1 I Ml 4 r. i". FrMhj Evening, June 22, Why? Five years ago few persons in America had heard of Ramon's Tonic Liver Pills and Ramon's Tonic Pellets. To-day they lire used in thousands of households. What has -worked this change ? 1'our diflcieut things. 1. This is not simply a liver pill but an entire treatment. It is a complete substitute for a physi cian in liver tioubles. 2. It costs only 25c, v. lieu the tana medicines if purchased separately would cost 50 to 75c. Si. The remedy works gently and not violently. It does not arouse a feeling of weakness but makes you feel steadily better from the first day. 4. His absolutely harmless. Sick or well, it rau not be a bad thing to take, as it purifies the blood aud tones up the whole system. Why not try it for those occasional headaches ? 1 1 will stop them. 80I.D IN ASHEVILLB BY DR. T, O. SMITH, Wholesale and Retail. W. C. CARMICHABl., WORTH8N&CO HBINTSH 81 RBAOAN, RAY80R& SMITH IX A Powerful W fl m m 1 nesn iviaKer. A process that kills the taste of cod-liver oil has done good service but the process that both kills the taste and effects par tial digestion has done much more. Scott's Emulsion stands alone in the field of fat-foods. It is easy of assimilation because part ly digested before taken. Scott's Emulsion checks. Con sumption and all other wasting diseases. New York, buld b drugnuVerjwhrt. I PpMMfthHMH A On.. tffk 1-.- -B AND BEST IN H H W W O 0 e (0 X a Beware of imitation!, original. Made only by Be aura to get the Taylor, Mf. .... fit. Louis. VITAL TO MANHOOD. Pf. E. 0. WEST'S NERVB AND BRAIN TREAT rul.la, Hoadoche, Nervoiu Prnatrutlnu Minted by alaihii ortutwiw, Wakutulnem, Mental Depreealon, Hotleiiiw of Drain, ensuing Iniuuilly, mlnerr, deoajr! riyuiinum uui aiig, uarrennoM, ijona or rower In nltlinr tax, lmpottinoy. Louoorrhoa and all birr boa caumd 0 over-eiertinn of brain, Half i,"r.r b u"kU- "t,n eoh order . with to will Mod wrlUim ituarnntee to refund If not cured. auaranfaMtrauml bjr awnt. WEST'S UV EH PILL8 ourm Slok Heaitaoha, BIIIohmiom, Liver Complaint, OUABAMTteft Itnwd ouljr bj T. C. fUnlth, Druggist. Public Square. i Aahtvtllr, N C MWMna wult a: M1X0R MArrtwj . smith iadiMwfi.uii.Urt.t.oN leaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaimtM. taiaiNa m kM. i 4.-, aainia,aMiirlalM ptaaaailMa fclmtoV laaaa lalaraiilf. Ukui A8 A PRCVENTIYC by lihir m It li lmpMtib)ttoMiirHl any mmti uiimmi hM la Mm mm tha nixavlv llevrtam.m . a h aaaaak aapaBaa wun uonoc timm ana him, w LADIES DO YOU ENOW DR. rCUX IK BRUN'6 8TEEL HMD PEHHYBQYflL PILLS I6 ; am the original end only FRENCH, ante and r. , Itahlaenr on tha markot. Prtoa tl.OUi aaat til Mii Uanuina aold oult Of . .. TC. mlta, Drucglat. IWafeMaan, . , , AjhcriUe, NC 1894. FINISHED PRAYER, And After Snnriav School He Thraahrd Kaeh Mof Who Tried to Interrupt Ilia Derotloua. Not many weeks ngo I wandered into a church at an early hour on Sunday One by one. rIowIv ber8 Of the COnOTPfmlinn nml a.nti.A themselves tliroujfh the body of the cuurcii, mniniaininir that liusli and solemn quiet which is only to be louna in assemblies that meet for worship. ine very atmosphere seemed to brcatho silence; ono was absolutely "rnpiieu in silliness, as with a gar menu Presently up the aisle sturdily wuiKcii a maniy little urchin who ap peared to be nine nr ?ptl mnn nM Looking neither to the riirht or left. ho entered a pew aud dropped on his While he "was thus absorbed in his devotions, a noise of entering footsteps muko uiu suenco, ana soon a proces sion of seven small boys filed into the fume new. but. to nil disturbed by the sound or the m'ove- iiiuiim, ne maintnined his rf.untir.noi aiiiiune. After f IlO Inniua naMl.nna .S.1,4 t f,i impocifj 11. UJ1U Utes a whisner ran nlnnrr nn, the seated boy. After the whisper, a Miieaur went tne lentrth of the l ne. followed by a iort of teleirranhv from n iu eye. After Which, nnn nt , -- w - f . u uuuiugi leaned forward and ndmtflTr back hair of the kneclinir boy. The J uuaiuvi younp worshiper showed no conscious ness of the act, maintaininfr his posi tion In unbroken silence. Then a youngster on the other side of the boy nulled a lock of Wii- tvithin his reach, but no remoustrancoor other recognition 01 tlio attack was given. The boy on his knees evidently meant to treat these profane interruptions on the part of his companions with silent contempt. Then, followed a scries of thumps on the back of his head, slowly and ef fectively administered, with a skillful adjustment of the thumb and forefin ger, and rendered in perfection only by a long process of training, lint the samo result followed. The boy neither moved nor winced. Another whisper from mouth to mouth. Eviilent.lv Ih. ii,.i: . mandod higher examples of strategy, and a boy who seemed to bo bolder than the rest deliberately moved from his seat, and approaching the young devotee administered three agonizing pinches. A slight twitching of the muscles was the only Indication that the young Worshipper felt this nf t.ir-lr nn.l m.iot ensued for fifteen minutes, after which a youngster, who, up to this timo had miiea no part in 1110 amusement, out side of the glgglfng and the ocular leicgrapny, assumed a like devotional attitude With the nersnnntsrl Uct inflicted a series or sharp thrusts with LI ,1 ..... . . uueiuow Willi I 10 lncisivn Innvi nf pumphandlo. The. victim made no slim, nrwl 1,1c mentor arose from a kneelinn-nrit,, and resumed his seat. After a few mlnntea nf cil..nna nn the boys leaned forward and beckoned l,,e otners. ills foes seemed radiant with a sudden inspiration, .nil 1.. ..1.1 . 1 DIU In a stage whisper, quite loud enough w TOuu ii uiaiance 01 inree Dews behind htm: "I tell you. fellers, let's undo M Ml. uses!" " Whether the sitimtlnn t,nri too desperate for further ndurance, or whether the young St, Anthony had concluded his oravers. t wnnlrl ha lm. possible to sayj but upon the utterance " suggesiive words he rose from his knees and. crosnlnir f)u aici a seat in an opposite pew, preserving! uis irruTitv 01 nnmnnnni ..ha A Vdutllful fit. Anthnnn ln.. V...1 there were limitations to his pioty, for 1110 conclusion ot tho services he stood in the vestibule, his hands in his pockets and his eyes flashing indigna- viuii, tiunistormentersappeared, when he drew hlinsolf up defiantly and said: "I Want VOU fnllnmlr, moot tno In k. alloy of ter Sunday-school, and I'm goin' to lick you for what you done this mornln'." Boston Globe. Alaakaa Eatiof Boat, OarmatidlKlnff enmnAflftnna nmA M be popular form of entertainment in Alaska. An immense trough was filled with meats, bear and mountain goat, flsh, berries and oil. Then families tied With One another aa tn whn finuM Mt the most, and many aerlona fighU wvvj reswtM mm vm Jealousy of the THE SOMETHING NEW. KEEP YOUR EYE ON THIS SPACE. IT BELONGS TO BALTIMORE CLOTHING, SHOE AND DRY GOODS CO. 10 AND 12 PATTON AVENUE, ASHEVILLE. HEART SLEE VE. Tha Coater Olrl Never Hldea Her Emo tion i, aa Fine Ladles Do. It is an interesting sight to see the real coster girl, not her stngo present ment, enjoying herself on a bank holi day. First of all, she is very smart ac cording to her own ideas, which, to do her justice, are original and not pale copies of tho West End ladies. Her hair, especially, engages her at tention, and in this she prefers a dis tinctive style of her own. Tho hair is parted at each side, cut short and very much curled and crimped, and sur mounted by a largo hat and ostrich feathers coming well over the eyes, in some cases almost hiding them. She is musical, too. and singing and dancing. It is sad to note this unsatisfied longing to indulge in rhythmical move ment as exemnliflpil In a ct..,v ,ic. danced by two of the same sex, or a wild sort of jig partaking of tho can can and tho breakdown shared In by both men and women, savs tlm I nnInn Graphic. A Crowd of admlrlnrr anil on. conragiug bystanders gathers round juwKiy, uppmuuing or criticising in their own Deoulinr mnnnnr Tim i,n is Brrayed in a brown dress with pink bow at the neck, a largo green velvet hat and feathers, n lnwn whita oi.n.i.i and white gloves. She is as self-con scious as the beauty of a llclgrave Snuare hall, and 1 ment and an unction unknown to tho languid ialy. There is no nittimr nn. nam nn useless dancing men, for both sexes seem equally delighted to revolve with each other. There Is of bright colors in the dress of boys nnn iriris, and mere Is a hearty, bois terous flOW Of hl'ffll Snlrifs .nil nf enmo- what rough good-nature, coupled with a laudable determination to be happy, which is as refreshing as it is unforced. FOND OF NURSING PEOPLE. A Characteriatlo of Florence Nightingale irom Her Earlleat Vontli. Florence Klcht.lnrrnln. flio ,f,.,.l,l n n 'i v.. ... famous nurse, was born in Klnrnnen. Italy, in 1823, says a writer in the De troit Free Press. IIn faar VilK. Kdward Shore, of England, inherited tho estate of his grand-uncle, Fetcr Nightingale, and, In pursuance of his Will, assumed the MUM 'lrrliHnrrnln As the eliild of wealthy parents, Miss iifiiLiiiiniio was wen ermenteri i.nin early childhood tho care of the sick was a favorito occupation of hers, and in iow mi eniereu, as a voluntary nurse, a school of deaconesses to qualify her self to minister to the sick. In 1854, at tne solicitation of Secretary of War Sidney Herbert, she Wont, tnfnliatnnif. noplo as the superintendent of a staff of nurses 10 cure ior 1110 soldiers of Urcat Britain who wero wounded In the Crimean war. Uy her raro executive uuimy ana tnoroiigii knowledge of what was necessary she made tho hos pital, which was in a most deplorable bucc( a miMiei in tiioro ugliness and perfection of its appointments. 80 immense were her labors that she fre quently stood for twenty hours in sue- . -1 ! ' .1 1 . I . ... vcbri'iu K'viug uirccuons. xvotwitn at.nmlinrs fhln lmi nlnocnnf mllA . .1 n i.vioui.u .tuna iu kind words to the sick made her almost idolized by the army. She returned to England September 8, 1850. Her serv ices havo secured her the slneerest gratitude of the English people and a World renown. Oueen Vletnrla eanf her a letter of thanks, with a superb jewel, a subscription of two hundred and flftV thnmuind AnllaM n.ba xntcwl to found an institute for tho training of nurses under her direction, and the soldiers oi tne armv. nv m. nannw . tribution, raised a sum sufficient to erect a statue to her honor, whioh she rciusea to allow. lla Knew Their sacreu. Thomas Stevens, whn mil. BIV1II Mil the world on a bloycle, and on horse- oacK turougn uussia, writes from In dia in a private letter to a friend In London that ha haa twMn Intraat ln ln the mysteries of the Mahatmas, and tuat oy tne aia oi nis camera and bis ingenuity he has discovered the secret ot those miracles of the fakirs whioh have puzzled the world ever since Marco Polo told of the wonderful things done by the magicians of Kubla Khan. Aooordlng to tradition and the repeated tales of travelers, the Tog) or fakirs of India have secret knowl edge of. oertaln foroes of nature by whioh they oan produce phenomena as Inexplicable to western aoienoe as tha miracles of the Bible. Mr. Stevens has but these, oriental mndnrn mbulu in apraottoal" test and olalmi to hava e ared some remarkable results. ASHEVILLE DAILY CIITZEN. f - . Two Prominent Men i'ust NiUMir.nl Councilor Orange of Virginia. IT"" ' sw V Vf Vast National Councilor Roblits ol Maryland. A BRIGAND'S WOOING. Bow tho Italian Itenegadrs Neeure Tball tomratlo I'artner.i. It is said that the captain of a rob ber band who desires a wife ikocshis courting after this style: Casting his eye on some fair villago maiden, ho do scends upon tlio occasion of a dance upon the green, and manages to dunce 1.1. .1. a t. . witn tne iair one niraseil. llo c Harms her with his graoe and tho beauty of his dancing, whispers lovo passages in hor terrified curs for woll sho knows with whom she is dancing and olrclinir ever nearer anil nnatwr s tk outer edge ot tho company he sudden ly gives a wnistio, and ills men appear In a moment and dash off with prize, the leader covering their retreat with a fusillade, of firearms, which tlm villagers daro not return, being too much cowed by tho bandit's daring. Honorable marriage by a captured Driest is offered the irlrl. refuse to become the hrlrsnnd'a lrl,ln knowing she can never return to her uorae oeiow tne mountains, it Is said that these marrlno'ea are evnentlnnallw nappy, and that the men lovo their ab ducted prizes with constant affection, and that the vlllao-cs from wlilnh rh are stolen are forever after safe from tire and rapine at the hands of the ruuuer Dana. KlmnlfoltV of mnnnj h. i i tttlilllient Men ar Vnrv lanni a. a U - ' j vaaj nil UX being natural, from the dread of beinc Uken lor ordlnar? -Jsffre, of the Jr. O. U. A. M. uut in time. The discussion hod waxed hot. "Ilosh!" exclaimed Hanks. "Say, yon used to be nn agriculturist, didn't you?" "I did," replied Rivers. "Well, if you couldn't raise better vegetables than yon can arguments" "Stop right there I You used to be in tho mining business, didn't vou'" "1 did." "Well, if you couldn't dig for pre cious metals any better than you can dig ior facts" "Hold on I 1'vo known agricultural ists that wero good for nothing but raising" "Don't yon say it! It's too much llko swearing. That Isn't an agricul tural operation anvhow. it.1. mn. like mining. To ralso tlio place you had in your mind you need only to re sumo your snade and nlidt and ai like-. ' Hut ontsidera In Tribune. i no term "namhv-nninhv ivhlnh ,. ( J I . 1 w has come to bo annlled tn a tverann nl vacillating character, as well- as to weak literary productions, was origi nated bv tha Doet Pone. I In v - ar - ( "I''va It to soino pucrllo Torses that had been written nv an oiiscuro poet ono Am broso I'hiulDS addressed tn- tha nhll. dron of a peer. The first half of the term Is meant as a baby way of pro nouncing Amhv. a S y I -ivniaawaMV a Ambrose, and the second half is simply Jingling word to fit it. 7 WAR-WORN SICILY. It llaa llcen the Haiti (Irimml of Rnrop for Man? lVurM. The insurrection in Sicily, which has ni used so much alarm in Italy, is not something lhat is new to the island Belgium has licen culled the eock pit of northern Europe, but Sicily lias iiecn the most remarkable of ull inter national arenas. Ancient geographers tailed it Trinacria, inclining "Triangle littiid," which was a very appropriate name. One of its main capos stretches out ion, irii i. recce, another toward north ern Africa, nml the third toward tho mainland of Italy, thus, as it were, in viting invaders from as many different points of the compass. Three thousand years ago, and long before the foundation of Home, Sicily was the scene of fierce struggles be tween the aborigines and people whoso home was somewhere on the other side of the Straits of .Messina. Seven centuries before tho Christian era, great cities were built in Sicily; but a scries of civil wars covered the island with ruin, and seaport after sea port fell into the hands of tho Carth aginians. Eventually the island be came a Human province, hut in the year A. I). Ull, it whs conquered by the luiuiuis; inpy, in turn, being expelled by the Ostrogoths. Saracens and Normans. Km.,,;,,,.!. and French have fought for the do minion of the island, and in the era of the first French empire Sicily proved a luuii oppio oi discord. England claimed the island: 1 ril )lif 1 li w i u i wl that it was a part of the kingdom of iMipies, ami the war that ensued only ended with Waterloo. The present agrarian insurrection may spread across the straits of Me simi. or even to the gates of Home, and possibly fulfill the prediction of an Italian deputy, who recently warned hisooiintrvmcn that the revolt was but the beginning of the end for tho dy nasty of Victor Emmanuel. How Ihej Rid Thenuelvea of Annovlng Rranae. Some of the most dangerous tricks of animals are those simulating kind ness. Charles Montaguo, In "Talcs of a Nomad," says that hyenas often fol low Hons, and finish a carcass the mo ment the lions have left it. Some times, however, the hyenas aro too eager, and steal bits of meat while the lions are still at their meal. I have been told that the lion rids himself of tho nuisance In tho follow ing way: Ho throws a piece of meat aside. When the lion is looking the other wav tho hvena 1nWo In nn.l rushes off with the meat. Presently the Hon throws another piece of meat, this timo a ltttlo nearer. Tho takes that also. At last the lion throws a piece very near Indeed. The hyena, having become reckless, mult no a rind. at this also; but the lion wheels round and lays him low with a pat of his paw nd a growl of annoyance. I remember at the Usutu on one oc casion hearing at night the cries of a hyena in naln. mlnrrlnrl with an nn. caslonal shortgrowl from a Hon. This wont on for about twenty minutes. The next mornlnrr n-a oass of a hyena bitten across the neck, uu maruea ny tne claws of Hons They had evldentlv enno-ht. It. nnrl played with It some time before killing it. i suppose tms was done In revenge for tho annoyance thev had aimfainari from the hyenas. Eeepe Hit Qaeaa a Prljoaar. Only one Euronean anvereirrn win eelobrate this year his silver wedding, uameiy, rung uiarles of Koumania, who has-attained hia nftlnth ..... t is doubtful whether there wiU beany great national rejoicings in honor of the twenty-fifth anniversary of hiB marriage, for it oan scarcely be said to ubto oeen one oi mucn happiness, and, according to the New York Recorder, it is questionable whether the qneeo wiU be able to return to Bucharest for tho event Considerable mystery pre vails as to her real condition of health, as no one outside the immediate mem bers ot her family are allowed to see her, 'and all that la known regarding her are tho stereotyped announcements issued by her mother and by the mem bers of the latter' household, stating that she is improving. She is, how ever, kept from public view to all in tents and purposes under restraint and an impression prevails that If ahe iS not mentallv affileled. aha la at a. rate treated as being so b her Nit. wren. IS" ACTn COST LS3 THAU $1,26 F& GAL. Benrdfn Unnkin Ji. rn knu the L. ft M. Paints for ten vears mnil h.... retired from jmsliiesB. They considered it the S'hv"801'1- The exclusive ncytanow DR T. O. SMITH, Ashcville, N. C. Wholesale nnioiriuf 6-S(l3luo Racket Store, 15 South Main St., ASHEVILLE. N. C I never attended a buscball play in my life, but 1 always read to sec who there. You try that plan with gets the Racket Stoic if not a customer; 20 yards Sea Island finish sheeting for $1.00, this sheeting is beautiful, 1 yd. wide; 25 yds. North Carolina plaids, 25 inches wide, $1.00; 20 yds. nice apron ginghams for $1 00; 15 yds. scone batiste for $1.00; these goods arc elegant for summer ware; 20 yds. dotted muslin (worth H a) for $1.00; 20 yds. figured lawn (worth 6!a) for $1.00; 20 yds. cotton ercpon, i.iiu;.'5 yds. (pjilt calico, $1.00 20 yds. Hamilton calico, $1.00; yds. beautiful dress ducking, $1.00; 10 yds. 1 yd, wide percale, $1.00; 20 yds. 1 yd. wide scrim curtain goods, $1.00; 7y2 yds. lace curtainctto, bound with tape, 48 inches wide, wash goods, $1.00. Will give you half the above goods lor 50c. when you do not want more. One dollar will buy enough tinware to com mence housekeeping. 1 pint till cup 2 qt. tin cup 1 ! 2 gal. cup 1 gallon cofTcc pot 1 mcnl or (lour sifter 1 gallon preserve kettle 1 set tens spoons ALL FOR 2 8 1, i inch pie pans 1 10 inch jelly cake pun 1 10 inch tubed coke pan 1 13 inch wash pan 1.00 1 13 Inch pudding pan. Every gentleman who wants a straw hat, come and see our samples at 60c. and 75c. JOHN M. STONER. '! . '. MntiawiMaawii niii'nii rt tt LKUa'aelAilM taaBaawawaawawa nattaiawaa(iati