THE ASIIEVILLE DAILY CITIZEN. Wednesday livening, June 20 18U THE ASIIEVILLE DAILY CITIZEN rKlNTKD DAILY (SXCKPT SVNUAV) AMI Wt:Kk.l.l vS'f 'nSCKU'TlOX AM TBS: I One ''..x Six Moulin i Three- .M.Mlthi l ic IMIt.Y Ci ri.K j i Itu-Mi.utll. in ii.tvalice one Wi-cL. paid lo earners i.. Tiil Wkkkly CiuutN, iued ever Wednes day. iu advance, ti. WEDNESDAY. Jl'NE 20. 1SU1. HEMOCRACY IS IMMORTAL. THE WORD DEMOCRAT STANDS 1-OK II C MAX LIIIERTY AND 111 MAN I: REE DOM AND CANNOT DIE. Zehulon II. I'ant. Ji m.i: Ai.iiion W. Tot licm; lias with drawn as a cnnduUite lor Concuss in tlic Thirty-fourth New York PisUiit, because, lie says, the Kcimblicau paity is no longer di-voud lo securing the- m-jjni his rights. Toiua.' is not consistent. Why docs lie net into Coiii'im anil uioi in liis pari v '. !i -tin- Ui publican iiaitv lunl nr.isnl this iilca three yi-ars ayo it milit & t il I be in power : "Mckinley ouiM 11 t carrv a si utile Stale in the I'nioii upon the Mckinley I iv in lS'.n;, aial 1 believe that uiik ten tlis of the business hut. o! the count' v wi'l eciieuf with nie in the view that the MeKinlev tanll is not oiilv iticonM-ilciil , hut not in hue with l! v business senti inents of our people. We lost thee.'im ii.uii of ISP'J cm the MeKinlev law, ami we will lose that ol Is'.'liit that l.iw lit flic paramount issue." Tins was s.i'nl rieentiy hy A. 1,. Conner ol I ihio, ex tiKiuli.r ol the keniibheati National committee, lie knows what he is t.ilkint; about. A.N I n no K M. AC T l.rastns havini; heen conw: ol lorjerv of a p.u tienlarlv kind there is the usual amount of eomlolenei extended him by persons who do not See that their svinp.uhy is immoral and haiinlnl. A eiere;vm.i!i attended Winuiti in the Toh;i s inisan Suiuhiv and in his address before Wiinan and a Ma ill an il it lie e said : Munetinas innocent men have been indeed and h uml euiliv. as was tin blessed esus. These judercs theiuscl will siiiik dav stand belorethe bar o! the Almiedily." 1 lie on :n this is annul is a pure, honor able man and that the jury that touii,! nun guilty will be re buked fi'i their liiidin:: in tlic ease u !iei the v come "be! re the 1 i r ol t he Al mighty." .i won ler Wini an altei wards said it had been t he happies Sunday ol his lac. His conscience hai been lulled t i sleep by the e!ere;vman am Me was able to believe litttlstlt tile wctim ol a vile conspiracy. New Yoik is a ill y with enough of wickedness occurring dailv, hut it mav easilv lie doui.'ed i: a more harmlul, immoral art was done last Sunday than tins cliTiiyinaii was '--iiiiiv of. Instead of upholding the law and the riht; ins'ead ef laboring w ith Wiman to convince him ol the wror.i; iie had done, and briu,; him info a lit state lor repentance, he distinctly places the forger in th.' ranks of the martyrs, llisa ei iod thing that the administra tis o! t h ; 1 i a- i s seld::n id the hands of those whose simpatiiy controls their iiide.'ineiit. SUKTil CARdU.W MiYi Rev. 1 1 a las Cadi a "relorm" p 'lxr at is HOW Jlllbll: ..Hlivlllir. The sal.iriis of the Wake I'., rest l.:c tilty have b-cen reiiuee.l lo per cent. Hue grower ol b'ackbirric-s iu Wain coutitv is now shippii g lono ip.iarts daily. It is a vcrv pii litali'.e business. The rail oad commission lms begun -i ve:siuent it rail road, steam boat and ttli graph properlv. Tin re will hariby I e any ineriase iu the valuation. During the past 1 L' moiillis there has been little railroad building. The posii.lh.e at ( roerliu is continued, and a colored man to he n.iuii..! Turner will be postmaster. It is a oh ored village. Tiie la'e positnasu r, a preacher, got iu trouble for traiiiluk nt practices in .-onuietion with the s tic ol stamps. The weiklveroii and weather report is partially favorable. The weather is very dry in the central and western ois triets '"vd while there has been more rain in the easlei n disti ict, vet it is no; enough. The weather has been in ire laforable for cotton. Corn is doin-.' well, better Ulan cotton tianlens aiC suffering greatly from drought. The wheal harvest is neatlv over and thresh iug has begun. The yield is small hall a crop. I lay will be a large one unci well cured. For the western district, the weather during the past week has been quite warm and would have been very lavorable lor growing crops but lor the prevailing dryness. '.W. M Kliclilu Nut at Kt-Ml. , Uel.loll lorrcspniiil. nee' Kieliinnll.l lli.-p.u. h. Captain W. II. Kitchen was heie Monday en route to Louisbuig to take part in a Third party meeting. When asked what he would do should the Third partv people put up a candidate lor Congress in this district who favored government ownership of rail roads, sub-treasury, and other wild J'oplilistic ideas, he said he would see him in the internal regions before he would vote lor him, The truth ol the matter is Captain Kitchin is as good n Democrat today as he ever was, but he is trying to delude lnmsrlt with the idea that lie is a Populist, lie will soon pull out of the uncongenial company, bossed and whipped into line by Ilutlcr, unci then "fur will lly," An IutercHilitx Woik. l-'iuiii the n.intuti Transcript. Ililtmorc is notable lor being the first piece of woodland iu this country to be placed tinder full, systematic l-irest np.n nguiient. The work thus begun bv Mr. Vunderbilt is of most interesting and valuable character, mid bids fair to be of vnst setviee to the cause of prncticnl forestry in this country, which, though needing it badlv, is behind nearly every other eiviliz:d community in its accept unce. A Pellow-Feelluir. I rom the Washington Slur. "I do not know of any thing," said the voung woman, "that troubles me more than Sullivan' 'Lost Chord." "Well," laid Farmer Corntosscl, .''I certainly kin sympathize with Sullivan. Somebody' been steulin' wood from me fur nigh onto two year." AN ABHKVII.Li: t Vtl.OM'. ChuttuiiouKit Oa The ledKe Of It WHlerduy. The Ashevillc baseball pl.ivcrs ilid uothiii;; but make a box of monkeys of the so-called sludgers from Chatta noojj.iat Allamlalc yesterday afternoon. There was a lair crowd out to see the Kume, which was as uninteresting, as a mutch, as lias been seen here in years. It was, however, a splen did exhibition of team work on Yshevillc's pit t bit tinji, running and fithlinj;. The visitors optued with Oil-' lard in the box and there was a Waterloo iu the first. Ashevillc cot 11 men to the hat, took seven hits and scored six men. Harkins and Dillard swapped first and pitch in the second, ami the locals picked out what they wanted. Chat tanoopt was shut rut six straight. onW IS nun K"inn to the hat. In the seventh Jumbo l.itz relic feel Tan ner behind the bat, and the crowd had part ol its jaoitey's worth iu cheer- i.ij; linn, inuilaiu Kept ins weaincr eve open and ineielv tor luck kuocKcu the ball over rijlit Icncc for a home l tin. The homers got one and shut the men from what Kuoxvillc papers call the 'Deserted Yiihige" out in the eighth, then in tile thiee to round up their score. Seiters t ink the box in the last and he v::s hit iast as his predecessors were. Ch.ittano, ga got two runs before the cake walk eio.-ed, and the crowd g ive a long call lor Averv s Creek and teams ol that class to come up and I'ciincsseeaiis. plaV For the A-hci!lc bov .core will reward pciusal: .mii-:vii i.ti. A i; it i .I,! 1 ii il Mee'liio, e T J Mi-piu'iis, a ii a a ucord l aule l iini'-r, 1.' !. Wiilimiw. i . i ; J a l 11 ,.,-wi. i. c r. i - l o o ,-.T '.i ! l:t 1 . 1 1 A I 1" INl'l i, a . 2 1 a l i a i 1 M-iu-rs. a I. I 1 0 - o Niel.liil. 1. I I I 1 1 o I Ih.Ww. e. 1 4. o a U o 1 I ii:i:ital. p .V I h 1. (1 o 7 1 I XK IIOIIMl'l. . .'I O (I O O 1 si. i.. r. i a o o t ii o lmm-r, e o o I t: o Ihokiils. 1 h ,; p. a 0 0 1 o -, J . . 1 o 1 o .1 o .:i a a L'7 to in tM. I .' A.lievil e'halla o o u 1 M li M UV - 'ivvil!c 1o. e li.iunuoi nfi - I.. miir. Time- Ijn-e luls n-.:, r.rcui. Stanley. II lP -. l.lli.lMi stolen Me IV i.a-r 1 ' il.lluim llonu e'inan 1 Sln.h.'iis 1,. u is 2. Nick in 1. Bi.i--( ill. .reril 1 . oil 1 1 u rkiu-. S'.riuk t'.iioi o. ty liarlon' 'J. ':.-'. a iimir 'J. I i.,l,i- rail lor imi '. an, haij .in lia!l out he i.i:- fa !a.M 1' e'liainplair. Tunc A tier I lie I.uoilHllitt'. The gome gave Ashevillc good batting practice. Kuoxvllic will be iiiteresle.l in this A eek's scores It looked vcrv much like a complete shut out for a good while. Charlotte defeated Greenville at Green viile Monday, score S to Green, dt spite a soic arm, pitch. d a good game, lie's a player wortn hav ing. Aslie vi'le is going to Spartanburg lor a series in Jul', , soon alter the Kno.xville games. A spectator told McClnug vislerd.iv Ho cents was too much lor such a game i should be 10 cents. "Me." replied: "We give you u quarter's worth, the other fellows arc the 1 0 cents crow d." Flayers and positions in todav's bare hail game: Ashevillc Oldham, c; Mc Clui'.o, lb.; Stanley, s. s; l.'.mier, lib.; Stephens, p ; Young, e. 1.; Green, l"i.; Wi.liams, r. t.; I.ertis, I. f. Chattanooga A. Lit,;, ''!.; Seiiers, 111).; Niekiin, 1. I.; Dobbs, c. .; Dillard, lb.; . I.itz, s. s , Stone, r. I ; McDonald, p : Tanner, e. The Salisbury Herald eomni 'iitirg on the Ashevillc Salisbury games sins. "The visit was a pleas-'itt one and was very much enjoyed. The Ashevillc ball plavers are the bist our bovs evir saw. i'ia-y nre all sK.-tit men, wh.) play the came lor nil there is in it and ate the heaviest kind of sluggers. Salisbury's weak point was in the battery, which could not ke. p no wii the hits of Abbe ville's henvv batters. The fielding of the team was splendid, excelling that of the Aslievi'le team or ot anv other team that lias iilavcd on the shcvillc diamond tins vear. The light batters from here could not I. it the swilt and d.e. plive curves of Mephens, I.aniir and Green and could not do anything with the stick." A CurloiiH DlHUNter The peerage never fell so i.isastrously upon anyone as on Dei carl Coleridge, the oldest son of the la eChiif justice. Il meat s for him the sudden ilose of a most proirasiut; career and prncticnl ruin. Ilis tathct's estate is woithlcs than $10,00') iiiiratallf, which is utterly inadequate to li'.c dignities of his rank. The new peer succeeded in developing a most stiecesslul prr.c'.iic as a barister. He must abandon this because lie Incomes, nolens volens, a member of the House of Lords. The theory is that every member of the upper house is n judge ol the highest appeal court, and cannot thcrelorc appear as an advocate in that or anv inferior court. I.Micliiuic I Wrouu I' tlic J'.apti-l e'ouriir. We da not believe ill lynching at anv time nor for any crime. There is absol utelv no excuse for the lynching of a negro; it is easy enough to get convic tions in our cjurts. A negro seldom escapes when brought to trial. Convic tion follows if there is stillicient evidence, and the sentence ol the court isin almost every case executed. Lynch law does tint rereive the sympathy and sanction ol the law-abiding and (he best clement of our papulation. The lynching in Smith Carolina is generally clone by the same kind of men who lynch offenders in Ohio and Massachusetts. Mrs. Mahtiu Jane PniNOi.n, of riiiut, Jitrtiittm Co., If, Vd., writes: "Having tieon a great suQferer for muny years with ni urly t-vcTy uitM'HBi, my wx is heir to, 1 inn now my I am well mill hourly. Hiivo (loun nioro Imrel wurk In tlie innt yfsr, mill with moru eumi, tluin 1 linvv iluuo fur twelve years. fli fore ciiimultllur ynu I was ttio liiiwt wrcieh 'cl iinuinu women, un nbln to walk or sit up In tieil, nnd now 1 nws my gnnd health all to Dr. I'lPrce'B I'avorlto l'crsorlptlon. 'diildcn Miilleal Diseoviry' and Toilets.' I galnnd Mrs. riimout. twplvo pounds while using the first buttle of 'Pnwriiillon.' ... I send vu niy plcturn tnnftlirr with my most lii'iirilVIt llinnks. To any one sufTerlng us I did who wants to know the particulars of niy enso and who will send a stamped en vdnnn with nanio and dUruss on, I will write particulars." Til IS K OF IT. l-lulli the- ll.ivsville Home'. When the people put the Republican party out ol power by the election of C.rover Cleveland the fust time, the cx penditiites of the government had in creased to such ail enormous amount as to become a public scandal, and the treasury wis exhausted, I'lil'ortunately lor the country by the debauchery of the ballot by a large cor ruption fund, Cleveland was defeated iu the election for the second term, llefore he retired, however, though the Senate was Republican, be hail reduced the na tional expenses of the government and restored the national treasury to a sound condition, leaving n large balance to the credit ol the government and the country in a healthy prosperous condition. The Republicans once in ire at the head ol affairs, the carnival of waste and extravagance was renewed with greater intensity tlic election cor ruption luiid had to be icpaid, and polit ical sinecures we re created to reward the rascals win aided iu the restoration ol the reign of pluudct ; so tar did Ibis go that the Congress before the last under the Harrison administration wasdubhed the llillionaiie Congress. This body ol rascals fastened upon the government appropiiations to eunrmoin ion units that it is impossible to get rid of. and which, the present licmrcratic minimis tration must lit.ct until their time ex pires as the faith ol the government is pledged to thefii'lilliiient'of the contracts upon which the appropriations were made; but the Cleveland administration is hewing out all sinecures, and cutting down all snpcriiumcrarv wuik, while reloi in in the reduction of the expenses in all the civil departments ol thegoveru tucnt goes bravely on The Republicans had again swamped the treasury, and undone the four years of Cleveland's administration in restor ing il to soundness. This is not by any means the full measure ol the pirlidily of that partv il lei t the country a financial wreck Maine to Florida, and Irom ocean to ocean; and today it is Republican treacherv, hedging and deiav, which is preventing a mure rapid return to business prospei it v thev hope by so doing to regniii s.uii.' ol'lluir lust ground an. I by that mams to swii,g back into another lease of power, to re iiiaugurate their reign ol plunder and corruption. Woe to this country, if, hv the blind ness ol its people, the Republican party ever obtains the reins of the natioral administration again. Smoke Dorter's in xture sinoking tobacco SOl'VKMKS, NATIVE (JEMS, LA L'IDAUV WOKK, WATCH W015K, JEWELRT - MADE - TO MlliiAI. .UVAKIi ll' MIKTII l AKl.I.IXA ItMS AT'S FAIR. ARTHUR M. FIELD -EA DING JCWELRY, M IN Sil KP.iir. ;. .j. .;. . .. . ;..;..!: : -J- i- : t Delightful, Delicious, Appetizing Mason's i.r.oi.on v.,kr-, 15 eeiit jur puun.l: Milhi.iiii-. .... eelil nr piiun.l; Suiliina l- t uil Cke, 15c. Iieiuut; Sliolle lie -est, IX-. pulnul; A--.-01 teil Ilal, l.c. ,J, iKjiuitl; New York t'.iUiier Snaps, loc. . poniiil, Vanilla Crisp. 10c. pound; Cream j Milk l.iiiich, loe'. iiotitul; SiiR.-ir 1'lant.i .;. , tb.'iis. ioc. pound; l.cinoll Crucke-rs, 10c. 4 ,3. iKuiml. XXX. Soda Crackers, 7c. puun.l; A Kecel.tioll l-'lakt-s, 15 cents. I- Till-: I.ITTI.K STORK AkOPNO "J UK .COKN'KK. I W. J. POSTELL, j r ! NO. 3j COI.r.KC.K STKKKT. 4. Why? I ive v.-ai ago few pc'tsuii:. ill America li .d iiv.i: I ol' EtuiiJosi';- Tonic E.iviT E'iH: and ItalHOtl'S 'i'o2tio relicts. To-day they a:c mid i 1 '.hou-atid . of households. What Isu willed this ehjn;; ? Four di.lcte'.it t'liags. , Tliis is not simply a liver pill but an cjsilrc ircatiit-'ut. II isuc ita;,!.lc Mil.itilalu for a p'jyui ti.rt i l lucr l:tulilcs. ii. It c nds t.itly 2jc, v.beii the m'i.v m M i;;,'s if purshusut s'niralily vio.,1.1 c.)..t 50 1 7,-,c Jj. V 1 0 rcaicdy w jiks gently mid not vi..l..,.iil'.'. Jt d.-iM not arouse n feeling of wciikiic is hut makes you feel steadily better from the first day. t. It i 4 (ii'xhthjh.u mi ri. Sick or well, il e.1.1 not Iu n ba 1 tiling to take, nt it imrifict llto blood ami tones up the w hole sysletn. Why i'i;t liv it tlniio occasional headaches? It will stop them, SOLD IN ASHBVtLIB BY R,, T. O. SMITH, Wholtiale sad Retail, W. C. CARM1CH ART., WORTHBN ft CO HUINTSH & RBAOAN, RAVSOR At 8M (TH SMOKE Porter's Havana Mixture THK I1KHT BM0KIN0 TOBACCO ON TI1K MARKK'f. PRBB FROM DIRT AND 8TKM8. Fine Haywood Southdown lambs. Fiue corn led cuttle, l'iuc veal. Fine hone meal makes 'good perfect eggs, and 110 discount for growth of any vegetable or grain. A ierleet cold storage, meats can he kept to any age. The best breed ol hogs in the country. Carelul attention to all orders. Telephone l!o Stall "A," City Market. JAMF.S WOLFU. BUISTS TURNIP SEEDS Aro fiinioiiH throughout the South for ".rent purity nud fine quality. nhviivH certain to prow and pro duce the liiufit roots. Call at Dr. T. C. Smith's Drug Store and get a Hupply for the Hoanon's planting Huta Daga, White Flat Dutch and Purple Top, ali fresh from Buist. AN IMPORTANT P.irt i'l a shot is the insole, It's the mi M'fti ji'ii t mill fur that irasuti thu plairc they V.iinp ami theapcii it. Our mt iis jiht'o raii;e in ;.rii:e from ft js to Aiulcvct y jiair lui-. a leather iu-olc. If u.uit tliitt kind in yutir shut!, tliir is a kooiI place to look them up. One price, that means a lov one. Cood txcli.inyttl or nuiiicy reiuuiUil. u can ilo a site luiiii'.s?, htic. l'.uuI cheerfully shown. J. SPANCENBERC NO. i N. COl Kf SO t'AKH. Dr. C J. Oliveros, THE EYE SPECIALIST. Wl I.I. Ill-; OI T 111' THK CITY FUR A l-I-W Il.vYS. NOTICM I-'UR HIS RKTI K.N AIIOUT Tllli J.M OH THIS MONTH. 33 O -A. 3R. ID ! Visitors nnd llusiiies. nu n arc invileil to call on Mrs. Freeman al the Kale P.uildiiiR, (6 South Main street. ool home-like accoiniuu- lalionsat re:iruuaUle prices, 3IODEL STEAM LAUNDRY CONTIMUS TO SfSTAIN ITS lvSTAII- I.1SI1KU RKI'l TATION FOR HRST CLASS WORK. Church St., Telephone- 70. ENGRAVING. Lettering, crisis, stain, monogram and cipher on gold, silver, Marl, etc. Souvenir and laud- cnpe workj.1 upccinly. Miss A. M. Cole, (Late With A, M. Field) OVliR l'OWiaC BNIDKR'S GROCERY. 6-i,ulimo Gun and Locksmith. AM SOW PkBPARBD TO DO ALL KINDS OP WORK IN THIS LINB. ALL WOKK OVARANTBBD. SHARPENING AND RHPAIRINO LAWN MOWEKS A SPE CIALTY. It .A-. XXedriok HO. I i. WATKR BT. ; WANT COLUMN IC.I.V77-.7). T.,NT1-!I tolmrruw vmxiom itlmut so acrt-.sol clion-e ami :it Sit n hui Snrinus. OltU-e. w ANTl-;i)lt".t r.-irt-wilt be tnkt-ll of tii.illt ur lis HHf liv rtsuoiillilf inliill. A.ldrt-s.. tlTI.liN Oi l le i:. ll.WTKO tu rent vacant htorc house jm. P.U ton avetuit'. Aimlv at tM'ut wi-sf KNUiiki't; stork. "lyANTKO A l'tion hy n rej-i-teml ilrut; utst. ( veals exoerieiioe. cm turiivsh reler ili'f Address "11KM ATul,. ( i mI i v Pittshoro, N. C. VANTKD Am upstairs rooui, well lighted, on or near the square. Address "IV ld.U Citizen Oilice. rAN"JKIi--A nicelv fuinislu-d house, with tnoilt rii eonveiiieuces. lor the Mimiiiet iitmttliH or ! miter il rent i lieap. A larye house nith well shaded liround prelerrnl. AMress RKSIDKN'T, if'ilri Cilien Otiice, lvl- Putnls in KuhHsIi Literature, in, Grt-ek or Hetirew. I will also pre- are stirh nts with special reft reuee to any col ee or I'niversily which they may ilestre to en CI. W. I-,. K 11.1,1 .NS, -imIiw i;5Chestuut St, XrANTKD In order to introduce our wotk w nnd secure agents evervwhere, we will Ive a coal, vest or Hants tor nnv one in the t'nited Slates free of charee. In scndinir cixuls iy return man, please semi stamps lor return ptisiane. Atuiress narrnM Meant 1'yc woiks, 314 South Blount street, Raleigh, N. C. 114-niu 1)R KM NT A 5-room house, Knd hxalion Annly to 10 STARNKS AVK. 1JHK RKNT Otiice No. 1 in Johnston huildin: over Racket store, S. V. corner Pulilit Sinare. THUS. U. JOHNSTON. (-i(h1-'W IOR RRNT A $ story store North Main street and Merrl house cornr Merrlmon avenue I'pstnirs suilahle for famil). Apply to i;dtf T. F. M AMOY, hirst National Hank. IOR RHNT Dwelling house corner of Met rhiion avenue and oranire street. For terms apply to 1IKNKY B. STKVF.NS, Hpu mi s atiu o jotinstou uuiumiR, IOR KKNT House of six rooms with ma imnrovemenls. outhouse for servants. oJlt-rn ininroveiitenls. outhouse for servants. All in first class condition, No. Chestnut street, Ainu v 10 e 11. 1 1 l in 1 1 6-udtf No. 47 Patton Ave. IOR RKNT Larue and conveniently nrrani: A house. No. 6i Merrimou nve. Hot and ctili water with liuths on two floors. All modern improvements. Location centiai, with lark well shaded grounds. Splendid residence I larpc family or lionrding house. Apply to? IcluSdLf 11. C. FACO 1 1ASTLK RKST First-class honrditiK house centrally located No. 2-t drove street. 4-ioiut MRS. SCHIRRMKISTKR. BOARDING At oak Terrace, street, ou Lotikmit mountain of Hillside electric line. Larue trruunds and nleiitv of shade. Terms from $5 lo J; per week. 6-i.vUf MRS. M. K. HILL. HOARDING By the day or week. Pleasant rooms. snn:le or eusuite. neatlv and com lortably furnished. Grate or furnace heat; hot and cold water, with haths on two floors, on electric car line; five minutes walk from couit siiare. Terms moUerate. MRS. S. TKKRY. ,V-i4dlf 161 North Main street. hL''HJ;AH:Ml'J IORSALK-Twortrnlt linrc. Apply ASIIKVII.I.K COTTON MIU.S, IoR 8AI,K Donkey, liaruemi ninl cart nt tuirifuiu. K. W. NVK. b-iultr llnck shoiils, WATCH RKI'AIRINC.-Wnlilics repaired fliljusU'd ami reKiilaleil. ('.iveniea Iriul Work Irom the trmle Holicited. S. I). DOYKIJJ. S-iSdiw Al l'nttoii avenue. MRS. MARINOofNew York. Tun. freckles. ill. blnck heads, etc.. removed. Pacini ma- sage, with or without Htenm. Alnnicure Chiro;iu nisi, oince nours 10 10 i aim 3 10 o o-ciock. 5-jmIiiho joIIAILKY ST. 4 TTKNTION Vor rent, delluhliiil residence ' north of Female College, 8 rooms, city water, gns nxiures, wnierciosei, aunuy inwu. corner i.ocusi ana wootuin sireera. addiv 10 Apply 1 0. K. ATfclNS. 6-i6diw At The House, F)R BALK CHHAP Iluggy and pair horses. Urlv In tlnnlil,. or sluirle hnrneHS1. One of the horses especially auileit to ladies' ilrlvlnir. The other a fairly good saddler. Sold sepnrntely nr logemcr, sav, K. r. t.iriritr,i,i., 5-lSkllw ll.l Chestnut street. ISMHRALDA INN-Ilicknry Nut Cap. J Thermal licit, wtierc the dew never ftitls. s detlchtful drive over Hie lllue Ridire. throtiEli some of the most picturesque scenery In North Carolina, a distance of jo mites: fare for trip and return, s.v ror iiuormnilrjn rrgnnung con veynnces, luipure 01 v.. w, miKeieiuner, livery stnlile, College street, or at theofficeof the Hotel Berkeley. I hernial licit Development and nil- proveuiem coiiUMiny, proprietors. C, W. BARKER 6-lxllmo Manager. TVTOTICK Hy virtue of the power of sale con-i-l tnined In a certain deed ol trust, hearing dnte the mill dav of lime. A. I).. iHuo. nnd ex- ccuted by the Ashevllle Loan, Construction and Improvement company, default having been made in the payment of the Indebtedness In tended to lie seemed by said deed f tmst, and at the request 01 tne cestui que trust, tlie muter signed will sell by public auction, for cash, tc the highest bidder at the court house door In the city ot Ashevllle, N, C, on Friday, the nth dav of lulv. im. at 12 o'clock m.. the lands ad joining the lands of I. K. Reed, the land for merly owned by A. w. Rich and others, contain ing thirty-seven and twn-thirda acre be the same more or lino, and the same lands as described in aald deed of trust above referred to whlrh Is recorded In the office of Register of Deeds of Buncombe county, In hook No. 91 morion ves al Dane ai. to which reference mad fort full description of the as roe, nil sold In order to satisfy the provisions of said aecuoiimsi. inisiuiicDtn, 114. lAMUKL U. BRED. 4-Tdtda Tniatet. Don't Sit 011 Custard Pie VICTORS are Standard Value. The standiml price of Victor and Victor riders arc guarautecJ njainst OVERMAN BOSTON. NEW YORK. PHILADELPHIA. CHICAGO. BAN FRANCISCO. Edison Phonograph 31 1MITOS AVI!. ASHEVILLE WOODWORfflG CO. Is Now Prepared BUILDING Fine Church, Cabinet Work and Bank Fixtures f1-nn FOR Asheville Woodworking Co. n. KauffmHii, Supt. BONANZA WINE AND LIQUOR COMPANY, Nos. 41 and 43 S. Main St., Asheville. XT"l A 1 WHOLESALB DEPARTMENT. GENTS' JlX J L. PARLOR AND RSADINO ROOM. CIGARS. TOHACCO AND DOTTLE GOODS, SAM- Tf AH PLB, BILLIARD AND POOL ROOM. IX J tfcOs Beer Vaults and Bottling ll'c A'l-sm tlully Solicit a Share ol Your Patronage. P. A. MARQUARDT, Manager. Main Emriiuce, No. IS. IN MOUNTAINS OF NORTH CAROLINA A VERY SELECT BOARDING HOUSE LOR ETTA HALL. HOT SPRINGS, NORTH CAROLINA. lixccilcnt Table and Pine Accommodation! In Brery RetfKct H. M. SWAINE. AND BEST IN H (0 w 0 0 0 d (0 llrwarc of Imitations, lie sure to net the original, Made only by Taylor MTg. Co., Nt. Louis. VITAL TO MANHOOD. Dii. R. o. WKST'S NKRVB AND BRAIN TRKAT- M KMX. a nunolno for Hysterin, DlEZinoRS, Fits, Nou raliria, II on. Indie, Norvuun frontrHtlon chumhI by nloiiliol or tImcoo, Waknfalne, Mental loprpiMnn, MuflMiiiiikT of llrnin, nusin iufanlty, inlwrr. dwouy. rowftr tn eltUr aox, Irapotimcy, Leurorrbwn and all Female Weaknetuwa, luvnluutnry Iwsw, Hpvrmn Icirrhcoa cawed by overexertion of brain, Helt bane, OTer-Indultroncit. A inuuth's trtmlment, It, 8 for W, by mail. With each onlwr fnr6 boxen, with fa will Heml wrltton cunrrnn to refund If not cured. UUflraMHwiri'meii iiy lurcnt. wrais MVKKriMis ourenHlrk llffttlufho, ItlUouutMH, J4vur Ouiuplaint, BuurHturaiu'h, lyttptpla ami Cooatiptttion, T. C. emlth, DrueUt. Public Square. AshcvHle, N C mm nilllM.M roa fiihf.h arx. -nil. rmiMy I F RRII' X ,l, l"1! ilirtilr lo Ui. MM of WIIVVI OtbMdlMUufUi.uiiitw.Urlnwr0r. liiaii., rnqulm tto cMi.u. or met or Icini-sto U Ukea iututullj. Vtlwa AS A PREVENTIVE hy cither Rtx II Ii ImpoMilrlctoonntruft n f nari txtitw, 1ot tit th oau ot LADIES 0 SOU KNOW DR. FELIX LC DRUN'5 STEEL Hi FEHHIL PILLS ara the original and only FltFNCIl.anfoandm. liahiaonra on tho murkt, I'rine tl.UUi aout b moil. Uouuino ould only by T. C. Smith, DrugifUt. PnhWp Kouart. A.herllla. N' C THE ASHEVILLE - SHOE - SHOP Under J. D. Brcrard' la the place to get your ahoei made and repaired. Alt work guaranteed. W. A. TOWNftEND, Prop. ffjVlS 1N ROAST WlAltH: VI lo 4 sr V4, 1S 1 IAH.0R M1" ' ocoX"JI Wlicu you go to the pkiiie, but take ulotiK a line Hinukcd tongue done up iu dainty sandwiches. Get 'cm from W. M. HILL & CO., City Murkct. .. 1" S', -"MiVtMBBMAMa Eicyclcs is $125.00. No deviation, cut rates during the current year. WHEEL CO. DETROIT. DENVER. & Typewriter Co., TEIjKPIMME C'AI.I. 10. to- -Furnish all Kinds of MATERIAL KHTIMATKB. Telephone, 164. Department in the Basement. Telephone Call, Ko, 79. PROPRIETOR. mm St UlNur.M UlIARA NTEH, ACIrr--,C03ILES3IEAHU5PXBOAt nenrckn. Rankin & Co., lii'ld tlie acency for Ihe L. & M, l'aints for tin yearn until thy retired from hiMttieaa. They consiitered It the lK-st paint sold. The exclusive agency II uow held by DR T. O. SMITH, Wholt-Malc Drufffflftt. Anlieville, N. C. fS4l3ino T AND 8A!,K-!ly virtue of nuthorlly vented in J me by a certain niortuaRe exrculcd by the company, ilnled AuKiist, 1H01, reKiitcred in the Rentier's office of Uuuconiiie couutv iu Iwolc n of inorliinRtu nniUlctdB ortrusl on'pafie 174 et acq., default having been made in the payment 01 me nuerehi on tlie noica necurrd by aald mortRaiii-K aa it became due and aaid mortgage nuthorlaing a aale of the land therein dcHcrihed ukii auch default, I will aril at public auction lor caMi at the court honae door in the city ol Asheville, North Carolina, at 11 o'clock m on tlie md day of July, 1S.11, a certain lot of laud on Spruce attrct in aald city, Inuuded on tlie? west by na!d Spruce Htreet. on the aoulli by K, II. Kecvea' proiertv, 011 tlie cant by the lot aold by I. S. Ailnnm to t. C. Mclntire and on the north by the Diillicld proierty. AIko one oilier lot ol land on Cumlierland avenue in mild city, drain natedonlhe record map of the lniul of the Aaheville lain, Conitruclion and Improvement companyaa lot No. sofblock No. j and for a more complete description of the lot to be aold, retcrence 1 made to aaid tnortgnge regiitered aa aforesaid. Thia May list, irW. (Signed) C, U. DKNKI1ICT, 6-lWiot Mortgagee. TUWICK llv virtue nftlie imwr vm1 Im m. by a juditmrnt of the Superior court of lluncpmlie couny, olitalned at March term, iHo4. iu a certaiu cauae therein, entitled N. O. Brewer va. T. K. llrown. I will aell ( nnhlle auction lor cash at the court houae door III Aahe viile, ifaaid property la not disposed of at pri vate sale before, as allowed In aaid judgment, at 11 o'clock 111., on Saturday, the join dav of jiiuc, I,-, ine imiowiiig property rtltrreil to, and fully deacrllied in the pleadiugt in aaid ac tion, to-wlt 1 one twenty-live horae power en Bine, one taw mill, including saw frame and other fixtures, an id engine, mill and Siturea be ing now on tne larm 01 T. K. Drown, In Black Mountain township and in aplendld second hand ron.llll.iii. f-IUMU II umlaut Commliaioner, Rooms 7 aud 9 first National Bank Building. LONGMAU r- . 1 .

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