Asheville Daily Citizen VOLUME X.-NO 71). ASHEVILLE, N. C, MONDAY EVENING, AUGUST (, 1804. BWte i" .eniCE 5 cents. p. -AND- s. COLUMN. If You Want Something' Nice, Try Our BLUE BACK SHAD ONLY 5 OE3STTS Powell & Snider Walking Canes (! TIIH l.ATKST STYLUS. l-'llluc-tt dozen received lotliiy, prices (loin toe. to j.i.eo. The tulUiwin is the names of the ilillcrcnt wood ; CONC.O, I.M'KKL, Jl'NII'KK, WKKCIISI-t., lillliLWI-lSS, AMKKICAN OAK, OAK, UI.IVH. I- UK .!:, OKANC.H, HA.IXOCACIA, lll.ACK (IKANT.K, III.ACK IIAMIIOO. L. BLOMBERG, 17 l'ATTDN AYIiNL'E. MODEL STEAM LAUNDUY CONTINUHS TO SUSTAIN ITS KSTAB LISIIKD RKl'UTATION 1'OK K1KSTJ CLASS WORK, Chnrcii St., Telephone 70. Dr. C. J, Oliveros, THE SPECIALIST. Ui Uillli UUMi lUUV.'ll rtilU LLi il DISEA3ES. 31 . PATTON AVKNVB. (Over Raysor & Smith's DruR Store.) 1'. O, Box 3,14, Asheville, N, C. OOBTLANDBRQSy RBAL KSTATB DKOKBKB. INVBSTMBNT A0BNT8 NOT A It Y PUBLIC ' I. nam Mrcnrtly placed at S per cent. Office 35 ft SIS Pttoo At., op Ulri Porter's Havana - Mixture THR DHST BMOK1NO TOBACCO ON TIIK MARKRT. FRB8KROMDIRT AND STB MB. REDUCTION In Prices OF ALL GKADES OF FLOTJR. A. D. Cooper, N COURT SCUARE. INKS ! STAFFORD'S vi itiiiK I'lui-I, lnivi rsil Jet Hlnck, Cuml-innl Wiilinj; mill Copy iitK, ('.lossy HUck, SlampiiiK., Mm, Viulcl, (Irct-ii, CARTER'S t'um1tiif Willing itnu Cnpyin. llhic Itl.Kk Writing Hm-I. Hlack I.t'Utr, Ko:il J Hack, l-'triu'li Copying, Copying. ImKI ilile, SaJ'fty, SlylontJipluc, Crimson l lui'1, Cm mine, I'ast Rctl. Cim'.s Hl;ick, Atiloiiii-'K Copying. Cross StytoRrnphic. Arnolil! Wiilinji l;luiil, Cupyitij-, MUCILAGE CAIO'UK'S, STIiKLINl!, STAI'lUKD'S, l'OMliKUVS. H. T. ESTABROOK Slatiuiu-ry Store. J2 S. Main SI. Sec That Square? II youi nnmc wl'Ic in it, il wouUl beau inker tlHCIHfUt, See the Point? Now you can't My that persons do not read the advertising column of Tin: Citizen. YOU Wont miss il in buying Shamrock Irish linen writing mKr worth 20c. selling at 10c. the quire. $2 to $5 on each railroad ticket is worth saving. RAY, 8N. Court Square. - f4T4 CRYSTAL PALACE BARGAINS JAPANESE RUGS, HAND WOVKN, ASSOKTKU PK SIUNS; 2xS FT. ONLY sse.; 316 IX ONLY fi.MMMai These prices are truly bargains. The rugs are very good fur summer homes Japanese Portieres, BAMIIOO AND RICK. Many pretty (U'sins. We ate now onering litem jo per cent, from price. This makes them very cheap. it NEW GOODS. We are daily KcUinjj in novelties ami pretty little things in china, cut lass, t-tc, that arc very appropriate souvenirs. Visitors welcome, Thad. W. Thrash & Bro, CRYSTAL I'AI.ACli. NEW BAKERY, HUSTON'S, No. " South Alain Street. IvverylhiitK niie. '.ixl l-inul, c;ikcs, s. Yoitr patronage soliciteil. loiiU lUlivittil Irer ti all pails of the city. hi t . 2 5 - a. c o C 5 if. V, i I - o 8 w S. a S Q W c u O jo t Q UI w c 55 c tc 1 3 , t! U i 0 , 10 i a S t Grape Juice Grape Juice Grape Juice UNFERMENTED A TURK l'OOD A NUN-ALCOHOLIC DRVKKAOK Heinitsh &. Reagan AGENCY FOR BON-BONS, 6H0C0LATE, tIC. hhohivhh twioh a whhk -AT- Heinitsh & Reagan ACTED AS CHILDREN DO! A CRANKY KXHimno.N liV THCIiRKENVILLl'IS, The Hunili Carolina Hall I'lavtrs UIU Not (icl Wliai Ttirv Want, eel and I'lnullv Fci leltt-d lite Uaiur. It rcni.iiucil for the Giceiivilles to give the liasclmll lovers in Aslii'vilic the must childish ixhi'jition of bull i!u ii'g tvtr witnessed here, ltwusdurin S;itu:d iv's Kinnc, and not only one. The kicking merubcrs of the team did not kick much at what might have been considered a proper time, but broke oat when AsIk ville would get an advantage, making the childishness all the more apparent. It really seems that the visitors, Miiatt- itig turner two defeats, nail gone into the game with the dcieiniiiiali iii ol winning bv bind if thiv cnu'd win no other wav. Kicks wire made on the slightest pretexts and the program soon hci nine evident. Theulternoon was threatening, hut the attendance was good, considering the weather. V'.r. Packard of Texas, who umpired l'riday, and who h (I been sc lecled bv Ilehue of the visiting team, umpired this gain''. I 1 1 1 teams set out playing the game up to date. I'our Asheville men batted wkhotit rcsuli.and when Greenville came up two men got ou bases without auvtl i ig out. Then it was Ge"ori.c Stephens took a p irt in the matinee. Jlis kicklriuc ran up above h s head, and his delivery took on u zigzag lightning dart that dizzied three men 111 tucecssion so thev merely sa weil the air. ciphers wire on the board in the second, Cain having failed to find the curves ins! to give Stephens lour strike outs in succession The third saw 11 change in .ilfiirs. Wit!' two men out MiChing hiL and Young went to first on an error nl 1 '.ray, who might have retired the side. Then Stephens lilted a double Unwell left, and center on wlueh two eim:e home-, la lire nville's hall t ev wciv enabled, bv lucky hits and unlucky eri"i, to luing in lour men, lUirrs and C iiu bit I i.ig lor two bases each. The lourl II went lie nothing, Ko'n I- soii and Met leatuiiu a Willi a doiiiile of Craig anil Ci'pp-dge 0:1 tnc hater's llv to Kobeitson. tueen 1,1 the .,!lli wiiu hit bv the ball on the h.nt, lint was no! allowed Ills base and then got a tiunh'c to lift. Mcdung was given b.-se on balls, whereat C.iii, llihu.', t'oav nail ileiers kicked and pieleaded tli v wire going to quit. Hut 1 i.e v d du't and the iimpiic didn't blnll ir all. V. 1111.: got a hit and filled the b ses. So ,. I.', in as next mail up and lie iv nl libit with lUllldeT in ills eve. A l ik ol lllil oh slructed the view of ;ui m e, but ne went the other oil a tl.'cr, siuoteii pie.-iselv on its uiosL conspicuoi.s i . 1 1 1 e .-s and il sailed Itvaverihiinwui'ds A or e'lssioa never to be forgotten started ' the diamond, I 11 11 bcnine ! nown at 01, ee that Stephens had hit a home run!., right thai added lour 1 tins to the total and placed Asheviil; in the lead Such a thing had never been done lie if and the grandstand touched olf tonsol d . n on it ie appreciation, the bleaches s'l'ieked aloud in their glee and the very rose and 11 II 111 violent imdul it 11 11 a-it to add to theehagrin ol Hie tiovs . li Id. The crowd swarniid over theraila ai d there was a handshaking lor several mimiUs and How p.. Iioni tite gtand stand. Here Greenville gave i!ie baby act in most approved style. Thev eauie in, packed their traps and vowed they'd play no more with Mr. Packard. I'll. it the silly exhibit!' u was because 1.1' Stephens' home run ' so evid; at that a spectator remarked that Su aliens iiad with one b ill knocked nine men down and brought, lour home The crowd s aimed 011 the field and lltccnvdic was guyed mercilessly. live and bye they went hack to play and made t w o iti'.s in their hall, tying the score 11 le. !i. lv'oliertson beg in the eighth by Uii g h:t by the nail, Clarke Hew to t'l.iig and Giccm got the hit that untied the score Copp' dge tliiln't pick up the ball and Green rested on tliiid, Ins runner, Cia'ke, coining home on 11 prcmeibtali d wihi throw. Then Greenville rielaved the game in every way possible, claimed i' was too dark to plav, and wauled li e game called. Hut the inning d n il havi Ik en played out, and Asheviil.'d in inded that the visitors play ball or fo leii the game. Hvery man that handled the ball tluew wild and the hit ol the day was made by Will Williams when he pi. lud up the sphere, carried it out to Cam and tenderly handed it tu him. l-'intdly Cain pitched a bull lull oO feet over Voting's head mid outside the fence. There is an cud to all patience and I'mpiic 1'aekard gave the game to Asheville '.I to 0. The decision was just and it might have been given earlier with equal jiiit ncss. Such exhibitions demoralize the na tional game. Mr. Packard may have honestly erred in his decisions. Put, il his decisions were wrong that was not sufficient cause for such actions as the spectators saw. The umpire could not have changed Stephens' home run to a foul, mid that was what worried Hum, The score : AsiliiVll.1.1:. All ! II I' o A I. C.rvcii, r. f. I 1 11 11 0 MeCliuig, e a if 'J It II o Yi.iitiu, e. I. 4. a 1 -' o o Stephens, p 4 I 1' o 4 1 illilliain. Hi I o I U o 11 Stanley, s. I- o a 1 a o Metz, 1M1 a 11 o a o o Knhertson, ai a i o 2 a 1 Clark, ! I. I'. a u o 1 11 o :vi 11 10 gi ti i llKKIiNVII.I.I;. A II. II. U. I'.O. A. K criiig, I. r a 1 u s 11 u Heiinc, an a u 1 u a o Cnppeilgc, e. I'. 111 o o eliliHon, e a a I 1 o c.rav, ab a 1 1 -t a 1 Cniii, 1 4 1 1 11 a 1 briers, s. s 4 0 a 3 1 o Meliaviil, r. f. 4 o a o o o Morgan, 11 4 0 I 4 11 o an ii 10 at 0 a SCOKH II V IXXIMIS. i a a 4. ". u v Asheville 0 u a o 4 o n-ti llreiliville O II 4 0 a O U U Hl'MMAItV. Harne.l rims Asheville Jl. i'.reenvilli' Two linse hits tiiecn. MeChnig, Stephens, stanlev, t'llisun. Linn, liners tat. it'.uie rim Stephens, liases plolcn Stilllley, i'.ray. Iluublc pljtv Melz ami WotierlMim. liases mi called Imlls Ott Stephens 4, ml Caul 1. Bines on hit liv pitched Hall Hy Mrpheiis a, by Cniii t. Struck nut lly Steplu n II, liy Cain a. Pasneil liah Mec'liiug. I in pil e Mr. I'aeknrel. Unmet FcIiocn. There is no doubt us to Asheville ' ability to play ball Manager Whitmirc didn't seem to think the team hadn't a lair deal here. Craig gave a great exhibit of fielding in left, and Morgan was pel lectly lit home at first, it i to be deplored that in strong a team as Greenville should lie capable of transmogrification into a juvenile circus, .am wanteil to know "What kind ol fellow is Stanley, anyway? Why, he stole third with me standing looking tit him." In the first game played with Gieen ville this season, this was Asheville's team: Voting. Lewis, Williams, Lanier, Darby, Clark, J., iiecd, White, Clarke, A. The Ch.'ittanoogas came in Saturday night for their scries, beginning today. They are fresh IVont two victories over Spartanburg, one 111 to 'J, the other S to li. Huiing a recent game between the llostou and Philadelphia league teams, when the latter liad a large lead on the bean eaters the Hustons b.g.111 delaying the game and it was given to Philadcl phi 1 just as Saturday's game was given to Asheville. BACK IX THE OLD RUT TARIFF tOMHil'ltll'.S M I It It NO I HOIiRI J I Toiluv I'luclH 1 lie MtliuMuM In ho A Mn;b-r 01 The emit ri net- coiuiuitK e R, po. is. Wasiiim-.tos. Aug li. The iL'nioeratic l.'iiili'eiinfetces were in session again to day at 1 1 o'clock and resinned the work ol trying to reach an agreement on points of dilicteiici'. When some ol the members of the committee came out of the confer ence room at 11' o'clock they stated that no perceptible progress had been made. and that to all apocaranccs the situation was tlie same as it had been lor the past week. "tmri'l.l.'d Hint yr. R v J. I , Wlitu.'N Simula Ivii log St 1 tnoii. U 111.- Past ll.tptist church I 1st evcu- Uee. . I.. White picachcd on thes.ib- j el ol S mini I s ( di.'s'." to a good cm. greL'.u in . llisti xt tvas 1 Samuel L'S 1 1 I'llvll ' i . I 111.-, Wli.,111 Il.II I l.ii,,.. lip unto 111' e .' A IT I lie s.iiil. Ill in; 111, up s ,111111 I. "We a c 1'i-ariiig," Mr. White said, "the close ol i-n 1 vi nlltil I le. Satil was a man ol t xliaordin try endo .vmeiits il.elirsl king of Isiail, the king ol a great nation, with the power to make it gnat or unmake it. He had had Hie companionship of Samuel, whose friend ship any man might covet. Hut Samuel is dead, the gtcal fed tr has f illen. Saul is alive and et he is dead, lie is no longer the great man, but a coward in 1 he U . sv -nee ol his cnctniis. lie could gi t no v.i -.- "f (1 'd. Wh it did he sec at the lint ol which we read ': Naught but Siniiieis ghost.. D as this leachus that Samuel w. is his power '! No; but that things that ate invaluable are. not ap preciated until the y are gore ft means that the opportunities Samuel's presence brought were lobt. It means that when wc tijeet His inessengei s we n ject God. I cue ii"l what voudowilh me, but I .peak as God's mouthpiece. What will you do with Christ tonight? "TI:- fust thing that surprises you is U. it Said, who In. 1 bad the witches ki:hil. should want a witch. This man of to.Nciiug iiiMKct we -ee tr tabling in the picsencc "I the when. Now, fn.k at tlie delusion. Did be gel Samuel ? No; -aim. el was dead and his soul was with God in ii st.itie joy. God h id nothing to do wiili ties scene. Saul wasG id tor s.dicu aid devil possessed. It was the d. vil ;-. ikiag t i t iiu ;t wasa delusion 1'he --! wns that this great king com mittr l suicide. Ilewtire, young men, that l:v the sinsol v..-nr youth ou do not. council suicide. Tomirroiv you may die. Are yon r.. Iv ? When we see ivci vi lnug ag dust us let us n member there is one wh i is lor us. Let u-come la eus t.'Tii'.'bt." tf II In s,' Melel v tnslveix. Four Mo. Ma ik, Va., Aug. (i. -The L'.ith aniiu.i! r. nveiiiiini ol the S ntthi ru D.ii t.d association, y hieh lias h.en iusession at the ll vgeia hotel lor the p-i-t lew days, closed its labors vcsterd.iv. The lollow i"g olli 'i'i's we e elected h-r the ensuing Dr. II. I;, licaeii, Cl.u ksvi ic, Tenn., P'esiileui; Dr. J. dm Th mipsoii of Al laiil.i, Ga., liiy.l vie. -aresi.; Dr. Louis P. Dtlttres, Ch.'.rliS'on, S C, second vice oiresident; Dr. U. D. Scales, Port Sunth, A' I;.; tiiird vicc-piesalcnt; Dr. 11. A. Lor. uue, Athens, lit., treasurer; Dr. S. W. Poster. D e.itur. Ala, recot tling sicritarj; Dr. L. P, Henries, Danville, Va., corresponding secretary. The National Dental association meets here, beginning yesterday, for a three day's session. orrsiuii ol' i:c.COMl;li. John Lewis, a negro nb out ."() years old, and known to be a desperate char actir, was killed at Kutherioidton Sat urday by Town Marshal John Shot well. Lewis was under arrest, aid was Irving to raise money to pay his line, e.ilorccd for ilisordeilv conduct, lie got into u dispute with Shot well and advanced on him. Shot well pulled his pistol and shot Lew s three limes. Lewis died within hall'au hour. Shotwell surrendered to the shcrifl. This is the first man killed in Kiilherlordl'Mi since it was incorpora ted, over a hundred years ago. A telegram iioin S.iul'ord sivs: A murder was committed in our town last night, the parties to t lie tragedy being lidgar II i t I white I, ugid 111 years, and Theodore Mclver, aged 12 (colo'cdl. While engaged in a dillietilly in front ol C. P. Watson's store, the white boy,, was stubbed to dentil by the ne gro. 1 here were I mr eye witnesses ol thetrrgedv, and the murderer mid nn accessory were at mice apprehended. The Noise correspondent of the Car Hinge ltlatle says Mrs. Wright of Shef- liel .s township has ti pair of shoes and is wearing them now, which were made at Curtilage L'.l years ago, by Mr. Camp t-cll. She also has in her house KID jards jeans cloth that she wove heis.ll JO years ago. Dut ham Recorder; With the immense Mi liitvrc estaie in the east, tlielamous Oeeonccchee tit r in in the centre, the Van dcrbilt estate in Ihewesl.NorthCarolinn is fast coming to the front as the leading agin uiturai tituiein tlicNiutli. J'lsephus Daniels, chief clerk ol the Department ol Hie Interior, h istin option on the Kaleigh News and Observer, and is endeavoring to raise stock lor a com puny to coi. duct it, Ai may be made in a few davs lor putting $k)',000 more in the Kaleigh Hosiery Yarn milli iicutlv doub ling the size ol the pl int. IT IC ATI I iFMnfli ATIP j 11 13 UEMUIKA 1 IL IS APPARENTLY HAFK. The Modi lied. AuHtrallau Ballot Law Appareutlv Working Well A Heavy Vole Beluir a'olled -All ulel. MoNTUO.Ml-RV. Aul'. (i The elielion I today is for State othcera and members of the legislature. It is the first trial of the new election law modeled upon the Australian ballot system. The city and county are nlmost solidly for Col. Wm. C. Dates for governor and the rest of the Democratic ticket. The indications are that the vote throughout the State will be very large. The Democratic State committee have figured from their returns, not only thut I latts wili be handsomely elected, hut that there will be a working majority in both branches of the legislatuie. HiKMiNciiAM, Ala., Aug. !. The elec tion for state, county and legislative officers is passing more quietly than was expected. The Savre election law is in operation for the first time. It is a mod ified form of the Australian ballot and is working smoothly. There is u heavy vote here with the Democrats lur in the lead. HHOV IX CH4HI.OTTK. 1 lit; Trouble Hlartfd In More head Clly. Ciiaic.ottu, Aug.C Special. abcz Myers, a salesman for Jatlriis of New Vork, was shot twice in this city this morn ing bv Pred Oliver and dangerously hurt. The trouble was over something Myers alleges Oliver said about him at Mop-head. Myers had threatened to kill t Hiver and this morning made tor him ou the street. Mvers is thought to be insane. Olivet is mi ler b nut. The Wllllamst-Belil.: Cam-. Wasiiini.tun, Aug. (i. In i he House today Pavuter I Ky I announced that ow ing to the calorced absence ol Wood aid i N. C. I who i n .-I II the report for the minority in the contested election case ul Williams vs. Settle from the tilth N n th Caioliua district in favor of Williams. md w hich had been set tor consideration today, it has been (ii'ienj ihe case should go over until next session. The Hum ol InduHiry. iii.t.s, Aug, ti, The resumption of work at the Cede-in in Saiclds eoinoaiiv mills this morning not only absorbed ail the idle men locally, but inanyeaiiie from idacciit towns and I mud work, livery mauiilacturing concern in the place is is running ou lull time. To succeed l) n K v. Wasimnoi-on, An-, li. The President today sent to the Senate the following nomination of James D. Porter ol Ten nessee to he Tinted States di-triet judge lor the eastern and middle district ot Tennessee, vice I). M. Kci resigned. X, iiiiint-ruiitii Aicalu. Paris, Aug. ti At the Velodrome dc Lazitie yesterday, the Lourville nri.e. distance 2,1)01) metres, was won by A. A. .iiiimermati, the Aaiericiii wheelman. Loiv d was second. Out nii. re ' h. i-4-'n Wind Ciiwt-s, An;, ti. The Koyal London Vaeht club rcg uta lor LP) guineas purse was eouiiH'teil for bv the Vigilant. Ilrit- aani t and Satunit i today. The Vigilant won easily. Victims! of The Heat Nl-w York, An,', li. Fifty-one deaths from sunstroke oemrrid in this city t'lti ing the week ending Saturday, against I s Irom tlial cause Hie prcceduig week. The isiriu.; Olllclallv Off. Cino in, Aug. o. t a meeting of the general su ikc committee of the American kailwav union it was decided to deel ire the gieat strike off in Chicago, Mow thin Im a I.osm Pllll.APl-l.i'iiiA, Aug." li. The grand stand at the Philadelphia hall park burned to the grouud.this morning. One ol the Old "War t'ot'erimrM." Jackson, Mich., Aug. (1. lix-llovernor HI. tir died at WM o'clock this morning. XOKTU CAKOUN XUWS. f Odd Ftllows list of othcers elected for the ensuing year: P. 11, l'clletier. Newbcrn, grand patriarch; ILL. Ileartt, Durham, grand high priest; W, Williams, lilizibetti Lily, grand senior warden; P. Sawyer, Asheville, grand iiiuior warden; Ge'o, L. Toanuffski, Kulcigh. grand scribe; T. W, Ilhtke, kaleigh, grand treasurer; l . p.. Keynolds, Winston, grand representative to the Sovereign Grand ' Loiige. Appointed olheuni: 1I.C. Uowlett, grand marhsal; H. C, Garem. grand out side sentinel; G. F. Duke, inside sentinel. 1 he grand encampment will hold its next annual session with the Cntawha River Lodge, No. 21, at Charlotte, August. Shelby Aurora: Mrs. Iiliz ilicth Wil son, tlie owner ot Cleveland Springs. which she sold lor $ lo.OUO, died several years ago, hut there was no administra tor ou her estate until this week. Mr. a, Charles llaniriek of this county was up pointed administrator and gave n huge noun, i ins is preliminary to another important step in which many citizens are interested. Wilmington Messenger: We regret to nnnoirice the death of Professor F.J ward Graham Daves of Italthnore who die I at Hostou on Wednesday nfter a brief illness. Professor Daves was in the li'J year ol his age and was the second son and third chi.d of the Inlcllon. l'ugh I laves ol .Newiiern. The following arc the n:w central executive committeemen of the Populists in this Mate: Marion llutlcr, Harry Skinner, W, II. Kitchin, A. 8. Pence, W. A. Gtilhrie, Cyrus Thompson, Now that ex-Judge II. (1, Connor litis declined the endorsement of the State populist convention for Associate lust ice, the question arises, whom will they put in his place ? Col, J. C. Tipton has leased Hie Shelby Review to Chas. P. Roberts and Clyde K.llncv. Col. Tipton will go into the newspaper business elsewhere in North Carolina. Major Kiifus S. Tucker, one of Ral eigh's best known and richest citizens, died hat jruay ol paralysis; aged 00. Judge Thomas C. Fullcrof Hie United States Land court, bat gone toSantalPc N.M. DRINK- Harris' Litbia Water. A wiili-i Unit is superior to any oilier lithu until in tlie fiiiteil States, which is show a hy llie- fulluwiiiK analysis: Its specific gravity is i. id' at 6u;. Calcium Sulphate I'oliissititn Sulphate Sudiiuu Sulphate Suiliiini Chloride Soiliilin Itieat Inmate l.illuutii Jl .i-itrlmtiatc MaKiiesium hieartionate Iron lliearhuuate Silica l'h'isphoric Aeiil Lnsson Ignition I.RAINS 100.4.1 Imp, t'.nls. o.f4 0.70" O'JIS ')'- '.V.I J.fi74 ..1') s.o.-j Trace IS.'i.SI S'lliil Dried al m, V Calliuuic Aeiil in hicailiotiate 1.V.') 11S.7J" 4-o.vS The water is clear, odorless and slightly acid, analysis made hy U. OkiIcii Duremeils, M. D., I, I,. P., Professor of chemistry and physics, Cul- Ickc City of New York, Oct. 7, isiji. This water has 110 equal in the t'nite-d Si des fur nil ing dyspepsia, eolistipalion. liver coin plaint, nausea, dlopsy, gout, rheamatislil, anil all diseases ol the kidney and hl.idclcr. i'l ice, f.. sc. pir case, 34 it. hutllcs. Ite-hate fl-flf per case- lor hollies returned. AliKNTS. RAYSOR & SMITH, 31 PAT TON AVE. OPLN l-VliNINGS TILL 11 O'CLOCK. wni'RH in p vrir r.i-rr it1 THE FINEST THING OBTAINABLE, NO TAI1I.H COMl'LHTK WITHOPT IT. . . . IT HAS NO EQUAL. ASK TIIH I.ADIKS AND TIIKV WILL TKLL YOU TO CiOft'O it. 15. NOLAND & SON JiEN. Main St., Grocers'! Whci c you call find 11 fresli supply 01 this celebrated Steam Baked Bread. A COMI'LKTK LINK .OH. PICKLES Sweet, Mixed: and Cucumber -AT- W. A. LATIMER'S, No. 10 N. Court 8iUre. Lnlliiicr carries s nice stock ol Potted mctli, r'reucli Burelluti Crsckers Ktc , , ,