres (5'i) more or less. Bvcoitu lot iiciiiuniUK ai a sinnc in um east ern nuiruln of anid Riclinuind Hill road nt T. W. rnttnn's southwest comer and runs with said T. W. I'atton'a line -south eighty-six denrces (SH) Kl east eight (R) pol" aim lourtcen 1141 links to a uine; thence smith six degree (S6"V) west eleven (11) poles and thirteen (it) link, b a stake Iu tl" eastern lunrcln or said ulrl,mn.i.l lllll nmil: thence with anid eastern margin of snld nnil, north thirty-one nnd niiir.iirlh itroree (1IU(II west I'ourteen (ul west fourteen 1 14) liolen nnd one ll) link lo the begin ning containing thirty-one onc-hundrenth (M-too) of nil acre more or lea. The said two lota being the aame conveyed to T. C. Htnrnea nnd T. J. Ilnrgan, the third day of nine, IS90, ny u, 1 . nimrnu auu jcwcpninr n, Hinnni, ins wur, bij of the Register' J-xyUtfrt , Registered In book yo on page "solhceof Huncomtie 1 county. W. W. BARNARD, trustee. ...- ', Wd ittj iwett (-sdltuo , ;!.;