Asheville Daily Citizen, ."'tiUi.' r.'linii v ! i i ASHEVILLE, N. C, WEDNESDAY EVENING, JULY 25, 1804. PRICE 5 CENTS. VOLUME X.-NO 70. I.KAVK OKDKKS AT KROUKK'S FOR Always COLD WATERMELONS, FRESH EVERY MOltNING FROM COLD STORAGE E A.T CELERY BISCUIT A llcliuhtlul Ailiclcuf . Food ami a O.oood Nerve Tonic. WM. KROGER THK SlH "H IT! the CRYSTAL PALACE Cheapest. REV. JOHN A. BHltMMUN'M I- !- COURttK ON THK Bl'UJKCT, BARGAINS HAT'S AlinrT We ilon'l worry mucli iiliout "linril times," bc cause we adopt our trade tu condition ns they exist. Always the Cheaptes. JAPANESE RUGS, HAND WOVKN, ASSORTKI) UK SKINS; 8 FT ONLYHSc.: 3x6 I'T. ONLV l-9" I These prices are truly bargain. The rugs arc very good lor summer homes Japanese Portieres, HAMIIOO AND RICH. Means that you get the very most for your dollar, not that the "groceries" tire cheap, the value is in the quality nm! In pile at one and the same time. That rule is the standard y which we govern our business. Lowest lit price and liesl in quality. Many pretly designs. We I them 10 per cent, from price, very cheap. ire now olTeling This makes them NEW GOODS We are daily gelling in novelties ami pretty little things in china, cut glass, etc., that are I very appropriate souvenirs. Visitors welcome A. D. Cooper, Thad, f, Thrash & Bro. GROCERIES. CRYSTAL I'ALACK. Dolls ! Dolls! Dolls! 400 YARDS 01' (1111,1) WIKK vi.;i:k is now nit INC. I'SHD II V . , T1IH Ml 1ST I'oMI'I.KTK Towle STOCK IN TIIK CITY. GLOSING OUT SALE OF the Twister BASE-BALL -AND- Lawu Tennis Goods. ASK Ol'R PRICKS. H. T. ESTABROOK 1! SOUTH MAIN STHKKT. To supply the immense demand for his fiisbion- I able work. It's"" "-"""""""a"- ALL THE RACE Uist chance to see hint. An interesting and en tertaiuiug exhibition. Willi every dollar pur chase of groceries, we arc still presenting one of his pins to order IRICE. Powell & Snider MMORTALITYOFTIIESOUL HILL TALKS HKN8E. To Visitors GKT TIIK LATKST NKWS FROM IIOMK. Charleston Newsj mid Courier, Charlotte observer, Columbia Slate, Savannah Moi ning News. N. Y. Ocxiwel.u Tribune, Herald, World. I'hiladelphia l'less'Chic.igo tier, uld, Tribune, Inter-Ocean, Cin cinnati Commercial Gazette, JKichniond Times, Dally Citizen. L. BLOMBERG'S Cigar and Sporting Goods House, 17 l'ATTON AVBNUH. 3LiSt3 Style Slioes. The Lately RcalBiied Iator Of French Broad Cbarcli Dprahi At The AdventlHl Tent TuvHday Evening To a Large Crowd. The tent in Nellie I'utk in which the Seventh Day Advcntists have been hold- iug their services has been enlarge il and removed farther Iroiti the street. It was filled last evening on the occasion I' the discourse by Rev. John A. Iiiutrson, who recently resigned the pastornteof French llroad H.-iptist church. Mr. Brunson's subject was "Conditional Immortality; or, Eternal Life Through Jusus Christ," and the talk was based on licncsis .': 7 : Ami the Lord r.od formed man of the dusl of the ground, ami breathed into bis iioslius the breath of life; and man liecaiucu living soul. In opening, Mr, Hrunson said that in coming to consider the ijuest ion it wis beat not to do so in a spirit of c nitre- versy. He eame as n true seeker and simply laid before the audience the result of his investigations. "The views to which 1 hold," Mr. Ibunson continued, "have been the result of an investigation extending over two years or more. I had considered the question bclorc 1 Ictl the shores of Inpan. When 1 came to Asheville some six months ago, I was not prepared to say mv views were in abeyance. Two months ago when the tent as erected hi re and I saw the hand bills on the street, i came seeking the truth nnd lor the first time 1 knew that their views were bkc mine. Works bear ing on the subject were secured and live or six volumes were read The views were pcculiiitlv my own. "lain surprised at the lone ol that has been sai l in Asi cvillc regarding the immortal ly of the soul. I he doe- trine ol conditional immortality is spoken of as ieculiar to the Seventh Day Advent- isls. We sic that it is as obi as the .New Testament. 1 claim, m preaching a con ditioual immortality ol the soul, that 1 on simply returning to the doctrine taught by Jcsm Christ and His disciples. I his beliel is not coalmen to any one tie nomination. I have been great Iv aston ished at the ignorance ol some who hold themselves up ns lenders of religious thought, lam not saving t his lor a re llcction upon anybody, but 1 allege it as an indisputable fact. Whether the doc trine be true or not, it is tlic duty ot every leiuler to invest igntc it fully. 1 do believe that within the i fxt L'.i year!", H Jesus Christ has not to 'lie by that lime, the iloctniie ol coiiilitionni minioi lamv will be generally accepted. It is the most rational duct line. The doctrine ol eternal torment is not i f Chri-t but ol the heathen philosophers. "Iain not identiliul with ihcAihcn tists; I am not here as the icpresenta- tive of any denomination; simple my self, rcpres: nting mysell. 1 h.licvc that the life we have is condition (I with (mil und dependent upon God. 1 do not b: hevc man has an inherently deathless principle in him. If man is independent he occupies the same plane that boil does. If mun cannot die he must live and if he must live, being a dcnllilcts entity, he is self existent. Througln lit the Scriptures, il I read uright, lite is ale solute lv contingent upon the will ol God, who L'ave it. II the breath ol lile means a deathless entity, then we must conclude all am mals have it. If the breathing of li!e into in makes him a deathless soul, then the breathing of hie into the little mos Uito makes it a deathless soul, BETTER COUNTY ROADS KaoiiKu For All oilier Mruaiora (single Handed. Washington, July 255. In the Senate today the conference report on the legis lative, executive and judicial appropria tion bill was agreed to. At one o'clock the conference repot t on the tariff bill was called up ami Mr. Cafl'rev took the floor, resuming his speech begun yesterday. In the Senate yesterday Mr. Hill went into an elaborate defence of Picsidciit Cleveland and his letter to Chairman Wilson. Hill said he had known tl e I'res ident lor many years, lie was a man who said little it: convcisatinn. He was a good listener. Iletonncd his conclu sions slowly, deliberately, honestly and sincerely. He permitted his party fiicuds to disclose their plans and purposes. And it was certain to his (Hill's) mind that the President did not bind himselt to ti c provisions ol the Senate bill and that he did not approve them. The President, 1 1 ill said, had not in- 'ended to dictate to either brunch of Con gress, l he letter could not uc construed into dictation. It was a suggestion, an expo-filiation, a warning to his party mends not to persist in the Mcnate lull. Hill urgu-d that the letter violated no clause o the constitution, nnd that the President had the constitutional, legtil and moral right to send it. Hill wound up a two hours speech, bristling all over with the spikes and ?I e trs of Ins wit and sarcasm, by com paring the Senatorial conspiracy against President Cleveland to that winch compass' d the assassination ol lulius Ciciar. In this historical paral lel Gorman stood I r "lean nnd hungry Cassius," to whom Cicsnr said: "He thinks too much, hueli in n are dan gerous;" Jones of Arkansas lor "lion est Hiiitus:" Vest lor the "envious Casca:" Voorhees for Treboinus, ami the distinguished Senator troni 1 e nn- S' see. Harris, tore. mna. lleeirrieu out the parallel iiv ileclaring that theie Sen ators made the same plm which the con spirators of old made "not lint thev loved t.'i'sar less, but that they loveit Koine more; not thev loved i. levclam less, but that thev loved their party and the country more-." The caucus ol Democratic Senators vislcrdav aflcrnoou rem lied no eonclu sion. (iULtTCIOI'll IIIKSI'. Bt'NCOaBK TAKES AMOTHKH ttTF.P THAT WAV, World f nairr In and Mtar Uoan Hi'. Knoxvii.i.i-., July 25 Col. Frank Mc- Nulty, proprietor of the Imperial hotel, returned yestcrdav from Cranberry, N. C, whe re he spent Sunday with his wife. C"l. M' N ul I v reports a terriflic cloud- buist, which was accompanied bv much ill, magi' to property on Koan mountain last Friday night. So hard did the rain tall that the roael was washed out in laces from four to live feet deep and was icmlcict impassable. I he continued rain ever since lias rin- li-rcd il impossible to repair the road so that traffic over it could be resumed. When this ceases it will take some three or lour days to put the road in traveling condition again. 1 he crops in the vicinity. ol thccleud burst were also damaged to some extent and the streams are all ovei Mowing th if banks. HectlHic In The Court House Ad dressed By Col. Hoy Stone Uf The Aicrlcul'ural Department The Railroad Quemlon. The double meeting held by citiz .ns ol Buncombe for the purpose of considering the railroad and county road questions called to orelcr shortly alter 1-' o'clock today in the court house bv J. li. Rankin, chairman of the Hoard of County Commissioners. Will Aiken was made secretary. There was a good attendance of the people of city nnd county. The railroad meeting was the first to take action, by the adoption of a motion made by dipt. Natt Atkinson, to the effect that the chairman should appoint a committee to communicate with the authorities of Transylvania county and persons who wouH undertake build ing of the proposed railroad from llre vard to Asheville. This committee is to lie composed of Chairman Kankin. three committeemen from Asheville township nnd one from each township outside the eitv. At the conclusion of this business the question of bettering the roads ol Ilun combe county was considered, the County Commissioners as a body taking part in the c nference. Chairman Ran kin introduced Col. Koy Stone, special agent and engineer of the Bureau ol Uoail Inquiry, a branch of the Depart ment ol Agri.ulttire nt Washington, Col. Stone made an address that went light into the del. -ills of the momentous ques tion building county roads, and relat ing instances showing in various Slates how great a bint-lit had accrued from the adoption ol measures 1 ir roud ini- proy, incut. The address was plain prai ti al and instructive. i iiiestions on p.n tieular points were asked bv Col. Frank Coxe. W. S Cash man. W. i. Ilnugliteling. W. G. Corpen iug and ot and e. ol. Stone gave the hem lit ol his inlorination upon the sub it ct . At the close of the talk Col. Stone gave out copies ol road literature pill) lished bv the Agricultural department. (ieo. S. Powell oll'erid the following, Which was adopted: Kcsolvcd, That we have beard with pleasure and benefit Gen.S e remark on good roads; tint one ol the great needs of Buncombe county is better roads, and as a step in that direction be it "Resolved, That the Board ol'Coui.ty Commissioners be, and aie hereby re- one sted to appoint a committee ol citi zens for the purpose of investigating the oiiestion o I belter roads lor Buncombe county. Said committee to report their investigations with recommendations to the Board ol County Commissioners Ppon the adoption of this the meeting adjourned. VIHII'INU FLORISrN. WITCH c o 2 C University . . of North Carolina. Includes the College, the University, the Law School, the Medical School and the Summer School for teachers, College tuition, fin a year; boaid, (7 to $13 lcr mouth. Session begins Sept. 6. Address President Winston, We represent the best shoe manufacturers in I the country. J. A. llaulster Co., lueu and boys, II. Armstrong & Co., I'.vitt tie llrother, and Kdwiu C, Hurt jfc. Co., ladies. Williams, lloyt & Co., misses and children. All odd stock at reduced pi ices. Umbrellas re-covered while you wait. Slioes neatly repaired. J, D. Blanton &Co. 39 l'ATTON AVH. 6-Jodllllo CHAPEL HILL, N. C THE ADVENT TERM OH TIIK FIFTY-THIRD ANNUAL 8F.B8ION OF St. Mary's School, HALEIGH, N. C. -liHOINS 1894, SEPTEMBER 20TH, Aeldrcst the Kcctor, ltcv. li. Smodcs, A. M 7-ljdjlno nflOTT A WTi RBAL MTATB BROKBRS. INVBBTMBNT AOBNTS NOTARY PUBLIC-' Loss, swanty pMM.4 at S par mi O y. i-i u , a o u i o Q bi c fan 5 0 i a o o Is c w 0 J J llanunocks. Maylie you mean Intake it rasy-nolliing like a hammock II you would woo the dreamy, drowsy MorphcmvMcsic-an ham mocks, 13 feet long, Ji.oo. Palmer's lux ury, No. 4, usually sold at fs anered at U llammorks nt 7jc, $1.35, $1.50, $i.x, J.'5. $j.5o and fi.y. Croquet Grape Juice Grape Juice Grape Juice UNFERMENTED St-ls iirlees that make voll bliv enl uihmI I lour ball set eomulelc, sjc. All sines all I prices, . . Lawn Tennis Hulls-quality first, Wilght guarantee that '03 balls J.W.- Pencils A PUKK FOOD A NON-ALCOHOLIC imvHKAOK & liltson, t balls 50c. Heinitsh & Reagan Thai ran he drnended iiimiii. that's what a business man wants the man who miiiihrt 1h sillied from our larac assort- ment would lie hard to please-plain cedar K, eloien. Dlcken's with ruhlier loc. doieu, Knlckerliocker pencils jc, each. 8 N, Court Square. AQECY FOR RAY'S Cut Rate Tickets to llaleigh. (loldnNiro, ftnllmlmry, Dnrlittm, nm nil imitilH in thin HtAle tmln Irnveii Vrhlnv rnt very low nee me nt once don'l de myyou cru t mm 11 ucaiing wun O. HAY, Member American Ticket Brokers' Association, ON THK BtJUAKK. TKLKl'HONF 194. BON-BONS, 6H0C0LATF, ETC RHCKIVKH TWK'K A WHFK -AT- Heinitsh &l Reaga HAl.l-' A mll.l.IltN I.OJiH IIIK If we declare so, then all ai nnals to whom br ith has been given are ns immortal man. Ir. Woolbridge accepts this mil declares that all animals arc inimor- How ilo you know that the soul can never be al rest .' Yv nn toiei you I'lato, and not Paul. Then.' is nothing Script mc that imohe'S an malic able athless iniuciple'. Man is not a sou body or spirit, but the three taken to gether. It is not 1111 immortal soul that sees, thinks nnd Ice Is. It is the w hole ill that lives. Hie whole man (lies, the whole man ns 8 again, the w hole man is indeed. Ik-re is the 1 lea ol conditional lininor tahty: Man was made hy G id and am ateil bv Him. Was he perlect .' No not in the sense of holiness. Was he iiu mortal? No: hut to him wa given the power ol attaining immortality and per fection. He disobeyed alio torlcitcil 111: mortality. Of course we want immortality, but we have mistaken the instinct lor the possession of the thing itself. God made man; he is not immortal, but capable ot attaining to immortality. Then Jesus Christ came to bring light nnd immor tality to hlc. Through linn and Him nlonc can wc attain immortality." Mr. llrunson 8 sermon was full ol limi tations from noted writers on the sub ject nnd nussages from Scripture. There will not be services at trie tent tins even ing, but tomorrow evening Mr. llrunson will continue his argument. Al Mount Mlictiell. The attractions of the mountains arc filling the resorts with visitors from the low country. At the Mount Mitchell hotel at Illaek Mountain arc registered Mrs. 11. II. llcvwnrd and children, I'eb hlc, l-'lu.: Mrs. D. C. Clmmplnin and ch 1- drcn. Ililtmorc: W. Lmdscv, ftliss isanei Lindscy, Miss Mnrv hly, r-rnnktort, ivy.; Mrs. I. M. Thornburg. Miss ltessic Thornburg, lohn Thoriiburg, Mrs, Mc Donald. Miss Carrie McDonald, Miss M. I. Mose. Kiioxville: Miss A. V. Uomquiu Savannnli; I. V. and Mrs. Patterson, China Grove, N. C; 1. I'. Jarvis, Mrs U. H. Meadows, Mrs. !. G. Mitchell Ncwbcrn; G. W. Conner and Mrs. Con ner, Wilson; Mrs. llisscngcr, Wilmington, and Mrs. A. Walker, statcsviuc I !! III WlllllglOH l'lire I'lrt-nitn Kllit-O. Wasiiim-.toN. lulv 2") -At this iiioriiing lire was difcoverid in the ware house and stables of the George W. Knox expiess compnnv. The building and contents were rii stroved ami Uo hoiscs were burned to death, hight twostorv hoiKe-s were also destroyed. Tune firemen were killed by tailing walls ami lour were sirious'v nipiien. Due of the Knox stable einplove s was badly injunt1 and will piobablv die. The warehouse was packed Irom I'-'se mint to tool with lurnituie ami mei handisc, niaiiv lamibcs having their en tire household goods si red 111 the build ing. The luss is 11 bom hall a mil ion, A urrLK wau vicr llilll WIIHnic ' TacUle teirea anil Clilua. Siiaxoiiai Inly l!o Advices from Seoul say the Japanese military commander nt that place is concentrating his troops with the intention of attacking the Chin ese and Corean troops entrenched just outside the city. Ur Boiira Are HIvacliliiK- San Pkaxcisco, Cal., July Uo. Word has been received here of the total wreck of the British bark William U'lachur off Cape St. James 011 l'rovost Island, INK) miles Irom Singapore. 1 ne vessel icn Siimapore lor Hem kong May 4th to load for San Francisco. Her bones now are bleaching on the rocks oil Cape hi, lames while the bodies of her crew are . .. , ...... strewn along tne snore. 1111101 a crew of twelve not a man lives to te'l the tale The crew consisted of lour lvnglishinen and eight Chinese. HeiiclrrNou Hud l.ongllie Vic ora, Stati-svii.i.k, luly -','t. The friends ol Armlield nnd Turner concede the nomi nation of Long for judge and Hender son for Congiess. Telegraphic informa tion received here today from the coun ties of Lincoln and Cabarrus give lien dersuii 1015 votes, necessary for a choice 14-7; Long 17-, necessary lor a choice l'J'J. Caldwell is strongly in the lend for the solicitorship, the indications uointingto his nomination. Chnilotle Gbscivcr. Kepuliilcau Couveu lou SruiNiii'im.p, 111., July 25 The Re publican State convention was called to Welcomed Ui The Mavoi t'o d M orage Kr ? The Nmlh Carolina l lonsts associa tion in t this morning in the V. M. C. A, lecture room. The president of the asso ciation is J. Van Lindlev. The address ol welcome to the visitors delivered bv Mayor ration. He made a very happy little sp cell. II said that l'l irida was called the land of tl iwers, but thought it was a mistake as North Carolina had a greater variety of native (lowers than Florida. A committee was appointed o see il the United Stales would not buy Koan mountain for a National l'ark. The column Ice is to send a delegate to the Society of American Florists which meets 111 Atlantic City, Aiuust 21-4-. There will lie n regular business meet ing in the Y. M. C. A lecture room at '.1 o'clock li.i-evening. The lloiisls went lo Vanilci bill's this iilteinoon and will he given a reception at the Mayor's 'csi- dece at 7 o clock. The visitors are loud in their praise ol the "ei Id storage room" al 'he l-llewild greenhouses. Thev pronounce it the best in the United Males, 11, inde el, not the only one. HlikH is notiiinc; set SHI-IU. AS A HOt'SKIIOl.l) KKMF.IIY AS HAZEL EXTRACT When ihiiI results iln mil follow ils use in the many instances used, is because the ex tract is not pure and slron cniiiie,lt. We were riilliiuale ill ui rauipilK for a lanje iiiatilily of the best extracts of Witch Hazel wc have ever seen, dilect flulll the distillers. Wc oflcl it the public ill pints, J5c.; hair-gallons, 75c; gal lons, f 1.25. RAYSOR & SMITH, 31 PATTON AVE. 01'1'N UVUNINGS TILL 11 O'CLOCK. -r-,r.r :kk nm voi' ckt it THE FINEST THING OBTAINABLE, No TAIILK COMI'LKTF, WITIIiil'T IT. IT HAS NO EQUAL. ASK TIIK LA I) IKS AND THKV WILL THLL YOU TO CO TO Ic-bH' Case Uoea Over ClllCAUo, uly IT). The Debs, Howard, Keliher and Rogers strike cases .were todav continued, the I'nilc-d Slates court having nnmrucd at II o clock until September. In the Debs contempt ease judge Woods delive red a brief opinion formally overruling the motion ol the defense ouash informations against the A. K. A. officers. Two More male. Wasminoton, July 25 The Senate committee 011 territories this morning ordered a favorable report on the admis sion into the Union ol the territories 01 Arizona and New Mexico. It. 1$. NOLAND & SON ji N. Main St,, Grocers, W'hcte'yoii call find n fresh supply 01 III celebnited Steam Baked Bread. M. V. Kepubllcau Coiiveuilou. NI'WYokk, July 2t.-Tlic Republican State committee today decided to hold the State convention at Saratoga Sep tember IS. CO.VIMI AND OOliW. A COMl'LKTK LINK OF 111 Ha Nt ball ajIrcW'H. The Knoxville baseball team will come I orj,.r )V lion, lames II. Clarke of Nat. in to-night from Spartanburg to begin 11 toon n few minutes niter noon toduv .:.u a-1 ;ii All ....1,.!.. I'rnviT won uiui'u uy ivv, w. i Kl IVB nilU 4-lBlllYIIIW lib mi w - , .. , I UI t U I III tl ill m niu.i mmi J niurruwi i . . i.:M Spiirtnnburir won Irom Knoxville y-" " i l"tl,.T i " , A.. l J.... I ..r f 1 U iiiivnnn I WiiB CHIIlll KIT IIlvlIIUil ll HIV was in the box fot Knoxville and lames 1 comuiittccs imd recess was taken till 3 for Snnrtnnbur. This is tne nrst game t " i- out of seven straight that Spartaubuig ha. wun. Cnptam Lanier tniured the third linger of bis left hnndnt praeiiec ycsicroay. The hurt is painful but will probably not prevent him Irom playing. YESTERDAY'S UASEHALL GAMES. COXDIiXSED TELEGRAMS, Natlonul League Chicago 18, Tills burs 11: New York 1, Huston 0; Cincin nati 4. Louisville 9: Cleveland 15, St Louis 0; Cleveland , St. Louis 2, second game; lloston -ilrooklyii anti washing ton-l'hiladclphia guinea poitponeu. Six members of n negro mob ut Tur nvillc, Fin., were shot down bv Jack Thomas, n negro whom they were try ing to lynch. Grand MnBtcr Workman Sovereign goes to Alabama Friday to take part in the State campaign. The Walter Wcllmnn arctic expedition is believed to be lost. Chcmin.UI., was wiped out bya$100,- 0JU lire, Miss.B Articlia and Lizzie McComb of Hickory are in the city on their way home from a visit to Hinilersonville Thev are slopping at lusticc A. T. Simi- mey's, Haywood street. 1. S. Moodv has returned from a trip to Savannah and other Southern cities, selling the Stearns wheel lor the Udisoti IMionograph and typewriter company, At the Berkeley: G. C. llonniwell, llickorv: lirnest I. Hush ami lanuly Morganton; J as. A, Snndeis, Raleigh; Walter K. Stone, New York. Savannah Dispatch: Mrs. Geoige Mills and her mother, Mrs. 1'ostcll, h it on Tuesday for their beautiful home in Asheville. I'. F. Kean of Detroit and I. S. Cults of Columbia are among those stopping at the Swannauon. Dr. Isaac Robb and wile have returned from Morehend City. Thev report a de bghttul time. Greensboro Record : Mrs. I. W. Fry left for Asheville this morning to remain some time. I, N. Smith, principal of Dnrlanil lusli luteat Hot Springs, was in the city to day. Mr. mid Mrs. D. A. Benin of Shelby are visiting relatives in Asheville, Postmaster J. WillJoncsof Fnirvicw is in the city today. Dr. G. W. Fletcher is lu the city from Fletchers. PICKLES Sweet, Mixed 'and Cucumber -AT- W. A. LATIMER'S, No, 10 N. Court Square. Latimer enrrlea a nice stock of Potted mcala, French Surdlnei, Crackers.JKtc. QMem H ft 6 Psttoa Art, ap atalrt I -li. y.v-n. '.-f 1 Mii'iiBil- !."r.C'.Ct.'""CX1'.'!4;.' I I ' ,1 iSllli C'l Til I I I T Hi I In I I

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