I I VOLUME X. NO GG. ASHEVILLE, N. C, FRIDAY EVENING, JULY 20, 1894. PRICE 5 CENTS. Asheville Daily Citizen tWJnlkiMiidH A Three-for-a-Quarter Cigar For 5c. We arc selling two well kumvii tiiamlsof ioc. nr threet'nr-t-eiiiir(tT CiK-'irfor.s cents. These are not obscure brands, 1ml fin known to yon antl everybody hh just what we represent them to he. Win. Krosrei. SKiMfiHSIt To Visitors GliT TIIK LATliST NKWS 1R0M 110MK, Charleston News! and (Courier, Charlotte observer, Columbia Stale, Savauuah Morning News. T V "-rald. - w o Papers, t!,'. World, nu lie, mes. rhiladclphia l'rusCliicauo Her aid, Tribune, Iiiler-Ocenu, Ciu ciunati Commercial Gazette, Kichmoud Times, Daily Citizen. I, BLOMBELIG'S Cigar and Sporting Goods House, 17 l'ATTON AVIINl'li. University . . . of North Carolina. lucluiles the College, the University, the Law School, the Medical School ami the Summer School Tor teachers. College tuition, f0 a year; tioatd, (7 to $i er month, Session begins Sept. 6. Address President Winston, CHAPEL HILL, N. C 6-jodiuio THE ADVENT TERM OH THK KlI'TY-TlIIRl) ANNUAL BKSSION OF" St. Mary's School, Valeioh, n. c, ime.iNs SEPTEMBER 20TH, 1894. Address the Kector, Kev. B. Smedcs, A. M. 7-ljdjmo CORTLAND BROS. XBAL, B8TATB BS0KBR8. INVBBTMBNT AOBNTB. NOTARY PUBLIC ' Loan, Stcartly pUctd at S ptf eeat. omna SS ft 88 Pattoa tn, ap .tain Always the Cheapest. THAT'S Altot'T TI1H S1ZK OH IT! We ilon't worry much aliottt "hard times," be cause we adopt our trade to conditions as they ex i.-t. Always the Cheapest. Menus that you get the very most for your dollar, not that the "uroceried" are cheap, Die value Is in the quality and In price at one n ml the same time. That rule Ik the standard by which we govern our business. Lowest in price and liest in quality. A. D. Copper, GROCERIES. Dolls! Dolls! Dolls! I'HK MUST COMI't.K't'K STUCK IN TIIK CITY. GLOSING OUT SALE OF BASE-BALL Lawn Tennis Goods. ASK OtTR PRICKS. H. T. ESTABROOK 23 SOUTH MAIN STKKKT. Ladies' Fine Oxford Ties Our stock in bt ill complete iu the lie.sl jirade or Ox foul Tics, Now Ih the time to htiyn pair of kill Oxford Tien. We are offering nil of our ml KO.it, turn sule, that cast us ft.jo a pair at 7,s cents a pair. We can suit you In price nntl pialily iu Trunks, Vidiscsund Umbrellas. Repairing neatly done. J. D. Blanton & Co. 3j l'ATTON AVK. Asheville Ahead In th- hall game yesterday you'll le ahead too if you lay fu a mipply or fine writinir twiner while we nre Kcllfnc it ho cheap not iioor mKT but the lest at low prices tower man ever aom at in Asnc ville Fine linen oaner usually sold at 17 to 30 cents n quire k01,,K nt 10 cents: Per fection Iriih linen 2XA cents: Kurd's Wav- erly linen in neat Ihx, 24 sheets paper, 25 envelopes, oniy 25 cents. Carmels N 18 Gents a Pound. Tlint'a what we offer to set you acquainted with our candy department eat just as wen as 11 you pant 40 cenia. When You Play Cards Use nicvele cards all chtlis use them- regular price jj cents our (n ice for 7 days longer 15 cents a pacK piemy 01 mem RAY'S On The "Square. Cut Bate Tickets. 1 sell cheap tickets to all parts of the world money Imck If not at represented guarantee every ticket what I don't know know a! tout rniiroatla might nil volumes wiitu 1 hu kuuw tB wuun uiuucy 10 you you see me. O. jF. JR,A.Y,' Meinlwr American Ticket Broken' Association, ON Till! 80.UARB. ' Howls Your Home? IS IT COMl'l.liTli WITH CHINA, GLASS, LAMPS, JliTC? Wl! IIAYU NOW THIS LARGEST AND MOST VA" HIED STOCK SINCB WB IIAYU lllil'.N IN IllSINESS. PRICES WAY DOWN ALL TUROl'Gll THE HOUSE II AYE YOU USED OUR NEW 160 OIL? IT MAKES A li'KE, IIRIGHT LIGHT EjJUAL TO DAYLIGHT. Thrash's Crystal Palace 400 YARDS Ol' (1111,1) W1UK A WKKK IS NOW UK I NO USKU II Y . . . Towle To supply the immense demand for his fashion iible woik. 11 "s-'"i ALL THE RACE. Last chance to see him. An itilerestiiiK and en tertainiiiK exhibition. Willi every dollar pur- base of Kroceries, vu are still presenting one of his pins to order FREE. Powell & Snider c o o u y o o IS Q W c 3 O o 'A u 'A w o u M Q bJ c JO a w 0 03 i El Perfumery. If you wish a nice Imllle of extract Inrthe hand kerchief use the following : the Twister CARRY FULL ' . 0V C0ltWICOWfl ) Hr.Yo I'M BSSJ f mSVukim 5 Imported Goods. VASH1.INI! AT 10c. Bottles DCnilPCIt DDIPCC 10c. Bottles for sets. nLUUULU I IIIUU0 lor jets, DONE IN JUST TEN INNINGS ANHEVILLE WINN THK VI R ST FROM tPARTAMBIIRO. A Good Crowd On, a Drlzslhiir Rain, aud a Bard Vptalll FljtlH partanburK'a Kick AKalum a Ueclblou Tbal Cave AHbevllle The TylnK Ron. The cliiif nature of the Kit me at Al'an- dnle jcbtirday was the ii tlomitalilc persistence with which the Asheville wagon pulled up hill. It was a hard tussle and the bill grade wasscvcral hun dred fret to the half mile, but the Moon shiners not in the game to give a close imitation of the way bull is plaved. They played in hard luck a go 'd deal of the time, becti use once in a while some one would fetch the ball a swii c that looked sale for several bases, but hopes would be shattered like a play house as a long hungry Spnrtanburgcr Ojicncd his tiaws and made what looked like an impos sible play. Mean errors, too. in the beginning wculd creep in and cost more than the team wanted to pay, and when the fourth inning closed there were many who didn't believe Ashevillccoulil recover against the lead. Hut the fiat went round among nine men who wore the Asheville suits in the tilth to the 1 fleet that there must be a spitting on ol hands and a hitting ol'ballsnnd that the visitors must no no more harm. 1 hen the pull began and the game was won Ihcrc was never such an Aggregation of instruments of torture as broke out when the teams got ready lor the battle Tin horns, bird calls, hunters' lion s, toritcdocs. and so on were cnrriid by scores and is doubtful if a team ever faced such a noise-making gang here. H was m istly good natured, but the bovs icniiuibeiid how noisily Aslu ville was riceivcd in the Spartan town and there was n desire to get "bunk." The fuss at times was so great that the umpire could no mote be heard than could the scueak of a pigmy in the uiidsl ol a thousand howling Dervishes. The grand stand was filled and the patriotic ladies wore red aud while Asheville colors proluselv and were 1 li eral in their applause. Iu fact, the colors were to be seen nlmosl everywhere. It was truly Asheville day, a (lav long looked for and one resulting in rij iicing When I'mpiri liiiggs called the proces sion to move Jack I'.reen went up lor Asheville and spotted tin-first ball :11ms pitched. There was a trumpet blast, but it died away as Thomas nipped i a id placed (jreen on the retired li.-t at fust. McClung took what ought to have been a hit but Jaine got partly iu Iriml nt it dropiK-d it and then ncovcred lumsi I: 111 time to cut off the lunuir. It was a good play and many 'carts beat laster at the prosHct ol a cipher on the boaul. Out Young's eye for twice two caused a howl that was multiplied 1111 hundred fold ns Stephens drove a douMc sale into center on which Young scored. Sianlev followed with a hit pa-t short, but the scoring stopped when Lunier's lly till in to Huggin's glove. For the llurgers Bennett led oil with a hit to center, Powell's pop fly was good tor nothing against Stephens' "I've got it!" hut Thomas selected u single. Iluggin Hew to Williams ind when Kvii s look lirst on balls the bases were lull with two out. Sullivan gut one to suit ami stared it afield, but Stanley got in the way ot it and the batter died at lirst. Robertson was lirst out iu Ashevillc's second, three strikes causing it. Melz put his weight against a lick that sent the ball against left fence fur two bases, and Williams iiccepcd a present ola base, tirccn's fir was taken bv livins, but McClung basted toward center and on errors at second and center Mel and Williams scored and MeCiuug went to third, but was hit there. Young expiring at lirst. The dance for the visitors opened with a base on balls tor Ilayncs, followed bv a lly out bv Fleming to Met.. Iiinxs hit safe, nnd Dennett mudi lirst on llnvues' out nt third from Stan- lev. Powell's hit to center scored lames, while Thomas knocked a ball to left that seemed easy a foul, but was called safe and Dennett and 1'owcll came 111 Iluggin hit safe and Williams made a wild throw away over to lirst, Ii tting lhoniasm. livins died trom l.amer to Green. Such climbing ns Ibis presaged ilef at lor Asheville and there were calls for anything resembling a run. Stephens' loul lly had the bad luck to go to Hug gin, but Stanley got a base. I.anier fol lowed with a double on which the shortstop race horse galloped home. Kobcrtson sucuteril to 1'owcll. and Mctz's lly was entumpussed by livins. retiring the side. When the visitors went up bullivnn walked to lirst, while Haves doubled to right. Fleming hit to Stephens, who threw to Green but it was dropped and rolled by, the ruunet trying lor second, it was recovered, However, by Metz, and the runner was put out by Stanley. Sullivan scored on James' hit, Bennett weut out by Orcen 011 n sacrifice that scored Hnvcs, and James scored on Williams mutt ot Powell's easy llv. Thomas hit to Green way oflT first and was out out nicely. Asheville wus shut out 111 tuc tonrtn, McClung alone seeing first base. Spar tatiburg scored a pair, and right time their mascot lelt them. One, two, three put Asheville 111 the field in the fifth Uennctr died on a pretty ealcu Dv Williams, but Powell got to third on Williams' error. Thomas fouled to Green and the baseman got in the first double play by putting it to McClung iu time to head off Powtll. Seven batters went UD in Ashevdle's sixth, but Robertson was the lonely scorer. The feature wus a fancy left hand catch of Mctz's long Hy by Bennett. Thric batted for the visitors, Hiiggin missing first, Evins hitting but ding on n double on Sulli van's bit, between Lnnicr, Met: and Green. In the seventh, Asheville scored Robert on out of sis to bnt, the runs being made on Ilayncs mull ot Wilbanis llv. 0 for Suartanhurg. There were three bits in the eighth nnd Young and Ste phen came in. At the beginning of the ninth Metz struck out, hut sonubidv implored Williams to hit it and he did for two bases. Green made first alter three strikes wetc called, Fleming trving to cut off Williams, who had run oil third. The intcher ran down and it looked ns if the gnme was lost, but the bill was dropiwd by Iluggin in a colli sion with Williams aud the hitter got buck to third by the dropping of the ball by a fielder who was covering the base. Williams was called sale, and Spartanburg kicked manfully to have hiia called out on the claim that he had CONTIMUSD ON FOURTH FAUIi. AN ATTEMPT AT SUICIDE COL. I.. M. AI.LKM trien to KILLHIHSEI.K. The Attempt occurred Iu Ibe Conutv Jail, Where Col. Allen Wan a Hrlsoner An iulereMiluic Life HlNlory. A drip, drip, drip as of Mowing water attracted the attention of J. M.Grant, a prisoner in the county jail, about C o'clock this morning. The unusual cir cumstance caused him to investigate and he found Col. I.uwrencc M. Allen, a cellmate, bleeding from a wound on the arm. Grunt culled luiler W. H. amison, who ran upstairs end into the ell, where he lound that Col. Allen bad made a desperate attempt at suicide. The wound was diagonal across tie upper 'eft arm mar the elbow, and ex tending 2'a inche", Two veins were severed and the blood was flowing freely to the cot and onto the floor and ran in a stream to the corner of the cell. Mr. lamison instructed Grant to grasp the arm tightly above the wound wl lie he summoned Dr. II. L. liaird. the county physician, who reached the jail about 10 minutes later and attended to the wounded man. The wound had stunned bleeding belore the physician arrived. Col Allen, who is well known in Ashe ville. had attempted to take his life with penknife, which he probablv had on his crson when tut en to jail, iilihouc,h he wus searched at the time by the jailer. When ink L itizi:n, in company with Sheriff Krookshirc and thj j-iiler. visited Col. Allen in hie cell on the third Hour of the jail 1 his morning AII111 was lokuig verv p: lie and weak I coin the oss of blood. It is probable that he will recover, lie told the sheriff he had amc to the conclusion he would ratlier lie than live aud the attempt I'dluwed. Cliartcrtl WHIi Check Runtime Col. Allen was arrested here on the '.Hh ol I uly by deputy Sheriff Hampton on a ipias issued fro in Graham county. The Colonel had been teaching school and il was charged that he raised Ids salary heck from .'lj.;iU to . ki.fiO. This he passed upon a met chant in Koliliinr vine, with the explanation, it is said, that he had taught one ioith that he had not been paid for and he had added the amount to the original check. He was to be taken back to Grahum this niirning by Sheriffs. S Hooper, of that ditntv, who came over vcsle-rdav. I he sheriff left this morning without his prisoner. a I'ltiiui i.eiirr Col. Allen left a letter to Shcrill Brook shite, which is dated July 12, which in die it, s that he meditated the rash act for several (fays. The "U" in the dale, however, seems to be made over another ligmc so that it does not seem absolutely certain that it wus written on that date. The letter follows: Shcrill Hrotik.-ihirc: 1 commit a rash act, lint my d.iy is p ist. I got no chance to sec anyone to give liiiml, out 11 1 have any mentis left trom the late war 1 beg thev will take my lx dv to mv father's old farm near Mars Hill, 111 Madison countv, A. C anil lay it to lest with my parents ami mithcts. ouiv trulv, M. Allen. "I go to appear before a higher court, where justice is sure and the Hicers thereof arc true to their wort'. 1 could give ootid il I had a chance to see tround. Please hand the bundle ol pa lters in my breast pocket to K. II. Merri mon. A licit. It seems there is no hope for the widows' son." Col Alleii'H Life. While Sheriff lirookshirc was at the jail Col. Allen had a phamplct taken from his pocket and gave it the sheriff to read. The pamphlet is entitled "Par tisan Campaigns of Col. Lawrence M. Mien, commanding the tilth regiment, North Carolina State troops, during lite l ite war," and eoul.iit s i'S pages. It gives the lit Itl ami stall til the ti l th. Col. Allen was born in Htiucombe coun ty on the loth ol Oetober, lNIl.'i. He- was clerk ol tl e Superior court ot Mad ison soon alter the loriiiation 01 tue countv. He voluii ceieti at the lust call ol troops iu the Confederate- army. At one time he commanded the p st at tnoxvillc, Tennessee. The fourth chapter of the pamphlet gives an account of Col. Allen's duel in wh ch he was dangerously wounded, which hurt has troubled him ever since. The story as told iu the pamphlet is as follows in substance. In l ebruurv, lahS Col. Allen was in Phu-nix, Ariz. One duy he sat at a hotel table near a min eral expert, Dili, who said he was from New York. Dill spoke up classing the Southern men as lazy nnd thriltlcss. No notice was taken by Col. Allen, but a minute late Dill grosslv insulted S iuth em women as n class. Allen hurled a cup ol hot collec in Dill's face, following it with a sugnr bowl nnd caster. Two tlnvs later Dill challenged Col. Allen, the duel to take place at Aiitonc, Mexico, February '.'2d, (il) lect distance with l.r pistols, at sunrise. The duel resulted iu the killing of Dill anil the inflicting ol a wound iu Col. Allen's lower abdomen and hip that laid him up lor four months. DEATH IIY DROWNINU John I Lance Lone HH Lift) In WashluKtou. A Itttcr received Wednesday by Miss Mollic Lnuce of this city brought the sad intelligence of the death of her brother, lolin Plato Lance, by drowning. The accident by which Mr. Lance lost his life occurred July 1 in the river near Mark ham. Wnsli. lie, accompanied bv scv eral Irieiids, went to the river nnd two of them went in bathing. Mr. Lance was seen to strangle and sank before he could be reached, tits body was recov ered and a Irienn, W. I'. MeGnlia, at Rochester, Wash , was telegraphed for. The remains were taken to Rochester, where the bin ial occurred on the 3d Mr. McGnlm says in his letter it wus no known whether Mr. Lance drowned died ot heart disease. Mr. Lance was about 25 years of nge, unmarried nntl hud men West only year or two. lie hail a number friends iu Asheville, A HiarillUK Proitram. Paris, July 20. Placards have been posted in various parts of the city pre dieting a series of bomd explosions and other acts of retaliation in revenge for the execution ot the anarchists, Vaillaut, llcnry nod others. BACK TO THE SENATE NOW THE TARIFF BILL, AND FREE RAW MATERIAL Hill Fpeka For Free Coal aud Iron to an Hume UHelCro wd-T he President lo WHnoii-AualuHl the lucomo Tax. Washington, July 20. As part of his remarks iu the House Yesterday Mr. Wilson had rei.il ut (he clerk's desk a long letter written to him by the Prcsi-1 dent wherein the hitter defines his posi tion on the pending bill. Thesailcnt points of this documcn , which were received by frctpicnt outbursts of ap plause by Democrats and occasioned peuls of laughter by the Republicans, are these : He admonishes the House conferees to stand firm for free coal and iron ore as they were promised the iicople when the party pledged itself to free raw ma terials. He declares that to accede to Republican protection in the bill now in conference on these terms would be a partv dishonor and a party outrage. The Senate bill, he says, fell far short of being what the rank nnd file of the Dem ocratic party demanded. On sugar the President said the party could place a tax without being subjected to the charge of abandoning Democratic prin ciples, even though the charge might be made, although it would bcexaggerated, that the party was encouraging the reliucrcH of the country. There would he no obj ction to a tax on sugnr if that were neccsary to secure the passage of the bill, but in respect to coal and iron ore the President said there must he no receding from the House bill. The Pres ident's relcrence to sugar as n "delicate subject" caused much laughter on the Uc publican side of the chamber. ( hie ot the concluding paragraphs of lite I ttcris: "You know how much I k pin lied the incorporation into tin il I lie income tax lea tit re. In a utat 'I this kind, which does not violate fixed and n cognized D-moe-ratic pim ple, we aie willing to di let lo the judg- tent ol our Democratic brethren." Crowds Mich as had not thronged the unlc in mouths packed it t tlav he House and President had vt s'erdav thrown down the gauntlet to the Scu te 011 the lanll ttiestion nntl a pitched title was expected. At l.':17 Senator Voorhee-s, e-lwiinnati the finance committee, called up the onlcrencc report on the tanll lull. ithout a word of explanation he nave the lloor lo Smiihol New (crsey who atl a carefully ntciumd speech He id hoped, he said, that when the hill issctl the Senate two weeks ago, it had been perfected, but the events of the last 1 hours had conlronted the Democratic irlv with the possibility of the failure all tanll legislation this session ; if so the rcspoii ilnlity must be placed where oil ingert.- Mr. Mill followed with a motion that he Senate recede trom iis amendments to the House bill imposing a duty on bituminous coal and iron ore. Then hijlje- 111 his speech 111 these words, dcliverul ith dramatic ellcct : Mr. President, a icorv as well as u condition confronts Immediately u burst of laughter started in the reporters' gallery and was caught up and repeated 111 all the other galleries. He then went on with his speech. Il was read bom manuscript, but was (le vered wilh gicat force and was listened to with the clorcst attention by Kepub lican and Democratic Senators alike, by many Kcprcscntalivc ot the House standing in rows back ot the- seats and by very large crowds in the galleries. TOO II IK FOR ANYfHINU Tile Only HnpallHl Convert In llurkc Pnllfrt. Mouc.ANTiiN, N. C .July IX. The only genuine c -nvcrt from the Republican to the Populist ranks in this countv was the kt. Rev. P. A. Whitcncr. 11 llaptist preacher. The Populists have been proud of this acquisition to their forces 11 account ol the moral ellect among he Baptists, wh.i are generally Republi cs in this county. 1 his morning ut daylight the revenue officers made a raid on Kev. Mr. Whitcncr mi l captured a blockade still and nine stands ot beer within a hundred yards ot his dwelling house; found his h igs ami tools ol his, and many othe-r evidences of his proprie torship. The officers say they have the strongest kind ol evidence against him. Key. Whitcncr is the man who, 111 the recent Populist convention held here 011 uly -Hh, challenged Charlie McKesson to meet him in the hustings or in the pulpit anywhere in the county, State or nation to discuss the issues of the day. Charlotte Observer. TROOPS WITHDRAWN Tbe PreHldent Rerunen a Kecinesl or Ctalcaico clllzenit. Ciiicai-.o, July 20. All federal soldiers have left the eilv. The troops will, how ever, be held at Port Sheridan for some time vet to I c in readiness for n call if necessary. Washington, D C, I uly liO After consultation with the Secretary of Wat and Attorney General, the President has decided that the local authorities of Chicago are capable of preserving order there and the decision to withdraw the federal troops will not be rescinded. In llticntial citizens had requested that I nited Mates tioops be retained in the city. In for itae CantpalRii. The Sivaiiunuou River Democratic club wits organized Inst evening nnd is in for the war. Maj.Wni, E. Brccsc was elected president, and the eight vice-presidents will be elected at next meeting. The club membership will probablv exceed Mm and the good service done in pre vious years surpassed. The members were notified to get their steeds in order us they propose to fire and enthuse the country south ol Asheville. Hnnued lor AMnulilnic a Child, Wooiivii.i.k, Texas, July 20. A mob of thirty armed men overpowered the jail here today und went to the cell where vvilliiitn iirilhth was conMicd und took him out. Then they hanged und shot Hun. About a week ago Uiilht assaulted a little girl. Fxplonlon ol a Powder Masaclue, Savannah, 0a., July 20s This morn ing an explosion occurred in one of the powder magazines of Fort Pulaski The first explosion was very heavy Sergeant' Charles Chinn, U. S. A., aud his wile were badly injured. You need not suffer the tortures of sick headache unless you want to. Anticephalalgine cures quickly and safely all headaches whatever the cause. 2octs and 50cts per bottle. Asheville agents, UAYSOll & SMITH, 31 Patton Ave. viii:rh inn vor i-.i-:t it? THE FINEST THING OBTAINABLE, NO TABI.K, COMI'I.KTK WITHOUT IT T HAS NO EQUAL. ASK TIIK I.AD1KS A NO TIIKY WII.I, TKI.I. YOU To CO TO I. L$. NOLAND & SON ai N. Main St., Grocers, heie yon can find a fresh supply 01 this celebrated Steam Baked Bread. A COMI'I.KTK LINK ol' PICKLES Sweet, Mixed and Cucumber -AT- W. A. LATIMEK'S, No. lb N. Court Square. t.ntbner carries a nice stock or Potted nie.lt, French Sardine., Crackers, Hie

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