Asheville Daily Citizen VOLUME X.-NO 81. ASHEVILLE, N. C, WEDNESDAY EVENING, AUGUST 8, 1894. PRICE 5 CENTS. Friday, Aug. 10, '91 ONE DAY ONLY, VH HAVli AKKANCKU l-UK THIS DAY WITH C. W. TOW I, Hi THK Gold Wire Artist Ti ini'M'ttt with cash purchases of groceries nmoiiiitiii:,' to -i.e.), his new ami hcautiliil Just Received, 500 DOZEN LEMONS. Price 20c. Dozen. Vtir CAN ISK Til KM HRKKLY AT TilF.SK PKICKS. A. D. Cooper, N COURT SQLMRc". Pisgah Sword, An ailistic 1 1 m Mi .)i i" Keild wile. The gilt is n 14 kt. rolled gold or solid stilling silver sword, your choice. Ami the Twister will make it for you in solid is kt. gold wire, only charging for tilt dill'crence lietween gold .mil silver. This is n gtcatiippurleinilyaud we ndvisc our patrons to take advantage of it. Powell & Snider Walking Canes tip THH I.ATKST STVI.KS. Pllli-cll dn.cll teeeiveil loilay, prices Irum inc. lof l.m'. The following is the names or the dilTctctit wood CONeiO, I.Al'KHL, JUNII'KK. WHKCIISIil,, KDKI.W KISS. AMUKICAN INKS ! STAFFORD'S Commercial writing Maid, rniversal Jet Illack, Ciiiuliineil Vi'iitiug and Copy "K. ('.lossy lllaek, Stamping, Ked. Blue, Violet. Green. CARTER'S Combined WritiiiK nun Copying. Illuc Illack Writing l-liiid, Illack Letter. K.biI Illack, Punch Copying, Copying, Indel ible, Safety, Stylographie, Crimson I'lllid, Caiinine, I'asl Ked, Caw's lllaek, Anionic's Copying, Cross Stylogrnphic. Arnold's Writing l luid, Copying CRYSTAL PALACE BARGAINS JAPANESE RUGS, HAND WOVKN, ASSOKTUU Dp;. SKINS; ixh FT. ONI.V SNc.; 3x6 FT ONLY i..s These prices are truly bargains. The rugs arc very good for summer homes Japanese Portieres, BAM HOO AND RICH. Milllv Picltv deslcns. We l.ti Hnw .,n',..j...r ineiii jo per cent, from price. This makes them very cheap. it NEW GOODS. Wearcdaily getting in novelties mid im-tlv little things in china, cut glass, etc., that are very appropriate souvenirs. Visitors welcome. Thai W, Thrash & Bro, CKVSTAI. PAI.ACH. MUCILAGE CAKTKKS, STKRLINO, STAFFORD'S, I'OMKROV'S. H. T. ESTABROOK Stationery Store. 11 S. Main St. UAK. See That Square? OAK. OI.IVH I'UKH, OK A NCI!, IIAKI.OCACIA, UI.ACK UKANO.K. lll.ACK IIAMI1UU. L. JJLOMBERG, 17 I'ATTUN AVUNl'li. No. 1 Timothy Hay. $1.00 Per Hundred Pounds. TI.K.HN 4MNII, Gr. .A.. Greer. jS N. MAIN ST R KMT MODEL STEAM LAUNDKY CONT1NUKS TO SUSTAIN ITS K8TAB I.IHHKU RHI'l'TATION FOR FIR8TJ CLASS WORK, Chnrcli St., Porter's Havana - Mixture THK BEST 8MOWNO TOBACCO ON THH MARKKT, FRKB'FROMJDIRT AND 8TKUB. I f your name were in it, it wotiM bean ailver ti.MllK'tlt. See the Point? Now yon can't say that persons do not read the advertising columns of Tin; Citizkn. IT H E Must delicious candy Hint enn be produce! by skilled work men Irom fin cest materials is called TENNEY'S Reduced from HOc to 00c per pound. F A M iarity with our business meth ods breeds con fidence $2 to $0 oft" on all railroad tickets RAY, 8N. Court Square. HON HONS, CHOCOLATES MIXKI) CHOCOLATE CU HAM MINTS, 'TIOCOLVTE MINTS. LICOIUCE TABLETS, ETC. Iteerivctl Uy ExpresH. ' HESTON'S, 2(5 S mill Main Stmt THE PROCESSION KEEPS OX ALL WERE RENOMINATED SKCOND OAMK WON FHU.U CHATTANOOUA. KI'Bll.T OF THK CONVEX' TION AT KI.KI(iU. Ford Pitched for Hie Ylatllor and Green fat llir l.ocalH Rome una It Wepueua and M auler aud a Sweater l McCtiiug, Catcher McClung's sweutcr and the home runs of Stephens ami Stanley were prominctit features of the second game between Asheville and Chattanooga, played at Allandalc yesterday. The sweater, so Oldham says, is so loud that the umpire cannot hear the Ion! tips Uuck l'ord, the old llrooklyn player was in the hox for the visitors. while- Jack Green did the tossing act i'ur Asia ville. Scitcrs, McUuiig and Young olli Clutcfl in the rmin.-ifv ..I r ;...- I.. the fifth McClung's thumb was injured and Young relieved him, Williams going to center held lor that inning. Me Clung after that went to center. Young mane a nnneisomc ratcli ol llobbs fly in in ... vnru difficult imp from 1 f.ii - Al.p l it? i;c. tinguis'cd himself in the eighth by pull ing nown u drive Irom Stephens that looked sale lor a base or two. Green oncned the chnsp f..r Asdipvillp l.v taking a hit and was the only man to score, coming in nn a hit from Stephens. Diilurd hit the first nil: -r.Mtr frnn. fornix. for two bases and was brought in by nieKiin s 1111. maims helped nobody tor iwu innings, men rtsiicville got one run Stephens bringing liuiiself home on a home run hit over right fence. The Red Legs made six runs in the fifth, while I) ibbs and Sciters li it till Iwn Imepa each, the lormcr scoring. Stanley gut a (iisttnguisliincnt in the seventh by Mhrnlirrd, Uurwell. tlncHar, Claik aud Tale Named -State Committee NtWclt-cI -Cleveland Cheered. Rai.lich, Aug. s.-The Democratic State convention -ml ;it noon today in Metropolitan hall. There was a full con vention, ncaily every county bcinir renre- sentcd. State Cliairinati Simmons c.-ille.l the convention t() ()r,KT and iiroiioscd I. C. ISitxton o( Winston for tCllllllli-.'irv president. Iluxton niadcu vigo-ousand clooiiint athlicss that was received with enthusi asm. His eulogistic references to Cleve land were long applauded; also his complimentary mention of Vance, Ran som and J.nvis. A resolution wnu minute, 1 il.-.t ..11 ...... olutions ngarding the platform be re ferred to the phitforin eiimmittcc with outjilebate. The vniious eomiiiitleea were aiiiioiiitci . ami t hp St ne i coniiiiittee was chosen. (jovcriior Carr, Secretary Coke. Waller Henry, I.te S. Overman and A. M. Wail lell were called on and spoke. K. A. wougliton wnschoscu iicrmaneul chairman with W. T. Caho, 1 li. Green, A. C. Iluirjins. 1. k. Ynunir. T c M... Neil, S. J. I'emberton, C. It. Walinn lohn L. CiinniiiL'li.'iin ntwl k'mu- 11; vice-presidents. Shepherd, MucKac, Uurwell anil Clark wcic renominated lor ihr Simr....... ........ bv acclamation, as was nls.. 'l',,- ,,,r,.,. Tate. No speeches were made, r.ut thin was done on motion of K. II THEY MAY AGREE TODAY. IF NOT, THKN SUNK WAY. OTHER u "'i"i i.j 1 was none 011 motion 01 K. 11, Hattlc nil uue over leu lencc anu oidii t get a clinnee hcliall of Wake delegation. to show his RliritllincT :ildli..a l.t.t 1,,'u I cap came oil, Stephens' would have done likewise, but he don't wear a can. Two of the visitors scored in thr rii.hlli and the running business stopped, the score closing ai u tn 1. Air. I'ack.iri wi;avkkvii.i.k WAKHI.I.H. umpiretl and did it very well Asincvii.i.n The score llreeu, p Mi'C unir. c VmitiL' .v I' SlriihctiN. r I' llldllHlll, 111 Stanley, s. s I.nnicr, all Kolierlsmi, I f.. Met, 2I1 . .0 ... I- IMIIard. .111..., Lit. A.. L'li Nieklin, I. I'. Dohbs, e. t'.... Lit, .1, s. s Scitcfs, c .... Ilarkins, II. Mone, r. f. o IL' II CII.VTTAN.HM .Ml. It. 1 1 1 4. H7 A 1 II 1 0 II r. n o t A. a 3 o 1 i o o c o r. o - o 0 (0 Q tif c J2 JO 5 OS w Q ' W S o o o o o Q Grape Juice Grape Juice Grape Juice UNFERMENTED A l'URK FOOD A NON-ALCOHOLIC UKVKRACK Heinitsh & Reagan AGENCY FOR BON-BONS, 6HOC0LATE, ETC. KKCKtVHn TWICH A WHHK -AT- Heinitsh &, Reagan l'ord. p 1 o o M 4 10 iL'UKK 11 v i.vni ;s. 1 M .L R i. T M 11 As ii'vi f 1 (i n 1 r. 11 LinittanntiH 1 0 O O o 1 O 2 O 4 SI'MMAHV, I'.ai llt'll kutlM -Ashevilli' fl I'liiil TwiJ ll.'lKC III rk M.'ly t lillrir.l Vi.-tr li. NO )llt St'llers ( I. I 1 1 Mllr' rmw- StClllll'tlH. Itll.m'N Nl fltl'lt li ti f it v t n IT Green U. Struik om Ily C.n n 1, l'onl 1 umpire Air. t'acknnl. SnurtniihiirL' "didn't rln n tl:in." vi-s tcnlay with Greenville. Thev imnly walked oivnv with n fM ia t f and the heads ol tlir ('.itimi 1 invs rniiKl lir saddened indeed. The Spartaii team will arrive in nsncvi ic touii! it to iclmii a series with the Moonshiners, ami the nomc Hoys ate still wearing their batting clothes. With Ramsey in the b x the visitors will expect to piny something use oascoau. Aslicvillc will do the same ami a tiatttlc ol giants may be expected BKPOT fCRAl'S. Cbauices aud Rniiinm of CliaiticeH Hniiroaaera Talk AIout There are more rumors in railroad cir CleS to tile lllecl that Dip vestilii.l.wl trains are to be run over the hYcstcni North Carolina and that Morristown is to be made the western terminus of this height division. Some go so far as to set a probable date, but nothing defi nite OI1 these llOlllta is known vnl hv 1 1 i unii.itii9 iici e. I'Veidlt btMillCSH t fair imur will. nr.. e IK'ets good for an increase. A lew nights ago 13 car loads of horses Ir.uu Louis ville consigned to Lynchburg, Vn.. passed through Asheville. Under the old regime these would have gone bywavof llris- SlIIKTilltetulent Rvdor h nii l.l-l.llll tn lltlp his axe. Last night he guve orders lor the diseontinunnep nf tl.p tii.,1.1 i..l,...n..i. offices at .Newton, Hickory, Marion aiul niiimore. i nts reduces tile lorcc under Chiel Disputehcr Newell bv four. Tip. re is talk of a cbaugcof schedule on the Murphy branch, whereby people liv ing on that rond will be able to come to Asheville. attend to liiniliiniT i.,.H nil...r business and return the same day. It this is done the incoming train will arrive icic uuuiu noon una leave uuout p. tu The "bovs" who stnv iho die patcher's office say Mr. Newell is pos sessed ot as nnc an eye lor counting ex eursiomsts as anyone could desire. 1 W. lluidekoner. one ol the n I.I U K- u. reeelvem. ne.vimtifiiii.'H l.v his I'.imilw , ... -' i "j .............. rnmp in vpatprd.-.v in K...ipri..l.nrl.f O., der's car on the way to Turnpike, where nicy win remain a month or two. NKXT WKliK'S KACICH. Uoraea Now Here and Mans More Coming. The biircest event in the wav of rani that Western North Carolina has known will be Inaugurated next Tuesday, Au gust 1, closing Thursday. It is the oc casion of the races ol the French Urond Pair and Racing association at Carriers' track. Purses amounting to about $1,200 are offered ami will induce n list of runners and trotters that will delight the lovers of turf snorts. Six linp linrse from Suurpl unl.r Tenn., came in today, which, added to those already arrived, run the total now ..!..:.. . , r... it. a'. r , Fine ('rons-Kalii rnmii. let olittcat For Fminrrs Wl-.WKKVii.i.ii, N. C, Aug. f.-.s we write the rain falls. This end of the county has been blessed with the lust seasons for tlirie wc ks that k has had in yiars. Wehave traytllcd over a lame portion of the county and have never SCCIl Slicll limSliectS fl.r irnn.1 ,n,o especially corn, ' S. hool nrosneets ii.'ir never I....... l.ii...- tit Weaverville. We nie InnLi..,. i,,r large crowd of young men this vcar. IVdf. 1. I. Kf.'ll'.'lll iv I.'.v:fiir nlf.Mu tn . . 7- ." ' N I . ill iiienoicioi tins place tor young men who want to school themselves che.n ihev can do their own ennL-i.i.r i,;r. snn-.c one, as they like. vtc regret to note t iei nisanf ('...., vi. li. caver, ne was taken v.-rv lenlv this innrnimr. lir I A l..., ...... was summoned to Ins reltel. Mrs. . II. MclJowcll is visiting rcla tlVI S anil frl.-lt.lw ill llt.iu.iu .....1 A I..I Col. Mclilrov has been nttiiiilimr M.uh son court tins wciu. A (laiiglitei-in law "i v. ii. ami iv a. Kengan is xpcclrd Sundav h-oin TeniifKac- I.-.,!' t ai (jamais nnimsit to 1' llominv -. , . . . . ne win iiegin ins scliool Aloml.iy near VVenvet ville. Mr. lohn Davis. W. K C lark ;.n.I Tm. lor Hell of Morgan Mill. N. C. line.- rented a house ol l.. I'. Wem for the pur UOSe Of SCIlllillL' till ir ellll In-il In u, li,.,,l this vcar. 1 he political oeriuil is mir 4 nnw and we would like lomnken suggestion W e believe that 1 lie ..;.ua ......i.. to lie reoic.-entcil in the next lci.isl:ili?n ami we can 1 call to mum a man Unit Would fill tllilt llnsitiml luto.r 111 Mr Dug Weaver. He is a man of the best common seme ami a man that under stands what the tanners of thin country need bitter or as well asanv man who has leoresenlr.l im in vt-.-iru Sn i.ii-. tin end ol 1 lie county Mr. Weaver lor one ol our representatives. C" '. IV. Ill f.F.i; IIHOKI.N. Accldtnt 10 Jack Humliouifli VeM UllllM. L ite yesterday afternoon us Messrs. jack Kuinht ugh ami Carl Reynolds were out riding near ti c resilience of I. K. KiimbtJtigh, the Imrsc ridden bv Mr. Kumliiiugh liccani'.' lightened and un controllable and started towards the house. As the animal tumid into Hi.- driveway it slipped and fell, catching Mr, Ruinboiigh's lelt leg under its body. The fall was very disastrous to Mr. lift ll nl f lie lin.iftt it. liiu leg were broken at two phues del iw the knee, and his face was badly bruised, i Mr. Kutnliough was taken to the hllltw jitul t.l.vsi.'i.'.iie ."illoil Tin. fr.,. tares were icduccd and today the stilkrer is getting along as well as could he expected. timi: i.oiki:ii A CotiitreHnloual ConteHl or t'ou- Hiaeranie i- xieut 111 Trxan, Gai.yI'STon, Aug. S. Latest advices received from the congressional contest 011 at Ilallcttsvillc stated that last night nt the conclusion of the lsosth, which stood I'll for Grcsham and -'1 (or Lane, the convention adjourned until today, lleforc the last ballot was taken the Lane delecntcs stated if t lip Ci-pulinm delegates would withdraw Grcsham trom the race and nominate Mapir M. . Molt of Galveston, they would support him solidly. This thp (trpalmiii .t..l....i.i..u refused to do and the convention is appa rently impel ssiy deadlocked. Af er American Beef Kansas City. Mo . Amr. n The Ar. mour Packing company received a cable gram from the Japnucsc government lately asking the cost of hall a million pounds of corned beef lor the Japanese nrmv. The rnmiuinv i-nld.-fl ila and pending a reply prepared to go into ine utisiness 01 tling Asiatics on a big scale. All The Wlieela Turuluif PiTTSlURC, Aug. 8. The Mahoning ru r e inin nnw ' n- -- -- - h in training up to 1 Ily the time of the Valley iron mills are resuming after a opening afternoou there will be 40 horses I long period of idleness. Coleman and pp ;d 7-,..r,v,..r ,fl'n:r..j: sh,cuis 01 Milcs- - y, o.rni. and more arc to added right away. rolli"K J",'!1, cio8,;d ,si.x months, and t. .. , . . .. ' . I llt-rtwil nnrl Itpntipl I nf V.......o.-...,.. 11 excursion tickets are to uc sold on the . , , .,' n. rnilrmids mid n lnrup rmwrl nf ..rfm..n hut down in part for a year, arc all run- from other cities are expected. 111 '"" todny- YUSTUKDAY'S llASMJALL GAMIiS. Takrn Hv Nicaraitna. r, ABiiiNUTONi Aug. o.ur. ouseninii. I v . I Nntionnl League Chicago 10, Cine u- minister from Nicaragua, has received a nnti n . 8t, ,ta , u i-. nun, mi.iiKii iniiiiiiii, nu-. inn in, nasiiington n I lost on i;, y u . Mm.Mi. nn l.n, tl.n Ut...j:.U. I 1 1 u. -. ... . . . uVHM.un mu. im .unit u, I HUCIIJI1IH Oi V-ICVtiailU 111, 1 IttSUUrg U: on tlie Mosquito coast, hat been taken Baltimore 21, llrooklyn 0; second, "j .inoiBijuuj n.uj,. uruuKiyn io, uaunuorc o. No DelullH as lo Hie I'rourchH or lie Coulereucei, on I lie Tarin till The IIouhc Caucus AiuouiiIh lo KiOllllllK. W.v siiincton, Aug. S. Senators lones and Vest of the tariff conference com mittie and Senators Gorman and Smith, acting on behalf of the conservative sen ators, held a meeting today previous lo the convening of the conference. It is understood they decided that the time had arrived when the conference should conic to an end, either by agreement or disagreement, and that they arranged a program for bringing about this result. This program as detailed was to have the Senate conferees d'j their utmost to sicure agreement at the morning con ference, in the case of failure to urge that a disagreement be reported without further delay ami. failim. I.. r.. ,1,.. consent of the House members to this plan, tor the Senate conferees to go into . I... C 1 I . I , V i. ic .-.en. ne aim iiMicu 10 i-e oiscnarged from further consideration of the tariff bill in conference. When Jones was asked as to the truth of the report, he neither confirmed nor contradicted it, tint simply said it was impossible to sav what might happen The conference adjourned for lunch. .McMilhn says now that there is good prosprct f ir an agreement today or to morrow. The Republican steering committee of me Mcnate mini ireiucnt sessions and this morning held one. One main point was prae icitlly agreed upon. The Re llllldil'K.IK ,h;.f if i.nn limn... .1. wite the ibllercnccs that exist in the Hem ocratie ranks. The proposition that has nccn mane to make sugar tree was also discussed this morning, and the bearing it would hae upon the success of the hill. 1 he opinion was expressed that by llllt I ill I. ,lli:ir nn I tin I'r.n. Hut 1 1... ...... . .'.t the Louisiana Senators would be lost to the hill, hut that Pifi'cr might vote for it. 1 lie Republicans say that if a proposi tion is mane to nut sugir on the tree list it will received the support ol nearly the entire Kipuinienn side. 1 lie Hons; Democratic cai cus vestei- dav lasted an hour and a half Mild nit iourned. after di-ridim- ihnt tlw II.n. conferred on iht tariff Ml! ahimM r.,t 1 embarrassed hv instrtutions of nnv clmr. acter fnun their Denmcnitic associates. DRINK- Harris' Litbia Water. A wale i that is Mipctiui lo any ullier lillii.i atel in the t uiled States, uhicli is shown l.y Hie fultowillK analysis: Its specific gruvity is 100.14 at tw7. J APAN STII.I. W IXNlNIi l.ltlCtHiill aim Hussln Camiol liilnit Alxint I'raei . Siiamiii.m, Aug. S.-It is ..fliciallv re ported from Tien Tsin that the efforts of I. real Iti nain and Russia to bring about a peaceliil set' lenient of the disputes be tween China and Japan have faded. China is willing to pay an indemnity, but she n fuses to surrender her suzciaii -ty over Corea. The Chinese government hascloscd the Amping and Takno lighthouses on the island of Formosa. VoKiiiiA.M.v, Aug. S Additional bat ties have been fous'ht between the Japa nese and Chinese and the latter 'have been defeated. Scikion has been taken by the Japan se with trilling loss. The Chinese in I his eiii.-u.i ninir l.ut r.iin killed, and lied in the direction of Koshiu 1 he ; Japanese ni ein possession of Vashnn. An iinoerial oriiiuauee. iust ivsm-il t-r- mits tile Chillt'Se tn r.-sid in Ir..,,.., .... condition that they engage in peace pur suits. The greatest ixcitcmcut prevails here, at Tokio and at other large tnuins n i. risult of the victory of the Japanese Iroolis. Klllllors. Ilnivpver tir i-nr....... that the Japnucsc naval lorccs have been defeated ill the engagcinent with the C binese warships. Tiicom.v, Wash , Aug. N. Capt. W. R. Itridgenian, who has commandcil the l lilted Mates cruiser Itnltiinore tor the 1st two vears. ret iii-ni'. 1 li,-.-i. m. -1 , months' leave ill nhscm-.- Imvimr l.-n id,. cruiser at Clicmulno, Corea, Inly 1J. He regartls the oriental war as nn nn. il conttst with the odds greatly favoring apan, which he savs h is a splendid n tvy and an army as well ciuippcd as that of any Ivuropcan country. ,ipan. he thinks, is snt-p to win mil.. riii.t.i iu given lime to make war pieparatious on a gigantic scale. In his opinion the Jap anese government has been endeavoring to force the war m order to distract at tention by it Irom internal political dis sensions. Calcium Siilplt.tle I'lllassilllll lsl.ll.ll;... Sniliuni Sulphate Sodium Chloride Sodium llicaihiiiiate. Lithium lliciM-lMuiaiH .... Maunesiiini llieatliouale. lion itieatlKiu.'ile Silica '' I'hosphnrii- Acid..ii!!!!!" Loss 011 Ignition Solfil llri,..l .1 .... ..- Caihonie Acid in Iliciiriioiiat'e! i.K.VINS lou.t'it Imp. l.als. '..'4 .V'7I . finer . IM.M , us.?.'.! I22.S10 The water is clear, odoi less and slightly acid, analysis made l.y R. Ogdeu Ijoi emeus, M. D LL. 1J., Professor of chemistry and physics, Col lege City of New Yol k, Oct. 7, is,i. Tins water has noeiiial in the l uited bt.ites lur lin ing dyspeiisia, conslioation. liver , , Plaint, nausea, dropsy, goal, rheumatism, and all diseases of the kidney and bladder. I'riee, J..5n per case, .p. hollies. Hehate J'.SO per case for Miles returned. ASIIKVII.I.l'. AUKNTS. RAYSOR & SMITH, 31 PATTON AVE. 0P12N liVlvMNGS TILL 11 O'CLOCK. vhi:rk inn vor cpr n- HE FINEST THING OBTAINABLE, What I lie House Is Uolnuj. Washington, Aug. 7. The House to day passed by unanimous consent the bill to pay II. 1 1, Greene, surety for Geo. I'.. Ward, Sl'JOO lor government work done on the Kaupahnnnock river, Vir ginia. Immediately afterwards, Catch ing, Irom the committee on rules, re- llnrled n tmecii-.l nr.tpr aplil.... ..,... day for the consideration of bills Irom the committee on public buildings and groumlsaiid tomorrow for business from tnc committee on claims. this order was adopted. ol 'Km Hlood. Cowhs, Aug. H. Although the Vigi lant was in readiness for the race schcil lileel fortius mornin . for hpr mnleui v'u cun, neither the Britannia nor the Sa- taiuta appeared and tiierc was no race. The Alabama Malurllv, MoNTeaiMKKY, Aug. 8. Complete un official but reliable returns from every county in the state except two, make the Democratic majority 20,158. A warnlnu; lo Senator Oorman From the SI. Lends Republic (dem.) President Cleveland should note what has recently happened to Li IlungChaug iinil proceed at once to divest Gorman of bis yellow jacket. Marriage License. Prom Register Mackcv's office lieensp to wed has been issued as follows: Hardy Prealev And Dnl U'il.n- ..l Hunconhc. ' COSDUNSED TELEGRAMS. Pirc during the hall game at Chi. out 10.000 nconle in nanip ..I......I caught 3,000 and cuuscd fiOO to get tangled up in a barbed wire Icnce. Iy order of Attorney General Olnev tl:c Rrcat suit against the Southern Pacific ruil way company was dismissed. The rebellion in Peru is spreading, NO TAHLK COMPl.liTp; WITHOUT IT. . . . IT HAS NO EQUAL. ASK TIIK LADIHS ANU TllKY.Vv'11.1. TKI.I. YOU TO CO ITU H. 15. NOLAND & SON i N. Main St., Grocers1 Where you can find a ircsh supply ol Una celelnaled Steam Baked Bread. A COMI't.KTK LINK ,OP PICKLES Sweet, Mixed and Cucumber -AT- W. A. LATIMElt'8, Nu. 16 N. Court Sxiuart, Latimer carries a nice itock ol Potted nietU, French Bardluea Crackers Jttc, , , ,

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