Asheville Daily Citizen State Library 1 1 4 VOLUME X.-NO. 58. ASHEVILLE, N. C, WEDNESDAY EVENING, JULY 11, 18JM. PRICE 5 CENTS. GALL UP NO. 110 Anil oriler one of can extra short', No. i mack ernl 11 you waul Hit finest fif.Ii thai ever came to this market Wm. Kroger. To Visitors! Do You Know What is .Vice to Tate 1 Ionic lis a Souvenir vf Asheville Here is the latest Articles made of Rhododen dron, siutQs Fire Screens, Kiwi-, Ornament for the parlor, Picture Frames. Ccntic Tallies, Ink Stands, siniill Doll Cradles, Donk Cases, etc. llnve Von Been This Display? Von can find them at L. BLOMBEUG'S Cigar and Sporting. Goods House, IT I'ATTON AVKNl'U. ' RBAX B8TATB BBOKBRS. INVB8TMBNT AOBNTS. NOTARY PUBLIC loans aenuvly placed at 8 ptr eeal Oflcsa 30 ft as Pattoa At.., ap italrt IN order to live mv customers tile lie lie- M. fit of cash rales, I have decided that after Saturday. (July 14. 1 will only sell for cash, Not cent otcicdil will lie given to any one slier that dale. u, a. usuit, Always the Cheapest. THAT'S A MOl'T TIIK SlH OP IT! We don't worry milch nlwut "hard times," lw csuse we adopt our trade to conditions as they ex ist. Always the Cheapest. Means that you Ret the very most Tor your dollar, not that the "Rroceiies" arc cheap, the value Is in the ((utility and in price at one and the same time. That rule is the standard by which we govern our business. Lowest in price and hvst iu rptnUty. A. D. Cooper, GROCERIES. DON'T GET RUSTY BUT KKAD TIIK NEW BOOKS JUST IN AT ESTABROOK'S" The 1U si Hound Books on Hie Mm kit. OUR 1IIC51: As low as the lowest. If you want old paper " novel, we .-jell litem at 5 CENTS EACH. We make a speciality of new books of every description at H. T. ESTABROOK il SOUTH MAIN STKKKT. BOOKSELLER & STATIONER. Men's Patent Leather Shoes We have just received a new lot. the latest style. We 11N1 carry a nice Hue of men's (silent leather pumps. Our ladies' patent leather and dougolu Oxford lies are the best. We handle Williams, lloyt Si Co.'s children shoes, they are the Iks! on the market. J. D. Wanton & Co., 39 Patton Avenue Views (If the heantiful "l.nnd nf Hie Sky." pic tured beauties of the Bwunnanua nud French llroad rivers mountain scenery Vanrlerliilt's palace large assortment So cents each, S3 BO a duien. A Quiet Game (If croquet I. nlways enjoyable, a i hall set bo cents, u uau $1 ou, a unu j ao. Esther Waters, Hy ReorRC Moore, of which Qulller t ouen, ineKrrat kkkiisu cnuc,, -.1 is the most artistic, the most complete, mid the most inevitable work of fiction that has oern written in Unnlnnd for the Inst two years." Half price, Hodo, Ship. mat f ass in tnc n.gni, etc., 10 ecni for US cents. RAY'S On The Square. Cut Rate Tickets. Hell 'em any where 3 to S lest than .Titular rates just as Rood no bother no tronnie no need to be ooru lucsy Just uuy llcsets Irom O. IP, RAY, The Ticket Broker. I M. Court Square, Telephone 1U, How Is Your Home ? IS IT COMl'LliTli WITH CHINA, CLASS, LAMPS, ETC. WIS HAVK NOW THE LARGEST ANII MOST VA RIED STOCK SINCE WE HAVE IIKBN IN BUSINESS. PRICKS WAV DOWN ALL THHOir.ll THE HOl'Sli HAVli YOU USED OUR NBW 100 OIL? IT MAKES A PI KE, BRIGHT LIGHT EllUAL TO llAVLIGIIT. Thrash's Crystal Palace FREE No more need Hcauly fvowiiuml mope Arrayed in plain attiie, Let Towte The Twister make our ou n ltcwitchiiin with (.old Wire. With every dollar purchase we are presenting ;i hpttrkliiiK voi wire souvenir made to order. without cost. POWELL & SNIDER ONE P1UCE STORE. CORRHCT STYES IN CLOTHING FOR MEN, HOYS AND CHILDREN DRESS GOODS, TRIM MINGS, GENERAL DRY GOODS AND VI IIOI.STERY STUFFS, SHOES, if .ITS, TRUNKS, VALISES, VMI1RBLLAS, ETC. HANDKERCHIEFS, CORSETS, GLOVES, MENS' FURNISHING GOODS, SMALLWARUS A NUMBER OF IMl'ORTANT RE DUCTIONS IN VARIOUS DEPART MENTS. H. REDWOOD & CO., 7 AND 0 PATTON A VENUE, DRUGGISTS, Church St. and Patton Ave. We have just received a large lot uf AND VASELINE GOODS. Ten cent bottle, ot Vsseliue we now sell fur five cent.. All other Vsseliue good, at , 1 i REDUCED PRICES. DEBS AND CO. ARRESTED CHARGED WITH IMTERII H. IKO WITH 17. H. MAILS. trlke NtwlNot Exclllnit Today -Hacrameuto Striker Mot No Very Blood JThlrstv After All Sovereign'.) Order Iisuorrcl Chicago, 111., Mr 1 1. The general strike which was to bare been inaugu rated last night to force the arbitration of the Pullman strike tailed to mater ialize today. Throughout the city this morning there was little evidence of the business paralysis which has been so confidently predicted by the labor leaders. Every street ear line in the city was running, the derated roads carried the usual number of trains and the early morning crowds of workmen on the way to their shops and business seemed undiminished. The seamen, cignrtnakcrs and carpenters were the only unions which signified their inten tion of stopping work today. Reports from these trades were awaited, but their action one way or another was regarded as only a drop in the bucket. According to the labor leaders, mote than 100,000 in;n in this city will be out on a strike by Saturday. That was settled at a meeting held bv a dozen or more local unions late last night. The trades and great council at a late hour last night passed the following resolu tion: "Resolved that it is the sense of this council to strike and that the organiza tions already out remain out and that the remainder arc to be out not later than Saturday morning; that the council give its fullest support to all organiza tions afbliuted. We request oil members to keep away from railroad property and if martial law be declared to remnin in their homes.' The building and trades council is the most powerful single labor body in Chicago. Union mock arks, July 11. The trains arc moving in and out of the stock yards this morning without inter ference. IttbH & Co. Ari-Nlcil. Uugene V. Debs and other officers of the American Railway I'liion were nil indicted bv the grand iui v for consoir- acy to interfere with the I'nitcd Stales mail, and placed under arrest yesterday. The Hemic a full. Washington, Inly 11. In the Senate todav the following was adopted with out division: "Resolved, That the Senate endorses the prompt and vigorous measures adopted by the President of the United States and members of his administra tion to repulse ami repress by military force the interference ot law less men with the due process of the laws of the I'nited States, and with the mails i I the L'uiun States and with the commerce among states. Tnc action of the President and his administration has the full sympathy and support of the law-abitliuir masses oi the people of the I uited States, and he will be supported by nil departments of the Government and bv the power and resources of the entire nation." They Won't Btrlkr. PiTTsnt'KG, July 11. The represent." tivcs in this district of the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers, the Brother hood ol Locomotive Firemen, the Brother hood of Railway Trainmen, the Switch- mens Mutual Aid Association and the Order of Railway Telegraphers held a meeting last night and decided uot to participate in the strike now being waged by the American Railway Laion, UoIuk Back to Work. Henderson, Ky., July 1 1. Theswitch men and yard hands on the Louisville and Nashville, who struck last Thurs day, have already resumed work. Pus scngcr trains hauling Pullman sleepers have continued running an int on tune It had been ucurlr a week since a freitrht train passed this point on the Louisville and Nashville. Hid Mot Go Out. Washington, 1). C, ulv 11. Dis patches from Baltimore, New York, Minneapolis, St. Paul, Topckn, Ihilutli Boston, Buffalo, Milwaukee, St. loscpb St. Louis, Omaha. Detroit, Cleveland and other cities, snv that there has been no strike of the Knights of Labor oiguui zations in compliance with Sovereign's request. l ira up. Minneapolis, Minn., July 11. Switel men on the Soo road tailed to show up this morning nud a general tie up of the road is threatened. Toi.eimj, 0., Julv 11. This inornim: found ten roads tied ap. Everything is ipiiet. o luvcBiiicaie. Washington, July 11. The House committee on interstate and foreign commerce has decided to recommend the appointment of a committee to investi gate the present labor trouble. Chicago m Quiet. Washington, D. C, I uly 11. General Miles reported to the President this morning Hint everything in Chicago was quiet. There were lew Idle people about the railroad yards and streets of Chicago this morning. Negro Workmen Fired Al. SeoTTiiAi.K, Pcnn., July 11. This morning u body of i in ported negro coke working men were tired into ny strikers at Summit, It is reported tint eight men were shot. Mo War In C'alllornla. Sacramknto, Cal., July 11. The rg ulnr troop, this morning took possession of the depot, and no violence was of leretl. Strike Over At Cleveland Ci.evci.anh, 0., July 11. The employ ees of the Erie railway here have decided to go back to work, Only Mall Trains) RuiiiiIdk. Massilon, 0., July 11. The freight and passenger service litis been aban doned except the mail trains which arc ttill ruining. YESTERDArS BASEBALL GAMES, PitLbu-g 19, Bnltimore 0; Boston 12, Chicago 3; Cincinnati 7, New York 3; Cleveland 23, Washington 4; Louisville 13, Brooklyn 7; St. Louis 17, Philadel phia 8. lCTIt'INU 8I-.HVANT 1. Probably The Firm Caac Of 1 lie Kind lu The tt'uir. How many people in Asheville were aware that the following law is in the North Caroliua code ? See. 3110: "II any person shall entice, persuade and procure any servant by indenture, or anv servant whj shall have con tracted in writing or orally to serve his employer to unlawfully leave the service of Irs master or employer ; or if anv iMM'son shall knowingly ami unlawfully harbor and detain, in his own service and from the strvce ol his master or employer, anv servant who shall unlawfully leave the service ul such master or employer; then, in either case, such tt person and H'rvant may be sued, simply or jointly, by the master, and, on ncoverv, he shall have judg ment for the actual double value ot the damages. Sic. .il.'l). In addition to the reniidv given in the preceding section against the person and servant violating the preceding section, such a person anil servant shall also pay a penalty ol one hundred dollars to any person siiinj lor the same, singly or jointly, one hall to his use and the other to the use of the poor of the county where suit is brought, and the offender shall be ttuiltv of a inis- kmeanor and fund not exceeding one hundred dollars ot imprisoned uot ex ceeding six months." On the strength of this law a suit was brought a lew days ago iu Justice Frank Carter's court. The ground of the suit was that one party had hired a maid servant before the expiration of service with the prosecutor. Suit was brought against the employer and employee. The defendant who had employed the woman claimed that she hud asked the servant to get her a girl, and received for reply an oiler from the servant to undertake the j ib, as she had clready given notice to her employer of her intention to have. The lady deiendaut fainted while on the witness stnnd, and the Instice dismissed the case lor lack of evidence ol criminal intent. All parties m the suit were prominent people, the maidservant be ing temporarily made so by the suit in iUestion, I'HUM FAIRV1I-.W, Money order Mew Hoiih-.m- Per- huiiuI AddreaM Political. I'aikviuw, N. C, uly lth Eairvicw postollicc has recently been established ni a domestic monev order cilice. J. I Bland is erecting a nice dwelling. The new dwelling of J. L. Ashworth will soon be ready fur occupancy. J. I". Toms, who has been iiuite sick, is fast convalescing. Ainoi.g our recent visitors was Mrs. Payne, mother of Mrs. uson Ashworth. Mrs. lohn A. McDonald is visiting her daughter, Mrs. J. Will Jones. Mrs. R. L. Moore ol Columbia, S. C, is visiting mother, Mrs. t). li. I'tillbriglit. Alter a two months' visit to Rutherford comity, Miss Uettie lay's Inentls welcome her return. Miss Price of Asheville delivered a verv interesting itudriss on the sul uct o t Poreign Missions under the manage- in tnt ot the Ladies Mirsionarv Society ol this place. Interest in the political arena is in creasing, the general verdict being a pre diction ol success lor the Democratic party. Only one demand is made by our citizens who arc Democrats and that is that only men ol good moral and sober characters be put lorward lor the vari ous offices. JI IMJI-: (il'DUUR' WOIIK lie In TurulKK The Hahii.lx out Ou To The ltoatls Marshall, N. C , uly 1 1. i Special.) The Inferior court has been in session this wetk, II. A. Guilgcr juduc piesiiling and P. A. MeElroy, solicitor. These gentlemen are giving entire satislaction to our people, ijuite a number of eases have been disposed of and several con victions had ; among others two noto rious outlaws Irom the Hot Sprites ami Paint Rock vicinity. Among litem is lohn Bryant, colored, who is said to ben terror to the people ol Hot Springs. He was tried for attempting to bum the guard h'Mi-c and convicted anil sentenced to work on the public roads lor two years. The other, Frank Lumb, a white man, was convicted lor an assault on a dwarl ot the name ol l.amlcts and sen tenced to work on the roads I- months Our commissioners have adopted the sslcmof working prisoners on public roads. Judge lludgcr has shown him self to be a gentleman of ability and limitless on the bench, ami his method of deuling with evil doers w ill have much to do with suppressing crime. AT TKIMITV. Wotk Ol The Fplacopal Coiivoch lion Proceeding Hiuootlilv. The services at Trinity church this morning at 10 o clock were conducted by Rev. Mr. Deal, dean of the couvoea lion, und Rev. Mc.Neclv Dubosc, rector. immediately after the services there was an informal meeting of the congregation to meet Bishop Cheshire. The convocation held an informal ses sion iu Hie loreuoou and discussed mat ters of geueral interest. The work among the colored people received special notice. At 3 o'clock this afternoon the convo cation met lor formal discussion. The uestion of the erection of the western part of North Carolina us a missionary jurisdiction will receive attention this afternoon and tonight. The last meeting occurs al S-.'M to night, and the opinion of the clergy and lavmcn iu regard to the division and what claims il hits on the general chinch lor special appropnulioii, will be oivcn, COXDbXSED TELEGRAMS. A fierce fire raged for five hours among the harbor docks at Hamburg today An immense stock ofcolleenud tobacco was destroyed ; loss, $375,0011. Puillip Crosby 1 ticker, grand com maudcr of the Scottis'i Kite Masons, of the Southern jurisdiction, died at vwml; itiKton. The President today sent the nuinina lion of C. M. Fallow, jr., postmaster, MudiBon, Oil., to the acunlc. Nothing was accomplished at the first day's meeting ol tlicturill bill confer ences. Speaker Crisp has been called home by sickness in his family. The Senate passed the naval approprl ationuill, OUR EYES ARE DIMMED, oi k voici; It LOW, DID O, WHY They To H. C. Uo?-Tuey Mulled And monkeyed, Thev Failed To Hit, They Could Mot Play a Utile Bit. Asheville must have been in the throes of night-marc yesterday evening al Spartanburg. "Rutthd" does not be gin to express it, as the news reaches! Asheville. The third inning blarlcd it on a muft by Stephens and a bad decision at third base, Iu the Hi inning Spartanburg was shut out and Asheville had the game in her own hands with three rims to be gin with. Spartanburg took one in the second and crowded Asheville out. And the third inning well, it was awful! Stephens Stephcus.miud rou! mulled a pop llv that fell into his hands. The sun was in his face and Hint will have to serve as an excuse. But the boys went to pieces when the umpire declared a clear out at third us safe, and then de clared the same man out at home plate and then changed his decision. Spar tanburg Tilled up seven runs and then gave Asheville a pill. It was nothing in the fourth und fifth, and one for Asheville in the sixth. The seventh inning tallied three for the Spar tans and one for Asheville. In the eighth it was one for Spartanburg against an egg for the Asheville boys, and the Spur tm boys rubbed it in again by making two to Asbeville's none. But here's the fcoie, and there isn't even an atom of consolation in it : M'AKTANUI KO. A. II. ... .. .. 1 -f-11 II. 11,1. 1. '1 lioma-, . s t llnc'-:ili II ii .Mi. 1 1 miles, lb... Sullivan, r. 1. 13 a I. vims, c. I.. . teuiiny. v.... hrelUltel';.', 7 1 1 A 1 O o .- it it MIIIVII.I.H. ao A II ... i o i "UK. ''. I I'CII, Hi Clime, e Stephens, I. t. . Stanley, s. s.... ..'inicr, ti IH'iiee. all Met, ah Wiltiains, r. I'... o o ai r ; 27 I ulllli; oul, hit by halteil ball. Seoul-: liv inninos. i a :i 4. .-. n 7 s o SiuirlunliiirK..O 1 7 0 II o a 1 a -H Asheville 3 o O O II 1 1 0 O 6 K.'irned runs Asheville li, Spartanburg Two base hits MeClung, Lanier, Dennett, Thomas, Biers. Hume runs Bennett. Stolen bases Stanley 1', Ben nett, Thomas, lluggin. Biers, Sullivan. liases on balls Oil Lanier l. olf Chreitz- burg , Passed balls MeClung 3 Wihl pi'ch 1. Struck out Lanier 0: Chrcit2li:r'' 3. Very Foul Tins Bennett put the ball over right field lence. John A. Nichols was reported as feel ing very badly last night. Melzs plaving was a bnuht spot in tnc surrounding darkness. It wns painful to see how Lanier great playing came to naught for lack of support. The Spartanburg grounds are small mil very heavy with sam I. 1'hc elt held faces the sun. Lanier in the seventh batted the ball to the corner of the left lence. leiust niiscd an "over.'1 ' Jim Voting unified a beautiful ball in centre held, but redctmed himself bv licking the ball up and nuitinii il. to second in time to kill a forced run from first. H.ruvk a Pole. Another runaway on Pattern avenue stirred up some excitement yesterday afternoon. C. E. (iridium's team wits standing near Hotel Berkeley when a bicycle passed, frightening one of the horses. The driver drew the reins so suddenly that they snapped and the tongue broke. This started the horses to kicking, und thev then started down the street at a dashing gait. Reaching l lie poslolace one ol them struck an elec tric light pole, which laid him out lor some tunc. W'ilcv Brown finally per suHiled him to get up, and the horse. badly injured, was led to the stable. This started a report that Brown's team hud run awav. SOUTH CAROLINA SEWS. Jonah White writes thcRnlcigh News and Observer from Chimney Rock : It is now an assured tact that an electric rail way will be built from Ruthcrfordton to Chimney Rock, a distance of seventeen miles. The track will be laid with henry rails and will run through the rich valley of the French Broad river, with lolty mountains on each hand and the most picturesie scenery cast of the Rockies. lohn Randolph, night watchman at the Flizahcth City shingle mills, had been missing several days. His body was found Hunting in the river, the head crushed, the throat cut, the jawbone broken. I he coroner s ury has returned a verdict ol murder, but many people t li l n k ivnuiiolpn commuted suicide. Applications for pensions are now being received itiitc rapidly by the Slate Auditor. 11 is the belief ol the ollicials that there will be an increase in the number ol pensioners this year. At Rowland Inst S.iturdav lohn II, McCoiinuc shot and killed Thomas Smith. Both arc white men. It is said McCormac was drunk. Smith is the second ntun he has killed. The date of the State fair is made one wick lalcr that is, Irom (icto. her 23 to 2(1, inclusive in order that exhibits tuny be brought here from the irgima Mate fair. Bob Mndkins, the young negro who nssnultcd Miss Phillips ol Burlington last month has been taken from Kalciah to (iruhiim for trial at a ipecittl term of court. Governor Carr oilers $100 reward for Edward S. Hart, wanted in Craven county lor arson. Mr. Jnrvis, who has been seriously in, is now very noted improved. Mrs. Z. B, Vance is in North Core Una, Limes ! Limeades ! ! We haw just received a fine lot of fresh ripe limes. 1! you like limendes trv ours. Alsu Coco-Cola, Egg Phospate, Hire's Root Beer, Pepsin Cherry Tonic. I'iiiMpple Snow (5 cents) is still a grctU seller. Our ice Cuarn Swln is frozen from jmic Jersey RAYSOR & SMITH, 31 PATTON AVE. OIM'N liVLNlNGS TILL 11 O'CLOCK. WIII'HK llll) Vol" Cl-T IT' THE FINEST THING OBTAINABLE, NO TAHLK C0MPI.1-TK WITHOIT IT. IT HAS NO EQUAL. SI TIIK I.AD1KS AND THIiY WILL TELL VOl' Til tlO To li. 15. NOLAND & SON il N. Main SI., Uiuceis, Where you cau liiul n fresh supply ol this celehraleil Steam Baked 15real. Tea For Summer Use. 0. AND 0. TEA. W. A. Latimer. No. 10 North Court Square. Bolt Agent In Aihc vills for O. sad O. Tsr,