r : THE ASHEVILLE DAILY CITIZEN Wednesday Evening, June 20, 1814. AROUND TOWN ir.i.s)i';ij,'(., June VnvaM i7 N p. m. Thursday CtintiiiucJ ti.-iu U'ri)c'ralijiv: southuly wimli. Acting Mayor Hull h.ul one $llK'.:S(.' tins luornin. Mrs. I. A. liruiisuii will C'Uidui't ilic uravir nicctiii at the I'rcnth lirti.til Baptist church this eveuiut;. The Skvlaiul 1). in.l caino in this mrni nits t take nail in the Jr. O. I". A. M. parade this afternoon at o o'clock. A lull rehearsal of the "i'iratvs of lYn z.uiee" will be hclil in the A. L. I. armory tins eveiiini; at KJO. Spectators not allowed. The lust of the lasi liall panics hot the Asheville anil Greenville tolorcil teams will be played at Allan! aU- ti morrow alteruoon. Theie is a promise of ood crowds and exciting races at Carrier's track tomor row and Friday. The events w ill open promptly at 3 o'clock. kev. Ur. 1. K. S.nniism. Key. I r. li. 1". Lampbell and llco. K. Collins kt't this afternoon to rusticate am! do the lishiiif; ;u't ill the vicinity of Craiv for s.-icral ilays. lion. John V. Staines will ihlivcr an oration bcloie t'ae students and lii. iu!s ol liiech academy July I. at whijh ton 1 a bk; celebration will l.- had by lias school. At the I'irst Baptist chmc'' wiekN prayer mtctin this eveuiuy at S.;ln 'cluck, lasting one hour, the suly ct w ill be "l'-liaiHC," coialncted by the past r. Kev. J. I,. White. Strasicrj in lite city cordially invited. deputy Register M. W. Kobertsmi has discovered and suit te Tin; c'l i izi-:x anotlkr "What Is It ?" Xvls.m Itailev, the authority on hoodoos and "pi.cri," savs in his country "they ucd to call 'cm pizen wuhms.'' A wreck occuMtd on tlie Murphy branch near iitisbadl today, time freight cars ol No. 1 bcitji; ih railed. i. one was hurt, but the train was dclaud six or seven hours. . 1.' was an hour late todav, caused by waiting on the Tennessee train, l-'or the meeting ol the Slate Teachers' association, colored, at Morehead City, C. W. Murphy, city passenger and tieKil agent, has instructions to sill round uip tickets June In-.',!, limited July 7. Tick cts to Goldsboto $Ul 0, round trip from Goldsboto to Morcl'.cad f? 1. 10. Secretary N. I'lanioudon of the Iiun combe Alliance requests Tin; Cifit;. t : state that there was a niini'.ikc in the .lutes ol the ,'ippoiiitnu uts for S.evet u Barnes published yesterday. The correct dates are two days later than those published, at each of the places named. Kev. T. I'. I'deioi, editor ol the Methodist, Knowille, a-al a i, llimcombc county, preached the sermon before tile students ol 11 li. .Utoi; itivc O! annua! awassee college, Tentie-see, recently. The inon has hecii spoken of as the best ilcliveml on a similar occasion at sei -ever that institution. lid. K. Norton, fornuriy a barber in the employ of John I.uU ol the Iicrki ley barber shop, was arrested yes terday at Marshall, brought to Ashevilk and tried before Justice J.' M. Israel on a charge ol the larceny o! nu rs, shears, towels ami soap from Lotz. Norton was sent up in default ol S-'JO bond. I'lobably the 1; rgi-sl gathering evci known at the North Asheville Methodist church grounds was that at the luvn party given last evening to the members and friends of the church and Sun. lav school, lee c earn and cake for the mul titude were; served and even body partic ipating spent tin exceedingly pleasant evening. Alderman lleiu v Redwood ri turned hum New S ork yesterday. The Mayor was expected to return also, but went oil a trin to the eastern part of the Slate on business. Alderman Redwood s lys Blair cc Co. were given a short option on Ashcvillc's lumiing bomb:, and tin chances for their being placed are cor. sidered very good. I. like Craig and John Allison, c. hired, being short on cash and long oa time, began collecting beer bottles an I selling thrill to raise a lew dimes. But t lo-y bevn.uc over-eager and took ;, . barrel ol tie hofl.-s from lames li bonghran. Tb n they were bel-m Justice Frank Carter and were sent u in le.ault ol baud. Countv Commissi, uicr Clayton, o! the con.niitin s.-ttle with County Tax 'J s IVOl'illl .' .'tppoirv .i'ect.'r b Weaver, were at work vtsterd settlement for III ' lS'.i.'i hst. Mi is feeling in good spirits today caver liavlr balan m.tdc the settlement m lull, the ba cluck made visteril.iy being l,.r S.". I i. da tlie ti.fh..t Mr. Weaver collated about Sid .lion. The insolvent !i-t in the city was near J.imes V. Miller has a dog. It is not ; p-iz.'dog at all, but Miller think-; ,o much of itas any owner thinks of his ca nine. Therefore, when Will Crawford at tetnpteil to elul) .Miller s dog on South l.caiimont street the owner dietv out his pistol and hied a pair of shots at Craw lord, who, however, w as not Int. Then the matter camf belore Justice Fran Carter, who held Miller and Crawlord t court ami pi-iced Miller under a Sltio peace lioml. ( hi tlie liMh of May, at Bat.ivia, N. V. Miss M. Irene Russell died alter an ill ncss ol but a lew days of pleuio-pneti monia. Miss Kitssill was a graduate nurse ol Bellevtic hospital, N. V., and was there distinguished lor her faithful discharge ol till duties, lor her lov:m. sympathy with the sick as well as for her skill in nursing. 1 he stone cliuracti r istics marked her connection with the Mission hospital in Asheville. To the physicians ol this city she was u valued co-worker and her death will be regret. ted by them as well as by other friends. Kcady, aye ready. M4V I,HVK ASII1.VII.I.K. Kev. Dr. HamiiHoii oilerecl ttcliool I'rliiclpalslitp. Tim Citizen will record mi item that is heard with rrgret by many Aslicvillc people when it states that Asheville will probubly lose Rev. Ir. T o.miMBUii us u ciiizeu, i ue uoetor received a telegram todny informing him that he had been elected principal ol the ! reut'ricRstiurjr Collegiate institute nl Fredericksburg, Va., at a meeting of the board of trustees hild yesterday in Rich- IllOIIU. Dr. Sampson has not vet formally signified his niceptttncr of the principal ship, but it is probable that he will ac cept, in which case he will remove horn Asheville to his new post ol duty carl v in September. The institute to which he will probably go is a prosperous school conducted under the auspice ol the genernl assembly of the Southern Presbyterian church. Tlpn ou me KRcfM If you will ro to the bankrupt Cloth lug sule at '1$ South Main street you enn Ket some ttniijbt tips on the rnccs and also obtain some great bargains in line trousers, suits and children's clothing. AT UIGU MOON. Miss i.uuru Cticdi'MUi Ami Wil lluiu L,. JIosn Widdcil. The soeial eveut id today was the wed ding at high tioiin, in the I'irst I'le'sbi' tcriau church, of Miss l.auia I'tinning Chetlestcr, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ncwtou i Chedester, to William Lorcii Me ss of l'hiladclphiit. Many relatives and liieruls of the eonli acting couple gathcreil to witness the ceremony. Mrs li. li. L'tigan presided at the organ, which pealed forth as the patty entered the church. The bride enteral em the arm of her father. She was ilresseel in white bioe.tde silk, pearl tiiiuniings and lace, en train, carrying bouquet ot bridal roses. The groom in a black suit was accompanied by his mother, Mrs. II. I1. .Miller, and Ins best man, Frank I'age of Aberdeen, N. C, preceded by the flower children, Ruth Wiley, dressed in white silk and carrying a bouquet, and Arthur Wilev, in l'auutleroy suit. The maid of l'on r. Miss Dovie Chedester, sister of the bndi; and the bridesmaids, Miss Ida llollo.vay, a cousin of the bude, ot Knoxville, Tenn., ami Miss Conic .Marquess of Charleston, S. C., wore yellow silk, trimmed with lace and ri!; bon, Leghorn hats with vc'Ioa- tips, and carrying bouquets of I'cile dc I iidiii rose-. When the coin lc met at the altar the ceremony making the twain !ui band and wile was impressively pronounced bv Key. K. F. Campbell, paslor ol the First 1'icsby terian. The groomsuien we e lr. ('. O. Rob erts, Ciecio Nichols. Hugh Chedee-tcr, t'.eo-ge I.. Hackney, Cieoigc II. Mills and li'.igeue Chedester. The party went Irom the eliiueh to tlie ui iocs iiornc, wucre liitieiicou was served and then the couple took the east t iiiiml train lor their home in 1'hila deiphia. They wete the itcipicuts ol many valu.ible presents. The bude is it well known Asheville vonng lady and much esieen.cd. The groom is connected with the Philadel phia branch of tin National Tobaie.i and Cigarette company. The hanpv pair are followed to their home by the warm congratulations of their numer ous It ieii.ls here. ihii.nks Aiioi r ii-;oiai.i;. IM .kh of I'erHonal riie lliUeii'H" Oil HOOK I'. K Ilenitt is in the city horn S vain. Joseph I Ilookircrq .eauieinyesicrday l'r..:u Webster. I'. J. Siicdy is ree;ls i rel at ihc Ashe vale h itei from Wilmington. I'cputy Collector J. A. King ol Seates viilc was up today on business, Fr. and Mrs. J, A. Watson are Lome in 'in a we. k's trip to Hot Springs. W. J. Fitzgerald lias returned from Alabama and will spend the summer here. I ts. M. Gallagher. Southern ravelins .".nt ol the ( 'Id Kiniiniou Steamship line, is here today. C . I-. Ihiiiam ol I 'illsboro ;p,.l . S. Mioni s of e. mpeper, a., are am l!.a kclev's la'.e arrivals. oig the Fiigine I'. A'he i, a Winston traveling mail, is a visitor to AmiivIIIv. todav, stopping at the Berkeley. 11. C. 1'iper, traveling freight and pass enger agent of the L.. B. eV u. route, Nashville, Telia., is in th:eily. (I. li Kepple of liicl'ittshurg liispateh is in the city attending the sessions ol the National Council Jr. tl. F. A. SI. Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Kayul Wcaverville were here last evening to attend the Jr. O. F. A. M. reception tit Battery Fark'. Mr-. J. B. Selieidtm intle, . Schei le m.intle and Miss Agnes A. Hunter ol Cincinnati arc guests of the Swaroiunoa. Kev. H.W. dclstou, 'astor of the l-'irst rrcsbnerian church of lul.and, Fla , is in the liic. t spen-1 the summer with his wile nn.: s m. Key. John A. !i. u;i-ou, pa-torol Fietich I'.roa.l B-iptist eiiurcli, kit yester 'ay for li-ecnvillc, S. C, where he went, to de liver an a hlrcss at I'trcm:oi univeri:y tod iv. latins e. . Mia'it!" tident, with his Million, have i it nr. li Can Una, ; veral rl.u s in As at, a WulV.nl e dlcgi mother Mis. F. .M. irued to their home in titer havii g it.joytd cev ilic Willi t heir rtl.o tins t Mrs. S itt! "Kk. 1Y! J(! Kill'. i ; n lomorrow l ti iiooii at t O'clock row is expected to he a red let- Ill . t r .lay lor turluien ill Asheville and Irom oth- r points, as then will occur thel'ust ol the two davs' races starlet! by the I'reiieli Iboad Fair and R uing ;iss illa tion. The events will come oil' at Car ricr's track, and tl elii st is hooked tohet'in promptly at 11 o'clock. There avcnow'oo runntcs nt the track and il there ire not n number of pretty rues some body will know the reason. The racers c ine lio n Sweetwater. Tenn , Colum bia, N C. Abmgdo-i, V.I., Wvthcviilc, Va., Biistol, Tc Aaheville, Trvon, and two biaut.es from I, Banks Holt's st ibles at (irnhaui. N. C. Remeiiiler th.it the hour is 11 p.m. Visitors c in take cats on the sipt; re or at the nostollieeand connect tit the depot with W. A. eS: S. S. cars far the track. Among the well known turliticn who will have horsis here lor the races are I., l.an.is Holt, North Cnrolinn; J. II. bra, er, South Carolina; W. C. Conwav, Tennessee; Thos. H. Mnjon, W. (i. Hooker and R. (I. I'ergiison, Virgimn; Ft. W. MclntutlV, Tennessee; Gen. no. Rut ledge, S.iutli Carolina; R. H, Cose, North Carolina. l'rolilllilon Meeting. The Prohibitionists , Buucoinbe county will mei't in the couit hoti?e in Asheville Saturdiiv at It o'clock. This melting is for the purpose of adopting a platform for the party in the county and to hx a time for a Prohibition coii ventiou, I uiiortaiil Notice. The laws of North Carolina ruiuire an i.ix payers to list their property during the month of tine in each and every year. And tit the stime time to list incomes derived from sularits, fees nml otlur sources not otherwise tnxed, provided such incomes exceeded one thousand dollars for the year next pre cecding the first day of June. If the laws above referred to are not complied with double tax can be collected. II they wilfully fail to lint they shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and on con viction shall be lined not exceeding fifty dollais, or imprisoned more than thiitv davs. livery person mule and female who own personal tirouertv ex ceeding t'vciilv-hve dollars are rcuuircd . :. ii 1 A. T. Siimmcv. listi-r or Went Wnrd ofiice over Dickcwon's hardware store. k. J. Stukclr. hstcr for East Ward, ollice in court house, Urt-hi ram dale. We have on sale -MO pairs ol fine tjstont mnile sprini and sumnur punts w.ucli wc oiler this week at the uniform price of 00. The cloth ia each pair cost $l.Gn, This lot can oulv he hnj from the Unnkrupt Clothing s.tle nt S. Mam street. Also some big bargains in children's clothing. Ill ;ilTi:u 1 OK LIUERTV. .Ne w I'ouoctl To Ue IiiMtllutKl To morrow i:trlitiiK There ill be a council ol the order ol U.iu Jitcis of Liberty instituted in Ashe ville Thursday evening. Natioual Coun cilor G. K. Kepple ol rittsburj; will olliciat ". The order is an auxiliary de cile ol the Senior and Junior orders and its principles arc identical with both. The organization is in 2'A stales and !ms l lil coiu cils with a membership of UO, (KM). All members in good standing in the I . A. M.orjr. 0. F. A. M. tind any w hite lady of American lrth, or horn under tlie protection of the Ameri can flag. 10 vears of ago or over, not eagaged in the manufacture or stile of in toxicating liquors, as n beverage, arc qualified for membership. F. L. Sliuford at:d W. II. Shipc of the local cotmeil Jr. II. F. A. M. arc securing names for charter members of the new council, which will be the lirst one or ganized in Not th Carolina. The iolcl Heiur t'l.".ll tin- Neu Yolk Woli.l. Fudd goes where it is wanted. The inflow ,'iril niitllow are not "to pay bMhtne.s," but to litnl useis at higher rates of interest. To lend our gold is not to lose ii. Loss is not a ipiestiou ol sii glc shiiuueuts or ol monthly or yearly totals, but of the balance "in a long setics of years. From 1S77 to lX'Jt our total imports of gold hare exceeded our total exports by SI i.tMil ,K IT, so that we have not only held till we produced ia ties country, but secured that iiiu.'h ol foreign gold. In the past seventeen tens we have had s.iiii-yeatly gold scans similar to the prcsnit and not one wtis iu.-tilied by facts, as the totals show. I.teciiie To Wn) From Register Mnekey's rflice license to wed h .s been issued as follows: W. 11. II dcombc and I'. A. White, ol Unite oaibe. ASllI-VIl.U; ll ;,l 77.A'. Wl-ATMlOr ItCKKAt', Meaeornloyu'ril Stutimi, WiiivaU stiimturium Il rt'ia.i,'.'er.,.'i A'ciort lor Wc.oi liini'ir:ilii!- 1 M.l iiiiuin Iciiii'iiuturc M minium tiiiinrmtirr Minn .VJ.'Mie lliiinulily .... U'iiinr.ill in iieitv; 11 in., .S. H'e.'it.'nr, e'.',,-ir. .Mum l;;tri.iiivt r 1:1, i.s.'it i;.s ,sg ( ''sereirun J uric i'n at 'J in Tiniu-r. I. llantmc. AV.i(h'i llumiilily te Kail Kin Hiit-k, M. l lllli MAKKL'TS. m:v youk makkmt. -Cattail lutlllr'. ; fa.;; Sej-n ml.. :.--. liieiiulm June. ' .Vuttlit, NuveniN r TOCK for.vno.Ns. K. June Ml ie. l . : (.'Iucil;.' :oi1 il!lWft.-tll, i.- I..-.K.' Sli.ne-. i : Norli.lk 4 W.-tirn. ." ; Uiehm, nn! .in.l West I'olllt linni.il. 1 ,; We.-tcrn t'nioll, s , . CUICAlUJ MAKKKT. jni.c i ; Hour, ilu'I; N'.i. 2 Sjniny ; .No. 2 rt .1, ; , ; No. jCitii. ; No. win .a, ci j o.n-, .! I-M7 r il-.v.; I. an I. t-.,L-KiS Shits o..v'.."..ri.: Drv Salted ; ,'.'; . -5-s;'.'; .-li;iit Clt-iif hides. Whiskey, Ms. lull:.' . .'.-Wheal, Jiilv. f-' ; ;Coin. I'oik, July, u.sj I.ard, July i..u; Iu!v, i.' S1I KVI1.I.K MARKKT. Cnfit ft - t daily hy V.iwell .S; Snider, wholesnle ind ttl.nl i,:oct :s. Tluse pricei ale being paid -" tile iiKK'Jiaiit.- et tile tiu today ; Htitt'T iy.: ..5 Ales itxv.i .w 1 . A)pits. ilt it tl ;,. 5 s'hii'kt-iis r ..11. PuiiipkitiA, each j Tlllktys (..; St.rKluuu ',.o I'lik- iv.: .m heeisuax, per lb jo 1 t't.u s, -m I iimieV u I'-'t.d'i-s ln.-ll ... 1. js, Wheal Turnips I. Coin t.; ' ni ti .M(.;li C.ii'!.'i-i'. pt l I!. oats st ilt. tils, pu I.H....101' I S Kyi (r, ' i 1 1 v. perti.n l.s 1,0 he-tiiuts h-o Celi-rv, per doz...JVir 40 INIil-'.X TO Ni:V ADVliKTISl-MKNTS. N 'V.I- K.o' w.on.i! '-.'l'iin-M Cli K 11 N'.'! oi.l , I'i!i"rt.oil 1 oiyt riln ru Twiii. Mi'l- Ir T C Mtiith ''.t- I'lici - II. itsit Kt'..:.tli I'.'H.jih. w M 11:1! f e.p V'tiv lclroi.orf el. tliina ll..uc wnmn Cl.:in Wlutl.k ClotliitiK VI'Vl'K I '1V . .-1 U IV I.. ; I.IUmiX I'll.) '. I'AYS n rli-i i cll'.KAl'l T'lle- l.'.st iiml chcoi. lo tw the N.o.lvlr. I-TVI'KWKITUR CO, F; l.l . .1. 1 r. 0, li.,- - A fir. o-'c U;i, I nl land t il ti. r .ts :i wlrolt- nr 1 . 1 "r .-;ticii!:tt- :nl.ll of l. t, li.i.le.l t. 1'. K. I.AM.. Jtnr.liy X. c. T il. 'SK u i.lnns lo t ilc. . hvM.nl culture .111. 1 . 1... urn. 11 win timi n to tlicir aihuutoiif Xi. Couii.ms it r;, lt.uwoi..! -Ine't. Will r .on -tlin.l ..I t Ruhr r.ite tills ie-e k. u ...' '.1 CtU'KK l. : ' irl.it. h ill, pii. 1 r. .ion il.l .l.C'.Ul.ilUI l'l'''i .lutorts; -.ml 1'oal.t in , llollle MetlJ loom A..ly MKRKIMtiX AVK. W'ANTl-ll -T. h.iuu ' 111slructi1.il i ut 1 ! .Vslu-vill 1 f r .10 no. orir.ui 01 L'i'Uer.it..i v ..1 lliic lor cow, iu.juiie-:it hi' H'x-'l ircsli niileh I'lNK STKl-KT. 1,'. IK SAI.K C1I t ry w:ie;..is. CIII'Al' Two iieiv irl.Hir's il.liv. lirst il.is; 1 i.i.io i,.,itn. in, 11 Kill', l.i -I 111 suw, e;oo.l :i: 111 w A.. I ..-;.lnn Uc; 1 ll.irmv i,.t i,wir sirnll 111 w; 1 l.oul.l's ilr. p we ll tuilii lo . II. WOiiDY. Ne-w Sllop, M.ilket SI. 13 11X31 Ol IE RYTON HEATH GARDENS Akn rk!'Ki:si;n n; nv V. E. HAlti: lilv .Mutket' THE FOUR SEASONS HOTEL SITUATF pjNJTHf CUIVIB'-nLAND MOUNTAINS NUAR TUB HISTORIC CUMUBRI.AND CAP, SCKNtS OK MANY OP TUB BATTI.B9 OP TUB WAR, Primeiunetd by the V. 8. Geeiloglc! aurvrj, the ilrjrot ulr or the South. Bight houri rrom Anheville, without lop over at Knoivllle, It the And unnurpaised In all Iu appointmentt. The culalne uodrr direction or the abltit clier New York Cttj could produce. House li heated by'ateam; hat open Arc placet la rooms; lighted by electricity; team iterator: ulphur and chalybeate iprinn. Sanato rium convenient to hotel haYing Turklth and other batht; manage room, gvmnat Itm, etc. TERMS, $3 PER DAY. Addrcat II. CLAIH, MANAGElt BARROOATB, TBNN. Aaheville Addretti B. W. MEAD, Lfal Block. WE HAVE RECEIVED FOR LARGE ASSORTMENTS OF China :uki Jujuui Mattings, Linuh'iiin nml Oil Cloths, Ilvtiigeiiitors and Ivo Clw&ts, Ilnttcinuml Rood Furnitmv, Ltuvu Chairs and St'ttecs, W. 15. WILLIAMSON '& CO, NO. 13 PA1TON AVENUE, THE WHITLOGK CLOTHING HOUSE, Hi South Main Street. SUMMER CLOTHING For men and boys in light colored Cassiineres, Cheviots, Serges, A!;ipaeas and Mohairs, White Duck pants all sizes, whi to and fancy Marseilles Vests. Extra size cloth ing' up to ."0 inch breast measure. Extra pants all sizeB and colors. The largest stock of underwear and negligee shirts at popular prices. New lot ' Claw Hammer" semi dress coats. Now style hats, ties, br-lts and Earl ic Wil son collars. THE - WHITLOCK - CLOTHING - HOUSE GRAIN AND FEED l'XCI.VMVKI.Y. LOWEST PRICES Xotlll Main SI. Telephone' tr. L. Swicegoocl's Ad. Go to L. Swia'Kootl, Wall Paper ICmporium, for the largtst stock and the tin est selections of wall paper in the State. He also carries a full stock of paints, oils, varnishes, etc. The celebrated I. T. Lewis white leads always an baud. A fine as sortment of room mouldings, window glass. A fullassortment paint brushes, white wash brushes and kalsomiue brushes, etc. I have asgood paper hangers and decora tors as there are in this country, and I make a specialty of fine decortive work.car ringe painting and trimming and specialty, also sign work of every description. Graining done by first-clats workmen. RUTLEDGE & PATTERSON, Insurance Agents and Brokers. AU. IlKANl'HKS OK INSfKAXCK WKlTTliN I.N TI1K HKaT COMl'ANIl'S. M.uul.ii.l Knirlisli, Aiucrii-nn, Scottish nml Ger man Cullli:ltlies re-pri'Si-lite'll. Sole' Aeius lor llle JHuismorc Typewriter. nn- worlds r.Ki:vn:sT rvri-wKin-R iiii.-ini; Wvn awnrtlt il llu- .'onr;u-t of lur nihiiiK lyjwwritfrs to the War (iel).irtincnt n 1 1 I irituijal K.R.'s throuiihoiil thecmimiy. .Tikll IkU fsflll llllilafltllik Wl IIOIUll JLM lt 1AI J-llfJ ASHI.VII.M:, N. C. H'Htst-s ti rent ami renin collected. I.oaus he curtly placed at ft jut cent. It. H. Hudson is sh intf San pies of Iced Tea i'roiu the Fanious Skyland Blend, 10 Pnttou Avenue. -THE- ASHEYILE STEAM LAUNDRY, 48 WEST COLLEOE ST., It now readr (or work. We Solicit a Share or Your Patronage. Mrs. Carrie C. Burnt, an experienced lanndreta from Pitttbarg, Pa., hat charge of th working depart ments. Wt will endeavor to glvt yon GOOD HONEST WORK. Our motto h: SATISFACTION TO EVERY CUSTOMER. DAINTIES .LD SHT1ALS IN PULL SUPPLY AND ASSOKTMBNT. CAKB8.PIB8, BOLLS AND BRBAD AT THB PKBNCH BAKBRY. NO. 61 COL LBOB BTRBBT. w. At jambs, jot., rmor. THE SPRING AND SUMMER llahy Camay's, Piazza Chans, Caijwts and Jlugs, Art Sijiiarcs, Fly Scivvns. ASHEVILLE, N C Our entire time and attention is niven to this business. We have extensive tie- itmiutancc mill eontraets with Ieaelii y dealers, such as enables us to furnish iiie-se Koixis at prices tnai no one eau heat. C JS. Cooper, Geesar's Head Hotel. Located 4600 Ft. Above the Sea. Avernuc teinpcrature during the hot mouths to' to 7o. No malaria. No mosquitoes Varied amusements. Beautiful walks ami drives. Scenery incomparable. Climate n beuedicllou. Nature's own sanitarium. The most restful place this side of heaven. Service good. Rates moderate. Daily mails will be oueu for the season or 1894, June 1st. Hacks from Heiuler souville. 36 miles from Asheville, 45 miles through the valley of the French Ilroad, n most delightful and charming drive. F. A. MILES, M. D., Proprietor. ROUND KNOB HOTEL, On the W. N. C. R. R., jj miles from Aaheville. One of the best health and pleasure resorts in the South. Springs of sulphur and iron water on premises. Scenery, water, air and fare un surpassed. Attitude 1,716 feet. Telegraph and postoffice on premises. Open May 24, 1S94. FOR TERMS ADDRKSS Mieussett & Miller, Proprietor. THE MOUNTAINS! THE MOUNTAINS I Hotel Alexander Ten miles from Aaheville, N. C, on the W. C. R. R. The house has been repainted, and the rooms and dlninv mnma ..i in wwi r..- the enjoyment of our Riieats. The place ia Kiwiy improved ana evrrythlnt; looks cheer- nil and pleasant. Preestntl ami mineral al. close to the hotel. Terms from ft to 7 per week for irrown persona; children and servants hall p j Y "c111 KlT y rood rooms, Rood fare and good beda at very reasonable rate, indeed. Alexander,!. C, June 1st, 1694. R. B. & J. N. VANCE. Pronrietors. ioisso.,.. r ' DOUBLE DISTILLED WATER lOlt TAPLE AND MEDICINAL USES. MANUFACTURED BY ASHEVILLE ICE AND COAL CO., Office 34 l'atton Ave. This water is equal in quality to the high priced table waters, and is the water from which the ice 3old by this company is manufactured. IIOME-5IADE ASHEVILLE MILLING CO. PRODUCTS. HIGHEST GRADK8 IN THE MARKET. ROLLER - KING, - ELECTRIC - LIGHT, - ETC, SPECIAL EXTRA QUALITY GR HAM AND CORN MEAL Sold By Dealers. Will bear in mind that our stock was the last to be re plenished, giving us both latest styles and lowest prices to be had Every article in each department is a bargain in itself. The shrewd shoppars throng our store daily for bargains. The low prices that wo have made from week to week will continue the entire season. G. A. MEARS k SONS, Nos. 29, 31 and 33 South Main St., Asheville THE NBOSTYLE e - tc' Call at our store and Bee machine at work. We want 3 ou to see it whether you wish to purchase or not. Edison Phonograph and Typewriter Co., 3 & 34 Pattoa Avenue, BRICK AND Prices Per Selected J lard Brick Run of Kiln Brick Salmon Culls Repressed Brick, 1st grade Repressed Brick, 2nd grade Repressed Brick, 3rd grade Liberal Discount on Orders of Fifty Thousand and Upwards. Low Prices on Farmers' Drain Tile. Do You Want A GOOD SOLID OAK POKTABLE WAUDltOHKJ A HANDSOME SIDEBOARD; AN ELEGANT DIN ING TABLE; A LOVELY SET OF DINING CUAIBK; IN FACT ANYTHING IN THE FURNITURE LINE AT REASONABLE RATES ? IF 80 CALL ON Quality not quawtityY NO PRBB GIPTa OP ANY KIND TO ATTItCT ATTBNTION OH PKAW TRADE AT THB Acie Wine, Liquor House & White Uan's Bar . . I dale la that I keap tht laneat ""i" ' ncra or pan tinaanitcrataa Ja. H. IL.ouirhraiit Prop. NO. 58 SOUTH MAIN 8TREET. - - ASHEVILLE, N. C. ' mm, awrtto h, Kep tk. beat and okari aecordlnily." BaaaataaaaaaaBiBiaaate.afT plan U Mooad to aoaM U th aXau' TBLBPHONB CALL 189. . . POrOPPIC BOX OrdcnrrMi a piataaM rffUcltd. Bxlas rmcklnc Ftm. and money saving traders Telephone 40. TILE WORKS Thousand : $0 25 5 75 4 50 3.50 20.00 18 00 15.00 ' W. A. BLAIR atoek of nt cl aTOodt of) anv konte la the It to their btereat to call uaaora will ami 1. . . I L