Asheville Daily Citizen VOLUME X. NO 7i. ASHEVILLE, N. C, THURSDAY EVENING, JULY 20, 1894. PRICE 5 CENTS. State Library. Always A I'KESH LOT WHITMAN'S CANDY DDI! FRI DAY BY l!X PKliSS. WM. KUOGliU. I.KAV1', DRIlKKS AT KKUC-KK'S I OK tii.vts Aiicirr COLD WATERMELONS. FRESH EVERY MORNING FROM Cl)LD STORAGE. E A.T CELERY BISCUIT, A Dt'liulilliil Article (... Fowl .nitl a tloootl Nitvi Tonic WM. KROGER. the Cheapest. UK SIZK ! IT! We dou'l wuny much tdioiit "hard titties," lc cause we adopt our trade to conditions as they exist. Always the Cheaptes. M tii lis that you ufl Utc very iiiosl lui your dollar, tint Hint the "roarics" are iht'aii, llic value Is in OitMjunlity nml in price nt one anil Hie same time. That rule is the stamlanl hy which we govern our business. Lowest in in ice ami licsl in quality. A. D. Cooper, GROCERIES. f.RYSTAL PALACE GEN-R0YST0NE'SAU,)K Villi uinu ...... if thc ........i.... WOUd 8tailc tIlc Hilt TEXT BARGAINS JAPANESE RUCS, HANI) WOVKN, ASSOKTKU UK- SIGNS; jxs FT. ONLY ssc.; jf l-'T. ONLY l.'m These prices are truly bargains. Tlie runs are very kooiI fur summer liuiues Japanese Portieres, IIAMHOO AND RICK. MUtD BIKNT. inpHuvi;. Many pretty desiKtis. We them 20 ier cent, from price, very cheap. arc tiuw oft'erinc. This makes them NEW GOODS. We are (laity Ki-ttiiiK i tioveltii-s ami pretty little HiiiiKs in china, cut kIiiss, etc., that are very appropriate souvenirs. Visitors welcome Thai W, Thrash & Bro., CRYSTAL l'AI.ACK. The tpeclal Aicent of Agrlculiu- ral Department lvca Umi- conib? llteDeiH fii of III Kimwl- rdicc ol ibe Jiumiloii In lus addicts before the (mid roads meeting in the court house vtslcrd.-iy aftetnuon, Get.. Roy Stone, a spceial agent nml engineer of the Am department, sail the matter of road in quiry whs a new departure for the gov ernnicnt ami he frequently had to tx- plain it. lie bad found some iieoplc who were jealous and thought tin- load question a private one for their Statis On thc other hand he found many who were anxious lo learn all thev could about good road building and take ad vantage ol the experience gained hy others. "A lew ears ago," lien. Stone eotitinucd, "Mr. I'.laiuc, then Secretary of State, direeled the foreign consuls to procure informa tion nnthcroadi of foreign countries. This they did and so complete and inter esting were the reports and so great was INKS ! STAFFORD'S Cominei'-ial wi it i nt; Mailt, Tui versa Jit i'.liick Cinliueil Wiitiu ami Copy inu. lossy lilac k, Stampint;, Keel, llltte Violtt, Oreeti CAKTER'S Ctitutiiiel WiiliiiK ami Copying. Hlne Muck WritiiiK VUtU, lllack Letter. Koiit Jtlaek, Kremh Copying, CnpyinK. Imlel ihle, Safety, SlyloRraphic, Crimson I'luiil, Carmine, Hast Ketl. AKNOt D'S Wiitin l-'luiil, CopyiiiK, Anloine's Copy ing, Caw's Utaek, Cross SlyUnnM"ic. 400 YARDS Ol' Towle MUCILAGE CAKTKK'S, STIiKLlNO, STAHOKD'S, I'OMHKOY'S. H. T. ESTABROOK Slnliiiuery store. 22 S. Main St. the Twister To supply the immense tit ma ml for his fashinii- alilf work. Its'-" " "" ALL THE RACE. Last chance lo see him. An interesting ami en tcrtaiiiiiiR exhibition. With every dollar pur chase of grocel ies, we arc still presenting one of his pins to tinier I-'UKIC. 5owell & Snider Walking Canes HI' Til H l,TKT STVII-'S. r'iUccn ilu.ell reccivcil lod.iy, prices llotll nf. The folkmiug is thc nanus of the dilVercnt wooil CONGO, LAPKKL. JUNII'KK. WKkCIISl;!,, KDKLW I-IS.S, AMKK1CAN OAK, OAK, 01,1 VH 1UK.H, OKANl'.K, llA.l'.I.Ol'AC'IA, ill, AC K llliANC.K. IILACK IIA.MIIOl). L. HLOMREHG, 17 I'ATTfIN AVliNlUS. Late Style Siloes. University . . . of North Carolina. Includes the College, the University, the Law School, the Medical School and the Summer School for teachers. College tuition, $60 a year; hoard, (7 lo ij per mouth, Session begins Sept. 6. Andres President Winston, We represent the best shoe uialillfacliuers in the country. J. A. lluuislcr Co., mcu and Iniys. II. Armstrong & Co., HviU & llrolllcr, mid Kdwiu C. Hurl tt Co., Indies. Williams, HoytSi Co., misses and children. All oild stock at reduced prices. Umbrellas re-covered while you wail. Slioes neatly repaired. J. D. Blanton & Co. 39 l'ATTON AVK. 6-JodllllO CHAPEL HILUN. C THE ADVENT TERM OH TIIK Fll-TY-TIIIRI) ANNUAL 8KSS10N OK" "" St. Mary's School, RALEIGH, N. C, IIKl'.INS SEPTEMBER 20TH, 1894 Address the Kectur, Rev. R. Snied es, A. M y-ijdjmo CORXLAiTOBRgSy HRAU RUTATB DR0KBR9. INVBSTMnNT AGBNTS NOTARY PDBL1C ' Loan Hecanly placod at S twr cut, UIIih 19 16 Pattoa kit., ap utiUr. You Couldn't do Better Than uive vimr Itesl uirl ii Intx of Teiinv'! the Lent imiiiIv mnle couhln'l tret bet ter at $i a pound k Is all it costs in cle uant box. Tenny's chocolate creams, very line, 40c. tioou wrnppcu caramels, ic Bargains in Fine Stationery. Just think of linen writinK pniier M'. 0 miire Shamrock linen 10c , 1'crfection lim n 13 v. Hox of HuhI'm fine imHraml em le lopes That'll our way of making you try our papers uou t you uiiiik 11 Kood one ? Couldn't Suit Her. A Utile ulrl wanted n dollar crnnuet set told her we Mild all dollar sets at S5C. she would not buy as she wanted one for a dollar she couldn't sec that our 8sc. set was same as dollar sets elsewhere nuylie you can. 8 N. Court Square RAY'S Special Low Price Tickets To Halishury. Htatesville, tlieeiiHlwro, Ilativltle, Durham, QurlliiKlon, Hnleiuh, (ohlslKjro, etc., lower than ever Ixrfore nulv one tmin -leaves nt t in the morn iiiK-sce tne now every ticket guar- . nnteed, C. TP RAY, Member American Ticket Broken' Association, ON THKRO.UARK. "tELKPHONU 194. C.lll.ll WIUH A WKHK IS NOW UK- 1NO USK1) II Y . . Ill C o - c d o - u o A A ?. O u c bit So O O o fi w G-rape Juice Grape Juice Grape Juice UNFERMENTED A TURK I'OOU A NON-ALCOHOLIC UHYKRACK Heinitsh & Reagan the ikinanil lor llicni thai Congress could harillv have the supply kept up to the demand. It is just as important that Maine knows what Georgia docs in the way of road building, and that New Jersey kuows what North Carolina chus, us it is lor the I'uited States In know what is being done nwiimaml. We succeeded 111 getting a small appro priation to iiulhoiizc the department lo impure as to the road improvement question of the (lilK'mit States. This appropriation became available last July, but. Secretary Morton was slow to tuke action. In ttolicr 1 was ap pointed; since then Mr. Morton has become very much iiitcnsted, and the Iieoplc have also shown a gieat ileal ol interest. Mr. Morton buds everywhere such approval Irom the people and the press that he has asKe 1 another appro priation for the conduct ol the bureau and by next year we wiil gel the matter well in hand. The whole sii'ijeet ol mad impruy tnent is practically a mystery to most ol the people ol thc I. lilted Stales. We hud that there is a great deal 01 new road building going on, in which various methods arc cmplovid. In smiie conn ties thc aiitlioiuiis have been borrowing money to carry oil the work, 111 others c nvict labor is US' il anil in sinl others State aid is givi 11. In New lerscv Slate aid is given in mouev, while the locali ties (lesiiii,g unproved roads give a cer tain proportion to the cost, l'enns Iva- ilia has a Highway comnii'siou thai, h is approved the giving nl State aid to the extent of $1,1100,000, and NcwYotk will no doubt be on the list ol Sla c ai'l Stati s next year. With an iiopropria lion ol S7.1.000 111 New ersi v In) mils ol road have been limit. The cost tlier has been high because ol the distance which the material had to be hauled. Wc have found thai the cost ol macad amized roads is not as much as lias been thought. In Kentucky they are building roails ll feet wide lor Jfllitio or $lsoo a mile, and 111 (jcorgia lor $12-M a mile, while in Lanandaigua the cost is omy $S0()or $000. 1 have pasted over roads when it quired two horiis to draw my lii,:gy, nml later 011 the unproved tools hnv seen two horses drawing 11 ton. As von arc situated here vou have cvn v hies iug the Alniiglitv could give von, and yet, I am told, are cursed 111 winter with almost as bad roads us can b.' found anvwherc. The onlv complaint I h.iv heard ol AsheviPc was concerning the roads. Yet 1 have never been here ami don't want to slander your people. Scud men wl.o do nol lielicvc 111 unpioved roads to those lucidities where thc 1111 prnvemcnts have been made and they will come back missionaries lor good roads. "There is no icason why yi u should not have loll or 200 miles ol good roads 111 Buncombe. In coming here I mil W II. Baldwin, vice president of the S mill em Kailway company, autl be tolil me thai the railroad was just as much ii: tenstid as were thc citizens in the im provement of the roads. 1 think very reasonable rates could lie made, there fore, for the transportation of limestone from Hot Springs. There is plenty ol suitable stone here lor the substructure, but thc top three inches should b- ol thc best stone that could be found. The practical question is, What can you do for roads?! don't know whether you could rely upon a vote lor issuing bonds unless the people arc better educated on the subject than tl cy were in New York or Michigan. II you can get them up to this, you will tind that the road improve ments will increase taxubka, but will limiiiish thc tax rale. The cities should lie willing to assist in this improvement Ihxuusc the clK't of bad roads is felt more by the city people than bv the farmer, because the latter is able lo live at home in bad weather, while the cities depend upon him in great measure. You have 111 Asheville so large a proportion ol thc population ol the countv that the city people would pay their full shaic il bonds were voted. The advantages for budding roads here arc greater than 111 I he .North and Northwest. You have no heavy frosts and can work all winter, labor iselicupcr, and the beds of the roads need nol be mude mi deep on account ol the iihscnce ol the licavv Irosts. U111 siioum nave n State Highway commission, mere is such a commission in Massachusetts which bus the dillcicnt materials lor roads tested, visits every county each season, nml is auinnrizcu to lay out cei- tnin county roads Yotintcvtry lortti mite in havinu u Hoard of Commission er! and a Hoard of Magistrates. It is a sort of Legislature and anything it would siiv would have great weight with the State I.ccislatine. Should tie State give aid in the mutter by the u c of convicts to uuarry the stone, tne cost 01 that if the macadam would stand the weather it would answer perfectly for the under stratum of the roads. W. I), llniighteling inquired if it was not a lact that poor granite was bet ter than good limestone. He had noticed that in a linn stone street in drv weather there was always a great deal of dust and in wct'weather there was a sort of mortar. Gen. Stone thought that the best quality of limestone was the better, I'll . as a rule trap rock was better still. The usefulness of a State Highway com mission would be demonstrated here, in making tesls of the different materials. Gen. Stone believed the enmity would come to the point ol issuing bonds for roads. If the countv voted to borrow $2.i0,000, as it is autlioriz d to do, it L'ould build loll miles of highways, enough to reach every district of the county. The people would never feel the interest on the bonds. He suggested that a committee be app iutcd to go to New Jersey and investigate thc road work, iiml fell sure thev would return very much 111 favor ol the system of good roads. He thought such a committee could go al small cost, having low rates made by the laiboads. According to t lie- law in New Jersey, oi.e-thiid of the cost is paid by the county, one-third by the State, nml one-third by the locality in which the road is built, but the latter docs not begin paying for n year and Hit 11 has HI years in which to pay its third. All the talk about these roads has mil done ball the good that a sight ol the practical working ill thc system has done. lien. Slum's address was listened lo with great interest 011 all sides. Gen. Stone, ,'iccompanicd bv II. I . Col lius and Geo. K Collins, visited Kich- moud Hill yesterday allernoon. lie spent the night with Col. Hoyt at Ituga diuc and left, tin- afternoon lor Washing ton. THE QUESTION OF SUGAR hpeakkh crisi confkrd WITH THK IMtKttlUFNT. MoinetliliiK lutercalliiic Was fald, Bur Wliat ?-Quad's) HurprlHe VllaH t'p For a Hel Miercli - Washington, uly 2ti Sicakcr Crisp was el itcted with thc President nearly an hour this morning. The Speiker de clined to say anything us lo the nature of the interview or its result, nllhough it islnown that it related to the future course of thc tariff conference. After a debate running over three hours yesterday Senator arvis' resolu tion that the tariff bill he sent buck without instructions was agreed lo by unanimous consent, although at no lime did Vilas give thc assurance to thc cau cus that he wou'd not press his motion to strike out the diH.-rciitial duty on re filled sugar. das had a coniereucc with the Presi dent this morning, anil it wasuudei stood before the Senate met, thai he would withdraw the motion he made to strike out the one-eighth of a cent differential duty oil reliii'.d sugar. 1 lus action ol Vilas, while it would clear the atmos phere a great deal does 11 it jiistily Dem ocrats in asserting that thev have clear sailing before them. (In thc contrary one ol the most prominent Democrats in the .ciintc said this morning that every thing depended upon the vote of lrby. 1 lus same Senator said Kyle nnd Allen, the two Populists, would vote to strike out the one-eighth as thev did before, ami that il Irbv voted with them, as ilnl when the same proposition was C KTF.R TO 15E NOMINATED VI. UV I.IHI.l: CO.NVI.N I IO.M .r Illl.l.rtllUltll lit-l wood Maiutd lor ilir M ac- Henau-Tim Tiiwii In l ull I'H KericuHou 011 ;rniintl Im.l.sii'iKo, N.C , July 20 Special K. L. ; I.catlicrwuoil ol sitvaiu has nominated on the fns' ballot (or State senator I10111 thcThirty-lotirth dis trict over M. S. Farmer of Henderson. The representation in the judicial con vention kiii perhaps the largest ever known in ill.1 district. Kvirv hotel full. I hc c invention will be called to order at K!0 bv K. P. llilmtr ol Haywood, chaninaii ol the judicial committee. It is conceded that Carter will be 110m iuatedaiid il - ill probably be 011 1 he si c- ond ballot. l:e gusoii id llavwood is the oulv L-an lidalc on lac ground. CHIMIN II. I'Ol'lt I'll lo he rcviin sly submitted to them, tlu're was little hope thai such action could be prc- vcnled. At two o'clock the conference report on the tariff bill was taken up, and, much to everybody's sm prise, (biav yvliliilreyv the amendments be ollcrcd T ties lay. instructing the conlerees with relerence to thc sugar schedule. Vilas look the Hour ami proceeded to address I ue Semite. Ml KIIICU. Hl'It'IUt', I.VNHI1NG IN DRINKING SODA WATER Till-' IIHST IS NIINK Too COtlll. h l-a?, What 1 lie- Iloflv Huh limit! 1 IiIh Afirrnooti. In Criminal court vesti nlav itllei noon sneaking ol the Jesse Murray case. Judge incs said .hat in all probability if Mur ray hut! been colored and the gill had been white t lie rase would nol havegone as far as the court. Judge Jones' sen tence 1 f 10 years imposed on Murray ap parently had little tffc. t on the prisoner. He is only 1 0 or 1 7 veins ol ;ge. im Walker, licieloloici oiivicltd ol lar ceny, was seiitencril lo Iwo years oil the eoii.ity roads. In the case against J II. Pptinan and I ' 1 1 1 Mclicc, alf nv.thcf iiiuersiiliuiilted. fid K Newton, charged with larceny. was louiid not guilly. A nol pros w as entiled in the case charging pc'jurv. Infill l.oty. a wildest in this ease, was culled and failed to answer, and a line ol $0 Wiis imposed upon him lor Ins lailiirc. 1 he loin c ises against S. II twice ol H.ivwood, fi r f ngery. were continued. Nc v bills wt re sent by (he giaml jury against 1). I,. Reynolds on the charge of einbi r.zlcmciil, these taking the place ol those lotinil at the last term. Today in the case against Will anil Heck Clarke, charged with forcible tics- pass, thc ileleiidanls were li.iiud not guiby. Slate vs. J. . Spe.ns and . I., l.ovc, illrav; former siiliinil ted and iiulgim-nl suspended un pay tnent ol costi; latter not guilty. Stale vs. Delia Lor I anil I. avium Wil liams, affray; submitted and judgment suspended on pay mail ol costs. State vs. hd. lis in, assault; not guilty. HlKl t K MY A HOHHIv A l.lxi of Morrllile Cmn w.hi nml Muulli. I.os Ani-,i-:i.i:s, Cal., u!y 20. John Craig last night drove to Glciidalr, live miles from this city, where his wif ', from whom he was divorced three months ago, was stopping with her brother, George Hunter, and deliberately shot and killed 1) ith. lie then relumed to this city, went home to his faihei-in-law's, William Hunter, killed him, walked to the dining room and shot and killtd his mother-in law. He then fired two shots into bis lore-head, Initialled to killed himself. The trouble was over the settlement of community property. St. I.oi is, Mo., July 20 Charhs Wil son, colored, was hanged thU morning lor murder ol another negro, Most Hodges, N ivenibcr S, 1S02. Caki.isi.I!, Ky , July 20. Shortly after midnight a mob broke down the jail doors, look out m. lyler, colored, and hai.gcd him to the no s-arm of n tele graph pole. Tyler was in jail to answer the charge ol criminal assmlt upon a III years old girl, whom he had choked ami bcaieu DoYI.hstows, Pa., lulv 2('i. Wallace Itu tc, a hall-breed Indian, was hanged in the county jail here this morning lor the murder ol ,1,1 aged couple. Savannah, Ga., ulv 20. Max biscti maun, a well knoA ii clothing merchant who lulled a lew nays ago, took morphine this morning and is dying. C hattaniioi.a, lciin , July 20. I-,. V Maiaon, editor ol thc local evening paper, was called to his door ami as suuUci! last night by County judge Hugh Whiteside, whom Matsou had at tacked in his paper. The Judge struck Matson anil attempted lo draw a re volver, but Matson tscapul. Recently judge Whiteside 11 1 tempted to kill Di. George Hunt lor a similar offense. We try to keep uur's up to the highest staiul- od. IkiIIi as to I lie valie-ty ol thinks uffcied, I he manner of service, and lich nnality ol juices. Out lee Cream Soda I inc.) is lioell hum pine Jersey Cream 1 tij milk.) tiur l'iueaile Snow (5c.) is a delicious linxcii .Sherbet, mid great favor He. Our Ey.K I'hosiilialc ( iue) is, wc be lieve, fai siipc-iio! to those usually olfcled. It is 1 rich ill ouial ic hosih ale, very t;i.-it'btl mid aptn luiiii; to weak sloiiiach... In lact wc try to excel in every thinj; we oflcr on our menu tab let. "Wc fan yuu while you drink." I'resh ripe limes just received. RAYSOR & SMITH, 31 PAT TON AVE. OPUN I-YUNINGS TILL 1 1 O'CLOCK. WIIHKK OO' V'"' "I"!' IT? THE FINEST THING OBTAINABLE, IN THIi HUl'Ni: Ail .tCL'Iclenl on Nonli Mo 1 11 Willi No HerloiiN KcKiili. Yesterday afternoon as Ucv. Dr. Ii. I'. Choilzbcrg was driving in his buggy on North Main street near College several men crossed thc s reet in Irout of his horse and be icined up. At the horse started forward ngain a (little child ran tcross the street in Iroutol the horse and was not and could not have been seen by Dr. Clucitz'ierg until the animal had struck it. The horse, as it was stopped, had a foot on one of the child's feet. The little fcllow whs taken to Dr. W, 1'. Wbittiiigton's office, where Dr. CiireiU- berg was assured that the onlv injury was 1111 iilir.'isiou ol the skin mid not at all serious. Dr. Chrcit.bcrg offered to pav all ixpcnscs that might arise Irom the accident. At the time of the accident an uncle of the child, a Madison mu'i named Tilson usul offensive language toward Dr Cured xhcrg. I bis morning be was in the M Ivors court thcrclor and was lined $10. A yuc-mloii ol Kt-iereiice 10 Com millet, h. Washini.Tiin, Julv 20. In the House today ncaily three-foni lbs of an hour was spent nt the beginning of today's session deciding whether or not t lie bill to prohibit and prevent the adulteration of foods and drugs should be taken from thc committee on inter state commerce and sent lo tliccoinmitlccouagricultuic. By a vote of 120 to 71! the House de clared that the bill rightfully belonged to the committee on agriculture. Tins being disposed of, the regular order win demanded and the House, niter agreeing to a conference report on the District of Columbia street railway bill, proceeded to the consideration id measures re ported from the committee mi intcr-stute ami foreign commerce. Killed In aNIiif. ii.KiisiiAKKii, I'd., illy 20. Ail ex ploring party ol prominent men descend ing a mine 111 West Pittston this mom ing. when the cage Ml to the bottom. Col. A. G. Mason, superintendent Lehigh Valley company, was instantly killed Three others were latullv injured'. I'rof. joseph llorrell, Lehigh University; Wil liam Smith ami Frederick Mercur. AOFNCV FOB BON-BONS, 6H0C0LATF, ETC. HP.Cl'.IVI'.M TWICH A WHWK Ht called For Cauie. ToKio, I uly 20. Gone Tatcno, Japan ese Minister to Washington, has been quarrying would be only about tcvin recalled to Japan and Mr. Kukiiio, 1111 cents a cubic yard, Tluti, I believe, very exiiericrced dqiloniat.linsbeennppoiuted reasonable terms lor transportation I . succeed him. This change is made on could be made with thc railroads, so account of dissatisfaction at the manner that you cou tl get the stone delivered in which Minister Tatcno has conducted here for about 40 cents a cuutcynnl. negotiations w ith the Washington gov You will find that roads are being built I cr.imcnt looking to a modilitatiou ol generally nine feet wide, with an earth extra-territorial treaties. rond n onesiile. The attcr IS a better road perhaps nine months in the year Betier TimeslB oue IMsce ami suves a great deal ol wear und tear Nhwcasi Lit, I'cun., July UU.-Tlic in oftlie mneadum. Your roads would be ,,.;,, !,,! ; .1,1, ; brii,, more expensive than 111 some sections " ' n ,.r .h.. ....1 lilline. me.... than for months. Two furnaces have sury. You should be very careful not to resumed operations and another is pre A Republican A 1. A. Mii.wai ki;k, Wis., lulv 20. Major W. II. I phani, one of the candidates ol the A. P. A , was nominated for Govern or on the lirst ballot in the Republican State convention l bis mtrning. CO XMSSED TELEG HAMS. -AT- Helnitsh &. Reagan put stone on hills of more thau three or four per cent. grade unless arsoiuieiy nec essary. And get good engineer! to sur vey the roads." Col. Prank Coxr usked us to macadam, f ayiuff It bad been found that some of pining to blow in. extensive repans arc being mude nt Ked jacket, and will probably resume in about two weeks. The Slienango VMIev Steel mill, which has been idle sc viral mouths, will start t up next Monday. Prcsiilent Cleveland bus appointed Cairol P. Wright, commissioner ol labor joliu D. Kcrnan of New York, and Nich olas V.- Worthiiigton of Peoria, III commission to investigate the Chicago strike. John Collins and Ins daughter were shot ut Hirnnnghnin bv a son who mis took them lor burglars. Thc father is dead. Grand Muster Workman Sovercig goes to Alabama rritlay to tuke part iti the State campaign. Mayor Pitzimtrick of New Orleans has begun n $100,000 libel suit against tie Dudy States. Coxcv and his son have gone home and his ragged men arc on tlie ooint of ( starvation. Nt) TA1II.K COMI'I.HTI. WITHOUT IT. T HAS NO EQUAL ASK TIIK LAIHKS AND TIIKY WILL THLL YOU TO OO TO . 15. NOLAND & SON 21 N. Mtdu St., Grocers, Where you cau find a flesh supply 01 tins celebrated Steam linked liread. A I'OMl'LliTK LINK Ol' PICKLES Sweet, Mixed 'and Cucumber W. A. LATIMER'S, No, ibj N, Court Square. Lallmer carries a nice slock; of Potted meats, I'reuch Bardliiei,,Cnickcnijl(tG. ...

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