Wednesday Evening, June' 27, 1894. THE ASHEVILLE DAILY CIITZEN. SPECIAL MID8UMMER SALE .A. T THE E Baltimore Clothing, Shoe & Dry Goods Co., 10 AND VI PATTON AVENUE- .A ppouliug to the imagination by offering ficticious values may attract attention lor a time, but it is not our way, it has been our sttled policy to avoid all kinds of bombastic advertising and to give values whose merit will stand tbe test of the clotest scrutiny and comparison we can easily verify the truth of this assertion by comparing the folio wing offerings with those of other houses, we beg leave to state that we are now closing out our Spring and summer stock of Dry Goods, Millinery, Shoes, Fancy Goods, Ladies' and Gents' furnishings and clothing at reduced prices and if you are in want of anything at this tfine we can give you some great bargains Remember our Mid-Summer sale, thes) goods must go at Big Reduction. Special attention to our clothing bargain counters. About four or five hundred suits', all odd lots, and contain all sizes, come and get fitted, then you can have it at your own price; 500 pairs of gents' pants worth $4.50, fio 00, $5 50 and $0 00, odd lots, your choice for $ 2 49. A big lot of boys' and children suits odd lots worth from $2.00 to $3.00, your choice 98c. Now this is positively a clearing and sweeping sale and the first comers get the best selections. Recollect it starts Monday, June25. . THE BALTIMORE CLOTHING, SHOE AND DRY GOODS CO. IO AND 12 PATTON AVENUE, ASHEVILLE. WANT COLUMN WASTED. WANTKD-A first clll WUMlU'r-WOIlMll. Kccoinnn-'iiilatiuiis n linil. Aiipty 6.'f.iU l'IKhT NAT. HANK. WANT Kl In orclrr to intrwliice our work, nllil woire ndits cvrrywlicre, we will dye a cosit. vest or pants (or nny one in the I'nitnl Mutes fne of i-lmrm?. In sfiiiliiiR rikuIs ly return mail, iilense send stamps lor return postal,'?. AiUlress llnrrlss Steam Dye Works, JH South lllouut street, Kuleiuli, N. C. h-J4-l,im A FRONTIER HERO. FOR A'c.vr. IXJR RKNT Office No. I ill Johnston builitltiK over KiKkit Siuaro. lore, S. W. corner Public THUS. 1. JOHNSTON. IJH'KNISIIKD Koomsfor rent, with or without . lioaril at MRS, K.M. I VRMAN'S osl'incSt., S-jMiui Next Door to Wiuyah House. IfQVL RKNT A 3 story store house corner . Nortli Mnin street ami Merrimon avenue. Upstairs stiilnlilt lor family. Apply to 6-71UI' T. I'. MAU.OV, Hirst National Hank. T?OR RKNT Uwetline house corner of Mer- S. riinou avenue ami oranije street. For terms atmlv to HP14 dtf HKNRV 11. STKVKNS. 5 and 6 Johnston Building. TJOR RKNT House of six rooms with modern J- Improvements, outhouse for servants. All in first class condition, No. tiy Chestnut street, Apply lo K. II. HUNT, fc-lldlf No. 47 l'attoll Ave. IJHIR RKNT Large and conveniently arranged house, No. fti Merrimon ave. Hot and colli water with tiaths on two floor. All modern Imnroveinents. Location central, with larg well shaded ground. Splendid resilience .for large family or boarding house. Apply toj lelnsdtf H. C. FAGG. BOA A'J.W. flASTI.K RUST l'irst class Ixiarding house, V Centrally locutcd. No. 34 crave street, 4-loiltf MRS. SCHIRKMKISTKR. m IRS. Tl'RNKR lias vacancy for a few hoard' ill ers at reasonable rates. Three minutes from iwstoflice. t'J.sdU ASTON HOUSK, 57 Church St. 1X1AKH1NR At oak Terrace. 04 Hillside D street, on Lookout mountain electric car line. Ijirge grounds and plenty of shade. Terms hum 5 lo ? per week, 6-ivlif MRS. M. K. HILL. lliiAUIiINO tlv the dav or week, pleasant MM rooms, single or eiismtc, neatly and com fortaMy furnished. Orate or furnace Ileal; hot and cold water, with baths on two floors, till electric car line; five minutes walk from court square. Terms moderate, hkn s. i I'.kky, j.iultf 161 North Main street, Death of George Northrup, MTh-Man That-Draws-tlie-llitiiil-Cart." Bnickctt's battalion wits ordered to the frontier in 18(14 to aid in suppress ing the .Sioux, who linil risen against the whites in lftl'i, anil nguinst whom an inelTecUiul expotlition hud been sent in ltMB. During the march across tlie plains George actcil as correspondent of the St l'uul I'ress newspaper, and, as I re member them, his letters were written in English of great pnrity and vigor, and the account of tho inarch was en livened by Indian legends and In cidents of adventure suggested by the camping-places. He had always a no tion that he should lose his life in a charge, and when tho battle of Tith- pith-o-ku-tah drew on he gave several little articles to another correspond ent, saying: "Send these home, and write my obituary when I am dead. lVrhaps it was only his old deep-seated melancholy. Hut the Indians in front were his old foes, the YanUtons and Tetons, to whom he was well known, and lie had good reason to fear that they would seek to put out of the way one who understood their country so well. Once in the battle, he dashed out far in front of his company and began to say something to the Indiana in their own language. Did he court death, and was ho upbraiding them for thoir cruelties? Or did he hope to secure a parley and so to make peace? No one knows what he said; but the Sioux rec ognised him, and determined to slay the handcart man. The wild Indians of the plains who had no guns shot at him with arrows. George had a six- teen-shooter, and llrig.-Gen. Miner forest near tho capital. When tho Thomas told me that ho saw three company had assembled the king said ..11 1 U!- ! .1 CI T l . . it- .Iff. ill ROYAL COUIU-SY. An American's Kxperienee with Sum at the Crowned fiends of Knrop". An American who lias been honored by his country with important mis sions abroad was talking tho other evening of royalty, says the Chicago Tribnne. "I know," Raid ho, "it Is not expect ed that an American should commend anything he sees among the royalty. I do not know wtiy nn American, of all nationalities, should not feel himself Independent enough to commend what ever Is worth commendation, whether It is found in his own country or else where. My position enabled mo to sea the life, manners and customs of all classes abroad. Thnt a conventional ity hedges royalty in, is true, and It Bhonld not be otherwise, lint tho one fact which most forcibly struck mo was that once you get beyond tho barric once over the conventional line no peo ple arc moro hospitable and more at tentive listeners. If they are with in tclligent people who aro below their rank they like It all tho better, so long as they feel assured that that fact will be treated with tho sacred ness they think It deserves. A queen who had honored me with several In vitations sent for mo one afternoon and asked me to repeat to her soma stories I had told on a certain occasion about Lincoln. Iter majesty was af flicted with a slight deafness, and after I had retold the anecdotes, she said to me in perfect English: 'I like to hear yon talk, because you do not bawl in my ear.' "On onothcr occasion I was honored with an invitation to attend an outing with tho king and his suite in an old HARD TACK THE REMEDY. MISCKU.ASKOCS. harness and cart at a K. W. NVK, ltuck Shoals. IJVM BALK -Donkey, bargain, b-lldtl MRS. MARINO of New York. Tan, freckles, black heads, etc., removed. Facial mas sage, with or without stenlll. IManicureChiroK) dist. Office hours 10 to 1 aud 3 to 6 o'clock. 5-2Sdlmo .WBAILKY ST. II'SMKRALDA INN Hickory Nut Thermal licit, where the dew never falls, a deligl1tf.1l drive over the liluc Ridge, through some of the most picturesque scenery in North Cnrolln a distance of 20 miles; fnre for trip and return, ft. 1'or information regarding con veyances, Inquire of C. W. Stikeleather, livery stable, College street, or at the officeof the Hotel llerkeley. Thermal licit Development and Im provement company, proprietors v C. W. DARKER, 6-121I11110 Manager. Indians fail under his rapid fire. I doubt not that every shot took effect Itut at last, pierced by three arrows, Northrup fell dead. The Indians tried to secure the body, that they might mutilate it according to their custom, but Maj. ltrackett ordered a corporal to recover it "if It costs the life of every man in your sqnud." They buried hira, and trod the ground down with their horses' feet that the enemy might not discover his grave. Many of the soldiers of the battalion were accustomed long afterward to carry his photograph with them, and tho corporal who recovered tho body showed mo a soiled picture that he had carried in his breast pocket for a long time. I have seen hardened and weather-worn frontiersmen who could not speak of him without tears. Ed ward Eggleston, in Harper's Maga zine. NoTICK lly virtue of the power vested in me by a judgment of the Snjierior court of HuiicoiuIh: county, obtained nt March term, iHiM, in a certoin cause therein, entitled N. G. llrewer vs. T. K. lirown, I will sell at public auction lor cash at the court house door in Ashe ville, if said property is lint disposed of at pri vate stile liefore. as allowed ill said Itldglliellt. at 12 o'clock in., on Saturday, the 30II1 day of June, 1H04. the following property referred to, and fully described in the pleadings in said ac tion, to-wit : One twenty-live horse power en gine, one saw mill, Including saw frame and other fixtures, said engine, mill and fixtures be Inir nnwnn the farm of T. K. Drown, in lllack Mountain township and in splendid second hand condition. Louis m. iiuiiknk. Commissioner, Rooms 7 and 9 l'irst National bank Building. NOTICK lly virtue of the power of sale con. tallied In a certiiiu deed ot trust, benrinp tint the ttitb dav of lune. A. D.. lKgo, and ex coated by the Aslievllle Loan. Construction and i,,inrnv..,i,ptit pnmniiiiv. default havillir been made in the payment of the indebtedness in- tended lo lie scented by said deed of trust, and nt tit rennest of the cestui oue trust, the under signed will sell by public auction, for cash, to the highest bidder nt the court house door in the city nt Asheville, N. C, on Friday, the 12th day of July, ikim, at 12 o'clock 111., the lands ad tnf iilncr the lands of I. K. Reed, the land for- intrlv owned by A. W. Rich and others, contnin- luir thirl v-seven and two-thirds acres l the same more or less, and the same lands as .iKurrlbed In said deed of trust aliove referred to which Is recorded In the office of Register of Deeds of Buncomlie county, In book No, at of mortgages nt page 41, to which reference ts made for a full description or the same, and sold In order to satisfy the provisions of said deed or trust. Tins June tun, 1004. 8AMUKLH. RK.KD, 6-7dtdi Trustee, I AND SALK-lly virtue of authority vested in J me bv a certain mortuauc executed bv the Asheville Loan, Construct! mid Improvement company, dated August, ljl, registered In the Register's office of Buncombe eouiitv in book 2; of mortgages and deeds of trust on pnge 174 et seq., default having been made In the payment of the luterest on the note secured by said mortgages as It became due and said mortgage authorising a sale of the land therein descrilietl upon such default, I will sell at public auction for cash at the court house door In the city ol Asheville. North Carolina, at it o'clock m on the tnd day of July, 114, a certain lot of Innd on Spruce street in said city, bounded on the west by said Spruce street, on the south by R. II Keevea properly, on me cusi oy tnc lot aoin ny 1. 1). Adams to P. C. Mclnllre and on the north by the DufTield proierty. Also one other lot ol land on Cumberland avenue In said city, desig nated nn the record man of the lands of the Asheville Loan, Construction and Improvement company as lot No. s of block Nag and for more comnieic iiencripiiUD ui inc iw to w noiu, reference It made to said mortgage registered in the most democratic way: 'We will all Rpeak English to-day in honor of tho representative of tho great United States.' On Bcvoral other occasions whero the rule was French tho king and tueen always did me the honor of addressing me in English, although they were aware of my proficiency In the court language. 1 havo no wish to see tho government of my own country changed. I hope and believe it never will be, but I am not afraid to say that those who are fortunate cnougli to pass beyond tho lines of which I spoko will never regret It." A SINGULAR ADVENTURE. more complete description of the lo be sold, nfornntil. This Miv tlSt. lHul. (Slgiicd) C. B. BENEDICT, 6-l8dlol . Mortgagee. How a Sailor Wore Himself Out Swim ming In Shallow Water. The second mate of a Lake Huron propeller had a singular adventuro oft Point aux liarquos on his first trip, They had been towing a yawl, which somehow got adrift, and the mate s lng It, nearly a mile away, volunteered to swim after It if the captain would anohor until his return. This was agreed to, and the mate started on his Bwlm. For a quarter of an hour, says Golden Days, It was fun, but then the swimmer began to get weary, Tho boat wsb drifting; ashore, and still more than a mflo away. The mate turned on his back, floated, swam "dog-faBh Ion," and on his side, and tried every other way to rest himself, but all the time kept getting weaker. The poor follow folt that he was doomed, but kept feebly moving his arms and legs, until finally his strength completely gave out, and, with a despairing cry, he sank to the bottom. To his Intense surprise, he found that the water was only four feet deep. Of course, ha ought to have been grateful, but, In stead of that, he waded ashore In a towering rage at his own stupidity. Be got the yawl, and when he reached the ship the captain said: "You confounded fool, didn't you know there was a mile and a half of shoal water all along this coast?" A WoBdsrral Creator. The polype is the most remarkable creature on earth. If cut transverse ly or longitudinally into several parts raoh will become a perfeot animal. Trembly turned them inside out and they ate and enjoyed themselves as much as ever. lie slit two longitudi nally, plsoed the halves together and united them Into two animals) hs di vided two transversely and created on with two heads) he pushed on down the throat of another, ft third down the throat of theeoond and Una Modern Cook Said to lie Responsible for tu lecay of Teeth. The dentists of tho period, who are nothing if not scientific, raise a note of alarm about tho growing tendency to decay of the teeth of the present and tho coming generations. Dental oarics is said to be Increasing in an "extraordi nary and alarming" manner. Each Succeeding generation shows a poorer quality of teeth. Tills a writer for tho Hospital con linns to some extent by the experlenco of four generations of his own family. At one extreme was a grandfather at eighty-six, who died less than a score of yoars ago, with a mouth full of absolutely perfeot teeth. At the other is tho great-granddaughter of that old gentleman, who, at ten years of age, requires six of her teoth "filled" at tho present moment. What can bo the cause of this very unpleas ant and even alarming condition of things? Tho dentists tell us that "dental caries marches hand in hand with civilization." If that be so, we can only devoutly wish that civilization would find a moro encouraging and comfortable companion. Itut why docs civilization Insist upon destroying our teeth? l.o- cause, say the dentists, "the increasing perfection of the culinary art, by re ducing tho work of the masticating or gans to a minimum," causes both teeth and jaws to atrophy and decay. So, then, It is the cook, the scientific cook of the schools of cookery, who, in the last resort, is at fault. Even our do mesticated animals, our cats and dogs, are losing the excellence of their teeth for the same reason, and we shall no doubt soon have dentists among the veterinary surgeons as well as among the more august professors of tho art of human medicine. Tlteso be tin comfortable prophcsylngsl Can any thing be done? A little, say the den tists. We must all go In for brown bread. Whole meal bread alone con' tains in quantity the ilourlno which is so necessary for the hardness nnd permanence of the teeth, Whole meal broad it must be, then, at morning, at noon and at night, if wo would avoid the pangs of toothache and the pains of dentistry and save our precious teeth. NAPOLEON BOWED TO HIM. Crawford, of Georgia, Won the Admit. tlan of the Man of Destiny. An exchangeVcalls ottontlon to the condition of the tomb of William II. Crawford, which is in an old field near Lexington, Ga., and is unmarked by any sort of monument to call attention of passers-by to the great Georgian who came very near being president ol tho United States and was the only man to whom Nnpoelon I. felt eon- strained to bow. Mr. Crawford was at ono time minister to tho court of Na poleon, and the Impression that he made there Is described as Simply tre mendous. When ho entered the court, with his lofty bearing and his tall, Im pressive figure, decorated for tho first time with the apparol of his high com mission as the Amorlcan minister to the court, he was received with the ut most demonstration. The emperor was deeply Impressed. TJe avowed that Mr. Crawford was the only man to whom he had ever been constrained to bow, and on that occa sion he overstepped the custom and made a repetition ot his courtesy. Fashioned in a gigantio mold, Mr. Crawford was one of the handsomest men that ever lived. lie was a man of great talent and of Intellectual super iority, lie was recognized as the equal of any ot his adversaries in the highest connolls of tbe land, and as a candidate for the highest office In the nation's gift he .was defeated by only a small majority. And yet Georgians have such little veneration for the dead as to Ignore the ashes of this great man and to leave them unrecorded In an eld field. A Discovery lu Perfume, The odoriferous principle of the essence of roses, called by chem Ists rhodlnol, has been found also In other flowers by the French ohom ists, Bonnet and llarbler, notably In the essential oil of the pelargon lum, where It is quite disguised, however, by mixture with other sub stances. This result, says the Halt more Gatette, is Important, as rhodlnol, hitherto a rare and expensive sob atanca, can now be prepared easily la WINU FEATHERS. rhe Marvelous Mechnnlcii' Provisions of Nuture. Feathers arc peculiar to blnls, and in their typical form have a thnft or stiff central roil fixed at one urnl into the skin nnd free at 'lie otht r. From tho two opposite sides of this shaft grow thin. Hat, plntrs, constituting the web ox vane of the feather. This well, how ever, is not a simple, solid struct.iro liltn n piece of paper, or even the leaf of a plant. It Is composed of an im mense number of horny filaments placed side by side and net obliquely on the shaft, to wlucii tney are nxeii by their inner ends. lo understand what follows, 1 wouui ask mv reader, says a writer in dood Words, to take a gooso quill, or feather of the wing of any bird that may be at hand, and hok at it carefully. He will see that these separate filaments of which the vane is composed, technically called barbs, although really distinct from each other and only attached to the common stem at their base, have a curious tendency to cling together, so ns to form a continuous structure, and that it takes 11 slight but distinct amount of force to separate them, and that lifter they have been pulled or forced apart, if they aro brought in contact again by gently stroking the feather in the right direction, or by waving it briskly through the air, they will loin again as firmly as befora. He will also find that this operation may be repeated 011 indefinite number of times. Of all tho marvelous mechanical adaptations we meet with in nature there Is nothing more wonderful than that which Is seen in every feather of a bird's wing. The object is evidently to produce an expanded surface, light, strong, and practically indestructible, one capable of resisting the pressure brnnght to bear upon it in bnlTeting the strongest winds without perma nently splitting or being torn ill tat ters. A CEMETERY FO.T PET DOGS. 2 Answers. What is the difference between a sallow skin, dull eyes and fad ed cheeks, and a ruddy complex ion, bright eyes and rosy cheeks? There are 2 answers : 1st Akswkr: All the (lidi'mirc in iheworlil. One is tiKliutss ; tile otlirr is lieauty. i!Ni) Asswkh ; 'J j cnf.i di!f rrnrc. l-',ir 35 cents will si'i-iirc n thtie weeks treatment (two different iiu-ilu-ineM which will cored ynurdisonleml liver, linnish all viiMoiious liilr, imriTy your tilood, stimulate appetite, tune up the nerves, and muke a new creature of you. This is a famous remedy, and while perfectly harmless, it nev er fails. It is made of the purest preparations. Ask your druRgist for Ramon's Tonic Liver Pills. Two medicines and two boxes for only one price. A sure cure for Constipation and Biliousness. SOLD IN ASHBVU.LR BY DR, T. O. SMITU, Wholesale nnd Ketnil, W. C. Carmic-lm.l, Worthen i Co., Ilcinitsh t keuKati, Kuysor it Smith. i.".iiTATEJ m uuu iuu well, Powers of 11 Ijincnshlre Ventriloquist ! Illm Into Trouble. An Entrlish professional ventrilo- itilst in Lancashire lately received what is perhaps as high a compliment to his professional powers as ever was paid to one of his tribe, and yet. its iir, Toole used to suy, "he is not happy." It appears from proceedings at tho Wallassev Petty sessions that this yen trlloquist prided himself (rreatly tin his skill in imitating the cries 01 a nog, nnd that one day, nt Seacombe Ferry, ho agreed to give an esiiiintion ot mis sort of mimicry, and proeecdud to do so by beating a hand-bag, from which the most agonizing cries, tri 01 a nog. app-ared to come. J 110 nrsi renin 1 was thnt an old limy rusneu ai me ventriloquist and tried to hit him with an umhrnlla. She desisted when told it wosajoke; but a man named ricott, a meat contractor, then rushed across tho road, took the ventriloquist by the throat, nail struck him on ttie face ond head several times, Inflicting injuries which led to erysipelas in the ear, for which the sufferer claimed damages. In tho witness box lie repeated the sham dog-beating performance. For the defense it was contended that tho defendant was genuinely deceived by tho simulated ogontesot the supposed dog, and had simply selml the bag In order to prevent further cruelty; and it was urged that any person piuying such tricks in publle must take the consequences. Finally the magistrate dismissed the case, but made no order as to costs. Mm uumr rw Chemists say Turkish tobacco con tains prusslo acid and Cuban tobacco baa another alkaloid caned coiiiciinc, ono-twentleth of a drop of which will kill a frog, giving the orcature all tha symptoms of paralysis. Experiments have proven that three drops ot the llauor that accumulates In the bowl of the pipe will kill a rabbit in nine min utes. A drop 01 pure nicotine inseriea near tho conjunctiva 01 any small an lmal will kill It almost Instantly! eight drops will kill a horse, giving him frightful convulsions. If one drop of the stuff would give a man convulsion! one dav It would take two tne next, four on the third, etc., which shows how readily the ay stem adapts ltaelf Loudon i:ns iie-S:suy t'nivcstonra with Tender Inscription-!. London has n petting cemetery. In tliis town when a very dear and be loved doggie dies he must he buried all alone by himself, beeiittse the regular cemeteries have ofiielnls linil lot own ers who object to receiving other than human corpses within their gates. The London dogs' cemetery is near tho Victoria pate in Hyde park. In the rear of the gate-keeper's lodge is a plot of ground which looks like a tiny garden. In the midst of the flowers, however, are n number of small marble tombstones. Arranged iu rows, each bearing some tender in scription, with tiny gravel paths be tween and nn nre'i of ivy to greet tho spectator, one founts about forty of theso pretty tokens of remembanco. "Poor Little 1'rlnee" is tho inscrip tion over the grave of the duke of Cambridge's dead-and-gono pet. lit hers among the dead have tho names of Jack, Tip, Topsy, Flo, Sprite, Vic, Darling and Zoe. Kaeli grave lias its well-trimmed bushes of evergreen, and here and ther arc ornaments in the shape tif largo white shells. Very few people in London, apart from those whoso pets sleep their last in this peaceful little spot, ore aware of its existence. Should It be duplicated on this side of the Atlantic there is no doubt the tiny burial plots would bo readily sold. The I'ct Ilog society, for instance, would naturally bo Interested iu tin institution, ami many tender-hearted women and some animal-loving men would be glad to bury their dead pets in just this sort of a place, tut un rronv ui tu;:n. There is a little group of islands in tins Pacific ocean, half-way between Hawaii and Samoa. One of them In called Fanning Isluud, and It is the property of un American family named llrclg, who work it for guano. It is a coral islet, with a lino lagoon, which has been entered by American and British warships. Tho proposed cable across the l'aclllo ocean, from Austral asia to Kritlsh North America, will, It Is expected, cross the island. The Orelgsleadan Ideal life, apart from all others of tltetr unm, savo a Hun dred natives, who do their work. Once only in six months do they hear from the world, nnd then allttlo sailing ves sel conies to them, laden with mull, books, newspapers aud provisions. It Is nluT.v:i iv.wmcr on tho island al- wny:i i n v.tti r.t that ono can swing In hiinii!: :e': all night with little cover- A Powerful v r-i i- k 1 netsn ivi arter. A process that kills the taste of cod-liver oil has done good service but the process that both kills the taste and effects par tial digestion has done much more. Scott's Emulsion stands alone in the field of fat-foods. It is easy of assimilation because part ly digested before taken. Scott's Emulsion checks Con sumption and all other wasting diseases. PrAftrftfl h-Henlt A Rnmnm rhamUM Ntw York. Sold by drutrgitafcrjilir'. A T ONGMfttl WARTIME l PiUNT-. ACT J ,D ITNDFR GUASANTSE. C0SI LESS IKAH (1.26 FB GAL. Hennlen, Knnkin & Co., held the fluency for the I.. & M. Taints for ten years until "they retired from lmsiness. They considered It the liest paint sold. The exclusive agency is now held by DR. T. O. Wholesale Druggist, 6-8d3iuo SMITH, Asheville, N, C, AND BEST IN H K2KSoiy'' W B VutiM i wiutw lltaiTl S PltPUIttHLVBV T Ifl T w pTAVVos MAVacojj 4 Be sure to get the H (0 W 0 z 0 (0 Beware of Imitations. original, Made only by Taylor Mfg. Co., Ht. Louis. VITAL TO MANHOOD. !H. R. . WKHT'H NERVE ANI 11RA.TX TREAT- MKNT. 11 Numillta for IIvntprlfi. DiutiinMi. Fit. Neil- miViit, Hodtlftoho. Nnrvnun Front rut caiDM'd by nirnnoi nriunnrnn, wnKntuiiiefMS nionuu iHM'miHon, di'Hth, I'rwiiftlur 011 AtfA, Uarroiinen, Lwr of rownr in nuor i input eucjr, ucorrnma ami an Fomnle Wett-nouM"), Involuntary Lokkm, H hernia torrhnm cu"l by ovtrexnton ol brain, HtOf nbuoA, over-Iiitlulwiica. A month' trt'Rtmont, fl, 6 for W, by malt. WHh ttnch order for (1 boien, with ft will nond written Ruurnntw tit refund if not ctirwl. aunrHi.tMtMUi by nirt'iit. WKHT'H MVKH WI,t,8 cure Rtrk Headache, UIUoumhwh, Mvur Complaint, Sour Stomach. lytspeiia, ami OounUpaUoa OUAliANTLKH Issued ouly by T. C. Smith, Druggist. Public Square. Asheville, N C I F RRUN S Itijiwial liri to th. ml of mm WHVn V ihoMdnMiuflliUfnilir.UriarrOr ESSS5355Kn rnin tio ehnj of dit at ntuMwni morrmnw or ,K"m-i- im 1cm. to I taken lulmitUjt wbin A8 A PREVENTIVE by either m it U tmpnw.M tooaMrMt ny wnftrMi ulitwa ; but In th omi of ? with flonorthcn nnd Dlwt. waffur4U fllTIl V toa-our. Pnr ly mil. potU( fk. . LADIES DO 0U KNOW Racket Store, 15 South Main St., ASHEVILLE. N C 1 never ntl aided a baseball play in my lilt, but 1 always rend to see who get there. You try thnt plan with the Racket Stoic if not a customer; 20 yards Sen Island finish sheeting for $1.00, this sheeting is beautiful, 1 yd. wide; 25 yds. North Carolina plaids, 25 inches wide, $1.00; 20 yds. nice apron ginghams for $1 00; 15 yds. scone batiste for $1.00; these goods are elcgaut for summer ware; 20 yds. dotted muslin (worth 8V) for $1.00; 20 yds. figured lawn (worth 6Va)lor $1.00; 20 yds. cotton crcpon, $1.00; 25 yds. quilt calico, $1.00; 20 yds. Hamilton calico, $1.00; 7Vi yds. licautiful dress ducking, $1.00; 10 yds. 1 yd. wide percale, $1.00; 20 yds. 1 yd. wide scrim curtain goods, $1.00; 7V yds. lace curtainctto, bound with tape, 48 inches wide, wash goods, $1,00. Will give you half the above goods lor 50c. when you do not want more. One dollar will buy enough tinware to com mence housekeeping. I pint tin cup 2 qt. tin cup 1 Vagal, cup 1 gallon cjITcc pot 1 meal or flour sifter I gallon preserve kettle 1 set teas spoons 2 8Vii inch pie pans 1 10 inch jelly cake pan 1 10 inch tubed cake pan 1 13 Inch wash pan 1 13 inch pudding nun. Every gentleman who wants a straw hat, come and ice our samples at 60c. and 7Gc. DR. FELIX LC BRUN'S STEEL BHD PEHNTROYRL FILLS srsths origins! snd on'r FltKNttll, snfonnil r llahU onm un ths marknt. t'rioo tl,(Mt sunt b mail. Uanuine aula aal) bf T. C Smttsa, Druggist. PabVc Man. AaherUle, N C ALL FOK $1.00 JOHN M. STONER. itig iitvo tho clear sky. formed t ersaturs wiu torn mm MmparaUvfily lam Quantities. poison. .

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