n . i y ' -- -,-7 "g yy Asheville Daily Citizen, PRICE 5 CEN S ASHEVILLE, N. C, FRIDAY EVENING, JULY 0, 1894. VOLUME X. NO 51. . V Always Jul.v 5, 'Oi. the Cheapest. THAT'S AUllIT tip; SlK PI' IT! We don't worry much iiliowt "hard times," he cause we adopt our trade to conditions as they exist. Always the SUMMER GOODS AT LOWEST PRICES. Ice cream freezers (3 kinds); ice chests; water cooler and filters, By fans aud traps, nursery I relriRerators, Japanese screens and fans, Japa licse portieres, rice and bamboo; iiiaiuse Inutcrus and napkins, enameled stools inwn nwlnirs. wne hamtuocks, straws ami 1cm onade makers, oil aud gasoline stoves. BLUETS IN CHICAGO WWfl THK FKSTIV15 DANCRK8. LETTERS BY THE PEOPLE VAHIOUM tWBJI'XTH AN1 I'ICH tUNH HKNTIUNKU. The Situation Very Serious There. REPORTED THAT ONE RIOT ER HAS BEEN KILLED. THK NTATK TROOPN TO CALI.KD OUT AT ONCK. hi-: Cheapest. LRCTIC FREEZErs riot The Means that you Ret the very most for your dollar, not lliat the "Kiocerics" are cheap, the value is in the quality and in price at one and the mime time. That ruk- is the standard by which we govern our business. Lowest ill price and best in ttulity. SARATOGA CHIPS WrnlTer at the fulluwlui! low prices. We I recommend the l'eerless or White Mountain, and 'not this make. Arctics, 2 qt ,3i.jo; 3 'l It, n-Atii.. i.So:6ut.. I.mo. This is a Uiri;uiu CiiicA;o, July &. 1::0 p. m.: A is in progress at the Union depot. mob is tryinii to ditch a train. Gov. Altgcld has ordered out the firbt and third brigades of the State militia. lU'ivivrd totliiy by express. Wm. Kroger. A. D. Cooper, Tirash's GROCERIES. Palace. Crystal CHINA, CLASS AND ItOUSK HOODS DON'T GET RUSTY BUT KKA1) THK NEW BOOKS FREE J I1 ST IN AT "ESTABROOK'S" The Hist Hound Books on the Market. OXJli l'KICES As low as the lowest. If you want old paper novels we sell them at No more need Beauty frown and mope Arrayed in plain atlire, Let Towle The Twister make your tiowu Bewitching with Cold Wire. CENTS EACH. With every dullin purchase we are prescutiiiK I a spaikliliK notd wile souvenir made to order. We make a speciality of new books of every description at without cost. H. T. ESTABROOK poWELL & smDBR : SOUTH-MAIN STKKHT. BOOKSELLER & STATIONER, The Best , IS ALWYS Look out for this spuee next vm-k. L. Bloraberg, The Model Cigar and Sport ing (JooVlri IIouhc, 17 Patton Avenue. ONE PRICE STORE The Cheapest. CONA'vCT STVES IN CLOT I UNO l'OK MEN, I HOYS AND CHILDREN Chicago, lulv t. Wilder cover of the darkness (Jen. Miles last night began the massinir of United Stales soldiers in Uu caco and its vicinity on the lake front. This morning the city loiiud there two companies ol iiiliintry, one coinpany 1. calvary, one battery ol artillery, which fi 'litinu to uiiluihl the law 111 the stock yards, four companies ol'inl.in- try which came Irom l-ort I.-uvcn worth on a train at the rate ol 40 miles per I,,,...- iirrivinrr at 1 a. 111 . three eoill- panies of infantry from Fort llrady, Mich., which came in on a special n little later. It is believed by men conversant with the situation that Chicago will, within 2 hours, In under another gov ernment that of the armv of the Unite I States. l-arlv this morning 1 lie eommuiuimg officers were pouriim over a large innp of Chicago and discussing among them selves matters of grave moment. One ol them said: It the linear. 01 1 w call out the ullied trades ol the laboring men of Chicago is carried into clicet, 11 la liiiriil llpr,' Wl II Ik riiitiiiL'and destruc tion ol propertv in the city. vtcurc iicic to prevent it if possible, but to stop it in anv event.' A Ueni rerun-. Chicaco. July 0. This morning three mail trains on the l'ort Wayne were sent through the district between Forty tilth and Fifty-fifth streets, where the blockade existed yesterday. During the niizht freight cars that bad bcui iluniH'il on the tracks were removed and trains yirrr unt nut it hi lilt tn illlllc. 1 .'lit Ol the mob charged a gang of workmen en gaged in icim: cars , it FoiH-lillh street miller thcMipcrvisionol Ahlermun Carry. Heshowcil the (inn a pi-rum irom n.-u allowing Mich work to be done and the rioters I. ft. MaltcloiiH HeHtruellon. Interference with the lire and police ulai in system is a new mid dangerous feature ol the trouble here, and theolhccrs have been ordered to arrest anyone caugin 111 that kind of work. As yet the damage to the railroads is not scrum'. One 11 fill Kill" l. A t 1 n ! I liis mi, i iniiL' a mob ol 500 men attacked the Illinois U-i.lral road at Kcis'iigton. In a lew minutes box cars were run on tn the main line, switches were turned and the line com pletely blockaded. The officials of the company ut once calUd on the police de partment and vicncrnl .miics i or assist ance. It was reported shortly alter mat touriliof lulv Mop ol Keullworiu inn. The hop at Kcni! worth Inn Wednesday evening, which one ol the, young lames present declared should be called the Rhododendron Hop, as these flowers were profusely employed as decorations, was a verv pleasant affair. A numlK-r of young people were glad to wind up the Fourth by dancing to such excellent music us that afforded by the Imperial trio, tm s-.' excellent musicians wlio arc at the Kcnilworth lor the summer. There were about forty dancers. The uminip women numbered some of the -itiful torltt in Asheville. At annul tuocioiK me gucsis uc-gaii to arrive, and verv soon the dancing rooms was a gav scene, with the couples . . .. .i. .... .: I Ii, W Illllllg to LUC lllspil lug M.1 .mis .'i wuik. music. Most of tlie young ladies were in white. t 11! o'clock a collection of salads, ices, cake and such light rclrcsluncnts, spread in the large dining rooms, was heartily enjoyed by the men v inakcis I hen tiieie were a icw more w.iu.e in id ,'vrrvtioilv went home alter this yerv successful innugurul hop. the musicians, Messrs. icon mm Charles Sehaelcr, and L. Tayloi arc first class artists, whose two dailv concerts at the Kcnilworth arc very entertaining features of the dav. They were the I.M. Iilione of the ore hestra at the li rates of I'enz nice" at the ' pcra house Tuesday evening. Those who wen present at the pertorniance had an op port u-iity to judge of their merits as pei - lormcrs. Mr. can Jidiaeicr, me violin ist ol the trio, has recently completed a ihnw vpiira' pnursi' at the I'aris conserv ative and is a master of the bow. Their selections alloi d the greatest variety, as tnev include the popular airs 01 inc nay as well as e.xtracis irom me lavor- ite operas and classic pieces Irom the best composers. The trio arc considering the possiluli i...a f hi.',tt,iif tii'rnuiiieiit Iv in Asheyil'c and providing cotnpetent iusf uctois in .-ill lir.'iticlKK nf music. The hop was a complete success and at its close tlw tired but j ivoiis young people fell that thev had to thank Mr Khoadcs, tlieniauagerol the kcnilworth for a very enjoyable tunc. KIU'I BLICAN CltNVI'lN riN. ill Tliev lll Very I.ltile minii WaineNvllle. Wavm-isvii.ms.N.C., July 0 -Spccial.l The Kciublican Judicial Convention met in the court house here yesterday afleriiDon in a sl.ort Fcssion. Jeter Tr;,(.lo,,,l wnii i;r.lil lr, 1 he cb.-iii- and 1. li. Hnsley, of lai kson county, was made ui..t-,.lii,-v 'riircnniniilteeon risoliltion retired a lew miiiulcs anil reiurnru wuu ii loni' set of tviiewriltet. rcsolulions, pieparcd belorchand. A resolution was passed calling on Chairman liaves to convene the Slate I ,,,,-..,n i,,, mi U'il, inh mi I licit 1st itisl.. Cliapuiau For Tlie I - Crawford Slrontei Work-Ueo WaHli.oictoii'H tiou - A Uooin For l.uwri. I'lirroK Tm; CiTilis: Uvantielist W K. dales and myself arrived here on Sat urday, une and on Sunday, the l! l, Brother Gales coiuuicncid a series of Evangelistic meetings in the school house here, used as a I'rcshvtcrian church. This school and church is under the charge ol Kev. K. 1'. 1'ell, synodical rvfim'tlhit. The meetint; wus a union one kev. W. 11. L. Mcl.aunu, iiastor in the F.stato circuit, M. li. church, South, uniting with llro. Fell. liro. Gales spoke with his accustomed earnestness and pathos, and the Ilolv ho, ii, ii il its ii'in'k in the cotivci sion ol over oO persons, who coiilessed to -i total sun-ender of tlicir hearts and lives to the service of Christ. The weather has been all we could dc sue, the roads good, nnd the meetincs virv l.'iri'clv attended. Yesterday Hro. Fell tookabout l!(l persons into the I'res hvterian cliuich. llro. Me-I.aureii will re reive as m inv more, and the remainder will unite with the llaolist dcnoinina tiou. liro. Gales will remain here with hits w il'e nnd rlaiiL'hter for a few days when he will probably commence nuiting at 121k Park. Verv truly, I-ilch lllVl'H Spruce Pine, N. C, July -'. li.udorHCd Crawford. Diiitiiu Tin; Citi.i:n: A melting ol the County Hxccutive eommitUe with J k. Ncill as chairman, w.-is called to meet in llurnsyille on uly lind inst., for the purpose of organizing the various com mittees of the Democratic party in Yancey county to prepare lor the coming campaign. Tlie various townships wire lairly rep resented and the executive committees .for each was appointed and organized. The following committee was ap pointed as tlie County lixectitivc com mittee lor the next two years: I.. II. Smith, chairman; li. II. Iluiuicycutt, C. I. Mi IVIris. 1. V. Uvrd. (In motion a meeting was called to ap point delegates to the different conven tions to nominate candidateson th. 21st inst., and then to deteiinine when to call the county convention. We are itll harmonious and del' rniined to win in the next election. A resolution was passed endorsing the course i.. in. 1 . Crawlord m i-ongrcss PAS KOLA. Ar- for A Flonh Forming Food tifiYiull.y digesto'il, thin, pule people and all wiisliog ditwuseH SUPERSEDING COD LIVElt OIL. ft will be assimilated willi out any digestive effort. For Halts by RAYSOR & SMITH, hcarti'v. Hiirnsvillc N. C, I uly 2. 1'. Hut waslilitifiou Had No Won laiiTiiK Tin: Citizkn: Asheville is to liccoiiL'ratulated iiiKiu the honor of en tcrtaining for a time a direct descendent ..I'll,.. I,,,,. , -i -l f.in-oi VYnshinn'ton. 11 would lie interesting u mi-, uici-.n it being the same dav thc l'opv "tjmertj. wonM obtain and publish the biography lor the purpose ol elfect.i.g a coalition ol )f yvimigton. In revealing IIKliSS COOI'S, 77VA minus. (;i-.v;.7v-.t;. iWf f.OOPS .t.Vi ' iioi.sriiHv sri'n-s snots, hats, I TKVNKS, VM.ISliS, UMIiKHLLAS, arc. COOTLANDBRQiy KBAL BSTATB BROKBRS. INVESTMENT AOBNT8. NOTARY PUBLIC " t hmhwii nWed .t B otr cent. Office. M 86 P.tton At.., op .tain When vou hnv shoes of J. B. Dlauton St Co.. jj i I'atlon avenue, you net the Iwst. Just received u new lot of Edwin C. Hurt & Co.'s patent leather Oxford lies. They also curry in stx-k Edwin C. Burt St Co.'s fancy !-.-,crs. J. A. llanUter Co.'s meim fine shoes always in stock raiiKiiiK in mice from .i to Ked Oxford tics at first cost. A coniplctctline ol trunks, v.inscs bum umbrellas. Repairing promptly and neatly done. UANHKIiRCHllil-S COKSBTS, CLOVES .i.Vo' IWKNISIUNG that be ltOOI)S,SU.U.VAKES A NVMIIBK OF IMPORTANT KL MICTIONS IN VAMOI S DEl'AKT &IBNTS. II. REDWOOD & CO., r AND 0 PATTON A VENVE CHOICE TEAS. Now Is the Time WK PUKCHASK AI.L OCR TEA. Direct Irom the Importers. m . t V' urn urlHlliT lltt'lll. tl Illiy iKHa vm-M" . i i i. , 1 ! iv nut it" intr iiiuuiiv.il. . vi". ...i n.,.t nHwr rratl lit'fore. 2.000 1 novels both new nimoui ni cm ran- u-- . u.......... I.t A11urt knss. ,M', I.uvc ni n-vt-uiy( V 1 11 ... 1 cnt.l- nnvrU cc. DtMlo. cllnW . Li.i..,. 1l.t Doui' ll ltl NlL'tlt. I'm hrella Mrmlirr, Ksthi-r Wutirs, Man in Hlnck. half price, 15 ctn a for 25 ct. llenveiily Twiiw, 40c, A HE DRUGGISTS. Don't bo a Slave, .,..1 11.1.. 1. r ....-.,lf uhu tmv Mnc. fori caddy when you enn Ret the fiuint made I Sir, a -1... nUunri..iii at riiv tirices. 1 K.irw.rfm. rhiicolnte cr earns loc. A trml I wilt convince you. I Church 8t. and Pattou Ave M 1 M t i 2 I b 1 ti 11 1 111', B - a B S 8 I 8 b S s I I i 1 1 9 11 1 1 I A Wise Smoker tr.... A.ln fNm't fiirurd UC. -no nmttcr-owr Kewgom 8tihes those I enn get a gootl ciRar at 5c at RAY'S nn The Siiuare. We have lust received a larite lot of I To Rotterdam. That's where I sold n ticket yesterday-1 . .r . . sell 'em anywhere 111 th s coiiulry or Kit- AND VA bLLlNh rope-most people dealing with me n my way of dolnii business. You don't have 10 argue niwrn I ZT"f"R ircr Vou don't have ninlip the fate low enough nd In eonfidrnct will tell you that I Know """'J, Ilkt ! mnrlh ml WOUl Sell for leSS. All tulhorlty on schedule., connections, etc. The Ticket Broker. 8 N. Court 8uuar. Ten cent Iwltles ol Vaseline we now sell for five cents, All other Vaseline goods ut REDUCED rRICES.Kik". a I'n'ilcrl State Marsh ,1 at kcnsinjjton hail lired on the mob anil one man was culled. Flreci At l lie .-nun. Shortly alter 11 o'clock a mob of :i,(IU(l men anil bovs held up a milk train on the riitabiirK and l'ort Wayne tracks ni 1-m tiiUi street and Btoncd the ciiijiu- .. utiii tirettian. lacui. j .cin wuu :.l of :i(l no hit men cliareid the ,.r,,u.il uiih ilr.iwn revolvers, but the mob onlv leered, and finally coinnicnccu . i. ,t turf,,, kiiiiii'sut the iiihcei iiiii'n,s - The no ice then lircil into tin' moo nun several persons arc reported lat illy m jreiL .... .. .,. Mavor Hopkins at lt::i') this inornini; stateil that, unless he b-.camc convinced that the police ouhl handle the bi)j niobs had Icariuil were c-niiieniiK in .,rla nf t ln iit V 111' WOtlld tf C Yill luim I"" Kruph (iovernor Altgeld to call out the irst. second nn'i sevciuu uuiiwn" II nu nil nnvi, rv tmiltitt Iltll 111 L I III IV fftll 113 tllllH'u.i j mi u :..Df (.i',.,l wnnl friiin Chiet 1 UllVCJUOb HV1MVU .. lirennuil that several mobs of from ,'H)(H to 7000 persons are RiitiierniK at a .i...... iiiilnu " auid the Mavor. "and 1 am convinced that a crisis hs been reached and that nothing nut tne uoops can save the city from rioters and per haps worse. The militia could be ready for duty witnin iwo uoura unci nu.i ceived orders." i ...... l,,v,,r HiinkniH has asked L.ULCI. . f - Gov. AKrcIiI to call out hvc regiments ol mil, till III Ultl 11111 HI UlCBClVlllU h"V iwa'C. Three arc now siauoncu in Chk-AKO. M limner n, intuitu. ... ct Rr inns. Mo.. lulv O.-Thc railway yards here and at l-.ast St. Louis are oe f a hriu.' ftltrnA Ol I1IC I U1U llll UL HiHiiiMK ' -...,,, ,..l,, ternot is ut'iiiii mane io ruioc mc n.ij,"- eillouiK"- .... , ... The l-enicn on tne rriseo roan wcue - :. . . ... . it .-..ii:.. on a .ernie una " ; l ;u . limp, t npv niiiLworK suspcniicii. i io ,.i...v.v. - j .-I-; "7---in unticipalion of the expected injunction ol JuUkc llinycr. wni k Kreiuni mora Ci.kvklani). 0., lulv O.-The railway ....,,, I,,, divided to co out. Com Ul(.u u,i. ' - .niittccs were sent to thevarious yard. to ii.. ...... ,n n,i,r wnrv ni ,, ji. in. nOHIV '.lie me" 'l",v - At tbnthourcverymun obeyed the orders nnd there is not u freight wheel turninR in the Clcvelaml yards touay. ineput . .... t...na 1111 VP nilt Vl'L IIL'I'II 111 III fared with, nutl the strikers say they will be permit tea to run. p.. Kv.. lulv G. After a con fcrencc extending over three duys, the Louisville branch of the .American Knn ni Union voted lust niclit niainst the Omaha. Neb.. luly G.-All switehtneu and firemen on the Chicago, St, Tuul and Minneapolis and Omaha ronu in this city struck this morning. Hllll nreBDiniK, Tulv a. The Little Rock nnd Mcmpliisemployccshavvvoted 1 tu I ivn tl.'irt it'H Icter rritchard made lus usual speccn on eountv covcrniiieiit, with some lew modilications. Kic'nard Pearson also made a short speech with very littlcin it. The nomination of candidates fir juduc i.i.l u.ii;it nr u-Ma then 1'iine into. V. L. Norwood, ol Haywood, was noniiuateil for iudj'c bv acc ainatiou. K S. McLall, of Iluiicoinbe, and C. I',. Washburn, ol Madison, were nut in nomination lor the solicitorslnp. The vote stood 7 to U in lavor ot McCall. A ,ii-,tl I v trriful I U'liM' :ii inn was nrisent. and amonu them was noliceil Richard l'larson, Jeter I'l ilchanl. lion l aiierson, I'.ili.ir k'i.lini tu nf Hie llnniier. I.nwvcrs liendrix anil (.'.(',. Washbui n of Marshal', Detective . II. Deavi-r, . Mcivonii hi l-'ranklin aud Dr. V. I-'. I'nnipkins. HIMIII AMIIHti TliAfllKRH' lCxcurHlou Aceoiiiiiiii.'ii rt bv ?alc Milliard. Chaiiman lliown ol ti e Tcaclieis' iis- sociatiou at Spartanburg, slated on Wednesday thai the exncclcil exciirsion of teachers to Asheville w.is iiidelinitel.v postponed "lor ood and siillicient rca- shim, "one ol wlucli wus inai a uaiii cnii'il not be obtaiiieil. 'l in y were in better luck today, as So teacbim came in. mi ii m.iii.il I ruin at 11 o'clock, to r -. - - ...... . , return this nlunioou at o wan tiiiui came the l-'t. Mutt guards, K. M. Chilly, captain, 15 Strom;; the Mm tee Miles, from bllorcc, W. Hull, captain, .iu in immhcr; the Chilian KilKs, II. Y. Vance, captain, IS stroue; li e Maxwell (,'iuirds i'..,,,,, r.r,.,.,,.',,i,il t'iii,t:iin Mvai.s. with 18, and about -'fi ol the Cleiiison cadets and the Cadet band; the Washington, D. II. C, Campbellitc Itiliuitrv was com manded by Private King, who was the sole representative of the conipauy. These companiis arc at me nunc eu- innni ill Siiartanbiiri! and will break canit) on the l.'in. l nc eiiinc parly took a trip to Vanderbills this niorniug. liHIvtT RAIN him to a country ready to do him honor Tin; Citizi n will not only prove its own worth as oe of the best informed and ninsi .-ire urate iournals. but correct one ,,f th,. tiu-st pbiriiiL' misinkis of history 0,.,-liMiitt t tit. writer can assist llll Citizi:n in its invislicaliun by reference in I''.ni'vi'tinii'iiia Hiiltanica. vol. -I- page Jin, I'd column, paragraph - X All lor CrHWIiircl. liiuinK Tin; Ci iizi:n : Deuii'cracv in old Haywood is rapidly "wheeling into line" and may be counted upon to i!o her ilntv. Now Crawford is really atr,.,, -tvim mir iieiiiilc tli.-iti ever be fur,, nnd that. too. with, nit a word or line to ii ll icncc any one Irom him ci (lur'spvins arc rap-illy lilimg up from all parts ol 'the S mill, and a big crowd n contiilcntly expceieu. 1 uc 0110111111)4 liiiuscs arc also filling up. Wayucsville, N. C, I uly 31 PATTON AVE. oi'UN i;vi:nings till 11 o'clock. HOW IS THAT? YOU CAN BUY Tar Bell Cream Cheese -AT- Crnps Jesse ! I.owrj. laiiTuu Tin-. CiTii'.N.l take this op iiortuiiiiv of iiciniimcudiiig to the layot able i-ousidcration of the Hcinoerais ol 1 he '.Hli Congressional district, lion, lessc I'. I.owry, lor Congress, lie is a fine tvic of all-round in 'nbnod. Mr. Lowry's environments have brought him in close touch with the toiling masses of his district. I he Democratic voters of this district in honoring Mr. Lowrv would do honor to themselves. I'o.v I'npuli l or Tlie l.t-KlHlu'iirc I'.iiitok Tin; Ciri.i;s: The people of lliincombc eountv an: anxious to see her inii rcsi s u'i II .-iiid ablv reiii"'niU'd 111 ii,,. siinii h'l'iul.'iiiiri' and 11 I.hl'c number ol voters desire Mr. S. I'. Chapman ..1 a ,., 1 1,, 1I1,' llniiiu. nf Keoriscntatives. He would make us as good a incinlicr as ..... i.,ii tw.uiltlv ,Tit .1111I is verv liolildur. and can lie elected with a rousing ma jority. 1 thtrcfore suggest his name as one ol the Democratic nominees. 1 oicr. I. nld I.ow And crct-kH Ma tie IiiniiHlle I'nclc l'kas Isreal says that last Sat urday's rains did great damage to nil kinds of crops in the section between South llominv and Leicester. South Tuikcv Creik, New 1-ouiiil, t ti..!. 'o 1 ..,.t. ,,,1,1 (iiirtai.l lloininv over HIUI-l.lv.ft,,"", I"'"" ' flowed tlicir banks and a greut deal ol nniet u ma i ii'st en veil . i neiiiaii rciiorcn tl damage of $1,000, others of from $1110 to IffiOO. No such rnni was ever seen 111 ihn district before. It all fell ill two hours, but creeks were made impassawc that have not been known in years to be too high to lord. I'nclc l'leas bad n beautiful stand of oats, but it lies llat now, covered with mud and sand. He sys that in 0 years he has seen no such rani at tins season ol year. MKA1 H SKTl Lli im;i AT Sl R. li. NO LAND iV SOX t 1Tm IV-r INmiihI. W'n will nive you Uoh ooils and moie lhjiIs for fi.tw than any ulhcr store in Aslu'.ilk1, Ketiieiuher the tli.ee. The Spot Cash Store, No. 21 Northtaill.Sl. T'.'leplionc;i5l. Tea For Sunnner Use. in Mrs. Jerre Kiel). W-H Known ahIic vine ami Vlcuilly Mrs. Icrre Rich, relict ol the late Jcric Wii-h. died vistirdav evening at 7 o'clock ..( ii. ,,1,1 li.mi.'nti'.'nl five miles West ol .icl.,ill,. Mrs. Kich was n daughter of Key. IVirr Miller, who was for many years find , if ill II III Iti'iliel church. She was SI vears old and had been a member of the ii.,iiui rlint-i'li for over fi.i years. She tin. mntliiT ol 1. (. Rich, lornicrlv of Hall ird cc Kich, anil ol Mrs. .. uianii nnd Mrs. lohn Long ol Asheville. The inncial was held ill the family l.nri',1 irrniiml this iifternooil tit 1 o'clock. There Was a I'lul. KoMit. lulv G. The l'onolo Uumauo s.iv. ooliee investiuntioti has established the fact of the existence of a conspiracy, 0. AND 0. TEA. ffiil A K('iubllcan Confirmed In HIh . . ......... fjafr miii WASll..JuWO-TbcSenatctariJtheobieetb. bill wus received in the House today ordered printed and referred to the com mittcc on ways nnd means. Two private bills wcic passed by the IT.,,,... iilni'liiin rnilliliitlcc todllV. TIlC case of Williiinis vs. Stttle from the filth North Ciirolmu district was rcportcu in favor of Settle, the Republican sitting member. World' fair HuUdlnita Uurned. CilicAi'.o, June G.-Thc fix lurge W.l.l'. Vnir .trueturcs which foi'UICll the boundaries of the court ol honor per ished by tuccnuiui isai cany iu.i. cvcuiuk V. A. Latimer, 1.nn.1. nf t,.rl,i,,a l.'itfniuinn eolltltrleH. IIC1IUO W, .MttUWO ..,.,.',-.. --7- , Amirchinl- I elm iii accordance with this I nli.r wna delegated to kill 1'icmier I'rimii. and CrsRnrio wus chosen to kill M rnrinii. l.i-iru runic to Rome from Cette when he made the ntlettipt to shoot Signor Crispi. ti-1'ki.o. Miss., inly o.-Georgc fond. No. 10 North Court Square. 1 l r..tna. 1 a negro, wus lyauiuu ruiwu him was that he had entered a gtrlsl room witn the intent 01 nssnuiung, oui .1.- I I 1.. .. .1 1.- ft,.,! Hit nnMlViaillirl inc gin uwu.e niiu nc mu, v v on his exumiuation trial. I Sole Agent In Asheville for O. ud 0. Its. 'iv Y O A.. Greer. Tel.phon. i4. 1 ri'V- ri,iv Ft:'- Jmm