Asheville itizen 1 l VOLUME X. NO 50. ASHEVILLE, N. C, MONDAY EVENING, JULY i), 181M. PKICE 5 CENTS. Daily CALL UP NO. 110 Ami unli-i otic of our extra luri No. t inatk cral if you want the finest UMi that ever came to this market Wm. Kroger. To Visitors! Always the Til T S MIM'T THK SlK OI-' IT' Cheapest. we don't worry much alioitt "hard times," lic cause we adopt our trade lo conditions as ihcy exist. Always the Cheapest. Means that you get the very most for your dollar, not that the "groceries" arc cheap, the value is in the quality and in price at one and the same time. That rule is the standard hy which we govern our business. Lowest in price and best in quality. A. D. Cooper, CrJPOERIES. DON'T GET RUSTY BUT RliAD THK NEW BOOKS )f ST IN AT WOULDN' T HE SWALLOW KI.) Howls Your Home? HHHi:w BCHKJir. TO HI' It KOl'NO l'KOIIHII TIrISTS. IS IT CO.MI'l.lITli WITH CHINA, CLASS, LAMPS, liTC. Wl! HAM! NOW Tllli I.AKOEST ANU MOST XV Kllil) STOCK SINCE WE IIAVH IlliCS IN IIISINESS. I'RlCrOS WAV IMIWN ALL THKOI'OH THK HOI'Sli IIAVIi VOIJ fSKU OI K NliW lfiO Oil.? IT MAKES A ITKli, I1KIC.HT I.K'.IIT EOI'AI. TO DAYLIGHT. Thrash's Crystal Palace FREE ESTABROOKS The llcsl Hound lluokson he Market. OUK PRICES As low as the lowt, I; waul old pa pel novels we sel: them at 5 CENTS EACH. We make a speciality of new 1kkWs of every description at H. T. ESTABROOK SOUTH MAIN STKHKT. BOOKSELLER & STATIONER. With evel y dollar purchase we are presenting spaikliiiK nld wire Miiutiiif made lo nrdei it hunt cost. POWELL & SNIDER Do You Know What is .Vice to Take Home us a Souvenir of Aslicvillc Here i- the l.itcsl-Arliilcs nude ol Hhmlmlcn. dron. MK'liTns Kirr Screens, Kn-cR Ornament! lor the parlur. I'iclint J noiies, Centre Tallies, Ink Standi', small Doll Cradles H'xilt Crises, etc. Have You Seen This Display? You call Bud The Best IS ALWAYS OXE PRICK STOKE. The Cheapest. CORRECT STYES IX CLOTIIiSC. VOR MEX. HOI S AXD Cllll.DREX L. RLOM BERG'S Cigar n& Sporting Goods House, 17 PATTUN AVUNI'li. RBAL BSTATB BKOKBRS. INVB3TMBNT AOBNT8. NOTARY PUBLIC ' Loan Securely placed at 8 ptr cent. OScm 35 & 36 Pattoa Atc., ap ttaln CHOICE TEAS. WK l'UKCHASK ALL OUR TEAS tllrect Irani Hie Importen, ii tl a a j a s i r O V 0 c m a 8 t i I 3 a i .a IS When you buy shoes of J. D. Wanton & Co., 3') ration avenue, you get the best. Just received a new lot of Edwin C. Durt tt Co.'s imtenl leather Oxford ties. They also carry in stock Kdw ill C Burl St Co.'s fancy slippers. J. A. llanisler Co.'s men s fine shoes nlwnys in slock runKUie, in price from f lo jfi. Ked oxfotd ties at fust cost. A completetline of trunks, valises ami umbrellas. Repairing promptly und neatly done. We Believe in Free Trade l-'xchniure or nionev refunded on any tiling bought of us not entirely salislnc lnr'. Amiliestn nil ilennrtmeuts. esnec- inlfv to our candies, finest candies on earth iu'st think of the price Run lions and chocolates. 6oc worth Hoc, Superfine cho. coiaie creams, 40c. sock cniieiy, 10c. mini Drops, ioc. We Believe in Protection prom unprincipled, two priced and old foirv method. The best sc. ciirnrs, eosl ner 11x10 tlmt's whnt we nav for nil ot ours could buy for less, but don't take chnce our customers must have the worth of their money. Traylor's Key West is one ol our best sellers, 5c. RAY'S on The Square, O A.. O-reer. Excursion Rates l to Is saved on encli lli'ket, absolute aaieiy trunrnnieea. Acme 01 comiort se cured at least expense. Once it customer nlwnys a customer, did you ever think of It that you had never heard of a dis satisfied patron of miner O. BAY, The Ticket Broker, 8 N. Court Square, No lllolc need HcHllty lluwll and mope Arrayed in plain altiie, I.ct Towle The Twister make voul itouu Ilewilchinii with Cold Wire. hsiiss ;o'S, rni.i Ul.Sf.S. HtSliUM. URV C.OUDS ..SI 11 UOt.HTHKY STl'I'I'S. SI WES, ll.XTS, THINKS, VALISES. UIIRBLLAS, ETC. IIASHKEKCHIEIS. COKSETS. r.I.oYES. .1 ESS' I- VIIX IS 1 1 ISC. t'.OODS, SMALL WAKES A SUMMER UP lUroRTAXT HE HVCTIOS'S IX VARIOfS I'El'AKT-MENTS. H. REDWOOD & CO., 7 AXI) !) l'ATTOX A VESL E. DRUGGISTS, But flic Cold Water Men Were Nut to Ur Cauicht ?(aitiiic A tiliarp Reply lo I't'Hrsu.n-A Pop utlMt Willi HIH Wit About H!i 11 Responding to n circular nfjime I ill. headed "To Secure Coalition in Hun cumlie County," "to as-art.'iiu an ex pression nf the people of the eotn.ty as to the propriety ol forming a coalition be tween the s:veral politic d ordain itions oppose 1 to the present administration," there was n fairly Hum' crowd in the court house on Saturday, composed of Republicans, l'opuhsts, Prohibitionists and Democrats, the latter Ileitis tn hand to hear the music. Some of the speeches fell ll.'.t, hut when the tilts between Mr. IVarsou and Mr. Archer; betwten MeCall and Arcbrr; be tween T. C. Vc.t;ill and re:,.sjii, iinu one or two others occurred, the Inn was rapid and at tiin;s almost dramatic. I he meeting was called to order at 1 o'clock bv (1 W. Cannon, w ho called on Col. Thos. Ii. I.'ni" to till whv tluv were there. Col. I.ou" stated that the object ol the meeting was to hold a con ference of the people, iruspective ol party, to see il they could lorm a coali tion lor the purpose of harmonizing on the two questions ofcottntv government und honest elections "and .-ill as against and for the purpose of 01 featiuc, t he Ueinoeratic pnriv. in motion .laj. Hunt wasiKitiil chainnan ol the mcct- 1. C. Weslall said that he n.ul some resolutions he would move that they be adopted bv the con venlion after he had n.ul them. Mr CorpiniiiL' said that he ivuuUI second that motion, "ton have luoulit the I'rohibitious here," M.-j. Westall aid to linil a common ground coalition. Now voti can make short work ol it. You have nothing to do I bi 1111; abot.t coalition, except to adopt these result! lions. We cast -Jii votes in ilJ. We have 10(10 todav." and the Major pro ceeded to unroll his risolu ions. This evidently didn't suit the iikas ol the managers ol the convention, jml",ii! from the uneasy looks 1,1 some n tin lenders. home one arose and suoistcil 111 it a secretary be apoointed beloie t!ie Major read his resolutions. This a1! jived 11 breathing spell, and C. 11. Moore was made secretary. Meanwhile J. C. l'ii lii.ird, hinkiup verv intti'li wnrruil aoont souieliiinu, had taken Major Weslall a-i ie In pour solt nothing's in Ins ear, I ut ll.e latter shook his he. id in a in-ist ih c.di d in, inner. Mr. I'carson niovtd iliat l ie unnuiit- lee tlmt had bica"iMevious!y ai pointed" should retire and "pripap: 1. sou utioiis utd busimss for llu acii-m ol this con vention, and suocstti! .ir m cd that the fesolulious ol Mr. Wistall be referred to the cotmuillei, ' which he is a aicinber." Then came a reply that si.iitkd l!n crowd, and k". a l it ol people to ihinl;- itiK'. Tllill l.ll'iv ltI.-(-tlou What coainiilice ? 1 111 l;no,v I was on any 1 n. vi 1 heard 01 it before !" said the Major. Then u mild looking u-.-nt'i n 01 -villi rather Inn;; hair, and wearing s,i eta ties, arose and asked a i,nsiiai that seemed innocent enough in it: ell, but winch seemed to create a eoi:id rable dejitee ol emhnrrassmenl . As tl is was the starting of a parlieul.u ly iivelv row, it is will to say Hint tins vicnUcui.iu was Mr. Samuil Archer, who, thin months came here from Mil'o.vill conntv, where lie was editor o; the .Marion Kevo- ii' up to l.i-t. lit kit the Republican party m issti, lie was a delej;ale in Sil to the Labor convention at St. bonis .'.nil ilso to Ci'ieinnali, assistitio at both pi, his 111 tne lorniatiou 01 tin- Lahor plallonu. lie is now eue..'ii.'eii ni ot"an- iiuh luiiu-.triai Leagues 111 tin' ropunsi nartv.and il.nnis tliat only one man out ol si t v live in the two Leaciiiis in l'.uu uibc county is favorable to coalition with tue Kepulilieans, 111 the column liuht. Mr. Cuaiiman, said Archer, I woul 1 like to know whence this coiuinitbc emanatid.' This, as I tiuilnst.iod, is meeliu ol the people, Wasit appointed bv the people or by a previous intct mi; : '' Mr. Archer looked ul the chatimau mil the chairman looked at the I'uU ol Riciiinoud. Several answers were slarted, Mr. I'eatson's niiionu the res', when a voiie neat the Iront repaid, "I believe the c,ctilk'tnnn was 1 resent at the little niectui' at which the coinnuttie was appointed." Mr. Archer: its, sir, I was; but want the peoi le to know whence came this steering committee, whether it orij;i nulcd with the people or with the olhcc seekers. I arise litre to state that I nin 11 Populist, and it is one of our enrdina principles that all movements ol this kind shall emanate from ti e.' people them selves the poor man, the wotkinr;, in dustriotis man, as well as Irom the rich That's all I wanted to sav." This raised a hubbub, but the chair man nut the motion dtirini; the general contusion it was ileclareil can nil Hut enough had b en s lid lo expose tin cloven hool. A I'roclaiu.illou to t'ltl.eitw, Cood And (lilierwlsie. Wasiiim.ton. I;;iy '.I President Cleve land has issued a proclamation reciting the trouble at. Chicago and in Illinois, and coinluding as follows: "Now, Therefore, I, drover Cleveland, President of the l uitcd States, do hereby admonish all good citizens and all per sons who mav he within the eitv and State alorcsaid against aiding, lounten auciug. encouraging or taking any part in such unlawful obstructions, combina tions and assemblages; and 1 hereby warn all pet s ins engaged or in anv way connected with such unlawful obstruc tions, combinations avd assemblages to dispersj and retire peaceably 10 their rcspecthc ab ides on or b.foie 1 1! o'clt ck noon on the tlth day ol ulv itist. ''Those wlio disrig ird t'nis warning and persist in taking part i ith a imtous m b in forcibly rtsisiing anJ obstnict ing the execution ol the laws of the I'niteil Slatis, or iuterleriug with the lunctioiis of the government, or destroy ing ,.r uttcnipiiny, lo destroy the prop erty belonging to the Unitid States or under its protection, cannot be regarded otlunvisv than as a public cruny. Troops employed ag linst such a riotous mob will net with all the moderation and lorb-.inince consistent with the accomplishment of the dished ends, but the stern necessities that confront them will not with cer tainty piriuit discriminations In t ween guilty participants and those who are mingled with thcni lor curiosity and withouKcriiiiinnl intent. The only safe, therelore. lor those not actually mlawlully participating is to abide at their homes, or at least not to be lound in the neighborhood ol riotous assem blies. While theie will be no hesitation or v.'icallintion in the decisive treatment of the guilty, this warning is especially intended to protict and save the inno cent." I lispatchi s from 1'nu. Miles todav re port that Chicago w is ipiiet and he did not express any i.-ais ol sc ions trouble todav. Ciiic.ton. July y The is gin-ral about military headquarters today that the proclauial ion of the President, lo say nothing ol the bring ol the troops Saturday and Sunday, has had a telling tiled on the riotous clement. NOT SO SKRIOUS TODAY HUHST OF NTHIKI. l.VIIH.IST I.V 14 IMHT ri:i; ciii utuiin vimti iiiivy ?tflllOlllHt-llillt -ITihlM'.l I Irfll - t'11 Harlan - entlHt. At the Methodist church ytstctJny Kev. .Mr. i-nreit.acrg preached on in ralitudc," taking his text from Luke 7:17. Till' sol.) by Miss I'enison liictcsa iiiceu Hill i .ir Away, was leaulilultv teinlerciL At the night set vice the ibscoiusc was Irom Amos, : I" and was a sermon of treat sol.-mnitv. he atitheiM sung by the choir, "Show le Thv Wav," was simple iievfcct in its rcudiTiti'j. ,M the l-'irct I'.aiitist church Key. (. I. White picachitl lo a very large cotigrega ions morning and evening. Jstibicet lor the piornttig. "I lead I'hcs in the Hint ment,'' Irom licclesiastes, 10:1. At the evening service his Ust was Irom Mat icv. p.:l.-,. TI:e.-itiK!".',:;-itlv c!".rg, ol Mts. I:ekev, was ii:uisuaiU' good. There was a verv large eopgrciation it the h'irst Presbyin ian cbnreli. at tile morning si'tcio-, to I. ear U:e lev. Henry (iclslrii 01 I-ioi ida. Ilist.xl was C1.1l.1- tians, (i: 7. and his s-: rnoii u :s a very ible and iitlri.ctive on-.-. Rev. II. A. Wistall, ol the I nit.u ian pulpit, s -inkc to his corgug.itioti on , loiuidcd Church St, and Pattou Ave, We have jusl received n lurne lol of HHEREBOUQtrrrJ Mnkts. ' i'he ibscoiu'se m in l;celesi.i..Us 1:.!. and . mil scu-ibV- ilistussiou of tile remedies. At the I.' hi i.-'.iau chap h b . Ri uolds preached at 1 1 .1. 1: l.mCliiirchthe.ModelM .tl Lake 1' I f, 17, and Act -, llieie were sturai acciss. hutch. A meet in-r "at the tent at Nellie Pari, is advuti.-ed lor ton, 01 row night by tile Advcutisls. An exposition ol 'Jin! )i inlhi.iiis, .". 1 11 will be given. 1.1 r on ins i i;i.r. a sound v:l and its l.C. Me oii ' cru ; Church," !i inter J. : to the Womlei till l.seape I rom iiisiunt llt'litll. 1 in Thurs lav last in Pill inure Mr. Win. M. Redwood, sou ol Alderman Red wood, of ibis city, had .1 liiglilful fall. He had gone in an elevator to the fourth door ol an ollite to trans,-d some busi ness und ordered the elevator bov to iwait his ictui 11. The bov went on up lo the tilth ll ior and le'i the elevator door open. Mr. Redwood, returning, thought the boy w is wailing for him and stepped through lite door, falling to the basement. Palling 011 bin led, he sustained a compound fracture of the lit leg. between the knee and ankle, and his left ankle was sprained and he was, ol c-'iuse, otherwise bruised. I'lie doctors think that no internal in juries were sustained. And Mr. Henry Redwood's telegraphic advices are that his sun is rc'overing very rapidly. til l' I OK ll'AHTAMIllUi I'll,: AND VASELINE 000US. Ten cent lxllla ot Vaseline wc now sell lot five cents, All other Vaseline Roods at REDUCED PRICES. A Private M.ciliiu Itappears that at a meeting held pn vatelv and composed ol Mr, Pearson Col. Long, Col. Lusk and others, this committee hud been appointed. It was moved in this private meeting thai three men from each party should meet and sec if coalition was desirable. This motion, however, was quietly, but efl'eetivelv, sat uiioii, and Ct I. I.usk di thenppointi.ig. With verv t . w exceptions thiseoniinittee was composed ol Republi cans or Populists with Republican autcce dentsand a Icwjs-. r. hen's The coalition crowd had a clear und overwhelming majority on that committee. It was nil cut and dried. All the crow d of Satur day' meeting Inn! to do was to swallow want was otterco. Where Are me KeHolutlouitT Major Wistall, seeing no chance at Saturday's meeting to have his resolu tion acted upon by the convention, and bcinK now a member of the ("previously appointed" committee, slarted into the the committee room and it was elinr to the most casual observer that there was blood in his eyes. And those resolu tions of the previous meeting whnt be came of them? When they ot before the committee they were supported by teo.Nri.xTiiU on locum rAuii.J ANllCYllte Clult Has I.olH of Work cut (tut for II. The Asheville team left todav for Spar tanbiirg, where they wi'l battle' today, Tuesday and Wednesday. Thursday they exped to reach Greenville and will play the C.iecuvillc boys three straight games. MeClmin will ptobably catch in the six games. A litst -class plavcr has been secured in ( lldhain's place until the hitter's linger has recovered. Some Of The isirlkert Uolnic Hack To Work Trains Kuuuluic Aicalo The PreHldeut Pro claims AicaliiHl The KlolerH To Aid Major llwpklus Washington, July 'J. Major General Scholicld has received a dispatch from (leu. Miles stating that there were three separate eoullids in Hammond, Intl., during the night. Several people were killed and a number of 1 inters captured. Secretary Herbert has ordered out the entire naval lone at Mare Island, California, to assist ia preventing the rioting in San l-'rancisco. Worse In Cullloi ulu. San Thani'Isco, July SI. The strike situation is more serious here than at oiy 1 imc before. I'edirnl t'oops arc on their way here, but they mav not be able to get into this city and Sacramento as their trains will be blocked by strik ers if possible. Hammond, 1 nil., uly '.). All is iiuiet here this morning. The citi.ens of Ham mond awoke to find themselves sur rounded by one-third of the militia force the State. Sikinoi IKI.D, lib, July 9. In reply to a message asking that the Illinois militia act with thatol the Indianaeompaiiiesin suppressing lawlessness at Hammond, i.oM-rnor Altgehl has sent a telegram consenting to the co-opcratiaii and ap proving ol it. Trains Moving Uiii Aoo, July '.I. President ligan ol the General Managers' association said this inorniuL' that every road in Chicago is moving trains, most of them on time. -vital frtight trains, he said, dcp.otid tins morning. A monster mwi it:g held last night ol th legates Iron a!l '.in- trade unions in the city, deci le i t ':. u. unless the stiike is settled by I p. tn. Tuesday, all labor unions and mirations here will strike. I Ins tailn .:. the strike, which began in Chicago among the trade unions, will spuad to ail cities in the I'nited States. ettrikc (lor lu Tennessee. MiCMi'iii , Tcnn.. July '.(.The strike in Memphis is practically a thing of the past. Yesterday nearly every passenget wint out on time and todav it isex- inctcd theie will lu no interruption w halcver. Iteliist d lo Olie.v I ls. M s-su.on, (., July P. -President Uebs, of the American Railway I'nion, ordered out die nun on the Wheeling and Lake Uric railway. The road docs not handle Pullman cars and is not a number of the General Managers' Association.' Sunday night the local lodges met and refused to obey licbs' order to strike. Pour other railway orders represented on the Wheel ing and Lake l.ric came to the same con elusion. Out At ToU clO Toi.iiiio, (I., I nue 'J - Yard men 011 the Wheeliu'.r ami Lake Piie. Ann Arbor and North .l c! igan, Cii'cina.tli, Jackson and Mackinaw are all out. No attempt is made to move trains except that Wheeling morning passenger train leltas usual. Firemen .ire only waiting lor order li 0111 President Sitgenttogo out In Ilie Miivor's llantis. Chicago, iilv '.I The result of a con fcrenee in the city between Mayor Hop kins and Gen. Miles brings to the hire Chicago's mayor as virtual commander of the Federal troops in the city. Gtu Milis impns-ed upon the mayor during tin ir talk the lad that troops are hen to protict the government buildings and to see that the inter state commerce law is not violated, li il becomes neces sarv to call out. the troops down town, the mayor has been given to understand tin-it the troops are at his disposal ami await his otders to lire. l.lKll l III Mll tll.'lll Iu.thoit, Mich., June il. The strike in the Michigan Central yards came to an end at 7 o'clock this morning when the employees ret in r d to work. At the union depot the situation is unchanged. Sitiidnv III Clilcaiio, Chicago, July P. Comparative ipiiel prevailed within the city Sunday, al though there was, as might have been expected, a mini! cr of sporadic instances where little knots ol malcontents had gathered, became boisterous anil were finally scattircd by a charge from the police. A number of small mobs lormed, went noting, tiling nnd overturning cars; beads weie cracked and snu ravels, mostly the result of too much nid whiskey, were Iriipicntly reported nt police headipiarters. I here was, however, no concerted ellortsat violence, Ncicrot'H In Htrlkers' Places. Fniiin Stock Yakps, III., July !.- I'iiis morning the Rock Island company lisli ibiiled a ear load of negroes along the road from Twentv-sixthstrect south crowd of excited strikers threatened to kill the negroes. A strong detachment ot police are now on duty along the tracks Limes ! Limeades ! ! l.ivc ! ust rrci'ivL'd a fine lot of ficsli ripe If you like limeades try ours. Ajso Coco-Cola, Egg Phospate. Hire's Root Beer, Pepsin Cherry Tonic. l'ine.fpplc Snuw 15 t-ents) i still a great seller. Our lev Cream Sod.i is frozen from initv krscv RAYSOR & SMITH, 31 PATTON AVE. tiPLN i:T-NIN0S TILL 11 O'CLOCK. will KK inn vnr r,i-T it ; THE FINEST THING OBTAINABLE, no TAiii.i-: comim.i:tp: WITllill T IT. T HAS NO EQUAL. i: THK I.ADIKrs AM) Tlll-IY WII.I, TK.L1. YOr Tn CO To li. XOLAND & SON 21 N. Main St., ('.meets, uie yuu e.ui find n lush supply ul this eeltl.ratfd Steam linked Bread. C'lirlstlHii i:iulfnvors Two liiiudrid members of the Chris tian Lndeavor society will arrive tomor row in orning from Florida, At 1) III) several of the prominent speakeis wi make addresses nt the First Presbyte rian chinch on the work of the nssocia lion. The church will he tastifiillv dec orated, and the public are invited to attend. The party will visit Vanderbilt's and leave on the afternoon train lor the North, Robbed. Kev. Mr. ChrciUbcrg's parsonage was robbed Friday nighl of all provis ions, even t tic niorninccoflec being taken. The thieves must have been slaves to appetite solely, for they left all the silver. A jug ol moluFsca was carried oil' also. I Hiring the services ycstcrUny sonic one entered Mr. Chrcitzbcrg's study ana took nil uis keys. comixc asp coisa. udgc Chas. A. Moore returned today Irom a business trip to reichtiioud, Y, Arthur Kankin who has been ipule sick at his home is reported better today, Kobcrt C. Frank has gone to Spartan burg to yell over the Asheville baseball victories. L, Whitney Wood of Philadelphia representing the Drained iS: Armstrong Silk company, is in tue city. Clingham has lei t Concord, N C where he has been some time, to visit a. brother in ad kin county. Mr. Frank 15. Morton, who super vised the bringing out of the "Pirates of Penzance," has gone to Ncwliern, N.C. Mr. and Mrs. I. II. Lynch ami family of Greenville, Ohio. Mrs. T. S. Oillilntid ol Van Wert, Ohio, arc in town. They remain indefinitely, on account of the health ol Mrs. Lynch. Nearly All tbe Holdler Hoys purchased suits anil trousers at the Itiinki-uiit Clothiner silr. i!S S. Main street, before leaving for enmp. Some hig Imrgnins in children 6 suits nnd cent! fine clothing this week. All suits at less than coat of material in them. The Britannia beat the Vigilant again today. Tea For Summer Use. 0. AND 0. TEA. W. A. Latimer, No. 10 North Court Square. Bule Agent lu Aihcvlllt for O. and 0. Tt.

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