Thursilaj luenlng, August Baltimore Clothing, Shoe and Dry Goods Company. This week we begin the flrbt of a Burios of intereKtiug umfcrpriml sales of buiuiiht gooilw, which will b found very different from thu o'd threail-vorn stock t -iking sales (bo nauseating to th) public) or to the stereotyped versious of a preten led uiid-summer clearing sale. Our offriug iu this cut price safe will consist of new, tdylibh and carefully selected euuimer goods, bought for spot cash at ourown figures within the pint week in th whol 'sale dry go ds market while manufacturers and iinp n-ter. wore in a st it ) of busirnHS paiilynis to which the great strike in the west has contributed no mnall share. Trices raugM far beiow piw.iilinyc values, simply b v-ause the goods we offer wore bought far below the cost, of importation or manufacture. Notice the figures. Did you ever dream of seeing Huch exceptional bargains iu suiiuik r goods SPECIAL. SPECIAL. SPECIAL. A new addition I ) our business: wo annouuee to the public, our Mr. Myers his p'aced a new department, in our business, and wejjare now prepared to give you special attention in this department. We nre handling u full, complete line of wools, (Jermantown zephers, Saxony wools, Slielton lloss, Ormaii town wools, a. full, complete Hue of XoUing wools, and also remember we handle a full, complete luio of embroidery and knitting wash silks in all colorings. Dress goods, all wool henrietta -1G inches wide in nil shades, reduced to ll)c. All wool blue and black storm serges, 10 inches wide, reduced to -18c. All wool eashmers in all shades, 40 inches wide, rotlu odto30c. Novelties in dr ;s goods. 'M, 38 and 40 inches wide, new style-, reduced to 2."c. Wash go Ih iu v jry pivtty p Uterus, (Irep j Aleues, Do-misty, Lawns in famy figures, S ttines, French Sat iaes, Fancy wash goods wort!. 18 '2 aid 12 cents, all reduced to 10c. per yard. Big drives in embroideries, licvs, Silks, Velvets, Veilings, Hosiery, small weaves, everything reduced. We call your attention to our ladies uuderwear dep u-tment Muslin undergarni'Mits, ladies' vests, reduced to exact New York cost, lard wide bleaching, 500 pieces Fruit of the Loom, reduced to ;,:. per yard. Yard wid-i bleached and unbleached, reduced to ."c per yard. Fancy prints, fancy cotton challies, morning prints, fancy and plain blue prints, all reduced to 4c. per yard. Big bargains in all departments. Remember these prices we guarantee. Come early and get your best selection, lleinember the place. THE BALTIMORE WANT COLUMN u:STKn. UT A NT I'll A v. nun who ha ti:ul Ihnc veins' lAprrinni- in sti n. m :i V '.'"' wriliuu. mill K lK i'll- wink. would liU' such u ji.ili.iii. Hct "I ri-kM-fii.'i-s M KM. I. Ml I.K. s.,,lnv Ciiii ii oihci. ATANTi:i- lly uneinrmtic, i . inilli in timl vi.iuii. lailv i wliu will travel l sit uation usiiillll'innuni. mai.l, alii ln:iiit I" all invali l. o' h.illsckccn ill a nubile lll-tllll-tinimr Itiilvl, best rcli'iince. Ail.hiss -.llKlw M.." Call' eitlin. WANTHH- In order lo InlruiliiOL' cair work, mill secure nut'llls everywhere, we will dye a roat, vest or iiants lor any one i tlit i'ii,..l si;ili'H free nl clurirc. Ill scmline Kimils ,y return mail, please send stamps lor teliirii jn .South Mount street, Ralrinh, N. C. 6-14-diul (1(V K.vr. iu,si.-iLe. .i.iiiress iiiii.s!. n.,.ni "- . IJM'KNISIIl'.ll Room lor villi, with or without lionril at ... MKS. R. M. I-TKMANS .15 I'llli- St., t-jfollin Next """f 1 W'U.vall lloil'i'. 1OK RHN'l'-A North Main si j story store house ennui street anil Merriiiiuil avenue. Upstairs suitable Inr laiuiiy. ppi' " , o-Jdtf T. F. MA1.I.OV, I'irsl National Hank. IOK KKNT- .-oriiiie or iiiiirt' years a ti n riKim liollse ill the pleasant .sublllb ol Victoria, ailjoiniua Oakland tlcinhls: line lawn with simile trees. ij.hi.I niiijhbi.i h..iil. Inrnaee lu ateil. Apply on premises or at N.i. .North Court Sipiare. C. h. MOOPV. 7-lidiw ho.iki.;. ,1 .'KW III. ire boaldcls van lie iK'i'otitlu.itlatut .f w ilh K.101I null" at o-niiw , ST MINKS AVU. (1ASTI.K RKST-l'ltstK-las ImiriliiiK housi J Centrally loeale.l. No. J l-.rove 4.10)Uf MRS. SLlllKRMi:iSl I'.R. IIRST Cl,AsS piiv.ile lioal.lin can l.e at l Atkill stieil, larnc rmjllis, sll.nly near street ear line. 7-jSiliw J- W. SAWVIill. IXIAKDINC ;- l-'irst elass Iniaril with room lm 1 two. also table .- tiuanlcrs wmiteil. near jwisi i.mee. Apply 'I '..'I.M m. UKVHR.M. tiersoilsean Ki t pie. .isaut l"janl ill lnivate house; home eonilolts; pretty ro)lus prlees reasona 1 ue. npp,. ilee3iuunll 103 MKltKIMON AVK. HARI)INii At ".'k Telia.i'. m llll! I street, oil l.t.ik nit iiiuiiiitain eleeliie eai iue. I,ar;i' (jiouu.U ami plenty ol sluule. Terms lioni Js lo (; per week (M,,tf MKS. M. K. IIII.I.. o KH ami room for two I.are aiul well sha.le.l uioiiiiiK, spueloits vi', liatil. KiMl table Cunvelllelll to ear Inn s all'l lisl olliee. Aililress with refereni't, W.S.I', 7-JS1U T Clti'-n ulli.-e. lilAR)INI-. -Ilv the ilay or week. Pleasant le'nr etlsulte, ueallv all'l cmll- 1' rooms, siuele or eiisinte, fortablv lilrnishnl. Oral ur furnace heat; hoi aiul 01I1I water, with baths on two flour.. On eleelrie ear line; five minutes walk from eouit Mlliare. Terms nuiilerate. MRS. S. 'niRKV, .i4illf 101 North Maiuslieet. MtM,KlJ.A.yKOJS. r I.acc treatment with steam removes heckles, . wrinkles, pimples. Mack licuiK supi rtlnous hair. tie. Ami attention to the hands ami liet. MRS MARINO, 7.1.11! I lll 50 llailey St. HMINISTRATOR'S SAI.K I'll August IS, 10 a. 111., 1 will sell at M Wooillin street, tin personal property of H. V. I leutie. coiisislin.; Of violins, KUitarH, haiijnes, larne Hall sale, fur iiilure, etc. Terms cash. C. I'AI.K, Ailmiilislralor. fIiRI'STKK'8 SAI.K lly virtue ofthe power of jl sale roliloliicil III a men 01 irusi enecuieo lo Hie uiulerslRiuil as trustee by C. II. Sonlh- .ull, nml wile, flatil March IJ. llvu. nml reeis- lereil ill tile office of the Rciilstcr of Denis of lliiiicomlic county, in liook jis at paiic t''7 et. Mil., mill by reason of Hie ilefaull on the pall ol ni'.,.i,l.. II. Soiitliwiek in the navmeutol the l...l,.l.i..tueMM secured Uv sniil ileetl' of trut, the iinilersielieil will, on Tfllirsilav. the mill ilay of August, ll. "t " M.. "1 Ihe court house il. Mir iu the city ill Asluville. N. C , sell at public auc tion for cash. Hie real properly ami lease nol.l estate ileserilieil lusuiil ilenlol trust, which ileeil ol Irusi is herehv relerreil lo lor the puriosol (lesir ptloll This AllKHsl 1st. I. I: M'l.lll U. S'-l tils Trustee. NOTICK -lly virtue of the ixiwerol sale con tained In a certain dii'il ot trust, bearini! dale the mill day of June, A. II.', iSoa, midcxi ecnleil by the Ashrville Loan, Construction nml Improvement company, ilefnull haviiiu been maile Iu the payment of the tinlrhteiliicss In tended to Ik- seemed by said deed of trust, mil nt the reiiuest of Hie cestui ipie trust, the uiulcr ulliuetl will sell by public miction, fur rash, lo Hie hiuhest bi. liter at the court house door iu the clly ol Ashrville. N. C, on Monday, the dill day of AtiKtist, iM. at no clock in., the Inn.lsinl jnlniiiK the ImulB of J. K. Keed. the laud for merlyowiied by A. w Hlch nml others, contain ing tliirtv-aevcll nnd two-thirds iieres lie the same more or less, nnd the same lauds as dcscrild in snid deed of trust above referred to which Is recorded In the olliee of Register ol Heeds of Huiicomlie county, Iu Iwok No il ol morlKaiies at iiaee 41. to which reference Is made lorn full description of the same, nnd Kolilin order 10 satisfy the provisions of said deedoftrus, . , RKKD, 6-7dtd Trustee, Flv klUMINH WHT Yon Hliontn T TiikCitiiwi- I. It I'rlntt the News, ti It Writes Us Own Itilllorbils B. It Isthe llcst l.oeal Pnper Bver Printed In W, N. C. i. It Prints the Litest Teleirrnidilc News Prom All the World ft. II Itrllcveala Athcvllle Alwnvs To Kim up IT IRA NHWHI-AI'HK HAH toll TllotlOHT Of IT It Hollars Will net It I'or 11 Year, nnd It Von Uy In Ashevlllc It Will lie Delivered at Your Donr KTerjr Rveane, 2, 18P4 SPECIAL ! IO BIGGEST VVARaHiPS AFLOAT. The rovcrfj-M;r'!'.e!i liuiloiu n' Italy Oh us Two T.'i lm m'o. s 1 Ifcl.lme, riwrlll. Tin- liio;!'!' ! tii''liiils In tlie wnrlil uiv till' Italian lluiin nml la'ptintit, si 1 1 1- slii;is, raeh nf l."i,HUII tuns (lisiilni'i1 nii'til, wiys l!'i' ll.istnii Ti':iii.-,i'iiit. Next to tlii'in I'liiiiii tin' tniinstcr llnirlislt luit tlrsliips nf tin" K.'.vnl Suvfffijfii I'liiss, vi'ns.'Is of ll,l.".ii tuns illsplnt'i'iiii'iit. Tln"-i In turn will Ik- siiriinssi'il by tin) M;i:rr,ili.'i'iil nml MiijeMU;. t'lii'li nf v. liieli will ilisiilm-i! 11.(11111 tuns. Tim l:ir;ri:-( ui'inur-i'lail uvrr wliieli tlto 1 ri iM'li l:( lb 111 Is hi tin- Ailniinil lliitl illn, of ll.'.niil tmis, imil nt'xl. tulirria tin1 I.nzni'i' Ciiritot. unlv rij'lity t'ins snntlliT. tii'i'iuimy'slurifrst iinnnf-t'liiil Li tlie nninili'iibm-".'. nf (i.sio tuns. Aus tria bus iu'v.t lmilt any nnniir-i'liiils snvo tlniw' nf iini'li't'iiti- ilinii'tisioiis, lirr I liir-i-st. liiu 'IVrotllinlV, beiliir of 7,:ii-.n (mm. Spain's Im'o'iv.l is tlio IVInyo, of '.i.'.ion tons. Tint tlirru 1'iuti'il Stiites 1 ;illIi'sliipsof tlie ( class wliii'li linvc bi'rii lanni'lii'il nro tlio Massiii liitsi'tts, Ori'frnti nml I ml i;i 11:1, each of Ul.'.'iKi tnnti ilisplni'i'iin nt. Tim iowii, now builil in;,'. will bo 11. M tons. Tlicro Is now a I'i'ai'tioii n;rainst in.insti'r sliips. Kng Imnl is tii.' only n ival power that per sists In tlio policy of b.iililino; tlicm, ti'iil nppaivtitly nIio Is ncarln"; a Unit. Tlio Kalians linvc conic to tlie oniiolii si in; tint is iiiilicatcil by tlie ilimcii .l"iis nf tlicir latent iinnnr-clail aillllor icil. tvliich will have (I.SIK) tons I'i'.placcmciil. The ilctcrminatinn of I'lanc" niol the tlnltc.l States to Itccp tlicir batllcships ninlcr I'i.iKio tons was ilcllbcratcly 1;il;cn by each ;rovcrn l.i.nt . after wci','hiii;r wclflit inainst c:'i'ici"ii.'V. Iti tills pulley IitiNsIn also a frees, the largest 1 if her iirmor-elails in service bcintf tho Ocoijfl IVulcdutin elz, of 10,;so tons, while her naval con : tructors retrard 12,000 tons as about tho proper limit. Of thu cruisers now u flout tho Rus- slim ltiirik is tho largest ami proba'ily, taking all thiiifrs Into c.imsiilcrutlon, I he most powerful. Sho Ik armor belt eil uml Is of 10,W10 tons displacement, almost 2,000 tons larger tluiu tlio liluke. The Enjfllsh liuve uuthorlzod two cruisers of H,000 tons each, belnf (lo teriulned to sea tho liuriU and go her H, 100 tons better. As In tlio ensrt of nrnior-elails Knirlainl siainls nlone in iii'ci'litii'o' this clialleii;,'!'. Her lllnlto mid lilenheiiii are notonly exceedeil bj' the l!:irtl but. by the Si;inlsh Kinpera dor (Vrlos V., which has !i,i:i3 tons (lis. plaeetin nt. The largest l'rcneli cruiser In iietive service Is the D'Kntrecns- tenux. of 7.000 tons, but the .leaniio d'Are Is Im Iiiij enlat'.reil to u total dis placement, of H.700 tons. The largest cruiser clai;s of the Italian servleo cither iillout or nuthorized displiico O.'.OO tuns encli. which Is l.-.O tons moro than (o'rninny's leader, thu Kiiiserln Augusta. The larirost of our cruisers n limit is thu New Vorli, of H.I.IO tons, while the Urooklyn, building, will bo 1.000 tons larjrer. ' HE WAS WEIL PREPARED. Tills TlilmliU'-KlKKliiK Hculli'iniiii lleiilen nt Ills Own Hninu. During a little pedestrian trip 11 gen tleman clime unexpectedly upon a country racecourse, and on one portion of the ground found a tlilinlilc-rig es tablishment in full work. Notwithstanding the remonstrances of his companions, the gentlciuan in sisted 011 watching the game. Now, would the gent liko to wager u dollar lie could unit tlie pcu; re marked thu expert. "Yes," wits the reply. The money was on both shies de posited, nutl the pedestrian, lifting up tho thimble, pointed out tho required pen, and took tho stakes. AKOcoim net, uotioieorquiis, cmieu, to the surprise of the expert, In the sumo result. Then 11 third wngcr steadied the nerves of tho loser, and the trick was accomplished with great caution, Tho gentleman turned up a thimble and showed tlie pea, at tho sumo time pock cling tho stake. "S'holp mo," etc.. "t didn't put it therel" complained tlio bewildered artist. o, lmt 1 always carry my own pen," rejoined tho mint who hud coino out right, us ho went on his way with tho spoils of war. l'ierson'i Weekly. Doesn't Mult Kverytioity. Hungry Iligglns See this hero sign In tho winder? Weary Watklns Of course. "Bathing units." ' Hungry lllfftflus I jlst wish to re mark, comrade, that It doesn't suit me. Indianapolis Journal. THE ASIIEVILLE DAILY CLOTHING, SHOE AND jfV3NTI 12 PATTON -flLVEISTTJIS, ASHEVILLE. SHt Ami she WAS A wMART GIRL. llhii lirnw il lllj; I'l-i'e lo l.nve's l.ollel-y. Tiirre was u young man who had a girl friend, lie went lo see her at. ir regular in'.ci'vals. lie ina.le his last call one day last wi eh. She had sonic wcildingeaUe from the nuptials of a friend of hers, uml i lie was telling him of a new way she had discovered for liiiiling out whether you were going lo get nitirrieil within il year "I will take some of this cake,'" she said, '"and put it in this envelope, and I will take seven slipsof paper and write on six ol them the names of six girls you know, anyone of wnoin you are likely to marry. The seven' h I will leave blank. Then I will put the slips in the envt lope with Ihe wedding-ciiku and give the whole thing to you. Now, you must take il mid put it un der your pillow when you go home. In the morning, the very first thing alter you open your eyes, you must take out one slip. Do this fur seven mornings in succession, and on tlie last slip will be the name of the girl you are sure to marry. If the blank comes last you w ill never marry." The young ninn was unite impressci: with I lie sclieaie. lie took the envelope ami promised faithfiillv to fill till all the conditions, and to come back and report at. the end of seven days. lie went liuine aiul put the envelope under his pillow. Next morning he drew out a slip, and on it was the name of the girl w ho hud given the ehiirni to him. He thought that that was pretty tough luck, for he really liked the girl very much, lie was out. rather late next night, anil when he awoke he was in hiirrv anil fnrgiit nil ulnint the charm When he gut homo that night he began thinking the matter over and wonder ing who the other girls wvre. lie got Ihe envelope and peered into It, The slips were all carefully fold and he could not s'cu name. Then his curiosity got the upon' limnl. He In. out all the slips mid nnfoli them. All of the remaining six Inn! names on them nnd in each inslmice tlie name was that of the girl w ho hai prepared the charm. He sat down am thought long and earnestly. Then hi1 put on his evening clothes mid went straight up to that girl's house. Ilu staved a long time aiul when ho en mo nwav be was smiling and happv. inn there is going to be li wedding on tlio West Side one of these days. There. Is n girl who has a long head. Toledo Ulitde. WOMAN'S TRUE KINDLINESS. It Is More Natural wtlli Her Than with Alan. Among all nations, women arc ever inclined to bo cheerful and modest. They do not hesitate, liko man, to per forin a hospitable or generous action ; not haughty, nor arrogant, nor super cilious, but full of courtesy and affec tion; Industrious, economical, Inge nious; more virtuous, nnd performing more good actions than man. I never addressed uiysitlf In tho language of decency and friendship to a wonum, whether civilized or savage, without receiving a decent and friendly answer. In wandering over the burren plains of inhospitable lcntnnrk, through houest Sweden, frozeu Lapland, rudo nml churlish Finland, unprincipled Uussla and the wldusprend regions of tho wondering lartur, if hungry, dry, cold, wet, or sick, woman hus ever been friendly to mc, aud uniformly bo; and, to add to lids virtue, bo worthy tho ap pellation of iH'iievolcnco, these actions huvo been performed In so free and kind a manner that, If I was dry, I drunk tho sweet draught, nnd if hungry, ate tho course morsel with a double relish. rnrelirners' Ideas ol America. The magnitude of this country is not adequately appreciated by a great per centage of Europeans. Kspecially has this been true In the past. An English novel of n few years ago described the irlorles of the liockiesnsscen iroin ivow Orleans, "I met a (ieriuun Brussels," said 1111 iii'iiittilntiiuco of tho writer, "who beeiiine much interested in mo whtsn he learned that 1 was an Ameri can, and nil on account nf a friend he had In the I'nlted States. 'Do you know hi nr.1' ho asked, 'his name la Henry Wulter.' Tho name is not as common as John Ijnilth, nnd I did know llonry Walter, 'Where does your friend live?' I asked, 'In rlttsbtirgh,' ho replied. The Walter chanced to be the same, Hut what a remarkable oo ourrenccl That German must have re maincd with very insular Ideas ot the area of this country. Ho probably regards It as about the size of Htatoo Island, or eosslblv. Uohenzollent. SPECIAL ! A. T THE MATHEMATICAL SIGNS. Ilmv They Vcrc ;ru.!u:iUy ICeili Tllelr I'I'esi ul l iirill. The sign of addition is derive 1 from "plus." it was v until the inil ial letter of I lie word In making Hie capital toller luade more mid more earelessl the top part of th the center, henc linnllv reached. "p" was placed near tlie plus sign was The sign of subtraction was derived from the word "minus." The word was first contracted into inns, with a hori zontal line above to indicate the eon traction which was a printer's freak that may be found in almost any book hearing a date earlii r I list it the begin ning of the eighteenth century. After the lapse of a long period of time tlio let ters were omit ted a I bigot her. leaving only t he short line so well known to nil. thus --- I'hi. multiplication sign was obtainerl by cliiinging Ihe pins sin into a char acter resembling the letter x. 1 his was done simply because inn hi plica tior. is but a shorter form of addition. Division was formerly indicated by placing the dividend abuveu hori.untal line and the divisor low. In order to . e space in prim nig. iue iiivuienii 11 placed to the left and the divisot to the right, witlt u simple dot in place of each. The radical sign was derived from the initial letter of the word "radix." Tlie sign of iM mi I it y is said to have lirst been used in the year I'i.'iT by il .-harp malhemat.ciiin.wlio adopted it as a substitute for tlio words "cipial to." St. I.ottis Republic WOMAN COMES LAST. Hnw the A rati !U'pi:(!s Ills Wives null IlullKlllcra. I An Arab--meaning a tent-dweller, in I an equine sense, the town-dweller is no Arab loves first and above all hi lior -e. No one need to recite tlie oft sung affection he will lavish upon him, Next he loves his lireuvm. This, poetical ly speaking, ought to be a six-foot, gold-In-laid, nimwlo-loading horror of 11 matchlock, which would kick any man but an A rab Hat on his back at every shot; bat actually, In Algeria or Tunis, w hen he lives near a city, it is more apt to bo 11 modern English breech-loader. Y011 must tly from the busy haunts of men to llnd the matchlock. Next to his gun he loves his oldest son. Last comes hi wife - or one of his wives, perhaps. I laughters don't count; I mean tho Arali doesn't take the trouble to count them, unless in so fur as they minister to his comfort, dietetic or otherwise. I ' nt il some neighbor comes along and proposes to mnrry, in other words, to make a still worso slave of one of them, she Is only a chatU l a soulless thing. And vet sho is said to ben prettv. amia ble, helpful being said to be, for n 1 one by any hap ever chances to cast his eyes on one worth seeing. This disre gard women, be it said to their honor, does not always apply to the Hedoieiiis of the Syrian and Arabian deserts. LOOK BEFORE YOU DRINK. One Woman llliln't nnd Was Sorry for Her Nesllgence. "liook before you leap," nnd also be fore you eat or drink, is n good motto to remember. It Is wonderful how peo ple will rise In tho night, lay hold of a buttle In the dark, aud qua ff the con tents, too often to realize by taste or feeling that they have swallowed carbolic acid or Home other deadly draught. A lady had an experience tho other night which will teach her to light the gns before she partakes of refreshment in the night. She had a brown stone bottle of Imported water loft in the bathroom In ease of feeling thirsty. One night she arose, fumbled about, found tho bottle, w hich she knew by its shnpe, and the fact that It wns not gluss, turned out a goblet ful, got a mouthful of something so nauseous that the goblet fell from her hand, Its contents saturating her night dress, After a good deal of spluttering nnd some delnv sho struck a ngnt near 1110 wash bnsln, over which hung a mirror; o sho suw herself, nnd gave a shriek which roused tho house ns sho did so, Anit no wonder her face, teeth, hands, feet and garments were covered with Ink. Shortenlnn Sail on l and. rn never Ik-cii to scu," sold Mr. hlwyzr.lby, "and so I've never seen 'cm hhorten Ball in a storm lit Ren; but I think I can form a pretty good idea of how it's done, for I live In a Hat, and I've seen the people tuko In their wasn Ing on washdays when Bbhoworcatne tin." CIITZEN. YOUTHFUL HEROISM. New Rnglnml t'lilhlren Who Have Shown (rent t'onriit;e In Hi-sciiing IMiiyinutos. A few weeks airo the Huston Tran script recorded the award of a niednl by the Massachusetts Humane society to a girl of seven in T.ynn who had saved from drownin.T another lass of the same age. Notable as the action was. it Is interesting to hear that such incidents tire common, though they have not always commanded ree igni tion from the humane society. A cor respondent to Essex sends us two items' which show that the nobler qualities of human nature may be developed of at least manifested at tl very carry iVro Almut a year ago some boys vtr; playing on the railroad when an . press train came along. The whist !o was sounded, and till but one little fellow got off in ample time, the one left being but three years old, mid of course unable to appreciate his danger. One of the lads, tell vears old. jumped for his companion and pulled him away just as the pilot of the en gine brushed against his clothing. Tlie engineer said: "When I saw the bigger boy jinny f. ir the smaller one I thought that there would l.e two killed outright instead of one." ( In 11 recent winter diiyuhoycif six fell through the ice. and another boy, aged ten, catching him by the collar, tried to pull him out. but he wns not strong enough, so he called foranother boy, a lad of but eight years, and with his help they saved tin Ir companion. They were all in 11 peculiarly perilous position, and the wonder is that any of tlie three escaped alive, yet with the InditVi fence to danger characteristic of most boys when their sympathies are aroused, they spoke of the venture as though there were nothing remark able about it. AN ODD WILL. Its l.nrircit lldiucut til the Heir V. hn SI11111I1I Hull' the Must ( hllilri n. The eccentric testator in Lord 1 1 m's "Money" certainly did not play iv more cruel trlcU upon his expectant relatives than a I'ulish limited proprie tor liiiined .iilesky, who died in March, Issii, in tlie province of Tanriilii, snys the London liuily News. This mnn left 11 will In 11 sealed packet, marked: "To be opened lifter my death." When the envelope was torn oil', another one was found nndcrncuth, with tlie words: "To be opened six weeks after the lirst envelope has been opened." At the end of the six weeks it was found there wits II third envelope, with tlie Inscrip tion: "To Is1 opened in 11 veur." After waiting impatiently foranother twelve months the relatives found yet another envelope, which said: "To bo opened in two years." Finally the will was opened, when it was found that tlio testator bequeathed one hundred thousand roubles, or one-half of his fortune, to that person among his rela tives who should be proved to have the largest number of children. The other half was to be invested for a hundred years, nt the end of which time it was to be divided, together with this inter est, among his descendants. It is not to he wondered tit that this will has become the subject of a law suit, tlie faintly, with one exception, declaring tlio '.cstutor to have been of unsound mind. I'i'ka V. I,i'i'h. An old hunter said the other day that when lie lirst went up into Michigan mid Wisconsin where wild leeks abound, he was surprised to iind lying at the side nf his plalo at the table 11 piece of leek about three or four inches long, lie did not umlerstanu wny was placed there until he tried the but ter, which he found to lie almost tntol ernble from the taste of leeks, lie then followed the example of tho others and nto tho leek, when he found the butter instantly transferred into just us tie Unions butter ns he ever tasted. The leeks grow up through tho snow, nnd are tho lirst green thing to bo found in tho tlelds nnd along the stremus, and tho cows cat. them with n relish; with Iho result that the butter iniido from their milk is strongly scented, nnd the disagreeable tiisto can ouly bo re moved bv lerhting it with its own weapon, and so looks are provided for etioh plate, Itotiiny lessons were begun In tlio primary class. The chart wits opened lit the Dlcliire of 11 tree. "These," said the teacher, pointing with her stick, "are the limes; these are tho branches, and these are tho leaves, Katie, can you tell me what this purl of the tree Is culled?" The teacher was pointing to tlio trunk, "Yes'iu," suid Katio, " v s liiu bureau. 1 SPECIAL ! DRY GOODS CO. It is very difficult t o convince children that a medicine is "nice to take" iu:.. t i0' una iiuuuic -1, in tint pvt-inrl- V rnred lit nd. "i ministcrinr Scott's Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil. It is almost as palatable as milk. No preparation so rapidly builds up good ilesh, strength and nerve force. Mothers the world over rely u pun it in all wastine; diseases that children arc heir to. Priuirt(t SySi-ntt A llnwne. N Y All il-iiccil. 3 & HOE NO SQUEAKING. 5. CORDOVAN, rprNFuA pmampi i FncAi r H.'i5-0 FINECALP& KANGAR01 V 3.5P P0tlCF,3 Soles. 2.17-5BOYSSCH00LSHHZ3. -LADIES- J3-'Z"BesTDNG01'4 SEND TOR CATALOGUE j 'W ' BROCKXon. MASS. t AJ . I .nAIICLAQ. Yea ran unvv mnnnT liv iurrhiiiiiii M. I.. Ilouulnn ShiM'N, Hecnuse, wc nit; the largest manufacturer! nl nilvi'itisid slims in the world, nn.l Kiiarantii' tin-value hy MainpinK the name nnd price en the lmtliitu, whi.-h iirnteits ynu against 'i' n prices and '.hi- inuldli inau's prolils. Our slmc-i equal eiistiuii ivurk in htyle, easy fittine. nml wiarinu qiiali'.ii s. We trvve tin-ill sold evriy where al linvi r i-iin-s tor ihe value c.ivcu Hum any "liter make. '1'al.e no substitute. If your diider i-auuol supply you, we tail. Sold by J. D. Olanton, Asheville, Enock Fector & Co., Marshall. AND h W 0 z 0 lirwari'uf ImltHtiouP ordinal. MH '.v Taylor Mis. hi i..u! VITAL TO MANHOOD. 1K. F 0. WKSTS NKKVK ANi HHAIN THK.VT- M KNT, n Hpo- iili' fnr UyMorlit, IHw.Iwk, Fits, Nu ralula, HHitluelio, NVrvinw l'riwtntttnn ouum'iI hy nliMliol nrttihiiiTi). Wti he Mi'iitnl Iiunrt'Koii, Siiiti'iihiii ui lirain, r'mhintf liistiniiy.inint'ry.tit'cftj, Ifiith, rrt'nvilui'H ).l Atrn, Hnrrcnin'm, Liwr ol I'.iwor lui'ltlior w, linpitlciify, U-ueiirrhu'ri mul nl hIiiim', nvi'i-linliilirt'iir". A immtliV trrntinont, 1, il by tnntl. With onrh nnli-r fnrfi wilh fftwtii Mii-l wriui'nuuitnniirit 10 ri'inn.i it n-n curcti. iiii. sii k Ili'iiilnt'lM'. Ill UnU'tliM. I.lVtr C-oiuu Ulllt, Sour st 'iiim-li, :; hi.i'hii i,nl CoubUlxiUou. 'ulili.' s(H)iro. AHbfviHc, N C IE BWS t un VII r. ThW rm4i lei UK inj.Hlo'1 ilnntly Ii tlift Mail of tiioinao. i-itiiooriiiiiurinirriiT (mi, Iriii'm M ring ot rtn't or EJk i. to 'in- Utu inUniAllj. WUcit AS A PREVENTIVE liy ri0ir"-" il II ,mmtililnloootllfl(H AiiV vdIatiii liiiMau, bill tn Uin cif ol ,M tiinnli'ik'ty lir'iaiuTi.i A cruet H' aO Vf V t cur. 1'nto hy mtl, piUi vmiid di i rlir'nil uict'i, wnguru f af ji iierun,wrtti-oiff. LADIES DO V0U K0W 0H. FELIX LE DHUN'3 ste m nmim puis (imtlioiiriRlniiliinil nly FltKNdll, wifoaailro. linlilueurn un III" iniirknt, I'riio tl.Otlt ui.ut lj' until, (iiuiiuiui "old unly bv T. C. Hiulth, DruKKlnl. ''We Baiiart. Ahvlll. N (' IfHiSKEYi nnd Ouiulll Unblti curL'tl til liouii' 4ih oiiliiuln. Inn. kui' imr t.teiiliirnni'111 Hill" kt- wnenawi h. m . i i . i . r. i , 1 1 .Viiantii. ( . iu vutiiti un a vi oiwiiui" ' BEST IN H lie sure tn K t the mm ..III Martins PAINT- J SC .D IINOFR OUABA.NTEE. ACTJ- 0j.'i.ESSXBANtl.2oF&GAL. Itciinli-n, Kuiikiu Nc Cn., held the aucnoy Ibi tin-I K .M. I'.-iilils lor It n yi'nr.s until 'llit-y n-liri'il fniiu liusim ss. They cutisiilercd it the lust paint Mild. The exduMve iiui'iny is nuw Hi-Id liv DR. T. Wholesale Uriitiuist O. SMITH, Asheville, N. C, s-Sil.tnio Racket Store, 15 South Main St. lust i lew prii'i-s. We ilu nil know what others ask lur the unoils wc are Kintii; ti priee yon, hut wc do know our tac lilies for luiyitii; lire ns ".uml ns any in the land. Our experience of eight een years s worth a little lo the pui- cli.isii: ' iililii', it inaliks us to know where lo liny, how lo buy and when to buy anil what to liuy. Ami when ihis is done the lial tie is hall won. The next hall is lo sell, and if wc do not sell you others will. Wc want to sell you wear anxious to have your trade, and muse strike bottom on every item wc sell. Ladies' grass lolli dusters 2."e.; la dies' linen dusters -I. So. Von can't liuv the cloth for the money. Cotton Towels '.'tlx ft) Inches " " I'.lxK) " Linen " '.':ix40 " " L'Ox-Hl " " " lSxlli " Itic each. l-",a " 2". " ijj ., 15 " Curtain net, twistnl tlneail, til) iiiehes wide, will wash like a rat;. He. a ul I'iyured eiiitaiu hihiiIs, .'Ui inches wide, buitleretl for H'n'. yard. Itoys' nntl mists' ribbed lioselHi'dhoys'iitHl misses seiiniless ribhcil liosc l.'c; ladies' s'z.' 10c. I'Vrty hats nicely triinmcil fur la dies anil misses nt ('101'. to $1.00, just a little over hall' price. All our dollar huts wc sell at Oftc, ami all $ 1 fill huts nl $1.00. We have a unlit many other Koods that arc low, but wc ennnot men tion till. The kooiIs arc lure bought to sell anil ynu will always lint) us ki up line; with thr mud sill of low prices. J. M. 8T0NKU, Mgr.