Asheville Daily Citizen, 1 ASHEVILLE, N. C, WEDNESDAY EVENING, JUNE 27, 1894. PRICE 5 CENTS. VOLUME X. --isrn 47. "X-- w i . aaaajs - " I . ,. . '- 1 ' ' "' I SUMMER GOODS AT LOWEST PRICES. Just to Draw Attention Ice cream freeiers (3 Winds); Ice chests; water I relrigcrators, Jaiauese screens and fans, Japa nese portieres, rice and bamlwo; Japanese I lanterns and napkins, India enameled stools, I lawn swings, wire hammocks, straws and lem- IT WAS A VICTORY INDEED Charlotte nw. How is that. Mr. Urn- At times hits were as plentiful as sand ilies at a military encampment. LABOR AGAINST CAPITAL AND THIS ONB WA WON OFF CHARLOTTE, TOO A ccntlcman who returned this week from Asheville, North Carolina, brings us nn interesting item : He was walking I coolers and Biters, By fans and trajis, nursery along one of the business streets in Ashe ville, when oneof the first obiectB that at tracted his attention was an enamel plate sign, in blue and white, bearing this legend: "Agency for Chase & San born's famous Boston coffees." This sign wns at the store of A. D. Coopr, dealer in staple and fancy groceries, cor ner of Main and College streets. Mr. I onade makers, oil and gasoline stoves, Cooper staled that they sold a great urauiiumunuin"'"-.'- - simt SI they have customers who buy it, even if I AKVs 1 lJ tbey have nothing else. This speaks highly lor the superior quality and high grades, so well and honorably main tained, of Chase & Sanborn sconces, and I recommena the Peerless or White Mountain it is, moreover, a compliment to Boston which we cannot allow to pass unrc-1 and not this make. Arctics, 3 qt ,!fjt.2o; 3 t., corded. New England Grocer, Host on. 1 1.45; 4 t-, J' So; 6 qt., This is a bargain. FREEZERS We offer at the following low prices. We tlriKit Intent we I will lor the next ten diiys sell two I well known hramisoi Thrash's Crystal - Palace. CHINA, GLASS AND HOUSK GOODS. Ttae Asbcvllle Ball Tonaers) under Captain I.aulcr ria Ball For What II la Worth, ana the Score la T 10 s Captain Lanier's Moonshiners were the bright particular stars at Allandule yesterdav. They got in the game from the first and no amount ot trying on Charlotte's part could trip them up. They were there to win il there was any win on the ground. And there was patently something of that kind bad. The grounds were recent rains, but that did not deter the locals from giving the good-looking boys from the Dude City a rnzle dazz e that was bewildering and at the same time the greatest surprise, probably, tjbey have bad this year. tlahn. tne Augusta man wuo piicucu here with Greenville, was in the box for the visitors, Some thought it was bis 'off" dav: it was Asheville s "on" clay. The horricrs merely donned their batting clothes and with the handv willow took turn about knocking scrapers that trim med the whiskers off the lawn or flyers that threatened to punch a hole in the blue dome above. It was a heautilul exhibition of batting and fielding on Asheville's part. Everybody had a war dance in the batter's box, and singles, constantly Will the Knoxville oaoeis take advan tage of this game to roust the umpire ? If "Babe" can't play a game bv him self "he can most." He don't need to, however, with the royal blue team he has with him: Charlotte's McGinnis got his grip in the ninth and called out: "II we can't play ball, we've got some brothers thut can." To the Asheville players: Keep your THE PULLMAN STRIKE TREMENDOUS STRIOOIK. Rallwava Mnal Go Back on Pull man contracla or Give Up Run ning Altogether fever at Roads Already Tied Up-Llle or Dealb. Ciiicai'.o, June 27. The strike grow ing out of the Pullman baycot is spread ing rapidly to every road out of Chicago "A Woman's Glory Is In Her Hair." the immc which handles Pullman's cars. With home folks uelicve in you. And soon all the almost complete tie-up of the Illi outsidcrs will do likewise. inois ccntra ast night and this morn- The S.ilisburv Herald, speaking rt the : ,,, A , 1 1. "'''""tIK kJSTZ firmly fixed a basis for dealing with hcavvfrom the on tlicir hands they ever attempted, for railroads which refuse to abiogate Pull 1 t H r tliel Asheville's pluyers are almost invincible." maa contracts. It is announced that How to make it soil nnd Rlossy, increase its growth, cleans the scalp, and prevent its full ing out. That's a good deal to do, hut we Thanks. Chnrlotte thinks so now, probably. Plaversnnd uositions in today's game: Asheville Oldham, c; McClung, lb.; Stanley, s. s.; Lanier, lib.; Green, 1. f.; Younir. c. f.: Steuhens. p.: Williams, r. f ; Metz, 2b. Charlotte Robertson, W., 3b ; Gray, p.; King, c.; Craig, l.f.; Hand, lb.; Hahn, r. f; Robertson, R., s. s.; Graham, c. (.; McGinnis, 2b. WASHINGTON NOTES. Senator Jarvla' Flrat Speech The Tobacco Tax. the men on the Western Indiana, Wisconsin Central, Chicago nnd Eastern, Illinois and Chicago and Great Western will be ordered out today. As the boycott becomes effective it marks the beginning of what is expected to be the greatest struggle between cap ital and labor ever inaugurated in nn effort to secure better wages, and while the bovcott is ostensibly declared as a demonstration of sympathy in behalf of the strikers ol the I'ullman shops, it is in reality it life and death strangle between the greatest and most ROYAL QUININE HAIR TONIC powerlul railroad labor organization w,.,i,v,',, Tno or.. Smv :il I ana capital, success in iue ruumun uoy- . .." . f.. ! tnT eott means the permanent success ol the Duttng the discussion of the income tax oranizatn through which it is feature of the tarifl bill last Friday our S0UEit to unite allemployesof railroads. new Senator made his first speech on the For this reason the strike on the Illinois Will do ull til in and mote. Your money will lie refunded if you are not satisfied after using the Great Bargain ! IpfCSh 10c. Cigars Garter's Desk Outfit, and flmililpa. nnrl trinlrfl were turning up. And to heap on the noy flu0r of tbc Senate, nnd the people of Central will be ofRrcat moment both Stepnens linen me living rumuuu. uw r.... ,.,. l,pr.rtilv the right field fence. ck Green was in - ' . Asheville's box. and while Charlotte oc- m the sentimcuts there expressed. Scn- Icasionally bntted him their hits were sojator Jarvis' speech has been comph- ..." . . t .... first tottle. This coin pound is purely vegetable, ftee from to the employes and to the railroads. I ai irritating ami poisonous substances, It con- FRANCK'8 NEW PRESIDENT I tnius no grease, nnd is absolutely harmless. For Sc. Consisting of the Articles following Crisp. Wm. Kroger. -One Double Silvcr-l'latid Inkstand, Carter's patent, ticautifully etched in the Florentine style. 1 2. One Sponge Cup, with sponge. 3. One 3a ounce, or full-sized quart bot tle oi Carter's Combined Ink, or any one of several famous brands, in cluding Konl Black, lllue Black nnd Black Letter. 4. One two ounce bottle of Carters fiery brilliant Crimson I-luid, writing nnd copying, flint glass. 5 -0ne bottle of Carter's Nickel I'latc Sponge Mucilage. We shall sell a limited number ol the above at I 50 PER SET, usual retail price $2.50. H. T. ESTABROOK Leading: Stationer. 22 South Main street, Asheville, N. L. TDK AY, KK.VSTONS. SOCIAL TKA, SCOTCH TAI'I'V, SUGAR WAI'KRS, ORANGU SII.CKS, VANII.I.A CRKAMS, CHAMPAGNK WAFKRS, CRKAM CRACKNUI.I.S. IlKNT'S GINOliR SNAl'S. scattering thev were ol little material benefit. Green s support was wen tiign perfect. Umpire Utiy Kankin went oui oeuinu the pitcher ut 4:4-5 niul vlay began bv Oldham (of course) getting his base on halls. 11c (Ilea, nuwtver, nciorc gcuniK rncnted very highly, not only bv his fel low Senators antl friends, but by the nress of this eitv and elsewhere. Mrs. larvis. who has been uuite sick for some lime, is improving, but is still unable to leave her room. Mr. Crawford has spent most ot Ins Directions for use on each bottle. Try it, 50c. I ner bottle. MANl l'ACTt'KElJ ONLY BY WATKR I.ADY KI.IMS, FINGERS, SULTANA FRl'IT, ALBKRT niscirrrs, MIXKD JlI.MllI.ES, GRAHAM WAI'KRS, LEXINGTON BARS, PEARSON CRKAMS, OATMEAL WAFERS, BENT'S WATKR CRACKERS, Klcclf d for neven Yearn Bv Ttael ttenate and Deputies. Paris, June 27. M. Cassimcr Berricr was ekctcd president on the first ballot receiving 451 vitcs of the combined strength of the Senate and Chamber ol around. McClung got n hit and Stanley tin, ,lf f i. ,.Iinitol duriiiL' the uast week Deuulies. fanned the health-laden zephyrs. Lanier, I notwithstanding bis inclinations to be I Paris, unc 27. The public were ad-1 Green and Young got on the bags, but 1 , his fine bov. lie. Mr. C, I milled to view the body of President no further. Stcphcus losirg Ins hie lor I n 4 1, iMv. ha iuat succeeded in ccttinc I Carnot today. The colhn. with the that iuning from Gray to Torrence. I tobacco bill, introduced in the last head slightly raised, has been placed in Robertson. W., strode up lor the visitors 1 P, lnrrrraa in Hill' h a tiosition that there I the middle room of the palace. A cusli- and got credit for a hit to left. His I . c ft.ars timt it will not soo become ion covered with decorations lies at the follower. Grav. meant something but it 1 Th; hill i the reneal of that feet of the cornsc. The catalaluuc is came to nauiiht as Young's center field I ,..: ( ti, M,.Cinlev bill which failed snuare. sustained bv four c dumns. Im- t i : nr.. n i.un..t If,,! trv I' . - -1 I 1 1.. i. I unurs ciuseu uii il tuici a t 1 n nns last ionures. rer uirinu iaruiera 1 mense crowus ui ueuuie imiv iau ,.v 1. nM C,..ntuii'a nrmr f1,,H I 1 . . . r l--f i I I , ... ,1...:. .., tkin. MDifuianc nisk uiioinuit, b ";-jt0 make a report 01 an icui luuhuu paimx w wias mtii ajnipuiK?. Craii? trotted to bat and had to expire I ,,;.j -.i -nij (. internnl Keventic I The funeral obsenuies of President Cnr- for batting out ot order. Time was ffi on dcmanrj and on failure to give not will begin on Sundae with services Rll YSOR & SMITH. ll.l l,t Uii. rleiMSinn went. I ... . .u. r - .h. ,l.,l,ll( Nllli,mi-nn.lrnll. miiiu iw" -v . . : I a SWOm l,lLemcllL llic luiiiivia m, ill tniu,uiui v, .... . . : I lames and Hahn singled, on W',1CU I jt to n ptnnltv of a fine and imprison-1 elude with the ceremony of depositing Robertson and King Fcored before Ross I menti -jhrough the efforts of Mr. Craw-1 body in the Pantheon. Robertson Hew out to Metz. .. ford a favorable report on the bill was Marseilles, June 27. Hverything is The second was good for nothing all I ric bv the ludkiurv committee of the nuiethere this morning. An anti:ltahan I around, and the playing presaged " I Mouse, which waa approved by the in-1 Demonstration last night was promptly cood close came. Asheville tied the tr..i revenue commissioner, and was suDDresscd. and no further trouble is score in the third, iapt. t-iinur liiKing u i t,r(;sented to the finnncecommittee ol tne I anticipated. Powell and Snider. base on four and scoring on Stephens' I c i,., inr; w. nrrented and em-1 I.voss. lunc 27. The trial of Santo, I hit. Charlotte was shut out, and Ihc I bo iied : the tobacco schedule of the the assassin ol President Carnot, is fixed I fourth was where the putrnuu began. tn, if bill, and will pass and become a lor July 23d. Metz oiiened by flying out to IUhn, and llw without n doubt. Lyons, unc 27. I'orty Italian shops then Asheville took six hits, two ol them Mr Crawford has also introduced a in this city have been gutted and burned being doubles, by Lanier and Stephens. bill jn Congress appropriating $3,000 by the mob. The police arc either pow- The entire team and some over naiieu, 1 1() tnc wi(i()W ana children ol the late erlcss to suppress the disorders t r cite Metz doing the ur.u.unl thing of making N i smitb 0f the Eastern band ol arc disinclined to do so. two of the outs, being toned out at ch elokce iaa-jaIIs , the amount the Chcr- J L 1 't. t,pa oi ti L lilrf. I . ..... , : 1. J 1.. okce council allow ior nis serine munt imount is to ue Prescription DruseUta. Look out lor thin space next week. L. Blomborg, The Model Cigar and Sporting (ioodrt IIouhp, 17 Patton Avenue. It's Called Rcsagos Ami is a cennine Rev West ciuar, all Ha vana wrapper and filler. Anyone can smoke eood cigars at our prices, no num- biiK, talk's cheap, our customers say we furrv t)i Itinrpfcl nwuirtment of ttood Cl ears in the eitv. we try to do so, maybe I v,m'il think sn ton if von tried us. Not in terested in pushiiiR anything, buy best I branils. nest makers auu sen 101 wiihv mc, , are worth. Oir Duty. An unusually fine, mild smnke, selliiiR I nnw 3 nr.. Inr irp.. rlieawr than heretofore. I most iieople like il, doesn't cost much to I try. Cheapest Book Store in N. C. Tl.ltt wlinf Irnvfllcrs sav nlmut us. Cut I price on all Imoks that can lie IhiurIU I cheap. Still selliiiR Dodo, Yellow Aster, Shins That Pass in Ihc Nielli, Umbrella Mender and Ksther Wnters, half price for J5C 25c. novels 5c. and 10c. each. 3 No. 8 N. Court Square. When Yon Get Sick CORTLANPJBROSy RBAL BSTATB BROKERS. INVBSTMBNT A0BNT3. NOTARY PUBLIC- ' Vn,i huv tnedlrlnes nt responsible druc I stores, you don't buy from a friend, a horse I doctor because a lime cneancr, you w,: ink ri,n,,i..M Dnn'i take chances on rn road tickets, huv from man in the busi-l ness who Riiarnntees every sale. Can't do I littler than try A NUMBKIl OK GOOD THINGS TO AltBlVE IX TIIK NEXT l'EW DAYS. SPEOAI, VALUES IN 11LACK AND COLOUED DERBY UATS AT ONE DOLLAR. out $-1.00, $3.00, AND $2.50 (i HADES. H. Redwood & Co., CLOTIUNfi, DBY (IOO DS, SHOES, HATS, ETC. second. Charlotte's hoprs sank like unto a plummet, but she went in lor three runs in her halt, dray getting a triple and King a double. Graham caught two hard lliesoii Asne- ville in the fifth, but one man cross d the plate bifore the side retired. Tor the visitors tlalin ana jnmcs were so men less as to knock the sphere to Lanier who threw to brst unerringly, nnd tlien retired the side by taking Ross Robert son's fly. The applause rnisid the cap tain's cap. Charlotte's column on the blackboard men kept up tin cipuers 10 theend. Asheville was goose-cggedlin the sixth, the feature of which was Grav's stop of Stephens' ball. He fell and the runner looked sale, one seconu unsc man recovered himself in time to shut Stephens off. McClung and Metz did good deeds bv which two were mowed strike our. rive IIKMOCRATIC convention. oi'LN IiVUNINGS TILL 11 O'CLOCK. chief of the band. This taken from an appropriation of about $30,000 now in the I'nited States trcas ury to the credit of the Indian reserva tion of Western North Carolina. Rich ard II. Smith, the late chiefs oldest son. is here in the interest of his father's nITairs. It is generally believed that Congress I will adiourn by the 10th ol An ;usl noi luter than the 15th at most. IV. F. T. DEATH CLAIM ANOTHER. Nrs III. A. vlllr, Henri Dies at Blount Tenn . Vesterda. Illlnnlft lallbfulH Wet To Noinl-I nae Htwte Officer. SiiHiNGi'iiii.ii, 111., lune 27. The hall of the House of Rcpiescntativcs present ed nu attractive appearance when the Democratic State convention assembled todav. Iitcvcn hundred delegates occu- nied the main floor. In the galleries the members of local and visiting clubs nnd campaign organizations were packed like sardines. The heat was frightful, Renrcjcntativcs Springer, I'ithian, lJor- man and Durborrow had seats of honor behind the chair. l'romptly at noon the State chairman HOW IS THAT? YOU CAN BUY Tar Bell Cream Cheese A telegram received yesterdav morning I 0I)Cnc(j the proceedings with a brief Hd . w xr t ii I i ..r I .. brought news that Mrs. M. A. Henry, mother of Mrs. C. W. Malonc and 0. II Loani Securely placed at 8 pn cent. Offices M & 36 Patton An., np tUdn C F. R-A.Y, dnnin fin1 (.rflff lVCt fl runs went tin. for the Moonshiners in I Henry of Asheville was dangerously ill the seventh, McClung taking a triple and at Ulnuntville, Tenn. Mrs. Malonc and Stephens obeying the injunction "Over I jjr. Henry left on the 4 o'clock train to the lence uy Knocmnir a uenmy i iro to Mrs. lienrv s Dcusuie. ooou uiict right field for a home run. Kvcrvbody I ti,Py jcft Mr. Mulonc received a telegram was on tnc lookout now, ior it. nao gone cnnvcvinc the sad intelligence tnnt rars. abroad that Charlotte's seventh was Henry was dend. always the winner. Hut it was nix.l Mrs. Henry was about fi:i years old although at one time they Had two men and had been in feeble licaltli lor some on buses and only one hand out a time I time. She was at Mr. Malone's here when Oldham ulwoys cnl s "I'lav -ilc I until Tuesday of last week, when she left game." for Hlountvillc to visit relatives, al- in tuc eigniii, nucr ract-iung snu, iwu tlioui:!! it was leareu sue couiaiioi siauu men were out, but Asheville rounded up I tiie trin. six runs. Laniernnd oung doubled, i intc w. T.Johnson ot llendersoncounty, audMeU did likewise with the bascscov-lunti 0f . s, Johnson, a prominent man ered and on his hit three runners scored. 0 Hrookhaven, Miss. She had numcr- Six more were added to the murderous ous friends here who will be pained to total in the ninth. Stanley and Stephens icnrn Qf her death. The remains will be nounded three bans euch, Green doubled hrounht here tomorrow ufternoon, The and sundry others took singles. Me-1 funeral services will occur at the rest Cluncr cot two of the outs this time. I Hence of 0. H. Hcnrv. 70 Orange street, Charlotte's life was fast going and when I nt 5 p. m., nnd the interment will be at Stanley took King's red not liner wun-1 Mills River 1-ndnv. out moving tne visitors neavea a. aigu dress of welcome. Lx-Longressman I Scott was elected temporary chairman. Hup. KKBlcatou Re-Klccted The June meeting of the city school com mittee was held I ist night. W. W. West and VV. V. Randolph were re-elected to the positions of chairman nnd secretary, and I'rof. J. 1). hgglcston was re-elected superintendent. The election of teach ers tor the lSUt '05 term will be held July fi. A vole of thanks was unanimously tendered by the committee to Mayor Pattern for his interest and assistance in Mrs. Hcnrv was a sister of the! school work and for his efforts that resulted in placing tnc tunning oontis, thereby relieving the schools of their burden of debt.. H. B. NOLAND & SON At 15c. lcr Pound. We will give you liesh goods and more Kooris for $1.00 than nny other store in Asheville. Reiueinlier the place. NORTH CAROLINA SEWS. Telephone I'M- 8 N. Court Square. CHOICE TEAS. - W. W VI ST WK PURCHASE ALU OCR TEAS Direct Irom the Importers. fl-WYN&WEST Succeatora to W. B Gwjrn. I BaUbUstaed 1881. Refer to Bank of Aahevllle. I REAL ESTATE 1TSH k DRUGGISTS, Ictaurcta St. and Patton Ave. which was made more pronounced wben Hahn retired the side. The score : ASUKYIL1.II. a n k ii r o a nhlhnm, c a 3 o McLIiiiik, l n ' j I Stanley, s. 7 2 3 1 J Il.nnlcr, a u Green, n : f Yniinir.e. f. 1 a i I Stephen", I. f. 1 JJ " I wtiiiami, r. i - ' " Metz, an " " " I.eft His 10,000,000 Beltlud. 1';i.piiia, unc 27. A dispatch received in this city from Florence, Italy, announces the death there ol li. I'. Pub bcr, formerly member of all the Drcxcl banking firms, lie retired irem me Urexcls in 18S;. it is rcporteu ue amassed a fortune of $20,0011,000. YESTERDAY'S BASEBALL, GAMES. 07 87 ax CMAHl.OTTB. an ia ft a a t 1 1 8 S I ! 1 1 11 " s s fi I 3 S i If! 11 3 1 ! 1 J LOAMS UITJBU.T PLACID kt 8 cm, iiotabt roue, couhiuiohii -- FIRE INSURANCE SOBthaatt Court aqaart. MODEL STEAM LAUNDRY ICONTINUKS TO SUSTAIN ITS K8TAB- I.I8HKD RKPUTATION VOK FIRST CLASS WORK. We have just received a large lot of Robertson, W.,3hf I Grav, a I) KiiiK.c..... n Craitr, I. f. S I llahn. n IjaineH.r.f. IKoucriHon, k., n. " Graham, c. 1 3 Torrence, 1 b 38 O 8 1 O O o ii 0 o a7 11 1CCIKH BV 1NNIKUS. 1 2 3 4 0 O II U-a7 0 8 AND VASELINE GOODS. Ten cent Iwltles ot Vaseline we now sell for 6ve cents, All other Vaseline goods at O- A.. Greer.lcbwcHt., Asheville 1 0 17 10 Charlotte 2 0 0 0 3 0 SKUUAKV Ttnrni-,1 runs Asheville 13, Charlotte 1 v.n hits t.nnler 3. Green 1. Youns 1 Metl 1. Kllia I. CrniK I. 1 nrec iiusc nns m..ii. sti,,,lrv stenhens. Grav, Home un-stepnens. nascs iuicii l,"'V. 2, King 1, Hahn 1. Bnses on cniien ""'' Hahn o, on i.recn 1. hiiih;buii mi j balls Wllllnini. Halm urncK out ny Green 3. by Hahn 3. Umpire J. l. Kansin Time of game, a noun. Hlllieo. It was a tad day for Charlotte. Read the tabulated score closely, By and by Asheville will piny on error less game, Salisbury can find more consolation ia this game. McClung's ram toad given to Lanier Monday was a mascot. Green plays an article of ball that very near tuc stananra rail. - fi 1 si . 1 tA -Salisbury Herald: Mr. Victor vShan- 11115 OIOl ilSIl WlOrC, klc, a young man ol Norwood, while nt I church lust nicht swooned away andl was unconscious and cold tor about I two hours. The attending phvsician No. 11 North Main St. Telephone 151. say it was caused by smoking too many I cigarettes. He smoked sixty yesterday,! we understand. I0I111 Logan Jamison, jr., assistant overseer on the Thompson orphanage farm near Charlotte, was killed by light ning Monday under n tree, under which he took shelter. Last Wednesday voung Jamison was married to pretty Kutb lirown, one 01 tne warns 01 tnc 1 nomp son orphanage. The Confederate monument fund Sonic $300 was Tea For Summer Use. National Lcaeuc Pittsburg G, Wash- incton 5: Baltimore 14. Chicago fi; New entttitiitpB fninrrr-nse. ork 4, St. Louisa; tievunno. o, nrooa- aA,cd to the amount in the hands ot tnc lyn 2. Two innings. Cincinnati-rhtla- treasurer during the past week. Iland dclphia and Boston-Louisville games 9omc donations were received from Mrs. postponed. C. C. Lvon of Columbus county, nnd Southern League new uncans Mrs. lohn H. Hill ol Goldsboro. KT l...:lu 1. C.BHn.h 1R Atlanta l'l nitauviuv A, wwiauuui, , -- -,i , . !.. 1 1 I 1 I'UVetieviiii; iciur nuys. ouuiw fine specimens of American tea bnve been sent from here this Benson to Northern markets, and the results of the sales seem to indicate that the culture of this crop in parts of the South may yet lead 0. AND 0. TEA. Mobile Memphis gome postponed. CONDENSED TELEGRAMS. W. A. Latimer, Telephone 70. REDUCED PRICES. Uniergot more rum than all the 'old. l?our children were born lost l'riday to Mr. and Mr,. Green Steel of Stewart's i.. u...i,.( .nnn. Tpnn Thev to large lortunes. are two bovs and two girls, all fair sized Miss Wimberly, the young lady who 1 and nerfect v formed. was assaulted by George Mills near 1 I . ... i - J !.. ,, . . r u e i Apex, brc cuuiivy, uue uht m The sale tn the express car of the Sn- . ' . Jwi.A u..t :,,! yannah, Florida and Western railway, Thotgh her condition j', yet critical, it iB ueiu up m.. '"" thought she will recover. contaiued $1,222, I " At Waltham. Mass.. John S. lohnson "J- 5 j i. 1 i.L broke the world's bicycle record for one . ' , Md va,unWe d it of mlc yesterday, covering it in 1:00. kaolin near Hryson City. Hecxpectsto The free silver convention at Omaha I erect a large mill upon the proerty tuis I adopted resolutions endorsing free and I fall. I unlimited coinane of silver. The Governor has refused to pardon No. 16 North Court SaUare. Memphis was awarded the champion- or commute the sentence of Dick Broad ship in the first series of Southern league nap, to be hung in Caswell county July games, 6. Broadnap was convicted of rape. In Philadelphia Inst week there were -State Geologist Holmes and his force onn Hentha nf children under five venrs are now at work on the State geological I surrey in Lnainam ana Moore counties, i sole Agent in Asnevuw ior w, ana v. ia .